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Live from moscow thanks for joining us tonight on r. T. International 1 am here in the capital goods. Are starting with the latest figures on covert 19 the Global Pandemic is into a new month and those confirmed coronavirus cases are still soaring now supporting 3400000 there is some hope though 1100000 people have recovered the grim number you can see there fatalities now more than 243000. For the brazilian president is being blamed for not doing enough to stop the outbreak of coronavirus the death toll in the country goes past 6000 so you dismiss the virus as being nothing more than a little flu and on friday a Brazilian Court gave the president 48 hours to release his test results something he hasnt done yet audis caleb often has the details. New cases of corona virus are turning up in brazil each day the numbers are mounting the death rate is estimated to be much higher due to limited testing weve got brazil preparing big graveyards anticipating lots of the dumps brazils president has been reluctant to acknowledge the threat of coronavirus now with over 6000 deaths this is his response. So i want im sorry what do you want me to do messi is my middle name but i dont do miracles questions have been raised about both scenarios only coronavirus test courts have ordered him under threat of penalties to reveal the results all power emanates from people and people have the right to be informed about the real state of health of their elected representative their refusal to provide test results is illegitimate transparency and devote that says to Public Information ship prevail the Political Climate in brazil is heating up as well also noro is now facing lots of opposition the Supreme Court has ordered a probe into allegations that bolsa naro interfered in Police Investigation this could lead potentially to criminal charges as well as removal from office sergio morrow cues the president of having fired the federal police chief and implied that he had done so for political reasons apart you starting from the 2nd quarter of the last year the president began to insist to change the command of the federal police the president told me more than once that he wants to direct to who was a close acquaintance of his someone he could call gather information intelligence reports a director or a superintendent who could do that this is not the federal police throw to report this kind of information also narrow insists he didnt do anything illegal so dont accuse a defeated up we were talking about my interference within the federal police i well if i can buy your change of minister why cant i change the head of the federal police i dont need to ask for permission from anybody to change the director or anyone in the pyramid the executive power to shut down the resignation has sparked fears that a wider political crisis could soon unfold for their support for more resigning is a bad thing a shot of the boss an irishman ability that says sergio morrow is a popular figure who fought corruption hable. Being the government and not feeling good there its a terrible science with. Your side that though his exit is an indicator of the things not right should not happen since Everyone Wants things to be ok so i believe his exit will also push for all the changes of this government and everybody hopes the good changes for brazil. Brazils neighbor and certain quite alarmed by the countrys lax approach to the pandemic they fear that the largest country in south america could become a super spreader here you know little traffic is coming from sao paolo where the infection rate is extremely high and it doesnt appear to me that the brazilian government is treating it with the seriousness that it requires that worries me a lot. I voted the reinforcement of venezuelas hugo do with to create an epidemiological barrier paraguay recently dug a trench on its border amid the pandemic many are watching brazil very closely the country could be sitting on a political timebomb it would mop and r. T. New york. The main outbreaks in brazil of hit wealthy communities but cases in the poor and densely populated favelas could become a local gang leaders have impose strict containment measures in poor areas unlike the rules the government has rolled out investigative media team redfish has been taking a look at how. Infidel is across brazil local gang members are stopping some of the usual activities to prevent a coronavirus outbreak in their neighborhood. So. I say that. Despite drug sales being down the instructions come from the gang leader is to impose a curfew on all the rest and. This is in stark contrast to the leader of a country and now people to go back to work in the verse lockdowns put in place by regional officials. In for villas like the gangs are in charge the only visible Government Institution here are the armed police they come in to do raids. Walking and diversion. So push each. Other see and i. Just. Felt just. When the tourism restaurants and shops closed in march the income of the many are now reliant on food parcels. Although the populace balsam there are a wants to keep the poor in this class offering them a small basic income dorna covies shutdown many dont have Bank Accounts or smartphones though for what you need to access support. The price of food and basic goods its also risen sharply in recent months as a result of brazils existing economic crisis but at least in these frivolous the cost of protective equipment is being paid for by the time cheap just. Eating fries could help you come over 19 or at least save potatoes from going to waste in belgium the rallying call from brussels to eat up comes as the pandemic has shut down the hospitality trade leaving a surplus of spuds so to save the industry belgians are being encouraged to do their bit and begin. Ironically the consumption of frozen fries in belgium is fairly low in comparison with other countries who are now looking into a Promotional Campaign to get belgians to eat more of them that would free up space now freezers and help us to