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Assess the damage that the coronavirus is doing to the native American Population there are 574 federally recognized tribes that means theres 574 tribes in the United States has a government to government relationship with and most Public Health care facilities are not checking the box or understanding often who they are serving when it comes to coronavirus so we dont have all the numbers we do know that the Indian Health service most of those Indian Health Service Locations are within tribal lands and tribal reservations and those numbers are clear there is getting close to 18000. 00 cases a coronavirus out of about 233. 1000 individuals who have been tested but testing is the amount of testing that is being given to Indian Health service has been very low in fact ive just recently heard. Donald trump mention that indian should be happy with what theyve gotten so far in fact he sent 250 tests to the Indian Health service 502500 yes just to be clear this is in the context of some statistics that weve got that in arizona 16 percent of. The coronavirus deaths in arizona are Indigenous Peoples while there are only 6 was of the population new mexico greater than a 3rd with only 10 percent how many state Health Departments are actually recording Indigenous Peoples deaths than of actions and we dont know that information we just dont know there hasnt there is not a National Consensus or National Policy on how the native americans are counted in various Health Centers or hospitals so we rely on relationships between local hospitals and medical centers and the tribal governments that reside in close proximity and usually about dr Community Members most Indigenous Peoples i understand live in new york or los angeles so we dont have anything on the predisposition as a disproportionate outcomes for Indigenous People in those urban centers. Not too well no and again it is because most urban natives. Are reliant on the local l. Service and if the local Health Services arent maintaining those statistics. And oftentimes those Health Service workers are looking at what they see and making a unilateral determination on who they are serving so often times they dont even consult about race and they market themselves or theres only a box called other and often times we dont even get to count ourselves as a being of history miscategorized they should leave before coronavirus. Yeah if you want to get in a talking about 2 to 500 years of history there is absolutely and completely misunderstanding of native americans are how i really meant miscategorized nation aziz by Health Services but yes i did and i was told trump says hes giving 8000000000. 00 to Indigenous People it was trumped a lot of bombers i did 21000. 00 executive orders stop wishing a toss was a physical safety it was complemented by Navajo Nation Vice President myron lizer he signed 3 bill supporting spokanes tribes funding indigenous language recognizing the little show dr has only been much better than obama. Oh i would have to say absolutely not. And im happy to go over those those points individually that 8000000000. 00 that tribes received from congress out of the care act originally the Trump Administration did not want any funding going to tribes it all it was congress that made that a 1000000. 00 appropriation to try and finish that 8000000. 00 corporation was made. Leadership in the white house has just been a horrible job and getting it subtribes its taken 2 months to get any funding to drive when it was supposed to have been done within 30 days there are leader in the assistant Secretaries Office or Indian Affairs and trumpet administration actually was trying to appropriate funding for. Alaska native corporations which are not tribal governments and she happened to be a shareholder of one of those alaska native corporations and her husband in the lobbyist for another one so theres been a lot of controversy around the funding that its going to try that of this care the money and even how to trial population are counted by the Treasury Department has been horrendous and theres a Current Court case and just. Got filed about that well we invite those involved in the alaskan situation to go on and maybe refute any allegations of corruption obviously but is this incompetence or by design resume we are not saying the why does once a completely wipe out Indigenous Peoples as has been attempted by successive generations of white americans. Since the trust since trump was. In office since 2016 you have been working to diminish tribal powers hes eliminated consultation rights that tribes have environmental legislation and the ability for us to protect our secrete sites and Cultural Resources he has eliminated making water act. And air pollution. Legislation that we have particular express rights in those less pieces of legislation he has diminished. Bears ears and. Other National Monuments that tribes have worked hard to comanaged and protect from oil and gas industry and other exploitive industries there have been other rollbacks manger environmental legislation which has not only through tribes from having authority to protect their tribal lands in their tribal waters but also the states so it has been this is not just a tribal indigenous problem this is everyones problem in the United States that these environmental protections are being rolled back what allowances are being made by your members and Indigenous Peoples around the country being made between them and black lives masses because i presume. There were aware of the talk of hondas quotes of a. New policy of 10 years in jail ie