Mehmet oz hes the cardiothoracic surgeon and host of the dr oz show he joins us from new jersey. Or i doctor the statistics are amazing and even the president said its gone up for goes down whats go on what do you make of this well i think we didnt take the virus as seriously as we should have and theres evidence for that ill give you europe which had these acts same early insult that we suffered here in the northeast and im in my basement ive been taping my show here since march because my show is in china and we all saw how bad it was there on the off chance may come here we built this but i never thought id be sitting here 5 months later taping shows with you and the reality is once we figured out at least in this part of the country what a catastrophe this virus could be if you can get ahead of it we actually watch slowly as a company as a country rather reopened and with this people say you know what ive been locked up in my studio my home here in florida or texas or arizona or wherever for months and nothings happening im going to go out and now theyve opened up a bar or i can go hang out with my friends that are at a rave party ill start doing that whereas in europe the population said my goodness we barely got through that that was close now that were open because they open like we opened were not going to do foolish things were not going to create these mass spreader events where lots of people get infected all at once from one person who should be at the party and for that reason theyve got 10 percent of the folks infected that we have now theres lots of good news about whats going on the coast. 1000 on the science front will get to that but it is very core thats what i believe happened that we got sloppy. Would you say the leadership including President Trump has not been on top of this. Its the country itself doesnt like being barked too i think a lot of times when we get one stop solutions for everything and we decide ok the entire country is shutting down you create this this sense that we paid our price and i think of all the things i could focus on the fact that we didnt have adequate testing back in march major mistake that many can own the fact that we shut the entire country down at once i think well look back and say that was an error because theres some part of the country that had not been hard hit and maybe quarantining present will this part of the country selectively would have been wiser turns out that a that the press corps as we can tell dean factions especially that are being suffered in texas and florida came primarily from new york and then i think as we open the country up again there wasnt a serious enough endeavor to ensure that specially young people realize that the 1st time around you were really at risk because a virus wasnt that much present where you happen to live but now its coming for you so yeah go to work yeah go out go guy buy some food but dont be sloppy in this the minute the minute decisions youre making as a good example are masks i dont say what the argument is about masks masks or about freedom theyre about the freedom for me to go back to school or for my son to go back to school because you know hes a senior harvard they just canceled it on campus classes and hes a water polo player for the varsity there that all got cancer because every Ivy League School canceled their fall sports and im sure thats going to happen around the rest of the country both those actions crossing of classes and of sports but what wouldve prevented that maybe a mask could help because max play a dramatic role in reducing the impacts of this of this virus. As who i meant by the president poorly in this bike staying away from saying that was political when you said it was for leadership when you mix politics with medicine you get politics. And were seeing that played out in spades i dont think that any of these issues of political issues i know why they become political but as a physician my job is to tell people the truth best i can you may not like me for telling you the truth but thats our charge and i think a little bit more of that professional mindset will be valuable across the board. The president says we have the best testing in the world. What today we actually do have great testing unfortunately we only started using it aggressively in some of the areas where there was already widespread virus and i also think that because of the magnitude of cases we have were are able to keep up certainly with the running of the task even though people can get tested it can take them 5 days to get a result back which means for 5 days youre not sure if that little cough you had is coded 1000 need to quarantine or was that nothing because it got better the next day and you can go back to work and so people go back to work and we just have dated just this week that the c. D. C. Conducted looking at how many people are enter body positive for cope with 1000 in other words theyve had the infection and this data is stunning they were at the 10 geographically diverse u. S. Cities and on average 10 times more people have had the infection then knew it 10 times more and that means that there are a lot of folks who went unreported or soror undetected cases which means there was silent transmission that most people who got sick where without realizing it infectious probably scoping out spreading it not appreciating that the lack of fever or lack of a cop doesnt mean youre safe to go around and just in case you think hey maybe with the good news is well get close to herd immunity unfortunately herd immunity numbers at best are in the 20 to 30 percent range of