The folks welcome to Dennis Miller plus one who are joined today by a dear man and such fond memories of being on the road with this guy when we were young ins doing comedy together. And he said so not a great moments since that you know him of course is hosting the family feud i think the restaurant 3 years he had a great animated series life with louie and then in. With basket c. At a run of 3 nominations and he won the emmy in 2016 i was so happy for that night and one of the finest standup stylists ive ever worked with will speak to that as we interview and talk to the great Louie Anderson lou how are you im good dennis thats kind praise i appreciate youve always been so kind to me and i love it we had so much fun we were in the east coast were doing knows were doing does chants i think they called it right. That they call just sheds they were like shank or a problems right there where they were skull that was unbelievable and they werent in the round in my right eye. So were still out there trying to wade in there law or august it would be a 1000 degrees resonating off a corrugated tin group they are just a rotating stage we might as well been wrote history chickens down and with bodies or costco or that i know its really true i love those chickens i dont know if you should eat them but i do own all of us theyre delicious arent they yeah we had so much fun to draw it all straight drove everywhere denly we go we travel everywhere every night and i can remember you know i remember being in hyannis port hitting the golf course and was just super fly memories and lou let me sing your praises for a 2nd function of louie from all that hes done since then but as a stylist there is very few guys listen i love a lot of comedians im a pretty easy laugh but style wise im pretty tough i think a lot of people are just rata tat tat proforma and i am pentameter that im pretty used to there are certain guys that have a style about them that is specifically their own and louis was always so deft and Melissa Hillis and his delivery and so not needy its funny i think hell probably tell us in some ways it is like his been d. D. But as a stand up it was almost bob leslie bob hope that they he would yell at them come to him i was always fascinated by the way i you know i always told you youre one of the best ive ever seen. Thank you dennis and you know bob hope is exactly right i have that bob hope and with a guy you know he was just throw out he would invite you in beautifully hey did you hear about and sat. And and he he had a patter boom boom 123123123 full or he would really confuse the audience and then i had a jack benny. When i wasnt when i wanted to hold and wait for the day and then jonathan winners richard pryor. And now. And really Jackie Vernon which a lot of people dont remember but had a beautiful saying song im Jackie Vernon here i am in the link. You know at lou you always did share that thing with. The insouciance about your payoff for a joke you were very patient it was a combination of ski nose and jack benny the great old jack benny joke about your money or life one flake but yeah you would always proud at the end of the joke if you knew it was worthwhile and sort of take that policy like well give me give me my due here before i move on it was it was great to watch great stuff we were fairly as i think it was in. Had it been a night early ninetys or late eightys late eightys early ninetys when i wrote back one of my fondest memories being on the road with the great Louie Anderson series ive traveled with a lot of guys who we had a nice simpatico thing fellow in the interim have done so many things that i remember when i 1st heard about this animated series i thought hows that going to work on the hit it hit a big honkin home run wife but she settling in you never get that little louis guy would play would play to the people right oh run a tennis. Vo as. I didnt know how i did it in my act you know i did all the voices in my act my mom my dad the little louie and the narrator even during my act but. I didnt know what hit until mad ocallahan the animator took my very 1st special and put the pictures over the voice as i was doing on the special took the pictures a little louis took the pictures a dad took the pictures a mom put the pictures a little brother and i said ok i can do this guy he you know he he was yes. Yes he was really skilled at that and has done a lot of things and were working on bringing life with louie back as louis has grown up and has little louis as Something Like that so were trying to bring a life of louis back because people ask about it honestly its the most asked question i get is what ever happened to life with louie and i said well you know fox kids and it basically said bon went in and bought the ring and it went to the fan you know how that and you know i regret a sub on came to me hi im so beyond i think is where his name as he said i mean really i watch it. Yes he said i want you to make the little louie more i want to make that show more adult like the simpsons and i didnt know how to do it and i wasnt really open to it unfortunately you know im fairly stubborn as a stand up should be. I was always stubborn or at the wrong things unfortunately but you cant because you know theyre afraid well you know it was youre going to run rednecks you know what the dentist its the journey for a says not i mean the payout filler and against the payouts are wonderful dont get me wrong but that journey you can. You cant touch that you know those memories those experiences driving to those gates us all having the same amount you and i having the same amount to anxiety before an after and in my doing the right thing it was sad i cherish those days