Exists because america wants it to exist they have the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and theyre dead to media war sauls and the people who destroyed the World Trade Centers are those cro. Alou and welcome to cross not their own. Things are considered were told the civil unrest in the United States and beyond is about systemic racism were told western institutions and values are inherently flawed and corrupt though neither really explain the real evidence of social breakdown what is really in play here is an ideology and ideology that demands absolute submission and total. To discuss this and more im joined by my guess to me bob it must go hes a political analyst and editor it interests me internet media project and in nicosia we cross to alex for sapporo is the director and writer for the duran right gentlemen crossed up rules in effect that means in germany i mean want and i was ok alex let me go to you in nicosia here i mean weve been talking about this now for a few weeks and ive actually changed my mind a number of times in trying to analyze and understand whats going on here obviously the neo liberal order is under threat its being challenged thats very clear but from a number of different trajectory is not always really overlapping. We have an underclass particularly in the United States is a revolt and of course we have the pentagon making the law to add to and then you have the professional raw material class that in my opinion is using systemic racism and other isms as a cover because they know the economic and political system is interest extremely unjust and then we have all the other players matter and t. V. To what degree theyre really important is still one unclear to me but theyre certainly being. I did for now and some of the elites and importantly the media so i mean it is kind of a bird but i dont seal. List of demands the only thing that is absolutely clear to me is that the establishment is is worried while for the 2nd time in 10 years we see a massive transfer of wealth to the wealthiest people in the world when up to 2025 percent even more families are food insecure here in the United States so i listed kind of the macro the big picture here is your take what. I mean when when i take a look at whats happening right now in the United States i kind of see this as the establishment class the neo liberal elites kind of admitting definitely admitting that they cant be trump at the ballot box especially with with joe biden and i think now that you know even a hillary clinton. You know substitute for joe biden i think is now a reality that she cant wait either so i think theyre coming to the realization that come november at this moment in time they simply cannot be trump. In a vote at the Electoral College they cant win so youre seeing just the extension of russia gate ukraine gate and now youre seeing whats happening with the riots and thats fine you have people going out in the streets and protesting what happened to floyd there is that i dont think anyone has a problem with the peaceful protests but the fact that youre seeing a top down mobilization of rioters getting out to the streets looting using very much very many of the same tactics that we saw in other International Color revolutions one that comes to mind right now to me is ukraine and what happened in ukraine you have all the same players there instead of the right sector you have the ante for you have a lot of the n. G. O. S that you had in ukraine also mobilized in the United States and you have small pockets of protesters who are easily controlled looting and destroying things going after cops you had a lot of the same elements at the might don that youre seeing in various cities in the United States specifically in minneapolis in new york and other in atlanta and other cities around the u. S. So what youre really seeing is a regime change i think theres no doubt about it while there are and you could have 2 truths a day at the same time he could have protesters ok and you could have you just heard from looters you nailed it there you can have 2 choices you can have multiple crews that are right through at the same time thats what i think this is so maybe you look at it you know. Its been a minute i think alex is right i mean it at least on a treasury level i mean this is about trump its always about trump and so that you know unfortunately that affects our politics so much because there is something is this i mean problems here but it seems to me again right as i said in my opening comments here i think that this this ideology that the really only needs are using it its a false ideology because theyre there they know how to divide. The the people that have the most grievances and thats the working class not only people of color obviously a lot of people in the middle in the in the working class are people go in there are very very poor so this is kind of conflating it all together because you know. The professional military or class they want the status quo the kind of the status quo bomber where everyone was feeling good and you know having wine in the shower and of course trump does a player on this but id like to make very very clear here what is really significantly done except for portable his ball garrity ok which i got i dont care about the tweets i care about. Well i basically agree with alex i think a very important its rational use by the regime change what is regime change basically its a serial war you know new sometimes a real civil war like in syria or in the green well i mean just this point its cultural with me were great i mean thats the origins of this here people are now. Basically it reminds me of the darkest me just in russian history because. There establishment media when they used the same propaganda math that they used against qatar and against Saddam Hussein and in games courts when they started then you