Just turn. To one show. The world according to shush. Today we discuss why the troops may not be leaving afghanistan after all price gouging essential medicine and irans arrest warrant for president. The war. Issue. I am privy to santos for our top story today u. S. Intelligence officials have accused russia of secretly paying bounties to taliban linked militants in afghanistan to kill occupying american troops and their afghan allies in the region the allegations were 1st reported by the New York Times but since the Mainstream Media has parroted evidence free claims about weapons of mass destruction in iraq genocide in libya the gulf of tonkin etc many people are now questioning the validity of the Intelligence Communitys latest allegations especially since they coincide with the Trump Administrations pledge last week to pull u. S. Troops out of afghanistan now of course just these are serious allegations they should absolutely be investigated but some blindly accept them as truth without evidence is a mistake libras you know you know ive been around for a little while now and ive watched my government and my Intelligence Community blatantly lie you covered it just a moment ago i remember when the Mainstream Media was pounding us over and over and over again weapons of mass destruction and ties to al qaida where Saddam Hussein they use a technique where if they repeated enough times over and over and over again that it then becomes the troops well sure enough it wasnt the troops and then they talked about how this intelligence was also given to the brits well so were weapons of mass destruction and ties to al qaeda in iraq given to the brits it cost tony blair his leadership when they found out it was all bogus so this stuff needs to be investigated before we make any type of response and then we need to look at why. Why would russia choose to do this when were at the point of pulling out what would be advantage for russia to play a game like this in the International Community just for fun i dont think so they dont do saying just for fun and so i doubt i question this greatly the timing of it and the way were responding to it because right away theyre taking it is sure be fact you know that weve got to do this and i just you know theyve lived so often theyve got us in the major wars go back to my war the gulf of tonkin incident in vietnam that never happened be there years later it was shown so we get involved in these big huge wars and remember the military Industrial Complex is out to make money and if theres money to be made in afghanistan theyre going to do everything they can but keep those guns shoot and keep the war going the one good thing ill say from donald trump pull us out we went there allegedly to get Osama Bin Laden they told us we got here so i asked this question why are we still there what is the purpose for them plus look at it this way this is a religious war they dont need money to kill americans i heard the taliban response was precisely that they said we dont need money to shoot americans we hate them because its religion and religion based money dont matter when people are killing for religion. In response to the allegations a Senior Investigative reporter Catherine Herridge tweeted quote an intelligence official with direct knowledge tells c. B. S. News there was an intel collection report and n. S. A. Assesses the report does not match well established and verifiable taliban and haqqani practices and lacks sufficient reporting to corroborate any links so at least to someone in the Mainstream Media is questioning these. But the u. S. Once did exactly what have what its accusing russia of doing with operation cyclon in the 1980 s. When the us armed and financed by soviet russia had seen rebels in afghanistan and remember you were talking about Osama Bin Laden osama bin ladin also financed and supported the mujahideen fighting against the soviet union in afghanistan so alliances flipflop all the time whenever its convenient. Im going to do you one better than that in my house in mexico i actually have a photograph of osama bin ladin side by side with the do brzezinski member him he was secretary of state or something way back and i have a photograph of those 2 side by side and looks like theyre singing by ya and thats exactly what we were doing we were paying bin ladin to fight russia so here it is 40 years later now were accusing russia of doing the same thing to us so again its another case of high pocker see its ok for the United States to do it but if somebody else does it we cry foul now im going to state this neither side should be doing that its ridiculous on both sides if that is true on both ends but this point of russia being some big villain when 40 years ago we were doing the same damn thing to them how quick are media forgets and how quick Mainstream Media is c. N. N. And all of them wont talk about that or the fraudulent of the war in iraq at all ive been watching them there horrible. We now shift to iran where the government has issued an arrest warrant for President Donald Trump over the u. S. Drone strike in january that killed the islamic republics top military commander general. President trump and 35 others including u. S. Military and political officials face murder and terrorism charges you want to ask the International CriminalPolice Organization to help detain the suspects but interpol has denied the request stating that it does not intervene in political acts and echoing