the population and more likely higher than 50 percent so were not even close because if it in the most infected areas like where i am in new york were not close to those numbers yet in new york states probably 7 percent of the population has been exposed to the virus already. In certain areas babies getting it not surprise babies are getting this virus in. Most viruses children are exposed and some especially like. Influenza they tend to be hard hit this virus tends to spare Young Children which is a good experience i think for most parents because weve got plenty to worry about without having to worry about your Young Children and so the 1st case in france was reported of a mother who was infected the baby was delivered by c. Section and the child had covered 19 thankfully did well to as did the mother and my hope is that will continue to be. Blessed by not having Young Children pay a big price for getting this virus that benefit tends to wear off by the time you get to the teen years and certainly into the twentys and thirtys. You said were seeing some Building Block therapy so lets examine if you watched dex some of the song thats the method zone is the steroids and people used their roads probably a comparable for allergies or for rashes you get them in skin creams but when you give it in high doses you actually slow down and turn off the immune system of the body why would you do that while theres an auto immune reaction to something if youre over reacting to it in faction this Collateral Damage to your own cells to your own tissue you dont want that so covert going team we believe kills sometimes because of the virus but more often from the overreaction of the body to the virus so a lot of people dying dont even have virus in them they just have overreacted inflamed body thats destroying the tissue and closing off blood vessels so thats the methods own and now we just found out in the last 24 hours steroids and other types are remarkably effective at blocking that overreaction of the main system in saving lives and United Kingdom and also here in montefiore there were large studies done looking at get at many patients and deter it turns out that you can alter the injuries to the long caused by inflammation if you give these steroids at the right time now you get one check something called c. Reactive protein or c. R. P. Its. Its a chemical a protein produced in the liver that reflects the information the body but if its elevated giving steroids reduced the risk of having to be on a ventilator mechanical breathing tube or dying by 75 percent so the right there a p. At the right dose in the right patient given at the right time of course and all those can be done now that were getting some data that understands but more about the process can save lives. What do you make of eddie immune therapy is being used successfully in many Cancer Patients what its an interesting reality that the immune system can help you when used appropriately and can hurt you when its not so you actually want to use your troops your immune system appropriately and when then when theyre out there attacking tissues that are not supposed to be attacked because youre the innocent bystanders so to speak then you can cause more damage than good and many illnesses hurt us because our bodies creating a civil war in itself is supposed to be in a more targeted way attacking the bad guy cancers can do this so can auto immune ailments. Were about cannabis cadmus fascinating opportunity here it turns out cannabis does sort of reduce that overreaction of the immune system there may be some direct antiviral benefits of one of the oldest medications we know which is cannabis and just recently there was a study done in mice at the Medical College of georgia where they looked they looked at lung injury that they created mimicking covert 19 and they could slow it down or even actually stop it by using c. B. D. So because its got a pretty safe profile there are a lot of scientists interested in trying to trying it out in humans its a its a bit of a way from that early experience and in rodents to humans though so i would start taking c. B. D. Just in case. What about interest in inhaled protein call interest for fear i guess beta tested 100. 00 plus patients in the United Kingdom successfully so interferon is a protein that directs the immune system of where to attack its like putting a general in your body and saying immune system go attack those bad guys over there but dont bother these good guys your lung cells for example over here and when youre on his present present in the right time he can make sure the that the immune system is protecting you appropriately and thats what this trial seems to hit now its not published yet. No manuscript to but the researchers were so excited and it was that of a bunch of centers in the United Kingdom that they decided to publish the data so that other scientists could begin pursuing it the nice thing is that we already have interferon is already being used clinically unlike some of the other drugs like the dexa method zone another steroids will repurpose in over ready approved drugs for new indications which means its got a safer profile to it or the top drug makers ship it before congress we might have a vaccine by early next year where you think well i tell you im excited these companies theyre all large Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies have partnered up with Academic Centers so oxford got a partner with astra zeneca. But there has got a partner and pfizers got a drug and theyre all making Different Solutions to vaccines theres 2 basic times theres than the new fangled approaches primarily m r n a where theyre making a little bit of the r. N. A. Of the spike protein of the virus the part thats but penetrates in dear cells to infect you and theyre getting your body to to replicate that little protein so that we can develop an immune reaction to it so if we ever see a virus come into our body can attack it immediately thats new it there have been tried before weve got 2 major initiatives along those lines and they both seem to provide a lot of encouraging early data where you having antibodies created and a belief that these anybody levels are maintained youll be protected the Old Fashioned approach is to take a virus thats already weakened. Put the elements of the covert 1000. 