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12000 previously the trumpet ministration says it could withdraw all forces from the country by next may if the taliban meets all requirements of the deal including severing ties with al qaeda reducing violence and engaging in power sharing talks with the Afghan Government jesse its been nearly 2 decades since the us invaded afghanistan so its well beyond time for our government to end its occupation there well brigitta lets lets go back in history and look how all d this came about 1st ok we were allegedly attacked by Osama Bin Laden on 911. 00 so therefore we had to go there to get him that was without question were going to go get bin laden in afghanistan but that turned out to be a front bush and cheney really wanted to invade iraq that was their ultimate goal afghanistan didnt mean nothing to him they had to do it to satisfy the 911. 00 but then they went after iraq and everybody kind of forgot about afghanistan thats why its been sitting there now for 20 years of guys have been dying over there for 20 years and weve accomplished nothing over there because the whole focus said went to iraq all the mess we got in invading iraq all the aftermath of that mess of invading iraq and were still dealing with all of the today so finally trump is looking at pulling out of afghanistan now why did we go in there in the 1st place lets remember something this. That wars going on there for a 1000 years the russians went in there in the late seventys and early eightys even may pulled out could do nothing but the us ego isnt that way we believed even though the russians failed we could maybe succeed not true these people were war forever why because their religious wars and religious wars go on forever just say when and if the us pulls out of afghanistan the country is going to be left to rebuild after 20 years of conflict now the local Political Landscape will undoubtedly change but theres a long road ahead for the taliban and Afghan Government can agree on how to run the country so what do you imagine is going to happen with the future in afghanistan well unfortunately i should laugh at it but the futures going to stay the same again the wars these are religious wars theyve gone on for thousands of years they will continue to go on unless the religions themself change now good luck on hoping for that because religions dont change so therefore the wars wont change the hostility wont change and the reason theyre fighting wont change and lets also remember too why do we have interest in afghanistan and lets not forget the mineral wealth there theres a tremendous amount of lithium there what is lithium used for every cell phone every computer battery that is an extremely valuable asset thats why everyone has an interest in afghanistan they dont care about the rest of it its about the the im in the mineral wealth there but do i see a change happening in all of a sudden the taliban in the Afghan Government or the missing coombe ayodeji either by the camp fire dont think thats going to happen over the past month several current and former members of the us military have been arrested Authorities Say they all identify with far right movements including the boogaloo and the order of the 9 angels. The boogaloo has been tied to white supremacist beliefs advocating for a 2nd civil war and or calling for an insurrection against the u. S. Government the order of the night angels on the other hand is a see tannic new nazi group that has expressed support for hitler and the Islamic State all right so lets run through some of these cases this week army soldier ethan melzer has been charged after confessing to sharing secret information with the order of the 9 angels in a plot to violently attack and kill members of his own unit while they moved to a different base overseas now in the next case active Duty Air Force Sergeant Steven korea appeared for the 1st time in court this week after being charged with killing a federal Police Officer in oakland and a santa cruz sheriffs deputy korea reportedly carried out these attacks during the George Floyd Protests and allegedly used his own blood to write phrases tied with the google lou movement on the hood of his car and in another incident active duty army reservist. Air force veteran William Loomis and navy vet stephen partial have been arrested on terrorism charges for allegedly conspiring to incite violence during the George Floyd Protests in las vegas the men are accused of making molotov cocktails before heading to the protests but they also allegedly discussed fire bombing a Forest Service the station and an energy station in nevada previously Authorities Say these men self identify as members of the Boogaloo Movement just a year veteran how does it make you feel to see these current and former Service Members carrying out or planning attacks of violence here at home is this just a symptom of our war or culture. Well it may be a symptom it could be a symptom of the war culture basically what it is is complete treason you know obviously they every person that enters the military takes an oath to protect the constitution against all d enemies foreign and domestic while when you wage war against your own country like theyre doing thats obviously a war against the constitution 2 of the United States of america these guys are traitors i think the military needs to start screening better some of the people theyre bringing him but again thats difficult because were an all volunteer Service Today and less than one percent i think its point 05 or something point 5 of a percent actually served in the military in some capacity so its not a popular place to go get a job because the American People generally dont go there its a difficult situation they need bodies and whenever you need bodies you gotta lower standards to get those bodies the president hasnt said anything about labeling members