Were watching our to International Coming to you straight from the russian capital lets get started with your live news update we begin as always with the latest figures on code 19 the Global Pandemic is still raging the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has now surpassed 3000000 more than 123000 people have recovered but the number of fatalities has risen to more than 211000. Germany is mortality rate from coping 1000. 00 has been much lower than some other states thats encouraged it to already reopen some small shops and schools but with paul to political pressure growing to go much further to kick start the economy scientists fear that could trigger a deadly 2nd wave of the buyers sort of lift the lockdown or not get all the reports. One of german politics elder statesman has ruffled a few feathers with his comments putting economics over health when it comes to the corona pandemic if there is an absolute value in our base ignore it all it is Human Dignity it is untouchable but it doesnt rule out that we have to die some of the president both going schauble as words cold blooded others saying that its a realistic view that some people will die but all businesses shouldnt have to. We must not leave decisions to the viral juice alone but must also weigh up the Enormous Economic social psychological and other implications to simply decommission everything for 2 years would have terrible consequences but whatever you make of the former finance ministers words one German Company that is set to receive Financial Aid is the budget allying cond or the economics minister saying that they good for the over 500000000 euro worth of loans theyre set to receive the company was a healthy and profitable in normal times and has good prospects bailing out condo has turned attention towards a potentially much larger risky package for aviation colossus and german flag carrier lufthansa 10000000000. 00 euro could be required keeping the Airlines Planes grounded as costing a reported 1000000. 00 euro per hour and cash reserves are running out economy minister altmire wasnt giving anything away on the details of that deal but has said as far as the government is concerned theres a future full of tonnes and we want large and Important Companies that play a role in the world market to remain competitive after the crisis while a lot of attention is turning to relaxing restrictions and opening germany back up the advice coming from scientists and doctors remains sorry if were coming across as the bad guys economically but if you dont want to spread the virus youve got to keep it locked down in germany people see that their hospitals are not overwhelmed so they dont understand why their shops have to shut they only look at whats happening here or not of the situation in say new yorkers pain this is the prevention paradox and for many germans im the evil guy who is crippling the economy European Union transport ministers will hold a Video Conference on wednesday where theyll be discussing the future of air travel across the block as we enter what should be the busy Summer Holiday period for airlines peter all of our r. T. Martin doul their member of the homburg parliament for the left party breaks down the options facing the government. But we can use corona and different groups either youre using it for the measure arent you of the people so for example you establish it protel system but if you want to start with the greater canonical hecticness you do Something Like the German Government anyway it was doing with care a package where they say if you give 6. Who you know your rule for the Big Companies have to give 50000000000 euros for Small Companies and for the social system and them to lock down. A little someone wants to bring forward the locked all must be kept all the time this is the only where i agree because you have to see what we can do to establish society but not with the pleasures that term go and is this leading to a dead end streets. The french government is set to announce the easing of quarantine restrictions as some in new members look to return to a some length of prebuy earth life to go live now to Charlotte Dubinsky and paris for the details what r. T. Been announced and what can we expect well of course after months of lockdown across the e. U. Countries are now looking to find ways to ease the restrictions you just heard about some of the easing of restrictions in germany now here in france later on tuesday were going to find out from the french Prime Minister Edward Felipe east due to announce how france will gradually start to reopen in more detail and what weve seen what we know already is that just under a fortnights time on may 11th some businesses will be allowed to reopen also some schools will start to reopen we know that people will be able to go out more often into the streets without the permission slips perhaps that weve had to use for the last few weeks also add but we understand social distancing will remain in force. Now the plans to reopen schools have been attacked by teachers while the plants reopen only some businesses which doesnt include bars or restaurants have been criticized by Restaurant Owners who say that you know they need their businesses to open right now and if suggested some that up to 40 percent and to toss could end up at closing in france for least here in paris if there isnt a reopening of their businesses and very soon now all of this case comes as new polls show that people just dont seem to trust the government here in france and the latest poll shows that 65 percent say that the state hasnt lived up to the situation this pandemic that were currently experiencing was 62 percent say that they dont trust the french government to be able to exceed with its plans for d. C. Confinement and it appears that the french are becoming particularly restless as the Better Weather that were seeing here in france emerges just over the last few days they have been gatherings as on the streets particularly one here in paris in the market district which had to be broken up by the police. Well crossed the border in italy may is also the month that they were looking to forwards to the phase 2 of ending the confinement measures that it was already because being confirmed that the substitute occasion for the italians have to show when they leave the harris will remain a blanket trade but