Defend regulation devastate. Also this hour striking back china orders the u. S. To shut its consulate general in the city of chengdu in retaliation over the closure of its own consulate in houston as the u. S. Secretary of state ratchets up the pressure by calling on the world to gang up on quote this new tired. Bus more protests in the u. S. City of portland after President Donald Trump sent in troops to stamp out nearly 2 months of antiracism protests a local Business Owner tells us she just wants the unrest and. The new field business just like what your city looks like a war zone doubts of failed leadership and were very disappointed were very angry. And in the city of homs a 2 year suspended prison sentence is given to a former concentration camp guard and whats believed to be possibly the. The last trial of nazi era workers. Its now 1 pm here in moscow on this lovely friday afternoon were glad you decided to join us for your world news update this hour. The u. K. His Opposition Labor Party is pushing for arties broadcast license to be revoked and a letter to the countrys t. V. Regulator off calm a watchdog is supposed to be independent and immune from political pressure earlier are to taylor and hawkins discuss the development. To house come to light from stevens who is the cultural secretary so high up in the labor party no doubt that it was a party sent to off called which is of course the independent u. K. Media regulator which essentially just follows the news outlets and makes jewels that every single time the impossibility is all power now in that left to joe you stevens request that all ts right to block cost in the u. K. Be reconsidered. Im writing to you in the light of the troubling revelations in the russia report about the role of aarti inspired nique in spreading kremlin back to see information. I am writing to request it off calm urgently refuse arties license in light of this report in to request a meeting with you as soon as possible to discuss my concerns about the broadcaster undoubtedly for the child the main concern is the side to that a politician is actively interfering in the business of an independent organization that should be immune to such pressure it is wholly inappropriate for the leader of the labor party to make such request of the government and indeed a minister is like jay stevens to directly place political pressure on of com it isnt for the government to interfere in the role of an independent regulator nor is it appropriate for the labor party to seek to play on due pressure on an independent regulator we are concerned about the politicians not about of calm and of course this is not just about all we need to look at the wider picture here what else will suddenly be deemed worthy of being shot down and it is incredibly of course worrying that politics and independent media bodies are being dangerously in time now walty was in the spotlight as earlier this week in the house of commons as well was that yes i mean unfortunately its beginning to look a bit like policy from the labor party on wednesday we saw that may believe the kissed on the face off with the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and really that he echoed this letter he kind of requested atis license to potentially be revoked and set up with jeremy quote been gone hes now at the helm of the labor partys attitude towards r. T. Has changed now no longer be giving interviews so lets look at that exchange between those 2 distortions in the coverage provided by russian state and international costas such as russia to the high court has ruled that russia today costs prez. Potential harm just the Prime Minister agree with me that its time to look at good but the licensing for russia today operates in the u. K. This is bigger i mean this is because i think this would come more credibly from the leader of the opposition and equally doubt. The former leader of the opposition when he took money hearing in russia today i mean this would be protests this is the protested neither against the leaders of the family of the opposition stands nor against his willingness to take money from russia today he flip flops from day to day that has become the trigger if you like for the debate in parliament for this letter if you like was the long awaited russian report just sort of boy what exactly was published while the socalled russian report had been in the works for 18 months there was so much hype around it people thought that after all of this time that would be some sort of bombshell revelation but it really failed. In that regard a bit like the middle report if you will and it came to the sensational conclusion that it was quote the new normal and that the kremlin was masterminding key decisions from brecks it to the Scottish Referendum to the general election and 29000 but it gave up sunni no evidence to substantiate those claims it was a highly redacted document and that was a key section that was said to contain crucial information that proved russia had been meddling in britains democratic processes now that section was missing it wasnt included so really the whole report was a lot of unsubstantiated allegations that left people with a lot more questions than answers and this latest development with the latter will undoubtedly in its own right raise a number of concerns not just of course about the future of the freedom of press in need k. But far more crucially about un jew influence r. T. Has asked off calm to comment on the story no reply yet heres more reaction from r. T. U. K. House action returns a and from our guests. We now have the words of cicadas damas Shadow Department