u. S. Claims that the warrant is a propaganda stunt this isnt surprising since the u. S. Is the largest single contributor to interpol just you and i have covered this story from the very beginning what do you make of a b. If latest Development Well you know i find it interesting again bridgette are where we break our own rules i mean have we declared war on iran no has the congress voted to go to war with iran no so how can we arbitrarily go out and murder and kill one of their gender roles in a neutral country or anywhere else what gives us the right to do that we havent declared war had we declared war id say we have the right to do it with a declaration of war but we dont do that anymore we dont bother declaring war we just kill the people that trouble us now so it doesnt surprise me that irans attorney general would bring these charges but nothings going to happen as you said brigida were the big payoff people did these theyll turn the other way and amazingly not look at it but its wrong it was wrong when we killed this guy and its wrong that we continue to be haven that manner if were going to go after ram then lets declare war and do it but we dont have we shouldnt do it and we dont have the guts to do it because we never declare war any more we simply go fight them for the military Industrial Complex. Now lets turn to the pandemic drug manufacturer gilliatt sciences has announced the cost of does appear in experimental treatment for cove in 19. 00 but the National Institute of allergy and Infectious Diseases says can reduce coronavirus hospitalization by 4 days now the price tag for the recommended 5. 00 day course of severe is a whopping 3120. 00 patients with private Health Insurance will pay out of pocket expenses for the drug while the government will reportedly reimburse hospitals for treatments administered to uninsured patients due to privileges in the care is act as long as the funding is Still Available and patients meet certain criteria Regulatory Filings related to the drug reveal that gilliatt received over 70000000. 00 from taxpayers to develop severe so far the drug has not demonstrated is statistically Significant Impact on survival rates still its the only treatment authorized by the f. D. A. To treat hospitalized 1000. 00 patients the Trump Administration has now secured a contract with for 500000. 00 courses of the medicine nearly all of the companys supply meanwhile other developed countries are expected to pay 25 percent less for severe because gilly had his license to generic manufacturers abroad people are now going to have to calculate whether the money spent on a 5. 00 day supply of this drug is less than the cost of roughly 4. 00 extra days in the hospitals so theyve got to do a lot of math to decide whether they want to use this drug has the. Well brigitte isnt it interesting they use our tax dollars to discover and use the drug and find the drug and all that stuff and now theyre going to turn around and gouge us theyre going to create the drug and gougers for it well you know this this is like war profiteering you know you got the caliber whenever theres a war be it vietnam be it iraq 6 whatever it is halliburton makes a ton of money well youve got war profiteers in the drug industry too when theres a pandemic like this youre going to see profiteers they dont care all they look at it as an opportunity to make more d and more money and the unfortunate thing is we live in a world where thats accepted this is outrageous that people outside the United States will get it cheaper than people inside the United States and especially over the fact they did it with our tax dollars if we want a government to do something heres a chance to do it against pharma but we wont touch pharma you know i have to laugh on t. V. Every day when you see all the pharmaceutical labs where they tell you to tell your doctor you need this well shouldnt the doctor be telling you how much money does farmer spend on advertising if youre telling the doctor the doctor is no longer the doctor hes a dealer and so get rid of pharma advertising on t. V. And the prices will drop tremendously we wont have to pay for it doctors can simply perscribe it and its ridiculous in a time like this that youve got profiteering at its worst going on with this company. Its time for a break when we return jeff is its down to the activist gene barrett to discuss how the labor force is doing during the pandemic specifically and the Meat Industry will be right back. To the war. We go to work. Straight home. The world is driven by a dream shaped past and person. Thinks. We fear to ask. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area rush up. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so of added 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were. Going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news of direction as where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. The war. Gene bauer is a bestselling author and world renowned Meat Industry activist hes exposed to abuse by the Meat Industry for 35 years and he joins me now to discuss the impact of covert 90 on our food system which seems to me to be very very important now gene Meat Processing plants have become hotbeds for the coronavirus how has it impacted the workers at meat packing plants. Well these slaughterhouses are as you said hot beds of disease they are stressful crowded island places and people are working right next to each other it working very fast theyre enduring are endless conditions and as a result many of them have fallen ill and over 100. 