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The body. Politic interest to people we want to. Be ok says its happy to resume arms down to saudi arabia just fine claims the weapons have killed many civilians in the war in yemen. And very welcome to you watching our to the International Community care and its great to have you with us here in the u. K. A man has discovered he has advanced cancer after finally getting the scan that had been postponed because of the coronavirus 27 year old show when hall went to the doctors with severe pelvic pain in march he was given painkillers but they eventually stopped working he repeatedly requested a scan but only got one in june which revealed a launch tumour we spoke to him about his situation. I take 4 scans every single time i went there the to me that gets a clue that 19 its a delay when m. R. I. s and c. T. Scans and so early june my would think visit to the hospital a doctor. Looked at my notes and said hey youve been youve been her so much times its got to be something wrong with you. Im going to schedule you m. R. I. Some more i was a little bit hurt that he told me trying always he could schedule me a m. R. I. But i begged well almost 3 months to get an m. R. I. Had to get a scan doctors told me if i would have got my skin. Few months earlier then my prognosis would have been a lot better. My prognosis is about 10 percent and less than 10 percent i was so while i will. Be cool baby no i dont know how long that im going to have with me im very devastated at the fact that im fighting for my life and im and im at the prime of my life fighting my life being misdiagnosed is just devastating this is not a nose i can say no words to put you know words to describe. Im just devastated. This case comes as new Research Claims the coronavirus has put the u. K. s Health System under such strain it could result in 6000 extra fake telethons among newly diagnosed Cancer Patients here h. S. Is also reported the pandemic could delay many more plans treatments and the waiting lists for routine procedures currently stands at 4000000. 00 and is expected to jump to 10 by the end of the year meanwhile a 1000000 cancer swabs were delivered to already short staffed the bar trays in june alone so when whole again believes the whole system needs a rethink. If i wouldve if i would have got my scan and earlier and i would have been a primary team and i wouldnt spread and they could have been able to operate on the spry marry tomorrow and get it all. And i would have been on route to recovery patients like my so should be better to concur of dave you screwed it 19 as a smokescreen not to take patience and you leave. Cancer patients which cancer kills more people including 1000 each year and i dont know what. d i can to blame you who says this too but i cannot blame the n. H. S. Because he did have a bombardment of patients i just wish that it would have been a better system of diagnosing it and get in touch in an early stephen lloyds lets just bring you an update on the global corona virus fake us almost 12000000 people have been infected worldwide with more than half a 1000000 dying theres still little sign of the pandemic easing off while there are increasing phase of a 2nd wave meanwhile in brazil which is the worlds 2nd hardest hit country the president jaya both n. R. Has revealed he has tested positive for the virus however he claims hes feeling fine and not reconsider his stance on the pandemic the head of state famously referred to the virus as the little flu and hes torn shop criticism for downplaying the impact of kovac 19 on the country despite having the 2nd highest number of cases and deaths in the world after the us the president s house continuously resisted imposing lock downs and restrictions saying they would have a more devastating impact in the virus itself meanwhile sentiment against down to covert measures is still boiling in some countries. The oak. A protest in the serbian capital turned violent when demonstrators tried to storm the National Assembly Police Tear Gassed protesters with the police of several injuries anger erupted over the decision to reintroduce lockdown measures off the figures showed a surge in covert cases a curfew is expected to come into force on friday evening and run through to monday morning. And television dozens back to talk to the streets on monday to denounce the passing of a new anti coronavirus bill that allows the Israeli Government to use any measures to combat the spread of covert 19 without the parliaments approval critics claim its a move to go to dictatorship along with Prime Ministers to use the pandemic to ban protests. On trials are underway globally in the race to find a vaccine for the virus but even if scientists district discover an effective cure it is seems there are plenty of people who wont be queuing up to take it peter oliver explains. The hunt for a Coronavirus Vaccine is one of if not the great scientific searches of our time but there are those who dont want to see a vaccine found and wouldnt accept one if it was here in germany which was swift to tackle the initial wave of covert 19 coronavirus skeptics have been demonstrating for months. Now. The latest polling shows more than a 3rd of germans would reject and mandatory vaccination against covert knighting these concerns continue to exist despite