avoid food waste we dont just invite all belgians to eat more fries but the entire world when one part of the market collapses that is normally compensated elsewhere now the out of home market has completely collapsed worldwide we are a sector with low margins and rely on large volumes if all humans dont go up the entire sector is in trouble. Its been reported that over 750000 tonnes of potatoes could fall foul of the crisis while frozen fries make up about 75 percent of belgiums Potato Processing we asked people there where they would go with the extra calories to say because of me but why not see if we can support the potato produces great pleasure yes why not everything that can support the belgian economy the economy of our country and be a patriotic act but i live in this district and im also a merchant here and its very interesting that the shop going to reopen it because it will give a boost to life here it will help everyone to stay on course because during the quarantine. It should probably be preserved i wont eat pork fries because there is such a cold they go with another kind of food why not i really like price but i dont think i would like to write every single day just to save the straw that. Cross always is trying to help prop up the industry for instance chip shops were allowed to take away autos during the lockdown spoke to the owner of one of the shops about the struggles brought on by the pandemic. Theres been an overabundance of potatoes the government and also the producers and workers make an appeal to eat fries several times a week its understandable theres a glass of potatoes because the coffee shops restaurants and so i want to closed listen its going to be very hard and difficult but well try to survive we close the shop on the 18th of february because we thought that nobody could come i mean being allowed out when we reopen i think were going to work at 30 percent capacity were going into the narrative anyway this is the end of the lockdown on the 11th of may so well see what is going to happen. The former u. S. National security adviser was apparently being set up by the f. B. I. Over alleged russian contacts back in 2017 revelation comes from newly unsealed documents that say there was a lack of derogatory evidence of. Michael flynn a former f. B. I. Agent still intervene to try and keep the case open. The writing notes that since crossfire razer Michael Flynn was not specifically named as an agent of a foreign power by the original crossfire hurricane predicated reporting the absence of any derogatory information or lead information from these logical sources reduce the number of investigative avenues and techniques to pursue the f. B. I. Is closing this investigation hey if you havent closed raise or dont do so yet according to the documents f. B. I. Agents discussed the possibility of tricking flynn into lying so that you could be prosecuted or fired as left some believing the bureau deliberately targeted him regardless of evidence Michael Flynn pleaded guilty back in 2017 for lying about contacting the Russian Ambassador weeks before Trump Took Office and charges were brought as part of the investigation into alleged russian meddling too in the 26000 u. S. Election flynn is currently seeking to withdraw his guilty plea and the latest evidence will go some way to boosting his chances of President Trump has already said hed give him a job it looks to me like Michael Sloan would be exonerated based on everything i see. Now to judge but i have a different type of power back to your administration. While i think hes a fine man i think its terrible what they did to him its something that nobodys asked me but youre asking me for the 1st time i would certainly consider your homework legal and media analyst lynell believes these new documents will play right into flames hands he pled guilty. He was about to be sentenced now we find his new information he has now asked the court to allow him to withdraw that plea of guilty thus read re storing his original plea of not guilty which will then allow the department of justice attorney general bill barr to drop the case once the case is dropped he is free he then can pursue civil litigation against the government for abuse of process for violating his civil rights and the like let me remind everyone that as of todays date and ive been following this decision was legal i still dont know what the russian collusion was at all the investigations you name it from just go from from carter page to we still dont know its as though this female has been so imbedded in our collective conscience is russian interference russian meddling the that were still waiting for evidence of that so if justice prevails general flynn could end up being a very wealthy man because what they put him through and by the by the carter page of s a geisha is still going on but what they did to this and his message should the world is very simple if they can do this to me a Lieutenant General retired somebody who is a hero somebody who gave his entire life in support and in print and in defense of his country if they could do this to me and forced me to plead to something that was manufactured what does this mean for the average citizen if the public understands his case that way. Skys the limit so that remains to be seen this may be some way in the future and of course we are just sort of speculating speculating of us face but do you think from. All 4 and place what sort of capacity will sort of role do you think we can see the former security advisor in if he is exonerated if he is found is called a no name prosequi if they decide not to prosecute he is as as as pure as the driven snow it never have been people are also asking can deprive president pardon him well theres nothing really to pardon because he will have been exonerated so its up to the president can you imagine how this will go all the press corps and deep into our state to dare take back a person that the press corps has already sullied and tattooed and deemed to be a Security Risk or somebodys not worthy of our respect and