i really do i love dumb i love them well listen though you know in a life where a lot of people live their lives as the old axiom goes out and Quiet Desperation ive always felt one of the biggest blessings abana stand up comedian and i dont think you have to plant the flag on everest to have this it was an interesting life i cant say it was easy oh yes im yeah there are times youre alone there are times you have to depend on yourself and your wit your gal but there are other times it was just flat out fun it has been as jerry garcia said a long strange and ill add wonderful trip it was a its interesting well the life of a stand it was and you cant really share it with anyone who isnt a standout you cant really tell them that and they dont like they can what do you mean you were it was the best thing you ever did and why is that night that joke those staying they were the best they were the past no matter what. Were talking to Louie Anderson and louise got a book coming out now of all the characters he did in the zack the one used absolutely for me and i when i say characters it wasnt like hes up there doing impressions im just saying when his dad would find his way into a joke how did he drive it into sort of. The way he did that this is what he had ice in an album that the latest book is hey mom stories for my mother but you can read them to tell me about the book. You know i was doing baskets and i was channeling my mom to a great degree. And it was you know im an emotional person when im in the deep of it and i came home from one day after a very emotional scene. But it was a happiness scene which for comics could be as hard as anything to accept but. I asked myself was my mom ever this happy in her life as this character is and so i said i took out my phone and i wrote a letter you know i m my phone i wrote this long letter to my mom shes long gone since 1990 telling her i was playing her and had some questions for i hope she get answers why knew that she couldnt answer. You know directly but i needed to get it all out and thats what i did in this book its a lot of ladder its a its a query to our parents you know we want to know stuff tell us the truth we can handle it maybe. And its a chance for people to reflect on their relationship as i did with christine baskets on how much my mom did for me and i had no idea she was doing it she made it so seamless she made itself so kind and and friendly and she had so much humanity no matter what. No matter what the night before with my dad was and it was rough that next morning my mom was able to endure it and taught me that. I cast shes ok in one sense you know and good and allowed us she was like a big hand who brought the chicks and close after that and fed them and that was really you know a big thing but this book was a really beautiful thing and im really glad i wrote it because i really love my mom she is a wonderful person and i when i won that emmy i thanked her right away i said we did it because i couldnt have done it without her lulu i swear as i was brushing up on this and im talking a little bit over your mom over the years and your dad i know a little bit about you but i certainly didnt know what im learning from the books your mother gets sick teen children or gave birth to 16 children she had and she had them all but 2 sets of twins died shortly after birth there were still born and the very 1st baby died so yeah it is amazing like i always think my mom was probably pregnant. Half of her married life you know thats 144 months 6 to if it if theres not a day off in between lets give her a month in between youre up to 160 months youre talking about 13 to 14 years of her life she is with child so while amazing. I mean something that at the end of that she didnt never once said she regretted having too many children never once. What did she see of your fame lou im trying to think of you say you lost your mom and she does thats about when we were out so you knew she knew you were a stand up yeah she saw me do the tonight show all the rodney staying when i was on joan rivers hosting once and then she got to see me i get a night at the opening of the fords theater celebration with a bunch of other entertainers for ron and nancy and and tip oneill and the gang and damn we went to the white house after so i got that chance to bring my mom to the white house and that was just such a big thing for a kid from the projects i can tell you that not trying to think before we go to break just an off brand question here when you play the ford theater do they keep that box open or is somebody actually get to sit in the lincoln box i dont think anyone gets to set the lincoln by. Not getting the right i really dont like hit me hard road seats yeah leave her alone they seem like good seats and so he takes the mallet of the melon and then ill tell you when we come back you coming back with me yes or well get right to. The core of it and well go right back to that part of the story up talk more louise got to stand up special color it came out big underwear i havent seen this one yet will cory im about that the great Louie Anderson right after this Dennis Miller plus one. So something seems wrong. Wolf just dont hold. Me to these yet to seep out these days to come to educate and in detroit because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Well heres the funny thing about debt in this economy in america is that when a rich person calls on debt credit calls or credit you know they are owed money because and 0 or negative in the case of many people they get paid to borrow money because the solid jamie dimon and j. P. Morgan what a poor person or a disadvantage person for typically a minority person or a particularly a