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Burn an entire town to the ground you get off with just a slap on the wrists and a little bit of a fine at least thats the case of the pacific gas and Electric Company the 85000000000. 00 natural gas and electric provider behind the devastating 2800. 00 camp fire in california you remember that fire that was the fire that leveled the town of paradise california is considered the most devastating wildfire in the states long history yes after the c. E. O. Of p. G. D. Pled guilty on behalf of the company to 84 counts of Involuntary Manslaughter and one count of illegally causing the fire earlier this week a california judge thursday passed down the most brutal of fine of 3500000. 00 for this companys crimes 85000000000. 00 company. 3500000. 00 fine 84. 00 people dead town burned to the ground not a single hour of jail time for any of the executives that my friends is the reality of law and order here in these United States of america and in many other places around the world and that is why we will always be. Watching the hawks. If you want to go on a cd in the streets you want to see. This so youd like to see this joyce just stay and see a little slice grace suggests least systemic deception is to late show which will be some things youll. Welcome only watching. So boy oh boy mr we see all the time President Trump other great great. Leaders of our time here in the u. S. Always trumping law and order law and order law and order but this is the law and order if youre mainly looking at this and say this makes no sense to me these people get punished for small crimes by these people over here kill 84 people burn a ton of the ground you know 3500000 dollars fine but you know go about your business because law and order has never fundamentally existed in this country discrimination who always has and always will i think that the jets position you make here is very important because there is an ideology in many cases that you know there are these strict laws that we should politan make sure that people are saying to make sure that you know where where ensuring that this country is one that others look at as a beacon of the side and were seeing day in and day out that there are some very grievous things that happened right here under the red white and blue and Law Enforcement rarely actually make sure that anything is followed up on much less that people are actually you know held accountable for their actions and heres the actions that were asking p. G. Need to be held accountable for state regulators after this massive fire that we all saw on the news over and over to say regulars of the utility failed to repeatedly failed to maintain a transmission line that broke from a nearly 100 year old tower igniting whats been called the camp fire and thats not because its cute its because of where was it but its not because they want to call it care for. 100 year old so it speaks to the devastation in our. The structure in this in this country but it also speaks to the fact that they could have stopped this repeatedly over and over. Victims and theyre not having it joseph brother andrew died in the fire told the New York Times quote the court is supposed to provide justice i dont believe justice is served by a 3500000. 00 fine if ever there was a corporation the deserve to go to prison its p. G. And e. Is that the sentiment that you pretty much as i what everyones feeling at this point and i believe so i mean powerful words obviously i think that once you lose somebody in something that is demonstrably horrible as a few genie case youre going to have a response that is one of a dire reaction what we saw was that you know justice was not served here that settlement doesnt even take into consideration all the depth of what actually occurred and i think that you know revisiting this and recognizing that we could have done a lot more we should have done a lot more that thats just something that we have why right why why does the us have such a hard time why dont our politicians have such a hard time going after these companies because you think about it like enron all that you know they always put these companies up but the amount of devastation that a lot of these corporations do the trickles down throughout the community not just you know here you get a good example from the lit on fire and people died from this fire but just the devastation and the web kind of the ripples in the water that spreads out when they break the law its its massively its crippling this country and on those details because we do an amazingly good job of protecting big business and liberations and youre right sometimes they are the most guilty of the guilty the most simple of the simple people are literally dying Environmental Infrastructure being torn apart and they never really are punished to the extent of the crimes that they do in the crimes they commit and i think that part of that is because we continue to send a message to corporations that you are above the law it doesnt matter youll never really fully be held accountable because Money Matters over Everything Else and we see those corporations as why america of america we see those corporations as. Where built and founded on and i dont think it will ever reach a point where they actually are punished for their injustice does it make you sick would you then see like these 1000000 dollar 1000000 dollar your salary pundits get on t. V. And they talk about like black lives matter and say oh how dare these rioters burn down wendys how dare they burn down this this is a company that burned an entire town and killed 84 people and i dont hear them yelling and hollering about p. G. Any exactly these are the same type of companies that do things like that these are the same types of companies that you know poor a lot of there are a lot of scary chemicals into the water they have a drink every day so we need to really think about you know what leveraging points these individuals have when they throw shade on protesters when they are considerably creating a lot more damage and long range damage that they are never held accountable for the advertising on a lot of these stations that you see these guys get up on t. V. And talk and talk smack about the protesters a lot of those advertisers are the ones who are getting caught in these horrible corporate customers that do