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A safeguard protecting us from cove it but putting the planet in peril the un warns were on the brink of a new Environmental Crisis. A warm welcome youre watching on the international with me nicky airing our top story this hour President Trump has announced hes banning the popular chinese video sharing app to take talk washington is worried that beijing could use the platform to spy on us users now placation has millions of fans around the world and the least a wave of generations the creativity tightly woven around 15 2nd clips Saskia Taylor needing a little encouragement takes a look at who else in the u. S. Believes theres more to tick talk than meets the eye. What doting to know would be better and in the us no they cant be they wouldnt do that twice were greatly concerned that the Chinese Communist party could use its control of it to dont to do school to manipulate these conversations to sow discord among americans and to achieve its preferred political outcome i cant believe it all these years i think that the only thing dangerous up to talk was that it wasted my time away youths but no now it turns out that beijing has been using me for political gain the letter from the group of republican senators to try to the actual intelligence the f. B. I. And the spirit by that so so it must be true its not like us politicians of previously battens free play to country the meddling in its democratic processes and it all turned out to be a witch hunt and you know what looking back now there was so many signs though all these videos of people talking politics. And of course you got the trunk. And then next year we get the bad. Google will win the election in 2021. Season most people are going crazy john but the winner of the present interaction on 2020 will be donald trump the coronavirus doesnt kill every one person you know was so im voting for. Them and it gets worse to just not just interfering in elections its also spying. What do you recommend that people download that up on their phones tonight tomorrow any time currently oh yeah if you want your private information in the hands of the Chinese Government its part of the communist party so my double chin when i opened up the front caliber how embarrassing but also how to ferry it here i thought it up was just the board th string synchronized on say him. American companies would never do Something Like that right facebook thank god we are getting rid of that chinese virus amp tech top you know facebook does the same thing right no way he says city doesnt understand that i didnt get to face the use not private data for good enough job times to top the bad just my luck said facebook is a public good you should be more concerned about tech talk thrown by china to talk collects personal info that consent has been used to spread fake news and as a National Security threat you know what we dont even need to talk and wait facebook came up with the pope sorry version lasso all by itself so that take it down because its so bad but teething problems the 2nd version will be much better but i still cant get over how that out of the blue the sword is why would china do this to people who only have to want to democracy and peace in the world so all that great war and closing in on the seal to it ok fine make a vision of the china virus and yeah im going to try and tell them what to do with their own territory and shoulda been grinding down the hallway awful seeing everyone around the globe to do the same but its not like that targeted or anything china drew them to it look at naughty behavior it just never listens and now its making up some lame excuse for why tick tocks not wanted only us shuls lets focus our energies on fair and open competition in service of our consumers rather than maligning attacks by our competitor namely facebook disguised as patriotism and designed to put an end to our very presence in the us. I mean thats just ridiculous i mean do you want to see also healthy competition thats what forced everyone to say no way to walk away so we can go there 1st before then i think we need to take a moment to remember the real victims in all of this so you guys we have a dilemma and hearing that to talk maybe beyond in america and this is the problem i just started becoming famous and i only have 100 paul wheres your job dont you have like 15000000 followers or ticks are learning more of very intense art to youre going to get a regular job well the clocks ticking no time to waste so take took you know to talk. It is. But are we didnt come up with that i know you didnt yeah thats going to be a problem why you you love free markets of course we do if we left it what would you say a ban is on the table. One last im listening oh i dont know yet how does out in november. Tick tock tick tock i dont have all day ive got pandemics to fight in the civil unrest to watch. To so your band probably by the way im not sure how to read them facebook ask. Well Health Organization is now warning the coronavirus that isnt 3 things the seasonal like the flu but instead is just one big wave thats not a lock downs were easily lead into another spike in covert cases says that this summer is no time to relax. The transmission is still there so the concern was that people saw you know lockdowns over that it was somehow go away they had this idea that it might come back later in the year but they had this seem to be this fixed idea that now anywhere is potentially everywhere what we mean by one big wave is that it continues to remain but you need to bring it down you need to bring it down so that those who will get most ill and you will have that percentage of people who get most ill can get the treatment they need immediately in your hospitals are not overwhelmed and your hospitals can do the other things in need to be doing to save the lives of those people who get lots of other illnesses many countries are calling on people again to wear masks or increase their compulsory and enclosed places while in france there are mandatory of work the downs there is covering the faces aceh busy parts of the city and many u. S. States are also returning the practice what Health Organizations spokesperson