More to do with reputation salvaging. The Liverpool Street and more to. Be linked to this is a time for the city to change to. Change the name to. Change the people will tell slavery. To live the fields possible to build the city and its many lame along the beatles belong to the pool anymore. You have your tuning in from across the world welcome to moscow and to our to international you dont know me with you this news hour good to have your company. Our top story French Police are being accused of conducting racially motivated random idea blocking our meals and clothing on preteen boys Human Rights Watch has published on comfortable a clearing from a 10 year old who describes being publicly humiliated. Reports from paris. With French Police already facing angry crowds over alleged racism and brutality this report hits home but not only does Human Rights Watch detail officers racial profiling with discriminatory i. D. Checks on black and arab men but more shockingly one Young Children to one boy who is identified only as jumo described his 1st experience being whats called a controlled. Ive been stalked by police twice the 1st time i was 9 or 10 years old i thought it was not normal for police to body search 10 year old children another 12 year old called coffee describes in the report how he and his entire class were subjected to a police i d check in front of their school on the outskirts of paris as they headed off on a field trip to put their hands in my pockets they spread my legs and touch my genitals coffee says his teacher tried to object but claims the police then said that they could do what ever they liked this video shows some of the checks. Wanted to. Be. Human rights watch says many of those that they interviewed were stopped simply because of how they look thats ethnic profiling all because of where they live rather than any suspicious behavior even president mark korda has acknowledged that the color of someones skin or even their name can still negatively impact a persons life. Must continue before its against. Dress to skin color or reduce the equal opportunities one should have still too often. Officers are also being accused of using racial slurs as well as invasive and humiliating body searches. I could sense something he did not tell me straight away but she was a bit i mean she was speaking less i learned some time leto that she was told by the police and was suspected of previn drugs. He ended up in socks in the prevent in front of everyone in the center. Who cannot build a society where children are scared of the police were children are scared of the law because of them the police reprise on the law that is how the police of many might say its no wonder that so many black and arab youths stop and searches just like. His story has reemerged in the wake of George Floyds death now he fled a check back in 2016 and was pursued by officers he later died in custody in suspicious circumstances according to his family who have been calling for a review of his death and also for justice. Today is a rally to denounce the denial of justice today as a rally to denounce Police Violence today as a rally to denounce social violence that is a rally to denounce violence were not here to talk were here to get legal action the government has given officers. That when checking i. D. s they must cameras and display their tag numbers so that they can be identified the police insist that the work is difficult and its dangerous and have recently taken to the streets themselves to demand better safe working conditions in the meantime the interior minister has called was 0 tolerance to racism and even tories chokehold arrest technique. But that was just days later following pressure from Police Unions leaving a fearful section of French Society feeling that theyre heading straight back to square one shoulder deep in. Paris but we have been in touch with French Police chiefs about the findings were yet to hear anything back human rights activists though yes leaves many young and friends sure hoping to be raised in fear of the police. This week or from Human Rights Watch actually its worth stating the obvious that they have beem doesnt so if we pour it on the French Police on a racial profiling of young blacks and arabs if everyone remembers the ombudsman to clear out and found out that if you are a black or an arab youngster you are 20 times more likely or being arrested by the police what this report to raise it is there was no stepping back wards if there was no questioning of for news of brutality in france what do you commit raciest crimes as a Police Officer there is no accountability and you are protected from any a try you are not alone jail time what do you send as a message i can do it and get away with it we have come to a porn dutt job lotsa arabs in france are raised to avoid the police what needs to be done in france is for Law Enforcement to be redesigned of the doctrine of public order to be thought again so we dont have a good news that positions itself as a closed loop who people of. Another major American Consumer brand is overhauling its perk edging to avoid being called racially insensitive cream of wheat breakfast is the 4th brown than 24 hours to reassess the use of images of black people to sell goods killam up and looks now at the levels of scent or ity that changes. Rebellion across america its very clear us Society Needs to do something to address its flaws when it comes to issues of racism something must be done so corporate and political elites and decided its time to change corporate logos and advertising and jim im a pancake mix made by pepsi corp is going to be changed more people have flipped over after my mother than and many other and cakes in the world we recognize. And