of Culture Media and sport secretary in a private letter sent to this independent regulator saying almost telling the urgently i need to see you to see that you want to politically interfere with an independent regulator devastated by the fact that sickie s. Dhamma seems obsessed by wanting to destroy a free press in britain puts the British Labor party in in the spotlight because that would have implications for a free press in this country for article 19 of the United Nations charter human rights charter it would have implications for the human rights act and presumably just as when he was banned for a defend Media Freedom summit here he would get help from Amnesty International index on censorship obviously because guest amr has crossed a line here he is attempting perhaps to interfere with an independent. Independent media regulator politically. This is a really a move by the labor party. Engineered by secures nama theyve decided to be more people who want to this is a very significant letter from the labor party view that theyve declared that theyre now on the russian side and they are going to become patriots and defending the values of britain at home and abroad of commons independent and can take its own decisions and to compete pressure by either the labor party or the conservative party. Heres my problem with all of this were seen propagandists information from multiple Media Outlets and. R t its not like theres been any hidden hidden meaning behind what that is that letter is stands for russia today and so theres no theres no kind of covertly ideology which is not what weve seen for example from the chinese and from others which the u. S. Is obviously going after so what my question is is how dumb do politicians think the average public is how done do these politicians think people are that we cannot choose where we get our news from that we cannot choose where we get our information from. China has ordered the us to shut its consulate in the city of chengdu its a tit for tat measure as earlier washington ordered beijing to shut up shop in houston beijing says its not looking for a fight though. To me the Current Situation in bilateral relations which the u. S. Is entirely to blame for is not what china desires to see once again we urge the us immediately to retract its wrong decisions and kriegel necessary conditions for bringing relations between the 2 countries to track down. The trumpet ministration ordered china to shut its houston consulate on tuesday my pompei o defended the move claiming that beijing was stealing intellectual property beijing called the abrupt closure of its consulate a political provocation its Foreign Ministry said the countrys embassy in the u. S. Received Death Threats because of anti China Sentiment what up by donald trump as tensions escalate between the 2 geo political foes the u. S. Secretary of state has called on other nations to form an alliance against china. But we have to admit a hard truth we must a been argued to should guide us in the years and decades to come we want to have a free 21st century and not the chinese century of dreams the old paradigm of blinding age when china simply wont get it done the United Nations nato. The 7 countries the g. 20 our combined economic diplomatic and military power is surely enough to meet this challenge if we directed clearly and with great courage to free world must triumph over this new tyranny. We heard from china expert who says the u. S. Is acting in fear. Many people in the United States are extremely upset with the very authoritarian way that the trumpet ministration is dealing with the protesters and basically accused china of not following the norms and era by a leading human rights a lot of people would probably cry foul and say oh you sound like youre being a hypocrite here us or call us the folks. Basically youre worried that china would include the u. S. Economic lee and then therefore politike be and do it militarily over time and thats their biggest fear i dont think its as a team to human rights. The iconic highest afia in istanbul has reopened for muslim prayers at its 1st friday worship as a free top Turkish Court revoked its status as a museum it is highest sophias 1st muslim prayer in almost 90 years crowds of worshippers filled the nearby square for the moderation and the turkish president was also in attendance heres a quick look at the history of the unesco World Heritage site. During prayers the christian frost goes and i cons of the formal cathedral will be covered with curtains at other times though the artworks will be kept on covered with the holy site open to tourists. Some World Leaders have criticized turning the sign into a mosque again and cite turkey the decision met with a mixed reaction one turkish poster found that almost 50 percent of respondents saw it as an attempt to shift focus away from the countrys economic woes heres what people in istanbul had to say. Hyas a few years a fundamental right of muslims its been converted into a mosque as a result of this victory no muslims can pray freely when hyacinth feel was a museum there was a restriction that prevented worship. But its totally the wrong decision even if its not an insult can offend people after all the founder of our country gifted highest fear to humanity as a museum and i think it would be better if it retained the status of historical artifact then we need to respect every religion in fact mohamed had always advised peace saying it christian neighbor is in my camp there arent supposed to be into theater conflicts this is important because that. Remains a museum and it is important that it becomes