The hiring process for those patrols went like this question one are you white good question 2 are you not very bright and therefore dont have an important job like scientist or doctor that might get in the way of your beating black people time good 3rd and final question do you have a gun good youre now an officer of the peace. So basically the hiring process has not changed except now the gun is provided to you but dont worry its not just racial anymore nowadays all of the working class are the oppressed professor alex vitale the author of the end of policing writes the reality is that the police exists primarily as a system for managing and even producing inequality by suppressing social movement and tightly managing the behaviors of poor and non white People Factor number 2 our Police Killed roughly a 1000 americans a year which is roughly of 1000 more people than some other countries kill per year in 26. 00 say in the guardian found that American Police murdered 1093. 00 people to put that in perspective in britain the average per year is 3 or 4 murders by police not 3 or 400. 00. 3 or 4 this means American Police generally kill more citizens in a week than the u. K. Will kill in a year in 2018 denmark and switzerlands Police Killed no 10 what. They need to get their game face on they literally let everyone just to live in. The us a few people live on a whim and then before he has know it theyre everywhere living people that is your lousy with them and you charge it and like whats with this people in face stage in you have been. Youve been letting them live have you with them i paid you for that cant turn in your badge and your Swiss Army Knife if you are going to murder unarmed civilians with your little corkscrew and tiny tweezers then ill find an officer who is. Fact number 3 between 252019 only 35 officers have been convicted of any crime after having taken someones life not just convicted of murder but convicted of anything but it gets worse and b. B. C. Reports only 3 officers have been convicted of the higher crime of murder but doing what 252019 seen their convictions stand thats a rate of conviction of point 00 to one percent this means police can murder 4660 americans and may be one cop will get caught for it police get away with more murders and Le Bron James gets away with dunks its insane i would say theres essentially no ramification for police who kill people but. Im sure they feel really really torn up about it i mean i dont know about you but when i was down at the protests and the phalanx of militarized steroids nolle rhino punk stormtroopers carefully fired a burning chemical agent into my face i could see in their eyes. They felt regret that. So honestly that punishment enough dont you think lets just leave them with their sadness moving on to who exactly our police are murdering all day long factor number 4 theyre generally not killing hardened criminals Treatment Advocacy Center finds that one out of every 4 People Killed by us police was severely mentally ill if you add in just mentally unstable the number is probably well over 50 percent so that means our police are running around murdering people who are really screwed up in the head thank goodness we had the cops to do that or wed have to get Real Estate Agents to do it or librarians or something now lets take a moment to disabuse ourselves of the liberal fantasy of police in fact number 5 the vast majority of what police do in america is not run around catching evil doers like on c. S. I. Or law and order die hard or starsky and hutch or all other t. V. Shows and movies ever made ever with the exception of toy story. Oh wait wasnt tom hanks character a sheriff nevermind then toy story 2. Toy story 2 i mean toy story also but also toy story 2 professor vitaly writes that most cops average less than one felony arrest per year meaning almost the entirety of a Police Officers day to day consists of standing around and occasionally dealing with small or nothing crimes these crimes such as loitering or causing a disturbance or theyre designed to simply put people in the system and of course people of color are far more likely to be arrested for these things once in the system the sentence can be much more serious for a future crime of loitering or the atrocity of playing loud music or the us can do a lot of stealing a beer and not just stealing a beer for anyone but stealing a beer for a starving blind orphan child who needs a beer more than that kid how dare you arrest him for that so if thats the normal policing what about those awesome detectives we see in all the t. V. Shows right the higher level cops are the ones who are lose cannons but always get the job done even if they have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet and even when they might be wildly racist and alcoholic yet somehow love a ball but they dont play the politically correct games leg grabbing a woman to signify get me another coffee what about those guys. Fact number 6 in real life even detectives who make up only 15 percent of Police Forces spend most of their time taking reports of crimes they will never solve and in many cases will never even investigate basically rather than working harder to solve larger crimes our lawmakers have created hundreds of smaller crimes for police to nail citizens for its like talking to a stabbing victim and saying sure i understand youve been stabbed but there are at least 100 people in town who have recently gotten splinters were going to focus on solving those crimes i mean what are splinters if not teeny tiny stabbings. Fact number 7 in the past 2 decades there has been a surge of bans on things like sleeping in public begging for money giving away free food camping in public sleeping in ones car laws like these only serve to make homelessness and helping the homeless the legal and allow police to insert themselves