Has ordered china to close one of its most important consulates in the United States you see it there in the video the fires burning are apparently the folks there in the embassy burning some of their personal papers the chinese consulate in Houston Texas is shut down and china is responding with an apparent ultimatum already wow this shutdown of the consulate is only the latest sign in a growing trend of countries being punished by the u. S. State department in fact its not just china. As of this writing the United States has a whopping 7967. 00 sanctions in place 7967. 00 sanctions its a somewhat bizarre and almost astonishing list that includes not just countries but even individuals People Stores Small Companies and tire corporations governments types of governments even branches of governments the usual suspects of course on the sanctions list are countries like iran and north korea russia venezuela turkey on and off and now the biggest target of all china but then there are the secondary sanctions aimed or targeted at countries who dared to do business with any of the above mentioned so whats the result of the us is recent penchant for sanctions here is how the economist one of the most respected magazines in the world describes what is happening because of the u. S. Increase in sanctions quote all inspiring and shocking they have in turn prompted other countries to seek to break free of American Financial had germany thats the economist even the usually hawkish atlantica magazine is using headlines like this boom time for u. S. Sanctions the explosive growth in their use has prompted questions about how much is too much. So we ask how much is too much how much is too much when it comes to sanctions. Its a question were asking here on the news with rick sanchez because we believe. It really is time to do news again. This is the list of the questions we think youll be asking tomorrow after watching our newscast today is the u. S. Over sanctioning and what backlash might we expect why are religious statues including one of jesus being desecrated well they called it 1000. 00 surge continue or are there finally signs that its starting to level. All right here we go with the latest International Incident between the United States and china which seems theres a new part of this every day that occurred this morning at the consulate in Houston Texas as you saw in some of those videos that we showed you it appears now though d d that even the hocks are asking questions about whether the u. S. Is overreaching when it comes to sanctions too many sanctions too many cats to get torey actions against countries all over the world we begin our Coverage Today with veteran journalist and boom bust cohost thats one. Where u. S. Sanctions have been used for years by the u. S. Government in order to control rogue nations without having to go to actual war at least thats what the u. S. Public has been told for decades now the truth is though that sanctions have grown to winning normas extent over the last few decades theyre now saying sions are not only countries but on individuals and businesses and companies all throughout the world and the United States continues to expand its use of sanctions the question now how much is too much according to the u. S. Treasury department there are just under 8000 sanctions in place imposed by the u. S. Government again these could range from sanctions on people like mexican drug lord chapo guzman to entire governments like the government of iran as well as irans revolutionary guard and the government of venezuela so how does the u. S. Get away with imposing so many sanctions but the answer is easy the u. S. Dollar is the worlds reserve currency and that means very simply that the u. S. Has the ability to financially punish any thank you company for corporation and yes any nation that does not been to its will i think about it this way businesses around the world that will never do business in u. S. Dollars all have banks that do and must use u. S. Dollars a little history here even though sanctions have been used for decades including against cuba in the 1960 s. After 911. 00 the Bush Administration greatly. Increased the use of sanctions as part of the war on terror and 22 in under the Obama Administration the use of sanctions increased even more overpass use and ramped up in 2014 with sanctions being the socalled weapon of choice against iran at that time the Treasury Department says there were about 6000 sanctions in place today again we have nearly 8000 thats the trumpet ministration has taken the use of sanctions on individuals and specifically on companies to a whole new level so rick back to that question of how much is too much think about it this way brics nations brazil russia india china and south africa they have all been working actively for the past 2 years and continue to work every day to detach themselves from the supremacy and the authority of the u. S. Dollar they do this on a regular basis through relationships with other countries the creation of new currencies and that also includes Digital Currencies it would be almost ironic if the power of the u. S. Dollar which makes us ancients possible was weakened and ultimately be thrown out because of an overreach caused by again u. S. Sanctions for the news with rick sanchez and then swan great stuff thanks so much for setting the table for a spell its go to really going on in the reaction were joined now by christiane i George Galloway and econ professor Richard Wolffe professor wolf i want to start with you have we gone sanction crazy. Yes i think so i think there is. Evidence that the sanctions do not work and then some crimes are counterproductive maggot unintended consequences that are there reverted to really independently at what weve been working or not because they constitute a kind of political theater mr trump and the republicans are and never will and break the tension from their store of the gold in their years theyre now going to beat up on china and make a big. You know a lot of all of that would rank sions which looked at the average person is no doubt are profound but they