A jerk for the ruling elements maybe theyll give us one of those yummy treats. For may 8th and its not just your phone theyre tracking in these smart cities making use of a traffic light indicator system theyre algorithm is able to anonymously identify and label people who maintain safe distances while flagging violations if theyre able to track violators who follow within 6 feet of someone else that it sounds like they could choose to track pretty much anything else what do you think theyre going to make of me when i happen to be mooning bank of america every tuesday oh. Cordially and gentlemanly mooning now even legal i thought this was a free country what happened to give me your tired your poor your huddled. No no we didnt mean that now your have to be covered and they cant even be huddled anymore they all be 6 feet apart i want to huddle. Point is the Reason Police officers are placed every 2 blocks in minority neighborhoods is a stench of late to catch black and brown people committing crimes but as we know from the stats most of those crimes are really nothing its loitering noise complaints open outcall it beverages should be crimes big if youre a minority living in america and you dont need an alcoholic beverage at all times than you blow my mind you blow my goddamn mind youre either a saint or youre some kind of serial killer have a sip of beer before you lose it point is a police state can be used to arrest anyone if they really want to well now imagine a state where they know exactly how and where you walk at all times what you do where you do it why you do it theyre calling this kind of surveillance smart cities but a more accurate term would be dystopian surveillance state hellholes doesnt exactly roll off the tongue as easily as smart cities its kind of like how they name the apartment buildings always the chrome well or the victoria and this is a name like that you know it has little bed bugs they throw in the black mold for free a lot of times. So the fact theyre calling the smart cities. Scares outta me. Even if this technology is just being used to help with corona virus right now what makes you think our governments wont keep using it after the pandemic is over as we know from oh i dont know history whether its been george w. Bush bill Clinton Barack obama donald trump if the government starts using a tool that adds to their power they never give the tools back. The government never says you know what these Nuclear Weapons im dangerous we better give r. J. A way. As Edward Snowden said 5 years later the coronavirus is gone this data is available to them they start looking for new things they already know what youre looking at on the internet they already know where your phone is moving now they know what your heart rate is what happens when they start to intermix cities and apply Artificial Intelligence to them think about that if the government and big tech knows someones web searches just their standard travel behavior their heart rate ai systems can basically figure out everything about them they can know who you are what you want when you misbehave insists i get all terms they can know that your heart races every time you have a cinnabon for gods sakes they can know that you have a gambling problem or an alcohol problem or a coke problem they can know your pulse doesnt race when you see your wife in fact on a list of things that grab your attention the most why isnt even on the same page as Cinnabon Cinnabon what why wife your wife is blokes in a bunch sharks a good pass in the n. F. L. Wife is just below partially warmed up gas station boring you go on the excitement index they could know that. Back to forbes for another groundbreaking revelation. Those doing the monitoring may not always have our best interests at heart what arts i guess i dont i dont know what to say the government and big tech not having our best interests at heart poppy cock but my phone has made it so that i can look at hitler kiddies anytime anywhere i am for him her is a test of big tech i realize this pandemic is scary i realize it has up and did the normal but we cannot give away all of our rights all of our privacy under the guise of security and any salesman can tell you one of the best tools to sell someone something they dont need is fear one someone to buy the expensive car tell them its safer and ask them to picture their children in a car accident want someone to buy the Home Security paint a picture of a big bad burglar stealing their entire entire phil collen vinyl collection. After 9 11 5 Companies Even sold parachutes to Office Workers to keep under do desks in case they needed to jump out a window then even matter if their Office Window looked out on the power lines or if they were on the 2nd floor cant be too safe. Point is fear makes us idiots fear makes us listen to the lives or dilute your brain instead of the smart voice in your head dont let our corporate owners use fear to force you to give up what little right to privacy and freedom we have left from you from washington d. C. The belly the beast is redacted tonight. Welcome im lee camp now take the news from behind i know it was like a week ago but can we still talk about how trump publicly said maybe we should all drink bleach no i cant its over i but i didnt get a chance because i was off the air so i got damaged and off the air for a couple of days and the president tried to jonestown see entire country and i cant find ok i can find i heard youre moving on fine ill just hold out hope that next week he says something about how our brillo pad does great cleaning pans and senses a pandemic maybe we should use a brillo pad inside the body you know some sort of steel wool supposed tory should feel pretty similar to watching a Donald Trump Press Conference moving on recently oil prices have crashed for a while they were below 0 for the 1st time because the world at the moment is using far less oil that is being pumped out of the grounds of the producers dont even have anywhere to store it i have some ideas of. That should work nicely and i promise im not at all thinking about how flammable it is so Oil Prices Near 0 fracking only makes money for the investors when the price is above 50. 