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Family members argue thats not the case and since most of the country reopened just a couple of weeks ago more than 20 states are now reporting an increase in corona virus and. Today marks the 21st consecutive day of nationwide protests following the death of george floyd over in minneapolis minnesota but now a Deadly Police shooting involving a black man in atlanta is triggering more demonstrations and moments ago the mayor of atlanta addressed this latest shooting all of this as new congressional legislation is being introduced to address Police Tactics across this country are to project is just ahead of the white house with more on these latest developments fair. Woman as you know ive been covering these protests since the beginning we are on day 211 of the biggest changes that were seeing here is remember those big 10 foot barricades up those fences well those fences are. An hour down and you can see behind me open to the public is Lafayette Park where 2 weeks ago President Donald Trump along with members of his cabinet including the defense secretary mark as they walked across this park here to take that infamous photo at St Johns Church now moments before that photo was taken and multiple Police Agencies used to smoke canisters it to disperse a crowd of Peaceful Protesters in front of the church well tonight those protesters they are coming back here for what theyre calling reclaim a Lafayette Park to stop the war they say im free speech and black america this all happening after another Police Shooting as you mentioned this time in atlanta the Atlanta Police department releasing the mug shots of the 2 officers involved in the killing of 27 year old brooks and the wendys parking lot friday night you can see the 2 here officer rolf the man who fired those fatal shots he has since been fired officer Devon Bronson hes been placed on administrative duty and the Atlanta Police chief erica shields she resigned after serving less than 4 years in her position now we want to warn you the video youre about to see could be a little disturbing to some youre looking at the Surveillance Video friday night of those 2 officers responding to a complaint that a man was sleeping in his car outside a wendys and blocking the drive through lane now what started out as a civil conversation with brooks quickly escalated into a scuffle on the ground with brooks grabbing a taser from one of the op servers and at one point aiming at officers as he ran away thats when officer role fired the 2 fatal shots into brooks back now his death ignited fresh new protests saturday and sunday which were starting to die down following the protest over the death of george floyd with angry protesters setting fire to that wendys where brooks was killed monday morning the family of ray sharp brooks along with the familys lawyer spoke in a News Conference about how the shooting of brooks almost resulted in the deaths of more and the crowded wendys parking lot take a listen. A witness today since his vehicle. Which was hit by one of. His kids were in the car. A couple feet up and we would have had another loss of life. Now manila moments ago the mayor of atlanta actually took to a News Conference saying that after the death of george boyd her and her city city leaders actually met after a call by president barack obama calling for a police to learn how to deescalate situations rather than ask a late situations and then days later it was the death of brooks now again who was killed she says that she will be signing several executive orders actually to bring about Police Reform and again calling for Atlanta Police to be guardians not warriors and fair and also calling on more Police Reform is the only black republican senator who is introducing a bill this week so what exactly is this bill. Right so you have the only africanamerican republican senator tim scott of South Carolina he is getting ready to bring forward on a number of police changes including what police can and cannot do including chokehold President Donald Trump he has signaled that his support for many of the items in this bill that has many of the same goals as the democratic bill thats also coming out of congress now the bill is one of the most extensive overhauls to Police Policing from republicans where it would actually create a National Database of officers who have been in use of force incidents require Police Officers to wear body cams restrict police using chokeholds by holding back actually federal funds to Police Jurisdictions that continue to allow it along with the deeming lynching a federal hate crime now one of the things that democrats say the bill doesnt have that their piece of legislation does have is the ability for those injured by Law Enforcement to sue for the damages senator scott says that that line is a little bit too far and has adjusted instead a decertification process for any officer involved in misconduct now that senate bill is expected to be introduced this week along with the House Judiciary Committee starting to roll out their bill this week as well and the house coming back next week to vote on it but again that protests have. Getting here at Lafayette Park at 628 the exact