black person is drawing credit or charge 2025304050 percent 60 percent of payday loan thats 2000 percent. Well or plus one were joined by Louie Anderson right before the break we were talking about your mom getting to see it for theater and go on to the white house id asked you at the lincoln box was kept from her dad and you had are at it tell the breeze of info we had to cut off for purposes of the right were together they let mean. We did this thing and lance burton the magician. So theyre checking everybody you know you go through metal detectors everything you know and hes there with a giant sword. And they dont say anything about it and i go way to. This theyre not thinking here he has a giant and you may think its a fake sword it is not a fake soward it is a giant so hard and i go. Its this and you know mean it was a double edged sword because you know you brought home free democrat going into the white house but you know you dont have the chance to take your mom to the white house hardly ever and so you should always take that opportunity and then when i met reagan and his hand was so being egged and so inviting that i understood immediately why he was president. Gave you a sense of calm and safety that as the patriarch of the country should at any given moment were talking to really anderson lou now i dont know how many specials you have done but this is one i that has fallen through the radar for me i dont know i do not know big underwear as it was shot within the last couple years or tell me yes. I was folding my clothing out of the dryer which i do often. Because i you know its one of those things that gives me some sort of comfort and i picked up my pair of my underwear you know in front of me and i go all my whos are these honestly i said oh my god i had never seen my underwear like that and it just. It made me laugh and i said you know and they said what do you want to call your special nicette big underwear and they said well that seems weird and i go wow im going to be competing west deadly deadliest catch shark tank and what do you want to see Louie Anderson talks butter no matter what its just an underwear you might be enemy who knows. And you know. If you find folding your underwear to be a common experience the ultimate for you might have been folding Ronald Reagans underwear as youre going to tackle this. Trio very fortunate very lucky and very happy that i can still go out make people laugh and not you know im really im grateful dennis im very full of gratitude right now why i know the basket things must have been amazing and you just clocked it were perfect at it heaping a perfect perfect and im wondering at the beginning how tenuous wasnt getting had or was it quite frankly made for you it was made for me i think but. Zach galifianakis kept making a sound to louis c. K. And Jonathan Crisil whos the director and kept going and i my moms vices now and then. And louie said thats Louie Anderson louis c. K. Said thats Louie Anderson and then said should we call him and they called steve levine who you know i see you know and steve cohen said louie wants to talk to louie call nicette a louis and he said were doing a sitcom we want you to play a character and i go yeah im in and you know i mean im not i dont even know anything about. Him well you know i think its also our. I met and he said youre playing we want you to play as mother and i go yes ive done just like you say yes i raise my voice i honk the horn and. Im really lucky and i went and i went to play that you know it kept at how shushed they didnt want people to noise playing the mom and i was showed up in sylmar for the pilot and. It was still dark i went and picked out clothes that my mom would wear my sisters would wear put on the weight but it was too small they had to cut it because my head so big i went to the director jonathan right before we shot the 1st scene i go jonathan i dont want to change my voice i dont want a cartoonist im not i want to play it as a real woman as much as i can imagine that and. He said ok and we shot the one scene and here we are 4 years late which we just we met we missed the emmys for this for the last year but were up for it this year and were im excited you know again as i tell people not to give up you know why because i didnt get my dream part 61 night and you know lou im trying to think you that night you are a sensitive salt god i know that you mustve been so tremulous and it is almost a surreal Twilight Zone type occurrence were finally the last name called is yours im trying to a thing i know you know i know youre proud of your work but its also an astounding confluence of things that have to how often to hear your hey and finally the most amazing my Business Manager and my producing partner not jimmy. And i go way you wind i go out i get out of this chair now and. I go i might biggest worry was can i get up the stairs without a railing. But i did and i was so excited i was. I i couldnt have been happier dennis to you know because people always sad when id read i was terrible at the audition and. It was given to me. And it worked out you know you know inhabited it i agree with that whole audition process is completely different world than getting the part no its yours and your life to explore it a little completely different its like you know its like miniature golf and golfing 2 completely different games were talking to the great Louie Anderson actor comedian author Television Host and hes written 4 books the most recent stories from my mother but you can read them too and im not im interested in the h. B. O. Max siri search party why dont you tell the people little bit about where they can see their season 3 i think yes so im doing das gets