Excellent order its really great to have you with us today wow so many things are changing all that around the world as we know it is just not the same place anymore as still ive been thinking you know events like for instance world war or our sexual revolution our financial crisis it really shapes a whole generation and it defines peoples attitudes and expectations experiences 8 coming 100 and i think they get out of an event to leave a lasting mark like that on an up and coming new generation what do you think. Seem to answer is yes them no i think i think on his you as as you intimated in your question a secret need to see things in perspective its right just as this is a this is a global event which is which is why i think were struggling with this in such a way because it is very red it you that you encounter something that is global rugged and national reach. Its not too wolf it doesnt last tribal 6 years as we know it is not that intensity if i think back to my my grandparents i grew up in another the incident in the netherlands towards the end of 9845 which is not. In the nose of colored people died of starvation because it was a syria where there was a severe shortage of troops. I think this is a crisis but remus make sure that we dont turn this into a drama. Things will change things will change because the have to change things were changed because they can change sinks will change to stabilise marxist and things will change to make matters better so i think we need to we need to keep this into perspective lets lets accentuate out the part of things will change that you know gradually what will change and what that means will this new generation of people coming out of carotene lake a semester on late education or maybe to we dont know maybe theres a bit of there are waves of corona in september and people will still have to be doing their course as our last white ballets will a generation have to be socially responsible more and more eco conscious than prior generations when i think i think part of that has to do with our attitudes us adults are not a speck tensional us wrote us. So sure there is a danger dutch debt to the next generation. Will grow up to be a free a School Generation a generation that doesnt take any risks because we keep telling them to be canceled theres a danger that schools for example will engage in less than less out of School Experiences and sad school the learning experiences of young people will will not now we are in charge of this and we see educators in the seattles need to be mindful of that so thats worse than cool down a sink secondly you could live in hope. And im an optimist those on the board of tunis. And i live in hope i think we will see a generation that is more kerry. We will see a generation that is more kind we will see and a generation that hopefully is more fact. And honest because they will have to learn. With their parents with other groups over this period that those qualities other best qualities not expand has in terms of access to medical care and that caring and being kind to as a people is a good thing and honesty which is not always displayed by our leaders and politicians for example but that honesty is a good thing because you need to trust. And i think that we will and hope that we will see a generation that is much more emotionally intelligent and too much more aware of the world around them than certainly we are. Emotional intelligence has become such a huge factor in all of this actually i was talking to this amazing nero of Science Scientists the other day and she was saying shes almost 80 years old shes i must say this here a scientist or engineer think there are 3 things that are going to save us in this condemning Emotional Intelligence empathy and curiosity would you agree with that and would you would you agree that this is what we should be installing at our kids. I think so yes but but not to us theory so because these things you cannot teach those things you can you can make children aware of them but you need to put them in situations you need to facilitate situations where by they can experience those things because curiosity do google curiosity is a very different curiosity into real life curiosity and touch to curiosity honestly i would afford to not get it because because there needs to be an active. Outcome in this and active outcome is to do things to have a purpose and to move forward rather than to see arise in a schooling kind of way and i think thats incredibly important and with of course you dont link to the aspects of of resilience aspects of persevered its those qualities of not giving up even if you get things wrong once or even if you find that you dont like so finding that you dont like so say this is a positive another negative so i would i would on the element of calculated risk taking. Natasha to teacher eos a key element of this report is you match half force i mean a lot isnt it hands on what our Education System and its going to look like after the economics were all waiting for this to be over but we are seeing it as we see how the whole system is being transformed our and further there we go i had more me here add up the thing that you know their own line education is the future and this is going to replace a one to one Class Communications sort of education so what is your take he didnt think the the Education System itself is going to undergo a drastic change. So i sincerely hope so i think one of the things that isnt done to make me smile positively or not this at times is that the distinction we have plans to how in the future we need to address as a matter of urgency now so so i think i think a test greek crisis often changes ground her case and changes discrete of implementation so. I hope im convinced that or lying will not replace offline it would be a very bad thing if that house. And i think one of the interesting things thats happening is that many things that would meant to her death were forecast right futurists more techie people who have these people. I think will they will prove to be wrong to schools particularly the Elementary School has proven to be such an important factor globally in coping with this because the school all of the sudden is much more to the school it has become a Community Center where in the core of disadvantaged on some. People access to people have access to all sorts so i think we need to think around not what is going to be replaced but what is going to be different schools will exist they might not quite exist the new way to june out and one hopes that it just because the way schools exist that im open goes back to the Industrial Revolution the way that we teach children which should be just as youre saying that everything is based being paced out 5 instant everything that was supposed to happen in 10 years is happening now what youre saying youre saying all an education is excluded its not going to replace 1. 00 to 1. 