00 into it so its not dangerous but its you know its out there in the your body makes in the actual immune response to it and that data is the compelling data for oxford where they give it to over a 1000 patients and they have antibody levels that are higher higher than people who actually got infected with the real hope of the 900 virus also very good news but doesnt predict that its going to be worth it working long term they also by the way have t. Cells killer t. Cells that are present and at least 2 months later also good news because. Killer t. Cells know who the in fact that cells are now kill them so that protects you even if the infection is already in your body our best guest dr mehmet oz will be right back with more after this. Syria has been engulfed in civil war for almost 10 years it cost hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions more no one foresaw the peaceful protests of 2011 is collating into a complex conflict between various armies geopolitical interests rebel groups and jihadists. How they are needed on the dock on this. But if a lot of you say in the hague because i. Was asian its. Best that the show look cool and. Deep going to look. At them on the theater and i was. An ordinary i sat down i shouted never statham as the mother and then ashamed but i dont understand hate get a shout then you. Get if. You cant be vulgar with the yeah you. Could take. The sudden false and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. So rather than revolutionaries or soldiers vets small group the. When you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us dont get together and take it back. These are sacrificing. Places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like Voter Suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices were well in that world for well for the world and theres no question that the coup detat. Welcome back to politicking im talking with dr mehmet oz cardiothoracic surgeon and host of the dr oz show he joins me from new jersey the chief physician for the state of delaware dr rick pesca to what was on this program earlier he said the confusion and misinformation surrounding cold that is nearly as significant as the Public Health concern of the virus itself what are your thoughts. Well i grew up in delaware so all i feel obliged to support a statement but i actually think its true and i think a lot of folks are now turning to secondary sources of advice because they dont think they can get the truth from wherever they normally get their information is it is a complicated area that the fog of war where people are still trying to figure out what to do in the middle of the of the battle and i dont think its rare that this happens but this is for most americans the 1st time theyve witnessed it in their own eyes i think at a high level it reflects the fact that our Public Health system has been underfunded and we allow it to go to weed so to speak so that we dont have the kinds of robust systems for identifying people who are ill and tracing people make infected them or they may have infected and thats one of the reasons countries like germany and korea have been able to tame this fire especially for rapidly than we have the good news is now that weve identified the need for more of a federal program that organizes these resources i think theres a theres a will theres an awareness that it is something we need to do and we will do it. We have some questions from those in the audience bryson knocks on facebook when should we expect a vaccine for this if there is one made how can you convince people to take it to so many nonbelievers in vaccines. I believe will have a vaccine early next year ive had guests like peter hotez is the famed vaccine researcher down in texas childers and in houston who believes he wont have until the 3rd quarter and he says thats a land speed record by itself because vaccines usually take 4 to 5 years to develop but lets just say sometime in the 1st half of next year we have a vaccine is widely available then the question is will people take it a one of the knocks on the vaccine is if it normally takes 5 years and you made it less than a year then you must a rushed so by cutting corners are you exposing d us to side effects i dont think with 30000 people being involved in these trials that will take at least 6 months before we have comfort levels that its safe that were taking a big risk but yeah there any vaccine as a risk associated with it and we wont know for years and years but i believe most americans in the data supports this would take the vaccine about a 3rd would not but im not sure we can address their concerns all that readily anyway theyll be different kinds of vaccines so they can pick the one they like the most but heres the big news larry we dont have to have everyone vaccinated we need to get high risk people vaccinated the vulnerable population