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And franking on having a conscience black the lives mount a campaign is call on londons financial powerhouses to pay reparations for fortunes built on the back of slavery. Good afternoon from russia then live from the World News Center in moscow one is kevin owen here with us i was headlines in some more detail for you. On the new day the new wave of confrontations to report pertwee in the United States and china 1st often beijings weighing up its response today to donald trump stripping hong kong of its preferential trade and economic status. The u. S. Law or maliciously denigrates hong kongs National Security legislation threatens to impose sanctions on china and seriously violates International Law and basic rules of International Relations it is gross interference in Hong Kong Affairs and chinas internal affairs in order to safeguard its own legitimate interests china will make the necessary response and impose sanctions on relevant u. S. Personnel and entities or charges not only responding to donald trump revoking hong kongs trade privileges its also because he signed off Bipartisan Legislation to sanction chinese officials and businesses or to me about the chinese new security law which also effects on kong is caleb maupin this special relationship between hong kong and the United States has come to an end donald trump has officially ended the preferential trade relationship that hong kong has with the United States which has enabled the city to become quite prosperous conquering will now be treated the same as male in jonah no special privileges no special economic treatment and no export of sensitive technologies in addition to that as you know were placing massive tariffs and have placed. Very large tariffs on china 1st time thats ever happened to china from said this will mean one last competitor for the United States now trump also said that officials who are quote extinguishing hong kongs freedom will be slapped with sanctions now he indicated this in the past many have suspected that sanctions would be imposed after months of protest in hong kong against the Chinese Government on the mainland and some of the new policies. Now donald trump didnt pass up the opportunity to blame china for coded 19 which he referred to as the plague trump also boasted that he is personally responsible for encouraging a number of countries to boycott Huawei Technology perhaps he was alluding to britains recent announcement that the country will be boycotting and banning all while away products by 2027 from the end of this year Telecoms Operators must not buy any 5 t. Equipment from while away and once the telecoms critical is possible it will be it and legal for them to do so despite the fact that trump called the press conference to address a very serious Foreign Policy issue he spent quite a bit of time raking over the coals job by his rival in the upcoming november president ial election this is biden biden is gone radical left who had listened to joe biden hundreds of thousands of additional lives would have been lost he described the rise of china as quote a very positive development not a positive development not for us of many observers are wondering if until november every president ial announcement will seem just a little bit like a Campaign Message it will mop and artsy new york. Lets get more reaction directly from beijing joining us now professor wang when he is the executive dean at the chung Young Institute for financial studies at rim University Thanks peter with us so hows this going down where you are today and whatever the political squabbling go in on this is going to far reaching ramifications of the economy the people of hong kong and relations between china and the u. S. Which seem to getting worse day by day. Yeah. Hello professor could you hear me yes yes i yeah yeah sure yeah after i think back to hong kong as a part of china as you do part of the u. S. Intervention in hong kong fair is not only a kind of a hegemony but also your last few pages of pretending to be tough and only guarding china and imaginary anime so trama hopes to win more votes so it is just key for china to take necessary measures to defend its sovereignty and we need a heart of the people so the tension as we are now between china and the us has become the new normal so but i think that to compare with a true war the fiction between the. Us and china i mean hong kong is a math inable i was a huge amount of trade that goes on between the u. S. And hong kong the trillion dollars of trade whats going to happen now whos going to lose most to China Hong Kong or the United States. Of course i think that its its the United States in fact that the u. S. Has interest in hong kong last year the total amount of us for investment in hong kong we all are exceeding 130000000000 u. S. Dollars and more than 1000. 00 to 3. 00 hungary u. S. Company operating in hong kong and in the u. S. Benefit of on hong kong and 100000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars a year so the passing your hong kong National Security law contributed to the step illegal hong going to protect their interest are all people in hong kong so i dont know why its also american congressman i thought stupid well china says its ready in countermeasures what are we likely to see the. No i i think that yes as you he was in china has announced a section against the u. S. Congressmen and the institution and i think i said yes to my american friends china is not iraq is not syria is not afghanistan china has just sent to me the necessary comps attack so these counterattack are forced but they are equal and its just what sort of a tie for italy so i think we will do a lot to us and we will surely pay for these respect for china now the other thing i wanted to ask you about of course theres been ongoing debate in britain about china as well way the rollout of 5 g. Theres been usually controversial it was going to be allowed but theres been a huge u. Turn on that and donald trump says that he is