With a single payer or medicare for all system the kind of things that people in other developed countries in the world this is the richest country in the world the United States other people take medicare for all for example Single Parents as they take that for granted and so now you have the absurdity of a country that is on top of that continuing to murder people of color in the streets without cause on video and you expect people to somehow react and have no reaction to that and so you know the definition of a failed state of Political Science is a government that they also protect its people and doesnt provide basic services now in the United States more than a 3rd of families with children and no longer or food and and more than a 3rd can no longer afford shelter those who are renting you know it in looking at the Public Discourse over the last few days particularly since the death of. Mr floyd. The mainstream liberal media and im pointing this to r. C. Right now as it is. Grabbed onto systemic racism and then and thats part of their mantra and a case i suppose can be made for that but the phrase i cant repeat that resonates with me because i think that talks of beyond race its actually a class issue but then the ruling elites do not like to to frame things in terms of class and i think nate did a very good job of doing that and im coming from this from a complete servitude perspective here because watching the elites in washington bail out the richest people in the world i think they were are no chance these people are going to go under here and im really disappointed with the g. O. P. I have are not going into the lame stablish when democrats will need to put their toes didnt believe in helping working class a little better ways is its good policy is good oh it takes but its not happening r. C. Go ahead well i think that there is no i. Sure exactly could have done a better job but he got her package that would appease a wire for right the americans blow a lot of america. I think if they got few 1000. 00 youd probably still see these protests if they had gotten 3500. 00 youd probably still see these protests i think that its highly academic and a little bit of spin in nature to say that since im now to turned into a class struggle i think in actual quality what youre seeing youre seeing are radical groups doing a very good job using issues as a cover for their motives and theyre just saw their justice and. Are seen and heard well can be true with the same time would you agree both can be true at the same time because i think there. Is there is a perspective theres an Older Americans who are still in a little bit of economic aches. But you say that aids is merely predicated on a g p. Or bailouts that would appease the american system it is a bit misguided my accent i think. I got in trouble of the amount that they did yet i still think you asked and i think you see protests not necessarily because of cost structure but because these are sort of the worst errors and. You have one or america or any i think its all making the claim that this anger is because of what the g. O. P. Did or didnt do is really a footnote to a whole of this year i think they mean let me go back to nikki i mean this is the neil liberal model of being judged in and being judged by oh why a rate of members of society i mean we went from. The apparent murder we havent had a complete due process year of an unarmed black man in the i me up list now weve gotten to riots all across the country and i think it is left that that specific tragedy and it is being people are expressing an enormous amount of anger because the system isnt working for them it has nothing to do with one check or a 2nd check if the system isnt working go ahead nick. I agree the system is not working for a ball. And i think that that cannot be overstated when you have so many people in poverty at this moment and you know when you have for example for even those who when there was a there for example there was a freeze on. Foreclosures earlier you know early on in the end amec a couple months ago but that freeze was temporary and so that is going to become you for example and you will see thousands tens of thousands of people get kicked out of their homes just like you saw in the Great Recession i mean some of the figures that i brought up earlier about a 3rd of americans with children not being able to order food anymore i mean this is a reality this is why i describe this as a state not being able to provide basic services it goes beyond that and what i want to add to this is the fact that you cannot continually tell. I think a people who have lived through centuries of slavery bent a century of jim crow and balling that Mass Incarceration Police Brutality prison took for a school to prison pipeline and then say that somehow ah after decades of that one peaceful protest has not worked that somehow they are the problem or an expression of desperation that is happening now across the country you set it up very well and i and i understand the argument and its Campaign Compelling in many respects but lets go back to our see here im sorry i will have to disagree nick this kind of looting and violence is completely unacceptable it is against the rule of law it is it turns into a hobson war of everyone against everyone and and i find that an excess. It will and you know watching a 90 s dollar being cleared out that has nothing to do with what happened in minneapolis again anyone that makes that claim is wrong ok now im agreeing with the nit with nate in the sense that this is that make issue and its being full of pound wanting so would agree with you r. C. On that i want to talk about m. T. V. A little bit later but thats why i asked the question in my introduction but as a protest and a right go ahead r. C. Well see if i can and i