of the boob elim of men as terrorists but he has said that he wants to declare people who identify with the leftist antifascist movement known as anti fat as terrorists and so far no antifascists have yet been charged with crimes by authorities but as youve seen here at least 4000000000 boys have so why is there a difference here well because the Boogaloo Boys are extremely right wing which trump is very right wing im surprised he doesnt come out and call them Freedom Fighters you know that might be a to berman ology where were going to wait to hear but obviously its the difference between the right and the left trump will blame the far left for everything that goes wrong and he remains noticeably silent on the far right its like the thing that happened in carolina when he made the statement there were good people on both sides putting the White Supremacy side. Which ive never met a good white supremacist in my life. In Economic News a new survey by Apartment List finds that 30 percent of americans missed housing payments in june as the country faces record unemployment due to the cove in 1000 pandemic those most likely to miss housing payments include renters young and poor americans and of course people who cant remember work remotely while eviction protections implemented at the beginning of the pandemic are now starting to expire and in july people are scheduled to lose the extra 600. 00 per week in federal Unemployment Benefits unless that program is extended experts now warn of a potential housing apocalypse researchers at Columbia University projects that homelessness could increase 40 to 45 percent this year since homelessness typically correlates with unemployment rates now while poor americans face a looming evictions those with more money see it opportunities in low Mortgage Rates in may sales of brand new Single Family homes surged by over 16 percent from the previous month and 13 percent from a year ago so were seeing a disparity here again with the pandemic between those who dont have money and those who do obviously well what you have is this people with money can actually profit during a time like this because theres going to be cigs daum to help out the poor people lowering Interest Rates giving various programs to another different relief packages that they can now come come up with well the people that are loaded with money they could jump in on their stuff and they could use it to profit imagine if youve got a lot of money and you want to buy a bunch of houses to later ramped look at the rachel get on the interest if you buy up right now so during some boards pandemic someones horribleness you will also get the flip side where certain people were proud its a lot like war you got you got warriors at war that bleed and die. And then you got war profiteers like halliburton and dick cheney that do nothing but profit from war and enjoy the great gifts that war break this is the same very its time for a break when we return just as its done with a Small Business owner to find out how the pandemic is affecting people on main street as big corporations continue to get rich. Looking at here. We go to work so you straight home. Secret prisons and usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived within this 0 zone the way to view houses were allowed to leave prison was located on the only cia people had access to the story for investigators she held the uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. The great of nor. Doctor not some new. Book p. C. Maybe a sore knee is on the phone. Rang for justice. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. No no crowd. No shots. Actually felt. Well and strong. As to. Which your thirst for action. Im just a bit turd. What youre welcome to my world come along for the. World according to shish. Many Small Businesses across the United States are struggling to stay open following months of government mandated stay at home orders to find out more about the challenges of business on main street ive joined by citizen activist and Small Business owner jim cady jim as a Small Business owner what challenges have you personally faced during the Current Health crisis i think the biggest challenge that ive lost 2025 percent of my annual revenues to shut down for 3 months along the revenues i had to furlough all of my staff are you looking at the challenge you know we been able to reopen but is the market going to be there in the same way that it was prior to the pandemic you know i was concerned about whether or not i was going to get one of the government loans what is going to be on it is going to be another shutdown the uncertainty is probably the biggest challenge for main street is this owners and all the Business Owners i talk to both how business on main street you know she county new jersey and i live above a business here on 3rd avenue in spring lake the main street and some. Talking to major Business Owners all the time and thats the biggest thing is the uncertainty that everybodys face no were you able to access any of the loans made available by congress to help Small Businesses get through this pandemic yes i was able to access an Economic Injury disaster loan this is one thats always in place for when disasters happen around the United States is through the s. B. A. Program. It was pretty easy to do i got in very early i used to serve in governments so i know how to work the system and i knew man i got to sign up on this thing immediately because i was concerned at the funds are going to run out which they did they were able to replenish it but i got 150000. 00 loan its a low interest loan as a 30 year note the problem with these loans as youre seeing with with the e idea loans and the p. P. P. Loans is that they arent designed to deal with the current reality that we have and there are restrictions on the loan so as an example i need to build out i needed to build out an outdoor seating area i went in the capacity of 200 p. Patrons in my town and now ive got an out there seating area of 80 yet none of that is covered in the loan so i had to pay 7000. 