once for removing under jackson statues you might have to explain the history of 100 jackson the Indigenous Peoples and the fact that they ought to each eyes were likely to be killed by police in the United States right right so Andrew Jackson a president in the 18 twentys and thirtys was not our friend in attacks in past the indian removal act all which. Removed many tribes that were in the eastern part of the United States to oklahoma indian territory and allow for colonists and others to take over our homelands and its a historic situation i know youve been talking about tomahawk cruise missiles you want the name change because they are being dropped on yemen the worlds worst humanitarian crisis native americans go invisible and in our. Our involvement in United States and World History is absolutely ignored so the fact that. We have young men and women there being murdered by Police Officers around Indian Country going unnoticed is nothing new now we dont want to take anything away from black lives matter in fact we want to add our voices to that. All black and brown people should have their human rights to have Police Reform that supports. Less violence against our people but part of the issue here is that were not educated in the general public that native americans even exist today the fact that theres 5574 federally recognized tribes throughout the United States who are completely diverse from one another who have lent their own languages their cultures their religious practices and the way in which they interact internally with her own tribal governments and with the United States and the states that they reside in all of that is unique in diverse and most of us have no idea about this part of u. S. History and current culture thats a part of what makes America Great because elites in power will say you have a vote in november but i understand that it is just peoples offload of residential addresses amongst the communities tell me about the voter id and how its going to affect Indigenous Peoples voices this november right there have been in many states and again its diverse in many states in north and south dakota there have been laws. Asked where voter must have a physical address they cannot use a keogh box but many native americans in Indian Country are very rural and do not have physical address so theyre there and able to vote there are organizations working to protect native american rights to vote across the country and its a mad imagine its different in every state of the United States as far as those state laws and the bill their ability to assert their rights about you see would it make any difference anyway ive never heard joe biden say anything about leather belt ga part of his life is in in danger according to Amnesty International from coronaviruses jailed in florida the socalled indigenous the political prisoner he didnt he was in free joining obama when you were advising the bomber mistress no he wasnt any he hasnt been in in many president ial. Terms were hoping that he can get. Released in this term by President Trump in fact congress in particular congresswoman holland who is from the state of new mexico and is and is in a cell has asked for that pardon and having him released since he is in a vulnerable population a lot from thank you. Thank you after the bright was delayed could make that sex offender to find and see a jeffrey have seen a useful idiot for the israeli state former israeli spy arriba naturally had links between a paedophile celebrity shreds all of them all going off about to have going underground. Welcome to mexico as are financial survival guide. Looking forward to a year thats without. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain delegates. Watch has a report. About. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. We go to work. Straight home. Welcome back on wednesdays early Prime Minister many men that meow defacto back to the hilt by President Trumps deal of the century is set to push ahead with further illegal antics ations of palestines occupied west bank but as Boris Johnsons britain sells record amounts of arms to israel is the royal connection former israeli spy ari ben menasha who worked for Robert Maxwell the late disgraced british tabloid daily mirror owner joins me now via skype from montreal in canada arie thanks for coming on i said israeli spy goes israel denies you are a spy despite the u. S. Jury verdict that you acted for israel tell me about being a spy and why when you talk about geopolitics youre not fearful more fearful of assassination a living then and then. I wrote a book. Theyre. Going to rest of course its a book that came out some years ago now Geoffrey Epstein is dead now guillen maxwell there are reports hes in paris you maintain that it was your employer Robert Maxwell owner of the daily mirror you say that he was an israeli agent and as was his daughter just not my employer i would like to correct that ok we work together. And you say that is do it again lane also though work for israel and it was Robert Maxwell who introduced Geoffrey Epstein to guillen maxwell way before the 1990 s. As Mainstream Media is reporting correct. Mr epstein was introduced to miss bax well probably so time and a. T. C. Mr maxwell also thought it might. Be introducing. A fellow to date is it tried to do favors. Current or are. They saying. d a match ok and that didnt really quite work out i suppose what the most alarming allegations of youve been making are that the entire epstein operation was a honeytrap operation to entrap politicians policy makers celebrities people in the movie i basically to become israels