praise it could be the ultimate slap in the face which in view of such might make it even more unlikely for the president to establish to the world this is my office these are my rules and this man was never convicted of anything he is presumed innocent this is the american way why not bring him back a man of his experience a man of his expertise and a man of his tradition. Police in the u. K. A brace for a summer crime wave on the back of a coronavirus epidemic and more after the break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy on sunday shouldnt let it be an arms race is all off and spearing Dramatic Development the only posts really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Welcome back to the program British Police of one of a crime wave when lockdown measures are lifted as thousands of young people face unemployment westmorelands crime commissioner in england says he fears the summer of alcohol fuelled violence and antisocial behavior. I have concerns that we could have tens if not hundreds of thousands of young people in the West Midlands particularly young men who are around about june or july find they have no job to go back to i fear that we may be facing a summer crime wave young men out of work venues reopening in large groups congregating is a toxic mix for crime im particularly worried about public order offenses antisocial behavior and alcohol fuelled violence in england alone police have issued almost 9000 fines for people breaching lockdown with almost 200000 coronavirus related incidents reported so far fines vary up to 1000 pounds while the authorities have also warned the reopening of pubs could add to the problem peter koch im a former Police Officer says a surgeon trying when the pandemic settles is very likely. When we went into the lockdown with all that specially with the closure of props and clubs. And public space effectively. It was predictable that Crime Associated with those locations would permit and that is now working its way through in the statistics that we see. Violence street crime drug misuse or drug dealing. Lots and lots of things that happen in streets and busy Public Places have gone down equally predictable is once you release that pressure just like the businesses that have had. No income or very much reduced income for the period of the lockdown so the criminals have their. Illegal businesses shut down or come back with a vengeance needing to make up that slack thing in the u. K. The Charity Group has sounded the alarm over a care home was slow as being sacked as they attempt to draw attention to the safety issues theyre facing during the coven 1000. 00 outbreak legal action is now being considered over the dismissal of Staff Members the Organization Called compassionate compassion in care has claimed 5 whistleblowers were fired for highlighting a lot of staff and personal protective equipment and also said that a number of covert 19 patients were being placed in care homes after release from hospital care as contacted regulators the authorities 4 weeks ago apparently without response the charitys founder Eileen Sharpe told us care homes have always been a weak link in the u. K. S Health Care system. This crisis was forseeable and you know its been a number of weeks now since staff of been raising concerns about to p. P. A. About lack of staffing as well care homes usually get by on a wing and a prayer. Anything goes wrong and everything crumbles and there is the case now west africa off sick and there isnt anyone to replace them the people the context does the good care is you know the stuff that humble me with you know their compassion for the job and you know you dont hear about these Health Care Workers theyre going to be given half of all covert care where people are dying and you know i know its great that people are clapping for the n. H. S. But i say to people for these carers theyre doing something absolutely amazing theyre not trained theyve got no equipment and theyve got no gratitude and i think that you know at least we can do is to stand up for them the death toll and you can holmes was reportedly quadrupled in the last fortnight half of those numbers you can see there occurred in just 5 days over the British Health ministers the king by westminster is response to the pandemic despite being a huge war and from the very beginning. I wonder if you will take this opportunity to apologize to those families of long ones who died in care homes because the government didnt properly protect them. The thing is nick i think. I think thats unreasonable as a question actually from the start we know we knew that there was a very significant challenge with kathy holmes the government of down when it comes to the m. L. T. Care situation and care and social care is to every scene after this at croi and their mistakes are pointed out and those mistakes should have been made i mean people have died needlessly that could have been saved and as it is weve got. A hospital beds and weve got people dying in Residential Care homes where there are no nurses and these people are dying gasping for air i mean this is no a air a mistake by the government this is a human rights abuse and it needs to be investigated properly and there needs to be accountability for whats happened here and to care workers that continue to work in these conditions every day are at breaking point their Mental Health suffered and theres no help or support from them and they just feel offended by the whole system. Desperate times call for Desperate Measures and in a bid to raise much needed funds for hospitals in france a number of priceless treasures are set to go on the hummer because the ministry will auction 100 pieces some of which they back to the 19th century shot at doing as more details from paris. Warnings and that the French Economy could face its would recession since the 2nd world war have come to pass meaning that the cozied 19 crisis has blown a massive hole in the 2nd largest economy this reduced activities may be linked to the says ation of nonessential activities since the country dropped a district lockdown in mid march and it seems the french are. Really struggling so much so theyre looking for alternative ways to raise extra cash and with little to no money likely to come in from foreign tourism this year the french have turned to raiding the family silver per se france has been here before selling off pieces of National Heritage but pulling off so many valuables at once with around 100. 