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A river red the Authorities Say they werent alerted in time. Hello good afternoon just said midday here now live from. Moscow this sunday the 7th of june welcome to the weekly with me kevin now in our roundup of the big stories of the day on the week just gone 1st than from washington to l. A. And from philadelphia to chicago is saturday so the United States big cities filled with protesters against racism and Police Brutality nearly 2 weeks now after the death of george floyd mostly peaceful scenes throughout unlike earlier this week when agitated crowds felt the full force of riot police and military vehicles patrolled americas streets at least 11 have died during the protests and all 4 former officers present when george floor floyd was. Killed will face murder charges. In. Coast to coast and from small groups to the streets filled with fury theres been protests throughout the week in all 50 states the National Guard was deployed at least half of them curfews were imposed in at least 29 locations with demonstrators throughout the week describing continued heavy handed policing as rioting and looting spread. From the days that ive been out the only time that violence erupts our aggression is shown is when the police have come out and shown force was struck and as i was trying to walk away. From the protests they began openly shooting rounds of tear gas rubber bullets into the crowd. There was violence by the police is a call made in the streets of jacksonville they resulted in the necessary use of tear gas we saw 1st from tear gas and all types of progression and arrests in the ones that i wish were unjustifiable violence was coming from the state from the police. Is that enough. They feel that no one cares. This is the only way to lash out at the system. d they come from neighborhoods that there is you know economically deprived you know its like you know you got to keep me low you going to. You know basically the system is put in there knee on around it the ugly side of the weeks rallies has forced businesses to take precautions you saw wooden holding smashed windows now learning the street to be the most prestigious shopping districts suddenly says went to extreme i just checked this a forklift used a rabbit next retailer in california. Thanks. So much owners go even further to the security measures with stuff themselves talking about that in that we can have moped took us through why the looting risks erupting into something far more dangerous. Heres one thing the protests against Police Brutality was was not. However by night the protests take a much more violent for. Lyndall ism moving and a tax on Business Owners many see this as an extreme expression of economic inequality obert. By looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men and women are dying the looting of america has been going on for over 40 is the copra saw the ultra rich though some Business Owners are even willing to stand with the looters also properties are always can be replace but loss of life so no theyre fully upset with the looting dont think that looting is necessary. But i definitely feel like something needs to be done you know to count up protect everybody says a large scale looting 250 buildings have been damaged in minnesota alone that prompted members of George Floyds family to call for calm not destroy stuff. On a 100 they dont know nobody i dont know why i cannot testify i was stuck coming out of the schoolyard stuff. God. Is enough of the by wants breeds violence is the riots keep going the Police Response is gone as far as ramming cars and crowds amid this chaos Business Owners that decided to take their own security into their own hands in the most american way ok ok ok you run my. Own you think im going to my would you no no no no no no no the authorities have been openly suggesting store owners protect themselves with guns and if you try to break into their homes to still. To set fires highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns armed vigilante groups are now patrolling the streets they say take your neighborhood back here the 2nd ricers you know were ready for the rest of your policing we are all here they are 15 we are protecting our neighborhood. All of this arrested for civil conflict across america. Is support some communities very much adults with each other over the street rallies look at these pictures a peaceful march in the state of indiana on monday no signs of aggression but the route lined with locals armed with rifles watching as they passed by and its been happening elsewhere to. Come to court and stare. Right yeah. Yeah. These guys are ready man they play you know what were doing here is were protecting them trolling our neighborhood after the riots started out in south of minneapolis we have a conscious decision while the police were handing out over there that we were going to come together and protect our buildings here and protect our families and our job i came out here because its about damn time. You know guys like me guys you know would be viewed as just a heavily armed redneck and stuff like that good with fellow citizens regardless of race regardless of whether we were in the same local community or not its time we stand together. This picture but to see was taken to russian restaurant his son diego in california where all the locals lined up to defend that promise is the among those who felt the need to be armed in the current circumstances he took me through what its been like there. Heavy looting in the city of san diego it wasnt in our neighborhood but it was im a bird which is pretty close to us just maybe 6 miles outside of the town city limits where you know the the the protests started peacefully and then they started burning buildings i am a low city and it pains me to see this beseech you see. Young american young young black lives being lost something stupid like this could have been awarded and the fact that you know people are looking doesnt help the cos thats thats just my personal experience my personal opinion you know there could be there. Could be better ways to go about this and then robbing Small Businesses because these people have nothing to do what. I. Tell them is both in washington d. C. On change day protest as another generally peaceful rally before stuff the streets with tear gas and stun grenades to clear the way for President Trump to have a photo op controversially near a church near the white house he later tweeted get tough democratic mayors and governors and warned that if he unless continued he do whatever it takes to stop the chaos. In recent days our nation has been gripped by professional anarchies violent mobs arsonists looters criminals rioters and tea for and others today i have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them. His words didnt go down well there were several governors who condemned his remarks as inflammatory and dangerous new ones he wrote fencing sprung up quickly around the white house on thursday the National Guard also increased its presence