mandatory vaccination being on the cards the government here has said again and again that when a vaccine becomes available it wont be compulsory if. The government is accused of secretly plotting to introduce mandatory vaccination i want to repeat the chancery said yesterday it will be no obligatory banks nation against the coronavirus at the same time germany is now facing a lack of u. S. Supplies of rendez if youre an antiviral drug used to treat coronavirus patients the German Health minister has pressed on the manufacturers to get shipments to europe using access to e. U. Markets as a stick and. We dont have a huge inventory now we only have a few 100 doses i expect an International Company like gilliard to understand that you cant just cut access to the e. U. Markets and high prices for other products and also expect supplies to europe and the European Union in the United Kingdom the anti vax the porters have a strong foothold as well a 3rd of brit said they would definitely not get a corona. The job or they were unsure about the vaccination its not clear what their views on antivirals are we asked londoners in what ways theyre willing to protect themselves and during the pandemic some people refused to get their children vaccinated against all common sense i dont know that i would i be grateful at the fact thank you for sorts of things happen and i cant be happy to think that i havent decided that yeah thats right i need more information everyone should have it these days. I would so id want to read all the information 1st and work out how how it works and whether there was side effects from it but i think on the whole good side of the facts in comes available no politic they havent tested properly probably wont have it is to preserve it working i wouldnt be scared for trying it its thanks to vaccines that smallpox has been eradicated that means souls tetanus and polio are common killers in Society Social media has been blamed for the rise of the anti vax movement but the platforms themselves say they are actively working to debunk false information about vaccines i report uncovered an industry undermining by being a School Community develops a consequence of social Media Companies both power and profit from misinformation we reduce vaccine misinformation in news feed we dont show it in search results or recommended to you on facebook or instagram we dont elaborate in ads and we connect people with authoritative information from recognized Health Experts coronaviruses like covert 19 offer to kill a tricky to develop a vaccine against but as long as science and fact are equated with conspiracy and feeling by some developing a vaccine will only be half the battle there are those that will have to be convinced that its beneficial at all peter all over all. Build it. Meanwhile in the central bolivian city of cochabamba undertakers ive been so overwhelmed by the amount of covert deaths they havent been able to pick up all the bodies the local Authorities Say dozens of corpses have been left abandoned their streets off their relatives couldnt keep them at home any longer they are angry family of a 62 year old man who died from corona virus blocked a street with his coffin in protest relatives and friends joined the demonstration after the body spent almost a week in the house with nobody coming to collect it after a 4 hour protest Funeral Services finally came by and for moved the body but the problem in the city remains. Relatives and neighbors of those whove died of the virus have complained about their fears of convey contagion. Were there to sort of curve or you had to take the cotton out this morning to show the problem i told the Mayors Office to govern this office to come and bury him because they had not made the burial possible we have no other choice but to leave it here the virus spread to all good people the relatives the sick of whom were just havent come to test them. I called the ambulance to come and check on him my dad was short of oxygen he didnt feel like coming on and minor what am i going to do 7. You put burns here so you have the years that the death person has been at home for 7 days kids the elderly people who live where he died within him to be buried we dont want him in the house anymore they havent done the tests and those in the house. Ask the thirtys to take care of the situation. The coronavirus forced a wedge between couples of different nationalities with travel restrictions kids in the party or some countries are reopening their borders that is still arent ready to take the risk that for instance has decided to lift restrictions for only 15 socalled safe countries but while family members from countries deemed not safe are exempt it doesnt apply to couples who are simply dating and the e. U. Commissioner for home affairs believes this should be changed. Members studio thirtys and didnt do travel companies deploys why did definition of partnerships as possible. Was whom the Union Citizen only good resident has a durable relationship which is due the test it should be exempted from you travel restrictions on nonessential travel we heard the story of a couple who began dating last year but have been forced apart because shes from israel and hes from sweden. We planned that he would come here to 4 way passover and he would make my family and well. It didnt happen because