George floyd which featured grieved mother dolly mccain young activist healer omer and veteran campaigner Medea Benjamin hidden from trinidad says that agenda is no different today but our position is different were not like our forefathers we know the terrain victor from ghana says they think we dont see or understand things those days are gone maybe says i keep hearing people attempting to justify what happened to george floyd by saying he was a criminal but 2 wrongs do not and never have made a right arab or from ghana says did he deserve to die for the socalled crime he committed peace must prevail this time around sami from ghana says that its always a time for actions and reaction this is the time the entire African Fraternity has been waiting for its time for the hands of equality before the law to work floyd is the trigger to put the law to its feet im just im just back says the criminal was not fleeing he resisted arrest and goes on to say it was an accident his almost from gambia says did you watch the same video some of us watch that went viral criminal or not he had the right to be heard in the courts of law the friend from tim johnson in cheek and barbara just says all human life matter we did not create life so we should not take peoples life away from them emma from zambia says george needs justice and stop killing black people august in costa rica says sick and tired of all these people enough is enough lets take our country back in November Joseph from nairobi says we are human whether white or black we are all in the same world and finally norbert from Trinidad And Tobago says america is imploding simple as that. Mr naveen to latvia arrived in the United Kingdom in the 1970 s. With 3 lb of his pocket before going on to complete a conversion course and pharmacy at the university of sunderland after working at Whittington Hospital he moved to diagonal where he opened to latta chemists and serve the local community for 35 years sadly of the safety of the 18th he became one of the 42000. 00 u. K. Victims of covert 19 his sudden dot com last a lengthy joins me from london dr to let it tell me a better about your dad tell me about his life and his work my partner was one of the 1st sponsors that we can 7 days a week he would go out in the evenings and open shop late at night for emergency prescriptions so he was known for generations and generations and weve had untold emails in tributes given over the touching story something that hed done for someones farther brother sister. And it brings back memories he was the heart with communities music Light Security deliver medicines to the elderly and then to him it was all about the community and serving the community. And imo similarly to me he was not only my father but my best friend brother and my mental molester tell us a bit about how covert 19 impacted on your family because not just yourself but your pregnant wife and the did your mother it was afflicted by the disease. Thats thats correct eric so it tore through our family and our colon probably trustor and this story probably resonates with so many people across the country. My wife my mother and my father theyre all in the High Risk Group and the upsetting part is we call chip very very early on. And you know my father passed away i could have been also at the funeral of my mother and my wife and you truly understand when you lose someone. Literally every morning every evening in a house its not the same its its changed our lives forever a taking on that the government is no mean feat how are you going to finance taking on the big butt talian xina a legal action it without a lot of support or a Crown Justice that were raising funds and also theres been so many of which you see so many touching stories of families that have you know lost both parents and there is a lot of anger and were finding a lot of support out there in the community. For us to bring this legal action against the government seeking answers not only for me but will support the other families that have been affected and youre completely right and its no mean feat. But i am resident in my determination to get down says and live from the mistakes that have been made. I report can be achieved do you believe for your legal action that wouldnt be discovered the jew course an inquiry her be a Public Inquiry on a parliamentary inquiry what specific advantages are the in a legal action in terms of the scuffling the true we need our answers now and none of this is forthcoming the government on happening laurie weve asked for this petition was sent then i have a meeting or each they dont really mean theyre saying were in a pandemic i tell you agree really a pandemic and we need to learn from the lessons now the academics are asking for is the scientists asking for this and the families are asking believe your lot the winter will approach just and we will be in a position where we could well have a big 2nd wave and if we havent learned our lessons now normal avoidable jets will happen and of the arguments of made in criticism of government policy theres the issue of the delay and what down the delay in communicating the dangers to the public there is the issue of the lack of protective equipment and then as the covenant still running issue of the the state of the test and trace system in your estimation of these free areas of failure what has been the most damning. I think the test is you know we british people are with you know were all in this together and we want to protect each other and if they conveyed information even if they didnt do the looked at it everybody can break information it could be in the community and been honest with us like so many other government countries a bit on us and said look it could be the community would not stop p. P. We know we expect you know 90 percent of people that had articulated 60 requote ities so if theyd been honest to us and said until we wrap up testing until we wrap up testing and p. P. Itll be surprised we need to protect the most vulnerable in the community it would have