00 pieces set to go under the hammer at the same time is reportedly rare and in a country which prides itself on its heritage this really goes against the grain in the past france has been so precious about conserving natural treasures its banned works sold at auction from leaving the country to allow for time for home grown funds to be raised to buy them and to keep them here when the piece christ mocked by 3 renee songs artist. Was sold at auction for 24000000 euros after decades of lying and discovered hanging in a kitchen france stepped in. I salute the eminent role played by the system of control over the export of cultural goods for the protection and richmond of the National Heritage and i think the members of the Advisory Commission a National Treasure of thanks to the time given by this measure every effort can be made to ensure that this exceptional work and reaches the National Collections but now as the economy sputters around a 100 National Treasures from the 19th century and particularly from the reign of louis philip the 1st francis last king will be sold to the highest bidders the money from the sale in september is going to write into good hands of course to support the countrys hard pressed hospitals particularly the foundation for paris hospitals and french hospitals whose president is emanuel mark wife. Charlotte. R. T. Paris. All new yorkers whove been bearing the brunt of financial setbacks are really in for a strike over rent they want States Government to cancel and freeze payments for the end of summer as new york struggles in its battle against the coronavirus. Initiative called my new day called pay is the morning that stopped paying rent from the 1st of this month and somebody got almost 14000. 00 signatories there are 3 key points the council rent for at least 4 months to freeze rental prices and also knows really Housing Scheme for all new yorkers in need of it and one of the initiatives sponsors of a farkas from the met council on housing told us the number of people affected is actually much higher. Right now there are. Almost. People that are. In city sponsored shelters and people that are living on the streets the much wider so right now with. The reality. Of come along with. All those problems were seeing a situation in your. Actions or around the idea that well look we all the stuff we just need to have a crisis in people or our work. And theyre not right but of the people in the relay heres a good youre right or not youre ready for the month of may or the months there are associates. This is going to etc the problem goes well beyond just new york state activist group called parents together surveyed 1200. 00 u. S. Families and discovered almost half of them on able to pay rent without cutting down on basic needs such as food and medicine 54 percent of already lost or will soon lose Household Income and more than a 3rd are already on benefits the group behind the survey sent this clip to the u. S. Congress. People are in the desperate and dire need of more help there are so many people out of work and out of jobs the rents going to be doing again soon i dont know bears are no different no food no medication came before the whole of this im showing off a 14 year old child taken care of my grandfather whos in a wheelchair and we are really struggling to. Have a focus again from the met council and housing ads that the Current Crisis has laid bare a problem thats existed for decades already. If you operate creates the core of our critics. Screens where now. The reality is that for far too long for 304050 years the risk being increasingly to live wages are staying low Interest Rates continue to increase and right now were seeing a sort of. That reality this is the consequence oh oh oh prices that existed before d i was a crisis that existed before this and that is exaggerated and the economic crisis but we are like realities and this is how it goes country or world where housing is guaranteed is a human right. Afshin rattansi brings you the latest episode of going underground in a few moments thats all for myself and see you in moscow join us again tomorrow for the latest cannot. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Time after time seeing that some of us around the world start to live life more normally again were going underground from a continuing per capita or epicenter of the global coronavirus pandemic coming up in the show as the world awaits a vaccine will cope with 1000 kill off near liberal intellectual Property Rights we are asking dean baker the economist who slammed Alan Greenspans Federal Reserve and who predicted the 2008 property crash how to prevent the rich from using coronavirus to grab more from the poor and while Boris Johnson celebrates his new baby is government endangering lives in british hospitals covered survivor and front line n. H. S. Doctors and dodgy tells us why clapping and charity for Britains National Health Service is just not good enough all the more coming up in todays going underground but 1st last time there was an economic crash major nations bailed out the rich this time around how can we stop the one percent from exploiting coronavirus to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of us someone who predicted the 28. 00 crash was economist dean baker hes the cofounder of the center for economic and policy research and he joins me now via skype from utah in the usa thanks so much jeanne for coming on millions with coronavirus hundreds of thousands killed do you see some policymakers actually using cove it to pour money into Financial Services theres been 645

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