time the 2 weeks ago President Donald Trump took that infamous photo in front of St Johns Church reporting outside of the white house there in france ak party. And similar protests are happening on the west coast where demonstrators there are marching against racial inequality and Police Brutality meantime residents in one Southern California community are demanding answers in a new case that involves a black man found dead hanging from a tree r. T. Correspondent natasha sweet has the details from l. A. More outrage has ignited in Southern California after this man 24 year old Robert Fuller was found dead hayne from a tree in palmdale authorities for the city of palmdale about 60 miles north of los angeles claim a fuller died of suicide saying there were apparently scars on his body consistent with previous attempts but activists believe otherwise at a rally saturday with some 2000 people his sister diamond alexander said her brother was not suicidal fuller is the 2nd black man to be found hanging from a tree within 2 weeks in the Antelope Valley area Kim Kardashian west tweeting a link to a petition on change dot org demanding a thorough and proper investigation into fullers death californias attorney general will now be conducting an independent investigation of. The demonstrators in seattle protesting in city hall against Police Tactics their car that may or june duckett scheme for her resignation will city officials promise to ban on cops using more than one type of tear gas for transit protests Police Reportedly did not stop there durkin also duking it out with President Trump after several days of violent confrontations with protesters Seattle Police have withdrawn from a neighborhood President Trump warren mare durkin to take back your city now if you dont do it i will but durkin stands behind the protests saying they are exercising their 1st amendment rights unfortunately. Our president wants to tell a story about domestic terrorists who have a radical agenda and are promoting a conspiracy and fitzs law and order initiatives its simply not true and in portland protesters topple a statue of Thomas Jefferson father of the declaration of independence. Roughly 1000 people gather at a Jefferson High School in Portland Sunday demonstrators listen to speeches before starting in my place matter march across the city later in the evening 2 ropes were tied around this jefferson statue before it was destroyed it had slave owner graffitied all around it and another rally held here in venice on sunday this one much smaller in size that what the same message of justice and equality for all reporting in Los Angeles Natasha suites. And nationwide protests continue but the rioting seems to have halted so as the death begins to fettle celebrities are emerging with their take on these recent events and the social unrest some are saying its their duty to use their platform to speak on these matters now Comedian Dave Chappelle weighed in and to write a new surprise netflix special lesson is if you want to listen to me do comedy. Ever i never said anything about these things before. So now all of the sudden this expects me to step in front of the streets and talk over the work these people are only as a celebrity and as somebody you want to see is to them right now we would just rule things does it matter about celebrity you know this is the streets talking for themselves they dont need me right. But celebrities you know are people too and i think we forget that sometimes but what if they dont want to talk about something about social injustice should they have to hear to talk about that the man whos interviewed everyone whos anyone larry king host of politicking all right larry what about this do celebrities have some sort of duty to speak up about social matters and what if they dont want to. Mogadishu nobody should be forced to speak about something they dont want to speak about but if you have a feeling about something you should speak out what americas all about celebrity otherwise if you have thoughts on whats going on in your country or shitty your state speak out thats what america is were not a nation to keep quiet were nation the revolution will born in revolution so i think its fine for celebrities to speak anybody of prominence who wishes to whats wrong with it. Well larry i think its pretty fair to say that an overwhelming majority of hollywood leans left politically so we can pretty much guess what theyre going to say about the current unrest but what about the few who lean right they seem to fear reprisal by casting directors or producers or even other actors because of their political beliefs some have likened this sort of political. Blackballing if you will to mccarthyism what do you think of that. Oh im against reprisal i dont believe aspersion should be denied something at work the course of their political beliefs mccarthyism was a man to you Left Movement that was terrible i lived through it. Yeah but you have no right to be fired just because of your opinion and if the right has a logical complaint about the left in california or new york or other areas of show business thats wrong they should not be withheld from work because of what they think they should not be withheld from