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Corbett but nice to talk to her today one of my dearest friends in the world truly one of the loveliest people ive ever met and such an eclectic person such great sales and so will the sweetest bo derek bo how are you. How then are now im hearing all that about myself thank you janice well listen. I just. You know how fond i am of you and john youre my my my dear dear friends let me just get to the professional thing here shes currently working as a producer on a historical feature film wasp Women Air Force Service Pilot though theres the wasp in world war 2 and shes also set to appear in the hallmarks film j. L. Ranch later this year i think with jon voight and jimmy cause thats quite a quite a duo theyre both i saw before we get started i dont want to forget i saw the loveliest picture here the other day that you had posted and by the way when you follow bo on twitter she always honors the fallen troops she always talks about animal causes and then shell put up the holes mind bending pictures and theyre the one of Anthony Hopkins and yes this was so sweet tell me about anthony. We were having a very troubled shoot. And he hopkinss was my that our male lead in the movie it was with Shirley Maclaine called change of seasons and the director i dont know he and tourney and myself everybody was having trouble with them. It was nothing overtly couldnt put your finger on him but he drove everyone crazy is that as often and that is how great he would terrorist group together commiserating about all our problems with the film and this one day off on a sunday. My husband john visited incredible photographer so he took a bunch for a search for as of just the 2 of us it was a really interesting day but it impressed me because i i didnt know anything about acting when i came into the business and here i am in ruby with all these great stars and to see someone like Anthony Hopkins suffer so much youd think he would just be able to handle anything so it was really interesting to see but i love him very much and we got through because direct and we got through the movie. Well you know both somebody who has that sort of stranglehold on the human condition you can imagine the. Bio ducks of pain that run under thats must be i think in the arab you know the director would say things to tony like ok that was a good take now can you be more carrie grounds and that if. Yes or and have you ever seen cary grant by the way test for hannibal lector its an amazing. That you just wrote him getting. The isolation itself. Seems to be the guys are holding up indeed john seems to be enjoying being able to work on the plates right here were lucky enough to have a 10 acre place and he does all the grounds work all the gardening use my poor man and he loves that hes at for us this is what we do when were not working we enjoy our home so not much has changed i still have to get out feed the horses feed the dogs take care of the property i just miss friends and family yes. Seems like chico had a heavy lunch there behind you hes all right it isnt it its not time these mice that im sick of major and. A lot of shelters around the country are empty right now people have adopted pets during the warranty and i think its wonderful i just hope that they keep the docs or their cats and whatever they adopted and make them a member of the family yeah well i like the dogs getting out sometimes i wonder about the prisoners they hate to hear that Richard Ramirez assad because somebody sneezed on j. T. Here but anyway were talking about debt yeah dont get me started. Get off tell me about this last feature film this like an interesting little the story girl not that im not aware of tell me about lost how can you not be aware of that i know your. Knowledge of history and people are not aware there were over 1500 women who who volunteered and ferried airplanes tot fire pilots. Did everything test pilots they were test pilots because it very little or too because our guys had to be over there over the seas fighting the war and so they did so much and they died they crashed. And they were finally recognized just recently with president obama. Well listen i like you said bo i like to read history but ill be honest with you i did not know it must be a vastly under played part of war history since ive read a lot obviously i knew there were some women in that area but i had no idea that it was. That many in number it really is touching how did you come upon the project and i know youre producing it tell me what thats like. You know i knew about this i knew about the wasp was back in the eightys someone came to me and wanted me to play a character real. A. B. A. Tricks called punch environs and i really wasnt her type she was kind of a. Darn big woman and i wasnt her type but there was another one Jackie Collins Jackie Cochran who did start the wasp for president roosevelt and she still i think holds more altitude distance and speed records than anybody. There says a great human and so i knew about the project but i couldnt get made and then recently another producer came to me and asked if i would get involved b. J. Jackie cochran anymore but i hope i find a great actress and we get it made its an important story. Were talking about derek and shes talking about a project shes producing called wasp women the pilot story in world war 2 and the part a play fascinating to me and i see you have a film coming out later in the year called jape. Adds another what project is i probably know about all these things we had our regular dinners but we kept but i