All right so just how contentious is this today as china is threatening the United States warships are presently staring at each other on the South China Sea the us president insists on punishing china with more and more trade tariffs and now china is being accused of being responsible for the pandemic maybe even that they did it on purpose so say some of the accusations thats why china today is pushing back more on that in a minute but lets continue this narrative in other words the scene is set for another new enemy another cold war and what is a cold war by definition its a state of political hostility between 2 countries characterized by threats propaganda to short of open warfare by the way the history of our country is replete with these types of relationships im a go to the wall to show you some of the things that were talking about it begins 1998 even before becoming a world power the United States was i a necessary enemy and it found one in spain threats propaganda led to the spanish american war played out 10 generally in battles in places like cuba. There were other enemies of course other incidents world war 2 so much more necessary obviously but the mother lode of all cold wars by classic definition began in 1905 and lasted until 1990 the russians are coming at became the mantra for all americans as the United States and the soviet bloc essentially faced each other down while creating the economy then infrastructures literally built on the ability to be able to destroy each other. And then came out of it and after 9112000 september 11th 2001 our country was attacked but rather than focus on afghanistan and a few other countries where al qaeda and the taliban had carried out the attacks we came up with a cold war against an enemy simply described as terrorists who are more often than not were also identified as islamic fundamentalists that cold war if we can call it that has lasted decades and now it appears were on the brink of a new one a new cold war. China. Experts both of the United States and in china are saying now that they see it coming and they warn that it will prolong the pandemic decrease Economic Growth and potentially even lead to military confrontations so why do cold wars come about who stands to gain from them if anybody lets ask these questions right here on the news of rick sanchez where we believe its time to do news again. Heres our list of the questions we think youll be asking tomorrow are we heading for another cold war this time with china should we worried about the absurd pediatric inflammatory syndrome in children lot of folks talking about this and the world of sports will there ever be a return to normal. Let me read to you what china is doing today ok today it says it will no longer submit to u. S. Lawsuits and legislation aimed at blaming them beijing for the Coronavirus Crisis and it is therefore announcing that it has already begun counter sanctions against officials and entire states who are doing this against them theyre pushing back joining us now to talk about this is former pentagon official Michael Maloof former u. S. Trade representative under president s bush and Clinton Steve gill and also with us is former member of the British ParliamentGeorge Galloway my thanks to all 3 of you gentlemen what a distinguished panel we are honored to have on this day mr gill i think i want to begin with you. As we look at this situation we cant help but wonder just how far this will go and whether theres some way we can stop it if indeed its taking place what are your thoughts. Yes. I think its very difficult to stop you know the genie is kind of out of the bottle at this point and weve had difficult trade relations with china now for a while we thought we had made progress with the trade deal that had been reached but then the pandemic approached and were getting more and more information that they may have had if not a direct at least an indirect role in not releasing information that is just exacerbated not only the problems of the Economic Issues but also just general relations and International Relations overall so i think we are way down the path to suddenly push a button and sort of reset that so i hear in your words that you believe that china is getting exactly what it deserves. I know youre getting exactly what they deserve but i think this this is not softball this is hard ball they have been playing hard in the trade arena for a while theyre clearly playing hard in the arena when it comes to Economic Warfare and in some cases kind of pushing the edge of the envelope when it comes to military action so were down the path the question is whether or not were going to have the straight both economically and in terms of International Cooperation and i think were seeing some of that other countries as well that are pushing back on china George Galloway please respond. Well its a bit like the 1st world war. Just sound from your guest mr gill the once these things are on the move they begin to have a momentum of the. Sure youll. Miss the bill thinks youll be alone in this one absolutely no one in europe all the rest of the world wants to have a fight with china economically bet your Bottom Dollar not militarily so the United States will have to as he put it have the strength to see this through and thats very questionable indeed your farm arse just sold a quarter of a 1000000 tons of soya beans to china this week china is slated to buy hundreds of billions of dollars of your goods. Is according to the trade deal in the next 3 months if you want to kiss goodbye to all that well thats on you with the right to decide but dont think youll be dragging the rest of us with you because we wont be coming lets bring in i want to read something to you this is from pat buchanan i think all 3 of you know people pat buchanan i like pat i dont some people you know have question him over the years but i think hes a very smart guy hes definitely a right winger right he says this in a column he will. Just this week 3 decades of post cold war foolish and failed democracy crusading have left this generation not with the conviction and certitude of cold war america but with the ashes in their mouths and no stomach to spend blood and treasure converting china to our way of life hes writing this column about just this very topic the possibility of a cold war with china he