think you know nick i think you and you are perhaps a good service to the Democratic National committee righties are talking quite use i think the way that nick is trying to construct a reality is exactly what the far left wants you think they want you to think that this is all about racial inequities in our country and they want you to think that this is a had this kind of mindset that america is a Current System is a prevailing mice and among most americans well guess what it isnt like americans were serai. Or coronavirus was unleashed are however it was. From the east so i dont think that america is a failed state when you look at failed states like i dont know places that were stabilized by drugs. Or perhaps by psych the great a horn of africa those are felt states what happened and what happens and chatted and in europe when someone really needs a surgery they come to the United States united state provides much more than what is needed is much more then ever m. R. Slow start it needs americans are doing fine whats happening right now is not a result if you are in justice in america it is simply the result of as a result of the coronavirus and a desire by a status meant our last hours to create a kind of tension going to america to create a kind of you know kind of an environment where you know. The talking points he talks maybe get a couple of swing voters to vote just for me than how they voted. 2016 as an oversight and power as you did back in 7 you know what role you know over more its and it will be business as usual so i get asked so that the meal liberal project that has not is not party specific ok i mean theyre all in on that ok and i this big player biker audience i dont think the democratic establishment would really give nick any time of day because i speak as a concert and this is much against the g. O. P. Establishment as i am against the d. N. C. Because im trying to reimagine politics here maybe a progressive im a conservative but i think we can do it because the people who are separating us are the ones that want us to keep us separated and dont want to talk about a reasonable politics or a lots been said here nick go ahead jim. Likewise. I actually left the Democratic Party in 2016 after watching them cheap Bernie Sanders and after i didnt work on his campaign actually lobbying that the n. C. A. Members to try to persuade them of the kinds of things that i was saying that was the job i add on that campaign and so if that is it the heel of roger is a bipartisan projects you know you have seen for decades on end working people have not gotten arise the minimum wage in real value in 1968 and so that is consistent through democratic republican administrations both parties that helped all control of government during this on their bill clinton we worked with the democrats across obama with democrats as well and that is basically why im working with an organization actually called the movement for Peoples Party who just was out was a major new progressive up those already in the United States and that has nothing to do it with the democrats are taking over to get away from both of them because so much access and able. To see how do you respond because the interesting thing is if it and again in principle i would agree. He would make and everything he said it just how he would get there thats when we get into the minutia ok and thats fine i like politics i like debate ok i like to honest people ok now people that constantly love you in the news because thats what they do best but i agree i agree. You see i agree with everything he said by i dont think youre on and youre making the right score meet with neo liberalism is a bipartisan project and so is anti strong and the reason anti progress and you are similar is because that trump is a populist strong is one National Conservative we are not trump has a lot more in common with Bernie Sanders populist voters. You know and and dents maybe centrist democrats so youre right you know who isnt is an art. Trump is the actual system that i think. I am an interest from trump on a bipartisan model from members of us hours on end up quite strong kind of thats why trump is able to you can actually read a part of because national it was brand is something that speaks to both parties its actually i established and you know a lot of what i mean you know im. Very silly to. Say on our slate it is that i would have hoped that donald trump would have taken the lead in dealing with this crisis but no he let congress do it and that conduct really remarkable that he didnt want to take any responsibility for that i tell him im going to jump in here were going to go to a short break and after that short break you know our discussion then demick and its reaction and writing in america safe. No whats a clip of she told morning is the. Way its always ok it was a little more one of the late. You know. Media. Today they can put us in the mood at the court put up a small slow motion to open the capital quickly that i thought i. Knew they had a yes. Yes. He took millions of years of evolution to get to this place of federal activity and now its become on thats how bill how brave is that. Millions of years of work to give you this big brain which functions with this many people believe the most human beings are suffering what is a magnificent machine human being to do a 1000000 man affecting machine. Welcome back to cross talk where all things are considered im you know about to remind you were discussing whether United States is becoming a failed state. Ok nic let me go back to you lets go back to a topic but it was just touched upon in the 1st hour of the program minutes on t. V. And thats something that really really irritates me here and there is ample evidence now video footage of these a professional troublemakers from all over