the course of what they say because and again everybody should speak out you know me everybody speak out on what they see is injustice everybody i agree well what do you think of all this Council Culture that we live in larry i mean there are people calling for people like Tucker Carlson to be taken off the air because of you know his stance on all of this and people you know not wanting to go to starbucks because they dont let their employees wear. Paraphernalia rule foreigners rule for another you can protest to the cost you can if your sponsor you can remove that say thats american as apple pie you dont have to sponsor him if you are you can remove it i thought what he said was reprehensible but hes fox news gives him the time he has it and otago for a long time hes kind of always been this way out of my how to pinpoint it but its every right to he has every right to be on the air and i have every right not to watch him while there you go and larry do you think we as a country as a society have kind of crossed the rubicon are we ever going to be able to get back to this place where were besides coronavirus to actually get back together and laugh like we used to at a comedy show like saying i dont going to watch dave chappelle. We may never be what we used to we were different country. Knows i dont know whether thats sad or good but the old america is gone gone and do you think a lot of that besides the coronavirus has just added to that a separation between us. You know the 2 things coming together the coronavirus and Police Problems of coming together to create not only an american problem but a worldwide problem that is not going away this is seriously im better than most but no this is a different country we have to. And you know one thing larry that has come back because of the coronavirus i think we should bring up but i also think it adds to the separation that we cant be with each other anymore is that drive through theres a new demand for our not drive through is rather drive in movie theaters what do you think of that did used to go to them. When i was 18 i pitched in rec so they dont call it make me know what it is called make them out. You know i never saw the movie yeah i want to go but i never saw the movie if i got lucky. Larry king we learned a new thing about you every time youre on i have read here take i appreciate your take on all of it were always fun larry king thank you so much. Thanks to you. All right since america has just reopened a couple of weeks ago more than 20 states are now reporting increases in corona virus infection a full report on that straight ahead and then over at sports were going to hammer brings us the end of a 2 game losing streak for the top team at k. B. And make sure you keep up with the latest news and anything you might have missed by downloading our branding free app portable t. V. Catch there 247 i will be right back. We go to work some straight home. Listen subletting online algorithms dictate what you get to want to go to portable dot tv slash download to get killer television its completely free im talking Award Winning comedy awesome Sports Coverage inside so fresh still taste like berries on a spring day take so hot theyll burn your face off down in the videos more added by the hour did i mention 3 its its yeah its 3 go go get it portable t. V. Im holland cook i invite you to climb with me above the main stream media empire and from that higher fan to each to glimpse the big picture question more. I like it when the hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then reacts to that answer a folks dentist miller here ive got a new show. Of my pap and tony a host of americas lawyer with white collar criminals policy guy high profits and sneer at the pain of those they ripped off and ruined so thats where i come in question for. I. I. Covered 1000 continues to spread around the world cases now topping 8000000 worldwide with about 434000 reported deaths the u. S. Still leading the way with 2000000 cases and 115000 deaths and since most of the country has just reopened a couple weeks ago now more than 20 states are reporting increases in corona virus infections resulting now in a 3rd of hospitalizations some states though attribute that rise to ramped up efforts in testing now the state of florida continues to see spikes in copd cases an alarming trend as the state continues to reopen with one former state employee challenging the states official numbers this as floridas cruise line industry continues to try and whether the times article are spot on john honey is joining us live from miami with more on this story john what you got. Well miller theres really 3 headlines here one its about 1000 raid and a spike in the number of cases here in florida there is controversy the other headline is about the controversy over the numbers and whether all the data is being processed is being released by the state and then the 3rd headline is about as you mention the cruise line industry and thousands of crew members still stuck aboard the ships out at sea so lets start there are some 42000. 