because of the plan and then. Even we need me like. It could be most fun with me. Course well of course you. 5 know to how you child and im talking in about the small things like watching television together when we coddling in the sofa. For too Long Distance relationship and of course. I really want to meet. Spend time with her together with her. And other Violent Crime spike in the us off the 2 months of protests against racism on the police but among the stories coming up off the short break. Join me every 1st week on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics or business im sure ill see you there. Welcome back to your case announced its resuming arms exports to saudi arabia despite admitting they are sometimes used in war crimes and yet. The undertaking that my princessa gave to the court that we would not grant any new licenses for the export of arms or military equipment saudi arabia for possible using yemen falls away the incidents which have been assessed to be possible violations have i occurred a different times in different circumstances and for different reasons. Well in june 29th seen the court of appeal ruled that the government had acted unlawfully by licensing the sale of u. K. Made arms to saudi forces for use in yemen with that assessing whether incidents in the conflict had amounted to breaches of International Humanitarian law well since the bombing of yemen started in march 2015 the u. K. Government has issued export licenses worth 5300000000. 00 pounds including 2500000000. 00 pounds worth of licenses relating to bombs missiles and other military goods and human rights organizations are angry with the u. K. s decision to resume arms exports this is a deep blue cynical move to restart business as usual when it comes to arms sales hold the government consumers would describe a 5 years so i do it aerial assault of yemen which has seen numerous examples of civilians killed in schools hospitals funeral holes and marketplaces as this surge of isolated incidents well in march 2015 a Saudi Led Coalition intervened in yemen against whos here rebels who are fighting the internationally recognized government and control large swathes of territory but humanitarian groups and the un quickly accused saudi led forces of breaching International Humanitarian law including bombing schools hospitals weddings and food supplies. The decision comes just a day after the u. K. And that sanctions on individuals and organizations that abuse human rights including saudi arabia make good on their plates bringing to force the United Kingdoms 1st autonomy us human rights sanctions regime which gives us the power to impose sanctions on the on those involved in the very worst human rights abuses right around the world this country makes it Crystal Clear to those who abuse their power to inflict a magical suffering we will not look the other way you cannot set foot in this country i will seize your blood cringed grades if you try the u. K. Can use the law to bar entry to individuals believed to be responsible for human rights abuses as well as to stop money moving through the banks and cut violators off from their profits while the sanctions target north koreas a secret police why on mars military leaders russian officials and the senior saudi Intelligence Officers believed to be involved in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi while at the same time agreeing to resume arms sales to saudi arabia so within 2 days the u. K. Government seems to have plunged itself into a high stakes di lemma agreeing to sanction a country for human rights abuses and resuming lucrative arms sales to that country the court says could commit them Chris Nineham the National Office that im deputy chair of the stop the War Coalition believes the u. K. Is simply sponsoring the bombing of yemen. Incidentally in conference decision. The United Nations and other agencies around the world have said quite clearly that the situation in yemen. As a direct result of the saudi led intervention is the worst humanitarian catastrophe anywhere in the world. This is an outcome of war that britain supporting this decision shows disregard for the loss of life of. Shows. Contempt actually to Public Opinion britain which is against the action against cool. Saudi arabia. And i also think it makes a complete joke out of the announcement on monday by the Foreign Office that the government was going to take the question of human rights more seriously and saudi arabia is and is one of the countries in the world which is mostly violating human rights both domestically and in terms of its d involvement in this war so its its a shocking decision and its one that really needs to be challenged to really needs to be overturned urgently. After a month of antiracist protests and demonstrations against the police in the us the country is starting to see a spike in Violent Crimes caleb morgan has been looking into whether that is the correct. America is getting more violent the murder rate has increased by 16 percent and its rising this recent june there were 205. 