taking the credit for convincing countries including britain to ditch it hows that going to go. I think him our been in arms idea that he has an empire of the western world is very. Charming cannot do it the us cannot control the west let a lot of world and why we. Are all in the benefit of every country each country and we will choose which Company Technology to use so in terms of what. Normal people all would want to know get while we technology from china its a very Good Opportunity is very good at offering neither so its a vessel that already in the u. K. Is there weve got to leave it there professor well when do come back on the program again soon and tell us more about the reaction executive dean of the chung institute for financial studies at remnant university thank you. The us military is facing damning allegations of systemic Sexual Violence in its ranks theres greater scrutiny now since the recent tragic killing of soldier vanessa. The 20 year old vanished in late april her body was found 2 weeks later. Guillen had apparently complained to family that shed been sexually harassed while serving at fort hood in texas fellow soldiers suspected of killing vanessa with a hammer committed suicide as Law Enforcement tried to arrest him prosecutors also charged another woman to believe to be as a compass for nurses heartbroken sister wants to know now why commanders didnt do more. I dont do the joke. 1st military chief dismissed the Sexual Harassment allegations as unsubstantiated but then last week his nationwide outrage grew the u. S. Army secretary ordered a review of the command climate and culture at the base while the texas representative in congress confirmed indeed the allegations of sexual abuse would also be scrutinized nesses killing has led the Service Women to come forward to with similar harrowing stories of Sexual Assault theyve been taking to social media the call that what they describe is ingrained harassment in the u. S. Military former soldier trista who was also stationed in texas talked to some of her experience got invited to a party off base and was told that it was a Birthday Party for one of the other girls that was going to start class with us at the same time we had not yet started class i made myself and the other guys wanted to see what i needed and so i passed it around and when i got it back it didnt seem as though anyone had drink anything but i just kind of thought that was different but didnt really think much of it and kind of felt as though i could feel myself kind of blacking out and then the next morning when i got up to use the restroom and take a shower i realized how much pain i was actually in and i was still bleeding and i just you know i kind of was wondering well what happened and i tried really hard to remember and it couldnt the case actually has not developed i went back to legal help and they told me after about 4 months investigating that there was no evidence and that the case would be dropped. Well the pentagon issued a report in april the mounting number of claims of Sexual Assault in the u. S. Military troops are again says plenty of cases are glossed over and that independent investigation is there for a crucial. I saw a lot of females that i actually worked with that experienced harassment and assault and even rape so i just thought it was crazy that this is actually the culture of it and no one is talking to each other about it so it it is happening and its happening a lot. And just the amount of control that the military has to keep it kind of quiet is is what is surprising there needs to be an alternative to reporting there needs to be a civilian organization thats not affiliated with with the military whatsoever they believe that theres they do claim that theres resources off base that you can go to but theyre still affiliated with the military theyre still able to kind of silly but under the rug to them believe just a completely separate organization where women can go and i believe that there shouldnt be any type of punishment for coming forward and speaking out. I just believe that it needs to bring more awareness to the civilian part of you know the community. Issues you know its in jerusalem so massive antigovernment rallies take place with police using crowd control measures on protesters who defied orders to follow social distancing regulations that was such as called on the israeli Prime Minister to resign as he again faces trial on corruption charges seize a quick look at the scuffles unfolded. Q how. How. I had. Such a. While thousands of protesters tried to break into the Prime Ministers residence in belfast street in jerusalem they were carrying torches and they saw trash cans in life and also through objects that police and journalists it was an event that was made to coincide with the storming of the best still in crohns and it took the police several hours to bring the situation under control now the protesters consider themselves part of what is called the black flag protest movement and they goal is to see the overthrow of the fine minister Benjamin Netanyahu there against his continued government many of those who were on the streets of people who had been suffering the effects of public 90 many a bluff a jobs many are out of work but they say its not only the pandemic itself that the Prime Minister is not got a grip on essentially they want to see him gone from power they offered up with his corruption this is what some of them had to say yes bit theres a good chance that the people will realize that there is a leader dragging us to a dangerous place this is why im here and i hope that in the coming demonstrations all others will join the protests. All groups must unite every day not just once a week to protest and in the end she will go home. For 3 years i was in the street to get a partnership. In the debate if you like if we had heard mr look like i did i put mr jackson thank you. At one point the police were having to physically move people from the gate of the Prime Ministers residence in the end they had wasted