assets correct that it became man may simply an intelligence operation to entrap different cult to shoot. Tell me about what evidence you have for this at this point is that this is all i can say that thats what and thats what it was because of because the Mainstream Media narrative is we dont know about you know in maxwell she denies all wrongdoing and basically epstein was a paedophile and was a successful banker he made lots of money and he was a criminal paedophile and he died in a jail awaiting justice thats the story nothing to do with nothing to do with the Israeli Military intelligence nothing to do with israel yet they were they wouldnt deny that thats a real bad story in there went the night but she was kurtz great with this release by Robert Maxwell of. A military intelligence and. Started to working for them i mean im joined here as ambassador london would deny that over here obviously Prince Andrew is a big story because hes supposed to be the queens favorite son what what do you think sandras are there for in story this of Prince Andrew was a. Black man and it was being used as a useful idiots and it was bringing in some celebrities to get whacked though i cant ask you for your sources but when when things have been written about this. It would barak has been named as part of this operation tell me about whether you think barak would have been aware of these operations well anyone to the right was sir at some point held up a military intelligence in this room. And. He apparently was very friendly were in and. You probably were to the problem area with your accusations and allegations are that youre not providing any evidence that israel was part of running Jeffrey Epstein well again again maxwells work in progress where the epstein was working for maxwell at the time and he was and cheers to maxwells daughter and they were introduced. How how much for evidence i think cannot. Give you photos of them working or is fairly intelligent this was all written the problem areas that youre making these allegations without any evidence other than circumstantial evidence argument that is israel is all thats fine. I was asked im giving you my take on so what do you think about babsons death lot of people suspicious about it although it was ruled a suicide by new yorks chief medical examiner despite epsteins brother alleging it was murder i was in that facility exactly that it would almost be in possible to commit suicide there unless here you had outside now im not alleging that black cuba has anything to do at this what do you know about black cube the private Israeli Intelligence company which is reputedly been hired to intimidate people. Chasing down the. Epstein story i was not. And the Television Service of this time i really cant comment or do you think when you heard the news that epstein had apparently committed suicide did you see any echoes of your former colleague the disgraced daily mirror proprietor Robert Maxwell when he died on his boat yeah i certain i said that to a colleague i said 1st maxwell their eyes the way the eyes and now the sky. But no one saying that israel killed their agent Robert Maxwell that after all you has you said you allege of a maxwell was an israeli agent as well if he has he were prayer with a sermon. Who knew who to kill roma maxwell wow and then. Other times he was in real trouble over. The Pension Funds the British Police were about to enter us. Over our. Country on funds from and israelis we were terrified that once his or us. Tell a story. See what surprises me when you say that theres no evidence you can give me to. Suggest even that israel was behind epsteins in tack area it was none other than alex acosta trumps now resigned labor or a secretary who said when he was in charge of the plea deal over epstein he said he belonged to intelligence what do you think he caused america and the rest is in theirs. Is the real. Goes back about 10 years ago. It was a very straight and general and still. Surprising for him and was accused of abusing young girls it was a very surprising d. So i suppose some of the was how pick somebody was behind him help and get out of. Real trouble but when trumps former labor secretary acosta says he belonged to intelligence you think he means Israeli Intelligence not u. S. Intelligence correct i think he came and is fairly 2 starts right here allegations about involvement in a blackmail plot i mean do you think that ironically the rape survivor ravage in iraq joe a friend signed epsteins death death warrant when she filed suit i believe i believe thats what may told my very haphazard chill and as if this lawsuit. Would have been a lot of revelations and everyone from. The its easy you run a big lobbying firm now dickens and madson the companies in the news at the moment because of whats happening in libya what do you know of general hafta whos a fortunes rise and wane depending on the battles in libya where of course britain bombed i believe that. They strayed government of libya. Should. Get rid of them and try to form a Transitional Government with some elements of tripoli not so dodge he had a former British Ambassador to libya told us. Things were not going swimmingly but the un recognized government in libya is the one to support and thats the one that will win in the end you dont think so i dont think so i dont think so but i think there has to be a government. A compromise government between the 2 sides because theyre both pretty powerful elements in libya and the general has really has to go and so so those mr so because theyre both very. Very stubborn all they care about it all they care about is themselves