00 a barrel so fracking is just right now but that should be a good thing right right maybe yes theyve told us that fossil fuels kill us they told us the carbon already emitted by fossil fuels is one of the main causes of Global Warming fossil fuels killed more people every year than wars murders and traffic accidents combined holy mother of god basically fossil fuel is a monster that is destroying everything we care about the entire Natural World so oil prices crashing because of so little use to a wonderful day we have a stop to the monster time to celebrate right media crude oil prices are collapsing and we may save terms like that frequently but not of the types of things that weve seen like this u. S. Oil prices plunged below 011 day hitting a new record low a loss in demand for oil calls the market to take a hit amid a coronavirus pandemic leading places like one county possibly feeling the impact in the street the long term so dont expect any major positive changes in the near future for the 1st time in history u. S. Oil dive into negative pear tree a death no for an entire industry. Death knell spells disaster dont expect any positives in the future but. I thought fossil fuels were killing everyone ive done or you always causing our extinction so we dont want to stop the monster way we want all humans to die. Dont we call people who want lots of people to die serial killers or mass murderers. Ok so i had a backwards and im sorry we want everyone to die i did it good to know good to know i will adjust accordingly and i will now look sad that the death monster weve created has come on the high hard times i didnt. Im sorry didnt know i didnt know but dont worry folks Global Oil Prices are already bouncing back after eating 21 year lows the mass murder death of monster is bouncing back our expansion will be back on track thank goodness for a moment there i thought we might survive like a few more years. That was close moving on the great global bailout continues is this a bell out a regular people you and maybe people who work for minimum wage how about them the socalled essential workers now now now we get bread crumbs the bailout is for the nonessential non important workers people who if they dont show up for work not changes whoever that might be whoever these Useless Society sucks might be i cant think of any right now i could but im sure im sure theyre out there i dont know you know the true drains on our nation the pain recite deadbeat nothings just living off the work of others exploiting salt of the earth wonderful human beings in order to do 0 positive for our world not sure who they are just. On the other hand if your garbage man doesnt show up to work you know the difference real quick. Anyway this bailout has been mostly for big corporations average workers get almost nothing so our tax dollars are going to help out giant corporations but allows corporations they dont even they dont even pay taxes in the us they dont even help fund it this issiah the that makes them rich because they basically launder the money if only there were some way some strategy to make sure those Companies Using tax loopholes dont get this bailout money huh. Well were very dumb here in the United States maybe we should ask other countries that are smarter you know one of those i dont want to know what i want to call them done marc or paul and they know their stuff right but denmark and poll and i was close to denmark and paul and are refusing to bail out companies registered in offshore tax havens i said great idea john larkin polland oh youre brilliant you come in there look all. Good for you guys how could we do that i wonder if we could do that i hope we do that till i wonder i wonder if there are any Large American Companies that are based in the us house lets see this says the major strategy apple uses to reduce its u. S. Tax bill is to artificially shift large amounts of its domestic profits into tax havens apple has booked 252300000000. 00 in profits offshore in which it has not paid a dime in u. S. Taxes by keeping by keeping these profits offshore apple is avoiding 78500000000. 00 in u. S. Taxes oh so so one of the largest american corporations. Is not american lets not give them any bailout money they should get their bailout money from the nations that their profits call home im sure the aisle of jersey and the Cayman Islands have trillions to give away as long as tim cook doesnt mind getting paid in conch shells. Another massive industry looking for a handout right now is the oil industry where did i learn that i just i just i just heard that oh oh i thought of redacted tonight about 30 seconds ago thats right thats right guys what an informative show host need to get rid of that beard though anyway some of the biggest players in the oil industry are the Koch Brothers well one of them is dead but if anybody can continue to run a business from hell its david koch. Anyway im sure Koch Industries is looking for some of those sweet sweet trillions is from a 2017 article how Koch Industries is scamming america investigation highlights a global web of tax avoidance it uncovered as many as 6 110. 