bought us a lot more time we done the lockdown earlier then we would have had time to improve our tests and trace the n. H. S. Would not be no burden in literally weeks where that not enough p. P. Not ups testing you can in the employ hospital stops or so many hospital stock or sick you know everything was pressured white because we let it go in the community untested so the biggest failure has been not testing in february. Dont. You yourself were conservative Party Candidate in the 2017 election but would you argue that theres nothing political in the in your legal action this is about your family and other families seeking to hold ministers or whatever party to account i think is very poor alex to say to make one thing clear is not political coverage doesnt effect the left the right the facts everyone all of us people that have died a bit in different political spectrum but we have a morality and what is right and weve got to have contrition you cannot say weve done the right decisions at the right songs and thats why im taking this action because the have to misstate we can clearly see that and were not saying that youre going to get things right every time this being an epic failure and theres been so many deaths like my partners that could have been avoided and i think its very very important as a nation we do not make this political we want to have a solution so no other problems like my family has to go through the grief the sorrow and it doesnt get easier. All those families but i think its very very important that those lessons alone now and why they let now with that if i can say like in the future when of the chief might go and its not a pow you know scoring points its about say where did we go wrong what can we do better and how do we prevent this and we need those on says now because if we dont have those on says all those people that dont want to look then we have another locked up all those lives are lost to lose no innocent lines if i can prevent one avoidable death then ive done something and i think many people feel the same. And how did you feel when previous government advisers some common Government Advisors indicated recently that if a lockdown had been implemented even though we can live a perhaps up to half of the lives lost could have been saved i have to agree with them alex the evidence is there the facts are there we cant get away from the fact. It was in the community at lockdown was earlier we would have saved a lot more lives you could have you know people forget in march 1st we came on 2nd week in march the pubs were cracked the restaurants were cracked and it was in our community so and it wasnt that we could have the warning bells we had warning bells we saw what was happening in italy elect everybody to agree we saw what was happening in spain so the ruling songs were there and i think the government voices the scientific advisor that make those facts it had occurred earlier we can argue about the numbers but we can argue about the fact with more lives would have been cited a 100 percent more likely for more families with nothing to live tough and want things very very clear alex were going to take ownership of our choices right or wrong and i dont think matt hancock of the secular state has done us in other countries have been contrition where people are publicly said look im made of instant but here we still resonate as late as last week saying we did the right things at the right time not by the insulting to my family and many many other time is our lost loved ones. And dr to let if you had a message to give today from your family to Health Hancock to Prime Minister balas johnson what would that message be the utmost importance is to protect that which is citizens and were all in this together but we need to learn from our mistakes now if we can learn from the mistakes that we made then we can save lives Going Forward not at a lathi from london thank you very much indeed for joining me on the isle of salmon show thank you very much and its. Joining us after the break will be discuss the governments reaction to the disproportionate instance of covert 19 among the citizens with that champion of the minority communities. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Spearing Dramatic Development only mostly im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very chaotic it was time to sit down and talk. 6. You cant get away from advertisement to change your appearance. Many local people see Plastic Surgery as a prerequisite for a successful career employers are often most interested in the job seekers appearance but as a graduation present parents often dont use Plastic Surgery for an extra field in the islands to make their eyes looking up. Almost every korean teenager dreams of looking just like a needles. Some control from middle class to homeless overnight most some are very hardworking people who want to get ahead that either have some some Health Issues or have some of it out of strict about luck a full time job one told me his pay for a place to live and missing just a months rent can get you a victim to gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. You better catch up real quick. Or youre going to have a judgment of possession against you and get addicted to anyone thats homeless is history like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time its not the case see how it is to be paul in the worlds richest country. Welcome back. Because being clear of the black lives matter when publishing a report on covert 19 and the b m e communities out of the government have come on the sustained political fire for not publishing that element of the review quiz recommended action and talked about institutionalized racism until this week. But a lot of action speaks louder than words say the critics or i talked about in this hooton who regular speaks out for minority communities and the fans in 1st the women in the house of lords while the circle of hope concern the you by the evidence of covert 19 has had a greater impact a moment norah