News poll finds 67 percent of americans they the United States is on the wrong track another poll indicates americans are more unhappy now than theyve been in 15 years does that mean bidens going to be elected. Its certainly not good news for donald trump and it certainly demonstrates exactly why the Trump Campaign has become so nervous while trump himself as criticize a link but i would say to the president s if i was sitting in front of him right now dont criticize the numbers i understand whats happening out there down trumps job Approval Rating is in the low fortys is favor ability rating is in the low fortys is numbers had gone up at the very beginning of the virus but over the last 90 days they have fallen why because of his language because of his messaging because of his crease in taishan. American people want empathy they want understanding they want to know that the people in charge care about them its not just law and order its not control of the streets or the word domination for the average american they want peace of mind they want to jump they want to be able to put a little bit of money away they want their politicians to get something done and with a look now in washington and democrats are doing that not doing that well either larry that right now everyone in washington is getting cursed out because they dont know who to trust and hope in 1000 they dont know whos going to fix economy and they certainly dont know whos going to bring social justice ways of a you tweeted that in my 35 years of polling i have never seen opinion shift this fast or deeply how did that happen. It happened because we saw it on t. V. And we saw it on the web and it was brought to us morning noon and night you read about it in newspapers every way that we collect information we realized that we were not the country that we thought we were we are still inherently good. We are still inherently a just country but we have not treated everybody just like larry ive gone through an opinion change over the last few weeks and last few months and im not surprised that so many people have said another is enough your question now is reach us to fix it how far are we going to go and probably most importantly can we maintain the principles of equality and freedom at the same time because thats what were based on the chance that everyone has an equal opportunity not necessarily me or a result i dont know for ever going to get there but our society is going to change a lot over the coming months guys and biden represent that more d than than trump all that exists when absolutely in all due candor joe biden is one of the most emotional speakers of my lifetime one week ago as 10th around the single best video i have ever seen in my life and its Bobby Kennedy use i know youve seen it for an ad minutes on and he talks about the assassination of Martin Luther king a few hours earlier and bobby speaks with such. Beauty and such warmth and such love and understanding and empathy and joe biden comes from that same school the question in this is all part of who we choose for president the question is whether biden is the same joe biden today that he was when he was Vice President 4 years ago or when he was a candidate for president 12 years ago because in the end were not voting for someone just on election day voting for someone for the next 8 years i dont like it when people make fun of his age my mom had dementia and i went through this with her and i know how much it upset her when people would ask her whats wrong i dont know with joe biden im bothers me when some cable news programs make fun of him or make light because people forget but the public does want to know is he capable at the age of 78 is he capable of 4 years as president it is a legitimate question but boy hes got the biggest heart of any candidate who ran this time and he is so empathetic and im going to tell you something i never admitted i had a stroke i think you know this 5 months ago and i saw joe biden after that show twice and he gave me out. That was so kind and so warm and he held me up and he talked about me and me when it stopped. Cold and everyone who was there to shake his hand and vote for him are pissed off at me because im holding the hold then when joe wanted to talk about my health and my safety and my condition and not many politicians would have done that and im grateful he did it here is a good good man. Hey it was an Engineering Survey just how long a virus they had a day a great speech yes and and but but we have the right to ask is this someone who will go the distance and i think its a legitimate question ive ive asked it i think its a legitimate question actually mask you i mean turn into the around for one second is it legitimate for us to ask is joe biden ready for 4 years is half air i guess it is that no choice. How do you explain that the empath in that killing in minneapolis traveled greater than the killing of Martin Luther king jr the most harlem of that they have a cage claim that theres a zaras yes thats going to be the best question i get probably all week and heres one know that i held up this interview for about 20 minutes because i was with members of the police here in l. A. I want to meet them i wanted to challenge them i wanted to listen and learn from them and this is what i do and try to collect information and ideas and opinions and experiences to those that we dont normally hear and larry i would suggest ive got a couple be able that might be great on your show the reason why this went so white number one is it was on de leo it was recorded number 2 is that it was so brutal and so indefensible because we saw on it this man was not a threat to anyone theres no reason for this number 3 is that weve had crimes like this too often. And i know that people talk about this a to 6 of black on black murder and how much greater it is one crime one death one tragedy like this is too many and them and they are acting and he said enough is enough. Back to 168. 00 civil rights was primarily a black issue in 2020 civil white is a black issue a latino issue or an asian issue an anglo issue and become any of us are concerned about it today and not just civil rights not just about race but also about income and about our social fabric because of that we paid so much attention to this and frankly its its why changes are going to come. I know donald trump 40 years i had no idea he had this lack of empathy how do you explain that he seems to have no empathy he and so i was very critical in a tweet and i and i should explain it and this is a good show to do it on where i was critical that he used the words law and order he is assuming that we have the same talent 6 is 1968 and i think you covered this i believe because of the 68 convention the Democratic Convention is unlike anything we have ever seen and larry at some point youre going to let me turn the tables on you because i want to know your Great Stories your beer is one another things that you have experience in us things that stand out but what in 68 they had a lawn or a campaign but they didnt use those words and ridge an