you my most origins are based on a racial stereotype while work has been done over the years to update the brand where realize those changes are not enough and your mind was based on nancy green a beloved africanamerican storyteller was born in slavery but rose to become a talented entrepreneur in the post civil war years there was something about it and to my mother the call for angela my mother to be changed has been building on social media for a long time did you know the founder chris wright a white man to get the name after attending the michelle show think black face did you also know he hired former slave nancy grace to be his very much amana where she went around to the bank case and tell the people stories of the good ole sad and afterwards they did say mom about survived him out on the field of them having their very own mammy and that laughing matter people. Even over this some say its far from racist to have the image of a black person on a food product list of brands changing their logos is growing. Amid all the protest and public outrage it seems that images symbols and monuments have become the focus of so much public discussion. Politicians are eager to make grand gestures for those who wish to we will now neil our moment of silence. Is to to. Purpose to seize and to listen and heal now is the time for Racial Justice but will the. Solve the actual issue behind the protests the conditions facing africanamericans symbolic gestures that the corporations and some Government Entities are involved is not going to be enough to where social stability of the United States and its coming period these and that the issues that blow up to millions of people into the streets the government needs to address institutional racism in the United States it has to address the militarization of the police to demilitarize Law Enforcement officials the protests are not about images and symbols theyre about economic Injustice Police chokeholds mass incarceration and much more addressing the issues that have spawned decades of racial unrest in the United States would require some very big dramatic shifts the very foundations of u. S. Society might need to be altered so why is the media focused on cohen every products it will mop and artsy new york. From packaging to statues to street names in liverpool north west england a long target known as a street well known to films all of the beatles but which is alleged to belong to it being century slave creator but is the city in any mood to face the music heres polyploid. I am in liverpool a famous poet faith he handles the famous meaning they. Say this is penny lane which is immortalized in that beatles song when it. Said bob and the guys. These signs were defaced during a recent black lives matter protest someone wrote racist over the top of it and scribbled out the penny and the reason big theres some confusion over where the name of this street even comes from some people think that its linked to a slave trader called james penny who lived in operated out of liverpool but the International Slavery museum here in liverpool says that the evidence linking james penny to penny lane is inconclusive and moreover some people point to the fact that some maps show penny lane only the map some 20 or 30 years before james penny even made it into liverpool the Liverpool City Region mayor has caused around our by saying that even if there is some connection between this street and the old slave trade or james penny. Then the street will be renamed i just wanted to ask if you think that penny lane should be renamed if it is found to be linked to slavery too should be renamed snow which will be probably laid graysons name change the name there to use to change the narrative of the people still told slavery its a parts a little pills possible which will tilt the ship to get all the call taker out all the utilities being told i dont think they should change it because i would like to do it history isnt it im like its not directly aimed at anyone in the humans i think it should be up for historical reasons so i think it should stand well its up to just the people of liverpool really to do the show on this music movies dot com to particulars on the beatles there are just talking to a lady who lives here and shes a resident and she says that the reason its called penny lane isnt to do with the slave whose name is penny. With the bridge which is right and he would be charged a penny to cross a. Rats why its called 99 or at least this is the bridge that some of the residents say is actually the reason penny lane is named penny lane you think of penny lane you dont think of slavery dont think its old if you think of the beatles theyve kind of they appropriated it themselves on its penny lane belongs to the beatles now its name belongs a little cool anymore what you think about changing penny lane is going to be on the job in a way which in. Turn you into shows look up on you should there not be the popular show now 50 years ago but it was a trend that by the way the show now should be challenged and its but you will never find the mood still ahead it is plus war for between teachers and the British Government over when its safe for pupils to head back to class after the locked up with that reaction after the break. Speaking to west point graduates were ending the era of endless wars 4 years ago on the campaign trail he said tensely the same thing why is it so difficult but this president to make good on this promise why make the promise again if we cant beat. Back with our to International Law them or put in the warrant of the dangers of ignoring historys realities and then detailed article for an American InternationalAffairs Magazine ahead of next weeks rescheduled victory day parade