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Its clear whos to blame. In my view it was a failure to help a person in danger whom with assault and the actions that led to my sons death. And the e. U. Leaders meet up for their 1st face to face summit in months but signing off on the blogs unprecedented budget is again proving tricky. A very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r. T. In moscow thanks for joining us this hour lets get started. The kremlins rejected britains twin the accusations of election meddling and hacking medical research in the covert vaccines the foreign secretary said the government is almost certain that russia sought to interfere and lustrous poll breaks down the claims for us. 2020 the year just keeps on giving a pandemic but social awakening and now russian interference the government has concluded that it is almost certain that russian actors start to interfere in the 21000. 00 general election through the online amplification of illicitly acquired in League Government documents whilst there is no evidence of a Broad Spectrum russian complain against a general election and any attempt to interfere in our democratic processes is completely unacceptable and elected to parliament the u. K. Foreign secretary said to his partys historic triumph at the polls in 2019 and i will of course want to congratulate everybody involved in securing the biggest conservative majority since that i did eighties. Wasnt just people fed up with political deadlock infighting and endless bricks it delays no it was the russian actors theater actors film actors the Kremlin Russian nationals Russian Companies anyone whos ever been to russia its unclear and yet at the same time its apparently almost certain ring about the government has concluded that it is highly likely the likely finding likely almost certainly will show this responsible for the to. Do the script but cliff if she didnt know it looks like another use of highly likely tactics but it seems he has given up on this term based on previous Years Experience he did what so now the British Government gives as the new slogan almost certain bridge and these mysterious russian actors bombarded the public online with details of the neat post broke set u. K. U. S. Trade deal the one that would have bred speech ink. Or an aide to chicken a making visits to a privatized n. H. S. Hospital is something i can reveal to you 461 pages of evidence on the forestry of the n. H. S. Is of the table and will be up for sale now timing wise but its an interesting allegation did the British Government just watch and do very little as the bar is to hold here under fire for a severe lack of personal protective equipment for Health Care Workers and the failure to ramp up testing the government is under increasing pressure to ease the nationwide lockdown measures its close to having europes worst death toll so what did it do wrong what differently the governments not only buried under criticism over its covert mistakes but also in debt with a nation afraid to step outside again the accusation also comes ahead of a much anticipated report on russian interference and u. K. Politics as a whole a report thats been in the watts 18 months on which the Prime Minister himself said didnt point to any nefarious forces there is. Absolutely no evidence that ive ever seen of any russian in the difference in u. K. Democratic process i mean i think that this is there sure is not im sure a 3rd saying you can politics theres no evidence for that a bit mixed messages but itll still do the trick russian meddling might be an oldie but its still a goody but if you really wanted to shift attention away from many crises that and buy a pack line space you could go free double whammy we know that the russian intelligence agencies have been targeting in terms of Cyber Attacks against efforts across the those 3 countries and here in the u. K. Our attempts to find a fantasy through research and development occurring of ours we do not have information about who may have hacked into pharmaceutical companies and Research Centers in Great Britain we can. So the one thing russia has nothing to do with these attempts a power and a Hacking Group terrifying a cold cozy bat is trying to steal everything from Research Labs hospitals big pharma is all the good guys who are walking towards a vaccine now some might say selfish interest would include buying up the wild supply of the coronavirus treatment drug not completing the fast preclinical trial of a vaccine on humans or by its nefarious self as russia has done but thats just minor details good old russian into ferentz an old friend you can only turn to if the going gets tough and you need a bit of a break from being bashed. The United Nations says it has no information about the alleged attack on Vaccine Development we asked people in london if they were worried about a perceived russian threat. I dont think its connected to play her straight from trials i think these things will distract up you know just to a smokescreen you know just to you know distract us from whats really going on theres a lot of taking. Action. He likes and id rather be blaming cummings before a plane crash he did make that russian in the car and its like that because like now to perhaps nothing like a bright sky kind of thing like a little correction so we thought i think thats kind of correct and its very easy to point the finger within it is an old saying in africa when you point the finger take a look see how many fingers are pointing back at you since the allegations emerged weve been getting reaction from former British Intelligence staff politicians and analysts. Well here we go again highly likely. Of days are long gone when the public believed how the likely claims by British Government ministers are megastars any well the public demands are of a higher standard of growth nowadays what do they mean by russian stars is this president putin again sitting on radio. Jock youre most of the national service. If the hard evidence wouldnt we to publish it if theyre caught when what we mean by russian actor surely