see the jimmy carter and john boyd are and that is a mench fest tell me about this project it was great fun. Jump right now i have a producer friend in common and so this is jail ranch too and were all hoping that her mom picks it up and it goes to series which we always hope but its got such great elements Terry Pollo Dillon was there so many great people in this in this movie and it is a its a wonderful family film really nice really pretty busy dylan was the guy from nip tuck bo yeah. God what a castree god here is a 100 i saw jimmy caan one time i did a whole wide fireball we met out at the hotel i was coming back to my room late at night he was sitting there and i said jimmy what a thrill for you to be out here with your son scott and and must be very exciting how niggas im throwing the kid a buck when its over ill be back stateside. He may be a splat of supposed. To make good on his abilities and that feeling yeah hes got that charm hes funny still he still of fleur hes just wonderful i love him. Hes still flirting beautiful sent senos still flirting i love that but now that you know its funny to me but youre one of the least hollywood people i know that i dont dimes a visit you up at the ranch and i think i think both be happy just never coming in from the range sometimes but it do periodically because they also know you like the craft but. You were raised a great smack dab in the belly of the hollywood b. S. They think your mom normal were for and margaret right yeah she didnt she was one of her best friends and then well my parents got divorced and margaret hired her hair and makeup for her vegas status. And i do know that. Somewhere along the way you decide to jump in im trying to think obviously the world remembers you from 10 but i think at a couple minor parts before that right something piqued your interest about being in the business that point how. I did i think i was 15 or 16 when i was backstage at margaret show in vegas and an agent friend of hers came and looked at me and said you know i think you would be good in films and thats about all the thought i did but i said sure and then i stayed going on interviews and i got a couple song parts and then i met john derek for a film he was making and we ended up getting married so you call yourself a hippie when youre not put there at that age or a surf chick or what would you do what would you emmel yourself as yes sir. Dropped out of school when and i play hooky and hitchhike to school when the waves are and my aspiration at that point was probably to work and serve shot or smoothies it just started as being a thing at all i would be a good smoothie maker in line well speaking to smoothies than john derek apples and that one i saw john recently in the broader crawford blanking right now but all that other place and yet hes so freaking handsome its funny it was you as a young person john derek coming alive you must of. This is my knight in shining armor. It was really weird because my mom when i got the call from this agent to go meet john there for this movie. He said. I took down the information my mom said what was that i said i have an interview she said whats it for and i said its with the he used to be an actor John Barry Jalali my god john derek and such a crush on him because i was you know whos john derek i had no idea and when i saw. That you were so handsome even more handsome now she said and when i walked in and met him. I just had to agree but not that he anything would happen. No but its just funny young girls swoon over the kid whos the soda jerk down at the local you know ice cream flicks much less looks like sean derrick most of the vapors well listen weve got up to 10 i want to talk about afterwards i also want to talk about. Love with animals i want to thank you for turning to be on to one of the hippest books ive ever read well d dangerous friends and i think she knew peter what its like about all that with my friend who is truly one of the great rock. I have ever met a dinner with his hear the stories done all see that all and remained humble throughout more with the great boat derrick right after this. 30 years ago there was a Global Solidarity to annihilate the scourge of fascism from the earth the soviet union and its western allies prevailed against nazi germany today such Global Solidarity is sadly missing in bass the current. In what blocks is very necessary solidarity. Good food descriptions sound up to tell using even for the owners. How to choose pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets more based on what they want to sell us they must necessarily good for the pet turns out that food may not be as healthy as people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes and arthritis they have auto immune disorders these allergies we are actually creating these problems its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories. About their pets last treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a devalued dollars on it and theres no reason to do that research. Thanks folks Dennis Miller plus one im joined by my dear friend bo derek so both now we reached a point couple minor parts tell me how 10 comes apart who who put you on the blake has has it all happening. That came from somebody who had been up at hugh hafner as house over the weekend and they called and they said Blake Edwards is looking for are a perfect woman not a scale of one to 10 a 10 and. And you should go in and read for the part and i remember my husband i was you know i go up and down in weight but he was very picky and very. Critical of a womans looks