to communities im deeply concerned and i have been persistently trying to raise this matter in the house there are countless reports on the system and on government shelves various point over the past decade which has not been addressed and so now we come to see that these Health Inequalities has resulted in terrible outcomes where we have lost power isnt thousands of people perhaps not needed to do that i know personally that one of the 5 doctors who died sadly and my condolences go to all the families who lost their loved ones and you know of course we all celebrate the care workers in the n. H. S. Workers who have relentlessly you know made our life safer we know what professor fenton a said and others have said b. M. May achieve have said that theres been a great disproportionality which need not have happened and could have saved lives how surprised were you concerned that the government seemed to suppress the section of the report from Public Health england which indicated both what solutions vacuum and they sions of could be also that institutionalized racism could be an aspect of why there was a disproportionate effect on the minority communities. Historically institutions have always wanted to suppress racism and discrimination structural and direct and overt and covert and that has impacted you know huge away the lives of minority communities after all their citizens you know ok i came here as a migrant with my father and my mother and my siblings but my children and my grandchildren are definitely british citizens and they have to be taken seriously as. Members of all communities and their lives matter we need to address the healthy qualities we need to address Employment Opportunities we need to address housing we need to therefore address the Health Outcomes so yeah the solutions are out there we need to listen and government must admit for the 1st time that there is institutionalize and Structural Racism and discrimination within all institutions and they need to be addressed. Now the statistics from Public Health england show that the Bangladeshi Community is twice as likely to suffer the impact and indeed to die of covert 19 general population cephalic compared to white britons home shop or you buy that fine but. I was deeply shocked and saddened that that is clearly evident im really angry that i know i was involved in the campaign to try and eradicate Health Inequalities for 40 years 40 years ago since and those very very important factors still half revelent you know our lives i want to just say one thing bangladeshi communities over the district terrible tragedies have done immense work to try and take care of those who are didnt have access to food and access to services by creating you know Community Generated initiatives are in a very very small way you know i was working with a couple of Womens Organization you know raising funds raising mosques and gloves and i have to say thank you very much to the beijing beijing association and you know im doubtful a man and doctor sat for hours and m. R. John they all helped me to try and raise some funds to try and assist because this is shown for the fast time thing credible work that goes on in the community but we cant do it alone we have to have Institutional Support and resources including particularly for women because as you know already alex over the last 2030 years weve known the family bangladeshi women are the least likely to be in employment it is not to say that theyre not educated it is not to say that they are not in the employment system but they are at the very low lower end and we need to embrace. The fact that you know we have behaved very. 2 was many communities im in parliament but you know i feel equally as not able to get the agenda in front of ministers and then government so somebody who is and you know in their a home in one of the flats how are they going to have voices you know we need our voices to be had very loud and clear that its action no more rhetoric normal package use and no more just saying ok and other reports are less certain from london thank you very much indeed its a pleasure always thank you for that little child is 100 years young joining the ramadan he set up on a boston walk round this communal garden in order to raise money for good causes in bangladesh and here in the u. K. Its a little target was 1000 pounds now having almost raised 300 titles at about double joins me with his son from London Capital calgary what inspired you to start off in this modest and fundraiser order kept saying told im sorry all i see sir tom moore yes absolutely i see double otro do tell me a better about what youve been doing to to raise the money. I walk a few recharged 100 times and i go moldy if. Miley. Crushed my work is basically a lecture or is. Walking his communal garden which is on the ground floor very flat and. The idea started because of the corona virus which means that my father had to self isolate about 3 months ago and my worry was that with the self isolating that he wont have much to do so this is was a way of keeping him busy here french me you know what do you think if i was to raise money for charity because my father a very giving person and when he started walking. My my son he started just giving page and i said look if you can walk up and down the communal garden then you know this put a target of a 1000 pounds to raise money for the victims of the coronavirus and thats how the whole thing started but within 8 hours of actually putting up the page currently my father is raised including on the just giving page. 280000 pounds including to give to other groups and raise money for this for this charity so dubreuil cowdrey if i can turn back to you for a 2nd how many miles have you managed to do so far i can walk 60 my eggs by really so i was used to eat so i thought terry stop walking then. Being i do you see. My dad my dad comes from a very rural part of bangladesh where is covered with water and you know to move around you have to walk quite a long distance. A double cowdrey. Packages understand arrived this week can and bangladesh the packages of aid and assistance how excited were you to see the results of all d your efforts buying feeding even the fantastic in playing east and gas coming out from my i. And its i think theres another point and that is that its going to 26. 