says we aint ready for it shouldnt do it Michael Maloof to you. I think that now that the coronavirus shredded the American Economy china sees an opportunity now economically to. Become that world power that theyve been looking to to achieve and weve brought a lot of that upon ourselves as you can and as pointed out the neo cons for example the neo conservatives theyre the ones who are pushing the adversarial role of china and china of course is to stand in that to that and has become more adversarial as a consequence its a selffulfilling prophecy as a consequence and so what were seeing are sounds. It was a new hybrid where there are a combination of economic political military. And as a result of the coronavirus level in our economy now china sees this opportunity to to become that more economic. Powerhouse that it intends to be through its belt Road Initiative and by extension will be developed in the military to defend it and were seeing that already throughout the indian ocean but see in the throughout africa and even into latin america mr gill isnt that exactly with some of the folks over down the street from me here at raytheon and other places want lets get china to Start Building up its military that way we get to build up our military and man were going to have a lot of money and a lot more power do you fear stuff like that. I dont think thats the real motivation but i do agree with mr maloof that youre seeing china and they have been doing this for a while with their belt Road Initiative trying to expand their influence into africa into south america into other regions of the world and i think weve been asleep at the switch we have been awoke to the fact that for example about 90 percent of our medications have been coming from from china when this whole p. P. T. Disaster started about 90 percent were coming from china and they shut down the flow is as they were dating to have them for their own pandemic so this is not something new i do think that china is what how is it that were there for all those so i got to stop you there for just a moment how is that their fault that we told china to do all our medications and do a lot of our stuff and then were going to be mad at them because theyre doing i dont understand. Why do we with cheap and were paying the price for going cheap rather than doing it right i think that you are already seeing that particular as this trade war develop you are seeing Companies Move out of china into indonesia and malaysia philippines youre going to see that speed up now a lot of those companies are going to be china owned companies that are doing it so it really doesnt change the bottom line totally but youre going to see a different Global Economic atmosphere after this is over and its not always going to be to chinas benefit George Galloway let me come back to you it does seem and the reason i explained that at the beginning of my show that the United States has always had an enemy sort of speak or different little cold wars is because they seem almost necessary your country the brits for many years were in that same situation seems like weve kind of taken over that mantle now am i wrong. No youre right of course not all are benefits for the military Industrial Complex all of having an enemy but i dont see donald trump in quite that way i have a feeling the crusade hes on will not last longer than november and. If he is reelected then he will very firmly quietly and maybe turn them back down again because i see him as a pragmatic guy the prospectus that mr gill outlines is potentially totally disastrous for the United States they the components of us things that come from the amount of view of things that they buy the amount of your debt the old and the fact that the stock market in beijing this day is booming whilst our stock markets are tanking the world has already voted with its feet it recognizes china as 6 the new superpower and of the United States wants to turn its face against i think it would be making a very big mistake and i dont think actually strong opinions 3 ways my thanks to all of you great smart guys mr guild mr galloway mr maloof my thanks to all 3 of you really appreciate it. You guys are there especially if youre watching us whether youre on terrestrial channels your regular t. V. Or on you know any of the platforms that we have out there this is the news with rick sanchez youre watching our special coverage and were so glad youre there. We go to work so stay home. During the vietnam. It was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. How much it is officially the. Country per capita. Human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country. Even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for the tragedy in laos built to the people need in that little. One else seemed wrong. But. Just dont. Get to see. Just the active. And engaged equals betrayal. When something find themselves worlds apart we just of the common ground. Say those of you watching us of portable t. V. We welcome you were getting new information out of italy today about pediatric inflammatory syndrome or a version of kawasaki disease which seems to be tied to the corona virus now why is this important the idea that children could be affected by covert 19 has Health Officials all over the world spooked none worse than new york there are 100 suspected cases now in new york and were learning there have been also 50 cases in places like france and switzerland and spain and the u. K. And now theres a report just today that there are cases like this in italy. Here again r t correspondent treated each of its. Today the c. D. C. Preparing to release a nationwide alert that warns doctors to be on the lookout for a Mysterious Illness that could be linked to covert 19 and children officials in at least 17 states now investigating around 150 cases more than 100 of them in new york alone weve short initially of her children were now dealing with an issue thats very disturbing doctors in italy the latest to sound the alarm over a concern in spike in children getting sick with an implement tory syndrome they say is tied to the coronavirus pandemic reporting a 30 fold increase in the number of cases of the syndrome in the bergamo province of italy shortly after the corona virus pandemic spread to that region the findings similar to the observations made in