must mean Russian Security forces if they had evidence that Russian Security forces were guilty of into being in the u. K. General election not be too secret in rome to release that information that would be Headline News in every news outlet in this country and across the globe seized on by the americans and the. Do men when the story broke as well last year or and it was called a leak it wasnt called a hack so it was some sort of coming out of government well actually some explore it or agency so i think its interesting that now bring us up to can handle the publication of screen interest russia and theyre poor. We had of the Russian Sovereign Wealth Fund which is investing in Vaccine Research hiers says theres no need for theft because Oxford University has been sharing vaccine data under existing commercial agreements later in the program we hope to talk with Camille Dimitri of the head of the fund about the accusations and also on russias efforts to create the worlds 1st vaccine so do stay with us for that. More than 7 months after a french Delivery Driver died when police pinned him to the ground in a choke hold 3 officers have now been charged with manslaughter father of 5 such a suffered a heart attack and ultimately died from. After what was supposed to be a routine stop charlotte devinsky reports from paris. When citric shoe fit was pulled over by police in january it was a traffic check the offices say that he had been looking at this case burton and they say that the motive by Delivery Driver also had a duty to license plates passes by filming the scenes the followed at 1st is said to make sure they can be seen pointing his finger at the police for over 10 minutes he in the police are shown to be in discussion but then citrix is said to have called an officer a fool and hes arrested under arrest they say he resisted the video then shows 3 Officers Holding him down on the full while still wearing his motorbike helmets in order heard by investigators the fault of 5 is said to be crying out that he called to brief he repeats this 7 times during that arrest he suffered a heart attack he was taken to hospital in a coma 2 days later said to pick shoot was dead a postmortem found that he hadnt died from the heart attack in fact his larynx had been fractured and he died from this pyxia said family devastated by his death hit out at the manner in which the Police Arrested him. We do not understand why these technical restraint the children hold has still not been banned because as we have seen this is what killed my father it cost a fraction of the larynx and we are in the state of total in comprehension today thats why i want to speak directly to mr amano mccraw the chokehold technique is one of many things that offices can use to control a suspect when said trick shoot they died his family called out for change but Nothing Happened it wasnt until months later following the death of u. S. Citizen george floyd that anger. Really flared up not just through the use of the chokehold technique but also reigniting protest so alleged police brutality. Authorities took notice and announced that the controversial show called technique would be banned but that didnt last long with anger from the Police Unions forcing the government to back down and it made a u. Turn but the protests did focus in new spotlight on the case of said it should say now an investigation has found that there is a case to be answered by the officers present day with manslaughter charges being made his family they are still unhappy because very often it will be the reason these are we are glad the Police Officers have finally been charged although for some odd reason one female officer in the case is serving as the witness we dont understand this in my view there was a failure to help a person in danger along with assault and actions that led to my sons death and they still havent been fired the government has changed so lets see what comes next but for me whats happening now is shameful not everyone in the police force is a murderer and there are people doing their jobs and harsh circumstances with a lack of resources we as a family understand that we asked the interior minister is the hit by by the rules and create the lie that started the whole post 10 journey for 22. 00 and she said her family await justice for his death meanwhile they remain defiant that the choke hold technique must be abandoned. Paris. The leaders are holding their 1st physical summit since february and although they all broadly agree on the need to borrow hundreds of billions of euros to help countries recover from the make deciding who actually gets the money from the blockbuster budget is proving a whole lot trickier to pin down we go live now to our europe correspondent peter all there for the details now the group wasnt exactly getting along the last time they met but were in a different world now is this 1st face to face going. Its almost back to normal isnt it back in the room in brussels leaders of the meeting faced meeting face to face for the 1st time since coronavirus put an end to that and they have to take part in the swell times in terms of all online video conferences masks social distancing and elbow bumps replacing the handshake of the order of the day just about everybody says it hearing to the new rules of social distancing and masks except for those bad boys of social distancing the visit guard for the group made up of poland slovakia Czech Republic and hungary who twitter feeds have all been awash with photos of masculist handshakes yeah they dont play by anybodys rules they rules for breakfast and wash them down with imagine that washing your hands i dont know about that for a fact though there is some business to be taken care of though thats why theyre in brussels for this meeting a budget for the next 7 years and a much needed coronavirus stimulus package have to be agreed on. Angela merkel is in charge pretty much of this meeting germany has the the presidency the rotating presidency of the European Union but the german chancellor didnt seem filled with confidence heading in to the summit in brussels. For. Our last meeting in february was not successful we are all and 2 in these negotiations in good spirits but i have to see the differences as still there the therefore i can see just yet whether well come to an agreement this time and had expected very very difficult negotiations. Charles michel the European Council president has cooked 26000000000 euro from the budget he 1st put forward back in may were still looking it will point 86 trillion. In that is being asked for but that includes the 7 year budget and while whipping hundreds of millions for corona recovery funds including 500000000000. 