the folks who are overweight diabetic hypertensive theyre the ones who pay the ultimate price if they get sick and we also need to make sure we get at least 60 percent of the population vaccinated that way we start to approach herd immunity numbers is not perfect id rather have 90 percent vaccinated but at least if we get 2 thirds of the population vaccinated the ability the virus to spread wildly in our communities will be mitigated. What do you make of the end the Anti Vaccine Movement its a powerful movement ive been talking to folks who are anti vacs on my show dying tire career the interesting reale. Is that most people go to the Doctors Office the doctor spends a lot of time trying to explain a vaccine but they never really hear the questions that are raised in the anti vax community ive always argued that the American Academy of pediatrics should put a poster in every Doctors Office saying heres the top 10 reasons why you should not get a vaccine and then debunk the ones that are often brought up because they dont really have merit there are some realities though as i spoke to earlier theres no way you can say if you give 100000000 people or 3000000000 people a vaccine youre going to have 0 complications and if in a Strong Enough to help you are Strong Enough to hurt you i just think the benefits especially as i mean like over 1000 of getting vaccines are so much greater than the potential side effects that its a a wise move to make for yourself your family in your community. Mark foley on twitter dr oz would you recommend plastic shields for the face. If you dont like wearing a mask i think a plastic shield makes sense i dont think the benefit of a shield and the mask is worth it for most people if youre in a really crowded environment if youre high risk and vulnerable yeah its the belt and suspenders approach to protect your eyes. Marcel from a brick on facebook regarding the mass we are now forced to wear how does one get the fresh oxygen needed if one is constantly breathing in the carbon dioxide. So ive actually done an experiment on myself for the show to demonstrate that if you put a mask on and wear it appropriately that your actions saturation in your finger does not change and thats a saturation we used to measure whether or not you have enough watch in your body when you whether you have coburn 1000 or any other illness also as a heart surgeon ill tell you i wear masks all day long and if i couldnt exchange air so that i could focus on delicate heart surgery itll be a problem so yeah you have to learn to breathe with the mask its a tiny bit different its the can be hard to run a marathon in hot weather with a mask on but there are the kinds of mask you can wear thats bothering you and if its really a problem you can wear a face shield as was mentioned earlier and those are affected for some folks that are as good as a mask but theyre you know theyre better than nothing i think most people should realize that masks arent about the government bossing you around or ordering you to do something thats one of the reasons that if theyre voluntary to you might actually get less fighting over them i think masks are about freedom and i think thereby kindness youre doing it because i want to get back to work i want to go to school i want to build live my life without the shutdown so im wearing a mask and likewise its a kind move because its actually not for you youre wearing a mask to protect the people around you and theyre wearing a mask theyre protecting you and ill give you 2 bits of data wearing a mask probably reduces by half the chance youll get infected if you were to get the correct mask the right way and if 80 percent of us were masks we would tame this virus it would behave more like the influenza virus which means we could function. Did you did anyone expect this worldwide occurrence. I am surprised by the power of this virus i told all over in january and early february no one thought it would be this devastating most felt this is a bad outbreak in china they didnt know how to manage it right theyre overreacting a little maybe by schweder quarantining 100000000 people and then the rest of the world basically copied that approach with a couple exceptions like sweden and the ability of this virus to infect people is something ive never witnessed in my adult life and thats the main reason is so deadly we now believe the mortality rate is between point 5 and one percent so its several times more than the flow but what makes it especially devastating is that its much more contagious than the flu and especially in older populations its devastating so it has completely changed a relatively Stable Society that had lots of problems with it that had not been that exposed and thats a secondary f. F. Of the virus that is revealing the soft underbelly of modern society and those are larger changes that are going to last way beyond the vaccine addresses this fax this this virus frankly i optimistically pessimistic about this virus. Im very optimistic about the virus i know d that we will have a vaccine that works it might not be the very 1st one out of the gate but well have one im very happy with the rapid approach to protocols to manage people in the hospital with a few more drugs that can really put a dent into the bill to the virus to propagate and cause inflammation in our bodies will be even better off i also think for the 1st time really most americans are taking the virus seriously and especially in in places where otherwise super spreader events might occur they wont be a commonplace event anymore and were starting to see a slowdown in some of the