This coronavirus what is it about me that might allow me to survive it if i did get sick what will allow me to avoid the hospital what will allow me to not be put on a ventilator what is it about me is it my age is it about whether i smoke or not or whether i may be smoked in the past these are important question does it have to do with how long hard your concentration of the virus that i was exposed to when i became infected small exposure minor sickness large exposure major sickness is not how it works. Then there is the question of genetics is it possible that because of my particular d. N. A. Because of the chemistry that i was born with i will be more apt to beat this thing. Or less upped will i be among the 25 to 50 percent who gets this disease but never even knew they had the disease all right ive got a couple of things i want to show you lets talk about age real quick. Look at age is a factor not the only factor but it is a consistent determinant so i want to take you through 2 different studies the 1st is from the c. D. C. Look at the shows 31 percent of all cases 45 percent of all hospitalizations 53 percent of all i see you missions and 80 percent of the deaths associated with covert 19 are older than 6580 percent of the deaths older than 65 by the way i got a cavity out here this data and heres what theyre this stuff gets tricky this data its only been compiled with information from february to march thats not a long time of Data Collection i want to comes to scientific studies right 2nd study lets go to the china study there it is all right this is the china study you may have heard a lot of people have been referring to this breaking down age right 0 to 20 years of age one in 10000 die this is the mortality rate the lethality rate people ages 20 to 296 in 10000 die people ages 30 to 391 in 1000 die people from the age of 42493 in 1000 die now heres where things start to move let me see the next part of this graph now we get into the hundreds right and this is this is important for you to know youre looking at your own odds right where do i fit in this ages 50 to 591 in 100 die. Right 60 to 694 out of 100 die now lets go 70 to 79 thats thats a dramatic change 70 to 799 in 100 die and then when you get to be over the age of 8013 out of 100 die. See how useful is this well this is useful right because numbers generally dont lie but what they dont tell us and this is important what they dont tell us is the complete story why because the story is not nearly complete yet this virus is still only months old and thats not enough to pick apart and examine all the different variables so the best we can do is report to you what all the tendencies and all the findings are so far and thats exactly what were going to do for you thats exactly what were going to do right here on the news with rick sanchez where as you know we do this were dedicated to the idea that it really is. Time to do news again. Heres a list of the questions that youre going to be asking tomorrow why am i lestat to get sick or die from the coronavirus than say maybe my neighbor or somebody else why what are the reasons how is your of your coverage comparing to the United States of americas recovery and what are the contingency plans for america as major sports. I think is a bore thats what we were just talking about what is it about us maybe you that makes you less apt to get sick or even die from this corona virus or may be more apt to get sick and die from the coronavirus what is it so a lot of stuff so we want to try a brick. Joining us now. Have been working on the numbers and looking at what the science is saying on this which is the most important to break it down to different categories in the 1st category id like to begin with is about our immune system the immune system is really important because thats the difference between what may become a mild case and what may become a severe case right the worst cases of kobe in 1000 actually trigger an overreaction by the immune system which in some cases can actually have a counterproductive effect right so immune cells can enter the lungs and that can cause the membrane that oxygen through. So the immune just about supposed to fight disease and abuse it is the defense its the army inside of our body the enemy comes in we fight it but you just said that sometimes the immune system over we acts right thats right sometimes the bodys defense can be so strong that its actually counterproductive how theyre example of this is that the reaction can overshoot and start to target your healthy cells that your body needs thats really something that everybody has a different system and it can react in different ways absolute thats number one ok number 2 comorbidities present Health Conditions things we already have like i dont know all. Right so these preexisting medical conditions are very significant because the virus is of course important but the host the body that its in is important to the w. H. O. Says that people who have medical conditions like asthma like diabetes like Heart Disease are way more vulnerable to becoming severely ill and the u. S. Hospital data that was actually brought to the c. D. C. Showed that 78 percent of all people in intensive care fork over 1000 already had an underlying condition so these underlying conditions make you much more or less much less up to survive Something Like this good to know why is it. Much more certain than women would show well theres some evidence to suggest that men are dying in higher numbers some are citing evidence that women actually have stronger immune systems so this may actually go back to the immune system issue but as of right now there is no definitive reason. Right the science doesnt know exactly why some men are being affected at higher and do tend to smoke more men do have more heart conditions men do have more diabetes organisms that play into this mechanism with the other answer you just gave us 1. Doesnt depend on the concentration of the exposure that you get for example somebody coughs inside your or your mouth and you breathe it in as opposed to just picking up a couple of particles out of the us so theres really a question here right now right this is the question of doses right so as of right now its possible that people have been loaded with different doses are getting Different Health outcomes so this actually makes plain why the china c. D. C. Data show that Health