Margaret Harris that says mosques can help control the outbreak so we say if you cannot socially distance especially if youre in a crowded place with paul ventilation so thats where you dont have the fresh air in dispersing the droplets and the aerosols we say that a Face Covering is a means of preventing the source of the droplets certs you from going into the air and potentially infecting other people again im sure that theres those who are really vulnerable are being given the right advice or be given the right information and should and should know how to protect themselves and what they can do if theyre not confident that its safe for them to go out they should be able to be given their own best risk manager or manager be empowered to be that nobody should oblige people to do something that they dont feel is safe a covert pandemic is putting the planet on the brink of a new Environmental Crisis according to the u. N. The threat comes from increased plastic pollution due to use disposable masks gloves and other protective equipment reports. The war against plastic was being won we were told governments around the world were banning Single Use Plastics and making us think more about plastic footprints canada is an important player in the larger Global Movement to reduce plastic pollution the u. K. One of those countries thats committed to making sure that 30 percent of the worlds oceans are fully protected but a government is phasing out single use by stick shopping bags over the next year but then came home to stop the spread of the virus single items of fruit found themselves bound up in plastic Coffee Companies shifted back again to single use cups while in the u. K. An outright ban on plastic stools and stirs has been delayed due to the pandemic people to have covered up with disposable gloves and masks with countries having to billions of those to meet demand the United Nations though is warning that many will end up here in the streets as rubbish plastic pollution was already one of the greatest threats to our planet before the current Virus Outbreak the sudden boom in the daily use of certain products to keep people safe and stop the disease is making things much worse the fear of them becoming part of the litter problem has pushed many governments to issue fines in france improperly discarding a mass could land you with a penalty of 135 euros which could easily go up to 750. 00 us if the issue gets escalated court there is hefty fines that you seem to fail to prevent masks like this and they end up not just on the streets but also you know see this video from one french organize ation that regularly cleans up later in the sea shows the scale of the issue its one of the problem is the giant. Full loves masks and bottles of Hand Sanitizer now floating beneath the waves of old. Before could be 90 we found is 06 its new pollution totally new we already had plastic banks plastic bottles cups trees and now this mosques also contain plastic in fact its not widely known but a mass can take up to 600 years to degrade and they will fragment into little plastic nonacute and these are going to enter into the food chain i want people to wear more of the reuse will not wash them and 3 wear them will cost less and they will be less throughway many masks contain plastics such as polypropylene that takes 415 years to decompose and the french government is being lost to. The extent of this environmental pollution should alert us because these masks passing from sidewalks to waterways will inevitably end up in nature or in the sea moreover with a lifespan of 450 years this equipment constitutes a veritable ecological time bomb obviously a Health Solution must not generate a global Environmental Crisis its not just plastic that is causing concern in china dramatic air Quality Improvements will see you neutering looked down even more now but vanished as manufacturing has been running back to the point it levels on this concern that elsewhere to a peak to stave off the collapse of Many Companies particularly that oil and Gas Industries they may be asking for special dispensation. Theres a serious risk that polluters could emerge from this crisis bolder and potentially more profitable than ever many one stole the Silver Lining of code 900 could be the chance to heal the planet is to live in a way thats more harmonious with nature it seems the reality couldnt be farther from the tree. Aussie paris. Meanwhile the british Prime Minister says hes forced to delay the easing of covert related restrictions in england citing a recent rise in the number of cases. Such as a the 1st of august you remember we had hoped to reopen in england a number of the high risk city that had remained closed today im afraid were pursuing those changes for at least a fortnight that means until the 15th of august at the earliest casinos bowling alleys skating rinks and the remaining Close Contact Services must remain closed this comes as a new Study Reveals that most people in england do not have a clear understanding of coronavirus guidelines a far greater proportion get the current measures in scotland and wales however when the same rules applied throughout the u. K. Back in march there was much more knowledge across the board u. K. Lockdown rules that vary depending on the country anywhere from 6. 00 to 30. 00 people from up to 5 households are allowed to gather outdoors social distancing also varies from 1. 00 to 2. 