the country invading communities and just causing a ruckus and destruction and whipping up all kinds of. Emotions when we dont need that right now because you know i say this to anyones support and cheaper is that whatever you do where everything you do it you hurt or. And working people ok and theyre very selfish these anti people and they are i would say the antithesis of what they claim to be bait they have a very sick mindset its my way or the highway how do you respond to that of course there are people attempting to exploit the crisis but to focus on those people is to deny i think the justice that actually created this systemic problem and its a beginning whether thats what i would say ok ok but it is so you would condemn though their tactics and their behavior of course and there are those who are exploiting the crisis to do by lines to loot you know and that is that that should be condemned it doesnt you know it doesnt necessarily have to do with with george soit there are people who are using it you know as there always are you know just like i mean but at the same time if youre going to condemn that you know i mean you have to condemn the conditions that created this in the 1st place and i think we agree there and you also have to condemn those who exploit crises on orders of magnitude far greater than that its like exploiting coronavirus asked the base up or transfer of wealth in American History i mean the reason i eat it really kind of is that its a special court with me nick is that the the middle class has been looted for 40 years ok they have experienced that here and 2 wrongs dont make a right because our c i am very mean phatic about this think the number of stories ive been told from people that are in the know theyre up ended and many out was a firefighter or i dont know if he was active or retired he was going to start his own bar for the community and it was supposed to open up on monday today but hurt the ground. And i think it was an africanamerican on top of the class a race should matter but i mean theres a who are person to pull himself up ok addict you think that he and then you have these. Suggs ago burned to the ground he didnt have insurance he says out of luck ok this is what your e. F. May buy this type of behavior because this kind of behavior is unconscionable and yes its very and counterproductive r. C. Its very counterproductive and you know what nicholas said and its something that i actually said a few days ago and now i do what not many people do you have to look at rose just admit i was wrong is a go i said. He condemned the hooters before we stop the hooter a prerequisite is arresting George Lawrence murder and guess what he was arrested days ago and already has continued under the worst. In addition to the man store and how he ever went to all of our. Oh theres no radio trying to get beaten down by a man with a wooden plank i mean we cant continue to say before we can get back we should also condone violence by. You know the long time ask congress down and he and recognize that this just isnt happening on the ground the discussion. On top and youre out in america its being signed shocks hijacked by whites isnt just popping by in secret and in the streets its also having a high of small holes when it comes to the span of a narrative and once you see being spun by the establishment media make this a class struggle well at that with they want to make it into a race struggle and i dont i dont buy it and im americas original sin is racism ok and itll its something a project it will have to work on for our entire existence but its there if you like but i insisted i go back to nic here it is much more of a class issue here because there are so many myths and many more people in public need to think and looking at the reaction to the coronavirus and now the tragic events i have just come to the very scrambled. Inclusion that the elites no longer have any answers for the problems that theyve created you know why because theyre just insulated from those problems ok great or are Mainstream Media all cable you know you can have all of these you know these are talking heads on t. V. Talking about how sad and poor and terrible things are theyre 2 all earning 6 years they go back to their gated communities i mean its almost as if theyre watching a Netflix Series you know im just waiting for the next episode. It is as its really. The well the richest americans millionaires has increased by 434000000000. 00 during this crisis and so you have a section of society this happened and this also happened the 21st that separates off from the rat this is during you know during the gilded age of thats why when there was massive inequality right before the depression and the stock market crashed and black to say that set it was like an american a stock aristocracy and that is whats happening again when you have one family go out and am like that as the wealth of the bottom 43 percent of americans and their consult and theyre using this crisis to consolidate even more well then you do you have a segment of society that is no longer connected they do not experience its not only that they do not live the conditions of the majority of americans the mass of working class americans but they no longer even experience them or come into contact with them in their own lives like you mentioned they live in gated communities there are varied around either. Limousines they go to you know there are. The glass op you know massive glass Office Buildings you know in steel skyscrapers and they never have to see or encounter the ramifications of the kinds of all that you know and im including members of congress here senators you know the average of which is about a 1000000. 