Care Workers are getting sicker than you would expect just based on their age right and this is of course very understandable Health Care Workers are exposed to more people but its also possible that they were exposed to higher concentrations of the virus but we dont know for sure if the dose actually has an effect like that yet age is a very important determinant right its not the only determined i mean lets face it the older you are the more you have to succumb or you definitely heard that older people are at higher risk right when it comes to cover 90 and one of the more common reason cited for this is because older people tend to have weaker immune systems right so this goes back to the immune system issue and also older people tend to have more underlying conditions again these pre preexisting medical conditions are highly significant if youre older person whatever that number is in your head you have a very young body because you stated. You dont have it it is youre actually like a 4 year old but i mean in general any disease like a chronic smoker is going to be worse off than a professional athlete right here. Heres a tricky one genetics is it possible that the d. N. A. In our bodies makes us more or less up to be able to do with this so this is an interesting question that scientists are starting to examine a new study out of Kings College of london which has not been Peer Reviewed yet is actually really interesting they are saying that your net factors explained about 50 percent of the differences between people symptoms of coven 1000 so. Of course theres a question why are some people asymptomatic why are some people having really strong symptoms blah blah blah they actually did a study on a bunch of different twins and they found that this kind of count for about 50 percent but again this study hasnt been Peer Reviewed yet but if true it could be very interesting now of race also comes into question were asked were talking about disease and genetics right for example coburn 1000 is killing black americans at disproportionately high rates right and in chicago 70 percent of the people who died were black despite the fact that 29 percent of chicagos population is black about the social conditions but your social conditions i mean when me and you will you know examples of racism in Health Systems may exist but this really like you alluded to has more to do with the systemic disparities right black rifle are more likely to die from any disease theyre more likely to have worse Health Economics outcomes anybody living in the inner city is going to be less or more than somebody who is living in a bit of difference in america. Thank you michel i think we should stuff the situation in the United States continues to lie behind much of europe and if you take a look at the mortality rate worldwide 212000 people of died from a coronavirus and in what appears to be a starting goalie disproportionate number again 212000 people have died all over the world 56000 of those have died here in the United States thats roughly 25 percent of all deaths what gives right nowhere is that more of that in new york where our correspondent to javas brings us a story. Many states are to. Others like your. Governor andrew cuomo even extending the measures in the coming weeks. As new york continues to come down the shows are preparing for whats next Governor Andrew Cuomo asking the president to keep the Javits Center makeshift hospital and on standby because he fears a possible 2nd wave of the corona virus this fall i spoke to the president are leaving them in place to. We get through the flu season god forbid we need extra capacity again the virus Still Holding a tight grip on new york even as it comes down the curve state accounting for more than 293000 infections and over 22000 deaths a 2nd wave of Antibody Testing revealing nearly 15 percent of residents tested positive for cold in 1000 and. 8 i will extend them in many parts of the state but in some parts of the state some regions. You could make the case that we should on pause on may 15th while some are ready to get back to business and we have to take a break because we need to. Keep. Eating others have mixed feelings i know everyone in new york is so anxious to go back but we have to take things slow as of right now just coming out. And. This while the virus continues to take an extreme toll on Health Care Workers on the front lines the head of the Emergency Department at new york presbyterian allan hospital dr lorna breen taking her own life her father saying she tried to do her job and it killed her doctor had a contract at the barras while on the job she returned to work after nearly 2 weeks of recovering her father telling the New York Times make sure she was praised a hero because she was reporting in new york Trinity Chavez r. T. And this is the news of rick sanchez and youre watching our continuing special coverage of the coronavirus situation an all news coming in from all d over the world were so glad youre there and well be right back. Economic system known as capitalism has generated more wealth than any other system in history in many ways it has defined maternity itself hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty however capitalism has also witnessed growing income inequality the appeal of socialism currently on the rise can complement. Is youll media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallowness. A welcome back im rick sanchez many of you watching us on portable d. V. D. Out from all over the world and were so glad that youre there european cities are beginning to turn the corner on the coronavirus moscow says its close not quite there yet president putin today announced this morning that he was going to be pushing back the reopening to like may 11th germany though we just learned schools are going to be reopening this monday what about london heres arties shaadi edwards with the latest. Well the daily death toll across the United Kingdom remains quite high and thats because the numbers are now happening towards the 20000. Just in the last 24 hours alone the United Kingdom has seen a jump of 586 deaths the problem is that that number does not include any deaths outside of the hospital facility thats because the government here in the u. K. Uses a slightly different methodology to collate the figures the latest statistics but the statistics watchdog is really quite concerned