00 or 10 a few 1000. 00 to fix the parking lot up its not in that loans are using cash reserves or other lines of credit to make it happen now while Small Businesses struggle large corporations like amazon are thriving did the government give Large Companies Better Benefits absolutely and we know this is the reality big business always gets preferential treatment they always get better treatment and thats because they pay for now the majority of our elected officials from local town and City Councils all the way up to the oval office have been bought and sold by giant corporations and small mainstreet Business Owners like myself unless youre involved in politics and know the system dont have that voice and dont have that level of representation you know Small Business owners can drop thousands and thousands of dollars of paper some lobbyists you go you know help them meet their needs were busy just trying to pay their rent meet payroll every week. Now what do you think the future holds for mom and pop shops if they go under how will it impact the culture in america its going to be devastating to the american mainstream culture and this is not something thats new i mean we have seen main streets around the United States get devastated since bill clinton signed nafta and we saw globalization just crush mom and pop businesses with the coronavirus is done is exposed how incredibly fragile main street is and im deeply concerned about if we have another wave of shutdowns what its going to do you know in the Restaurant Industry and im in very talking about one in 5 restaurants is never going to open again and you talking about hundreds of millions of dollars of revenues tens of thousands of jobs that are going to be lost and these are all jobs and revenues that are at the base of our economy the bottom of our economy and that money circulates in the local economy and when it gets sucked out because of a pandemic like this its its going to be very problematic. Now that some states have lifted the stay at home orders have you been able to reopen have you made any changes to keep employees and customers safe yes we were allowed to open here in new jersey for out they were dining this past monday we have put all new safety protocols in place and cerns of disinfecting the service is making sure all of our staff are Wearing Masks and rubber gloves make sure the tables are socially Distance Service items that usually sit down at a bar or restaurant youve got your table cabinet has your catch up you must do so if you pepper all of that has gone it all has to now be Single Service which is a concern for me as an environmental activist those are things youre trying to get away from the Single Use Plastics we think about how many restaurant workers now. Now you are wearing gloves that they may not have had to wear before its around millions and millions and millions of pairs of latex gloves that are now go into the biosphere all those little plastic souffle cups that youre going to have to use for ketchup and mustard and malt vinegar and all the things that you want as a consumer to put on your burger your chicken sandwich all of that going into the virus here so this is another part where we need to be making a massive intervention and reaching out to the companies that are making biodegradable products like that and infusing them with cash get them to ramp up their production and then also offer a care support on the end of the Business Owners so we can afford those products that may cost a little more than that plastic that was made from oil out stand then boy am i glad you brought that up now have social distance recommendations impacted your ability to profit absolutely i am down to 40 percent capacity right now in terms of the seeding that i can offer ive had to restructure everything is my volume is limited. And along with just the social distancing the impacts in the market from the vendors that i use one example the present ground beef is up 35 percent. Now i can absorb some of that for the burner that you might be buying but man i got a pass on that ons of the consumer and consumers are like my place thats anywhere from working class to upper middle class and bass you have a few more bucks onto a bar that can be a squeeze for a middle class family but they still want to go out there still wanted to support us and these are the things that the elected officials in washington d. C. Are absolutely clueless about because there are so few Small Business owners serving in office on capitol hill we have way too many lawyers and lobbyists and not enough mom and pop Business Owners and main street were going to walk people through is the policy is getting creative it way to say if you guys started this because i know we dealt with that the last time some disaster happened on main street youre farts are concerned about meeting the needs of wall street and their donor class and not main street mom and pop Business Owners and every day working class and middle classes. Now the pandemic is taught arced that tying health care to a persons employer may not be the smartest idea do you think public support for universal health care will increase now that so many people have lost their jobs and employer provided insurance absolutely i mean it was already on the rise you know i i am a huge supporter of senator Bernie Sanders i was a delegate for bernie at the 2060 Democratic Convention ive been supporting universal Single Payer Health care for god knows how long and i think other Business Owners are now starting to see and the people who work for those Business Owners yeah this is probably pretty good idea maybe we should get a line with the rest of the industrialized world recognize that health care is a