veteran u. S. Newsman an r. T. Host larry king says the current Political Leadership in things is failing to handle the situation. Im so sad and over all this because as a nation we seem to have progress and then we take a step back it amazes me the civil wars is over yet were still racism in america is so saying what we need now is a leader to lead us down trump has no empathy and youve got to have empathy at this time so we need a leader to take us forward without that and the sadness of what you see on the screen in washington blames the governors. And its all blame kicking around is just so damn sad donald trump threat to send in the military to quell the nationwide protests left some World Leaders scratching their heads too after hed previously condemned them for being tough on violence in their own countries they rein in foreign minister came out swinging a week ago he took a red marker to a 2800 statement from u. S. Secretary of state might pompei o on protest in iran with key words replaced to fire the criticism squarely back at washington so how much do i say not as i do as big a play here is our Senior Correspondent lord cassadee of human rights human lives see movies cheap nowadays look at whats happening we have Police Brutality systemic racism inequality riots on top of mass protests on top of an economic crisis on top of a pandemic. Brights pale in comparison that isnt me saying so we can all see it. The. Bush. People are dying even killing if the court agrees hundreds have been hurt entire streets looted and torched the structure rage and anger over there on both sides thats hate something thats going to disappear in a week the 1st amendment of the Us Constitution guarantees peoples right to peaceful protest to freedom of speech and to the right of the press to do its thing heres what the police think of that paint balls and rubber bullets a little slap to the face with little concern that theyre shooting at a journalist or Peaceful Protesters and you know what its not enough trump wants to make an example youve got to arrest people you have to track people you have to put them in jail for 10 years and youll never see this stuff again you have to dominate or youll look like a bunch of jerks but lets be frank police are under the huge pressure rioters lingle with the protesters looting and burning in egging everyone else on that they must be dealt with but like these wheres the condemnation president tom trump tweeted when the looting starts the shooting starts what did you think when you read that but i have long kept to the selfimposed guidance not to comment on what President Trump says appropriate or indeed other World Leaders its not really what my job is that all the journalists so much as trips over in china for example Rights Groups get an aneurism. The irony is overwhelming just weeks ago washington was preaching to everyone about how sacred protests are the United States is gravely concerned by the deepening political unrest and violence in hong kong including the standoff between pub protesters and police 3 iterate or warning about any decision or remnant elements of the mature regime to use violence to repress press the peaceful democratic transition the iranian people are once again on the streets because of the regimes poor economic management. And instead of the dressing their grievances tehran has responded with violence and by blaming those outside of the country naturally those usually on the receiving end of american lectures have not passed this opportunity to sleep america off. Launching as a phrase i dont see they take their own countrys National Security very seriously but for the security of our country especially the situation in hong kong they look to tinted spectacles we have recently seen these kinds of double standards most clearly with the riots in the United States we see how the local authorities have reacted but last year when we had similar riots in hong kong what was their position to do American People their walled has got hurt your outcry over it is that operation there was standing you. Know america this year is pursuing violence and bullying you tell me an approach what they dont get is that america is exceptional he said of plenty of times the congressmen the officials the president most americans thought that included then it never did its the state thats exceptional those in power the police the military theyre exceptional the American People now have them you would just like everybody else. The protests may have Police Brutality at their core but plenty of videos emerged through the week showing officers taking things too far there were injuries from tear gas tazes rubber bullets and even vehicles being driven into crowds there are now multiple lawsuits and investigations into Police Conduct then a new York Police Department vehicle was filmed attempting to drive through a crowd last saturday and then this was life change on facebook a man pepper sprayed by an officer michigan vavi a tear gas canister fired at him from barely a meter away. Also to new York Police Officers have pleaded not guilty to assault after they were filmed aggressively pushing an elderly protesting who then fell and sustained a head injury and in the city of atlanta 2 officers have been sacked after forcibly arresting 2 students but its part of the tensions and chaos uncertainty on the streets simply limits of light along the way as well this was nice one protester in california running up to a Police Officer and given him a hug and a similar scenes in kentucky 2 offices in some cities are also being seen time and again now symbolically kneeling in solidarity with the protest is. Was odd. If the police are going to kneel with the protesters if theyre going to. Embrace and try to protest this desk good because the police are human too i served as a Police Officer myself for 24 years here in washington d. C. I witnessed Police Brutality about some of the people that i worked with its about time that we have some i would say several into bichon in it because it just makes sense that there should be some federal standards associated with all these behavior in our cities and then our communities. Away for us shows theres been solidarity demonstrations throughout the week from australia to argentina bali and europe there were large scale rallies in britain italy sweden greece and the netherlands most of them were paced full but some did descend into violent clashes to. Find me a riot police on the side of the right over there my base there is about 500 people inside this area now this place is called cancelling the police have entirely but its just as is it that they cannot exist the idea is a containment process but actually it seems a load selfconceit to really rile the masses up but i think theyre in the can i right now as d i speak we can see that theres a bit of a scuffle coming in over directions it feels like the police are trying something. Closer and closer to try the protesters. Malcolm x. Is a hero to many protesters on the streets of america speaking about the media he once said that