in peoples day to day even just to open their lives basically because people begging for a dollar they really do have it too easy its time with break that up and we never take crimes off the books right never is any crime taken off the books so weve weve just made weve just made more and more of life illegal for the past 200 years nowadays you cant take a piss or take a dump in an alley because its a sex crime you cant walk around because if people find you creepy youre creating a disturbance you cant sleep in public because thats considered camping and you cant be awake and public either because that loitering basically the only way to be legal is to hide in your house or apartment and the only way to afford a house or apartment is to get a job you hate serving donuts then bam whips on their way to the wax museum and you thereby become a slave to the system public space is not for the Public Public space is for people walking to a store to buy a workout outfit that they can then wear when they arent working out so that people think they work out that is it that is all anything else done in public is an arrestable offense. Thanks to these new laws fax number 8 a study in new york city found that over half of those who cycle regularly through the prison system were homeless these meaningless so called crimes serve to simply enforce the class structure fact number 9 these 2 largest crimes in the nation and the world are often illegal and even when they arent they have nothing to do with your average police Corporate Executives endlessly decide to dump toxins in our water or keep baby powder on the shelves when they know it contains a spastic or push opioids on troubled americans even as the bodies pile up generally in such cases no one will go to prison no one will do a perp walk with their handcuffs on you would think cops would love cases like those because they they they they nabbed one c. E. O. And theyve solved 10000. 00 murders its incredible grab one member of the Sackler Family and you used all the hundreds of thousands of opioid killing but no. Not the concern of Law Enforcement because that goes against the class hierarchy the rich rule over the rest of us and the Police Protect the risk as Michelle Alexander author of the new jim crow has put it we need an effective system of Crime Prevention and control in our communities but that is not what the Current System is this system is better designed to create crime and a perpetual class of people labeled criminals so whats the effect on adding thousands of laws to the books you end up with a load of arrests and now fact number 10 the us has the largest prison population globally thats right we are the largest prison state in the world fact number 11 police in some regards commit more crime than average Citizens Police down seized more from citizens via civil Asset Forfeiture than the amount of property stolen by street criminals in burglaries if only we had some sort of Law Enforcement agents who could arrive. The police. Ok so if police are not protecting the citizens who are they protecting well its really more what are they protecting fact number 12 theyre protecting the class hierarchy theyre protecting the private property of the rich and the corporate state theyre protecting corporate greed theyre protecting bridges nish corruption theyre protecting wealth extraction they are protecting the oligarchy sometimes they even literally protect inanimate objects against unarmed citizens for example outstanding rocks the Law Enforcement were steadfastly guarding a pipeline against the people who actually owns the land through which it stabbed and drank the water it would ultimately contaminate. Police are not doing the job most people think they are and they act like military patrols on the streets of the land of the free which we can all now agree is false advertising its like the french tickler you plunk down your 0. 75 in the condoms chain and then you find out its not french it doesnt tickle and she was not on the ride of her life and the glory hall has no glory. A little bit on the fact number 13 Police Academy spend on average 110 hours on firearms and selfdefense yet only 8 hours on conflict management a deescalation this means generally speaking police spend 12 times as many our words learning how to shoot and kill people and learning how to avoid and shoot a good caliber paypal considering how things are going deescalation should be like could 90 percent of their classes it should just be instructors yelling at training step one put your gun away step 2 if you must pull out your gun put your gun away step 3 youre an idiot put your gun away youre not even smart enough to aim at the right thing much less hit the wrong thing you are aimed at step 4 if you fear for your life while facing down a 76 year old man in pajama pants wielding a pitching wedge then youre pathetic and you should put the gotta lie fact number 14 police are not well trained at all in most states goddamn barbers are required to get more training than Police Officers even c. N. N. Reported the minimum training requirement for michigan Police Officers is 594 hours to work with electrical signs youll need for a 1000 hours of experience this might explain why electrical sign workers are not accidentally killing a lot of black people. Not a lot of News Headlines reading neon signs saying hot girls burgers mother of 3. Fact number 15 most Police Officers are not bright some cities dont even want to cops in fact a court back in 2000 of held the right of Police Departments to avoid hiring Intelligence Officers yes most cops are cerebrum incapacity otto which is not a word but they dont know that they dont know that because they are un smart and theyre proud 8 of it because they think its a good thing that number 16 some departments literally dont want officers who give a shit about you