are again strong i mean i despise trump he is a despicable character. Institution you know this institution of the presidency they went 8 games to the institution of the presidency with the same propaganda tools that they used in syria in ukraine in leave there so if youre not russian history how did the Russian Revolution happen lenin said well were going to transform the imperialist war into a civil war so our bombs people basically use the same technology has. Instrumentalists against ukraine or against him if they use them again against trump inside the United States and the huge danger is that drunk we stamp that who turned this civil war into an imperialist one again thats why hes created all this cause. You know hes trying to again deflect attention and turns that anger against china. My mind just to make it very clear the best i can pull out of this was written by guardian. Let me just who are his narrative because hes absolutely right that the dangerous thing here is not a person you know its not a bomb or by them who are the devils its the narrative that is so let me just quote here. They say the media they just spent the majority of the last 4 years greek and promote your non official narrative which costs more americans why supremacy just who literally elect a president and who wanted to become king to the races. According to this narrative which has been relentlessly disseminated by the Corporate Media the russians for donald trump and all of this with those d. N. C. Emails they never actually cracked and some division so we ats that supports black americans in refusing to come out and vote for clinton so who do perfectly all or at least personally a separatist lot to destroy your democracy and now these people are out of the cold and now these people are supporting looting and the socalled protest which you needed to transform themselves into looting and violence you know they support it simply you know do on the one truck so this particularly as the credits dont pay hardly had a memory yesterday with both of you at the same time here in ohio its a game yeah it is focused on track but the danger is here to take out trump as it were if you. Youre going to create institutional damage because i dont think they want a grand transformation just the opposite they want to not joe biden nothing will significantly change but this course by trying to take trump out does incur massive institutional damage i mean they want poll at the same time you cant have oh ok so i mean at i think they do want to keep the institutions that they had under bush under Clinton Bush Obama and yet became rich yeah they want that for example they want that war machine intact they want the globalism intact they want the manufacturing thats that has left the United States they want that to continue so they do want the institutions the wall street intact and im not saying that trump doesnt support those very same institutions im not saying that but in their mind in their mind trump is aiming to break those institutions down or at least replace the people at those institutions with other people for them thats a direct threat so i do think that you know they do want to keep this titians attacked but they are willing to sacrifice the United States constitution if they have to you know i mean do you agree with that a gimmick and also i will im i would say theyre willing to sacrifice a good part of the country in the process here see if theres no nobility in what theyre thinking about you know this is all about systemic racism its about you know you know thats all nonsense i dont think thats their propaganda that c. N. N. And amisom see always are pushing but it has nothing to do with any of those things do you want to jump in now well im not sure you can read it all these institutions you know the war machine which destroyed which is destroying ukraine and which destroying syrias not only. Is completely. They august royals. If you should because the presidency is an institution and basically a very democratic one they are destroying the well you see if you want there the strength of the evidence of american society. People. You know that has been on her window and yet when you hear it again i kind of want to stay with the here and now here i mean theyre willing to say this is not looting its mostly peaceful and all that because it has a direct political impact ok again it seems to me that the worse the better without destroying the entire thing because thats how theyve been able to be so successful here is what i think just so extraordinary is the lengths that they were willing to destroy our political discourse our political system our institutions everything thats just. Visiting other throw the dice keep going so well that well i mean just there are these there are you know orange wests you know or yellow west broms you remember how they went against them why it was the young the west for at least one of the rules some of them are. Not novel theyre supporting this socalled uprising and again and you know. All guardian these socalled rebellion you know we started a popular model to. Ruthlessly by the groups this rebellion class marched through in the working poor and International Uprising she had won by the Corporate Media and liberal establishment i mean what really is disgusting here is this double standard yeah well its bad but you know the people who are saying trump is a fascist. You know you dont rattle matter gentlemen here we have to go to a hard break america about our break and continue our discussion and a new be our new ideology religion in american. We go to work. Straight hold. On ill show famed wrong. Roads just dont hold the world to get to shape our disdain for conflict educate and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. She says to look for common ground. Well america crossed up where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were