really almost every year theyre easy to get around while the. Engines make the rest of the world nervous very strange way our brain mature politics between leading countries in the world george im thinking of a playground somewhere in some small school anywhere in the world where theres a big guy who beats a bunch of little kids all the time and eventually all these little kids get together and they say you know what were not as big as he is but maybe if we get together well be able to fight that big bully is that whats going on right now all over the world because of these over sanctions. Well thats a brilliant analogy and is whats happening on the day will come when it will coalesce into an Unstoppable Force heres another stopped rick to add do you a remarkable ones my calculation is that the United States is currently sanctioning 39 countries with a combined population of 2000000000 that means every 4th person in the entire world is currently on the United States sanctions now weve got an old saying he if everybodys forced last then nobody is forced plus if youre sanctioning everybody then the day is definitely coming when you wont be sanctioning anybody at all your means of doing so will be done on the class the playground bully will himself find himself on the ground of the hands of the others kristie yesterday we lead with his story which i think is one of the most interesting stories that ive covered in quite some time china and iran are signing a 25 year pact what does it say to you that those 2 countries are doing this and do you believe its related to this conversation were having about sanctions. Absolutely and i think a fits perfectly with this entire narrative because the enemy of your enemy is my friend thats a very common saying and if both countries are being punished by the us iran with all the massive sanctions and the china with this increasing trade war and tensions and everything and now with the constant being close both of them are now finding a common enemy and so it does push the 2 sides closer together and one of the biggest points is that in previous administrations and in previous years everyone was actually quite ok with the u. S. Issuing on these sanctions because the u. S. Was issuing sanctions alongside of its allies however now with the entire trumpet ministration all of these sanctions now appear to be unilateral and this is increasingly frustrating for european allies who feel like their economic interests are being harmed but sometimes sanctions do work guys professor wolf it worked in south africa it was a country that seemed to be exploiting african pardon me blacks their natives and the sanctions made them kind of change course correct. Yes but look at that next part of south africa was almost totally isolated in the world sanctions applied by the United States there for a long time were consequent upon the fact that many many of their bunkers around the world i decided that thaksin pariah government thats a system a part of a National Goal its exactly what you were really a commentator to mention when she said the United States is doing all of this by excel or i could only add to her wise ermine that if you put sanctions as easily as quickly as this country is now doing. So it has to go through the mind of what our allies do when will it be politically convenient for mr trump or people like him just strange general election bird or italy. Or warnings wolf as are the same people. It is all it is that for me i would call it the change to player christy i know that diplomacy is not your expertise but nonetheless im going to ask you this question because i know youre an expert on sino american affairs. The fact that the United States this morning shut down the chinese consulate in Houston Texas one of the most significant cities in the United States what do you make of that what do you think the reaction is going to be in beijing this was unexpected and it was a complete slap in the face because theyre essentially being forced to shut down the entire console within 72 hours and this is something that has never been done in the last 40 years and in fact this is one of the most important consular one of the oldest ones ever stylish in the u. S. So china isnt that said that theyre definitely going to retaliate if the u. S. Does not reconsider and withdraw this and they said that they are most likely will be will be shutting down the u. S. Consulate over in as well in retaliation and this is more symbolic than actually significant but it is a complete silence in the face and it shows the complete lack of trust and the entire escalation between the u. S. And china because this entire thing was done without any sort of communication at all so it just shows you how deteriorated this entire relationship is so it begs the question on how much further this entire decoupling will go george i want you to have the last word on this because im thinking that other president s and other administrations here in the United States have used sanctions in the past but it seems of late anyway that this particular state department has been almost if i can use the word if youll allow me correct me if im wrong almost using it through happenstance and almost in a brutal way in the way that theyre using sanctions right now do you agree. Mike bumpier then goes on to are looking like you just walked off the set all of these so brian knows. And the public in the countries that it comes and goes to look a child are noiselessly and shake their heads. Ask themselves is this the Great America its roaming around the world like a bull in a china shop if youll forgive the pun given the events today and the owner of the all these china shops is finally going to say if we dont stop these people then all of our china shops are going to be trashed Richard Wolffe right people are asking themselves well whos next will one day we be next nobodys going to stand for the output of our break how much is too much and have we reached that plateau its the question we discussed and what a great panel you guys are fantastic thanks to all 3 of you for this wonderful discussion. This is the news with rick sanchez on youre watching our special coverage when we come back a look at the string of attacks on christians statues throughout the United States whats going on whats the cause well drill down on that will be right back. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. We go to work you stay home. The world. Thinks. We dare to ask. Hey welcome back im rick sanchez so glad that you guys are out there watching us it has now been months but the covert 1000 problem in the United States has certainly not subsided if anything its going in the opposite direction or at least it has been now for the better part of the last month here for the latest on the reporting of the numbers that were trying to keep track of for you is our tease. No rick youre exactly right so right now the u. S. Is really heading in the wrong direction with new cases and in doing so with a lightning speed you know just in the last 24 hours or 1100 people have died from the virus here in the u. S. And over 4000000 current firm cases now now globally there is now over 622000 deaths to confirm cases globally of 15000000 and the u. S. Has now surpassed 4000000 confirmed cases so which brings global i mean just look at these numbers they just keep going higher and higher as the day goes by and just how much worse will business get rick well heres president trouble on tuesday night who has resume is starting role in the white Houses Corner virus briefing after a 3 month gap now the only difference is that hes kept the stage to himself this time without any Public Health experts. It will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better something i dont like saying bad things but thats the way it is its the way he thats what we have you look over the world its all over the world. And it tends to do that. So thats pretty remarkable coming from President Trump having initially downplayed the virus and reluctant to wear a mask just on toll recently but back to my point that i made earlier just how worthless a part of the virus can get well lets take a look you know the 1st case of the cold in 1000 in the u. S. Was reported 180 days ago that was the 1st case then it took 99 days for it to reach 1000000 confirmed cases now you know only took 43 days for that number to double to 22000000 cases and then almost half of that to reach 3000000 cases and now only 2 weeks later we reached 4000000 cases in the u. S. Now this current speed that were seeing here is a forecast of cases by august we could easily reach up to 5000000 cases and then to go and give you a conservative figure just just a couple of weeks after that a couple months after that actually said by october 1st we could all we could easily reach 10000000 cases and then when you have more cases of course you have more deaths so easily we could be reaching to a quarter a 1000000 deaths by october rick those are huge numbers lets just hope something gets in the way and it doesnt happen. Thanks so much to prison but not all medical breakthrough that could save countless lives an International Team of researchers was able to diagnose cancer years before the symptoms appeared in the simple blood test here is how this can be possible try to javas explains it to us. For years scientists have been trying to create the ultimate Cancer Screening test that could detect cancer early well now a new method is bringing experts a step closer new Research Published in Nature Communications says it test called pan see or can detect cancer years before any symptoms appear the test looks at cancer specific Gene Expressions in blood plasma and according to the research it was able to detect cancers of the stomach esophagus colon long and liver. In over 90 percent of people one to 4 years before they were diagnosed in addition the test accurately detected cancer in 88 percent of samples from 113 patients who were already diagnosed when the samples were collected the test also recognized cancer free samples 95 percent of the time according to the World Health Organization 1600000 people died from cancer in 28 teen lung cancer caused 1760000 deaths colon cancer 862000 deaths stomach cancer 783000 deaths and liver cancer 782000 deaths the researchers say that Early Detection of cancer is crucial because the survival rate is significantly enhanced when the disease can be treated in its early stages to date though there have been few affective early Screening Test available reporting in new york trinity each of us are to. Good stuff tony thanks so much appears to be a string of attacks on christian and specifically catholic symbols in miami a statue of jesus christ was beheaded prompting the citys r. J. Bishop to call it a hate crime and call for an investigation meanwhile in california a fire has devastated d the 249 year old d son Gabriel Mission 80 firefighters battled a fire which eventually destroyed the churchs roof the church has been at the center of a controversy for connection to the 18th century catholic evangelist who pair o. d including the black some black lives maters are some black live matter protesters pardon me who have criticized his methods historically in trying to convert natives but francis meanwhile canonized sarah 5 years ago for more on this we asked john harvey to take a closer look. Jesus beheaded the statute in this picture taken by the archdiocese of miami was outside a Catholic Church in miami when it was vandalized july 15th a statue of the virgin mary was. Defaced outside a Catholic Prep School in brooklyn 5 days earlier both incidents the latest in a series of other attacks on religious statues in churches in the United States on july 15th a vandal or vandals defaced a statue of mary in Colorado Springs colorado with red paint july 11th and tennessee someone knocked over and beheaded a statue of mary outside a Catholic Church in chattanooga and also on july 11th police say a man drove his van through the doors of our lady queen of peace church and Ocala Florida setting the church on fire once inside fortunately there were no injuries and Police Arrested the attacker whos now facing attempted murder and hate crime charges the rising wave