00 metres indoors in england allows 2 households to mix while in Northern Ireland up to 4 can come together well for people in the streets of london if they thought the guidelines were clear enough. Pandemic using let me know is exactly whats allowed or they should be doing to mislead people a little bit mix yeah the dates are easy. To handle but the way. To get it is too long to leave. Hundreds of pages of changes in the time its very unclear say do this dont do that do that but dont get it to say that either its one thing or the other thing its i just think its like its something in between everyone is limited in the way. They get to do much much better than the rules are pretty clear on the news and that kind of thing im not sure people always respect the rules and groups and other things like one of them but i think in general weve done all right. And staying in the u. K. A leading care home provider has hit out of the governments failure to provide covert testing for staff and and residence authorities reportedly blamed delays on supply is one pageant head of the independent care group told us the testing is key as care homes have been coronavirus hotspots there ought to mean a sheen or a in the in the government to bend over testicle quite soon in care homes in the country after all the n. H. S. In the front line is getting us testing done i think our social care should be equal priority from what ive seen nationally and what is happening just personally that there have been delays in the testing which is not good enough i believe there has been some folks with some of the tests and theres not lack of progress its not gone by well i just hope it picks up for the future because testing people is actually important to keep this market base as much the government announced plans to test care home staff weekly with residents getting checks around once a month on top of regular tests already in place. According to the office for National Statistics almost 20000 people died of covidien care homes between march and june that accounts for almost a 3rd of all deaths in care homes during that period my parents and again believe the government should have handled the crisis much better. We are what we are now what i think the government stop would be to the group of things differently i just like them sometimes to say actually they could of course it better maybe apologize when they havent got it right some except for you know the going to Say Something one day and expect to be returned to the next day when the government is not is not allowing us to do what we need to do i just am Going Forward we will learn the lessons and what we do get the 2nd way which seems more likely now all the 2nd sparkles should should say is that we are lessons and make sure. We do all things better. The mode updates now for you and russias far eastern city of harper roscoe has entered a 4th weekend of protests in support of its former governor so if a girl was detained last month on charges of organizing murders 15 years ago his arrest sparked an outcry in the area as he had become popular for his social policies from citizens came the charges against him are politically motivated. Violence was broken out as chiles indigenous not to cheat community protested against their imprisonment of their spiritual guide and other members with on Hunger Strike the demonstrators insist those jails are Political Prisoners and cloaks and police barricades. Neighboring argentina are suffering mounts of wildfires with habitats destroyed across the west and 7 people drown a river delta as the government has sent planes helicopters and firefighters to combat the outbreaks the environment minister has claimed livestock ranches called to play. While the u. S. Economy continues to start 1st conquest is still providing the pentagon with more Financial Aid than its own citizens more on the economy after the break. I think we need to kind of just get back to realizing that modern medicine has achieved some great things but actually when it comes to what has increased our Life Expectancy more than anything else in the last 4 or 5 you know the last sort of 150 years must be Public Health you know modern medicine can be attributes to be maybe 3 in office 5 years Life Expectancy over an increase of 40 years in the last century in august and thats again something that people probably find quite surprising quite shocking. You cannot be both with the yeah you like. The e. U. Has imposed its 1st ever travel and financial sanctions on entities from russia china and north korea if there were alleged involvement in Cyber Attacks around the globe the move was quickly hailed in the west lets not class life like youve done your holkins for more details on this that high down nice to see and hear tell us more about these restrictions. As well of course sanctions sanctions have become all too familiar part and parcel of International Politics and diplomacy of recent years this is the 1st time however that the e. U. Has imposed sanctions on russia will russia link then that these directly because of alleged Cyber Attacks alleged cyber warfare aside from moscow they target north korea and china all other entities. Those countries and include travel bans as well as asset freezes not only in the e. U. But around the world as well now these come as punishment for alleged involvement in russia somewhere Cyber Attacks range and all the way back from 2017 to 29000 such as the not. Civil rights act which of course targeted russian firms as well as foreign firms as well as a series of other hacking attacks links to hacking groups such as lazarus. Now the Russian Foreign ministry is response was very much reflected in the statement that everything in diplomacy is reciprocal something that of course we have seen multiple times over the years this was their response. The decision taken by the e. U. Consul was made without any proof with the fact that pretends to fit woman in some Cyber Incidents that took place in the past the political rationale for this step is clear certainly the e. U. s unfriend action will not be left unanswered as well as entities individuals were targeted as well the e. U. Sanctions on several individuals working for Russian Military intelligence who were accused of trying to launch a cyber attack against the o. P. C. W. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons back in april 28th team. Decided to impose restrictive measures against 6 individuals and 3 entities responsible for or involved in various Cyber Attacks these include the attempted cyber attack against the o. P. C. W. And those publicly known as wanna cry. And operation cloud harbor now the United States which of course itself imposed sanctions just last year old north korean entities for alleged cyber warfare was very quick to support the e. U. Move calling for what it describes as a responsible behavior in the cyber world. Bad behavior in cyberspace should incur consequences we applaud the e. U. s 1st cyber sanctions designations will continue to work with the e. U. Member states and like minded countries to promote a framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace or the move was also applauded by the u. K. Foreign office alone the north quick to point out it had itself previously identified some of these individuals and entities who are alleged to participate in these attacks and stating that london is at the forefront of the battle against cyber crime around the world now is not entirely clear at this stage what clear evidence the e. U. Has provided to link these and that these are individuals to these attacks nevertheless though. It is a clear show of force by the e. U. Against these entities at the expense of course of the familiar suspects russia north korea and china. Daniel thank you those details that arties daniel hawkins. Polacre on a virus pandemic in the u. S. Is continuing to cause tensions the Economic Situation is suffering congress has failed to agree on an extension of Emergency National Unemployment Benefits but while 25000000 people out of work have lost their payments the pentagon is getting more Financial Aid help more than explains. The economic wounds imposed by the pandemic across the United States are still open and bleeding last week 30000000 americans were declared to be food in secure meanwhile 12000000 americans who are renters are in the process of possibly losing their homes due to the fact that the evictions moratorium has expired so you would think that some of these folks would be a priority however take a look at the Congressional Republicans proposed Economic Relief package no its not a mistake he proposed heels act contains nothing to help out local governments nutritional assistance the Postal Service but what it does include is hundreds of millions of dollars for combat vehicles attack helicopters bombers and fighter jets keep in mind this is supposed to be a bill addressing the economic problems created by the pandemic in total 29400000000. 00 is being offered to the pentagon that has inspired 70 antiwar and progressive organizations to call for change the combined annual budgets of the centers for Disease Control and prevention the National Institute of health and the annual us contributions to the world Health Organization together equal just 7 percent of the annual pentagon budget if not spending was in line with actual Human Security needs at home and abroad prior to the crisis we may have been better prepared to confront the global pandemic. Now the cherry on top of everything is the bill also includes a 1000000000. 00 to build a new headquarters for the f. B. I. Given whats it doing in a coronavirus bill life and the bill on the president s made clear that this isnt what he wants to see its not a deal breaker what the priority here is Unemployment Benefits as the president sat in that is the ultimate priority and has nothing to do with the coronavirus it has nothing to do with a stimulus plan theyre pushing forward money thats being spent anyway on these theyre not saying were going to build more f. 35. 00 or build more apache helicopters theyre saying were pushing Forward Spending on it which is totally pointless they probably wont be built until the next year anyway. Its not creating many jobs its not doing anything its just throwing money at the military Industrial Complex and 1. 00 of the things they found out is that the pentagon cannot spend and doesnt want to report it they cannot spend all the money they get allocated each year from the congress and so rather than give the money back to the treasury and enable that tax rate to go down they dont want to have their budget go down because then the next year they wont get as much money so what they do is they hide the fact that they havent spent all the money. This spending bill proposed to address the economic problems resulting from the pandemic certainly contains many items but not all the billions of dollars proposed to be spent the American People themselves dont seem to be much of a priority it will mop and artsy new york thanks for joining us here on out the international were back in 30 minutes with all the latest. If there was competition or free Market Competition in drugs in america the price would be love thats the beauty of free market capitalism the fact that you dont have free market capitalism for drug prices in america shows you have an entrenched. Or monopoly and they galaxys price gouging and hes right so you try to dismantle that but without that kind of premium for these drugs for these companies that however i dont see how theyre going to command the multiples they do on the stock market so hes hes got it hes saying hes either going to take a 50 percent hit on the stock market for his going to lose a lot of people that need to drive. How can you explain. Ive been to 82 countries i do control but i came here in those 3 days i just filled with hope. And he kept pretty. Sick show. I made my decision to come here because i felt i knew i could build a new life you. Know if you companies and. Decided that this moneys no good to be create. Then. You know. My one dream is that all my children find the same kind of happiness so i do. I love my home i love cold weather i like the culture i like the history i like everything about it. And i know that. I am a russian fama. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss. In washington coming up extra Unemployment Benefits are running out for millions of americans congressional negotiations stalled for the next release will take a look at the hard hit Restaurant Industry to see how workers and Small Business owners are hoping to shut down for now limited capacity we have a lot to get to so lets get started. A looming deadline for democrats and republicans as unemployment aid expires admin night on friday will the Senate Republicans want to decrease those 600. 00 per week to 200. 00 but democrats that will theyre not settling for less parties are clashing on several sides including Liability Protections for businesses and schools and funding for state and local government now this comes as applications for Unemployment Benefits increased for the 2nd straight week in the week

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