00 in class ok so that thing where there is i dont want what will change one thing will be different about the educational system that were going to be after this next i think 1st and foremost just to come back to the court i think Online Education will rip will online will play an important part in the future of education it will not replace. It will not replace want to watch it real and hunts it it will add value it will allow children to learn differently individually it will allow children to learn differently in groups because new groups can be everywhere and it will allow children access to knowledge quicker and better and the kind of access that you cannot get in this group it will not however replace the classroom to school will throw remain the focal point of the way to teaching ok said experts in his hour of the communication a student and a teacher get 1001. 00 will stay the same youre saying in their own way catherine is just be an addition to will have any have and i think and i think we also needs to when we have this conversation i think we need to have a picture in our head of what remey by the child and who we mean by the child so the one thing that is absolutely clear that this crisis allows you to shine lights and sometimes those lights are shown in areas that are less attractive and one of those less attractive areas is the enormous inequality gap that clearly is still less too much child are we talking about when were talking about Online Learning are we talking about the child who goes to the Independent School in moscow or in london where the parents can afford a big house the child has a room on his or her own and has access to i pads i phones laptops and whatever else or are we talking to the child who lives. In the city center who lives on in it it is a disadvantage deprived areas like the houses small where there is no Internet Access and when a parents cant hole a lucky shot or not which child is it were talking about so i think we need to be extraordinarily minds that when we have this conversation that we dont generalize and that we need to link it to real people i think the biggest danger that has come out educationally to distrust is it has highlighted the chute and equality that exists and i think one of the success educationally elliptically needs to change is access to the internet for educational purposes needs to be added to this that essentially schumer right professor will be right back whatever battle continue talking to professor noguera hows about how the new generation will be shaped after they coded 19 pandemic a silver staring us. We go to work you straight home. As the culture war d rages on of the billionaire is only getting well youre there well iraq 20 percent 584000000000 dollars since the start of the pandemic. How will this shape take on the recovery and is a term of it under the new norm. And were back with professor talking about. Coming out of the. More than anything this has highlighted the gap between the wealthy and and the poor in terms of how their children are coping with their own life course and also correct me if im wrong but i do feel like 99 percent of parents have their kids at home figured out that the only of course is there is no way they. Can be you know something that would replace one on one education with a teacher is specially for them beginners i mean when you know your attentions spend so little. And you need to be guided by a step of the way i mean you concept like 6 and an 8 year old kid to sit in front of a computer for 5 hours and be focused on whatever stitcher saying right after intent but then youre saying that that that for sure that never said that they only an education will not replace what i want to cation but youre saying that we will have the additional all laugh arms so youre saying that we should make sure that everyone has access to platforms and that is say that as a firm as call for the future a that is that is the 1st task then the next thing that we need to do is we dont need to invent all qualify rather than invent the place the Online Learning has within this Big Education crease and ill give you a very simple example so so if ah. If im talking about teaching children about trust like for example you read a contract that will kill the transport of flying then to be able to use the internet to interview collets cabin crew and people who design glades to touch a touch of reality to a practice of experience to siri the d. N. C. Is a super. Tool to do that so so dot content developed and out in sol you is immensely important but of course it always brings us back to that 1st point if you havent got into that access you are excluded from high quality education not fact. They also access to the internet and they mounted access that this has had a specially if they are going to have the addition of a land platform to help them cope with education. It is somewhat sketchy because who makes sure that these kids will filter went to scene internet and what not to say so i think i think that is a whole who big part of that is a dialogue of trust and of joint responsibility so every child will become everyones response to that and you know reality is very at times arrangement i smiled on the number of occasions during this crisis so for example everybody was complaining that children were spending too much time online terrible. All of a sudden we want to spend time online because weve discovered at the moment its the only way to take into so that debate seems to shift that night as the debates that need to shift around who is responsible for what and one of the things that are not super clear about is that we need to address the issue of parents as co educators not just parents who send children to school and the times so want of a better way of putting it absolves their responsibility but i truly doubt that education of the child is in tandem and in partnership i also seeing incidentally is an interesting thing is that ive been a have always been one of the good citizen children quickly as a follow up question before i go on sorry for. Interrupting you but dont you think will be tapping into a dangerous territory if we have parents as coeducation are seen as well as have this really clear cut sort of division that school takes care of education and herons take care of bringing up i mean you know getting good morals out of making better kids at good human beings and getting that access to good education and then you know at school takes care of education do you think teachers will be ok with parents starting to coeducation they have to take the kids and we need to define this let me give you a very simple example so schools are there to school and not day to educate educate your children is a much wider spectrum schooling is monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday 9 to 4 delivering to subjects teaching the subjects that the rick government requires them to see the education of the child underwrote of the past is isnt adding value so for example again you have just studied. This shakespeare. Curing in an English School is just 3800. 