exception won that election because of the socalled simon majority well if you count in the silent majority theyre not silent anymore that donald trump doesnt realize that you can govern in a strong stable successful way. And still use language that is warm and kind and empathetic he thinks that you have to communicate tough because you have to govern tough and id say to you its exactly the opposite we want to know people who understand us and who empathize with us thats i mean i dont want to hear somebody who talks about dominating the streets and my proof larry and this is a trump numbers and gone down over the last 2 weeks. He uses this week to issue an executive order to take another big of the Obama Administration he constantly slams obama is that is that going well form or not you know i i i believe that his actual record is stronger than what people are given credit for and i believe that he gives the media the ammunition to turn his own words against him i really do believe that the economy before cove it was the strongest economy of my lifetime we had a 3. 5 percent Unemployment Rate i was taught in school that the Unemployment Rate for america was 5 percent marry never get a below that and 100. 00 from as low as it been in 50 years the lowest Unemployment Rate for africanamericans for latinos the greatest wage increases in decades no matter how you measure it economy before cope in 1000 was so strong and you got no credit for why because it was messaging was undermining is governing and i know that this is a show about substance not about style larry style does matter in politics and trungpa take this as such as she was insulted he sont but its not. Its simply saying to him the reason why youre not getting credit for all that youve done is not just because the media doesnt like you is because what you say isnt michael how you say it isnt likable you are speaking to the 40 percent that are your core base and youre alienating the 40 percent who are against you and the reason why youre losing now doesnt mean youre going to lose but the reason why youre losing now is that undecided vote 6 percent of america actually approved of a lot of what you did and they dont like how you say it and theyre going to going against you unless you change your message well be right back with more politicking with frank luntz dont go away. The guy down the block for more you. Is counterfeiting mining and hes buying and stumpy he created an extension on a lot of new people on a new car plus 5 new cars he bought another new he bought a lot of jewelry hes live in a large would you say the wealth on that street is this force heading into that guys house because hes able to counterfeit money and spend that money would you say that i mean thats not hard to comprehend. If the epidemic continues as a disease the economies will not recover we will not have trade tourism. Investments we will have continuing very deep economic crisis. Welcome back to politicking continuing the conversation with frank luntz pollster Political Communications consultant maybe the best in the business he joins me from los angeles how bad is that things couldnt get worse what do you make of whos trying to stop the book from coming out. I know that the president doesnt like criticism he says he doesnt mind it he says that people can say whatever they want to say about him but he really does enjoy it another prize because i think the book will reflect badly on the administration. I think that what matters most right now is the Unemployment Rate in fact i can prove it and we ask people how you judge the strength of the economy which is how theyre going to judge talent from number one is unemployment number 2 is the cost of living number 3 is your own Financial Condition and least important is the stock market it doesnt matter what people say about trump weve heard it all before it doesnt matter to some degree what the media report on donald trump weve seen it all before we know what were going to get from fox from c. N. N. M. S. N. He said there are no surprises we know what youre going to get from books like this what we dont know is whether the economy will be heading in the right direction cannot tobar a 2020 so im telling people right now nothing is a better indicator of the Election Results in november then the last unemployment numbers that are issued in october if our unemployment is below 10 percent and has a reasonable shot of being reelected because everybody was predicting that it would be 25 percent or 20 percent or something awful. Cerns of a pandemic was he and he did too little too late so thats a policy question and posters should be very careful about policy people want to know what other people think they dont want us to get prescriptions they dont want to see are those kind of details but but but out of respect for you. The public thinks that he should have done more any heres the number to my surprise 70 percent of americans want to prioritize the health and safety of the country and only 28 percent want to prioritize economy and Economic Conditions and in terms of opening up or staying closed its 2 to one the public would still rather have this country open up safely and sensibly rather than throwing open the doors right now so i know that a majority of americans do not support the position of the federal government and frankly a majority of americans do support what their governors are doing officials in tulsa are asking the president not to speak saturday because of their rise in culver 19 of the having a problem with in tulsa you think kilis them the last time that that a democrat won oklahoma i think was Thomas Jefferson i mean its been decades its been centuries why is your speech in a state that you have no downs of losing why is he not going to pennsylvania or wisconsin or North CarolinaNorth Carolina samas fully open in North Carolina as a swing state floridas almost fully open floridas a swing state so i think that i would listen to the governor of oklahoma and what the governor had to say and i would ask the governor to put his citizens and head of political gain but if i were again there in the oval office and the president said what about this speech i would say sir why are you going to oklahoma when there are other states that are in play maybe this isnt the best idea at this moment. Maybe he wants to hear the cheering you know how he loves that yes but he can hit a sharing in North Carolina he won North Carolina get it sharing in pennsylvania can hear the cheering in florida on a truck i can give you a list of 20 major metropolitan areas that donald trump would hear the cheering i just question the priority and if there is a health issue right now and we know weve got one going on in a few other states if theres a Health Challenge and georgetown where you go why on earth wont he wear a mask now i get this and im and that i may not agree with it but i understand it he wants to show a sense of security that as a present a United States. You do set an example and you do communicate either confidence or you communicate fear and once again i think larry i know where