if youre not careful it could have you hating the people being oppressed and loving the people doing the oppressing but what does that distinction mean in todays usa. So what weve got to do is identify. The threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in. The very Dramatic Development that only. Exists i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Again some other news now way forward in america a major cleanup operation is underway in the Russian Arctic following a massive fuel leak in the city of norilsk theres now a state of emergency after 20000 tons of diesel seeped into a river there and what environmentalists are calling the arctic regions worst ever catastrophe its so bad it could be seen from space these satellite images from the Russian Space agency roscoes most give you an idea of the extent of the pollution containment device is known as boom batteries are in place to try and stop the fuel eventually reaching the sea more than a 1000 tons of diesel have now been recovered but the worry is the cleanup could take years to complete the authorities are furious that they were only alerted to the leak 2 days after it happened. Why did the authorities only come to know about this after 2 days and were now going to find out about emergencies like these from social media are you feeling all right. d if you saw on twitter youre so sure it was through a rescue team intervened very quickly the fuel spill was localized in the barn a river and the rescuers have already started working intensively and to collect our little world. A footnote to this latest is Russias Investigative Committee has launched 3 investigations into what happened and theyve arrested now the director of the power plant where the fuel tank failed. When europe shut down to stem the coronavirus sweden kept going most businesses stayed open in what was seen at the time from abroad certainly as a risky move but the swedish state epidemiologist behind the strategy told a newspaper on wednesday that although it caused too many deaths he doesnt think it was wholly wrong if we were to encounter the same disease with exactly what we know about it today i think we would learn midway between sweden dude the rest of the world good sweetness suffered more than 4 and a half 1000 deaths out of a population of around 10000000 that makes it the most affected of the scandinavian countries the others enforced harsher restrictions the swedish government though says it was ready to take on why did measures against the virus if advised to by the Health Agency residents arent so sure though it seems a poll out on thursday echoed others suggesting that confidence among swedish citizens of the states ability to deal with the break has dropped significantly since april another swedish epidemiologist we spoke to thinks his country should have known better. Only started we could have done better so i know why they didnt. Then of course the information asked how to do better in washington and their. Weight wasnt really there it was centered by the experiences of other countries around us it was started by normally i didnt and by that there was another countries so if he was there to do cannot see where we could not know then of course you know then they were trying to save it for me they were trying to save this system just ask and not only student also noted countries but where were being i think much more unfortunately. Europes internal open borders are still some way off being a 2 way street in the week the italian Prime Minister im greek austria greece for maintaining travel restrictions on italian citizens calling them discriminatory and totally unacceptable italy reopened its borders to e. U. Citizens on wednesday to try and breathe life into it stalled Tourism Industry peter all of us been looking at how getting around europe these days is not always clear cut as it used to be. Summer is here and its good news for germans were wondering if theyre going to get a sunshine break this year the government here in berlin is lifting warnings against travel to european nations from the middle of this month the foreign minister heiko mass in making me announcement though was keen to stress this isnt a green light for travel with wild abandon. Travel warnings or not travel bans and travel guidelines are not invitations we want to make it clear in our travel guidelines that travelers are not to go to the u. K. Were not essential and as long as theres a 14 day quarantine in place getting ahead of everyone else in europe is italy they opened their borders on wednesday the lockdown is brought upon italy the worst recession since world war 2 and the government is looking to holiday make is to revive the economy Prime Minister conte says the crowds of travelers they hope will be flocking into the country is a risk italy is willing to take. We are facing a calculated risk knowing also and i say this sincerely that the epidemic logical code may rise again however there are fears the terrorists will skip visits to the coliseum and gondola rides this year its early is still reporting dozens of covert 1000. 00 cases daily a claim by a well known italian doctor that corona virus is losing potency so the World Health Organization stepped in with International Experts warning against a false sense of security you know the reality is the virus practically no longer exists from a clinical standpoint weve got to return to being a normal country because theres evidence we can go back to having a normal life there are still thousands of people every day die from this worse so we need to be exceptionally careful not to create a sense that all of my response all dilution has now decided to be less pathogenic nevertheless the Italian Foreign minister is doing the rounds trying to convince everyone. That italy is safe for tourists to visit while local mayors are doing their part to try and draw people in to beaches restaurants and cafes that have been empty for too long. Surest will be able to come too close or not safe and we are ready to reopen with Great Success we can accommodate many tourists the risk of contracting the virus is extremely low we have to open to accept people however it seems silly well still have to wait for its neighbors to open up as the reopening is already caused some troubles on the border. We can go there but we cant go back to france so if were going to get stuck there its not worth it. Those european nations that rely heavily on tourism cash are desperate for holiday makers to come to them the question now is how many will be willing to travel while coronavirus continues to infect people. Barely. Still so many unknowns out there well as the weekly the way the news panned out these last 7 days as brought to you by us reporting from moscow im kevin 0 in place watching our channel r. T. International have a great rest of this weekend. Oh allah. You cannot be lonely with me yeah you know what. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person or those with. No dares thinks. We dare to ask

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