00 and well and many of whom enrich themselves in the course of what office. They never have to see earth experience the consequences of the laws that they passed down the brunt of which is borne by working people you know her see if i was just astonished and go by the fact. When the lockdown started in you know 1st you had the markets crashed and all the. Which of course is a subset of all the oxygen the markets and all the markets dont really have much into the average person ok most people are not invested in the market it is they put so much attention into it ok and then with this stimulus or aid packages i mean i just find it astounding the concierge treatment that the richest people in the world the richest concerns in the world the treatment they and then we have both parties is 2nd guessing the maybe we have to wait and see thats more the g. O. P. Being and then you have the democrats its not their christmas list of it is every kind of special interest they want and most of it deals with local allat exposed bast majority of people are sick and tired of it seems to me that the political elite on both sides of the aisle they forgot some really simple things like most people go ahead r. C. Look i definitely agree that there is an error and that there is no you know a sense in the air that a lot of americans are still looking at a lot of anger horror not only one percent but you know people who are rich people who you know seem to have the ability to other americans the other problem though is that a majority of those kind of. Our most they are largely and still courts will be and are you know you see on t. V. Every day from these mass protests right so i think that we should question on those motives and ask ourselves why are people at the hands of our all the celebrity creating all these funds for individuals wired to continue to drive this chaos and number 2 we need to remember that remember it was doing fine before this lockout if anything this isnt an indictment on america as a state this is an indictment on globalist must own exterior and i think this is what trump and you know conservative populism this is what the mess that theyre trying to get out this is what you hear when i talk about you know you know reinstill an hour in the america all of the problems of wealth inequality you talk about what an act and remember what happened. If we never want to get china and are going to translation status in 1990 the one who isnt talking about the clinton gore says theyre all anti trump and theyre all anti this new kind of way for opulence here so youre absolutely right there isnt a good or it is animosity toward the rich toward stock markets and that animosity is is actually. Getting momentum to the National Movement and you see the trunk reach you crito are counting we use our space well ok oh i can say is china didnt steal one job from america it was americas elise that sent them oversea ok i mean this is what you just played thing is just it again its part of how to divide us this is what you know you can be the left the traditional left and the traditional right theyre always looking for ways to bite the majority of people i actually believe the majority of people actually have a lot of Common Ground and would have 50 percent 51 percent agreement but its a its are pathetic Political Parties that never want is the habit of a real debate ok because somebody put something money in your pocket of making the telephone call or putting your son in a board of a company in ukraine and you know it the the elites have just separated themselves so far from the average person they have no idea how we feel what were doing it when we need hell they dont seem to have the tools or the brains to react to go ahead. He goes beyond that i dont think that they are necessarily in control of this system to the degree i dont you know this is a system that is built you know capitalism on unlimited growth you know. And of course on a finite planet that has i had resources you know and decisions were people and you know working people do not have infinite amounts to give you know there are certain physiological. You know you need a certain amount to be provided for in order to abduct to eat more to app shelter in order to get out clothing i mean basic needs Education Health care and those are the levels that are being exceeded now you know and youre seeing mass loss of people who used to be considered you know in the middle class in the United States dissolving into the lower class and so this is something that was happening before around the virus in any way and now i would disagree with r. C. But trump is a populist actually in the sense that he actually represents working people i mean for someone for a reality t. V. Show billionaire to have and brought other billionaires into its administration and have of course signed off and gone along with and advocated for the kinds of Bailout Program that we saw that was absorbed by earth Small Business Bailout Program you know what were seeing now is a massive consolidation of orations unlike anything that weve ever seen in the u. S. And its going to be absorbed it run out of money as r. C. I really wish i were an economic populist when hes president only as all the time you know what i think my guess would be digs and the great and what would make you are watching us here are p. C. Unix not remember. According to several sources felice in the United States kills from 2 to 4 people every day. Head his hand. With said i surrender. What am i being arrested for players front. That. Is just their little fool to establish they developed just us against them and. How long is your own terms like 25 years as. I read this from someone holding it close. To there is a corruption inside of this least one of the culture is. The same wrong. Role just dont call. Me. Yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and in detroit because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. To look for Common Ground. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure when ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. This is aussie u. K. Welcome to our viewers from around the world where live from Central London and recurrently waiting for the governments daily Coronavirus Press briefing given today by the Prime Minister meanwhile our other headlines this hour. The leader of the opposition highlights fading public trust in the government as a poll shows people are less likely to follow the law down after the Prime Ministers top adviser drove to a 2nd home thats as the home secretary defends the 2 week or until the International Travelers. Campaign is called for if they lead to all lock down fines following Police Decision to not find Dominic Cummings for breaking the goggles will be talking to a human rights barrister. Protesters gather in london in support of demonstrations in the United States against Police Brutality with many highlighting similar problems in the u. K. And the program nurses also protest outside the headquarters of Public Health england to london angry at the governments response to the thread about us were now going to the briefing at downing street. Good evening. Welcome to latest on the street press Conference Let me 1st run you through the latest data on our Coronavirus Response. 4000000 786219 test the Creative Arts have not been carried out or posted out in the u. K. Including 171829 tests yesterday 279800 and 56 people have tested positive and thats an increase of 1871 cases since yesterday. 7485 people are in hospital with coded 19 in the u. K. Down 16 percent from 8921 this time last week and sadly of those who tested positive for corona virus across all settings 39728. 00 have now died thats an increase of 359. 00 fatalities since yesterday and once again were with their families in mourning now the rate of transmission in the u. K. Has fallen significantly from its peak we need to take steps to manage the flare ups and stop the virus from reemerging i want to update you on the progress were making on 3 fronts to prevent a 2nd wave of infections that could overwhelm the n. H. S. 1st weve set up n. H. S. Test and trace in order to identify contain and control the virus in the u. K. Thereby reducing its spread as we move to the next stage of our fight against the corona virus will be able to replace National Lock downs with individual isolation and if necessary local action whether outbreaks and a chest test increase will be vital to controlling the spread of the virus its how we will be able to protect our friends and family from infection and protect our n. H. S. And it does this by identifying anyone who has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive asking them to isolate for 14 days in order to avoid unknowingly infecting others in the system clearly it relies on everyone playing their part so i want to stress again today we need you to get a test if you have coronavirus symptoms a High Temperature a new continuous cough or loss of taste or smell there is plenty of capacity and everyone with symptoms is eligible everyone with symptoms so please order a test from n. H. S. Dot u. K. Forward slash coronavirus as soon as you develop symptoms. And we need you to isolate yourself if a contact tracer tells you that you have been in contact with someone whos tested positive n. H. S. Test intray started operating a week ago and already thousands of people are isolating who wouldnt have been doing so before this service was introduced and they are there by protecting others and reducing the spread of the virus. So while were going to all these efforts here in the u. K. To control the virus we must also ensure we dont reimport the virus from abroad so the 2nd action i want to update you on is the introduction of Public Health measures at the border today the home secretary has brought forward the legislation needed to establish the new regime from monday and i want to explain the reasons for introducing these measures no when coronavirus started to spread around the world 1st from move and then from northern italy and other areas we introduced enhanced monitoring at the border in an attempt to stop the virus and gaining a foothold in the u. K. These measures applied at various different times to arrivals from china japan iran and italy and required people with symptoms traveling from those countries to self isolate for 14 days however once Community Transmission was widespread within the u. K. Cases from abroad made up a tiny proportion of the total at the same time you remember International Travel plummeted as countries around the world went into lockdown so as a result measures at the border were halted because they made little difference at the time in our fight against the virus. Now that were getting the virus under control in the u. K. There is a risk that cases from abroad begin once again to make up a greater proportion of overall cases we that will need to take steps now to manage that risk of these imported cases triggering a 2nd peak. So just as were asking people already in the u. K. To isolate for 14 days when contacted by n. H. S. Test and trace were also asking those arriving from abroad to isolate so that they dont unknowingly spread the virus and there will be some exemptions for a limited number of people who need to cross the border such as those in gage directly in the fight to get to create a virus or to provide essential services and we will review how the policy is working after 3 weeks and of course we will explore the possibility of International Travel corydoras with countries that have low risks of low rates of infection but only when the evidence shows that it is safe to do so the 3rd point i want to make todays we need Effective International action to reduce the impact of the virus across the globe and this is the the moment really for humanity to unite in the fight against the disease. Health experts have warned that if corona virus is left to spread in developing countries that could lead to future ways of infection coming back and reaching the u. K. While our amazing n. H. S. Has been that everyone in this country who needs it many developing countries have Health Care Systems which are ill prepared to manage this pandemic so that to ensure that the worlds poorest countries have the support they need to slow the spread of the virus to morrow i will open the global vaccine summit. Hosted by the u. K. And will bring together more than 50 countries and leading figures like bill gates to raise at least at least 7400000000. 