Penned. A very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our teached here in moscow and thanks for tuning in this hour lets begin with the latest figures on kobe had 19 the Global Pandemic is still raging the number of confirmed corona virus cases has now surpassed 3000000 more than 882000 people have recovered but the number of fatalities has risen to more than 207000. With the World Health Organization warning that the worst of the coronavirus may yet be to come for africa some countries on the continent are taking a novel approach to stopping the spread. Of explains. On the surface africa appears to have escaped the worst of it so far so many about 30000 cases and a 1000 deaths for a continent to tune to more than a 1000000000 people but thats on the surface and already Health Care Systems and because it means a crumbling at the same time while were dealing with the overnight eat pandemic were also on the break of a hunger pandemic for the crawler virus even became an issue i was saying that 2020 would be facing the worst humanitarian crisis since war 2 were competing with the developed world the very future of the continent will depend on how this matter is handled. It is getting competitive rich nations are buying up masks and gloves and ventilators this quickly as theyre produced leaving poorer nations with nothing International Aid be it food or medicine or money is slowing to a trickle even the w. H. Who is warning that things could get very ugly qubit in africa could kill 300000 and forced millions into starvation it all depends on what we are discussing here which is are you testing or are you finding the cases are you isolating and tracking the contacts the w. H. O. Report is not a prediction that means it must happen how is africa supposed to deal with a pandemic that is bored america to its knees especially without being able to print dollars in euros without foreign aid without advanced Healthcare Systems and millions of africans western advice to self isolate and work from home is something out of a fantasy its in and i dont have a source of income my normal work is to try and do peoples laundry but its been impossible to find work these days because of the fear of this disease grave conduct as badat border men women they are locking in markets market watch cars so these people us for vinery but they walk on the mouth every crime will go up in slums because now. These people the country. We live in now in a low income area i dont have quite high at home so that has impacted mine i think it is rich because now we have to catch up in academics and you see having a lot of speeches in terms of cost but because they have been dismissed in any period of time millions have no access to the internet to read warnings and explanations what they have a rich imaginations b its graffiti informing people look the virus isnt a. Inspirit see placed in slums where poverty and misinformation a rife be it music the Legendary South African song patent that has been rewritten and re recorded with antiviral lyrics and this being said by more than a dozen african review stations. Its no surprise that on a continent where funerals can involve zone and dance that music is on the frontlines in the fight against couvade. Africa is being left to fend for itself charity has become a luxury no one expects a miraculous International Rescue so the continent does what it can at least it fights the virus on its own terms. In russia there are more than 87000. 00 coronavirus cases with more than 6000. 00 registered in the last 24 hours well and 7000. 00 in total have already recovered but of us 800. 00 people have died in the country ask how disinfection squad are working around the clock to help reduce the spread of cope at 19 but theyre having to battle not just the outbreak but also public suspicion about their jobs are. Joining one team as it went about its work. To. Cut a. Deal. Killer for her. I. Feel i. Know what the scope is of this infection is mostly carried out with chlorine preparations the preparations are good and certified they approved for use in childrens medical institutions we never observed problems using. Such. From the pandemic 1st began in russia a lot of people didnt know how disinfection is carried out was scared of the many people didnt let anyone in the room is this swindlers and robbers masquerading as disinfect is becoming to apartments when the disinfectant comes hes already wearing a protective suit and its hard to see splice i. Thank i i feel. As if we disinfect different places kids facilities hospitals Public Places to work spaces and apartments we disinfect around 40 or 50. 2 places a day and thats just in one district if we talk about the whole city the number is 7 times higher. Than already very. Very very nice age and. Many. Of these. Yes. Say oh no here are they may show maybe. The mayor of las vegas has offered to make people in this city guinea pigs an experiment to open up despite the pandemic 3000000 people in Southern Nevada and weve had 150 deaths we have to open up we offered to be a control group. The citys economy is expected to be the worst hit in the u. S. As almost 40 percent of residents work in non essential businesses that may have closed during the pandemic the state of nevada is economy as a whole is also the most affected the number of those unemployed without insurance there has reached all time highs we asked people in the city whether they approve of the merrill offering last vegas to be reopened. Nobodys getting the play of this she has which sex with the plane is opened up and then let us the people decide whether or not to go back to work on time so you know i keep my family safe and i think we all do the same thing to get all my fortune to 6 or so i just happened to be Health Care Workers no i dont want to risk my life to be a guinea pig im already risking my life. Helping people that here that are already here that are testing positive i think its one out of every 10 people find plenty. Of hospitality to sleep and its pretty much if we dont come back to normal were just not going to be normal but some kind of claim that were never going to make. A move or to mrs been working for 2 years its like you actually want to hand. Over its going to a small city town the policy you learn from what happened in china and what is happening here its still like wildfire here this is not one of those that is. A real blast from the past for us president ial candidate joe biden as a tape of a phone conversation from 1993 has landed him in the middle of a sex scandal however and what many see as blatant double standards usually vocal me to activists and Mainstream Media take a very different tact this time scale or ask why. To bidens pretty famous face a hands on approach weve all seen the photos of him hugging kissing apartment even sniffing women as they squirm with looks of discomfort on their faces but a recent resignation might well throw his president ial hopeful into a credibility crisis and wondering what. To do besides go to the press in washington my daughter is there after working for a prominent senator and could not get through with her problems but this is apparently the voice of