he points to western coverage and teachings increasingly failing to mention the vital role of the soviet union in the 2nd world war and why herb brushing the facts today sets the world up to repeat the same feel years it takes a look at some of the reaction. Now in the article which by the way initially was published in english liner putin desex history looking at what events and decisions made the 2nd world war possible and what the world today can learn from those mistakes and the key narrative of that piece is that essentially theres a dangerous tendency nowadays to brush aside to all the look the massive role that the soviet union played in defeating the nazi germany the peace which balances between praise and criticism towards all nations that fought fascists and nazis including the soviet union which received its fair share of criticism from the russian president as well vitamin porton essentially says that history should be preserved as it is with all of its mistakes and things done right disagrees you can insulting the memory is mean meanness can be deliberate hypocritical and pretty much intentional as in the situation when declarations commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of the 2nd world war mentioned all participants in the anti Hitler Coalition except for the soviet union meanness can also be bloody as in the situation when those who come out against mere nazis and darragh successors are killed and burned once again meanness can have different manifestations but this does not make it any less disgusting now this is quite an obvious reference to a tweet back from may when the official white house twitter account posted praises to everyone except the soviet union for defeating nazi germany that tweet was enough to cause huge outrage both online and especially here in russia where an opponent also floated in a dia of a summit of the 5 Nuclear States that was russia the United States the u. K. France and china according to the russian president this could be a good and productive format for these countries and for the world in general to overcome whatever differences there. Currently are between the countries and in general the russian president has emphasized that such International Institutions like the United Nations for instance while imperfect they are key for nations to be resolving their differences on the International Arena the calls that have been made quite often in recent years to abolish the veto power to deny special opportunities to permanent members of the Security Council actually irresponsible after all if that happens the United Nations would in essence become the league of nations a meeting for empty talk without any leverage on the world processes would end it is well known the United Nations commenting on the articles said that they agree with the criticism from the russian leader and judging by the fact that again it was published in english and judging by its sheer length and by how thorough it is clearly getting his message across getting this message across is really important for vladimir putin. Getting School Pupils back to schools after the locked on in england is seeing government teachers dig in in a cup pretty fiery Union LeadersEducation Committee m. P. s theyre faced each other in a hot tempered online session on wednesday in a standoff over whether its safe to restart classes and why is it every time i see a teacher you dont see that you know saying schools are unsafe to open schools and its open and pain has been run whether you like or not. Fear into parents about the idea or so many kids back to school has come across to parents the schools are violently important children return to school as quickly as you all and sorry to do so absolutely no doubt about that but where schools are going to were going to they can open. Why would you support any school me if schools need to take care of the issues in relation to health and safety that were always going to do this is a new risk which presents itself in the context of schools why reopening so why is it that children parents can have access to prime mark over the next few months where many of them wont have access to schools even have a quarrel with the risk assessments of being down in schools the nicest girl in issue should take it with the f b i ive never been sort of frustration in mind. Sitting in this Community Listening to whats being said as for the ne you running a Political Campaign which came through m. P. s in boxes to base you make sure schools did not are just to get on to me disgraceful well heres where we are bought this schools across the u. K. Shot in march to reduce the spread of coronavirus those in scotland wales plan to reopen later this month but it is a picture and some primary and secondary schools are allowed back on june the 1st but the majority of educational facilities are not expected to fully reopen on till september at the earliest Child Health Experts are also pressuring education authorities and unions to get a plan in place they say its not just about learning but also youngsters Mental Wellbeing development being put at risk the longer they are away from school speaking to r. T. A senior Teaching Union leader sees the governments help huzzard approach is to blame. Solution a plan by the government to get schools the introduced measures without consultation with the teachers unions or the consultation with a professional and so now were teachers and the unions and Senior Leaders and i want to be a lot of the good basically and do the job for them schools are working hard to try and come up with strategies whereby. If we. Start. Fortunately the government didnt really thought were thinking. Billions of physically not big enough for the number of children we