00 different charities so the 1st part of it was my Partners Village but its going to 26. 00 charities and 50 Different Countries including the u. K. And finally that little child really defend me advice keep fetter vice for youngsters such as myself after your experience of us modified walking it is very good for my has if i walk and help you to pass. If i keep my has steady. Or do for them i. Walk 30 or not ask people so i said 40 just distressed people and new people thank you. You know my mother is saying is that for. People who walk and keep fit and its very important my fathers 100 years old. To be able to be mobile it keeps the fluids in the body going and my father has actually his own technique involving up and keeping himself out and you know he likes to but hes walking it actually has a different steps as well that he uses and keeps himself entertained and he you know he is an avid. Follower of poetry so he recites poetry as well. Another show date to have a message for the people watching the show all over the world as to what they should be doing gitting this crisis my message is too damn that thank the many might and you have time then you should unite to get that and that you have a spare tire keep aviate and keep working and keep your health feet when you are healthy 3 you can speak you can well you can do anything but united is back best as i know it is a very stand my mrs to. The little child or thank you very much indeed for appearing on mel examen show thank you very much others thank you thank you thank you thank you previous p. B. S. Did you get. By the middle of may of this year 90 percent of doctors who die from covert 19 came from britains b m e communities its hardly a surprise therefore when the government published on a port confirming the bulk of average instance of this deadly virus among minority communities what was a surprise is that they delayed publication of an aspect of the report was recommended sefton actions and also which indicated the institutionalized racism may be a contributory factor to the problem if the u. K. Government had set out to raise suspicions among ethnic minorities they could hardly have acted with more insensitivity. Feelings are running high because of covert 19 because of the death of jobs floyd because of institutionalized racism because of the law. But dont come and nationality is no identikit protested he was a conservative candidate in the 2017 election he is rather a grieving son mourning the death of his father just as thousands of other families across the United Kingdom are mourning in the country which has the 2nd highest death toll from this deadly virus in the entire world the daily revelations of the impact of a delayed lockdown in the bulleted to protect the elderly the failure to establish an affective test and facing regime all of these add to the anguish of grieving families some of the anger will be expressed through legal action. Dont talk to light it may just be the fast example of the coming few days that all for the stations across the u. K. Will have to face as grieving relatives the key question of why have so many died in the u. K. And why were very relatives among the casualties so from this may not myself but all of the show as goodbye from now stay safe well see you next week. International memorial awards has extended its deadline for submissions. All media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media who are a part of the global News Platform you can submit to your published works in either video format go to award go to auntie dot com and in to no. Lets say. The guy down the block from or you. Is counterfeiting mining and hes buying and stuff he. Created an extension on his house he caught a new people on a new car plus 5 new cars he bought another new he bought a lot of jewelry hes live in a large would you say the wealth on that street is just forced minutely heading into that guys house because hes able to counterfeit money and spend that money would you say that i mean thats not hard to comprehend. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. The french president is in london on the 80th anniversary of the appeal for French Resistance to meet his british counterpart theyre set to discuss air bridges between the 2 countries so travelers can avoid quarantining ill be joined by a travel and tourism expert from. The family of crash victim harry dunn lose a legal case to force the Foreign Office to disclose more documents into the humbling of the case but they can now bring a prosecution against the foreign secretary for obstructing the Police Investigation and we hear from their spokesperson. General prosecutors accuse the russian government of ordering the killing of a terror suspect in berlin last summer germanys foreign minister is not ruling out measures against moscow. And experts in the u. S. Call stout over u. K. Claims that the steroids drug can be used to treat covert 19 that says the u. K. s response to the virus pandemic is rated as core. French president emanuel macro is in london to meet Prime MinisterBoris Johnson to discuss the idea of bridges between the 2 nations these would allow quarantine free travel to help revive the u. K. s Tourism Industry lots despite the u. K. Attempting to further distance itself from the e. U. Is to resume that aims to collate coronavirus information in europe wide onto u. K. Casar ali joins me with the latest hi there isa so Boris Johnson its a bit of a diplomatic balance he has to strike is it with them. All. Absolutely different present among them our crown is in london for the 80th anniversary of the field which was broadcast from the United Kingdom to france by the former wartime french president charles of call to those resistance