Unions and even joining. A good morning watching r. T. International its wednesday the 10th of june in gone 10 oclock in moscow now a large and the racism demonstration is being held in paris almost 3000 people gathered in the french capital to pay tribute to george florida for 8 minutes and 46 seconds the Central Square in the city remained silent time during which an american policeman held his knee on floyds Neck Shoulder to been skiing was at the protest. And almost to georgia floyd here in paris across france other rallies are also being held now the pressure from demonstrations like this over the last week or so has forced the french government to take action the countrys interior minister found 0 tolerance. When you wear the uniform the blue uniform of the law you were never above it on the contrary we owe it to ourselves even more than others to be exemplary so i want 0 tolerance for racism in Law Enforcement. That statement came in the wake of a new racism scandal a Facebook Group used by Police Members was outed for repeatedly using racist and sexist terms was also mocking victims of Police Brutality in another close group on whatsapp the police are accused of insulting a fellow officer who is black with racist ram which christophe casts in a seize the moment calling for an inquiry he also in the end of the controversial chokehold technique used to detain suspects but is it enough. To stop him i think those people should be fired we need to identify those behind those racist messages and fire them i think it is unacceptable that the police should be protecting us dont follow the laws themselves they should face the consequences and ive witnessed Police Brutality for my son was coming but math is a mixed blood was coming from my. He was. He was you know about richard because he. Is a black. Man who dont necessarily have confidence in the government because this problem has been around for years we get the feeling that castners actions are a bit opportunistic because it is only what happened in the u. S. That finally made them do something to increase their credibility but we dont know if in the end things will change the policeman will be better trained or of the situation with discrimination and racism will finally be taken seriously because im not so tin that something will change i think that the measures taken by the government aimed at calming down the people then when the solving the problem of racism and portrayal publicists in place and Police Unions have criticised the changes the right political announcements and then there is the reality on the ground the impression given is that everyone is nice except the police who are mean. We use the stranglehold when were faced with an individual whos resisting arrest so what will we didnt step while the tribute here is to george floyd france is also remembering its own who died 2 more families claim of questionable circumstances and there is anger though the accusations of Police Brutality figures just released by Frances Police watchdog show almost 1500 complaints were made in 2019 against officers an increase of almost 25 percent more than half of those complaints were for alleged violence by 41 percent compared to 2018 been teary ministers says 30 judicial investigations have been launched of those 22 report to justice the fight against racism in issues over Police Brutality is not new we must go and run his president ial campaign in 2017 he promised to be compromising i want to change the culture the management and the recruitment of French Police when there is manifestly a problem the Police Hierarchy must be challenged but 3 years on the same questions are still being a fresh promise is still being made people hear this and other protest want is action and not all words show it even ski auti paris former Police Commissioner feels that the problem of racism goes the sources face a great challenge they have to assert their authority and the need to demonstrate is no longer enough so all of this violence that we can condemn is a consequence of social badens not Police Violence i think thats where we are wrong the Police System in america has nothing to do with the National Police which depends on the state the police in the United States is a myriad of Different Police structures mostly municipal and they have different recruitment standards Different Levels of trading everything and you can compare from. In the United States year after all the purpose for france is not to live in unity but to find a common destiny. Meanwhile in the u. K. Protesters there have gone to war with statues of slave traders and those they believed were racists and to make sure his city is more diverse the mayor of london has now ordered a review of all statues and their links to slavery even the world famous tate gallery is now in the spotlight since its named after a sugar merchant shady edward stashed as more. The backlog protests have erupted worldwide in the United Kingdom is no difference particularly now what were seeing is activists and protesters are somewhat targeting other things other symbols of racism here in the United Kingdom so im now stood next to the Winston Churchill statue for many protestors a symbol of colonize ation and a symbol of racism of course over the weekend this statue this very structure of Winston Churchill was somewhat to face with the words churchill was a racist written all over it of course right now theres quite a launch Police Presence prying to protect this very start you from the protesters the black marxist protesters have reinvigorated campaigns in the United Kingdom trying to rid britain of statues that represent the legacies of colonize station oppression and racism starting