about because they are now saying and predicting that over the last 2 week period theres actually been an additional 4300 deaths one hope of that they go meaning the deaths could really be around the 25000 mark for Great Britain so i think the u. K. Remains to be very much still in its dangers but at the government Boris Johnson the Prime Minister he himself over a huge chunk of the long period has himself been dealing with tackling 19 and in his absence put it to me weve seen it evolve nations really going this separate ways today publishing their own guidelines we only have to look at scotland the 1st minister nicholas releasing advise to the scottish nation saying if they leave their homes they must mosques elsewhere in wales within the 1st minister hinting and suggesting that well it could even relax the law. Much sooner than the rest of the United Kingdom but here in the capital in london we know that governments policy has always been led by the medical and science professionals theyre the ones that are warning that if we relax the lockdown measures too soon we could see a resurgence in the virus and the leading experts the science experts are saying that to me it is distance will need to remain in place indefinitely until a vaccine is made wretchedly available so in terms of what happens next in terms of these measures well the government on that matter has been quite tight lipped instead trying to focus on the successes of the still trying to warn the public not to flout those measures across the United Kingdom over the last few weeks weve seen some really are. Really sunny weather quite uncharacteristic of a usual rainy day like it is today potentially because were going to see some quite bad weather over the next week or so that could encourage the United Kingdom to stay within the boundaries of that uptown matches and stay out there really at the heart of policy is the consent will we see a 2nd wave of infection i will we see a 2nd plane thats a good question by the way have you ever gazed into the mad skies wondering whats up there lets go even tighter what if you would actually see whats up there up close nasa has actually allowed us to do that by showing us incredible. Amazing images of things that no human beings on this earth ever imagine they would be able to see so imagine for example being able to see the birth of a star in a neighboring galaxy bubble telescope turns 30 today we celebrate it with a tribute to these amazing images that we have seen set down from the heavens here it is a reporter or 2 correspondent john hardy. Feast your eyes upon this fellow star gazers its a giant red nebula called n. G. C. 2014 and its smaller blue neighbor n. G. C. 2020 and both are part of a satellite galaxy of the milky way located 163000 light years away nasa has nickname the image the cosmic reef because well it looks like a coral reef nasa scientists released the image to celebrate the Hubble Telescope launched 30 years ago this month from the Kennedy Space center in florida it was named in honor of astronomer edwin hubble who back in the 1920 s. Discovered galaxies beyond our own with the biggest telescope of his day since its launch the 1200000000. 00 Hubble Telescope has measured the expansion acceleration rate of the universe found that black holes are common among galaxies taken 1400000. 00 observation. Of distant stars galaxies and planets and provided data to astronomers worldwide used in more than 17000 scientific publications nasa says the hubble has become the most prolific space observatory in history and like any delicate piece of machinery astronauts have had to fine tune it making some complicated and certainly unique spacewalks and repairs over the years just take a look at some of the incredible images hubble has captured over the past 3 decades part of nasa has 30 years 30 images celebration from the birth and death of stars painting a brilliant tapestry of nebula nick fury to the swirling cosmic collisions of gases and dust creating a celestial celebration of light and heat like a creature rising from the deep a premortal painting proving that we are only just starting to understand and perhaps unlock the mysteries of the universe the birth of stars planets and perhaps of life hubble has also been back Iconic Images of jupiter and saturn never seen before heres a psychedelic shot of a planetary nebula called n. G. C. 6751 and the cloud of gas suggested several 1000 years ago from the hot star visible in the center or take a look at these towers in the eagle nebula known as the pillars of creation a mass of Molecular Hydrogen gas and dust so enjoy star gazers and marvel at the majesty of the milky way as the hubble continues to take us on an intergalactic journey through the cosmos to galaxies far far away for the news with rick sanchez john honey to basic look at some pictures and wonder what really does happen up there well thats up there or down here or all by him for a little while sports i should stand chris talk rose is here to tell us that its coming soon all we got to do is be patient and hold but 1st hey i dont know that its something. Already that happened where yeah i try to give us hope every day in nicaragua right there was a boxing event that was held and this had fans in attendance so if we could roll some of that tape you see him coming out they were wearing face masks now the boxers and everybody there was they had to their temperature checked and they all had to wear face masks prior face can i look people are not sitting next to each other no space in between everyone yes the fans youll see a picture of the fans actually coming here there were at least 3 feet apart and they had to be at least 6 and a half feet from the ring and they were there was only 110th of this the arena was filled so its an 8000. 00 seat arena down there and when i go and they only had about 800. 