00 slaughterhouse workers in the us now from coronavirus so this is a system of oppression its abusive to animals its also abusive to workers and i think the coronavirus is really exposing that now now what about our food supply is there a meat shortage right now. You know its interesting that some of these large Industry Groups are talking about and meet supply problems and i think one of the reasons theyre doing that is to try to get more government money into their own pockets what is really telling i believe is that while there is this discussion about a shortage of meat weve been exploiting more meat and ever before to china so i dont think its so much a matter of a meat supply issue more of a marketing issue and there will be a blip in terms of the number of animals being killed and interim the food supply but i think the industry is going to try to trump that up in order to get more government money which is what they tend to do unfortunately now have prices gone up for beef or chicken right now. In some cases i believe the price of animal products has gone up you know but i also believe that part of this has to do with manufacturing a crisis or manufacturing a Market Challenge in order for the industry to bolster d their profits which is sadly what they tend to do and this is an industry too by the way thats dependent on government subsidies to the tune of billions of dollars every year in order to produce meat milk and eggs and to sell those to consumers it well below what they should be costing now you save a covert 19 didnt break the food system in america rather it expose systematic weaknesses what are those witnesses that got exposed. I think one of the most obvious problems is just how inflexible our system is where you have animals being raised by the billions you have people who own farms but theyre actually indentured servants on their own land they dont control their own destinies and theyre all part of this machinery and when you have slaughterhouses that are forced to shut down because of coronavirus you then have disruptions in the supply chain which has led to disasters for farmers disasters for animals millions of ants who have been killed and disposed of in some cases with wood chippers in some cases theyre being buried alive and so this is a system that is inefficient fundamentally and its one that depends on government subsidies and i think we need to move towards a more diversified Community Oriented food system which will be much more resilient and making food more accessible to people in a healthier more Sustainable Way now how much meat and dairy do we produce in the United States and how much do these industries get subsidized public funded number a lot on it yet these industries produce way too much meat way too much gary in fact we have less of these products in storage and were spending money to build more storage instead of changing the supply side of things and and they get billions of dollars every year there was a study that came out a couple years ago talking about how over 70 percent of dairy industry income was from Government Programs now thats just not sustainable but unfortunately its been the case for many years agribusiness is very entrenched in washington d. C. And in state capitals and they have been very good at what they call farming the government so im hopeful that this whole disaster with the coronavirus and the pain that farmers and people are experiencing will cause us to rethink our entire for. System and move away from this industrial consolidated busy model which is very government dependent towards a more diversified market based consumer oriented and Community Oriented food system than towards eating plants instead of animal products so it. Now Animal Welfare groups say slaughterhouses i review may do any methods of euthanasia spare the animals from suffering. Well unfortunately in light of the coronavirus where there have been millions of animals killed the industry has tended to do it in the way that is the most convenient and in some cases this means turning the heat and turning off the ventilators and having animals basically berm to die of overheating and its horrendous to consider but any way of killing animals when its not necessary i think is cruel and even its lauder houses when theyre working at their best are still killing animals in very violent ways and while that may be less bad than burning them alive none of these is very ideal and if we can live well without harming and abusing other animals i think that thats something we should seriously think about doing piggybacking on that restaurant some fad food fast excuse me fast food franchisors now offered no meat burgers another vegetarian option what kind of difference an impact do you think this will have on Climate Change if we start eating less meat the more vegetables i think that eating less meat and more plant food is very good for the climate Animal Agriculture is one of the top contributors to the most significant environmental threats were facing including the loss of biodiversity including the Climate Crisis so shifting out and eating plant based burgers instead of meat burgers is a very positive thing that everybody. Well ill tell ya i had a california burger out there in los angeles about 6 months ago or more when i was there there was the best california burger id ever had in the base