recent weeks by u. S. Health experts. And what were seeing in the children it suggests that in some children be that a rare small number of heads but they have a hyper. Inflammatory with spots it happens medical experts say the illness is a multisystem inflammatory syndrome that resembles cow a saki disease which typically affects children under the age of 5 the rare but serious syndrome which inflammation affects the heart and other organs can send the body into shock common symptoms include fever rash abdominal pain vomiting and red or irritated eyes the main thing about count saki disease that worries us as pediatricians is that it can lead if its untreated lead to something that we call coronary artery aneurysm and those can be fatal and they often times develop after the symptoms of disease meantime the c. D. C. Says they are still working on coming up with the standard definition of the unknown illness and experts are still investigating a link between the syndrome and children who have been exposed to cope and 19 reporting in new york Trinity Chavez r t. That could turn out to be one of the most important stories in all of this but lets cross our fingers and hope that it doesnt for the sake of all of our children all right time for media model now where we take a look at how the media gets it right gets it wrong Police Actions being questioned once again and no case is bigger than the geography in georgia lets start there joining us now ward winning nationally syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette my good friend ruben is joining us from there ruben as we get started i want to i want to show you something its a piece of video d this video right here was turned in by a neighbor he shot it if he does not shoot this video and turned it into police the man who shot the jogger would no doubt have gotten away with what they did but now activists are actually protesting in some places. Saying this man who shot this video should be arrested and the media seems to be playing along with that contention what say if you. Its a good point rick the media has not made up its mind how it feels as one standard rule the apply in all cases about the civilians who take video if its george holiday back during the rodney king beating and hes a Good Samaritan dont act of violence by l. A. Police officers then that persons a hero he shot the right video in this case the georgia of a dog is of the other her is a bad guy because he didnt do anything to intervene to save the jogger who was shot or you know didnt report it you name it we havent made up her mind we dont have one set rule here i think whats going on in georgia is this is such an egregious case particular the way it was annulled by local authorities theres a tendency to overcorrect yeah i mean for not charging anybody now they want to charge everybody but were not supposed to do that by golly were supposed to look at the facts and make a determination and everybody including you and i have a right to take out our camera in front of our house on public property and shoot whatever the heck we want to shoot and it doesnt matter whether the guy is white black or latino or whatever he is i dont understand the 2 guys who shot the jogger they seem to be real bad guys the guy who simply was shooting this video i dont see it ruben and the media should be asking that question rather than piling on. If this guys arrested the prosecutors will say he aided and abetted the crime he didnt report it he encouraged it they rushed the plane to the video they might say and he made say just you know he was he shouldve been a Good Samaritan he should have done something to put down his camera and stop this from happening as opposed to just letting it happen and getting the film all right lets switch topics if we could we began our newscast today i dont know if you saw it with the prospect of another cold war everybodys talking about it we decided to pick up the theme and put it together here in the media on the right that seems to be leading the. Charge these days you know this is dangerous territory that were trying to lead our government into what do you make of this coverage of the whole china thing. I like your conversation a great deal because the guests were good in terms of putting this recent set of developments in Historical Context you already had a conflict with china over tree thats a bit of a snoozer that really didnt get peoples attention certainly not average joes but now you have coded and the degree to which americans are looking for somebody to blame and when they get tired let me democrats and republicans from phnom trump theyre going to go blow ball and when they go global they need somebody to blame theyre going to blame china and im not saying china is without blame of course because we have a closed d society we shouldnt be shocked that they were sitting on this information to the harm of the cause of the world but clearly this is youre right the media stoking these fires because theres some reason bear the blame its going to be china that holds the bag on this one that it makes a great story because the ratings go up when you make these kinds of threats about other people other countries especially people who dont look like us but again thats not journalism thats not what were supposed to be doing right. Now the president himself at a press conference at the day asked by an Asian American woman to deal with the crisis he said go ask china so its coming from all sides the president saying at the white house saying the media saying it everybody wants to blame china yeah bad form. Chinese reporter to defend china. Right now yeah good stuff ruben great conversation thanks so much as usual we appreciate it lets go over the world of sports now steve chris tacos is going to join us with update on the world of sports i understand theres something going on with some tennis legend yes yes our flag yeah legends are our friends over at laureus sat down with Martina Navratilova tennis legend of course shes won wimbledon herself 9 times 18 times singles grand slam champion and you know she was talking about how this is kind of affecting with it without wimbledon its her favorite tournaments and its you know the oldest the most prestigious of the grand slams and that summer without it just isnt right and its especially affecting the older