former Police PhiladelphiaPolice Captain ray lewis has said Police Departments dont want to hire officers who perform well on empathy tests and pro Police Website officer dot com has published articles saying empathy is dangerous for policing im not saying cops dont care about you im saying in some cities theyre hired because i dont care about you that certainly sounds like the opposite of what you want for a job opening that includes the phrase gun included to sum it all up here are policing system is a draco nian military style orwellian storm used to consolidate an entrenched class hierarchy we need a completely new and different and smaller and less violent model and we need it started 400 years ago how many of them walk to d. C. The belly the bases the redacted tonight well be right back a lot more. There was a period lets call it the unique you know period after the end of the cold war where the u. S. And nato countries and other people sort of wanted russia to become what they described as a normal country what they meant by normal was a country that was democratic by western standards that was capitalists that was a member of u. S. Led International Rules based order established by the u. S. I think a lot of people saw that as sort of permanent 2nd class status in the u. S. System and i think its pretty clear that russia in particular has been pushing back on that. They can come and blow our brains out at any given time we cant really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people outside of war and legally get away with. All of the. Stillbirth all the trouble heres do you feel the point that style of playing the k. K. K. Exists because america wants it to exist you know the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and they did to me their worst sauls and the people who destroyed the World Trade Centers of the scroll. Welcome back to spite all my efforts i am still the camp during these recent demonstrations Peaceful Protesters met with a curious new phenomenon and identified Police Wearing no badges nor department insignia for more on this we go to our senior person on the Police Beating beat naomi care of ami in front of the white house naomi whats going on. See out here in the streets of d. C. Everyones invited to the party the f. B. I. The Border Patrol the park police the military Police Homeland Security the d. N. A. The a. T. F. The u. S. Marshals the metropolitan police the Capitol Police the secret service the federal protective service d. C. National guard the Postal Police rent a cops and my personal favorite the mystery of police if youre not in riot gear on capitol hill right now can you really call yourself a federal agent a 100 missing all those group photos the feds foam oh must be tampa stating. The to completely unnecessary show of force see lead d. C. Is not a state its technically a joke the military or federal officers from any agency can be called to subdue the Federal Territory and theres no shortage of them there are about 130000 civilian Law Enforcement officers employed by the federal government only about half of which come from the major brand names like f. B. I. A. T. F. Through good service da and c. B. P. So when people talk about defunding the police which police are they talking about theyve got a beef the so so so as for the own more of the cops if not illegal to cover obeyed about you than gently what about name tags what name tags what about that they believe theres nothing identifying them now saying theyre lying stormtroopers did he hand written name tags on the stormtroopers like hi my name is doris with your name. For a point so how do we know unmarked officers or even officers and not just because playing a white supremacist militias well we cant know that for sure there are so many obscure Police Departments like the police for the National Gallery of art the museum thats home to the worlds most Famous Artists rough drafts the museum has a shooting range for their cops tucked away in their basement really they have a mission to fatally wounded guy whos trying to steal picassos head of a woman pastel something picasso never wanted anyone to see which we stole from the germans and stole it from the jews. Wow you look as un amused as she does. Well were both really disappointed what about those Anonymous Police at the protests who are there are they secret service or no the secret service isnt even that secret if they were their vests wouldnt say a secret not a secret anymore guys they cant be trusted with government information i wouldnt even tell them the deodorant i use which happens to be the brand secret can we get to the secret police who are still kind of a secret the on identified police who are avoiding any accountability that a protest about police photo no way ok here they are unfortunately if they wanted to remain unidentified they could learn a mask now is the best time its like fashion week for the suspicious so what are they bob just tell me already all right the secret police are from. Youre not going to like this but there are tactical teams from the texas bureau of prisons tactical teams for the taxes bureau of prisons ok i think the entire d. C. Metro area knows now thankfully good im glad yeah i understand people are upset because prison riot cops dont usually have to deal with the 1st amendment they can use whatever force they want but this does stop oh makes local police look pretty good so d. C. Is being treated like a prison in the open air prison but dont get so down on d. C. The n. Y. P. D. Has been covering up their badge numbers illegally with bans they say are a sign of warning for the new york Police Officers who passed during copa 19 and they still arent Wearing Masks when an n. Y. P. D. Officer was asked about the band hiding his badge number the band is legal as long as its not covering the number he shrugged