talking about the new ideology and religion in the west. Ok alex let me go back to you i mean if if if we were told by the Mainstream Media were told by left wing groups and id be along in this is obviously a great opportunity for them in so many different ways cliques ok their bottom line i mean you and tell me that c. N. N. Is actually doing well for the 1st time in 19 years ok they know how to play crisis but you know if theyre if theyre so determined to change the face of american politics the tone in the tenor and why the packing joe biden i mean i mean with his. Girls and his record with supporting the police and the and military interventions around the world i mean its really quite hollow isnt it because they made sure they would be no change in the Democratic Party because after they got rid of bernie ok i mean i guess that seems so hollow to me and so empty and in going through this regime change process which i think i think as a probably. Forgetting about the real pain that so many people in the country have its its you know its like bulldogs squabbling under a carpet you know i mean its these elites. I mean by that is the ultimate empty vessel i mean all hes going to do is just continue with the obama the 8 years under obama the bush era and the clinton era so for them biden is the perfect president and it goes back to the destroying of this situation i agree with that the presidency is absolutely the ultimate Democratic Institutions the ultimate expression of democracy if you have a byte in winning then yes it is democracy if we have trump you have to tear it down thats the way they see things its always a binary with them and you also see it on the streets its a binary these riots are a binary youre either with us and youre ideologically pure or if youre not youre racist youre white supremacist in ukraine peter in ukraine they supported real not fake not imaginary real neo nazi neo nazi white supremacist real the real deal not this fake stuff that theyre pushing in the us media these guys were the real deal they were violence they were damn violence and who supported them who supported them go bamma and shoebite and joe biden was running the country pretty much by supporting them so i mean theres no you know theres no virtue in any of this and they did they want to do it its ok but i was going to say but this isnt about ideology its always about power because the way to do the way they are of framing this ideology its just a vehicle for power it has nothing to do with balance minissha. Well id rather you do it if you want and its back palosi want power back. Yes i think it says exactly right when he used the war white supremacist im our green and nazis and i just wanted to explain it to all of europes or the ukrainian nationalists its boggled their rates just now if you want discourse is that russians are not slavs russian side descendants or dark arts you know you really hope that not europe you know we the ukrainians where you are slavs were blown and so these kind of who are it may seem very strange to americans you know russians are white in your opinion so white that racism is not in our racism is about this you know hierarchy that you built you know the europeans europeans there are all there are russians in ukraine because youre pretty and say that we are europeans all of which means to hold to europe and this is a very dangerous edge if you see a very dangerous little bit of a team a beginner but claim that using that rhetoric all its doing is that it is the vibe in the polity in ukraine then thats what they want to do ok its a means to power because they cant win power on their economic success they can they can do it on anything up i mean this is a well tried endeavor here to always use the race card to do it by people but it doesnt if it doesnt solve real racism and then were going to announce here i mean all of this alluding. Taking and me which i find really a horror here how does any of that change systemic racism it just purchasing out what was in private part the person that said Andrew Breitbart did he say that culture is downstream from from politics im sorry politics is downstream from culture right i mean thats the whole point over the past 1020 years theyve been dismantling. The culture of the west and take the United States they have to spin dismantling the family theyve been dismantling marriage theyve been taking down physically taking down statues historical statues gender right theyve disappeared theyve been dismantling gender so all of this should be seen in just the vacuum of the last 2 weeks this is been a progression this ideology and now weve reached the end weve reached the end of this or maybe the beginning of this new religion actually which is peter take it any kneel before the mob kneel before your new god for the managers i understand the exercise and the intent but it doesnt solve anything its not meant to solve its meant its meant to tear down thats thats how i look at its not meant to solve a problem its meant to to rebuild this new utopia this new utopia is not going to be built in god we trust thats out the window. Thats out the window we the people in god we trust if you do these are new thinking this is thinking you are not a Silicon Valley out of these you know billionaires that have this new idea this trance humanist idea you know the irony of all that is to say that you want to quote unquote you really want demagogue and replace it with a group of demagogues ok i mean if were not going to have the rule of law were not going to have a constitutional and i want legal precedent. Then what do you have dinner what you have here is you have a not a utopia. A disco ok this isnt a nightmare scenario rich and you know what i guess im the one that goes but i dont see how middle class people working people benefit notice you go ahead bhima well i just wanted all of you