and. He couldnt help it he just have this photographers eye he couldnt help it i never blamed him for it but i didnt take it seriously also and he said you know you call yourself an actress and you do nothing to be an actress you dont go school you dont study you dont get yourself in shape and im picking on you all the time its time somebody else tell you youre not ready so you should go in for this interview and let Blake Edwards tell you youre not ready and maybe then youll get your act together. So you go up to him came home with the part. I absolutely love of old and yes i did and i did not decision nothing. If. Its perfect incident i caught explain that you know i always think if they remade sha shack again the poster on the law would go from Rita Hayworth to. Rocco to to you in sand and imagine you know what i saw 10 back then yes i wanna whos this beautiful young woman and then a bunch of the beach and its so funny how at how friendship supersedes everything because now its so funny i just think of you as my dear friend you know and that a case i will oppose the woman tag is just so funny to me that the whole the way that the world goes like that. But has 2 projects coming out this fall ones called wasp and the other one is called j. L. Ranch to look for those were talking about weve gotten up to 10 and ive always told you that god didnt use you play that so perfectly have national i watched it again sometime around a year ago remember we went to great food one night on upper stage straight and i just a bow ive just seen in 10 and its cool and moving groovy i imagine that blake must a did he have great notes or did he leave you alone tell me tell me how you were so good and now did such a young young age. You know blake was such a brilliant director and when you look at his work you know from days of wine and roses to being pampers and everything in between. You just you automatically trust him and i dont think i ever did many takes on much the part was written. She was kind of easy to do she was so unfit servant beautiful that that thing settle her fate. If you are so unaffected when he comes to your room and your role in the giant blow up. Or its hard to be that unaffected in the scene you know you know what i mean because young people try to do that its like i used to watch Matt Le Blanc on friends and i think he has to get in 4 hours early to get his hair suitably tussled so he looks insouciance you know sometimes when you try too hard it comes off as a you know it looks labored but in that scene youre very cool man and i. Absolutely love how is deadly lets see as funny as i would hope or that lee was so great for some reason i brought out the shy serious side of him whenever i was with them i remember we i remember him going to. This sat in a big van with all the crew and they would play his then band underground. Record. Because at least. This company with here comes and it was pretty raunchy and hilarious and fantastic and he was shy and then i would and get embarrassed that i would see them and listen to them and that we had a great friendship only so we went through although devlin was already a star in the u. K. He was almost unknown here so we went through this life changing experience together and i think thats what helped make our friendship unique well if dudley was shy with you i imagine chris was shy with it to some degree because i always found farley in an odd way he was so bodacious but he would always subvert by gazing at some sort of you know when id work with him he always kind of looked away or some of the our sense that he had some hidden soft side or something or when you met him was he just a complete tell me im mean for him no again i dont know why you know im not im not a prude i dont know why i have this effect on certain people especially comedians but he was very shy around me very very sweet very dear yeah thats what i always found i thought boy for a guy who can do the greatest fake fall onto a coffee table and chatter at that ive never seen this guy feels like blanche dubois to me in a certain setting when wed be in the writers room or that theyd tell me a joke and hed look at me and i say chris thats correct but he was always yeah like he didnt want to get bruised you wanted to bruise im self before you could bruise of. Yeah he was looking for approval. All the time on the set and he would prepare pretty hard christine and get ready and then look around and get was it ok from everybody and he looked very genuine it now when i know my wife went to portugal with bo and over the floor scene was beautiful die i cant say i know many people who are more. In stride ironically with a horses ear really find them to be amused me a catharsis a touch tone. And i feel like writing that down yes. Definitely you know there are there. Is is this one animal that weve used and abuse for sure throughout our our time on the planet together our history is made on the back of the spectacular animals but theyre still very sensitive their prey animals are not like our dogs we communicate with dogs and cats and other predators with without any thought and but with with horses youre reaching over and crossed into a prey animal so you really have to earn their respect and attention are you writing daily bell deride daily still im not writing right now at all. John and i both promised ourselves in the middle of all this coronavirus that we wouldnt do anything that would end up in the e. R. Profile and. So i dont need to be going there with a broken arm or something my voice is a pretty hot so its not just a struggle when i write