Running for the white house with the likes of the law must throwing his support behind a. Very good morning is just on the 11 oclock here in moscow you watching r. T. International now 180 migrants on board a rescue ship will finally get to disembark today in sicily that are. Both previously denied the ocean viking the right to dock sparking outrage among those on board. Well this has been an ongoing situation with the standoff for over a week now between Ocean Floyd King this is a vessel thats run by s. A whistle mediterranean a charge in isolation and the new governments when theyve been trying to dont get several ports in countries such as its in the in also molto but have been keeping that refusal on each time now as a result of that tensions have been rising on board and there have been threats of physical violence from the bikers to the flu stuff when this over as swiss mediterranean there have also been flights that have been breaking out on board and when to stand up to 6 people have attempted to take their own life is out of sheer desperation to just what sounds like one of the rooster do you think you could also be imagined that now there were 180 migrant so cool 25 of those we understand were on the top of the mine is many of those unaccompanied minors one pregnant women of the majority of the people both of them just a star in eritrea and nigeria they were attempting to make that forcing at the end of june several different vessels before they were rescued by a ship fighting the many. Would desperately trying to get to make a phone call home to say to mom dad or to a friend we made it to europe we are safe and the crew and so were so over the ocean viking this is the members of s. O. S. Mediterranean say they have never seen it this bad. Weve been doing this for 4 and a half years now bringing people always to a safe place but this is the 1st time the 1st time in 4 and a half years theres been anything like this well the doctors on board for us u. S. Military need to talk about the severe psychological distress that the migrants are being going through for being on board that you so often refuse are being able to go there was apparently off the italians at the telephone number for a psychologist but that made you can i say she just read saying you know that just didnt cut the mustard and after that rejection after rejection as u. S. Mediterranean this hit out what it sees is being negligent. The unnecessary delay of this disembarkation has put lives at risk throughout the days the e. U. Has kept silent. We have not seen any michoud have to restart the mall to agreements for relocating rescued people there has been no sign of solidarity with coastal states well italy has finally call in a loud ocean viking dock at one of its ports we understand that 900. 00 tests are being carried out on those on board and that they will be transferred to a quarantine vessel but we understand that they will remain for days no place of course is not the 1st time weve seen the standoff with my vessels and its really its easy country that since around 2015 has been a major destination for my kids one of the easiest countries to get to forcing africa and some of them just its just they are running we have 15 minute with 2 sides of his car and if its in the schools many tensions it to be his place to ride out to help you on many occasions saying we just overstretched the. Other countries in the south that touched the mediterranean saying that they just needed more help and that the rules of the dublin. First country that a migrant goes into the country they must apply for asylum and has really come down and been problematic many people feel that this standoff could be the 1st of many that we may see over the coming weeks and months as the Summer Season which means the weather is better and crossings easier meaning they will tend to make that forcing just to let you know were going to move the hundreds and thousands will be tempted me also will be 1. 100. Lights and many people expecting that this would be the 1st of another difficult summer. Seanad to be reporting that we talked to independent journalists and also power messer a Senior Advocacy advisor at the Norwegian Refugee Council both believe that the situation does raise crucial questions over refugees coming to italy. Question by the same burgeon seal the ship going to you is it possible to trust the n. G. O. S that goes to call a obese people off the coast of libya or of tunisia and brings them to tell me what they say are we have big problems that see what these people will need to disembark that may be so kate as true and the problem of italy is that john after the episode of salvini and ole guy that are ousted out of government and replaced by the center left party of money or n. C. They want to allow these people to commend but there are still ill at ease where the fact that of course it helps matteo sell baby for a comeback at the next elections south and he says we have had so many that stayed in italy that its impossible we can have the whole world coming to italy to that of via italy and that these people should be sent back and thats an argument which is quite valid and the italian population follows it International Maritime lul is the syfy clete say that you have to open up your pool for people to come ashore with any without immediately so this is what should have happened at the italian concerns should be seen and recognized by more European Countries to come to their assistance both in the search and rescue but. To taking some of the migrants and refugees to their own country 2nd we are ripples in particular medical times specially so for it to eat with the core with 9000 virus so minds are being concerned about that still that this not just a fun that you dont mind people a lot of people to come ashore. Now the case please watch dogs. The case in the case of the stop and search where police mashed the car window of a black man after they wrongfully accused him of drug possession ironically the man in question was driving home from a t. V. Interview he had given just given about his experience with institutionalized racism specifically about being stopped for searches his footage of the incident filmed by the man himself. Make sure not uncle who were. There last night. After coming from a channel 4 into the specifically talking about getting stopped by the police live. Above wait on an interview without start just to check my phone or fixation just. Held up the traffic just stop me. And implied i was putting things in my waist just as i saw that clearly there wasnt anything there it was there was no drugs this limit ever that drugs in my life never. Did any illegal. The video footage is clear to all under windows smashed my hands were up i did not was it any point and yes something that. Does go through my head a lot. Evilness the