are starting to stand that we are not against a real leftism here there is not athan rule on about real leftist and there is nothing wrong about fighting racism the problem is that fighting racism is be an instrumental ice now by the people who just wont do it giving them my strong and present everyone who disagrees with the socalled liberal s. A bunch a white supremacist that is unfair thats what we are fighting against. And unfortunately you know something wrong happened to the left in the last at least 20 years dont want a french philosopher has split way to well i. Just said that right now the real leftism is about defending the International Order fighting the war so redeem changed her on the wall and very rarely a socalled establishment left is doing that well bill the greens i can look at the you happened to the left is name is tony blair and bill clinton ok thats what happened that will last only exists alex one of the things that you know im so worried about concerned about is that i want to see transformation and real transformation of the populace transformation here but our politics now are so polluted and in so impure because what these people are doing is creating like as you said a binary i mean either you take the me the me or you are excommunicated from any kind of political involvement whatsoever that is antithetical to the tradition that has worked for a lot of people and you know what hundreds of millions of people around the world would love to have just exactly that. I mean i think theres a large part of the population that definitely would want that but i also think theres a large part of the population that does not want that they want power and i think they could feel that theyre closer to power and you know going through what happened in the riots there was a lot of money made the corporations are going to make a lot of money off of the riots amazon is going to buy up and the big corporations are going to buy up a lot of the property that these Small Businesses now have lost whether it was because of the cv pandemic or whether it was because of these riots so a lot of Small Business have gone out of business yet a lot of n. G. O. S that are going to make a lot of money and theyre going to continue to stir up trouble theyre being bailed out theyre being bailed out theyre being bailed out hollywood celebrities are dont. Money corporations are donating money black lives matter is now a valuable very well feat and g. L. So its going to continue. To do what it does so a lot of people gained a lot of power from this 2 week alex i thought you forgot something kind to important none of this goes through a democratic process doesnt this is not meant to this is just this is administrative fee i mean the reason i bring that up is that even though nancy is going to get her her quota quota go below average look at all the goodies they doesnt have 50 percent plus one in a voting situation so you you put it into the back door and under the carpet here this is a see this is what this whole ideological approach does it it short circuits democracy because they cant win using a democratic process go ahead. Yeah and its not meant to go through a democratic process because they know they cant win so theyre going to do everything they can from now until november to stack the deck thats what theyre going to do and now that these riots are going to subside and are going to subside because they did it get the jobs report that they were hoping for i. E. They were hoping for a much worse jobs reports in what turned out which turned out to be a surprise jobs report and i think it says. White house is good news is antithetical to their view do you want to stay with you here before we end the program. Do you think that at this point in time that the these that the liberals and the democrats they they are misplayed their cars you have that you mention the jobs report and theres going to be this way into law and order is this protesting and violence this type of protest again violence and its going to isha well i think they were they were hoping for. The people out on the streets to propel that to that regime change that were talking about i think thats doubt thats been the big difference from russia gate ukraine gate the impeachment today said they actually got people out on the streets so that right so i think that the fact that the jobs report was not what they expected i think is going to take a lot of wind out of their sails for the regime change but but i think of the next 2 or 3 weeks youre going to have another go at it and i think theyre refining their tactics and theyre Getting Better libertarian or ideologically because as theyre not rational and the only big about selfinterest thats all the time we want to be my guest in moscow and inexpedient i want to thank our viewers for watching and you see in x. Im remember. Drugs were in her cocaine as were 4 books with the under 50 the everybody used cocaine. Cocaine you can smoke it this is worth 5030. 20. 2 this is about a 15 people smoke this one figures. You can find these drugs any city in the United States that you walk along as you or any get it about to. Make money. And thats what a day. Law and from the World Headquarters of the r t america in our Nations Capital this is the news with rick sanchez panel again everybody im rick sanchez to all of you who are watching us from all over the world either on regular t. V. Or on portable t. V. The were so glad that youre there there is some great news on the coronavirus front russian scientists have developed a drug that works against coded night team. Heres essentially what it does and heres why this is such an important potential breakthrough most people that die from cove in 1000 you may or may not know this what they actually succumb to is lung failure thats what really kills them

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