did to meet a social distance and it certainly is the issue. You see teaches you a more than happy to sit down and work with them to produce a plan but when fortunately Boris Johnson do not consult with. Us thats a such. A list in the u. K. And continue with a story that weve been looking at for quite some time and opted to it Britains High Court has rejected an uplink haitian by grieving parents to disclose details of a secret agreement between london and washington over their sons death hari dunn was killed when his motorcycle collided with a car allegedly been driven on the wrong side of the road by the wife of a Us Intelligence officer parents are now taking legal action against foreign secretary don that rob the local police claiming if they acted on lawfully by allowing her to flee to america. Parents were given permission to bring a case against dominic wrote that he obstructed northamptonshire polices lawful investigation to its you carry it was for the police to establish you have diplomatic immunity or not not the Foreign Office but they they took it upon themselves to decide that she did and they allowed her to lee. Coolest since charged with killing the 19 year old by dangerous driving last december shed been sold diplomatic immunity and flew back to the us the British Government tried to get her extradited to face trial but that was flat out refused by the american secretary of states. All the rest senior level closed door talks haris prince wanted those out in the open accusing the Foreign Office of obstructing justice under pressure from washington and that was rejected now as well as a request for a former british diplomat to give evidence on applying diplomatic immunity the done family spokesman has pointed out on the part of docs between the 2 countries stand on human rights and theyre treating our his parents. Now these 2 countries are the United States. I the u. K. Claim to be the world leader in protecting human rights and between them they have this again one of the worst abuses of human rights. In history you there are millions of people around the world who are looking at this case and thinking how does this even how even if she had diplomatic immunity its not the right thing to do but we are very clear that she did this and we just hope the parents are incredibly decent people we thank. Both governments are going to step forward and do the right thing and you know if they dont then we may have to compete and force the issue through the courts. Running the rule over the numbers not could prove vital him this years u. S. President ial election its laurie king on the latest politicking next. International memorial awards has extended its deadline for submissions. All media professionals are eligible 20 a freelance journalist look for alternative media are a part of a global News Platform you can submit to your published works into the video format go toward go to auntie dot com and it to know. If the epidemic continues as a disease the economies will not work we will not have trade tourism. Investments we will have continuing very deep economic crisis. Whats needed now. Well the start of you know when youve been able to molest that solicit it was a propagandist you. Heard from or your morgue youre more your target not going to provide. A. Lot o. Water source like you would overdose lucifer mistletoe is just that oh my god im just joking nobody it is not my achievement mr davies our 5 year of plans were conceived baby needs and carried out by the people themselves if al would produce or even floor it with the idea of making a film like this he probably be branded as crazy. That was the sentiment during the war the soviets were brave heroes resisting nazis thats going to change of course after the war but once the cold war begins. Little people think that hollywood is a free place but only what is strictly defined by only one side of the business and the other side is ideology. How would i define hollywood is they call it a dream manufacture which i thinks true but i think equally its a propaganda fact. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. He predicted pandemic related political trouble for donald trump before the 1st case of coven 19 was even discovered and they had eyes so what does he see on the political horizon now one on one with pollster frank luntz on this edition of politics. Of the politicking on larry king in a to mull to a selection here the United States grapples with coast to coast protest a pandemic crisis and Major Economic woes 2 thirds of American Voters say the country is on the wrong track well get perspective now from one of my favorite people one of the nations top political consultant master of messaging frank luntz who joins us from Los Angeles Frank a new c. B. S. News poll finds 67 percent of americans they the United States is on the wrong track another poll indicates americans are more unhappy now than theyve been in 15 years does that mean bidens going to be elected. Its certainly not good news for donald trump and it certainly demonstrates exactly why the Trump Campaign has become so nervous while trump himself as criticize a link but i would say to the president if i was sitting in front of him right now dont criticize the numbers i understand whats happening out there down trumps job Approval Rating is in the low fortys is favor ability rating is in the low fortys is numbers had gone up at the very beginning of the virus but over the last 90 days they have fallen why because of his language because of his messaging because of his crease in taishan. American people want empathy they want understanding lay want to know that the people in charge care about them its not just law and order its not control of the streets or do were domination