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Video showing up to be found in the u. S. Fellow republicans allege that the code used to meddle in americas upcoming president ial election. Around the clock across the world this is artsy pleasure to have your company my names you know neal hello and welcome to our top story the World Health Organization is now warning not coronavirus is not seasonal like the flu but instead is happening as one big wave it comes after lockdowns worries leading to another spike in victims friday influx all the biggest ever dealy increase in krona virus cases reaching almost 300. 00 cross the globe the w. H. O. Say. The time to relax. The transmission is still there so the concern was that people saw you know lockdowns over that it was somehow it go away they they had this idea that it might come back later in the year but they had this seem to be this fixed idea that now is some time to ponty and unfortunately thats not the case why you got transmission anywhere is potentially everywhere what we mean by one big wave is that it continues to remain but you need to bring it down you need to bring it down so that those who will get most ill and you will have that percentage of people who get most still can get the treatment they need immediately in your hospitals are not overwhelmed and your hospitals can do the other things they need to be doing to save the lives of those people who get lots of other illnesses well many countries which ease their locked arms are not calling on people to again were mask some examples in greece the are compulsory in close places while in france theyre munda tree at work so hes covering the faces essentially and busy parts of the city and many u. S. States are also bringing back the product is World Health Organization spokesperson margaret horace again sees more current help control the brick. So we say if you cannot socially distance especially if youre in a crowded place with pull the intonation so thats where you dont have the fresh air in dispersing the droplets in the aerosols we say that a Face Covering is a means of preventing the source of the droplets sets you from going into the air and potentially infecting other people again im sure that theres those who are really vulnerable are being given the right advice be given the right information and should and should know how to protect themselves and what they can do if theyre not confident that its safe for them to go out they should be able to be again their own best risk manager or manager and they should be empowered to be that nobody should oblige people to do something that they dont feel is safe or you carry ignorance in particular have seen a spike in coronavirus cases but that did not deter thousands from hitting the beach resort of brighton on friday people flooded to the seaside in search of relief from the hottest day of the year so far the sunshine is believed to help fight the disease but few respected social distancing between one another it came as the government announced the lays to be easing of lock down restrictions blaming a new rise in covert cases the measures were to be lifted today but will no stay in place for at least a fortnight the u. K. Health secretary explained the change. Well we made the announcement last night we moving quickly in some circumstances it is absolutely Crystal Clear what the new rules are and weve brought them in to target specific g. The problems that weve been able to see through to date a new study meanwhile has revealed that most people in england dont tell of a clear understanding of coronavirus guidelines a far greater proportion of grasp of the current measures in scotland and wales however when the same rules applied throat the u. K. s one block back in march there was much more knowledge across the board. U. K. Locked own rules well they vary depending on the country lets go through it so anywhere from 6 to 30 people from 25 high souls are live together all right doors social distancing also varies from one to 2 metres indoors and into a large 2 hostels to mix Northern Ireland that doubles to 4 families which can come together we asked people in london if they thought those guidelines were clear. And the kind of thing using them meaning is exactly whats allowed or what they should be doing even people the little bit makes yeah the dates we. Know whats. Taking. Place too long to leave. Hundreds of pages of changes in the time its very unclear duties we dont do that but dont it is saying that either its one thing or the other thing its i just think its like its something in between everyone is. If in the way. They get to do much much better all the rules are pretty clear on the news and that kind of thing but im not sure people always respect the rules and groups and other things like one of them but i think in general weve done alright. On another aspect to all this the code pandemic is putting the planet on the brink of a new Environmental Crisis according to the un the problem being as i think a lot of us suspected the increased plastic pollution due to use the supposed well mosques the loves of our protective equipment as well youre seeing a lot of that arent you. Delve deeper. The war against plastic was being won we were told governments around the world will banning Single Use Plastics and making us think more about plastic footprints canada is an important player in the larger Global Movement to reduce plastic pollution the u. K. One of those countries thats committed to making sure that 30 percent of the worlds oceans are fully protected but a government is phasing out single use by stick shopping bags over the next year but then it came. To stop the spread of the virus single items of fruit found themselves bound up in plastic Coffee Companies shifting back again to single use cups while in the u. K. An outright ban on plastic stools and stirs has been delayed due to the pandemic people to have covered up with disposable gloves and masks with countries having to billions of those to meet demand the United Nations though is warning that many will end up here the streets are as rubbish plastic pollution was already one of the greatest threats to our planet before the crown of our south break the sudden boom in the daily use of certain products to keep people safe and stop the disease is making things much worse the fear of them becoming part of the litter problem has pushed many governments to issue fines in fronts improperly discarding a mass could land you with a penalty of 135 euros which could easily go up to 750. 