being the talk you dont think general half there is still a cia asset but no i dont think he is or if he was in the past i dont think he is right now what my understanding was that he was being helped by various countries and. Hes just to start where americans are to deal with any news on safeguard afy some say he could unite libya i just all. Because of his name. Outside their world except them like him because of this man and he has i. C. C. Charges against them and then inside libya there say we were we have been fighting for 9 years you will go back to the same way we started to what it just finally trump wants to sanction anyone doing business with the i. C. C. Trump seems to be in favor of these really haneke sanctions planned this week what do you think the palestinians reaction to further an accession of the west bank will. I dont know about our Spooner Lampson but. This and expansion is making. More and and i asked not to rest and that its i worry that israelis have or i genuinely called for a 2 state solution as. Accident as outlined in the us follow agreements 30 years ago when they should honor exact agreement i. B. M. And i should thank you. Thats it for the show will be back on wednesday on the 18 Year Anniversary of the establishment of the i. C. C. Now sanctioned by the us president told trump for daring to open an investigation to u. S. War crimes in afghanistan until then push on to join the underground a huge upset about Instagram Twitter and facebook. Ah no t. V. No crowd. No shots no. Action just felt my. Window was dry no arrests one. Points your thirst for action. What is the meaning in worth of history why are there are those so determined to destroy cultural artifacts and rewrite history and so their understanding of history a true and dispassionate understanding of history is really about 2 things reverence and a warning the culture side we are witnessing rejects wolf idea its. My im going to be. My. Well coming up us from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. The english city of leicester could face a local long down by Central Government a meeting a surge in the number of coronavirus faces but the message out of the lack of communication and question whether westminster has the power to do is we hear from a pub landlord and a local councillor. The statistics watchdog reveals that male care workers are more than twice as likely to die from coronavirus than the rest of the Adult Population a care home Charity Campaigner tells us the government needs to be held to. The questions were going to put to. The Prime Minister to make inquiry because you know nobody is screaming about this massive human rights abuse. To you and say that you have not been for going to. Have been forgotten its been forgotten. Small Business Owners say the u. K. Chancellor has reneged on promises that the sector will not be forgotten during the coronavirus and dont make we hear from the Campaign Organizers and only talking to a Business Owner. Do you cage him owner considers taking legal action against the government after the Fitness Industry was barred from the july the 4th reopening. The u. K. Government couldnt force a 2 week lock down in the city of leicester after a surge in the number of coronavirus cases but the mayor of leicester says he hasnt been shown the evidence to back it up dismissing the latest report as hastily cobbled together and now the key announcement expected from the Health Secretary has been delayed until later this monday. To ever start he joins me for more on this so shout out the governments they might be imposing a local law. Yes i. Absolutely and we were expecting the Health Secretary to update the house of commons and the country on whether or not the government would be imposing and pushing ahead by announcing a local lockdown of the area of leicester or at least explaining how the government might handle local lock downs in general but that statement has been delayed by a few hours till 915. 00 this evening local time instead right now the Cabinet Meeting to plan ahead of whats to come next all of this does come as lest it is seen to be potentially the one to be the one in local lockdown and enter into a new 2 weeks phase of pushing ahead with a knock down measures are way ahead of the rest of the u. K. As the rest of england is now going into another phase of lifting the lockdown measures by opening pubs bars and restaurants and of course reducing that social distancing measure of 2 meters by up to one meter now all of this comes as the city has recorded 866 extra cases of the coronavirus in just a 2 week period up until june the 23rd and that actually equates to around 5 percent of the u. K. Wide total in one area alone now as part of a tactic to try and reduce the our number the government has presented medical experts and science textbooks to help the officials in the leicester area to try and assess where the hotspots are and try and see where were coming out with the flare ups in the area so 5 schools have now closed once again after opening in june juta the outbreaks according to reports theres also been an outbreak out a supermarket as well as a Large Production factory but also there are fears that the virus is spreading through the citys large Asian Community particularly in situations where people are living in multigenerational homes meanwhile then the mayor of leicester doesnt agree with any of these assessments in fact hes particularly angry and frustrated with Central Government. He and his officials were supposed to be meeting with the government but that meeting was pushed back it was supposed to happen this morning however