00 begad and the Vaccine Alliance over the next 5 years with the u. K. Support as gabbys biggest donor this Vaccine Alliance aims to immunize a further 300000000 children in the poorest countries against deadly diseases like polio typhoid and measles again saving millions of lives this support for routine immunizations will sure up poor countries Health Care Systems to deal with coronavirus. Well the Prime Minister Barak Johnson there highlighting the importance of people playing their part if the track and trace system is to work in the u. K. Meanwhile the leader of the opposition care star has also highlighted a drop in public trust in the government which many have argued could compromise the publics willingness to follow government instructions and also quarantine measures on new arrivals were announced by the home secretary and also references we had there by the Prime Minister well r. T. U. K. Caesar ali joins me now with more on this and to sort of wrap up everything thats been going on so that he so lets start there what about the coronation is absolutely we just heard there the Prime Minister making reference to those quarantine measures which would see people who are traveling into the United Kingdom told to self isolate for 14 days upon arrival at the airports its understood that there are some very strong objections to this policy from the tory backbenches who would prefer perhaps other alternative approaches to controlling the borders but we also saw today in the house of commons pretty purcel the home secretary defending this policy especially against accusations that her government hadnt acted soon enough to implement quarantine rules. From 1st of january 23rd of march when the lockdown was imposed only 273 people were formally quarantined from full flight 3 from move one from tokyo when over 18000000 people entered the country by air but the home secretary just said in her statement this was because domestic transmission was widespread but this is what the governments chief scientific advisor said and i quote a lot of the cases in the u. K. Didnt come from china and didnt come from the places you might have expected they actually came from european imports on the high level of travel into the u. K. Around that time throughout the outbreak we have brought in the right measures at the right time based on scientific advice that is dated back to january as far back as january throughout 3rd gear and going into march as well and during that contained phase the government hands out the borders in particular and enhanced monotreme policy and approach to identify symptomatic trappers from high risk areas. Really echoed by the Prime Minister who stress that in his opinion it would have made very little difference had those virus quarantine rules been brought in iran although of course as weve just seen that there are some who believe that thats not the case and not how the government acts in the perhaps the rights of transmission would have been a lot more. But also we said weve heard from the Prime Minister say the Coronavirus Press Conference Also Prime Ministers questions public trust in the meantime in the governments taking a bit of a heres doesnt it yeah absolutely the case starmer the leader of the labor party going head to head with Boris Johnson for the 1st time since the news of that dominic coming special advisor to the Prime Minister had travelled to daraa a 260 mile journey while locked all measures were in place on the far as mr starmer is concerned the government now is facing a very public crisis of confidence. Easing restrictions involves very difficult judgment calls so this is the week of all weeks where public trust and confidence in the government needed to be at its highest but as the director of the Reuters Institute was commissioned to you gov poll this week and said i have never in 10 years of research seen a drop in trust like weve seen for the u. K. Government how worried is the Prime Minister i think. On better ground and firmer ground when we stand with the overwhelming majority of the british people who who understand the very very difficult circumstances that we are in you want clarity across the political spectrum ive got to believe that we can move forward provided we continue to observe the basic rules. Well that hugo of poll has looked at the publics response now 21 percent of people one in 5 britons say that they have been following the rules less strictly than before and of those 21 percent 32 percent almost a 3rd mentioned Dominic Cummings is breaching of the rules to be the reason as to why they themselves are no longer perhaps following those rules quite to the same extent as they possibly were before which goes back to the point raised by ms starmer which is that at this time when the country is trying to fight this virus public trust is of the utmost importance and if those at the top of government arent keeping to the rules well perhaps across the country there might be a feeling that no one else has to. Worry stuff he said thank you very