00 us if the issue gets escalated to court there is hefty fines that you seem to fail to prevent masks like this and they end up not just on the streets but also you know see this video from one french organize ation the regularly cleans up later in the sea shows the scale of the issue its one the problem is the giant with who loves mask. And bottles of Hand Sanitizer now floating beneath the waves of old. Before k. V. 900. 00 we found is 0 masks its new pollution to clean news we already had plastic banks plastic bottles cups trees and now this mosques also contains plastic in fact its not widely known but a mass can take up to 600 years to degrade and they will fragment into little plastic known the cubes and these are going to enter into the food chain i want people to where the reuse will not wash them and 3 where them will cost less and they will be less true worries many masks contain plastics such as polypropylene that takes 415 years to decompose and the french government is being lost to. The extent of this environmental pollution should alert us because these masks passing from sidewalks to waterways will inevitably end up in nature or in the sea with a life span of 450 years this equipment constitutes a veritable ecological time bomb obviously a Health Solution must not generate a global Environmental Crisis its not just plastic that is causing concern in china dramatic air Quality Improvements will see you neutering locked down even more now but vanished as manufacturing has been running back to the point it levels on this concern that elsewhere to even think to stave off the collapse of Many Companies particularly the oil and Gas Industries they may be asking for special dispensation. Theres a serious risk that polluters could emerge from this crisis bolder and potentially more profitable than ever many one once thought the Silver Lining of code 900 could be the chance to heal the planet is to live in a way thats more harmonious with nature it seems the reality couldnt be farther from the tree so its even ski off to see paris. Right with. More world stories now beginning in russia where the far eastern city of office seen its 4th weekend of protests in support of its former governor surrogate for a gal that was detained last month on charges of organizing murders 15 years ago his arrest sparked a local art cry and see how become popular for a social policy supporters play in the case against him is political. Thats bringing to south america where violence broke out its chiles Indigenous Community protested against the imprisonment of their spiritual leader other members who have all gone on strike regio for allegedly attacking a trade demonstrators who broke through Police Barricades insists the group of political prisoners. In neighboring argentina must wildfires are raging through the country how protests are destroyed across the wetlands of the parameter river delta the government has sent planes helicopters and firefighters to combat the outbreaks the environment minister has blamed livestock ranchers for the. Russia say the latest friendly actions against russian entities will not go on answered no that is to do with the bloc imposing its 1st ever travel financial sanctions on entities from russia china and north korea as well over their alleged involvement in Cyber Attacks iran the globe despite moscows under the move was quickly healed in the way hawkins picks up the story. Sanctions and counter sanctions have become all too familiar part and parcel of International Politics and diplomacy in recent years this is the 1st time however that the e. U. Has directly targeted rochelle or russia linked entities. As a punishment for alleged involvement in cyber warfare Cyber Attacks now aside from moscow they target north korea and china and involve travel by. Phrases this of course comes as punishment for alleged involvement in high profile Cyber Attacks around the world one of these is the. Which of course targeted russian as well as foreign firms as well as a series of other hacking incidents links to hacking groups such as lazarus and sound were now the Russian Foreign ministry is response was reflected in this statement as weve seen multiple times over the years summed up that everything in diplomacy is reciprocal the decision taken by the e. U. Consul was made without any proof with the thought that pretends to finish movement in some Cyber Incidents that took place in the past the political rationale for this tempest clear certainly the e. U. s unfriendly action will not be left unanswered now as well as entity several individuals working for Russian Military intelligence ive also been sanctioned for their alleged involvement in the attempted hacking attack against the o. P. C. W. The organization for the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons which took place back in april 28th. Kills all decided to impose restrictive measures against 6 individuals and 3 entities responsible for or involved in various Cyber Attacks these include the attempted cyber attack against the o. P. C. W. And those publicly known as wanna cry. And operation cloud harbor now the United States which of course itself impose sanctions on north korea just last