00 shootings in new york city making it the most deadly june in almost a quarter of a century other cities like chicago atlanta and philadelphia have seen a surge in violence. Let him go to let him go. Dont go please let him go. Please let him go add another ingredient into the mix the ongoing pandemic and people are starting to think about ditching the urban centers and moving someplace safer but all of america is dangerous right now if you go out and look at smaller cities where there is rule of law and Holding People accountable they a safe big cities with large populations a dangerous right now because of systemic liberalism some places are taking this increase in crime very seriously the state of georgia has declared a state of emergency due to the increasing murder rate amid the black lives matter protests peaceful protests were hijacked by criminals with a dangerous and destructive agenda now innocent georgians are being targeted shot and left for dead the slowest since must be stopped and order restored in our capital city this comes amid a barrage of calls to defund or disband the police to redirect their funds toward social services and reduce the Police Presence new york citys mayor bill de blasio has already agreed to a 1000000000. 00 cut from the City Police Department 6000000000. 00 budget all of this puts extra pressure on an demoralizes the police many fear that in this atmosphere the crime rates could spiral when used vilified by your Police Department youre going to see crime increased and that is what has been happening in. The major cities in the United States chicago atlanta even birmingham of course new york city where the murder rate is now out of control theyre already backing off their calls to defund the police the new catch phrases are now instead of defund the police youre hearing reimagining the police youre hearing. Reinventing the police the cost to defund the police were a childish fantasy of the Democrat Party Police Officers are out there trying to do their jobs theyre dealing with horrific. Situations and in the larger cities you hear about oh weve got to get rid of guns and we have to call in social workers what we need to do is go back and be tough on crime and tough on criminals crime rates are already known to go up in summertime but it seems like the summer of 2020 is setting some records they look up and r. T. New york. The pandemic has changed the world we live in and part of this change has seen a spending more time online these days what has led to a search in Cyber Attacks now the issue has been addressed during a special conference being held today Cyber Attacks and data fraud have been ranked as the 9th most likely challenge facing the world in 2020 thats for tech and Cyber Security companies as well as officials around the globe have joined this is a sign of a poly gone forum to find ways to prevent the socalled digital pandemic and protect Digital Infrastructure the russian Prime Minister opened the event by saying united we can deal with the challenge. The entire International Community has to stand together to prevent global cyber food from david promoting International Cooperation in the area of key focus on forward joint efforts to. Digital security and to write a response to cyber crime issue and security it will flow a Common Future requires in 1000000000 sterling into the blueprint to compression. Teamhair in moscow thank you for joining us were crossing live to london and not in the u. K. At the top of the hour. The arrest and charging of Glenn Maxwell the jury and it takes me to turn what about the timing and the specific indictments what kind of defense can be expected is a deal in the cards a week justice peace or. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation for community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Direct. What is truth what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. This goes along with. A knowing that desires you know and ill. Be transported. Over immigration and in america and these texas like to be nice. She loved this person for 44 years. In minutes sure you guys sure. We made it was easy. She told her. They dropped the. Rebellion and when youre not going to. Need. It. Im. Not going to. Be like this. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss and washington coming up on the show the future of ticktock is in doubt as the United States government is barring the africa operating in the country this talk comes in the wake of india blocking the Chinese Company we bring you up to speed plus going to a bank has been slapped with a fine for its association with the late Jeffrey Epstein but will it make a dent in the company and later brazils president has tested positive for the coronavirus is the nation has surged to become one of the new epicenters of coal but 19 we take a look around the globe to check on the spread of the virus with a packed show today so lets dive in. And chinas new National Security law is having a huge impact on businesses and finance in hong kong as we have been telling you the new National Security law which took effect on tuesday is aimed at banning secession subversion terrorist activities and collusion with Foreign Forces to endanger National Security now but now it appears that millions of companies that do business in hong kong as asias Financial Center could be in danger of violating that law now that could mean penalties ranging from fines to having funds confiscated Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that those who follow the law have nothing to worry about

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