00 crewmembers remain trapped on board these various ships for the various cruise lines unable to get off of them because of various factors one because there is still an infection rate on board the ships people are still sick with the coronavirus or theyre asymptomatic and too because some of the countries and the porch simply dont want to allow the ships in and reinfect their cities reinfect their populations particularly at the height of the pandemic as it was ongoing in march and april we saw that here in florida some of the ports port of miami Port Everglades up north in fort lauderdale. Has attained about letting some a allowing some of the ships to pour you know to dock here in the ports and also some of the countries are now starting to get a handle on the pandemic so they want to be cautious they want to be conservative about it but nonetheless youre talking about these employees who havent been paid in 3 months theyve been stuck out see some as many as 60. 00 to 80. 00 days theres been a suicide reports of suicide on board the ship so it is a very serious it is in some cases a very dire situation that said several 1000 employees crew members have been repatriated back to their respective countries including from ports here in the United States and europe parts of the middle east and asia as well over the last few months so thats some good news as far as the cruise line industry look the 1000000000. 00 question which is basically amount of money its losing when will it set sail again it really depends on what happens with the pandemic will it lessen will there be a 2nd wave Carnival Cruise lines says that it wants to set sail again starting possibly in August September to limited destinations mostly in the caribbean specifically the bombers and mexico norwegian cruise lines looks like its starting to take reservations for september october for limited destinations mostly again the caribbean i looked online there are some pretty good deals if you want to chance it thats a big if will they get the bookings and also will these cruise lines be allowed to sail under c. D. C. The centers for Disease Control and prevention guidelines the c. D. C. Isnt allowing its prohibiting any ships from traveling in u. S. Waters through the end of july and that could be extended to bending on the overall situation of the pandemic caribbean another one of the big cruise line operators based here in miami has basically canceled all the cruises for the remainder of the 2020 season going into 2021 so well see what happens there now lets shift to the cove in 1000 numbers here in florida theres been a lot of. A lot of talking a lot of reporting about this weve seen over basically of the last week and a half a spike in the number of cases the miami herald had a huge story over the weekend which is analyze all the numbers weve been doing that ive been doing that here as well you know this ive been reporting extensively on this but according to the miami herald in its story over the weekend the number a rate of new coven 1000. 00 cases were rising statewide a troubling indicator that the disease could be spreading more quickly and then the report goes on to say that the 64. 00 counties here in florida that moved into the 2nd phase of reopening june 5th saw a near 42 percent increase in new cases the week before that could not be explained by increased testing alone so the state of florida right now by last glance earlier this afternoon had about 7077001000 cases ok that number could have gone up about 3000 deaths so what the miami herald is saying that that basically state officials the governor Rhonda Santas have attributed to more testing across the board testing anybody who wants to test can get a task but the herald is saying well that may not necessarily be so and this may be attributed to the phase openings phase one about 6 weeks ago phase 2 bars restaurants jim salon about 2 weeks ago and the herald goes on to write that over the past month testing has been inconsistent and trended slightly downward during the 2 weeks before the june 5th reopening despite that new cases increased almost 50 percent over the same period so that is alarming and that is definitely a concern i can tell you this here in miami people are going out and while some people are still Wearing Masks a lot of people are now as far as the controversy about the numbers theres a state employee basically the woman who created whats called the cobra 1000 dashboard not the state of florida the Florida Department of health has weve shown it to you a lot its a real fancy dashboard says all the cases. It shows you the overall trend of hospitalizations well she was fired by the state state Officials Say she was insubordinate but she said she refused to. 5 post misleading information and not post some of the data that the state had in particular Antibody Testing incorporated into overall positive cases well she created her own code in 1000 dashboard that basically contradicts the states information she says theres more than 90000 positive cases by taking the overall positive Antibody Test factoring that into the equation bottom line is this manila there has been a spike anyway you look at it however you want to play with the numbers on friday alone on june 12th alone there was more than 2000 new cases here in florida thats the highest if you look at the trajectory hospitalizations have