00 koch subsidiaries in 17 known global tax havens oh it looks like a lot of Koch Industries is not based in the United States its based in little countries that are mainly populated by tortoises Koch Industries head of operations is probably a guana was cufflinks. So i guess that means Koch Industries is not american and therefore wont get any of the bailout money from congress or at least thats how it should be if our government were owned by corporate ads which conflicts. I know a different kind of link costs id like to see them where. We have to go to a short break but if you dont have time to watch redacted tonight every week check out the free podcast called moment of clarity its free every week on i tunes stitcher and spotify also you can watch my standup comedy special for pray and leave camp american dot com ill be right back with a lot more. With yeah you. As we have said from the very beginning russia gate is a hoax and a fraud there is no evidence to prove this is what explains trumps flip flop on the rich and. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military the decision lotos sheltered lives every song came to a complete. The day that i was right to be instructed you know told to shut up what they kill me and i see how it destroyed my life and he screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he raped me with his birth. If you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is mold. Likely to get the victim punished dont be offended i had an almost 10 year career which shows very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even going to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats men or women. Welcome back im still lee camp there are millions of reasons why you havent received your 1200. 00 stimulus jacked maybe the government knows youre married to an immigrant or that you dont have direct deposit or that you have a lower back tattoo you know hindsight 2020 i should have known that living up to a day or to get fred durst into baba. Would be something to be proud of later but anyway thanks to our federal government we can add your mounting debt to the list of reasons you havent gotten your check for more we are joined by our favor senior person who wants your money now let me go hello we only so nice to you to join me from the vacant parking lot at what i can only assume is a nonessential business for your information im standing outside the payday lender cash store which i assure you is a very essential business theres a cash store sounds like what a 6 year old called the bank cash store is what trump calls the Treasury Department so youre not that far off but cashed or can exactly give out payday loans to people without paydays so they need the stimulus checks to survive especially since america has a hole about 10000000000. 00 in outstanding payday loans and i need payday lenders to survive since i was making extra money acting in payday lending commercials like this one because the fancy boys. That we located in the fantasy k. F. C. Taco bell sabo. I dont know where you go back to that youre pretty good at it but they did their duty let you hold up anything higher than single dollar bills anyway payday lenders only trap poor people in debt they shouldnt get to steal their stimulus checks to pay what you can steal whats owed to you plus 1200. 00 isnt going to last that so much a Health Care Worker pays again and 95. 00 mask that someone spit inside only once. I mean i paid 100. 00 for 3 disposable masks and at least one of them had an eater still attached to it god was why you paying for a bloody mess because it was on doesnt that their 3rd Party Sellers lee and until they do this is just the way things are now i didnt make the rules just like private debt collectors didnt make the rules either in fact the reporter for the american prospect named david day and said congress did give treasury the authority under the cares act to exempt the payments from private debt collectors but the Treasury Department other former Goldman Sachs exact Steve Menuhin refused to exercise that authority despite pressure from democratic members of congress and state attorneys general so former big bankers like him a new gin bend the rules in their favor oh please minucci doesnt care about cash or big banks have the same relationship with a payday lender as joe and joe biden have with Hunter Bidens love child they know theyre related but they act like it doesnt exist ok so the exemptions just a happy accident you know like the kid ok but millions of americans were already in private debt before a covert one team anyone with a private student loan car loan or a Bank Overdraft fee might as well join the americans with lower back to tos who also wont get their stimulus dont pay late stop it people with lower back tattoos will get their stimulus checks just not anyone with tax of chinese characters for obvious reasons also good luck getting that lasered off because that is not an essential service right now i mean unless you live in georgia or florida or missouri or texas or parts of alaska. Natalie thank you so much. Moving on redacted correspondent anders ling is here to go over some of the stories that slipped through the cracks and its thanks for being here yeah thanks for what you find in your cracks well theres a big crack down in the nation of brazil a crack in the honeymoon period that is in our o. Was enjoying for the past year or so his handling of the covert crisis has not been great according to a lot of brazilians there been 5000 thats dont say you would think a fascist would be great if you would think so you would think they would know how to take care of people but his at least act like theyre doing it but his response to 5000. 