00 in grants for corona recovery their opposition as you would imagine when it comes to numbers like this the frugal 4 they being called austria sweden denmark and the netherlands making up the frugal for they say theyll only agree to these packages if they have a say on how countries spend that money theyve given not a chance say those who will need the most of that money were talking about France Italy Spain and greece here its a firm no no no when the from them they say that would infringe upon their wealth their sovereignty if they had to go to amsterdam or that to go to the hague i beg your pardon to get them to agree on what they were going to be spending e. U. Money on the meeting started with the european a the European Parliament president david saw Early Warning that if an agreement isnt found theres going to be dire consequences for the whole block. I mean to go to the stock if you go in at the moment the heads of government have a huge responsibility we cannot allow ourselves to feel to reach an agreement and the council any sort of postponement could certainly provoke new storms and put the whole of europe in a difficult situation. But i mean. The summit can continue over the weekend i have a feeling though and so do many watching this may continue for a while yet before they find an agreement. Peter over bringing us the latest there that. Still had on r t one of the few European Countries letting in visitors from across the atlantic has a new problem on its hands especially with tourists from one nation that story and more after this short break. Theres Financial Planning i dont like it im stumbling. On the side. As a summit manager of the future trucker watch kaiser. Welcome back were picking up again on our top story of the kremlin says it has no information about who may have tried to hack British Medical Research and the finding a vaccine for covert 19 british u. S. And canadian Cyber Security services accuse Russian Hackers of targeting Drug Developers to steal data officials in the u. K. Go further claiming the hackers have links to russian intelligence now we can now talk to me and dimitri have had a Russian Sovereign Wealth Fund which is investing in Vaccine Research here and russia youre very welcome to the program what do you say to claims that russia is trying to steal information about Vaccine Research. Well that binds them very hard to believe because 1st of all this surprised by is that i mean if those comments because it just happens a full in day out that we announced will probably because it 1st country to have a cruel flu vaccine makes up to be expected in august of this year and we believe it will be one of the most efficient i think seen since the world below we nostromo to least start vaccinating russians from september but also built partnerships because i was a countries in the world and secondly whats you know he has been low in development its a result of very effective successful war and so the science is going well it will oh but seems that he has been approved well mers like seems that he has been the truth so its a well documented track of Successful Research done by russian scientists so let the development of this vaccine and also you know we will produce an ox. Zeneca it seems through our Solar Company our farm there is an agreement on that and all of that technology will be transferred to our farm anyway so frankly we have great like scenes that we believe is the best in the world and we already have all of the information that is needed on oxfords vaccine so those accusations seem to be strange ends of timing seems to be very strange as well tell us a little bit more about the multinational cooperation thats taking place for this Vaccine Development. Well russia is open to corp was other countries early as this year we basically said we need to jointly focus with other countries on great distance systems when successful drugs and then big sheens so we are now working with 5 other countries to start manufacturing afresh and that scene this year we will share with them to college it will basically share with them. To be able to produce as those big seams in other countries and we believe that International Effort is really needed only together we can address coronavirus challenge and frankly as those cold war rhetoric and cold war barriers precluded many countries from being efficient in build an International Partnerships as russia is doing you touched on this earlier but how likely is it that russia will succeed in getting the worlds 1st vaccine onto the market is anyone else close. Well we believe that adenovirus based machines so thats one of the delivery mechanisms of spike of coronavirus that has been proven before will be as it 1st was a market so russia has one. Through astra zeneca has another and china has a 3rd of the number i respect scenes and the games that benefit its a proven successful mechanism before so those 3 vaccines ions of vital running and we believe so cruel will come august and september there are the new technologies of have been developed but frankly there is a big issue about groupings of there is no effect on fertility and those like scenes soviet quite confident of projects in will probably be the 1st one to the market the 1st of all in tears have completed their tasks whats next after this so basically we will finalize fate 2 of the trials the locus 3rd will start immediately face real the trials and International Trials those that like seeing in august because its a proven