far more damage to it to a community than people fighting for justice and equality funny how that works. Judging by the sheer amount of people lounging on beaches memorial day weekend at the lake of the ozarks and the entire American South rarely Wearing Masks you think coronavirus is a thing of the past its not. And the uptick in code 19 cases its Proof Positive that the virus might be here to stay instead of ramping up precautions and preventative measures folks seem to be ignoring the threat elite College Sports like ohio state football are taking a page from the Truck Campaign team and asking periods and students to sign wrist waivers heres how its more on this developing story is our team sports producer regina hamm welcome regina hello there bad news back again you are both always with the worst sports news knowing the boredom of people know this look we know friends and colleges and everyone is craving sports more than anything we need something to watch now all the colleges are could im starting to allow the leaves to practice trickle in you know does it clearly show the n. C. A. A. Is need to not only produce a product but also make some money and by no means should set saying like hey you sign a waiver so were not held liable if you get sick coming back to go to school and play for us i think thats the ties in the whole big business the n. C. Double a is still a business at the end of the day now youve lost the march madness toward you lost millions and millions and millions of dollars so now having athletes come back these are now to be said theyre voluntary work out these are not mandatory these players do not have to come back but ohio state is only actually one of 3 schools that allow a similar waiver youre also having at Southern Methodist university and the university of missouri so these players are essentially saying they will waive any right to litigation if they get sick from cova 19 and College Athletes are getting sick from covert 1000 at a pretty high rate just today the university of texas austin said that 13 student athletes tested positive for corona virus and 10 more had to self quarantine because they came in contact with them there are other schools like clinton that have had about 6 other schools reporting one or 2 but you still are having them come back and play sports football is a contact sport by the way for anybody watching so you are. Not going to be able to have social distance so this is a concern because this is showing ok we need to put a product on the field come september we need to make money because the schools how will also im athletic i will say that but is it worth it at the risk of these kids potentially getting sick because of the showing in florida theyre getting very sick and you know like these kids are obviously you know top of the one of their fleets of the most holy that can be doesnt mean the absence of the dangers of cold but if they get sick with that they go home you know to visit the family over thanksgiving or the family comes to see them then they get sick with the burden that gets carried on in europe or the College Coaches are lawfully older there are a lot of people that want us there not in the n. B. A. That there are concerns here was there like you are maybe just getting like a bubble soon but a lot of coaches instructors all of them. Have a question so we know bad Dr Anthony Fauci a member of the Coronavirus Task force just today announced that he doesnt think the n. F. L. Is going to return so its interesting that were seeing all of this action around College Athletes there is no indication that club in 1000. 00 its going to go away any time too soon were seeing large upticks in virus transmission already so do you think its worth it to colleges and universities to keep trying to make athletic events happen its a double edge sword im playing devils advocate on one end you have universities like brown who have taken a lot of like track and the number of new sports track and field volleyball and kind of relegated them down to like Club Athletic status so theyre not actually those nonrevenue sports or the school its on the flip side yes you do need to sue the schools make money these kids are on scholarship a lot of them youre taking that away put on the other side cultural balls and 1000000 a multimillion dollar product these kids are products until they start getting paid then theyre actually you know allowed to do that but anyway these College Athletes need to understand that the school doesnt seem to be looking out for them you can say oh you know were going to all the safety were going to make you social distance are going to make you wear a mask going to make you you know take your temperature checks and all of these things to keep you in a bubble ok what happens when some these universities also have other kids on campus because this is just some are these cases that like. In texas are just some are voluntary practices these arent when theyre actually students on campus so its almost to a point where they dont the schools are not thinking long term and this is to be said n. C. The way themselves have not put out this is not like an empty handed down agreement this is each schools decision and i think mark emmert at the end needs to make that decision and have a standard protocol across the board were going to see cases rise and you dont want to see the 1st case of someone dying no you didnt mention thank you sir sorry that number is always there always there i mean how are you going to know that im going to so much for coming out and bringing your brilliance brilliant sporting knowledge to our show i always want to thank you so much. Thankfully michelle will stay on for the 2nd half of the show but as we go to break her mccarthy is going to host our wives in the arms im the man through the brand new portable t. V. App which is available yes that is available on all platforms now its not coming soon though its available now so definitely pick it up download it do whatever you got to do to get it because i promise you will enjoy it coming up right or an adjunct professor of law at the Georgetown Law Center preston but still joins us to discuss the impact of the u. S. Supreme courts landmark g. B. T. You equal rights decision this week and how that will affect the Political Landscape forward in 2020 stay tuned to watch. Some control from the middle. Of the night most some are very hardworking people who want to get ahead that either have some some Health Issues or have some other streak of bad luck. Pay for a place to live and missing just a months rent. If anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. Better catch up real quick or youre going to have a judgment of possession against you and get it anyone thats homeless is treated like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time its not the case see how it is to be in the worlds richest country. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. We are entering nearly a month of consistent protests in the wake of the officer involved murder of george floyd the calls for justice and equality couldnt be louder the crowd are diverse young people old people black people white people latino and everyone in between all unified to force america to change and rectify its intrinsically bigoted and discriminatory practices that even during this height of rice is u. S. President donald trump found another underrepresented group to kick the l. G. B. T. Q. Community recently the Top Administration advance new policies to prevent health is not only heartless but an affront to civil rights at the height of a Global Pandemic we should be expanding health care axis not decreasing it when our system of foster care and adoption its filled with young people in need of a loving and nurturing environment we should not be boarding the gift of a caring family based on who that family chose to love. This week the u. S. Supreme court in a historic ruling smacked down times make it policies the ruling was a win for the l g b t community and one for equity writ large but we still have a long way to go the protests continue and the streets are being heard but even in a place like thank paul minnesota a groundbreaking site for george boyer protests and the fight to End Police Brutality and other kind of brutality is read its head on a day or a transgender woman was brutally beaten outside of a Convenience Store just a few days ago her attacker was seen by millions in a barrel Facebook Live video do you or was beaten by some 20 plus men predominantly black men this type of brutality begs the question do all black lives matter here the answer that and more is Preston Mitchell writer and professor of law at Georgetown Law Center welcome preston. Thank you lisa thank you so much for having me always a pleasure having you on the head of the trumpets ministration has continually worked to chip away at l g b t q rights and the Republican Party has largely backed him you know theyre in lockstep the make up of the Curb Supreme Court lends itself to a conservative leaning thats received here and never seen in the past why do you think theyve been in the other direction in defending l g b t q rights in this case and what does this ruling mean for the community. So i think its because some of the Supreme Court justices actually cared about the law and applying it correctly so you know as admission mentioned you know by a vote of 63 the Court Essentially determined that title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 964 should withstand the law now of course you know we can talk about how this decision singlehandedly judie the Top Administration specifically the h. H. S. Final 11557 we know that. All are protected under the law we understand that people like myself actually should have rights under the Affordable Care act and we also. Stamp the truth ministration has consistently from day one the one that homophobic can transform legislation so this is no different so if you asked a specific question of why certain for why the court specifically whites who just says that he actually nominated who were against him i believe it is because frankly we are not the only people that are tired of trunks and i think they dont want me part of that homophobic transfer transform that legacy thats actually ministration has simply interwoven and thats part of fabric of society. Very true empress then i know that weve had you on before and weve discussed this partially but we know that a lot of the cold cases are increasing how are they l g b t q americans handling this because we know also that often times they are under served in our Health Care System already. Correct i think its part of the same you know to be completely honest part of what weve noticed for at least the past 3 months but we have data for a longer period of time where that many elements since you people live in the south and live in the midwest and a lot of black and brown people live in the south and midwest many who have preexisting conditions then theyre not preexisting conditions because were not taking care of ourselves theyre preexisting conditions because we live in a society that has also incompetency has clinical incompetency that actually has homophobia really but then the clinical staff and so something that we really try to do is ensure that all particularly ultimately people of color have access to you know the Clinical Study and not just have access rights have actual good access have affordable comprehensive health care have family and medical being back so of course coleman it will be devastating to those communities as well im a part of those communities but one of the things that were really get a lift if some to make sure that we still stay socially distance its safe and possible to do so because frankly we know the top ministration i care about our health so we have to be the community at your fire on most definitely and speaking of caring about our own and all but i want to ask you know here we are witnessing this historic monumental fight for justice and equality but you know in the United States but yet even in the middle of these bell global protests we are still seeing upticks and violence against you know the black Trans Community as a mission mentioned earlier how do we stop further marginalizing of this group and others as were all standing together saying ok enough is enough we all want to quality we all want justice. You know one thing i want to make clear is that i am not a transgender person i am sister endor and part of being insist gender in my role is to really protect and speak up for transfer when i see any kind of violence happening and so you know one of the saints again thats a fundamental here is that many all not value. The lives