of vandalism targeting churches is certainly discerning for both Church Officials and police the department of Homeland Security in Miami Dade County Police Investigators are all looking into the incident in miami representative Chuck Fleishman of tennessee tweeted this about the incident chattanooga writing quote this is a disturbing attack on catholicism and religion sadly it is among a series of attacks on Catholic Churches that have happened in recent days i hope that the perpetrators will be brought to justice but i also pray that they will find their way to god as well Authorities Say some of the vandalism appears to be possibly teens doing tagging such as the red spray paint on the mary statue in Colorado Springs sort of 13 a reference to the mexican gang southern united rozza but it follows the growing trend of statues being targeted and torn down by vandals trying to make a political point according to officials or those simply trying to get their work of destruction posted on social media like this vandal beheading a statue of Christopher Columbus and waterbury connecticut whatever the case the latest attacks in florida tennessee and colorado are being investigated as hate crimes as the investigations continue for the news with Rick Sanchez John hardy. Drill down on this a little bit further with steve gerber hes the host of the steve gruber show steve should we has a tape or be mindful before we start making too many connections in this case to the wave of protests weve seen around the country or do you feel like its the right time to make that connection. Well rick it looks like to me that you have a series of attacks not only in this country but you look at it happening in france and across europe as well christian symbols are being attacked by a variety of people maybe just to get on social media maybe add something deeper but its a continuation of the attacks on the social fabric of of western civilization quite frankly you behead Christopher Columbus should not those statues down it began with confederate statues you know wrecked and sore for myself im not concerned about the removal of confederate statues from the city square in america i think they should be moved to a more appropriate place like a museum we dont put up statues of people that would that took up arms against United States but as the president pointed out not that long ago how long until washington and jefferson our target he was mocked for that but sadly donald trump was right the mob sets its sights on the next target in the next in the mob always need something to feed it there always has to be a victim there always has to be a target to get out and now were tackling jesus could i just before we go off on saying that the mob as you said is attacking jesus i dont think we have enough evidence at this point to make a connection after all the jesus attack had gang symbols next to it and as a Television Journalist i can tell you that throughout my entire career ive been doing stories on drunk teenagers who went to cemeteries and desecrated stuff right so should we be a little careful well thats scary because like i want to up the matter is im sorry go ahead son mob well whether its strong teenagers or a mob somebody has been i guess empowered if you will to be had columbus to go after jesus to go after. Mary to go after Catholic Churches and other churches as well youre right somebody is empowered this happening does go hand in hand with the idea of defunding the police around this country these things delilah snus rick thats clear yes drugs teenagers are one thing and maybe there is some of that thats fair to say but maybe thats a lot more because people you know attacking statues from seattle to new york and all points in between is a lot bigger than a few kids getting drunk and getting liquored up and knocking over a headstone i think you would agree with that what about the fact that the spanish did in fact you say that you dont like the confederates because they fought against our country the spanish when they came to parts of latin america where i hail from and i guess in that sense im spanish as well they did some really horrible things i mean they beat capitated People Killed people raped all the women to people i mean you know youve read the history books what about that yeah ive read history books every bodys had a bad past the irish were abused the arabians were abused the iraqis the israelis everybodys got a bad past 30 years nobody on this planet that has made it to where we are without having their ancestors attacked and and criminalized and and frankly murdered along the way rick and were going to reset the whole world and start redrawing lines give manhattan back to the native americans of south dakota too it makes no sense to me thank you steve great conversation its always good to have these kinds of passionate discussion if youre having a dinner tables all over america my friend i appreciate it good stuff stay safe stay connected stay with portable t. V. Look forward to seeing you again. Soon as a. Financial. Aid im. Surprised. At the summit of the future cracka. Watch guys. Last note no crow. No shots go. Back choose a goal to be. No 1st to. Point ch your thirst for action. When i was told small seemed wrong when all rolls just dont know all. The world yet to shape out just they become stick out again and in gaining strength because of the trail. Once and many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. According to even fox news truth is like going to the polls this is because joe biden is such a brilliant candidate or because the Party Consensus but then to me is the best we can get by the president still another beer brain is a populist in 2006 feet if the government is no longer. A fox up next Jimmy Connors now folks in the history of the open tennis 1968 through now 52 years the guy who has won the most matches and the most torments in that open air it was my next guess Jimmy Connors he never quit you had the flame will slay you right after this Dennis Miller plus what. A folks welcome to Dennis Miller play

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