much indeed thank you. Were following the dominant comings incident campaigners have called on the u. K. Government to launch an urgent review into all lockdown related fines issued by police their own police have said the political advisors actions constituted a minor breach human rights lawyers have expressed anger that many people were issued fixed penalty notice is for similar offenses when there are no whales around 15000 fines have been issued by police since the lockdown came into force well for more on this a matter of a human rights barrister koestler below jesse thank you for joining us campaigners they have a point here dont they they feel that its one rule for us and one rule for them. Yes i was shooting part of it with some of the lawyers of writing to the national chief of Police Council actually before the Dominic Cummings incident because there was an issue then with the police mixing up the guidance with the goals and probably unlawfully issuing 6 penalty notice its not that i think they need to be reviewed in any event but then with the Dominic Cummings episode there are increasingly were seeing examples of people complaining that in fact what they were doing was not so different to what dominic coming said he was doing so why were they issued with a fine when when basically the governments message is he didnt do anything wrong and so what really needs to happen for people to regain trust not only in the government but actually in policing and also in the courts and application of the law or the needs to be a thorough review of all these kind of you know to say its because the law doesnt function unless its applies in a fair manner theres no coin having laws they mean nothing if their occupation is is in some way misapplied or an equally applied lets look at the numbers the police dont seem to have held back do they when it comes to issuing fines 15000 issued in england and wales on that basis then why didnt they find on the cummings well i mean they actually fix a high than that now just very very recently that 17000 is the latest statistics the other worrying part i will answer your question but the other worrying part is that today the metropolitan Police Issued figures showing that 26 percent of the fixed penalty notice is between the 20 subset march and the 14th of may were issued to black people who make up only 12 percent of londons population so theres a disproportionate application there which is a concern as to why dont it come in stores and find. He was stopped at the time and the police considered to take had stopped him they would they would have found that they would have considered hed broken the law or on the police test i he might have disputed that of course and they wouldve then to encourage him advise him to return back to where he was living that would have been the right approach not to move straight to issuing a fine the difficulty is that approach doesnt seem to going to climb up and down the country or same scenes of packed beaches and other Tourist Attractions as well how much of that could be down to Dominic Cummings and also do you think we would have seen as many protesters today perhaps had we not had done it coming as perhaps a catalyst yes i think its not a huge Effect People have been extremely angry at this not only because this is a british sense of said play that people have suffered a lot made huge amounts of sacrifices but on that basis of were all in it together and were looking after each other as it when you do have a message at the top level that the laws and this guidance only applies to you and it doesnt apply to those of us who are in power or need pony of power then that back causes a lack of confidence a loss of trust and policing in the u. K. Its very important policing by consent we we live in a liberal democracy we dont want to be living in in a situation where its cracked down. Force policing and that therefore requires cooperation from the public if we lose our cooperation then the whole position with the function of the real rule of law is in trouble because to think if you thought thank you. Well thousands of people have gathered in londons hyde park in Parliament Square to support american protests over the death of black man george ford at the hands of a white policeman it follows a similar demonstration in london on sunday but also calls into question how Law Enforcement in the u. K. Treats minorities well i am is that he joins me now from Parliament Square. By the sharia so whats been going on. But im here in the heart of london outside westminster and Parliament Square but of course the protest today really began in hyde park on the other side of Central London but thousands upon thousands of protestors stood in solidarity with george freud as you mention of black brown an unarmed black man who died in Police Custody after a Police Officer down on his neck 9 minutes now it triggered a wave of protests across the United States 1st and foremost whereby protesters were ironically protesting against Police Brutality but then all of you pretty met with Police Brutality and so now what weve seen is across the world a black lives matters protest movements have absolutely erupted and now were seeing them come into the heart of the United Kingdom in the capital here in london now londoners say that its not just Police Brutality in america but also here across the United Kingdom of well as well we know that in recent years weve seen cases of mark duggan and sure it just to name a very few but of course it also comes at a time where statistics show that black people are 4 times more likely to experience Excessive Force by Police Officers than their count white apart some would argue than protesters here would argue that this shows an institutional racism some argue its a systematic stereotyping of Racial Discrimination but also weve heard analysis today against the b m e Community Showing that theyve been disproportionately fined for flouting any locked measures so if we look at the statistics the pami make up 15 percent of the u. K. Population and theyve received 20. 