year for that countrys alleged involvement in cyber warfare was very quick to praise. The European Unions move calling for Good Behavior in the cyber world bad behavior in cyberspace should incur consequences we approve the e. U. s 1st cyber sanctions designations will continue to work with the e. U. Member states and like minded countries to promote a framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace there was also a welcome from the u. K. Foreign office for the sanctions with london stating theyve been at the forefront of the battle against cyber warfare globally and they themselves have identified some of these individuals and entities responsible for these alleged Cyber Attacks its not entirely clear at this stage what exact evidence the e. U. Has provided to link these individuals and entities through these Cyber Attacks nor of course if there are any assets or accounts to actually freeze it is clear though that this is a strong show of force from the European Union at the expense of the usual familiar suspects russia china and north korea seemingly at the expense of any improvement in relations with moscow. A quarter of a lower into the Program Still to come donald trump changes his mind on security arrangements in the protested city of portland we pricked on that story and more after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Youre back with r. T. President ial person and he will bomb the popular chinese video showing up to talk within the next 24 hours washington is worried that beijing could use the platform to spy on us users the application has millions of fans around the world least a wave of generations of creativity tightly woven into a short clips there are unconfirmed reports that American Microsoft is in talks to buy it so asking taylor needing a little encouragement takes a look in the u. S. Believes there is more to talk and meets the eye. That. All night that. Why dont internet would be better and in the us no they cant be they wouldnt do that twice we greatly concerned that the Chinese Communist party could use its control of it to dont to distort will manipulate these conversations to sow discord among americans and to achieve its preferred political outcome i cant believe it all easy as i think that the only thing dangerous up to talk was that it wasted my time away youth but no now it turns out that beijing has been using me for political gain thats for the group of republican senators to try to the Us Intelligence the f. B. I. And local security funds that so so it must be true its not like us politicians have previously battens free played country the meddling in its democratic processes and it all turned out to be a witch hunt and you know what looking back now there was so many signs though all these videos of people talking politics. And of course you got the trunk. And then next year we get the bad. Google will win the election in 2021. Season most people are going crazy john but the winner of the present counteraction on 2020 will be donald trump the coronavirus doesnt kill every one person you know was so im voting for. Them and it gets worse to trust not just interfering in the actions its also spying. What do you recommend that people download that up on their phones tonight tomorrow any time currently only if you want your private information in the hands of the Chinese Government is part of the communist party so my double chin when i opened up the front camera how embarrassing but also how to ferry us here i thought take up just the board th string synchronized on 2nd and. American companies would never do Something Like that right facebook thank god we are getting rid of that chinese virus app tech top you know facebook does the same thing right now way over he says city doesnt understand that i didnt get a face for use not live t. V. For good enough job times to top the bad just like mark said joyner is building its own version of the internet focused on very different ideas and theyre exporting their vision to other countries you know what we dont even need to talk and wait facebook came up with the pope sorry version of lasso all by itself so that to take it down because its so bad but teething problems the 2nd version will be much better but i still cant get over how the out of the blue the soreness why would china do this to people who only have to want to democracy and peace in the world so all that trade war and closing of the seal to it ok fine make a vision of the china virus and yeah im going to try and tell them what to do with our territory and sold it in grinding down the hallway office saying every wire around the globe to do the same but its not like that targeted or anything china drove them to it look at naughty behavior it just never listens and now its making up some lame excuse for why take tops not wanted on us shores lets focus our energies on fair and open competition in service of our consumers rather than maligning attacks by our competitor namely facebook disguised as patriotism and designed to put an end to our very presence in the us. I mean thats just ridiculous i mean do you also healthy competition thats what forced everyone to say no way to walk away so we can go there 1st the fire then i think we need to take a moment to remember the real victims in one of this so you guys we have a dilemma ok and hearing that to talk maybe beyond in america and this is the problem i just started becoming famous and i only have 100 paul wheres your job dont you have like 15000000 followers or ticks are learning more the basics are to youre going to get a regular job well the clocks ticking no time to waste so take to look you know tick tock its a hit yeah it is. But we didnt come up with that. I know you didnt yeah thats going to be a problem why you youre not free markets the schools we do if we pay enough and what would you say a ban is on the table. One last