you stand and probably you and i are pretty close on this but i understand why hes not doing it and i dont know what he does in private we dont know what he does in these meetings we dont know what he does. In the in the east wing. But. I think there are things that are much more important to me i really do care about the morbidity rate of this disease and even though we have more diagnosis weve got more people who are found to have coded our hospitals are actually not getting overrun and less and less reruns im from so were learning how to treat it learning and to deal with that im equally concerned about the economy and now we get back up on our feet because you cannot have a successful system at 12 or 13 percent unemployment and the injustices that has been suffered within the Africanamerican Community and the rage and the. Are tend to pull his country together i think that those will have a greater impact on the election in fact of the line i dont imagine more than 10 people voting for or against sound trumped whether or not he wears a mask i do imagine millions of people who are still in decided waiting to see on the economy involves whether we do have a 2nd wave of the virus and whether we can achieve a situation of social justice and quiet in this country what did you make of his unsteady unsteady walk at west point going down that plane. And example he had done a press conference a day before and he walked out from the. From the oval office to deliver it was in the rose garden and he was fine i dont know how steep those steps were i dont know of the steps or west i make nothing of it and as you can sound. I have no i am no longer really partisan anymore and no longer taking sides anymore ive lost that and im glad you lost it and those things really should be held responsible for which it is a lack of empathy which is a lack. Of understanding a fear that so many people have i had it i acknowledged it the president was very critical of a couple reporters in the questions they asked because he said youre just afraid im afraid and i meant this and if you wanted to sit dismiss me because im afraid fine go ahead but i dont want to criticize him on things that either are undeserved or i feel dont dont signify anything and so i dont think he said i think thats got nothing to do with it and there are other things that im much more important. All right but its things as we sum up head dont look very rosy for the president correct what war is going to take a miracle to turn it around is he that far behind it does not take america but it does say donald trump this election he seeks to make it a referendum and i understand why because in the and youve got to include joe by this in this equation it is not just voting against donald trump you have to be willing to vote for someone theyre imitating back to 2004 john kerry should have beaten george bush but in the end kerry made the case against the president but he did not ever make a case for himself and thats why he lost the election in 2016 Hillary Clinton ran the Worst Campaign probably in modern times she won the popular vote but she lost the Electoral College because she wasnt going to the states that matter in respecting her time in arizona and nevada which is foolish and donald trump went to where he needed to go and the last thing id say about this is the base because in the end of debates matter and environed vising down trump i would tell him debate joe biden by times not 3 i would challenge him to a debate every single week in the last week or so temper the 1st week in november because i think that that is where trump will excel and i think that that might be a challenge joe biden when i remember him it was one of the greatest debaters that i have ever seen but hes not as attacked in have it in as a champion it was his and he spoke from the heart as well as him that he was a perfect combination of intellect and heartfelt. But if i were a trump and i wanted to take the Election Team and i wanted to be a comparison there is no better way than a debate and i know were going to end this interview here larry. I always enjoy these exchanges and the idea of having an election without you commentating but you gotta give me that chance i want to ask you about your best interview i want to know about sure since you i know people who watch you want you to talum about the biggest mistakes you made and the greatest successes you made they were delivering. Soon as this election is over soon as we pass november you will come on and host the show and you can ask me anything you want ok i agree with that except with one exception let me do it now lets go to make. Ok well get to it lets put it in the can or i will arrange then and will tape it by the will tell you something you probably dont know because go on to told me this he and kennedy had planned to try to debate weekly to cut down the cost of campaigning to make it easier on travel they were the in the 64. 00 race they were going to debate weekly we may get that brilliant that same strategy in 1964 should happen in 2020 not because its good for any candidate but we are so divided and we only collect our news to affirm us rather than inform us im going to tweet out after the show airs that donald trump and joe biden should do the same thing in 2020. So goldwater told me that so all i know it was true thank you very much frank thanks for joining us today is all of us thank you larry appreciate it and thank you audience for joining me on this edition of politicking a member you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things and dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politicking. To. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks particularly catholic population in belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes a mob was striking to put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of whole streets in belfast at the time more than a 100 innocent civilians were unloaded as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and of the currents which the inclusion was involved in some of those cases that killers would later be named into the now new jag i think it went to the very very top i think it is frosts the water where politicians you thought was going on and gave the go ahead. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. If the epidemic continues as a disease the economies will not work we will not have trade tourism. Investments we will have continuing very deep economic crisis. Ah no team no crowd. No shots. Actually helps because. You know when its dry no arrests. Quench your thirst for action. Max kaiser this is the kaiser report hey lets say the guy down the block from where you live is counterfeiting ronnie and hes by and stuff eat he created an extension on a south sea bought a new boat he bought a new car apply 5 new cars he bought another new boat he bought a lot of jewelry hes live in a large would you say that the wealth on that street is disproportionately heading into that guys house because hes able to counterfeit money and spend that money would you say that i mean thats not