them. And you know its funny as john and were talking about john corbett i have got even guys it must be close to 1718 a long time you and john have been to get 18 years and john yeah john is so. There is a guy who is a big huge wad of v. He also has this core he sort of fears that he almost seems like he could end up in an e. R. At any moment because what he goes for the exit goes for them so oddly enough for a horsewoman in an unbridled manner there are times i dont even think he sees the peripheries just heading for the barn and occasionally oh bill did this ad on the top of the barn door or something you know yes yes or fall off the ladder or something well thats a good bond thats a good pact you guys made because youre right unfortunately at this point you go into an e. R. And youre opening up a whole a whole pandoras box there you know bowl over the years. As the horses are a catharsis for you know i watch you what is the phrase pay it forward which is quite a lovely phrase which in some ways pieces become cliched but i see you pay it forward with the troops ive been with you at troop of events and youre so lovely with stevie nicks does that you know you go to certain hospice you see the same group of people who come in and bond with these guys it means a lot to you it doesnt. It does you know i i admire them so much that decision to join to me is unfound them while i was when they were in germany not making that decision to possibly sacrifice everything i was worried about how good the waves were that day so i admire that maturity so much. And then fortunately because i was in a movie ive been able to have the opportunity to say thank you to so many of them in person either through u. S. So or the department of veterans affairs. You talk about selfeffacement boy i visited some kids and you just think my god that i hope you realize a sign youre like a latter day achilles like that everything we have our life you know youve provided for us every protection my kids have you provided for us and the selfeffacement absolutely tears tears your heart you know i i have the same feeling you mean im in you just saying my god what what true mythic figures and they are to me. I think sent here im glad that we as a nation are more thankful and let them know more because i came of age and i think you did too during vietnam where it was a different and my father was in the korean war and he said coming home wasnt the same as as his uncle and that from. Work too so im glad im glad at least that that. You know bowe and what he said you were going to be on quite frankly the social media his son its little if i have a lot of questions for somebody bads and i think your soul is seem so approachable its as well lit up our switchboard so to speak and i have a couple for you if you dont mind yeah. Mark or may on facebook said how many horses to you on whats your favorite breed ball and why what do you like about that particular breed. I have 4 horses right now and theyre lucid tano which are which is still fighting forces and i love them 1st of all there there are hot blooded horses but there are the oldest saddle horse so i think that over a century you do breed in qualities that help them relate and trust you as a human as a species so i find them very generous and they make me look really good when im right. Its in their hard drive but they just think that thats part here the. Their i dont know they run to it almost in such a touching way you would think jeez do ever get tired of lifting me up on your back and try to go but you can see that many of them are just in the full when theyre able to transcend a loving owner and the they exist for been touching way right you know if you can tap into that i you know im involved in horse racing also and and those trainers are egyptians because you have to tap into that quality in them so that on the day you take them for a ride or on the day us them to not ask them to receive allow them to race at their horses they have to feel like theyre hot the greatest honor and so when you get out in the its great because otherwise its you know youre treating them as beasts of burden so. Yes when they they can love it if you treat them right it can really leaving work. Well listen i have to say my team right now is comprised my family and our loving dog benny and hes never looked better im using my boat derrick at chair. And any benny was to the cover boy on the. Left electric electronic magazine site and i thank you for those bald licit i love you and job with all my heart youre some of my dearest friends in the world and i feel its its a joy to know you bowed eric i appreciate your time today kiddo you know thank you its mutual i love you guys all right. But is the. Police. Or operation going to mean why some of the wealthier neighborhoods its far more contained in the numbers are much lower than some of the more a neighborhood start to see if anything were working with can source outside of the state is there just d so it is so unlike anything that it is. Greetings and salutations welcome back my hawk watching friends as we begin a new week in the age of 19 here in the United States of america recent days have brought us a a tale of 2 protests one featured american spall walks of life joining together to take out a corrupt system of oppression that is robbing people of their livelihoods and liberty in a time of crisis the other featured lots and lots of predominantly white people and very well armed americans throwing temper tantrums over not being able to go to the store

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