fighters the Free French Forces who were fighting against nazi occupation at the time now its the 80th anniversary of that broadcast which was named the appeal mr marquand here to mark that hes meeting with the prince of wales Prince Charles and is due to meet the Prime Minister today as well now mr marquand will be discussing a number of other issues as well as those commemorations also to do with possibly the question of drugs it being raised but also bridges now weve seen the u. K. Government putting in place a quarantine rules for any visitors who enter the United Kingdom that they have to observe d 2 weeks of isolation at home of quarantine and with spot checks taking place but there have been calls for some countries to have Bilateral Agreements the socalled averages which would exclude very. Citizens from having to quarantine but this is raise a number of questions mainly which countries get to have these averages d could it raise legal challenges for those countries who are denied them and also d what kind of measures will be taken to protect people in this country who are coming up from those places now the Tourism Industry have been opposed to the implementation of these quarantine rules and theyve also been questioning the british decision not to partake in the rollout of a european app or european web site now this new app called reopen view is a guide for people to be able to see which countries have what restrictions in place what is the infection rate on the shops open all the restaurants are open are there not essential places open in other words a guide for anyone who wants to. Travel to europe on holiday of course the government say the u. K. Is no longer part of the e. U. And so doesnt need to be on this app but the travel industry argue and say that actually it then hinders the ability for the travel industry to attract people to come here as tourists now keeping in theme with the wartime commemorations the british wartime leader Winston Churchill what weve seen many debates and discussions around his statue we saw it drop with the words. That was a racist last week that staci was covered up in anticipation of protests from football. And far right groups and also from protests against racism from the black clouds not some movement while those coverings have now since come down and visitors to Parliament Square can once again see that statue of Winston Churchill at least until the next time. Anyone in my car can as well can take he said thank you very much. Or to discuss the idea of bridges between nations im joined by the chairman of the institute of travel and tourism at stop just. Think ben franklin for joining us i mean are bridges could be a good solution allowing quarantine free travel between 2 countries i mean Boris Johnson and Emanuel Mccraw discussing the idea one day. Yes indeed anything that replaces the of the heavy handed total lockdown that we face at the moment has got to be welcome but the government policy frankly with quarantine on the foreign and Commonwealth Office advising against any but all nonessential travel is is a shambles lost last friday the transport secretary grant shapps said that no decision on their bridges would be made until the 29th of june and yet today we hear that the Prime Minister is going to be discussing averages with the president of france there just doesnt seem to be any coordination and we are totally totally against these these rules which are currently placing the British Public in an absolute lockdown well the government would argue that the current emails are essential for the k. As its one of the worst hit countries in the world with coronavirus i mean the government augers it needs to protect its citizens well thats absolutely right the u. K. Does have the highest number in europe meaning that actually if a person goes abroad for 2 weeks when they get back theyve got a lower chance of being seen 19 positive than if if they told they go home weve got the highest. Number of new cases last week there were more new cases of cosy didnt the u. K. Than in the rest of the e. U. Combined so why theyre preventing us from going to the e. U. What the rest of europe when we are the biggest risk is quite bizarre well that would also argue that we need to avoid a 2nd wave of the virus and therefore are implementing such measures well thats true but the rest of europe is actually unwinding is unlocking if im based in switzerland i can go anywhere in europe if i mean austria i can go anywhere if i base. In italy again one of the worst hit countries theyve opened their borders now we are going in the opposite direction and lets face it it is not driven by the science this is a political decision to distract in my opinion from the from the failure of their other policies particularly the test track and trace policy and the intense then call for what could that happen as a 2nd paper i mean thats the point theyre focusing on could that then be even more detrimental to the travel industry well the point is we know where we are and weve already seen huge job losses a da and easyjet at virgin and today nielsen holidays reduced their workforce by 30 percent who have Just Announced 2100 job losses we are in meltdown in the travel industry and this quarantine rule is making it worse theres no question about it its not driven by science this is a political deliberate decision which is harming our industry or the government also argue that with the financial policies that theyre doing their best to protect the travel industry during this period well indeed we certainly are grateful for. 2 thirds of our industry it would seem are actually benefitting from thurlow but. A good number of those and im talking about a High Percentage half are likely to face redundancy if these artificial measures of quarantine and Foreign Office advice are not removed immediately instead of the what would you suggest that the government doesnt set. Well i would suggest that they introduce certainly i dont want to do appear that we are against their bridges as many bridges as