and said its old it fell down you see not all elastic is good theres some bad elastics i had that experience with some old broadly. When these police are on identified it seems clear they intend to brutalize protesters with no accountability and putting prison riot police out there is a even crazier ok so what are you saying we should defund the i. R. S. Police defund the us men please defund the bureau of engraving and printing pulleys yet do not follow the horn of the law yet defund the thank you naomis. So now its time to talk about some of our other developing stories here with me is her dad correspondent natalie mcgill. You know what stories youve done for us well yeah so there are states and cities across the country that are already trying to do some reforms following the protests over george Briana Taylor and countless other names and yeah exactly so in new york state for example theyre actually going to make Police Disciplinary records public which is reversing a decades old law that frankly never should have been on the books its kind of the equivalent of like a teacher helping a student hide their bad report card for you. If youre like a dumb kid and you steal something from a store thats on your record forever or you get cops can like kill a dude and its not and thats the way i see it yeah also in new York Lawmakers are planning to make it illegal to call 911 on a black person for a dumb reason well pretty much existing but latest examples have been like selling water asking somebody to lease their dog in central park. And i said well i agree that people should be doing that in that like just admitting a list of we have really dumb racist cops that may show up and may kill someone so were going to make it illegal for you to call us. Out of our mind. Should call us and then that also dovetails into the juggernaut which is Minneapolis City Council is planning on totally defending police and what that looks like right now you know is kind of up in the air but you know right after the city Council Voted on this it cant be vetoed by mayor jacob thrive who is. 20 years ago today against yeah it was totally lamented him booed like for being against it and this is like the 1st time that a force as large as minneapolis is being dismantled but it has happened in the past in other cities like you. I think one of the examples that people keep pointing out to this camp in camden new jersey like they actually dismantled their Police Department in 2012 because it was so corrupt it was like. And how they go and the crime actually ended up dropping over 7 years by 42 percent now it didnt go as far as what people really want as much as we allocating the money to other resources so that when somebody is having like a Mental Health crisis you dont send somebody with a gun he said fair. Its a good plan he said somebody with a guy whos like a son theres a man with a gun whos like obey my commands precisely or i will kill you and theyre yelling that its someone whos not yet theyre not there. It makes no sense so yes i am very excited about minneapolis i hope it goes through but i think youre right it depends on lets see how this actually goes about i feel like the police force could just keep trucking along like some sort of demon robot where youre like i already took the batteries out i dont understand. And you know with solar power and. Now you so much think you should. And here are your headlines from the future on monday in the New York Times youll read a. Police officer convicted of murder away for mine that was Something Else and on tuesday youll learn sidewalk message of peace love and solidarity clearly written in blood. Well good intentions and finally a week from now. Suddenly wont Police Departments nationwide agree to kill unarmed black people in ways other than chokeholds thank goodness thats our show but if youre watching this on you tube please take note we will soon no longer be putting the full episodes on you tube due to their heavy censorship of us instead of full episodes will be available on our t. V. s free app get it at portable dot tv slash download we will still be putting all the segments on youtube just not the full episodes also grab a copy of my political comedy book at least camp book dot com until next time goodnight and keep finding. What were seeing is a utter divorce an utter split from the real economy and the financial ised funny money fed driven casino that is now taking over the globe this is causing you to think the overlord class are becoming fabulously wealthy and the peasants are revolting they got a good ass of prisoners both very aware that though im not sure. Its hard to take some from somebody if you dont have some to replace. The work to do this interview to get all these market moving that they take me. Years or. So im going to tell you stop selling drugs if well hire some to put the money in it back. They just feel when life must give a sickly mccullers feast for us. Do you guys know what 6 that means security positions ive been in that. Day reject me again. You see people getting all their cars and ill see you coming in the herd and this seems like theyll hurry up and run into the house like they dont want to they dont want to talk to your get your mail or anything like that. I just want to go home. And do this. But just try reading. Some give me. The. President trump threatens to deploy the army to seattle if the authorities there dont crack down on protesters occupying part of the city but the mayor has shot back saying the use of military force would be illegal. The outcry over the killing of george floyd continues thousands of antiracism protesters flood the streets of paris to denounce police brutality. Far right demonstrators gather in Central London claiming that they are defending the citys monuments but end up clashing with both police and antiracism activists