in bristol then over the weekend we saw absolutely iconic scenes whereby protested top pulled down a statue a 17th century slave trade under the name Edward Colson was pulled down to the ground and toppled into a nearby river london though in this very square that im stood in also has various controversial statues many of which protesters want to see which has prompted the london mess to announce that he wants a review of london statues and landmarks in an effort to make public spaces more diverse to find me however it is said that this review could include places like the type gallery whose found has links to slavery it is an uncomfortable truth the nation city owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade and while this is reflected in our public room the contribution of many of our communities to life in our capital has been willfully ignored this cannot continue but in general the statues defacing or indeed destruction has completely split opinion across the. United kingdom many of which agree for the removal but not necessarily the tactic we shouldnt destroy the statues i guess we should probably move feature like museums where we can appreciate it. If the person has. Disgracefully to parts of the society why do we need to start your description of it is our history. I find its a very Dangerous Things to start its a bit like a child tarried regime wanting to you know that i dont need you for trying to clear your past and pretend they were a different change society i think that this election for black people and for other people in this country to build it problem is we are going to rise history. We called the attorney attention then to oxford where protesters seem to be some more inspired by the recent events in bristol have gathered outside and next to this statute now so so rose was a 19th century imperialist in south africa he laid the foundations of the exploited labor system and he indeed laid the nor of the seizure of lands across the south african region now campaigners want the removal of that statue saying that it represents subjugation but putting this all into wider context weve seen these protesters taking a knee at the Nelson Mandela statue campaigning in protesting by the words of churchill statue and also taking their protests to downing street where they had messages for the Prime Minister saying that the u. K. Is no innocent in this fight against racism. Now the b. B. C. Should be stripped of its funding match the demand of a new Online Campaign against the British State funded broadcaster the corporation has been accused of failing to be impartial and biased no most 60000 people have joined the campaign on twitter. Defunding the b. B. C. Is a vital step in restoring the Peoples Trust in our media and it is one that we must Work Together to achieve ultimately the b. B. C. Is not impartial could refuses to tell its audience the political background of its guests allowing many labor activists to present themselves as a balanced view despite holding a deep seated hatred for the Government People have taken to social media to slam the b. B. C. s because its report that the demonstrations were largely peaceful despite 27. 00 police being injured is not the 1st time either the broadcasters face large scale claims of bias its coverage of the brakes it referendum sparked much complaint to well according to a poll carried out in december 64 percent of those questioned in the u. K. Did say the b. B. C. Is biased to some degree leave voters tend to assess the amount of bias is great and less than a quarter believe in the broadcasters impartiality britains also disagree whether they should completely trust the information coming from the corporation or the country though is divided on this it is a bank 5050 with the percentage also declining among leavers and rising among remain is what we discussed the prospects of the state funded broadcaster with the radio host and b. B. C. Contributor john gone to nor so with the journalist neil clark. I think the problem with the di from the b. B. C. Campaign is its too broad brush there are issues with parts of the b. B. C. Programming of particular the news and Current Affairs but i think what will limit that campaign is the fact that people go to the b. B. C. Not just for using try to 1st they go that fast for they watch football they watch weather reports and people are saying look if we dont have the b. B. C. Where are we going to go for this stuff what i want to seize the b. B. C. To change i think we need change in the b. B. C. People accuse the b. B. C. Political bias i think the vice is basically what one could call the dominant orthodoxy is extreme sectors of the left accuse it of being right wing of the rockies it being left wing but in fact its its kind of Blairite Blairite camera night kind of politics seems to dominate the b. B. C. Many people myself included on the breakfast so i do believe that the b. B. C. Was very biased in its coverage and this is now playing out in the black lives matter a protester as well i think clearly theres a problem with the b. B. C. And the reason why theres a problem is that the b. B. C. Uniquely is funded through a t. V. License fee as statutary fee if you dont pay that fee in the end you could get sent to prison in the last year also in Something Like 800000 people have said they no longer want to pay the license really because theyre no longer watching live t. V. With netflix now has a prime if you want and you know you can get it there by what you want likewise with news people dont really now tune into the 10 oclock or 9 oclock just to see whats happening in the world and all the loads about it on their mobile phones are social media platforms or other channels that are enough to pay for yes i think the time has come to defund the b. B. C. And the bias is much too great theyve had a good run of it now it needs to be cut down. Still plenty more stories to come this hour including. Everybodys trying to shame us that being a barrister about our profession as calls to defund the police intensify across america Law Enforcement unions blame politicians on the press the shaming them well hear from a former Police Officer and also a former minnesota governor about how reasonable such calls will not stick up. We go to work so you straight home. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see of an. International memorial awards has extended its deadline for submissions. All media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media pool or a part of a global News Platform you can submit to your published works in either video or format go to award go to auntie dot com and it a no. Welcome back now the threat of defunding is looming over Certain Police forces in the us following the violent protests triggered by George Floyds death in minneapolis several attorney generals have pushed back though against the move stating that without police there is no guarantee of security its a stance to fully backed by President Trump Police Unions meanwhile calling on the public not to hate all offices for the crimes of one policeman. I am not derek shipboard they are not here he killed someone we did. We are restrained. And you know what im saying theres all the cops here because you know what everybodys trying to shame on the legislators the troops everybody is trying to shame us it being a barrister about our profession but you know what. This is it staged by somebody maybe apple is it still got to shine on it so that there is so do there is well there are reports that the white house has planned to reveal its own Police Reforms soon but some cities have already expressed their intent at cutting funding to the forces and explains how Law Enforcement has become something of a scapegoat for u. S. Society. Public attitudes toward policing in the United States are dramatically changing in light of protesters calling to disband the police the entire institution is being rethought and not just in the way that it relates to racism and brutality funding for Police Departments is being cut and redirected we will be moving funding from the n. Y. P. D. To use the mission tubes and social Services Plans are now in the works to disband entire departments in local areas we are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police department and when we are done were not simply going to give it back together we are going to dramatically rethink how we approach Public Safety in Emergency Response its really busty and i think this is a reaper a decade happened i think we all finally caught up to something which should have caught up to a bug long time ago i dont agree with dismantling the police because things will get out of control you need to police i mean you just got to weed out the bad ones so many times take action like a family trying to stand up for as you know no me for like black people but as i said if everybody is not right with they doing so i think they should have been started doing data for years americans have enjoyed watching reality t. V. Programs where camera crews follow officers around as they bust but not anymore a any has canceled live p. D. Here and paramount has pulled the plug on season 33 of the once widely Popular Program cops businesses are now trying to protect their image voices or even blaming the police for global warming. Its impossible to disentangle the various threads of environmental racism and his ties with policing the history of redlining and policing for segregation has led to massive hotter neighborhoods and more people with Chronic Health problems tied to air pollution University Students are now demanding that their campus stop collaborating with local Law Enforcement we ask for a detailed Public Statement on the chain of events decisions and command lines that led to the use of this facility by l. A. P. D. And its mobile processing units last evening we also asked for an immediate cessation of the use of this facility or any other u. C. L. A. Facility by l. A. P. D. And other Police Forces teachers are now questioning the role of police in schools take money out of the school Police Department and put it directly into Mental Health support counsel is academic counselors in light of the stereotype about cops eating donuts one pastry shop has taken a stand as well we are fed up until local Police Takes Action to solve problems with racism and injustice and is the onus will chase to stand with the people of our great state we will no longer offer a military or police askance thank you for your service and shame on you for your silence the u. S. Government still has plenty of laws on the books and its going to need somebody to enforce them now a lot of big dramatic proposals are being put forward in a lot of loud words are being exchanged but how much will u. S. Society actually change we will just have to see what martin r. T. New york what retired seattle place off the street a pump a tell us that living in a Society Without police sounds more like a utopian myth. You know the Police Protect society and theyre supposed to be the 1st business of government is to protect society and if you have. No police and you take that money and put it into wherever it doesnt matter i dont see how reducing Community Services can improve the safety of any community if you want to believe in some sort of utopian myth where all of a sudden everybody is going to get along i mean i heard one