instead he received an email from Central Government suggesting in recommending that the air of leicester positions itself ahead with another 2 week lockdown scenario but that email was not well received by the man im saying we need to be convinced that there is a case for doing that 1st of all that there is Something Special about the spread of the virus in leicester weve had no evidence to that and that if there was to remain restricted for longer than the rest of england that that would actually make a difference to something and theyve made the case that there is something that needs to be done and given any explanation as to why this is the right thing to do the report that weve had from them rigidly acknowledges right at the outset that in fact the results are indeed hiring lester but thats because theyve been doing more testing in leicester. Well this is what the government says as a result of the program of test tracing to try and identify where an outbreak is and then put measures in place to do something about it so this is where the governments headed really by looking at the analysis of the leicester area but it also suggests and is quite indicative of what the government sees fit in terms of looking at areas up and down the country and seeing whether they may or may not have to impose other local knock downs across the country and it all comes as the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed his concerns about the our number once again and says that the u. K. Is now out of the words when it comes to the coronavirus just yet. We are concerned about lester were concerned about any local break and i want to stress to people that you know we are not out of the woods yet its very important you know were making these these cautious calibrated steps. As much of hospitality as we can on on july the 4th they be as much of the economy as we can so we need to have local lockdowns and local. Whack a mole strategies where thats necessary its worked in places like west and superman war where weve had outbreaks in g. P. Surgeries in in london. And thats the same approach that will bring to bear in leicester as well so as i say the house secretary about how will be addressing the nation at 915 later on this afternoon but it kind of suggests this delay kind of suggests that there could be a big announcement on the horizon its hard to say after this for a that there would be a u. Turn from the government so we could see a local lockdown in us to within the next few hours but for the rest of the country for any sort of measure put in place it is quite indicative that the government is prepared to put in place a lockdown in any area if we see a spike at any point in time over the next few months here to wait and see isnt it will happen chad thank you very much indeed. Well lesser based liberal democrat councillor Geoffrey Kaufman told me he doesnt believe local lock downs would work in practice unless really locked down is going to include grow to less. Which is outside of the city boundary which is a go to be consulting with less Security Council on transit working a joke. I dont know how people are going to commute and i dont know how youre going to keep a few its a lot of a few streets only going to barricade the people in but if its so it would have to be a wider area than ours and go they seem to be talking about at the moment and as a lot dont you think being east too quickly nationally yes but not only is it being used too quickly nationally the message is that governments are giving out are now confusing people the rules collatz is no somebody took classes up to now i dont know what that means and the people ive been speaking to are confused of the mixed messages those are coming up from government when we were less debased pub landlord alex hilton told me that the priority was the safety of customers but the messaging was very confused we love our pop were really excited to get customers but we dont wanna get close miss it its not going to be safe to do so so if the good with the size of it is right that lesson is going to be extended we were absolutely just support decision because we want people christmas safe just like any good pope would say but we need to know when ill surely stop im certain say theyve become a problem for it because that onyx if they do have a local shut down bacon that closed down just a few businesses not all business that so at least some people can can carry on as normal comic. Yes of course it is this boss of the country that are better at social distancing. From what ive read places like scotland for example of archie cases so theres no reason that you know the response conceptual and delightful shit of the boss the contrary. Ive been a ritual for 3 months. In office this rates have gone down all bills have been going down and we have to throw away other stalls well down almost 3000. Which i can tell you how. Great it not just emotionally will also financially and were not sure what we hope will be a rain ready for this weekend so were not sure. Which i really really dont what state are you actually ready to go sort of right now what other measures have you taken to sort of get everything ready. So we have them fair enjoy been forced out today so we have all the beer in the sense of safety and were going to stuff it must by this scheme or that well put this weekend all the guys to look it up one last and buy just to stuff every single table away all of the Table Service in the whole every site will help until its all the dedicated members stuff through just the white tables the 2nd post believes the old we want people to be safe we want