some 50 people for disturbing the public order and also throwing objects at the police and journalists the protesters issued a statement in which they said that the Prime Minister should at the sponsibility and they called for him to do so by resigning they also say that the Current Coalition is doing nothing to improve the lives of ordinary israelis least of all during the time of coverage 19. Middle east correspondent there coming up on the program off for the quick break ahead while americas 2 main parties hold the limelight the socalled 3rd Party President ial candidates are also gearing up for novembers election come up then we hear from the newly chosen nominee for the green party. Remember that breeds to honest people can disagree this concept is essentially been the bedrock of western civilization since the like its also been origins of the 1st Amendment Council culture is putting all this question we now need i think. One almost sure seems wrong why dont we all just dont call. Me old yet to shape out these days become educated and indeed trade equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im showbusiness ill see you there. Londons lucrative financial powerhouses are facing pressure from the black lives Matter Movement urging them to pay reparations for past ties to the slave trade campaigners say the firms fortunes come from colonial oppression and its time for payback now the average daschle reports. In suggestive george floyd back in may the black was much of a movement has swept across the rust belt not just rallying against Police Brutality or institutional racism but challenging symbols of racism to. Here in britain the campaign has expanded from toppling statues of slave traders to exposing old banks accused of profiteering from the slave trade in fact some even argue that londons entire financial district was built on the back of slavery and colonial oppression pos directors of high street banking giants including lloyds and even barclays and even the bank of england fortunes from the traits. Of london as we know it would. Treat london firms played a crucial role in financing trade with politician colonies that includes funding the transatlantic passage of african captives in appalling conditions to be sold as slaves and its not Just Companies under the microscope that comes as 10 to 20 percent of britains wealthiest people could be identified as having significant historical links to slavery the backlog is months away this held a mirror up to those institutions forcing them to confront the past ties to imperialism while many have apologized. Apologies are not enough apologies are stage one of an effort that says we have knowledge of the harm weve caused and were prepared to enter phase 2 which is a discussion and negotiations about how to repair that and the suffering that continues to be the legacy of slavery in the caribbean today the amount the British Government power to pay off slave owners who were deemed to have property was so large only repaid in full in 2015 in fact its the most in equivalent of 17000000000. 00 pounds i mean this wasnt a tax is contributed to the abolition of slavery but is that something to be trumpeted is this really something to be regarded with a collective pride and surely its now the time for countries arent descendants of slaves to see the same kind of compensation with banks coughing up the money they have to pay back the money is because the money is not going in the right and so this is some excuse. But they have to give back this money for them to contribute back to what they took from. Whats happened in the past far. More be a good idea for. People but if its still continue to benefit off those mistakes i was quite up until 2015 so that means all my working life ive been paying them for what they did to my insistence so as a person finally coming to terms with crimes of colonialism or is this just a way for corporations to brush that past under the carpet where the black eyes Matter Movement has shown is that britain is out to choose to its imperial past is at best a conflict shot at woodstock. The upcoming us president ial election will effectively be a 2 horse race with only 2 men standing a chance of winning but of course are also plenty for the socalled 3rd Party Candidates and independents in the running so the green party has chosen its nominee his name is how he hawkins is from new york hes a former lorry driver a grassroots campaign. Previously run for office at every level of government in new york from city councilor to governor walkers ones to redirect federal funds to education he also wants to extend Health Care Provisions to all americans hes also known for his anti war and nuclear efforts the green partys been putting up candidates and us president ial election since 9096 as things stand at the moment or can is though will appear on balance nearly half of the country states but the party says it is working on securing more its a complicated process with each state requiring different signature thresholds to get on the ballot but perhaps the biggest challenge is Getting National air time because the dominant 2 party system would allow 3rd Party Candidates on to those all important crucial televised debates and we all can is told us theres a growing appetite though for electoral alternatives. The polls show that about 2 thirds of the American People would like to see another major party an alternative to the 2 major parties that we have now and a lot of those people have come to the green party 3rd parties in this country going back to the 18th thirtys as set the agenda it was a Liberty Party to put the question of slavery on about it was the populist aris the question of monopolies on the public agenda it was the socialist party that put social Insurance Programs like Social Security the most Popular Program we have into the public debate so we made our way in the white house were definitely going to move the debate in a policy agenda in this country the green party represents very different policies where not you