the list of acceptable reasons as to why people can leave the house is expected to be extended by the Italian Government but the travel bans that have been in place for what the country will remain in force with the exception we anticipate for those people who were cut off from their prime mover residence at the start of the lock down they will apparently be able to quote turn to their homes lets have a listen to or tells the italian Prime Minister just because they had to say. Beyond all this plan which i will present to now starts from the 4th of may go to were telling you many days in advance because its well structured well articulated well for through and it must also be accepted by you so that we can put it to work in the best way possible that we are going to dish and to the degree that we are preparing for economic measures were also preparing a parallel measure to unlock the country here it is not enough anymore to unlock individual yards we must unlock this country block well meanwhile in spain its also been lifting some of its extreme measures with under 14 being allowed out for the 1st time in 6 weeks as an exercise though petro sencha says restrictions on general on exercise will be easing when it comes to late ending this lock down totally its going to be a case is that a wait and see. Im with you alice i would like to announce that if the evolution of the pandemic continues in a positive direction out as it is doing so far starting from me the 2nd is that it will be permitted to go out for individual physical activity but in walks with the people you live with a complete however you must still at here to the conditions laid down by the Health Authorities that is. Now in the u. K. Boris johnson is it back at the helm of course after his brush with the virus more than 3 weeks away from the office but when you dress the public in his usual forrest style that address lacked clear detail of exactly when these restrictions will be eased in the u. K. I understand your impatience i share your anxiety i know. That without our private sector without the drive and commitment of the Wealth Creators of this country there will be no because me to speak on it will be no cash to pay for our Public Services no way of funding our n. H. S. And yes i can see the long term consequences of lot done. As clearly as anyone and so yes i entirely share. Your agency its the governments urgency. And yet we must also recognize the risk of a 2nd spike. Well as a bit of a turnaround for the british Prime Minister who at the start of the pandemic was determined to keep drifting open now it seems that hes being more cautious than ever that each of these countries the u. K. Italy spain and france are all seen the death toll are related to cope with 19 past the 20000 mark here in france its just past 23000 they are europes most affected countries but all are seeing at what seems to be almost daily drops in the death toll and the number of people in intensive care in hospitals however lead isnt experts are still completely divided as to how quickly life can return back to normal in europe and its that balance they say between reviving economies which are choking at the moment and maintaining at the balance we the freedoms and safeties that is still something that hasnt been fully tested yet here. Are to starla differently reporting live from paris thank you. France has suffered chronic medical Staff Shortages as it struggles to contain not want to be europes worst covert outbreaks the system has been kept going by foreign doctors forced to work at a fraction of the salary and benefits enjoyed by french specialists psychiatrists i mean benyamin explains why. The difference in wages depends on status we have a lot of interns these doctors are doing 3 year interned ships in their case the salaries are between 1201300 euros this is without duty allowances when these doctors complete their internships they work as Junior Doctors for 3 more years during which their work is evaluated cheering their time they get at most 2500. 00 euros its very little because often these doctors work under pressure they work in the i. C. Use and in the Ambulance Service these are people who work between 55 and 60 hours a week the salary problem is real the difference is really significant but what is even more difficult to see is the lack of recognition in the administrative sense to work in france you have to get a french diploma you have to be french and this is a general rule that is respected but the system especially Public Hospitals are coping only thanks to outside employees i mean doctors with money you diplomas. Benyamin is one of more than 41000 who have signed a doctors online petition to the Prime Minister he explains why the petitioner once better treatment for foreign specialists. Oh people so quick to you know the competence of none the e. U. Doctors is not questioned everyone sees how they work especially during the crisis they have the same medical skills as their french counterparts it is not right to keep these doctors in a humiliating your position both in terms of status and salaries and thats the problem we want the Prime Minister to take urgent action so that those who are qualified who have proven their decency and ability to treat the french would be recognized for what the. Us senator tom cotton has called a ban Chinese Students from studying science in this country for fear they may steal the Coronavirus Vaccine that has yet to be invented that rhetoric sweeping the nation cottons divisive rhetoric has gotten a lot of support are to scale up and explains how bilateral tensions have moved to the classroom. The rivalry between the usa and china over technology continues even amid the pandemic some politicians are pushing it pretty far arkansas senator tom cotton suggested the Chinese Students studying in america should only study the humanities or else theyll have access to secrets and knowledge that they can steal you know if Chinese Students want to come here and study shakes shakespeare in the federalist papers thats what they need to learn from america they dont need to learn quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence from america tom cotton has been being the anti china drum for a long time his recent remarks come across as pretty racist but hes not alone a number of voices are playing up the idea that Chinese Students