platform that has shown efficiency of before we expect the nation in russia will start in september and will roll it out to other countries as this year as i mentioned be open to ration was other countries because of major interest from middle east legs in america asia and we believe that it will be working very well with those countries with with us over and well funds and theyre helping us to jointly invest in manufacturing those countries and to find local partners im told that you were given a dose of the trial drug yourself did you feel anything unusual any other effects from that. Well no it was actually very good experience no side effects and i generated very high level and to bore this off as a 2nd child was it would seem so right now i am several times higher and too bored to levels and a need a person well it person who on average out of it and we believe is addiction will last for longer because its. And also i vaccinate even my parents was 74 years old and still so didnt have side effects so we believe its really but she is the ultimate solution because of it and its an ultimate solution also for elder generation who is articulate risk of it what made you want to be one of the 1st ones to try it yourself and you say that you gave it to your parents as well theres some risks involved there isnt there well definitely but we started 20 different big scenes in different you know in china in other places and also we looked at as a huge story all bola but seemed Successful Development so for me it was very important but its a proven but seeing that has been looked at and study it all was a lost 6 years in russia and that was a confidence level also it was important that there is no the whole d. N. A. Of kind of virus it was a big scene just a spike so big she and uses Border Response all it was a spy kulkarni virus i definitely wouldnt be comfortable to invest in you to inject a car no buyer of d. N. A. If they and so i. Can tell us how else the fun is assisting in the fight against. Yeah weve invested in the rapid and very accurate test and system jointly with the japanese are going to jump in his bank for International Cooperation its been very successful including wasnt 13000000 tests have been purchased outside of russia we have also invested with a view which is basically a drugs that we believe this very efficient to suppress of virus an early stage of the disease and that has been also quite successful and because you know so weve been investing very clearly in coronavirus approaches and share in that was Different Countries we believe that only by working with Different Countries can we successfully defend all of it. Weve been speaking with Camille Dimitri of head of the Russian Sovereign Wealth Fund which is investing in Vaccine Research and russia thank you for your time and the comments thank you very much. International travel is slowly picking up and thats proving to be a headache for ireland which is having trouble with one particular set of tourists guests arriving from the United States are heading straight to enjoy irelands bars restaurants and hotels a thing is they should be in quarantine for 14 days thats causing more than a little anxiety for the Hospitality Industry and its local regulars and chef told us hes had to turn american guests away. Another lesson in the you know you have. To tip 2 different tables of american tourists going to go into the restaurant when they were asked about when they arrived in the country days earlier which means that the morning their 1st table just shrugged and walked away and the 2nd table the gentleman on it said he didnt have drawn a virus and it was all over hyped in a way and which one day just said im sorry were done here thank you and please leave the rest of the you know i did it based on the fact before you taken them tables on that night my stuff wouldve been uncomfortable. I was putting them possibly in jeopardy because it was too early and i wasnt willing to take us. There is public pressure on the government to be tougher on travel from the United States unlike the rest of the e. U. Arlens ok with a lot investors from the country thats registered the highest number of infections although irish leaders insist not that many are flying in. The amount american visitors are information back from the public transport is up the numbers are quite low people should not be coming to our land if they cant restrict their movements for 14 days when they come here. This is not a time for normal holidays for tourists coming from abroad in our lives. I think weve been very clear on the us still chefs know kane believes the governments falling short of shielding the country from potential buyers carriers. Art and then the crew and i was under control and the last thing we need is people coming in from from hotspots and they do gardening when weve done our selves here i think its more about the government reaction reordered than the americans themselves and them and you know the government came out and said that there was it was more complex complicated than that and that as some of the systems were flawed thats a complex thats passed the book its much easier to please our borders than it is say france yet they seem to be able to do is i think that thats a lot of where younger is coming from its like were an island it should be easier for us to do it didnt anybody. Thats in his breakdown for this hour and thats all for me as well but were not you know neil will be taking over in about 30 minutes time entertaining in i mean maybe. We go to work so you straight home. Immediately you think you dont need. And you dont need your new music or you dont get given the option just you have just to get this whole did you have to show by the one takes the other beds to me when you lie to the wall or. Actually i think the she should be could be judged there because. In christ did he really needs to be tracked. Greetings and sell you tell you shims all right while millions and millions of People Living in the United States will wake up on july the 1st with no i

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