people to feel safe or know that we wouldnt dream of ever in a boat that people didnt feel complete didnt feel safe and. If any of all regulars go ill because we have big calloused. That is working in the u. K. Says social system a far more likely to die from 19 than the rest of the Adult Population thats according to a report by the office for National Statistics which says the sect that was one of the most at risk. And i suspect found that men working in care homes or as home keris were 2 and a half times more likely to die from the virus compared to the average working male while the mortality rate for women working in the sector was twice that of other women the government has been criticized for the lack of personal protective it. Whitman provided for the care system and also for the decision to release elderly residents from hospital back into care homes in the early stages of of the pandemic without having hard coded 19 tests well the government claims this was entirely done on medical advice when meanwhile its estimated that 410000 people are living in adult care in the u. K. In may Health Secretary matt hancock said the government had thrown a protective ring around the sector but data comparing care home deaths in europe puts the u. K. As the 2nd worst performing in protecting residents from the virus well are around a 3rd of the u. K. s known coded houses have been in care homes accounting for over 5 percent of residents thats 13 times higher than in germany which recorded 3 and a half 1000 deaths despite having a care home population twice the size of the u. K. s figures from neighboring island found that over 3 percent of care home residents have died from the disease while in belgium the figure is just below 5 percent and the worst performing in spain was known coven deaths accounting for 6 point one percent and residents were defending its record the u. K. s department of health said its efforts had resulted in the majority of care homes not experiencing an outbreak we have been doing everything we can to ensure care home residents and staff are protected during this unprecedented Global Pandemic every stage of our response has been guided by the latest scientific advice this includes offering whole care home testing and providing additional funding for local services which has resulted in almost 60 percent of our care homes not having an outbreak a tool or the founder of the Charity Compassion in care thats eileen chubb says the government has been ignoring problems in this sector for years. The only reason that this happens is because there is no one to go to who will act i mean if you look at the amount of stars who phrase concerns with the c. Q. Say and then look at the amount if inspections septic in place youll see a massive gap so you know the stuff know the risk they called for help and there was no nothing i told there and no one was listening at all and that is a massive tragedy and there needs to be a full investigation into this because if this was you know in the Public Sector there would be an inquiry and it would be taken more seriously as for Matt Hancocks protective ring. Theres no evidence of that whatsoever it was a deliberate people at risk it wasnt you know you didnt have to have our high i. Q. To realize that putting people cope at 19 into a care home with the most Vulnerable People in society that you would end up with a tragedy if its seeable try johnny i was going to say you would do that calling for an inquiry on this but what do you think the government as you would argue is reluctant to do or do you think that is because i think that we have our into this week 2 boys johnson and well a in our order our concerns and all our evidence and that should be published still friday and believe may the questions were going to put to him. The Prime Minister will make him quite because you know nobody is screaming about this massive human rights abuse and you know we should be all be screaming from the rooftops because to most of our own next year or the year after it could it could be ours and it could be the people we love and we need to we need to fight now and stand up and say this is well known and it needs to start. Coming up after the break. Small Business Owners say the u. K. Chancellor has broken promises to protect them during the covert 19 pandemic to get the reaction of the Campaign Organizer and only talking to a Business Owner. And the u. K. Chairman i guess it is legal action against the governments ban on the reopening of the Fitness Industry. You cant be both with me yeah you like. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person or those. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Welcome back the suspect in the reading knife attack has appeared in court this monday to face charges off the 3 men were killed and several people injured. 25 year old kyras a dollar is facing trial at Westminster Magistrates Court after being charged with 3 counts of murder and 3 counts of attempted murder of a libyan refugee was detained under the terrorism act hes accused of stabbing to death David Wales James furlong and Joseph Ritchie banished and injuring several other people on june the 20th. Small Business Owners say the u. K. Chancellor has when they dont promises that the sector will not be forgotten showing the coronavirus pandemic which is saying that claim that 95 percent of self employed people would be supported but the remaining 5 percent claim its unfair that theyve slipped through the gaps leading to you i say this you have not been forgotten i have been forgotten ive been forgotten we will not let you behind ive been left behind to burn myself to many things alone we all stand together together i am a Small Business owner together we have a virus point 8000000 people who have bought a 3 car. Or government bailouts have been paying 80 percent of employed am self employed workers are incomes of up to 2500. 