possible remove the quarantine restriction because lets face it nobodys going to do we call if they have to face among work so bridges yes were all see them as many as possible portugal greece turkey. Lets get them open and get rid of this quarantine which as i say is not driven by the science Stephen Friedman thank you very much indeed for talking to us thank you. The family of harry dunn has lost a court action against the Foreign Office which would have forced them to disclose more documents relating to their handling of the case but the family can now pursue a case against the foreign secretary for allegedly obstructing a Police Investigation when it concerns u. S. Citizen and secure last who allegedly hit and killed 19 year old white a cyclist harry done in the ignition county of northamptonshire last august she was believed to be driving on the wrong side of the road near to the air force base where her husband worked so good last fled to america claiming diplomatic immunity and was subsequently charged by u. K. Police for causing death by dangerous driving or dont like rob denied knowing that and secure less had left despite a text message from a senior diplomat showing his officials told the u. S. That she could in fact leave the country. Well thats as the done family says they are angry and bitterly disappointed with Boris Johnson after his 1st letter to them came 10 months after their sons death they claim they received a cut and paste response from the Prime Minister claiming its simply more of the same for the government but johnson and the Foreign Office maintain that they are working to facilitate a return. Both the foreign secretary and the Prime Minister have been clear with the u. S. That the refusal to extradite answer coolest amounts to a denial of justice and that she should return to the u. K. The foreign secretary remains ready to meet terris family and to support them to get the justice they deserve. For the war on the latest developments and im joined by the dunn family spokesperson thats right cigarette thank you for joining us again i mean what do you make of this latest ruling. Hi kate so yeah it looks just correct something you said a few moments ago there was no loss or victory in court today what the court decided in terms of further disclosure was that it already had enough to make the determination as to whether or not. And so cruel this had diplomatic immunity so all the other parents wanted more documents around that issue the court decided enough and those of us who sat in on the hearing could clearly see which way the court was going to go we are very confident that the court will ultimately make the determination that ansar cruellest did not have diplomatic immunity the other very Important Development that came out of the hearing today was that the parents were given permission to bring a case against dominic rob that he obstructed northamptonshire polices lawful investigation into into harrys death so its its you know the parents certainly feel that there are a giant step closer to getting the justice that they deserve and that the you know the full hearing will likely take place in october so at least they can now see. That closure is insights and theyre you know theyre they are very competent having watched the judges and having seen how the Foreign Office is barristers argue the case they clearly conceded that decisions were made that should not have been made and look you know but ultimately kate as you know and you guys have been wonderful giving them the platform this is really about 2 parents who lost their son 10 months ago and the person responsible for his death was allowed to walk away from these 2 countries the United States around america and the u. K. Claiming to be the World Leaders in protecting human rights and between them they have visited one of the worst abuses of human rights on these parents in history you know listen the parents were just dearly love for everybody to come together and do the right thing and get us to combat right then thank you very much for the update then saying what is the next move. So there so the next move is im issuing an appearance of my friends in the Foreign Office to reach out to us and come and talk to find a resolution you know if they dont want to do that then ultimately preparations will continue. Both in terms of proving the very serious allegation against mr o. And getting that couper order ultimately that she did not have diplomatic immunity once we have that case then we can all turn to washington and ask president chuck very nicely to send mrs across this back if you wont do that now he may very well need to wait until we have a president to the oval office who does believe it up holding the rule of law to make sure that that happens but these parents are not going to give up and so its a good as back facing the english Justice System well as you alluded to that is how obviously has wider ramifications as well i mean what are you expecting from the trumpet ministration well look you know theyve stonewalled us so far i dont expect anything different or you know weve all seen help but volatile President Trump is at the moment its difficult to engage with him on any level at the moment. So thats why the focus is on getting the senior courts in london to find that she did not have diplomatic immunity and hopefully that he will see actually you know doing the right thing for both both families both mr coolest and harry is for her to come back and face the consequences of her driving that there is no other way kate as i keep saying you know are millions of people around the world who are looking at this case and thinking how does this even happen and even if she had diplomatic immunity its not the right thing to do but were very clear that she didnt listen we just hope the parents are incredibly decent people i think we you know they hope that both governments are going to step forward and do the right thing you know if they dont then we may have to compete force the issue through the courts and im