of it was pews i guess there was no meat in it at all it was terrific now humans need protein there survive can we really feed everyone through plant life absolutely we can actually feed more people with less land in fewer resources through plant based agriculture in the United States today 10 times more land is used to grow food to feed farm animals than is used to grow food to feed people if we shifted to eating plants instead of animals we would use of a lot less land a lot less resources and also you can get all the protein you need through plant based food so yes absolutely we can feed everybody in a healthier more efficient way and a more humane way as well by eating plants instead of animals final question since a work culture is largely subsidized by the government what actions would you like to see Congress Take and worked on to change our food supply systems and i think that in washington d. C. And in other places where policies are being discussed there needs to be a recognition of the harm caused by our Current System and also a recognition of the waste of and how inefficient it is to be subsidizing this meat dairy and egg food system and to start getting money to smaller farms or Community Oriented farms instead of these Large Industrial operations and support local plant based agriculture farmers markets Community Supported agriculture problems those types of things instead of the industrial model and i think consumers also we vote with our dollars every time we purchase food so to start using more plant few more plant foods and getting away from factory farm animal products especially. Thank you june author an actress activist i should sit jean baur again thank you very much for an insiders perspective on our food situation in the United States thank you jay. Thank you really enjoy. The war. Lets turn to the viewer as we ask people on social media should be corona virus vaccine be free to all americans so we can put an end to the pandemic. Alex says of course it should be health care is a right not only for people who can afford to get it it should be distributed to those who need it most at risk groups 1st and then in a fair way to the rest of the population perhaps by birthday jesse i agree you know this is a pandemic this is affecting everyone it knows no Political Party it knows no borders it knows not rich not poor this is a pandemic that could affect every one of us in this country if not the world so it absolutely should be treated in that aspect completely not in the lives of how much profit can we make to help everybody out jim says yes its despicable that pharmaceutical Companies Want to make loads of money from this take a lesson from dr suck he did not patent his polio vaccine and did not make money off of it saying that it belongs to humanity. That is terrific yeah saw the man who cured and found a vaccine for polio knew that it was good for humanity he did want to profit off it unfortunately we dont live in those days today and we dont have anybody like saul to come forward and do it for the good a man thats dead on right there this should not be for profit this is for survival. Thanks for watching send us your comments on facebook and twitter for a chance to be featured next week as always will be covering more stories ignored by the Corporate Media and as always remember when the government lawyers the truth becomes a traitor stay vigilant especially in afghanistan. The war. You cannot be both with yet you like. Russia never really done this hoax has a life of its own also the Foreign Policy one mobilizes around 00. So we lose the sinners are. Going to memphis looked up the. Number. Of those who just cant stand for whatever they think they didnt hear that oh. Im talking about is a very International Community. Meeting yesterday the trick is. If. You just feel the kids who get this close up study says they need to new orleans east. President bush but the good news from the brazil so there are new calls for cooperation in antarctica is everything to do with the stability with just one post to deal with the bush review of the of the. 5 behave i would affect all day but i decided not to take this life. With my god cant tell you that. God no team no crowd. No shots no. Action belts be. Going away strap no purse to a. Point show your thirst for action. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate transitions to sustainable transport sustainability stay number man up to more equitable and sustainable well. They claim their production is completely harmless god does need the telling of. The big one to let god into compass numbers and putting it into something Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something ill just want any minute i need money to steep mountains to the moon and you missed me didnt want any man and im stunting then the best im an undisputable to superman and. Welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. Looking forward to years thats me down. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain dont just. Watch kaiser report. This is a boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss in washington coming up a group of scientists are now pushing the w. H. O. To take more seriously the idea of covert 19 airports spread we break down the calls and how markets are faring amid the ongoing economic turmoil plus chinese tensions with the west are on the rise as the United Kingdom is targeting wall ways equipment in the nations of development