2 percent of lock down finds breaking that down even further thats 26 out of 100004 me people in comparison to just 17 out of 100004 white people so overall the pm me people are 54 percent more likely to be fined than the entire rest of the population now the police chief counsel said that this data risk complex really needs to be interpreted. There are a number of complexities in interpret the day so almost including the number of 6 penalty notice is given when its necessity has not been recorded therefore we are allies in the data so we can publish the most accurate picture without this analysis we are not confident that meaningful conclusions can be drawn on proportionality. Well the National Police chief counsel has said that is appalled and horrified by the incident affecting george floyd and indeed believes that there should be accountability and justice should follow now throughout the day ive had plenty of charts all the way from Boris Johnson is a racist but most notably i cant read those being the words of george freud himself just before he died potentially one of his very last sentences and throughout the day weve heard that its almost become a slogan for the black box marked as Movement Across the world but also interestingly and incidentally we also had that phrase just a few weeks ago in fact 6 weeks ago a british london and lewisham was pinned down to the ground she was pinned down and they too were her very words she too was feeling that she was a fixated wall while there were 6 peace officers all around to the scene so today london is really standing in solidarity with george floyd but really trying to highlight a wider problem of a problem thats indicative of what they would say Police Brutality in an age old systematic proven thing of violence against the community. Triggering from of course the death of george freud needless to say we are indeed in the middle of a lock down big because of the coronavirus pandemic their official government line is essentially to stay at home but for these protestors this is an essential travel and they simply call and say im home because this course is just too great. Thank you very much and. A group of nurses also gathered in the capital to protest against the governments handling of the Coronavirus Response the Health Care Workers gathered outside the headquarters of Public Health england they drew attention to a number of issues including the lack of personal protective equipment low wages and Racial Discrimination the nurses also expressed disappointment in the governments recent easing of the law. When you say after a short break. It took millions of years of evolution to get to this place of set of electability oh its become a mess how bill how will believe you that. Millions of years of work to give you this big brain which functions with this many people believe the most human beings are suffering what does a magnificent machine human beings have done in durham is any man affecting machine. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Tyson nation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallowness. Welcome back the u. K. Government plans to bring every Primary School pupil of england back to the classroom for at least a month before the start of the summer break but experts warn this would be impossible to achieve from monday Primary Schools across england open their doors to children in reception and years one and 6 previously the government said slowly bribery age children will return to school before the summer break for a month if feasible but teaching experts say it will be just impossible as more space and teachers will be needed the education secretary gap in williamson has reassured parents and said the welfare of children and staff are considered. I recognise there may continue to be some nervousness among families but i want to reassure parents and those working in schools and nurseries that the welfare of children stuff continues to be at the heart of all our considerations. Well meanwhile british politicians have voted to end virtual facing which means all m. P. s will have to queue in person to cause that ballots while the Prime Minister has some of the rules to allow shielding m. P. s to vote by proxy the system isnt to everybodys liking. Least. I. Hope it. Will surely hope no. John carter started going. To. See the. Shows fellow. Carried out i was like i dont. Care for your oh. That. Stephen crowd never. I. Give it a pretty dress are you sure youll have to. Pay. Models for. Almost a rifle. Just that it. Has been granted but you know im not sure will. Now is way too high. A loyal customer. The. Only people im getting used to curing is a good fit for long periods of time to do their shopping oh whatever it happens to be i must say i do not think it on i do not think it unreasonable that we should also call them terrorists to come back to this place and do their job for the people of this country. When hes in hospital. We go to work so you stay home full. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. I know team no crowd. No shots. Factionalism bell to be. Going to let me stress the 1st. Points your thirst for action. Thank. You unbelievable. Shocking. This is not a video game the average us citizen is over 10 times more likely to be killed by a Police Officer than by a terrorist. After witnessing a wave of Police Brutality videos which appear on my news feed every day i decided to investigate the problem of Police Brutality in america. And United States

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