talking of course in the issue as well when you also go off to donate rob for obstruction. There is absolutely no doubt about that and that was that was something that the Court Allowed the parents to proceed with today it was for the police to establish who had diplomatic immunity or not not the Foreign Office but they they took it upon themselves to decide that she did it and they allowed her to leave that that interfered with northamptonshire polices investigation into her effectively stopped now thats a very very serious allegation and i know hes been in the news for other reasons today hes got a lot more on his plate after todays and todays your hands are talking about that later as well read seek it thank you very much indeed. And still to come this hour. Experts in america paul cold war trying claims that a common steroids tried to change the biggest breakthrough yet in kind of 19th treatment thats as the u. K. s response to the pandemic is rated as old. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the death. Or a maid in the shallowness. If the epidemic continues as a disease the economies will not recover we will not have trade tourism. Investments we will have continuing very deep economic crisis. Welcome back the u. K. Government discarded its coded 900 Smartphone App in favor of the model made by tech firms google and apple the op was meant to be the cornerstone of the governments testing trace system to help find contacts of those with the virus well the u. Turn follows months of development by n. H. S. N h s x the Health Services innovation arm and was trials on the isle of wight off the south coast of england last month it was announced on wednesday that the National Rollout at that house would have been delayed until the winter. Well apps use blue signals on smart phones which register if someone comes into contact with the user who has coded 19 it then alerts the person him the infected carrier has come into contact with the critics say the way the governments original plan on data storage on a centralized system made it open to abuse with a new system chosen by countries like germany stores that data on individual phones which some say makes it more secure. Were in this argument in the next hour by a privacy expert a. German federal prosecutors have filed murder charges against a Russian National and train p. Was acting on the kremlins orders but didnt cross it off is accused of shooting a suspected terrorist in berlin last summer in what prosecutors say was a contract killing the German Foreign minister is not ruling out taking measures against moscow arties peter all of our reports from berlin. Well. Gosh feeley was gunned down in a City Center Park here in berlin in august of last year the main suspect in that case is being named locally only as by the cave using the alias body m s has been charged with murder and weapons charges but the really outstanding thing about the allegation put forward by the German Federal prosecutor is that they claim that this killing was carried out at the behest of moscow the accused except to the russian government ordered to kill even hope for a financial reward or should the multiple of his clients to kill a political opponent and all those claims are dismissed out of hand by russia honey gosh really was a georgian citizen of chechen heritage he had 40 against Russian Troops in chechnya he held asylum status here in germany but was wanted on terrorism charges in russia russian president Vladimir Putin had said numerous attempts have been made to try and get arrested and extradited to russia to face those charges because the moment the russian side of dusk the number of times to extradite these gunmen the killer unfortunately we did not reach an agreement well this case is developing into a real diplomatic incident the Russian Ambassador to germany has been invited to the Foreign Ministry here in berlin to discuss the case further we cast our minds back to december of last year 2 Russian Diplomats were expelled by berlin after the Foreign Ministry said they were cooperative enough with the investigation into the case German Foreign minister high comb us has said that further measures could be taken against russia while a spokesperson for angle americans government has reiterated that saying that they reserve the right to further steps being taken berlijn in taking this case very seriously a quarter. Into a government Spokes Person so this certainly set to develop so far but the very latest in a murder charge against a russian citizen claims that a murder was carried out at the behest of the russian government relating to a killing in a central berlijn park in august of last year. Medical experts in the us have cast doubt on the findings by scientists at Oxford University who claim the common steroids drug dexamethasone can be used to treat covert 19 a study claims the drug produced death rates among rhona virus patients on ventilators by up to a 3rd u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson held it as the biggest breakthrough yet Oxford University of said theyll soon publish their findings in full but doctors in america are cautious about celebrating the studys results before all the data is released recently a french study into the effectiveness of the drug hydroxy chloroquine in against covert 19 was withdrawn from a top medical journal over similar data concerns well this comes amid research which rates the u. K. The 2nd worst in the table of how the worlds richest nations handled the virus spain and italy receive the same ranking but research has pointed out that those countries were the 1st in europe to be hit by the pandemic while experts at the Economist Intelligence unit claimed the u. K. Had adequate time to respond but failed to sufficiently coordinated with the us received a good rating despite having the worlds highest coronavirus coronavirus death toll so far while some countries received a very good rating in relation to their covert 19 response these include new zealand germany norway and denmark. Overall