in american universities are potential spies in addition to espionage and cyber theft by the ministry of state security the party task some Chinese Students and scholars in the us and other Foreign Universities and Research Labs with extracting technology these are the words of age our mcmaster use a retired Lieutenant General in the United States army as well as a former National Security advisor for the white house now. Hes speaking up about the need to stop china from spying all across the United States and stealing technology especially dias students now its not just politicians professors are also speaking up. Congress needs to move to restrict access by Chinese Students and researches to premier educational and Research Institutions and i engineering and science labs the idea that we continue to educate scientists and engineers who will then work for companies owned by the Chinese Communist regime defines common sense these arent just words american universities are shutting down cooperation programs organized through the Confucian Institute scientists who could be helpful in fighting against coded 19 have been driven out of the country by allegations of spying now these recent words from tom cotton suggesting that there should be restrictions on what Chinese Students can and cannot study are pretty shocking but they fit into an entire atmosphere of hysteria and hostility ala martin artsy new york we discussed the issue with joe said Gregory Mahoney a professor at east China University he says any such ban would do more harm than good to americas tech industry. Fortunately its not the most irresponsible thing that senator cotton has had in recent times he has been one of the main programmers as an elected official of the. Bioweapon Conspiracy Theory as an explanation of the 19 outbreak hes politically close to donald trump hes a longstanding hawk on china so this sort of comment from him is part and parcel of his usual political rhetoric this trend is one thats been underway for several years and weve seen of course. This both within the academic and outside quite overblown in a lot of ways one of the things that weve seen in Chinese Students they dont tend to be you know flag waving communist who are going out to seek information to do United States they tend to hold us in a high regard they want to go and learn to have a positive regard at the same time you know the fact of the matter is at this point chinese universities have taking major leap forward whereas the american universities need Chinese Student and a lot of these students once they graduate have gone on to work in american tech and Science Industries all in all i think that if this policy were to be put in place. It would be unfairly castigating Chinese Students but also the harming us universities and even Us Technology and Scientific Development in global news update continues after this short break. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person with those. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Them out on fascinated by is Consumer Protection labels that you find out cigarette sorry find out household cleaning substances dont apply to Financial Products even though they should because many of them are hazardous to your health because theyre poorly constructed and theyre full of toxic. Welcome back the past has come back to haunt us president ial candidate joe biden with a tape of a phone conversation from 1993 landing him in the middle of a sex scandal and nearly circus footage the mother of terror read the former Senate Staffer who accuses biden of Sexual Assault appears on larry king live asking for advice at the time of the assault reid has confirmed the voice to be that of her mother who died some years ago. Im wondering what. The after would be to decide to go to the press in washington my daughter is there after working for a prominent senator and could not get through with her problems. R. T. House rick sanchez discussed the sensitivity sensitivity of such situations with larry king himself. Explain to our viewers because i think a lot of people want to understand this the responsibility that you have as a broadcaster in a situation like this to take a call from someone who you literally dont really know who they are how do you deal with correct. Ive been doing would have you know this friday would be 63 years ive been doing this when when someone calls in and theyre all anonymous we never calling in right and says Something Like that and you give them the respect of the call we were respectful but one she said my daughter doesnt want to name the person where else do you go with the you know some if youre if you hate the person kind of try to run with it if youd learn but if you dont know the name of the person where do you go or Something Like that and im not going to browbeat someone into naming a daughter she doesnt want to name a daughter or spoke to her daughter the question would be why she call in im sure her mother was sincere and im sure the daughter was sincere why didnt they want to come forward the only problem is when youre doing a show like that you know whos going to call in you know if she had said it to someone else and they had checked it out and confirmed it i would have made the whole rest of the show about it but of unfortunately you cant do that however is so funny when Something Like 27 years ago suddenly the womans faster way and fox news this is like number one on their page right right. U. S. Veteran and antiwar associations have written an open letter to Congress Leaders urging them not to give additional funding to the pentagon thats up to the Defense Department was included in the latest phase of the white house stimulus package. Has made it Crystal Clear that federal spending is dangerously misaligned with our National Priorities and actual threats to Human Security the United States is chronically underfunded human and Environmental Needs while particularly in recent years passing historically high pentagon budgets that forced the truism in the war engine the waste and so corruption the letter points out that the pentagon could find the money to fight the coronavirus from its existing enormous budget unlike underfunded Health Organizations which are struggling to provide americans with the support they need the country is at the epicenter of the pandemic with more than a 1000000 victims and 56000 deaths. The Defense Departments budget has now reached 756000000000. 