of black transform and that includes some black people that includes black people who are sister and heterosexual and so when people say lives black lives matter we mean all black lives matter the truth is we have a hash tag right we have a movement as black lives matter whats actually happening though if we continue to march toward the same lies over and over again we continue to march for oftentimes black street sister and are men and so because of that it is really important for us to kind of name that were not talking about black women oftentimes unfortunately were not talking about the Briana Taylor she was the lead were not talking about the stance of plants were not talking about the i dont understand the jones were not talking about the small woods were not talking about cia wanted here as were not talking action list literally name of the name of black women will system trans who we dont march for and so were actually talking about the violence that happens against transfer people and black chancellor in a particular we must not forget were talking about the intersection of race of Sexual Orientation and of gender identity were talking about what happens when someone have one hand of White Supremacy and another hand of patriarchal violence were talking about what happens when we are silent about the deaths and about the killing of black transfuse were talking about what happens when black translunar killings by either vigilantes or black men or Police Officers right were talking about what happens when we are actually seeing black trance people experience interpersonal violence and state violence again as assistant or man my role of responsibility is to always always always protect transform because i know deep down inside that theyre going to be some black sister heterosexual man wont and i know deep down inside certainly that Law Enforcement will not really expect them and care about their murders here is speaking to my soul with that roll call their president and i thank you for calling out. Be huge diffidence that we often have when it comes to that no by between whos black lives matter and who is technically do not i have another question and you know that its an Election Year in Election Year politics get wonky what types of policies does the l. G. B. T. Q. Community advocate for during this moment in history where all eyes are on black america. Its on the top to be honest one of the things that im working on right now its been an article on the teach you people should should also support the funding the police so that one thing that i really think is important is to really its pride month we need to think back to the history of the Stonewall Movement where on june 28th 1969 people like marcia penn all mine johnson people like sylvia repair people like miss major who were really on the front lines of what we now know as a pride and you know the 1st pride was a riot and so when im talking about policy im talking about why the son in the police and investing in communities that that look like us that actually are black and brown that are actually plus among other things must be protected and not only the local and state level but the federal level even though in vast majority of Law Enforcement budgets are really at the helm at the local level we need to call attention to congressional members cetera leaders who can actually provide incentives who actually encourage local and state elected to say you know what lets take your 500000000 dollars budget of policing and actually invest in things like housing for unhoused or employment for people who are unemployed or underemployed health care for people who dont have Health Insurance because many people dont have employers who have Health Insurance through their employer so when youre talking about like policies at the federal or you go its a local or state level that else because you people need one of the things that i will employ or else needs people to do is also joins join this and i mean because i couldnt agree with you more preston rich and thank you so much for coming on always a pleasure having you on to educate our audience. Thank you so much i appreciate it. Well my friends it appears that just when you thought 2020 couldnt get any more bizarre the ancient mayan calendar said hold my beer yes the internet and social media were on fire this week dusting off the old mayan calendar end of the world prophecies with word that surprisingly and yes miraculously the original calendar prognosticators who said that the mayans predicted the end of the world back on december 21st 2012 actually got it wrong clearly because were all still here well now according to a new interpretation that translates the mayan calendar into the julian calendar instead of the gregorian calendar the world is now supposed to end yes this sunday june 21st and he us fathers day holiday so my friends start planning accordingly or dont or really why not just start living each day like its your last and make each day the best one that can possibly be because truth is no dusty old calendar makers hold the answers to our fate we ourselves do. All right everybody valid as our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tyrol been through keep on watching all those hearts out there and ever great day and night everybody. If the epidemic continues as a disease the economies will not work we will not have trade tourism. The investments we will have continuing very deep economic crisis. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage 3 parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks on the population of belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes a mobile strike can put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants and the burning of coal streets in belfast at the time more than a 100 innocent civilians when ludovic as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and of the currents which the pollution was involved in some of those cases the killers would later be named into the noun gang i think it went to the very very top i think it is. The water where all the taste and you thought was going on and give the go ahead. You cannot be both with the yeah you like. Listening to national will discover that when he believes molested that solicit it to prevent you spew false and its kind of seen from the regular morgue youre more your partner going through for the right. Oh. Ya bush or psych you would all but us lucifer mistletoe is just that in the gutter at them to fail nobody it is not my achievement mr davies are 5 you have plans were conceived but indeed and carried out by the people themselves if al would produce or even florek it with the idea of making a film like this theyd probably be branded as crazy. How was the sentiment during the war the soviets were brave heroes resisting the nazis thats going to change of course after the war but once the cold war begins. I Little People think that hollywood is a free place but only what is strictly defined by only one side of the business and the other side is idealist. How would i define hollywood if they call it a dream manufacturer which i thinks true but i think equally its a propaganda fact. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. The u. K. Lowers its coded 19 alert level as the Prime Minister hints that to meet a social distancing could also be relaxed. But thats as a government review into social distancing threatens to derail a july reopening for pubs and restaurants we hear from the head of a pub train who was planning to open up regardless. Thousands of student nurses who signed up to work on the code 19 front line have been told their contracts will end early and feel betrayed we get reaction from one of them. Cant get my head around why because were students it is acceptable to believe its father. To be acknowledged it should be acknowledged in a better way it shouldnt be. So very. Local doctors are increasingly losing faith in the governments response to the cupboard 19 pound thanks to a Virus Testing delays and long time breach scandals we hear from a Community Doctor. And the u. K. s borrowing source to a record high as the debt exceeds the entire economy for the 1st time in time for century ill be talking to a financial expert. The u. K. Has downgraded its coded 900 alert level from 4 to 3 a speculation grows that the Prime Minister could catch the social distancing rule from 2 nieces but the chief medical officers from all 4 of the u. K. s home nations also warned against complacency amid fears of a localized virus outbreaks before this case is sarah lee joins me now with the latest hi there recess so can you tell us what the lowering of the alert level actually means in practical terms what that. Means is that the chief medical offices for England Wales scotland and Northern Ireland have all agreed that the situation around the country in terms of the number of infections the number of cases has improved and that the infection rate they are right is going down and so for that reason theyve all taken the joint decision to downgrade the threat level for from covert 900. 00 from 4. 00 to 3. 00 now the Health Section about how to cope welcomed this move he described it as a big moment for the country and it tried to claim credit for it saying that the it was proof that the government of the country had taken the right measures of course critics would point out that the u. K. Has one of the highest death tolls as a result of covert 1000. 00 on the highest per 1000000 in any of any country around the world and so for those reasons there are some who are still remaining cautious that the threat hasnt gone away completely now what do these numbers mean what do these graphs levels 5 and 4 and 3 mean well if we have a look at the chart we can see that number 5. Level 5 means that the situation in the country is critical for me transmission of the country is rising exponentially thats where we are now that were about levels 3 that means that the situation is improving the transmission is no longer rising exponentially that means that the our rate is less than one and of course the 2 threat level means that transmission is low and one is where really the country wants to be that means that there would be no more cases and that effectively 19 has been stamped out now as a result of the downgrading from 4. 00 to 3. 00 we could be seeing some of the social distancing measures reviewed especially in schools with Boris Johnson said there is a possibility that it could go from 2 metres to one. Its really diminishing amongst us all and thats the most important thing and that will allow us as the alert level comes down that will allow us to start making some progress as ive said on our plan and with the social distancing measures so when we go forward to july the 4th which is the next big this stage in the plan and we hope that there will be more guidance out very very shortly will help people help businesses help hospitality to prepare for that and and how to implement social distancing in a safe way as a time to come back and get your kids back into into school and of course on the on the social distancing measures as i said watch this space we will be putting in the changes and the science allows now of course its not just in schools that some around the country would like to see these social distancing measures reviewed restaurants pubs bars lounges cafes and eat out that where people would like to socialise the owners of those establishment would also like to see the measures brought down from 2. 00 to 1. 00 that would allow them to get their doors open and to realistically try to get as many customers through the door as possible and for many people to try to salvage their businesses if they can get a so thank you very much indeed. What despite Boris Johnsons optimism a government review had to to reach a social distancing could delay plans to reopen pubs and restaurants on july the 4th pubs and bars have been close since the beginning of the lockdown in march with the sector among the hardest hit in the u. K. But some owners are rebelling and vow to reopen their doors on july the 4th anyway. Well to discuss this are now joined by one of those rebel publicans and pub chain boss thats damnit king dermot thank you for joining us and what do you think when you have the july the 4th i printing can be reviewed. Its rather frustrating we will and i think the government is really conflating 2 issues here is it all has already issued guidelines that says that as long as the governments 5 key targets were on track which the Prime Minister keeps and updating us every week to confirm the country is on track and as long as the ratio of threat to the n. H. S. Is declining as long as the number of instances