00 pounds a month for 3 months but there is to set themselves up as companies and to take an income through dividends are not covered and are often unable to access government business grants dividends do attract a lower tax rate than wages but the founder of the forgotten Campaign Says its not that simple initially i understood that there were some complications that meant that you know including limited Company Directors might be more complicated and they were looking for the fastest route from a need to be provided support. But you know were over 3 months in now and i think age must see could easily put something in place to support us realistically though being treating us in the s i s s so the selfemployed incomes whos game but its just really if theres political will to do that i guess what are the reasons that a Business Owner might take a dividend which is the sort of key point at issue here rather than pay themselves a salary. I think predominantly from the feedback of our thousands of members that respond to every day its about agility its about the ability to ensure that their staff are paid 1st and foremost above and beyond themselves because its about him creation employment and protecting you know those are and seasonality on income you know they dont have a flat income every month. Goes up and down and therefore the activity of being able to pay yourself in line with your profits is. Well the government says diffidence arent included in the support package because its not possible to prove whether theyre taken instead of wages or as a return on capital a part of an investment the rules also exclude those who have recently switched to full time self employment also admitted are those who are over 50000. 00 pounds a year and those who make less than 50 percent of their earnings from self employment are also excluded but there are many amongst our group who have received no support at all so it may be that they dont have commercial premises it may be that theyre on a thorough it may be that they run their payroll annually i knew. That was the r. T. I. Submission set up the 19th of march that even if they have a significant salary or p a y e they are unable to claim anything on their part from joining because there are mission was off to the council for whats the worst Case Scenario the worst case situation situation that youve heard of. In all honesty weve had suicides. Weve had people crowd funding to feed their children weve had insolvencies. Im not speaking about my own business clearly i mean within our group of supporters. People have laid off large numbers of star people intend to announce large numbers of star impacts who are not the fellow i knew by the small Business Owners here its the 2000000 emitting companies and the 7 and a half 1000000 people that they employed and its the supply chain of the people that they supply. Home on this im now joined by Business Owner Katherine Rushton catherine thank you for joining us tell us about your situation. I am now one woman by am on a freelance translator and i set up as a limited company because i received a start up grant when i was made redundant some years ago and the condition of that sort of friend was that i had to settle in a company to pay attention. So i received no Government Support im not eligible for the selfemployed income well scheme for obvious reasons is unlimited i am not eligible for a discretionary grant from my local authority because in the postcode where i live they are excellent homework and i wrote our own grounds over councils at the you know sort of Postcode Lottery or to people who do allow him to say could you further yourself. I could if i did that because i take a basic wage and top it up with dividends after ive paid the business and made sure my costs are covered i would receive 575. 00 pounds a month and i would not be able to work so i wouldnt even be able to contact customers to you know to see if i could secure future work and thats just thats not an option for me and there are no government grants that could help here. No absolutely nothing or all my only option is debts and thats what i keep being offered when i write to my m. P. Is you can take a loan you can defer this payment and that bill so literally nothing that im im one pair of hands so i couldnt make up that shortfall Going Forward even if i wanted to or can you understand why the government 6 k. To dividends i mean you cant prove what singer of salary and whats an investment return which the taxpayer wouldnt want to fund can you say that point of a essentially no because but i think what the public needs to understand is that a several Workable Solutions for there some already been put forward and the you know essentially every time this issue is raised the government ignores it and dismisses it so frankly i think more than forgotten i feel misrepresented and ignored because our dividends we report on dividends in our accounts are legal documents they are very friendly want to see they can be verified by our accountants and as forgotten received and the institutes of directors and c and several other institutions are already put to the government there is a straightforward solution to this you can prove how much were taking from the company in dividends and i would also add that we didnt design the h. And r c so who settlement form which is if