of the solutions was to send Rapid Deployment social workers out i mean youre not going to send somebody like that out against violent criminals and i think people theyre just forgetting about it they have some sort of but myth versus reality they want it to be peaceful so much that they think they can really into existence and there are some people that are just not going to cooperate you think about any town is any business going to stay in a town that doesnt have Police Protection can tell you throughout my career i was going to the businesses all the time who needed Police Protection without the police they would be overrun with problems and then the other part would be just insurance you know what business once you get insurance what Insurance Companies are going to want to sponsor the business or insure the business if theres no Police Protection the same thing as if there was any Fire Protection they wouldnt do it if you dont have security you cant basically operate or function a society. Posse americas rick sanchez also discussed the coasting defund place with the former minnesota governor Jesse Ventura got our. What do you make of the argument that maybe we need to start funding other things besides Police Officers that doesnt mean that all Police Officers are bad it just means that maybe we ought to mix it up a little bit more. Well it also means we need to start looking to the root of the problem and the root of the problem just isnt Police Brutality the root of the problem is economic brutality too in all of africa and when you talk about the funding you know id like to add to rick i was a governor or mayor also i was the mayor of Brooklyn Park minnesota the 6th largest city and when they talk about defunding the police id like to get this clear that doesnt mean theyre throwing the cops out and you wont have Police Protection anymore what they mean is by allocating and pushing farms i think that were scammed new jersey did it and they literally destroyed their whole police force rebuilt it up from the base up and today i heard some figure that crime is down like 43 percent from what it used to be there and now youve got truly Community Policing though not i think another thing that needs to happen here cops need to live in the towns where they police. Could not agree more. So see these clear then police in the u. S. Are indeed going through tough times at the moment but twitter is only adding to that trouble was not because its have night and within nights of support the austin Police Department has claimed its been missing. Cant express how grateful we are serve you austin. Our officers have been working around the clock these unprecedented times and thank everyone who took the time to write and make our daily little brighter. They must think we brits are dumb. And spell with power and good old leads on the dress thank you cards were written by the same person. While you guys really have been working around the clock right yourselves letters such a pretty handwriting has a big strong resolve to say you are this right you do have a premise a p. R. Stunt probably shouldnt plan future stunts i call it a joke if it wasnt such a disgrace. And that is how things are looking so far this wednesday morning here in r. T. Dont forget there are plenty of stories as ever on our website you can find that. I know. No shots. Actually felt. Well you. Know 1st. Point ch your thirst for action. You know was a clip of she was more used to store blood. But its always at the back or was a authorial moment on the late. Not so much you know he didnt say immediately. They can put us in the mood and at the curtains up by the Smithsonian National museum open to capital. City they say yes long. Yes but. Is youll be via reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. The isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Directly to what is truly lost his faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. The world is driven by shaped by one person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. One else seemed wrong quite all quotes just dont call. Me lol yet. To see. Just the. Answer. And it gets right because the trail. When something find themselves worlds apart. Just of the common ground. Greetings and sally you taishan. Mark of the day on your calendars my friends monday on the very 1st day of june 2020 the us president burble lee declared war on the citizens of the United States of america or at least those citizens who do not support one Donald Trumps vision for america whatever that twisted necrotic self and intelligent vision actually is the brand name and cheap emerged from his white house bunker on monday after tweeting tough and hiding out most of the weekend after thousands of thousands of black lives matter activists took to the streets of washington d. C. To protest the murder of george flawed and the harassment unwarranted incarceration and killing of thousands upon thousands of black and brown citizens by u. S. Law enforcement over the years standing in the rose garden our chickenhawk in cheapie declare that if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them. You know that wanna be tough guy up there trying to act like he actually knows what hes doing but lets find out what does trumps law and order look like well apparently my friends it starts by deploying chemical weapons and state state sanctioned violence on Peaceful Protesters in front of the white house just so once again our chickenhawk in cheap along with members of his family and his administration could stand off quickly in front of St Johns Episcopal Church with a bible in hand for a campaign botto up when i

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