are declining and are under control then in those circumstances we can reopen restaurants and bars no barrier and on the 4th of july now those conditions have not changed and its great news this morning that. Level threat level has been reduced from 43 and so all of the conditions appear to be going in the right direction and the governments caught between 2 stools because its problem isnt getting built in restaurants or this problem is getting schools open and it can and its it has a. Crisis in in being able to do one without doing the other and i feel we were being caught in the middle of all of that and it really is not good enough you know what when youre running a business such as ours there were less than 3 weeks hence the 4th of july do is take time to set our businesses up and you know were not a you know are we serve fresh food and fresh food has to be ordered or is it to do that every time you have to bring your people off for a low which is really currently are in order to stop or ours are and suffer souter is stuck our kitchens get our menus ready it requires a lead in time and the it isnt it isnt it just in time system were not a manufacturing process its a hospital. Business and we need to get our team ready trained and wanting to serve guests who want to come out because most will want to enjoy what we have to offer advice just as sorry as we heard from our correspondents there seem to be hinting that the time could be cut i mean what is it that youre hearing. Were hearing there the time. Is not what were hearing that the 4th of july is more likely or lots less id guess like a pretty good way around is less than likely. Not talking on the 4th of july and i think that the relatively is good news but. The issue that we face is that we need a lead in time to get prepared to and under now for digitizer is really really important and getting hospitality is really open is really really important i mean dont forget its in its about 10 percent of the economy youve already heard in total Government Debt is now greater than the size of our economy and its just we never had that situation before and and it will really fear is that the cost of this is going to be greater than that and the actual virus itself and it really is a crisis of government management rather than the buyers whatever if they government were to tell you its not safe to open we still do it anyway. Well or were challenging the government to do another u. Turn and its been pretty good at doing u. Turns and and what we are saying is its getting to a stage where we cant really wait much longer we have to order the Raw Materials that we need so that i want to be all of those all materials they are ordered that does nothing else you can do once weve and taken Raw Materials in whether its a meter whether its there are supplies from italy because you know a lot of our menu items are authentic italian food and then its you know the train is in motion and its very difficult to turn that back once he starts and and once it starts then. Were going to open and have a very very brief if you wouldnt mind how do you plan to keep your punter safe. We have completely reengineered the whole Customer Experience in our burbs weve got. You know were were in a i guess a looking situation if you call it out in that our pubs are generally destination country and market channel and venues that have at least 4000. 00 square suite square feet in size weve redesigned all of closer to meter spacing but we cant do 2 mistaken spacing weve got glass partition between them so that all our customers are saved we install a one way system its your ordering through your phone only its cashless only theres plenty of Hand Sanitizer going on there weve got huge gardens weve got plenty of opportunities to make our business so different than any of our high street shops monium do the supermarkets that are already open contra and use them if you will east for ok deborah thank you very much david joining us demick king there thank you very much. Now says thousands of student nurses drafted on to the n. H. S. Frontline during the peak of the corona virus crisis are being told their contracts will be terminated early leaving many furious and even in debt for one of them any pov and told r. T. U. K. About how disappointed she was at the news just after finishing his deft and i was walking back to my carriage and just remember feeling really let down and unsupported because a good margin so hard and so many students across the country jumps an opportunity to air how can such a challenging time with light little or no bullets also has a taste and and if there is now that we have been used for what we needed far and pushed to the silo there regardless of what we were promised and i am i am upset about it because i feel that it was anybody else in and you have aligned. If theyve signed a contract. Watching a certain period of time they wouldnt have had that on track with on it they would have what the contract to be and because it wouldnt have been acceptable and the fall of originally planned and now i cant get my head around why because were students it is acceptable believe it for what acknowledged it should be acknowledged in a better way it shouldnt be. In march almost 18000. 00 student nurses and midwives in their final 6 months of studies or 2nd year were called to work temporarily alongside frontline n. H. S. Workers it was part of a move to boost the Health Services workforce during the coronavirus pandemic in anticipation of hospital beds being overwhelmed during the virus peak while most contracts were set up to last until around september the government now says the paid placements will terminate at the end of july but the Health Secretary has was taken to task over the action in the house of commons all of a nature stuff deserve great praise dont they mr speaker so can i just ask you on a specific point which i for which i as a merged in the last couple of days one student nurses who joined the front line 6 months ago as part of the coronavirus efforts now seeing that paid placement schemes terminated early leaving them with no income surely this is no way to treat student nursing staff it is wrong to suggest that student nurses and midwives are being made redundant all student nurses and midwives are required to complete placements during their training as part of the response to cope with 