and you know its with f. X. And. You know efexor what you do a guest star on something but they wanted me to do. Several episodes. This season and search party is a great millennial show where this group of people their best friend is mitt dean and they decide to search for them. And. They i asked as a fax i go can i do 5 episodes and they let me do these 5 episodes i play i play a bumbling lawyer. Who. My may or may not be dying hes kind of a friend of the family of the guy who is accused of murder and so its a great its such an out of the place thing for me it was all these you know i you know i you know i just cant tell you like this was like out of the blue they came to me at t. B. S. And they put me on this and then and then we shot that and then its been a couple years because they want to say that for 8 b. O. Max i had so much fun i was so nervous playing thats part because really i said to people i dont think i can play a human again after christine out it will just be out get out gets ill get so killed in the critics but i get my bet i loved it it was. It was you know it was really great it was a great thing and they all welcomed me with open arms and i i loved it and i had so much fun when i literally only unfortunately only downside is once your character could be or could not be dying it hindered you in contract negotiations cause when you know that already when you ask for the raise they go home and they did and it cost analysis. And we said we were having you on we got social Media Questions out there was 0 as they say you mind if i asked you if you were these for yet or absolutely. Daniel stagger goes way back but a fond memory for me too on facebook what was it like working with eddie murphy in coming to america. You know i was that was another thing that came really early in my career it was my 1st real part in any saying and i had to go and meet with john landis in new york i had dinner with a man and that was the time when he was going through the Twilight Zone thing and so it was just such a weird kind of surreal dinner cuts that was a big part of the thing and then i got on that sat and i found out about fame because were on i think queens boulevard in an old wendys and they had a cyclon fence and front there were 5000 people or more outside waiting to get a glimpse of eddie murphy this is the fame that he had you know at that time and still still i cant imagine he could ever go anywhere without people you know grabbing them on some level and he had a big bus and the door of the bus would open up and the fence would bow in they would push it in like it was going to collapse because they were waiting to see the one and only eddie murphy who couldnt have been kinder arsenio was fun to play with you know Samuel Jackson rob me. I got to work with china amos i got to work with James Earl Jones i got to work i think i was maybe one of the only white people on the whole show it was a really good for me i grew up in the projects i am the im colorblind with that stuff and so i just was i was like i had a weeks work i play this kooky thing and eddie helped walk me through it so i was nervous but he walked me right through it to help me make it as funny as possible as john dead and here i am just last year going to atlanta to film coming to america 2 and. It was and he was so great to sit and talk with he was talking about coming back doing stand up its great to see arsenio and john amos and everybody senate i cant say much about it because you know those new things we can. Get in a circle who are. So happy that written so well like you said its 61 yet in the big the big fastball they head out of the park im absolutely i was so thrilled that night to watch a woman track really great Louie Anderson surely one of the sweet man like i said i know louie from way back when probably when he was doing coming to america yeah who looks stories from my mother but you can read them too and also look farm season 3 of the h. B. O. Max series search party my friend i am so happy that youre so happy and its good to see you and and i did we didnt get to talk about you but have me back so we can talk about what youve been doing i know youve been doing a lot and. Im always here if you ever want to talk and i really appreciate you having me on i love you dennis i love you louis take care that a smaller plus one that was lori hunter said thank you folks. President Vladimir Putin in his own words tells us how he understands history and the Current International system also why everybody generally hates john bolton as he last all the way to the bank. He said he had to go so he could get in each other than the men. But on the but im going to quickly dismiss all that business and just. Instead of. The emotion learning to. Just go out it was to stop korean missiles from the course. Mrs jenner but of course this will create if you go chill the church. Will settle into. Submission then. We think he minds be soviet soldiers the boot shes wearing. Huge wedge so the sold out so to move the opposing opinion with will be the new one like it on the show stuck in the summer watching the police force send us all the. Greetings and sell you taishan police are losing funding stone relics of racism are toppling and voices from almost every region of the planet have cried out in unison the black lives matter but that my friends still still has not been enough to keep us Law Enforcement agents from pulling the trigger on black and brown folks across this country late into the heat of the early summer night on friday june 12th Atlanta Police officer Garrett Rolfe chose to shoot and kill 27 year old rae sharp brooks for that most heinous crime

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