stars Serina Williams in the Roger Federers who are 38 years old the running out of time to chase history and add to that grand slam title tally record and to add more records to that so take a listen to what she had to say. Well the war stopped major tournaments from happening in our disbanded make and. Roger federer and you know williams. Well i said. You know its and its an enemy that you know and rehab and. Just dont hope it will go away and next year you know you will war i feel bad for those old 30 year olds and its an annuity yeah yeah in tennessee years 30 so i like you know you get it right. I guess its just something theyve never seen before uncharted territory that weve been talking about for months now with sports and the coronavirus pandemic so i mean she said shes been going to this tournament since she was 16 years old to within sort of not have it now for the 1st time in 75 years its not going to like you and i talking about all these sports that were not going to be able to say i mean theres a real good chance football next year im not sure how theyre going to be able to figure this thing out but i understand theres some controversy here a little bit of controversy here with one joe buck we all know the fox sports play by play guy that you know some arent too fond of but some are fans of his but he caught himself in some controversy when he had an interview on the 80 cohen show on sirius x. M. Now he said fox is thinking about having virtual fans but they definitely are going to pump crowd noise into the broadcast he said thats a done deal basically with the virtual fans not so sure about but he said theyre working on it of course and then he he was backing up his comments saying you know of course he thinks theres going to be a season with the fans they have to do something for the crowd noise is a done deal but he said he did not say that there will be virtual fans to make it look like a packed house and you know he had some blowback on twitter about that wait lets talk about this for a bit 1st of all joe buck whatever. More importantly i think its unethical to put fans in a stadium if there arent fans there i really do thats called staging and were taught in Journalism School that you dont do things like that as rod caps actually if something isnt real you cant do it that would be like you reporting from a closet me saying. Steves joining us live from the world series or something if youre not there thats a lie i agree with when i say is fox is going to lie. The virtual friends are in the works but hes saying they will pump noise and to make noise just like a laugh track and theyre going to go as ive got to create fans where they are not yeah exactly i dont know that i think thats dishonorable i agree and theres a lot of thats one aspect to it another aspect is whos going to control this youre going to have a guy there anticipating when theres going to be a big play down the field that 80 yard run yeah its a good about the same as they do it right it comes with a laugh track it seems like its exactly its going to be a big mess to me im not a fan of it personally but there are many they gauge this with a poll on twitter and i think overwhelmingly people were nodding braver than yeah but you know but but think and think about what im saying i understand a laugh track on a sitcom heat or exactly you know entertainment this is supposed to be real sports in real time happen what are they going to do next fake field goals fade you know referees i dont like it i agree id rather if theyre if there is going to be a season with the fans just play it you know with that we can hear maybe mike up the coaches the players that because like on hard knocks on h. B. O. That we like but otherwise just i dont know if the seasons possible a little troubled by this you know i just play it straight we dont have fans we dont have fans play music you know but no and we do have actually joe buck was back to him now he did he had a series of rage checks he was a rage 16 people quoted him yeah he said they misquote i just put one of them here where he was calm down a little bit but wanted to clarify he said it doesnt have to be over the top but something has to be there contrary to the misleading headline at Sports Illustrated and other places i said fox is working on a virtual fence theyre working every day on anything to make our show the best on t. V. And thats exciting to hear our he says hes thankful after all the rage that everybody got angry because what are you talking about not many people are fans of it thanks man because she had a good conversation thats our new special much for being with us. Straight connect and stay with portable t. V. You can download it right now and take it with you everywhere you go also check. Oh and were on the move on fire shtick to see that. Martys Holiday International memorial awards are now open for entries all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global News Platform to participate send us your published works in video all written for much go to award dot altie dot com and enter now. Yeah its. Easy to guess that if you give the you can you think you can only keep we just got lucky if you could. Get a call some more snow jealous and thats essentially what. Your means less lethal with. Just the kids. You can anything you sit there still long on the slump listening to the sleep. Just so you can. Get through the capitol hill im sure you dont mind me im coming from you my siblings what to do you know more. About is the. Police do you think. In the quarter of an operation in 91 some of the wealthier neighborhoods its been far more contained and the numbers are much lower than some of the more a neighborhood. That we think were working with can source outside of the state because theyre just d so inundated here so unlike anything out of a city. Workers versus employers businesses versus the government consumers versions of all of the legal aspects of the cobra 19 pandemic on this edition of. Welcome to politicking on larry king according to market watch nearly 1000. 00 several instate lawsuits are already been filed in relation to the cole the 19 pandemic so what will Legal Protections for consumers and employees look like and how will lawsuits against governments for force closings play out for analysis im joined by Vinnie Politan leaves for court t. V