19 these hours been paid and will be until the end of the summer and n. H. S. England has been provided with the funding to student salaries as part of our response to 19 and the chief nurse has taken that forward. Well more than 60000 people have since signed a petition demanding the Health Secretary doesnt prematurely end the paid placements and nursing unions are demanding clarity from englands Health Authority is calling for the government to all of the sacrifices student nurses have made the former Health Secretary jeremy hunt said on twitter that he cannot believe the government would let down socalled brilliant and brave nurses but the department of health and social care denies that anything has changed. By the end of july most final year students can qualify as registered nurses and start full time work increasing their pay those with hours to complete will be paid until september 2nd year students will return to complete their qualifications so they can qualify as quickly as possible which is always been the plan well student nurse at a pardon also told us that the sacrifices made by those like yourself in the face of the pandemic are undeniable ive had to no distance myself from obviously c. N. N. Friends and family and i think absolutely you know last of up to the end responded to joining the emergency register theyve all made sacrifices so at the pandemic. Obviously prior to what i can if they were living with people with house conditions they would hards are completely distance themselves from that and weve also had to adapt ourselves to a new role weve taken on new responsibilities when a lot of supernumerary so although the support is still in place where. More and dependently and taken on different responsible as using different roles ive had to adopt a lot so i would say sacrifices have been made by sure that nasa is going to follow up my cohort im trying to be a pediatric gnashed and a lot of my other students in the cost theyve been sent to new adults warts on its an environment but then not training to be in that. Having to adapt to new situations that theyve never experience theyve not been exposed to it we saw on it the have to adopt a lot even in the childrens ward read up you know with c. N. N. Different things that we do we wouldnt have been around in a normal pace next because it isnt a normal place and. A policeman and a pandemic that nobody expected so why even though nashs qualified nobody expected it. Started on the south. Pole so local doctors are increasingly losing faith in the governments response to the Coronavirus Crisis we hear from one of them. And u. K. Borrowing soars with the total debts now more than the entire economy we hear from our financial experts. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallowness. I no team no crowd. No shots. Actually ill speak. With. No 1st. Point show your thirst for action. Welcome back local doctors are increasingly losing faith in the u. K. Governments response to the coronavirus pandemic according to a recent poll. Of the 700. 00 doctors asked 65 percent say they have a negative opinion of the governments Pandemic Response well thats up from 35 percent in april at the height of the u. K. s outbreak or 55 percent dont think the governments testing Trace Program will stop the spread of the fire us well over 3 quarters say the actions of the Prime Ministers chief advisor Dominic Cummings and his lock down trip to durham have meant others are less likely to follow the existing rules or for more of these figures are now joined by Community Doctor to zisha slate just like a thank you for joining us me what do you make of the governments virus response well i mean overall my feeling is that the responses theres not been very good at school and theres been very little interest in the welfare frontline clinicians its my feeling that there was a manipulation of the various guidelines that its we use some standard p. P. For example and i was very disappointed about how the governments imputes a sense brianne may be a groupie thats the black asian minority an ethnic group be. Its also clear that matters hancocks comments about watching the tone of language to a clinician challenging him in parliament summarizes in my view what the government wants which is essentially a kind of blind obedience which can effectively cost you your life. Not alone in having lost to a great deal of faith in them or faith in the government was much higher during the peak of the virus what is it in a nutshell that changed for you. Well as i was so sort of hinting that its these terminology and the repeated claims of science when actually thats not what were saying heres a quick examples so were told about every soul generating procedure is in our aerosol generating procedures if we use the guidelines that weve given which give you the mis conception that it doesnt happen in primary can thats entirely folds and we are exposed to aerosols in primary care people do cough and sneeze and she need proper protection for that and that means something more than the flimsy aprons and marks that we are given at kristens it was quite clear from n. H. S. England missives that we were being expected to do a lot more with patients being discharged quicker than usual from hospital into the Community Without resources now if were being expected to go into peoples homes where there will be an abundance of aerosols because people do cough and sneeze and obviously patients. Have copd or recovering from it we need to have the proper protection but doctors now is id have to say the government says that in all of its policies its guided by the science what do you think. Well the world this is why i made the comment about guidelines being manipulated you see because we all know that when this is over challenges will be made and now believe actually someone is making a challenge legally and presents. What weve seen is not science were seeing scientism were seeing the abuse of. Science in inverted commas you know i gave you that example about aerosol generating procedures every clinician knows that were being exposed to aerosols in primary care if were conducting face to face interaction with patients and just because the guidelines. Are giving the impression of the country it doesnt mean that we should blindly follow it so for example we are trying to get the maximum protection for ourselves and