gone down but since the reopening in the past basically 3 and a half weeks weve seen that spike and that is a concern overall as we continue into the summer and certainly as theres time about the g. O. P. Convention being in jacksonville in august so a lot of these you know again theres controversy about the numbers but one thing is for sure there has been a spike in the overall number of kobe 1000 cases here in the state of florida will continue to follow it you know back to you john having lived there thank you so much. I lets head over to regina ham at the sports h. Q. So we do know a lot of people needed to stay up pretty late to catch the n. C. Didos try to hang on to that top spot it came be 04 am not even 1 am 4 am so people are actually getting up for their day some places in korean baseball the leniency dinahs well they needed a boost to get out of there to the losing streak so they hope to see the 4th place keown heroes who do just the trick to. Harvard mascots here on the home team bob the 3rd didos right fielder not some bum starts scoring of the homer to the right to dance scoring leaving young he and given a dynasty to not only here. As the answer to the for the runners on 1st and 2nd a 3 run homer run by 2nd baseman kim yet still Center Fielder visitors even 3 to 3 bomb of the 5th dinahs left fielder though one hed gone with a 360. 00 foot homerun thats going going gone to left field and takes 53. 00. 6 shortstop kim with an r. B. I. Still Left Center Field and that will score former philadelphia silly aaron all for diners with a 6 to 3 lead remember that name because bonds doesnt alter comes through with a 3 run homer to center field his 9th homer of the year and that gives the diners a 94. 00 lead they would hold on to win 95. 00 in a void this week 4 games ahead at the top of. And it was the final group stage of event in the Team Challenge for the playoffs of the p. B. R. Monster energy Team Challenge that leads to cooper tires needed to hang on all pun intended when it comes to boring to walk away at the top seed all it came down to was a final chance for the team team cam and Team Wrangler to show they can do last ride for world number 8 jesse against born to pop jesse held on through the bug off time to earn himself a score of 89 but cooper tires team captain a world number one has a view to contribute to his team running the Table Division 8 including this right here on the rock eliminate was not bucked off until after times called himself scored 86000 Union Home Mortgages trying to hold their own to make the playoffs american markets massed littered this go ahead score above a g. Earning 86. 00 but not enough to make that trip to south dakota it was the ride of their life for team canada and young. Again skate so given his team 81732172 point 75 edge over your home 6 final teams we could see in july for the playoffs in south dakota manila and there were actually sands in the stands for that. For bull riding so weve just space them out a little bit you know but its going to meet without a fight nobody was harmed this time. What state was that in that was in las vegas oh novato what are you doing there bull riding in las vegas make sense mom makes outs all right i dont think that that ends my question already you know how big you for that and you dont go anywhere were back at 7 pm with a lot more news for you canadian intelligence sources had warned of shock waves long before the arrest of while ways c. F. O. Men one joe were have a full report on that and secretary of state my pump aoe is set to meet with a top chinese diplomat were going to tell you when and where and the plans all that or more coming up at 7 that by now keep up with every new question at all times i dont know to what will be a military. We are witnessing the rise of a new secular religion and its called a quokka is them at the moment in a short history its goal is to racism by well everything is now considered racist the believers in this cult demand obedience insult criticism really never told how racism is to be over or how it helps serve the interests of working people of all hopes. The simple things workshops hymns and petersburg public spaces where adults with learning disabilities can engage on equal terms with creative activities like graphics sewing ceramics. Cookery and joinery. Just giving you shit whats it you know what. You know what justice what did you give one case you come up with. The underlying idea of the workshop is a calendar of happiness which they feel thrilled to find joy in the Little Things of. Hello from rhode island like you have been sticking close to home lately but i have had to fly recently and it was a very different experience than the one i was accustomed to during my week. We commute back and forth to the r. T. America Broadcast Center in washington before all this started is this the new normal for air travel lets ask christy i anchor of boom bust here on our t. America and st marc Business Development consultants president hillary ford which ladies welcome to the big picture. And isnt. As weve all been in stay at home mode lately the airlines have slashed a reported 75 percent of capacity parking tooth

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