Police Feared was an hour. For me but i was. Well in response a Police Spokesperson to claim that the man had been detained after failing to comply with their actions from officers the commander of the police force in question asked for the public to report any similar cases now this incident has come a year since police in england and wales were given powers to randomly search people in order to fight knife crime critics they have always said that the policy created more opportunities for racial profiling according to activists black people are 9 times more likely now to be stopped compared to white people they also claim to the changes made it more difficult to hold officers accountable ryan calico again believes that the criticism is justified. Every my notice are more likely to be chanted by Police Forces in the case. Then anyone to a certain native heritage suffering of experience personally ive experienced it with that weight it extensively sometimes and i know a lot of people give me similar stories that resonate with it is a reason why everyones complain about this because you got to see that not everyone carries in and not everyone carries any sort of weapon and reasonably in about this is more so than the manner that they treat it well in the search so yeah i think when she says im not. Trying to look like an athlete my loyalties are very much thats. The american rapper kanye west has announced that he swapping pop for politics by entering the race for the white house if so it would put him no against his long standing buddy donald trump however the music star has already missed deadlines in many states although that said it hasnt stopped some high profile figures throwing their support behind him. We appreciate it very much jim apple for kids are just as bright and just as challenged white kids in jims defense ive traveled with him and watched him hes a diligent reporter has lost a lot of the right hand of yours either. Joe who knows her leaned forward and whispered some encouragement telling her that she was doing great. Well. Keep doing. So. You know people expect that if youre black you have democrat. College dropout kind. Of thing this kind. Of thing see even he even he thinks that i dont think he has any chance the man is a narcissist and has no idea how hard the member works hes an idiot even by running well just contributes to the whole surface temperature is not in the right position to be president. Will be another job like donald trump i have to root for kanye right now because of. How does the want to go against the grain right now dont think he knows what hes doing is a little nuts and i think this is all a p. R. Stunt crazier things have happened so i think it is a better chance seriously its a mistake start to use now. What is a kind of west point offered nothing its not going to offer anything additional the only thing you will do is well split the vote for democrats the people who are on the conservative side either vote because theyre not going to vote for kind he was he might attract the youthful but the youth vote has never and i would say probably will never turn out to be such a large influence on the election somebody in my age group of 14 over theyre not going to vote for kanye this and that out of any animosity towards him but looking at what will he actually be a car able to come out. So comfy a russian Design Studio has been throwing attention for its unusual work even more so when it turns out its a this is no human involvement you have look at this story just off the bridge. So something seems wrong but i will just tell all. The world that is yet to shape out just to pick up the ticket and gain from it because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we just to look for common ground. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by those words. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. Welcome back with r. T. Now a Design Studio here in moscow is creating quite a stir for its Creative Work and something of a cult following has built up for its ability to produce eye catching logos for businesses but it does turn out that its not an employee with a flair for innovation but is actually responsible one quarter expects. Here in moscow the name nikolai has been catching the attention of many his original and Creative Business logos have brought many satisfied customers to the r. To me live bit of studio here but mr rowan of has a secret one that no patron has been able to pick up on thats the fact that hes actually an advanced Artificial Intelligence living right here. Many it might seem like Science Fiction but in russia its just science and today were going to find out how it all works this is the art director at the studio so dave nice to meet you thanks for giving us the interview mr video so take us on the floor. Stands for. And these emphasizes the artificial nature of personality he is the lead designer of this you know and you can actually find he has sport trait among. Human designers for us to do. Our website lets him mention that you need the logo for your business and all you have to do is just describe your company in text and send this text to when you collide and just within seconds he will come up with an unlimited amount of different Design Concepts while rumor has it our team needs a new logo so could we take him for a test drive and see what he could produce for us lets go with their start of the new projects lets start our he. Placed his description. And here you are while i like that one. Mr owen of his no doubt a talented designer perhaps a little too talented for us humans interested in entering the design field of the future there could be some stiff competition to contend with especially with plans to expand nikolais responsibilities of the Company Already in the works when you see that just several 100 lines of cold over perform your design career a lot of serious question start popping up like what is my real value for abuse this what do i have to do today to stay relevant to morrow we use the call i in the studio its an unlimited source of new ideas like fresh ideas hes not afraid of anyone he just he just creates logos like an unlimited amount of logos we teach him he was styles we show him you things for human culture in order to teach him how to create you and your images but but i have to say that with nikolai you dont need it is sign or but you do need an art director some person who will. Choose the right option from the millions available russias nicholai run of seems to be the cutting edge of modern Artificial Intelligence for now hes one of a kind but who knows how many others will follow in his footsteps. Now while green energy is being hailed as the only way forward to save our planet it does turn the producing it actually has some major flaws to a new report by an international n. G. O. S