00 including 10000000000. 00 from the new stimulus combined war and security costs exceed a trillion dollars with the u. S. Spending almost 40 percent of the planets entire military budget spokesperson veterans for peace one of the groups that signed the letter says its a question of saving lives. Basically the crux of our argument is that we need to we need to prioritize our right now the combined budgets of the in i each the c. D. C. And w. H. O. Roughly equals about a 7 known pentagon budget and that if these institutions would have been properly funded we could basically argue that there would we would have been better prepared the challenge of the coconut but Defense Industry contributes a sizeable portion of funding for candidates of both Political Parties senators and representatives have within citrus trees that reside within their electoral jurisdictions and really what its about here is raising money for the party in getting reelected in doing so you have to keep your donors in constituents says but i think its also imperative that we say the United States maintain our global hegemony by maintaining our forces in our ally thing ations and namely in the e. U. And to discourage the emergence of a multipolar world i believe that would serve the publics best interest if we would realize the futility of trying to making our global hedge of mine instead focus our resources into infrastructure on the Development Social programs and to work with nations around the world in a collaborative manner to focus on threat. And russia there are more than 93000. 00 coronavirus cases with just over 6000. 00 registered in the last 24 hours or 8000. 00 in total have already recovered more than 800. 00 people have died lockdown has been tough for most people but its particularly hard for those in care homes and they have had essential routines and interactions put on hold but one such person nina has been lucky enough to get an offer from a volunteer arena to self isolate in an apartment provided by a russian charity. Act how is your life with her in the now im just happy dont you want to go back to hospital. You know definitely not like you and will try doing during the day. I was trolling now doing a friendship bracelet if i want to watch a movie i do i can it was a huge when neither just moved in she said that at the beginning of the year she had one dream to meet Football Players. Appears before the korean teen i said i want to meet russian Football Players and the dream came true. And then the quantum is she said she had another dream to move away from the residential can somewhere and the 2nd dream came true. Its been more than 2 weeks since either have stepped outside their apartment they cook tales and have even celebrated a birthday together or really told us earlier why she decided to self isolate with nina and whether many others in russia are following suit. Dr kulacz an article in. Quarantine and Residential Care didnt look so secure people cant leave volunteers cant come in but the permanent workers are still there salaries are not so big so most use public transport but in Residential Care such a close place if someone is infected that will be a tragedy as long as ive known enough shes always been a very optimistic person told my questions she has always answered that everythings great but after Residential Care was close for quarantine i started to receive other messages that shes bored she feels bad not comfortable so i thought to ask nina to leave with me taking into account all our messages i knew that we would find a way to live together comfortably in quarantine but of course taking people from Residential Care to quarantine is not a solution for everyone as far as i know just around 400. 00 people since the beginning of the pandemic have been taken from such Residential Care homes not a lot. Of arena it is a volunteer at the life root Charity Foundation founded in 2009 it uses classes training and creative interaction to help people with learning difficulties we asked how they continue offering help in their challenging circumstances a lockdown. It was the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and koreans who had to settle all our many live programmes now almost all of them are online its an interesting moment to work with disabled people online requires a lot of skill and preparations even work in person can be hard to make interesting put disabled people in online its even harder so he were teachers and say colleges create new formats for example we have a class with resume conferencing with teach had shell x. Work. Im going to tell you man living in siberia has swapped his teaching ground for protective gear after volunteering to help the elderly and disabled in the pandemic well area gets a list of food medicines and other essentials to deliver through the day in the city of cross they are sick he told us why he puts on the mask and gloves and gets to work. Yeah but of all the while im a Foreign Language teacher i came to russia 8 years ago for an internal ship but one of the universities here when it finished i got a job. In the country i deliberately wanted to live in russia it was on matters of principle for me there on the telly and language teacher here in russia how do you balance your main job with voluntary but this yes language teaching is my main activity and volunteering is also an essential part of my life its important to help people because by doing that we help ourselves in a way when you give something youll receive in return emotional reward cannot be overestimated. Thats a world news wrap up for this hour but if youre looking for more head on over to our website all of us here at r t h q hope you and yours are well. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy on sunday should we let it be an arms race is. Skeery Dramatic Development only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and tom. I am max kaiser this is the kind of scary part you know out on fascinated by is bad Consumer Protection labels that you find on cigarettes very find on household cleaning substances dont apply to Financial Products even though they should because many of them are hazardous to your health because theyre poorly constructed and theyre full of

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