Southern States where the virus had been raging so i believe we keep our heads folk down and focus for another month well have tamed this ground but i do believe theyll be more virus in the fall im hoping because were more attentive to the subtleties of what you do toward a virus transmission will be more like europe this time around with far fewer cases but until we have the vaccine and were less than a year away from that were going to have to be on high alert. To answer me found she recently said that young people are propagating the current surge and call that 19 infections you agree. I believe dr fox is correct if you look at the data you know even expects poses some of the information that the task force has it reinforces that the average age of people get infected the sun belt is in the mid thirtys lisa was early on it was in the fiftys up here in new york in new jersey and so its definitely a younger population getting infected that may be one of the reasons we havent seen a massive increase in deaths at least yet its obviously deaths are a lagging indicator and were starting to see the average age of patients creep up in florida which means that kids are visiting their parents were busy in the grandparents and so were starting to see a dangerous move in the virus of the virus in the older populations but if we can avoid Nursing Homes being hit and probably 40 percent of the deaths in america were Nursing Homes it would be a huge coup for the states dr oz i use interviewed at fox he did in the aids crisis and he had a lot to do with getting that under control do you respect him as much here because hes taken some more up somewhere. I respect dr fauci immensely you know when youre a physician given advice as you see it people dont always want to hear that advice and of course the design sometimes changes as it has with covert 1000 quite dramatically good example or Wearing Masks early on Task Force Said thats not wear masks we dont have enough for Health Care Providers not sure it makes a difference and over time the Scientific Community began to realize that the virus is often spread not by itself but in these large balls of saliva come out of your mouth as you speak and proposed masks are very effective so the advice changed is not that this is fault that the advice changes that you want him to be able to change the advice that is given to america based on the scientific advice that he guess when you criticize scientists it has a Chilling Effect they begin to hold on to their old ideas because they dont want to be seen as weak and that slows down the transmission of information this needs to be done the way professionals that we do everything bluntly in peoples faces tell them what they need to know then move on. People who are say well you cant force me to do it what about world war 2 and everywhere the show was forced to go into the subways during the bombing. You could not not get a subway whats the difference with this. Well as you know in Great Britain people say you know im not worried about the bombs ill stay up there i feel lucky today and they said we dont want that because when you get caught up in a building that collapsed you take up resources we have to spend a lot of time to save your life because you werent taken care yourself its the same for seatbelts you know the reason you were seatbelts is because a society should not have to foot the bill for your problem if youre in a car accident and you didnt take care yourself same for helmets we already have precedents for this big issue with masks for me are people who want to do it the same way you should want to wear a helmet on a motorcycle or wear a seatbelt in a car why would you not take the opportunity to be safer when it doesnt really cost you anything in fact it gives you an extra level of safety so youre freer to do what you want to do i dont think the battle for masks is one that is worth people waging right now the. Data is overwhelming it reduces the incidence of getting infected depending all kind of mask you wearing by 50 percent or more and if 80 percent of the u. S. Population wore a mask we would tame this virus it would begin to act like it was an influenza virus and that with then allow us to go back to work the big sporting events the big Church Events we would have whatever you want to do to live your life and thats what our goal should be here dr oz as always thanks for your time today and be well god bless you larry good to be with you as always audience thanks for joining me on this edition of politic you know number you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page at the at kings things dont forget to use the politicking ash tag and thats all for this edition of politic. Japan america. The top 3 economies of the world yes so now they are like that the tonic plates from moving away so that would be seismically significant and doesnt sound like a friendly cooperative globalized world and they. Seem wrong. But all wrong just dont call. Me. Yet to ship out to stay active. And engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. I know team no crowd. No shots. Actually just felt. Well its true no 1st. Point your thirst for action. May lead to a letter suggests to you kays Opposition Party is pushing for archies broadcast license to be revoked by. The independent regulator in britain being supposedly immune from political pressure. The brutal standoff gripped portland after donald trump deploys federal troops to the city while the president slammed the antiracism on rescue now sweeping america. The World Health Organization stresses its worry over the situation in europe