00 or much ado about nothing whatever it is. The role of the pair are made and well be defined as erect the plate in trust youve interpreted the play in class the parent does homework define really home who it will be to as a family either go and see it in the series or all watch it on a video at home so that the child has a im gald to approach why would that not so education is a matter of coal educating deschooling is a responsibility of the school heres another. Large question i guess is the mirror generations of digital age if they cant imagine life without cash heads which are free are becoming a National Extension of themselves so handwriting as a scale is becoming obsolete and adding in her reading handwritten tax can be add a stumbling block for them is that thing or is it just a natural course of evolution sam trying to figure it out for myself of that for the children. I know i works. There is research to suggest that is the case and i would strongly advocate particularly in the early years of schooling i. E. The equivalent of Elementary School but how writing just like arithmetic is a skill is a life skill and death or it needs developing we will take notes who take quick notes. We will practice writing in a creative form and it just allows its the functioning of the brain that allows the child to develop better than just one in front of a keyboard and teach them to talk. Ok talking a bit more about putting a kid in front of a key more Computer Internet they mounted information that comes into our lives for the internet is growing exponentially and what i may find overwhelming fourchon days kids is natural and they never get thrilling this dashing flow of information is an indication that the new generation actually smarter than us. Small. Q b c i think theres a small sun and very quick to access web today. Too. To progress that information and for judgments that are the right judgment that is to be seen. So ive reserved and i have a 40 year old and full of admiration i think what shes able to do. It was never able to do but then i suppose if i look back what my parents said of me is that was i was able to do they were able to do so perhaps thats a natural progression anyway i do think however that we need to rethink in general that role of technology and education and the role of technology and would have been working a good number of years now and every time a new Technological Development came along i was strongest it would make my life easier i was even promised that i might work 3 and a half or 4 days per week and have more time to myself i now have a global role if i dont tell my fellow not when i go to bed it will print 24 hours i promise you its not made my life easier and surely we would like to equip our children with just give to make that works and we dont just talk about full time employment but we talk about self deep roy so that they also know how to go to a museum and a gallery. That will not show whatever it was really going to do without spreads are that weve been promised so. Tunnel of thinks an interesting life has had many here are scientists lately and they tell me that our brains and the brains of people before the internet and present Digital Natives for a completely different way are helming to the big generation gap with aldus transformations. I dont know im not sure that we are im not sure that the generation gap were heading into is any bigger than that which really you and your parents all realize. As everybody for generations has been talking about about generational jumps i just think we do need to think around and again i think whats happened is that the to speed with which technology has has evolved. In a sense is faster than we can keep up with is that if i look for example of the influence of social media on on young people i think we need to be very mindful of Mental Wellbeing within this enormous we develop myristic to shoot a human nature as such we can adopt but we do need to watch this because because we dont want a generation of great will while mentally not well what kills you think of that in a crucial next 1020 years. Very clearly being. Dismissed one being able to cope with change positively. Im too to embrace change positively and what i mean by that is this so so my grandfather was a coal mine in the south with all the lawn jockey stops working when he was 14 he finished when he was 66 my father had 2 jobs one if you have to because the company went bankrupt folks so detroits obvious sector job was not his choice he was forced to do it i thought of the no 67 jobs under all because my choosing. What is quite clear that my kids will have god knows how many jobs also me how many tusks within a job. They need to know that change will help them that change is a good thing if youre in charge of the change that affects here and that requires an element of courage selfconfidence. And risk taking. And so i see everything surrounding being able to manage change positively and who help with this model you know face i think is that is thing does the single biggest challenge that young people will face and will succeed is one such a pleasure talking to you here really lifted my spirit out and made me look to our city a share and our optimistic way saying thank you so much for this wonderful intervenes and your insight on how we should be with our kids and how it should be a thing and then for they here is a teacher thank you so much that theyre not going to just like you so much you cant. Nuclear power plants have become a battleground in the u. S. In vermont people are demanding the shut down of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because its a very dangerous medicare power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country where is it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is or how or lie with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in the very real ways that our struggle on r. T. Aha no 2 no crowd. No shots no. Traction belts. Well strap no arrests. Points your thirst for action. Secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived weve been to 0 song there were 2 view houses were our prison was located and only cia people had access to the story for investigators sure hell they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean one of. The great of nor in. Hockey seem a bit of a sore knee yes or no for. Crying for justice on oxy. Hello and welcome to cross top where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle as the culture war rages on a baited the billionaire class is only getting wealthy or their wealth has skyrocketed 20 percent or ive 180 4000000000. 00 since the start of the pandemic slash law how will his back shape the coming recovery and is a permanent underclass the new normal. To discuss this and more im joined by my guest Richard Wolffe in new york hes a Professor Emeritus of economics at the university of massachusetts amherst as well as the author of the recent books understanding socialism and understanding marxism and in chicago or which he has a chief marketing strategist bubba trading all right gentleman stop rules in effect that means you can jump in time while i was appreciate todd let me go to you as you just heard in my introduction you know that we have an ongoing deep recession i think is of this morning the i. M. F. Came out with their global projections and a contraction of about 5 percent globally the u. S. Doesnt do much better the industrialized world is