who claims that the process of Green Energy Production hugely violates human rights and hawkins expect. We all know the score with any of you companies fossil fuels is so last century green energy is the way forward its good for the planet and whats good for earth must be good for people right well it sounds out green as you companies can face the same challenges and be guilty of the same controller sees as their dirty cousins you cues that misconduct around the world of facts the business of human rights the source sense identified nearly 200 other gay sions of abuses relating to Renewable Energy projects just over the last 10 years the results of the benchmarks suggest that none of the Companies Analyzed the currently fully meeting their responsibility to respect human rights as defined by the un Guiding Principles list does sound so whos behind some of those cases e. D. S. Electricity to france a lot of french states are company one of the biggest the europe they claim their main result is no less than saving the planet and improving peoples well being you know mr on that how many common shampooing that are questions of backgammon and any christian to a fair hosty place like this possibility so sad if you are not there look at this on the day when everyone is happy about that change one of the genus group of mexico is taking e. T. F. To court accusing them of misleading the locals in an attempt to get approval for their windfall project. But yes this is a great source of concern and unfortunately these Companies Continue coming here they keep lying and harassing the indigenous communities the very same communities that make an effort to conserve Natural Resource says with this we see how easy it is for all that to be destroyed in norway a states own ends you company planned a wind farm in an area called stuck on the west coast of the country. Again locals the vision. Community who rely heavily on dia grazing for their livelihoods were up in arms. Our remaining grazing land is being taken away from us bit by bit a huge wind farm has to be built it will destroy the pasture we need for a reindeer in winter even the un got involves back in 28. 00 c. They asked will wait to suspend the project examine the effects it would have on local communities more weight so as to disregard the requests and go ahead anyway after all that is used more important than a few dia after careful consideration the ministry has concluded that there is no basis for stopping the building of the store here Wind Turbines many countries have committed to Carbon Neutrality by 2050 or even earlier to hit those ambitious targets both countries and companies have to act fast and big will have to ensure they dont turn from heroes civilians as they go about their mission of saving the planet. And hawkins reporting that brings you up to date for this adam forget there are plenty of stories for you to as ever at our website at r. T. Dot com. We go to work. Straight home. Time after time called parisian to repeat the same mantra sustainability very important its accelerated transitions to sustainable transport sustainability stay number man out to more equitable and sustainable well. They claim that production is completely hamas dissolute the. Leave it to congress numbers and not to do this on the books on Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is again ill just let the point any minute i mean look. This is the moves of news limited one time human and einstein seemed to be based on that understood little superman and. Some rumors assumed proceed through shes going to become criticism from the. Good you. Have of those who just go for uploaded to get in your kill that oh. Im talking about is a very international community. Meeting yesterday or the trip were going to for. You just look at those who confess to slow slow slow you need to eat. Those who pushed them but they were good to stoop to brazil so their Nuclear Cooperation in antarctica is everything the future stability will it good for both to do with the above the. 5 i have i was affected all day but i decided not to take this life. With my goddamn tell you that. One else truths seem wrong. But old roles just dont hold. Any new world to me yet to shape our disdain to come to educate and indeed from an equal betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when you choose to look for common ground. Hello and welcome to cross talk for all things are considered im Peter Lavelle russia gave will it ever really die this hoax has a life of its own also the Foreign Policy blog mobilizes around old joe. Ross talking this and more im joined by my guest Marcus Papadopoulos in london is the editor of politics 1st magazine and in budapest we have George Samuel he is author of bombs for peace natos humanitarian war on yugoslavia our gentlemen crossed up rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate ok lets 1st go to budapest ga i dont know what interation of russia gate were in right now but again we have a hoax that is evidence free anonymous source the media ran with it of course the political opposition the United States democrats they ran with it. And if lots but i suppose most people that heard a conspiracy the version of that Conspiracy Theory believes its true this is turning into a pattern i must say george yes yes im right be that it is a pattern we have the same cost of carrying. Anonymous intelligence officials we have the democratic. And we have the media and the pattern is exactly the same which is we have a story arise with no evidence. No documentary evidence no one speaking on the red core. And a story that flies in the face of common sense such as you know why would the taliban want to kill americans when americans are withdrawing from afghanistan. Why would the russians want to kill americans when the United States is doing what russia wants it to do which is to withdraw from afghanistan. And you know this common sense notions fly out of the window and instead were onto the road of thats due to be stupid media story of what did the president know and when did he know it so the media assumes something is true and from going from if its true what does this mean about relations with both at the same yes yes it is true and whats going to do about it what is he going to do is put it so its exactly the same the same crap was before and and the consequences are already apparent because we now have the house of representatives that is tabling an amendment to the National Defense authorization act centric preventing any u. S. Withdrawal from afghanistan unless the Us Government can prove the negative which and thats russians are not assassinating americans well how do you to prove that you can prove a negative but thats it the Mission Accomplished no american withdrawal there marcus also dad

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