im listening oh i dont know yet how does out in november. Tick tock tick tock i dont have all day of the pandemic to fight in the civil unrest of course. I used to so your band probably by the way im not sure how to read them facebooks ask Saskia Taylor with the report a little earlier i spoke to victor goal of a cure is professor of china sue cho university and he believes that u. S. Citizens will be hurt by the bill. I think of this ban on ticked off by the u. S. Government is very very sad and very unfortunate to be condemned to be deployed but it also reveals how weak the u. S. Government has become the devil every way all the russians 1st of all ways and not even to talk i think this is reading and reading a very sad day for the u. S. And eventually the victims will be those hundreds of millions of people who are loath to talk every way in the worlds sole it will be a day mocked in history as a day of infamy it destroys Market Competition it destroys open competition and it destroys the what the us has been upholding for many many decades. President meanwhile sees federal Law Enforcement will stay in the city of Portland Oregon until order is restored a lot comes just hours after he threatened to replace them with National Guard troops of violence stretches into the weekend in the protests plagues city. Was. Friday night so a lesson rests on previously demonstrations against an opponent of militarized federal agents there and he knew they were going to prison had started withdrawing some officers in line with a pledge by authorities i was on thursday but not. The system seems to be helping out on hold professor at Jerry Sussman Portland State University Say the president s u. Turn could be a Reelection Campaign ploy the president through is mixed messages is very much on the part of his repertoire. Often puts out negative messages to test the reaction i believe is very much every Public Relations president. Any of the things that he says is actually targeted for his his base is Political Base and doesnt necessarily intend to carry out the policies that he initially announces he made want to escalate it to provoke violence because we all have a memory those of us who are old enough of a memory of 968. 00 during the Democratic Party convention when there were police riots in streets and the backlash which was carried on television or the media. Brought to power a law and order president Richard Nixon and perhaps you know neutral people are thinking about that they would like to escalated to create a message of fear and the American Public and. All the city hall seeing continuous rioting in recent weeks on 18 year old portland protester faces 20 years in jail on arson charges hes accused of hurling a bomb at the courthouse prosecutors argue that could have caused severe injuries the defendant says he believes it was a small firework when given to him by another demonstrated federal agents also face widespread occupations of excessive use of force. Saw few dozen people there and fired fireworks and video pounding on a fence and i shot 8 to 10000 people tear gas i heard the pepper balls fire through the fence and over the fence of the crowd absolutely disproportionate to the now crime that was happening i was a lot to news and house all the federal authorities through the mail and through on her advice. On a license personal. And also another mother of 3 get shot in the face and permanently disfigured johndroe from colorado to handle the different prisoners you dont handle people who are here just be clear minded to freely associate and speak well its beautiful right this is very. Much like we were fighting in seattle day after day getting gassed and eventually they gave up and were kind of c. N. N. I hear theyre giving up and guess what we do when they give up we have peace we have already makes it easy chair we educate each other and thats what i see. But if youd like to go digging a little further into any of our stories this hour our tea dot com has you covered it well with some of your scrolling time today so you at the top for all of the main news headlines. Thinking of getting a new gun the ones we got in our shells no problem was he didnt know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired how much we dont need a crate with him he will just stir freaking out in she will want to spray him anywhere near. Breeding dogs or caged in in human conditions on puppy farms i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. To get you. To get through kids. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows on pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from this large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a good businesses are involved like agoa mom santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs dont buy dog on o. T. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. High salacious full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Please direct. What is true what is fake. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us on the death. Or inmate in the shallows. In a free for underage prostitutes are controlled by a pimp these traffickers exploit on average 4 to 6 girls that anyone turn in the investigators are going to try to find out youve done you know belongs to a pimp her cell phone could contain Vital Information you know were going to end up keeping your phone. Because no no no no no no no no no no its not over it like theres nothing i you are trying to some of our parents and this is a final word no you. Ready. The young female is refusing to unlock her cell phone without a doubt so that she can protect her pimp but the tattoo on her hand has caught the detectives attention well explain some of these to those when. The 1st time someone you dont know. If you have to have a u. Turn in their property 830 people

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