our staff because we dont have faith in those guidelines i mean lets have a look at the what was said by the Public Health England Group b. Initially there were no recommendations made whatsoever for being a any professionals it was rightly described as a whitewash its only after exerting pressure and challenging things that the true story is a is are you have very very theosophy just before you go i mean what about the actions of the p. M. s chief advisor during a lockdown did that have an impact on trust very briefly if you wouldnt mind yes yes it has diminished trust tremendously doctors shall say thank you very much indeed for your thoughts thank you thank you. The u. K. s debt has hit a record high as government borrowing surged to fight the Coronavirus Crisis the cut the countrys borrowing has risen to almost 104000000000 pounds thats 87000000000 more than the same time last year where the extra spending has resulted in debt rising by over 20 percent and that means the total level. Government debt 1. 95 trillion pounds has now grown to more than the entire you guys output for the 1st time since the 1963 well the government has been borrowing more than usual to cover the costs of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and heavy spending on other nations to tackle the efforts of the pandemic the government step as it rose as a result of a plunge in tax revenue and a rise of spending on various support schemes to businesses and the community. Before those figures and i joined by a financial expert thats professor keith case thank you for joining us its a lot of money were borrowing but its a necessary expenditure isnt it well if it is very very tricky people you know getting their income or their product and not actually work a. Separate its not necessary. To get to drive with 3 or 4 people i mean that you could buy for money if you were just the service. To the driving around mum but we want perth about well up a 3rd its a bit of a bit blurry but public money is a very big well the alternative to government borrowing is millions more out of work in Companies Going under isnt it well obviously thought brought. About by a very big one you know the reality is its got to be a lot of great grief noninvolvement anger about people who are just going to bettering the government by proving that theyre running a copy of the situation are going to think that youre right if youre not put out of the fire that they took their support if you can say that the situation though and as you said emergency situation is temporary isnt it when people are back at work things will improve went by. Well we cant get any was coming because were doing pretty close and everything. That we have been protected and then that fog is not the job of the coast guard that its got to make a lot of difference you know if we can get it down to one of the. Small businesses can survive recovery be flexible and allow shops are open for longer and also some things could be done im getting kids back to school already fundamentally if you cant get the kids back because weve got to get a better spot how could the government have done things differently well they should have started to take a risk by surprise its quite clear the old saying for the big effect is that the ones die in huge numbers compared to the Younger Generation and then call everybody how do you know some interesting people from i mean the Service Sector and things like that but the younger people you know if youre going to have. A bit of advice you have to take a Risk Assessment and we asked too many young people about how to say i was sure that what youre saying is that the decisions were made because i was political rather than economical that thats because you know the politicians were togo 5 to. 8 to get the all right was a fight but you have to do it the risk that provides why and of course many people email people who were left to die by the government effectively because they didnt actually get ready to. Shoot your bouts of the cat so its just a couple pieces from beginning to end and we also have the end of the break the transition period looming in december i mean could that also compound the pain. Well its just madness isnt it youre going through one of the most difficult situations ive got a man if i were to go for me that you could might put up with a lot of cool were going to be spending a lot of money in cricket match to deal with click which is actually going to that would reduce the pay so we actually was told at the bottom about. What you think the government should do regarding the transition payments whether it should be a very flexible im not sure that the offering expected. Yeah i mean this might be because. Theyve been professed i case building thank you very much indeed for talking to us and ill be back with more news in half an hour seen again. The fact. We go to work. Street old. Nuclear become a battleground in the us in vermont people are demanding the shutdown of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because its a very dangerous oh no clare power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country wheres it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is your power live with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in very real ways our struggle on r. T. One else shows seem wrong when old roles just dont hold. Any new world beliefs yet to shape our disdain for the conflict advocate and in games from an equals betrayal. One song then a find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. All of them to use or if you go missionaries immediately share. A coffee secretly in that your mind the economic damage often coronavirus the damage is still being hounded whats in store for us today was he listed among time magazines was in what he called it or Jeffrey Sachs economics that after all these controversies Stable Development in Columbia University and senior your advisor. Professor its so great to have you with us we do want to. Have a chat with you for the longest time but wow these times of the best times to actually pick your mind and maybe find out what is it that youre going to hear if you are so Large Companies go bankrupt one after another in the Global Economy is more than fire actually in dollars in the best Case Scenario some suggest are currently in the

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