a mosque but it doesnt matter to me this visit by whistler. Because it wants to transform their is the center of the. World now if you write raise them or. Perhaps your parents Election Research and so this is their cue is a domestic when you got started i think. It is you mr erdogan is the reality. Of france all decrease the us and the same time friends all. Civilized. World is against this decision it harms relations. And the relations between europe and the European Union and the other. Countries. They need. Here. Still i had on our team a 10 year suspended. Prison sentences given to a former concentration camp guard has been found guilty of accessory to mass murder details on that story and more after this. We go to work. Straight home. These Janet Jackson the last of the baby boomers or speculating in the nighty ninetys on the birth of companies that went public for the 1st time and they would have these pops and then there was this enormous crash where their millennialism jhansi are speculating on the death of companies and companies that are dying and declare their dead companies and their supply plowing their way in to speculate on the on the death of a company. Alone again tensions remain high in the u. S. City of portland over the deployment of armed federal forces they were sent in earlier this week by president all trying to quell antiracism protests the white house claims the mayor of portland has lost control of the city however more than a dozen u. S. Mayors most of them democrats. Boice alarm over the federal crackdown meanwhile the ongoing protests have affected portland shop owners of stores in the area vandalized and looted one of the targets was a Jewelry Store thats been operating in the area for 30 years now and may looters broke into the premises im still numerous items the owner now across says clients are afraid to go downtown because of the ongoing protests she spoke to r. T. About the situation in portland. And not only ones many businesses in Downtown Portland are hurt its not the portland we know its not the city that weve been doing business in for over 30 years it is just boarded up streets. You know lot of graffiti just destruction everywhere and were very disappointed with the studio officials dont consider what theyre doing is due to ship when you feel businesses like when your city looks like a war zone failed leadership and were very disappointed were very angry and at this time we just dont know what the future of Downtown Portland will look like and you allow lawlessness when you allow looting and when you dont hold people accountable this stuff is going to continue and if their leadership failed the businesses the residents of Downtown Portland big time and just why this is happening there is no accountability being held right now against looters. In germany a youth court in hamburg has handed a sons to a 93 year old man age 17 he was an ass as concentrates in camp guard hes been convicted of over 5000 counts of accessory to murder our europe correspondent peter all over has the story. This 2 year suspended sentence that was handed down to 93 year old bruno d. Could well be the last verdict handed down to a perpetrator of crimes a cheering the holocaust he was found guilty of being an accessory to 5232 counts of murder while he was an s. S. Guard the tough concentration camp. Due to his age 93 years old as i said it was always unlikely that a judge was going to hand down a custodial sentence the 2 year suspended sentence though was greeted with mixed opinion by those representing the victims i understand how they reached the suspended verdict but i cant accept this its all because a suspended sentence for a mass murder even when the defendant was a teenager juvenile is basically sending the wrong signal. A verdict is balance this verdict is also a signal to Foreign Countries namely that these crimes will be punished havent 70 to 75 years after a mass murder a judge on my a good bring said that bruno de viewed himself as just an observation in the killings that were going on and she also contradicted claims made by the defense team the 93 year old would have tried to escape from the camp himself if an opportunity had arisen the judge said he knew what was going on there and how people were being killed earlier this week we heard from bruno de himself who said how he felt about the actions that took place all those years ago. I would like to apologize to those who went through this hell of madness and their relatives Something Like this can never be repeated there are other investigations into the crimes of the holocaust ongoing but due to the well the amount of years that have elapsed since the crimes were committed and the age of those who are accused of perpetrating those crimes as well as the age of those who survived it seems that this trial may be the last one in the german court that will be seen through to completion. French charities are raising the alarm over a surge and people needing to use food banks that spike has been aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic of course r. T. Charlotte n. C. Reports. A hive of activity food being sauteed apostles of being packed all as the queues are waiting for through date. Many of those now using food banks like this one doing so with the very 1st time and its be a life like the gesture to mention i am in a precarious situation and coded 1000 has me things tough there is a moment when there was nothing else to do but come here with their restaurants duke or i wouldnt be able to survive i had a normal life food an apartment and when i lost everything it was very difficult to ask for