00 spectators but government officials would not release the official numbers of how many people attended that are estimated about 800 people spaced out now everybody was wearing face masks even the ring girl you see was wearing one there but the ref and the fighters were not so they all did have to have their temperatures checked though ahead of time did you just call her the ring girl ring girl yes that ring girl should have the ring woman youre going to get like mail probably if you want. To know how to get it really would seem. Right but you know when you get married you get a ring boy and a girl too theyre just kids of course. Well thats fun anything you find out there could you just bring it i was being deadly winks i dont care anything that was some good action to you and you know here in america we do not have any sports like that so far in the major you know we think we talk about every day offset the n. F. L. The n. F. L. Be the n. B. A. The n. H. L. The 4 major American Sports right so theyll start any minute now yeah right thats what they keep saying and then they push it back weve heard the n. B. A. In the last couple days say 1st it was may 1st practice facility now its may 8th so next week theyre saying theyre shooting from 8 so lets look at some of the contingency plans starting with the n. B. A. Now theyre trying to reopen those facilities but thats only in states that have relaxed stay at home orders now the key word here is reopen and for those of you who dont follow basketball in the United States of america who are watching us from all parts of the world the season had already started right exactly so. Yes they didnt even finish the regular season we were almost done we had a few weeks left and they were going to start the playoffs last week was when the playoffs shouldve started but theyre trying to restart so why not just let a bunch of guys play in an arena you dont need fans there and theyre all healthy and jocular and theyre not going to theyre not going to get sick whoa we dont know that a lot of the cat out of people and some of the coaches maybe but maybe well thats the thing at these practice facility facilities only single individual players would be allowed for a time no coaches would be allowed there no other people would be able to get within 12 feet of these players so theyd be able to just do basically shooting drills and lifting and cardio and so i dont get it people are going to be i mean this sounds silly they should just let them play i dont get it its it might be too big of a risk even without fans there for the players that because we remember the n. B. A. Is the 1st major league that kicked off this whole corona right of center in the us when we were to go bare got it and then it was a trickle effect with the whole Sports Industry so the n. B. A. Is being a bunch of pansies ok next its the other golf its they should be able to do that will golf might be one thats coming up because its you know you dont have to have anybody but you caddy next to you and without fans but a lot of the players here rory mcilroy a golfer actually said he wouldnt want to golf without the fans there he said on that back 9 he wants to have the fans roaring for him you know when hes coming down it gives them energy they were going to a. Millionaire he didnt need the money what about the other guys on tour they want to work thats true exactly the superstars dont need it theyre comfortable in their mansions they have their home gyms but the little guys do need these paychecks now lets get to the n. H. L. Its a similar plan but they also want to restart their season like the n. B. A. They have a potential centralized host site with 4 arenas so 4 different cities potentially toronto columbus calgary and edmonton but these of course are contingent with the government staying home orders in those cities because you cant have a gathering of more than lets say 10 people or 20 people so that when work in some of the cities but they want to try just in 4 arenas to have all the teams compete in those 4 different cities in a condensed playoff i see so but again if theres no fans. Right who cares what you do it will be like you and i go into more of the park and playing basketball were here doing this now but then you have allowed to touch me all the time anyway. I mean its true. You cant tell everybody but. In the hallway we have 5 yeah its camaraderie but theres an issue with the media they have to televise these events right and all the coaches the trainers and then some of the sports these team sports theres a lot of players and i just i guess you parse that down a little bit you dont need that well anyway ok so what. Has a tri state plan out now this is interesting theyre trying to do it in 3 different states florida arizona texas 10 teams and states a condensed season because baseball hadnt started yet it was about 282100 games starting in late june july 2nd at the latest and then it would go through August September october and it expanded playoff with the world series held in a warm weather a neutral site in november. And then the big 1. 30 seconds no ball College Football college and the n. F. L. Ok so the n. F. L. Now they havent started yet september 10th supposed to kick off it might not kick off till october 15th now thered be no by weeks no pro bowl and the super bowl might be held on february 28th that was a little crazy because theres at 49. 00 people on each team thats 120. 00 people at the coach right now youre talking to that one might be i dont see it happening people would know frank yeah you dont know you heard it right there its not that she said it i think i have sorry is in a word but im going to thank you but. We have a good we do is im glad we do this thats our news were out of time im rick sanchez he steve christakis and so you get less time to get. It out of fascinated. By is Consumer Protection labels that you find out cigarette 35 household cleaning substances dont apply to Financial Products even though they should because many of them are hazardous to your health because theyre poorly constructed and theyre full of toxic. Seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. Any new babies get to shape out these days become educated and gain from it equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Yes. I mean were google who we can. Go where you. Going to get it. Youre definitely walking into a word dont you know we no longer know what were walking until. March. What she needs to break up with. Is. Possible sensible stuff. This is the one business show you cant afford to miss im going to pour in washington coming up the newest demo already well into phase one studies in humans to determine if its safe maybe a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to coban vaccines as some trials are making headwinds straight ahead we break down the state of global infections and where the fighting

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