human right and provide it as a right of the citizen by having a medicare for all program and the new programs were over 70 percent now. Theres bipartisan approval not elected officials but with every day citizen is right it guy my age the ac guy was in today doing something for me and he said thats his number one issues i thought i might fall off a roof i need health care why cant we do Something Better and i explain medicare for all to me is like why dont we do that and i said follow the money exactly now experts say we can expect another wave of cases can Small Business owners do anything to prepare for this i think they need to tap into their entrepreneurial spirit every Small Business owner already has and they need to start thinking ahead of any to diversify ask themselves like what new Revenue Streams can i create both from walk in delivery online sales its a whole new world and people who are you know are like deer in the headlights theyre going to get crushed and people really need to start thinking outside the box in terms of what how their Business Model is structured and rethink everything and we also need to get involved on the government side serves of pushing our elected officials so i really encourage people to get involved with grassroots organizations that are doing lobbying efforts on behalf of Small Business whether its a trade group within your industry or new groups that have emerged or pick up the phone and call your congressperson and say look im a Small Business owner i employ 21 people in your district i do this much in revenues i pay this much in sales tax we need help you need to know what im going through youre not getting enough of those calls so i would encourage people want on the business side start getting really creative and to as a citizen start engaging with your elected officials they need to hear from. Are they just called stay vigilant final question if you could ask congress to grant Small Businesses one wish just one wish what would it be jam. Im going to do and thats probably the politics or politician him asking for to one is specific to my industry theres the restaurant act that is a bipartisan bill is moving its way through right now that would give grants not loans but cash grants to help independent restaurants not chain restaurants independent restaurants to stay in business and keep our may streets flourishing and one of the Restaurant Owners that i was reading his kind of the other day is that what we shouldnt be called is a bailout of the Restaurant Industry we didnt do anything wrong its not like we were reckless wall street gambling traders who almost drove the Global Economy off a cliff in 2008 we were doing the right thing every day a Global Pandemic hits the Government Asks us for the sake of a Public Health to shut down well then you need to help us out so we can continue to pay the rent to employ people to keep these institutions in place in our community and then the 2nd thing i would ask of our elected officials is we need to redefine what they mean by Small Business in washington d. C. And state capitals around the country because in those institutions when they talk about Small Business that could be businesses that have up to a 1000 employees with a 100000000. 00 in revenue thats not Small Business so maybe we need to create a whole new moniker of main street Small Business and we kept it 25. 00 employees with 3000000. 00 in revenues because the stuff that Business Owner i think in that what im dealing with is very different and some Companies Got a 1000 employees and a 100000000 in revenues every year so those you think specific to our industry the restaurant act and 2nd redefining small mainstreet presence on the help. Cady sake you keep up the good work and police dont stop talking thanks again jim thanks for having me on i appreciate it governor. The world looking good. Thanks for watching send us your comments on social media for a chance to be featured in next weeks episode as always will be reporting on more stories ignored by the Corporate Media and always remember when their government lies the truth becomes a traitor stay vigilant. The world looking. As the culture war d rages on and they did the billionaire class is only getting wealthier their wealth is iraq the 20 percent or 584000000000. 00 since the start of the pandemic slash law how will this fair shake to complete coverage and is exterminate under the plan in the north. The south road to at least for good in each other than the human rights who want to. Make it on the better side going to the brooklyn system so that this isnt just. The emotion lining t. M. Must go if you will still least of korean missiles in the course of your new business to. Use dislocate. Chill the fuck should. We think he minds be. Soldier. Shes wearing. Which to tell the truth to the opposing opinion with. Some Russian Police force. The world is driven by a dream shaped by thinker senator specter. Thinks. We are here to ask. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. Hello from rhode island where i live lots of us are still working at home as we try to starve the virus zoom is the new Conference Room and one convention after another has been canceled in january you saw our report from the massive mind boggling Consumer Electronics show unfabulous last vegas might be the biggest perennial trade show in the world and each year some 150000. 00 of us from all over the world can make even the sprawling Las Vegas Convention center seem crowded and germs travel there from everywhere and some years ive come home with a cold even after collecting all the little logo to Hand Sanitizer bottles the exhibitors hand out so we were surprised to learn that c e s 2021 will happen in january the Consumer Technology association assures us that your Safety Security and health are always a priority at c e s

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