help but i had no choice so here i am is through an incest city. Because i need to come here because i am alone with my children and i need help the center was closed at one point and we had difficulties because of that but now they are open so things are better known you would need to start with we didnt go out because we didnt know if rest of the co were working but when we knew they were we came we respected all the Safety Measures press still stick or a charity providing the hostels they need says its been feeding between 20 and 30 Percent People since march at this Food Distribution center its been even higher usually the center said that 1000 people weve. Just heard and if you say 50 percent or get the force that some of them lost their job one instance is important we know that you have. Your. People tend to the job we expect but the situation with the last 234 years this is not just an issue in france across europe food banks have been on for well and the European Food banks spend a ration of feed but says that more than 90 percent. Distribution centers have seen an increase in demand for emergency treatment the picture has been particularly bad in western europe it says the demand up in some countries by 50 percent this is according to feedback an unprecedented situation we feel ashamed to ask for help but i think degrade vision of Living Conditions in have. This crisis is not comparable to the 2008 social crisis that followed the financial crash this is a mish more profound and deep. Crisis that with arsenal much longer the World Programme for d. That number will. Require a. d war including security we prefer 50 percent worldwide. To now food banks are said to be coping with the enormous strain they are under but government officials are already concerned about a 2nd wave of covert 19 which could mean that by the end of this year in france alone around 8000000 people may be left in need of food aid that complies with higher rates of unemployment could be an explosive me this jollity pinski party paris. Thats all for now but of all those stories havent quench your thirst for news head on over to our website r. T. Dot com for countless articles and interviews thanks for telling him. Syria has been engulfed in civil war almost 10 years its cost hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions more no 1. 00 foresaw the peaceful protests of 20 of them is collating into a complex conflict between various only geopolitical interests rebel groups just. How they are in the book on this. But if you tell us if you say in the hague because the. Best look cool. Idea of going to look. Its. Been over the nasdaq that i. Never was the mother and then the shame what i did on this decade. The world is driven by shaped by. The dairies thinks. We dare to ask. I. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss or in washington. Jobless claims in the United States are up for the 1st time in months as the coppa 910. 00 demick continues to surge in some parts of the country straight ahead we break down the numbers and how markets are faring amid the spike and which is just in cases several nations have barred u. S. Travelers from entering their borders with dig into the details plus airline and aviation stocks have taken a beating in the wake of the coronavirus boeing is inching closer to the comeback of at 737 max we have expert analysis on hand to discuss with a packed show today so lets dive right in. And we lead the program with some disheartening Economic News out of the United States new weekly unemployment claims rose for the 1st time in nearly 4 months for the week ending july 18th 1400000 americans filed for benefits according to the u. S. Labor department as states continue to roll back efforts to reopen amid spikes and coping 1000 cases new claims had been declining weekly since the peak of 6900000 jobs lost at the beginning of stay at home orders in late march now meanwhile as the krona virus relief package in the United States is set to expire at the end of july Senate Republicans announced wednesday they had reached an agreement with the white house on what should be included in that next round of funding u. S. Treasury secretary steven minucci and comment on the next part of package thursday saying that the new plan will extend enhanced Unemployment Insurance based on a roughly 70 percent wage replacement and also announced several other provisions in the plan including a nother round of p. P. P. Funding with 2nd checks for Companies Whose revenues have. Fallen by 50 percent tax credits to encourage businesses to hire workers 16000000000. 00 in new funding for covert 900. 00 testing 105000000000. 00 to support schools in reopening and a nother round of direct payments to individuals now there were no Additional Details provided on that last provision of course this will all face heated debate in congress before moving forward and for more on this next round of stimulus measures and how markets have reacted thursday lets bring in Todd Horowitz chief strategist at bubba trading but always a pleasure to see here i want to start with these unemployment numbers this was the 18th straight week in which it totaled more than 1000000 jobs lost how is this going to affect the decision regarding Unemployment Benefits there has been this proposal to reduce the 600. 00 a week to what could be as much as or as little as 100 dollars a week is it too soon to really start tightening these stimulus measures. Good afternoon everybody i think they should stop i mean thats my opinion look you want to do something give a tax holiday so

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