00 deaths in brazil was quote so what is what he said and thats after he fired Brazils Health minister because he promoted social distancing well im sure the deaths were largely among people who are not millionaires which means he doesnt get about them right which is most of the population of brazil in the world but hes in trouble more recently because the Supreme Court of brazil blocked his nominee for the federal Police Director because they said it would be a conflict of interest because he fired the last federal Police Director and there was a resignation from the Justice Minister sergio morrow which they said was his voluntary resignation they have a letter but as it turns out mauro says you never signed it so theres a Digital Signature on this Resignation Letter theres a lot of questions there i mean conflict of interest is these guys middle name right there neck deep in corruption yeah i mean the whole balls in our family i mean you have his 2 sons that are now being investigated which is why hes trying to interfere and get someone on his side its too bad his sons ended up so much like him as opposed to from sons who have you know become just very great altruistic people and im sure they swapped no one would really notice their behavior what else you got yes so the Biden Campaign now is instructing its surrogates to cite the new. Times and saying that you know this was investigated terrorists is allegations so yes a terrorist has these very detailed allegations as to a Sexual Assault by joe biden on her in the ninetys yes yes which the New York Times has covered this is more than the standard shoulder groping that biden is so good at. More than that far worse than the right he is bad with clumsy but i think hed have to be a little too clumsy to do what shes alleging very serious allegation the New York Times has investigated it and what the biden surrogates are saying is that the article somehow acquits him of any guilt they looked into it and decided hes hes innocent which the york times has had to spell out no were not taking a side either way the article doesnt say that it does not so hes using the trump tactic of read something believe it said Something Else that you wanted it to say rights to 2 sides of the same. Exactly and theres only thanks so much thank you. And here are your headlines from the future in one month youll read in the New York Times government announces surveillance claims are paranoid delusions also your cough sounds worse and your socks dont match and next wednesday. Good news is us Mass Shootings down 100 percent that is good news and actually theres a follow up to that report mass shooters gather on zoom calls to support one another during these lean times. Thats our show but dont forget to grab the free r. T. America app portable t. V. Its at portable dot tv slash download and my new book bullet points and punch lines is at leat camp book dot com you can grab the paperback you could also get the digital version right away lee camp book dot com until next time goodnight and keep finding. We go to work. Straight home. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision little sheltered lives every song came to a complete. The day that i was right to be instructive is to hold a shot of what theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed well on any screen did me and he made me come in the gram my arm and he right means birthing area if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing to have happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished than the offender by hand and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of power and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or one. Time of the time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to excel or a transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay in. Were meant to be more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. Because. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is again this we dont even and im not even looking. Since i moved stimulus money didnt even and im stuck. On disk so when. Hello there im military are watching and question broadcasting from our to americas music headquarters here in washington d. C. We want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world streaming us and online and on our new app little t. V. So here are tonights top story the number of coronavirus cases continue to decline in hard hit new york but there are no immediate plans to ease restrictions there meantime video of a new york cop hunting a man profile leading social distancing rules is drawing a lot of outrage plus nationwide protesters took to the streets in major cities with lockdown measures due to the pandemic theyre rallying cries demanding governors over