the coding to the government the reason they cant distinguish and finally i would say that its its really a joke to suggest that the vast majority of small limited Company Directors can afford to invest in other companies and receive investment dividends on top of what they take out of their own company thats where the vast majority of his own a very modest average income or havent you think the government will offer support eventually. I would really like to hope so. You know the Treasury Committee has now called for not just this gap but the all the other gaps to be addressed and discussed properly and i just hope the chancellor will keep his promise. That no one will be left behind and that were all in this together because right now i feel like my livelihood doesnt matter to him and the livelihoods of millions like me so i hope that there will now be some movement and that the treasury will start to offer us some meaningful Financial Support instead of just pointing those tools that a very very brief account if you dont mind you that this campaign will change minds i sincerely hope so thats what were working for and thats what i intend to continue trying to do because i feel that the British Public dont actually understand that we are ordinary hard working people earning an average income at a russian thank you very much indeed for joining us thank you. For u. K. Exercise great jim boxes considering taking legal action against the government after the Fitness Industry was left off the list of businesses allowed to reopen on july the 4th owner mark diaper told me it was unfair that pubs and restaurants were allowed to reopen with no evidence that gyms are any different. This 2 things are the legal side of things that the 1st thing for us is actually about reopening on saturday because were looking at our legal position in terms of the activity if we do it more repercussions will be the 2nd side of things is you know given a hospitality is opened before the fitness sector is whether or not there is a future playing against the government for loss of revenue given has been no evidence or no reasoning reasoning as to why are actually still going to be closed and i think thats probably the key point theres a recent medical study card out of university of oslo which is pretty much true in their own that theres no evidence that hoping that jims leads to the increased shred of credible ira so theres evidence out there or urging the government to do is go look at the evidence to actually review it or give us an answer about why were not opening i think thats the key thing here is lack of communication we are constantly overlooked as an industry because the only country 5000000000 to the economy you know ingrained in the grand scheme of things you know that 5000000000 to put on fatality in hospitals with 100000000000 so it seems like its very very political hit all of those hospitality employees off back into restaurants get the economy going again from that perspective a leave us to suffer or on a saturday pubs restaurants and headdress as in england where that soon reopened the indoor james along with nightclubs and nail salons are still on that prohibited list the Fitness Industry already has picked caning protocols in place and many games have enough space for physical distancing but last week the Prime Minister dismissed attempts to compare the sectors that could open and those that couldnt. Im acutely conscious the people will ask legitimate questions about why certain activities are allowed and others are not and i must ask the house to understand that the virus has no interest in these debates its only in press its only a ambition is to exploit any opportunities to recapture ground that we might carelessly vacate a lot diaper also told me that his teams would implement our Safety Measures and the hospitality sector to protect people weve got measures in place that you know other countries dont have so you can example come to reception of at the hotel to check straight away ok the hospitality sector isnt doing that most of them are doing that we dont have screens at reception have changed the face masks have social distance in areas around the plot you know in pubs or restaurants its a meter or you say sit on a table somebody and after a few days we really think that people associate distance i cant see it happening and also you other thing ive been hearing quite a bit is a bit of a method around when you exercise your excel more and more law to come out the same cultures that come out when you are so unless were going to have bars and restaurants you know the laughing in the eye and i just dont see it as a valid point so i really want to come down here as a reason and and all and open dates we can get into wars because the end of all weve missed the fall now left in limbo and were burning millions and millions d in daily basis at the top of the hour our colleagues from r. T. America will take over from the team here in london to buy. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Seemed wrong all rolled just dont call. Me old yet to shape out just being active. And engaged equals a trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. 0 and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered im people invokes what is the meaning in worth of history why are there are those so determined to destroy cultural artifacts and rewrite history and so their understanding of history a true and just bashing of understanding of history is really about 2 things reverend in a warning the culture side we are witnessing rejects both

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