the countries that manage the pandemic the better all reacted early in swiftly as new zealand did for instance not all of them introduced stringent lock downs but all implemented aggressive testing and tracing programs which are among the most crucial factors to contain the pandemic and insufficiently fast and coordinated response an initial lack of Testing Capacity and a decision to suspend track and trace in early march explain why the u. K. Became an outlier and ill be discussing the Oxford University study on dexamethasone with dr mark werfel of the university of washington thatll be in just over an hour. Now the foreign secretary has come under fire for comments on the black lives matter action of taking the knee as a form of protest dominic rob said the gesture represented a form of submission that he reserved for the queen not proposing to his wife. Ive got so hes taking the me i dont know maybe its going to broader history that seems to be taken from the golden throat feels to me like a symbol of subjugation subordination rather one of liberation emancipation or opposites clarified his comments tweeting that he respected the decision by those in the black lives Matter Movement to choose to take the knee the action came to prominence in 2016 when american Football Player calling kipen at nelson during the u. S. National anthem and protest against Police Brutality it has since become a symbol of solidarity against Racial Injustice or may want to thaw it is at Oxford Oriel College have voted to remove a statue of british imperialists sessile rose from its grounds it marks the culmination of a 4 Year Campaign by students to have the monument removed citing road support for apartheid style measures in southern africa. Were in college said an independent review into rhodes legacy her follow recurse i make recommendations on improving access for minority students the group behind the campaign say protests against roads will continue until the statue has been removed the decision comes amid a wider push to review the legacy of prominent brightness with profited from the darker aspects of colonialism such as the slave trade. But it comes as at least 2 Companies Issue apologies over there links records from University College london show that Benjamin Green one of the founders of the green king pub chain held over 230. 00 slaves in the caribbean when slavery was abolished in 833 he was paid compensation worth half a 1000000 pounds in todays money while simon fraser one of the founding members of the insurance lloyds of london was paid 400000 pounds for a plantation in dominica both firms have since apologized and have promised payments that will benefit britains with mine with minority ethnic backgrounds it is inexcusable without one of our founders property from slavery and argued against abolition in the 1800s we dont have all the answers so that is why we have taken time to listen and learn from all the voices including our team members and Charity Partners as we strengthen our diversity and Inclusion Work there are some aspects of our history that we are not proud of in particular we are sorry for her role played by the lloyds market in the 18th and 19th century slave trade this was an appalling and shameful period of english history as well as our own and we condemn the indefensible wrongdoing that occurred during this period. A Campaign Group claims u. K. Police forces are more likely to find people from black an ethnic minority backgrounds during the coronavirus lot done. Research indicates that 17 Police Forces in england and wales were more likely to issue a penalty notice to people from ethnic minorities and to those who were white cumbrians police force was almost 7 times more likely to find black asian and minority ethnic people while the West Midlands police was 1. 6 times more likely to find minorities the chief constable of west berlin said that interaction based on 4 east which are engaging explaining encouraging and enforcement may be less successful if trust is already learned of the cumbrian residents issued penalty notices 5 for ever be a. M. E. Background in relation to those who reside outside of cumbria 22 people of a b. A. Every background were issued a fixed penalty notice overall just over 8 percent of fixed penalty notice is issued or to individuals of a b. A. Army background i cant rule out as a service we do have biases and discrimination our interactions based on the 4 may be less successful if trust is already low with certain communities or to discuss this issue in the next hour ill be joined by the Vice President of the National Black police association. And ill be back with more news of the top of the art scene again. Ah no team no crowd. No shots no. Actual news accounts. Going to drive no place to. Quench your thirst for action. Plus say. The guy down the block for more you. Is counterfeiting mining and hes by and stuffy he he created an extension on his house he caught a new boat he got a new car plus 5 new cars he bought another new he brought a lot of jewelry hes living large would you say that the wealth on that street is this forced minutely heading into that guys house because hes able to counterfeit money and spend that money would you say that i mean thats not hard to comprehend right. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks particularly catholic population in belfast tens of thousands of forced to flee their homes and what was striking to put these attacks was that the are you see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of schools streets in belfast at the take more than a 100 innocent civilians with blood as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent undertaker into which the inclusion was involved in some of those cases they killers would lead to be named goodwin and we gang i think it. Went to the very very top i think it the. The water where all the patients you walk on and give the go ahead. This is the bus that one business show you cant afford to miss unfair monteith and washington coming up just by try