know just democrats who are disgruntled or something we do want a universal medical system medicare for all we do want serious Climate Action you know donald trump caused Climate Change a hoax but the democrats act as if its a hoax if you look at their programs we have a serious program to deal with Climate Change we stand against the u. S. Going into countries and tell them who their leader should be were for peace initiatives to cuts in military spending and getting serious about this new Nuclear Arms Race how he whole can is there the kind of that number one in the club back to last time the green partys president ial nominee back in 2016 proved to be a polarizing figure miracle many in the media accuse jill stein of splitting the liberal vote then and denting Hillary Clintons campaign. Tonight the dangers of a 3rd Party Candidate democratic year and frustration is growing some seen here is that the votes belong to Hillary Clinton and that that my votes were stolen from someone else and i think thats an insult to American Voters what do you say to those voters who are would worry that by voting for you their progress is their liberals or democrats that by voting for you they would actually help elect donald trump as politics of fear actually delivered everything that we were afraid of its better to vote for what you want and make the politicians come to you to settle for what you really dont want even though its a lesser evil to try and not get which a neat so were saying dont get lost in the sauce they were voting nos with Green Party Stands for medicare for all you go for advice and you just hope it gets medicare for all they take in the slogan but youre not going to get a Green New Deal from the Democratic Party its a green Party Position and if youre serious about Climate Change were the party you need to see or our appeal to the service news organizations the Civic Organization says dont let the artes set the agenda do your job open up the debate least for the candidates who have enough balance to put sensually win the Electoral College in the presidency which in this election would be for artists besides the democrats or republicans who would be the greatest in the libertarians American People deserve to know what all their options are its a big job this country makes it much harder to get on a ballot in any other and electoral de marcus in the world. Will keep you posted as we get so on the next the group of coronavirus and lots of america has seen deaths in the region its now the United States and canada combined the reasons varied a mix of poverty top level denials and cash strapped government struggling to keep the public informed and tested now in guatemala groups of civilians have been patrolling the streets that to enforce curfews and some to use. People are doubts whether this disease even exists so when the curfew alarm sounds many dont go higher going to go up more about. A pull up or your thought of whether the new part that we have focused or if its some help and people feel safe to go outside and stay protected from the disease i want to were here to lend everyone to have some of the. Some of the most. Such strange times are they how they do it stay safe and well for us thats the way things are looking for months internationals news room so far this wednesday reporting from moscow im kevin o. And have a great day. The world is driven by shaped past and present those great. Thinks. We dared to ask. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces. It was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. How much this is a. Country per capita. Human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country. Even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for the tragedy in laos what helped to the people need in that little land of mine. Time after time going underground 65 years to the day of the mine now declaration to be signed by more than 50 Nobel Prize Winning scientists including Albert Einstein calling on all nations to renounce force as a final resort to Save Humanity since updated and signed by the worlds leading scientists it now condemns human induced Climate Change linked to destruction of habitats and Food Security coming up in the show just like the taliban in the buddhist statues of the multinational Mining Company rio tinto annihilates 46000 year old archaeology and culture in australia and is britain turns to its down under 5 eyes alternative to huawei to new revelations of the overthrow. All of a democratically elected leftwing government in sydney lead all the way to be in power and while there may be money for wars why does a quarter of humanity struggle to get food when billionaires have enough cash to feed the world many times over as new figures show thousands of baby doing this hospital malnutrition in 2020 we speak to the Un Food Agency about its latest global predictions of coronavirus induced under oath more coming up in todays going underground 1st Mainstream Media around the world have correctly been covering the injustices of racial capitalism in the wake of the George Floyd Murder in minnesota but australia where Indigenous Peoples are incarcerated at a rate 4 times greater than the proportion of africanamericans jailed in the us has not been front page news and as Multinational Mining Companies destroy all trace of cultures that are 46000 years old is australia committing crimes against humanity joining me now from perth in australia is the director of the Dumbarton Aboriginal Corporation Robert Edgington whos been campaigning for the protection of sacred sites from capitalist exploitation robert thanks so much for joining us there is actually made news here in a sense because were hearing papers that people have been fighting for the release off for decades of finally showing us the role of Buckingham Palace in the overthrow of the Australian Government to go off with i mean before we get on to cave destruction and mining australia then only became independent in 1800

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