tara greets mother and the problems shes referring to accusations of Sexual Assault how do automated gates to fight and back in 1903 when she was still sort of. Goes up against the wall and he i remember the coldness of the war and i remember his hands underneath my bus and entering my skirt and fingers and it treating me as he was just trying to kiss me and i was pulling away if you havent had but im not surprised it took almost 3 weeks so much of the media to both have to report rates on occasions and when they finally got round to it it was funny cliff whose side they found on no other a location about Sexual Assault surfaced in the course of reporting nor did any former biden Staff Members corroborate any details of misreads allegation the times found no better and of Sexual Misconduct by mr biden the times not to finding any pattern of Sexual Misconduct is confusing since in the same altar call it states that 7 other women have accused by dint of one point touching also confusing is why if you crucial wants were removed when asked about that it this was the response. The Biden Campaign thought that the phrasing was awkward and made it look like there were other instances in which he had been accused of Sexual Misconduct why the times apparently altered its editorial content at the behest of the Biden Campaign as anyones guess but then again this is not the 1st time the media has whitewashed the president ial hopefuls character previous incidents of inappropriate behavior often talk down to uncle joe being born in a different era. People like graham and shores who say you can do this. Is a worry at all even if you were trying to show i care about. The actual war began to change their shitty. Project in personal space and the reset and i guess i guess just as the media was satisfied by this apology back then it seems that also taking at face value bidens denyer of the reid allegations now hes not face the scrutiny one would expect since the story broke in late march nor did reid receive the support one might expect when she tied to times up thats the Nonprofit Organization set up to help survivors tell their stories now one time to talk about the payments that were made that youre Voting Campaign when a charity said weve met as a firm and we have decided there is no legal strategy safely still your story because his job right it may be worth mentioning that bidens Campaign Advisor many to done is managing director of the organizations legal front one of these things a largely got on question no one has wasted time and doing a deep dive into tar rees history and they head gold finding an article now presented as evidence that shes a russian agent and so apparently by extension elia. Love thirst for xander to a read is the same. Person who just made an accusation against joe biden if so these games are this woman is a traitor and russia will do whatever it takes to keep trump in office they put him there in the 1st place unsurprisingly the right wing media for its own reasons has compared the less intelligent approach to biden to its character assassination of Brett Cavanagh theyve drawn attention to how documents prove tara reid what as a staffer and by de and the emergence of this latest larry king call it seemingly corroborate that she did in fact tell people about the incident back in 1903 not just how much of it but a brother and friend to have both since confirmed they knew Christie Blasi ford was unable to present any such evidence against cavanagh and yet no time was wasted in throwing out the innocent until Proven Guilty motto and guess who else was apparently willing to throw out there and shakable values and this is the law and the founder of the need to move who by the way is still in tossing biden for president if you dont feel comfortable throwing away a man that ive known for 15 years in this time of complete chaos without there being. A thorough investigation i stand in solidarity with christine lazy for it so the rule seemingly astounds without free woman unless thats threatening the chances of the only horse in the race who can unseat trump and who you all betting on legal and media analyst lionel told us the lack of consistency is stunning. I know firsthand that the the media have shown an almost superhuman interest in everything that President Trump has ever done in any event in any venue and every aspect or corner of his life which means they leave nothing unturned nothing is too far nothing is too extreme right so so thats the standard. Yet when you said could we please apply that level of scrutiny to joe biden. Could we look at his life the same way you you would look at the president no could we apply roughly the same standard know why because President Trump and the republicans are one standard joe bidens over here and the Media Support joe biden that simple the American Public the most care is no other voice so if theres no other voice the left can say whatever they want they can say what ever they want they can show a dissimilarity of treatment they can completely ignore her all together which they have. Still to come traders from jerusalems biggest outdoor market clashed with police after not being allowed to reopen that story and more still to come. Crude collapsed Global Energy markets are in disarray over production low demand and lack of storage has witnessed some prices going to negative territory this is not just because of the pandemic this is the result of just south of the sea the Energy Market may never recover. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of it were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing or living minimum wage give many people no choice. Thats been a problem with the city and all those turn a return. To. The records resource the most vulnerable were abandoned on the streets to become the invisible cops. Welcome back Russian National maria bhutto who spent 15 months and u. S. Attention on conspiracy charges has sent a petition to the Un Human Rights Council shes asking for Russian Press or is abroad to be moved from incarceration to house arrest as many may not survive the coronavirus outbreaks in foreign jails. I know if a male experience were present its as close personal contact consciousness creating virus concerted efforts to make a play around the fortys to resort to work toward the teams to do nation to. Know several of my compatriots russian citizens buying prisons and jails in europe its things i would not speak with them their relatives say everything sounds more and more severely receiving mission suppression byrds thats a job. Where most will be deceptive you border on just a little boy and you need to explain each gives a body or any. Other solutions are actually a girl of yours that when you or your chance of which you have been pretty sure this was his only 2 years old he might be in the critics. That only im a wolf in this you know but there are many kids that my worth in the way of money could see this enough to know but no my worth in them that i did a sure thing it that there were some some that here i ask you do you use a list of a ticket this is a verb. The chilling manatee in this difficult time and to petition to the authorized by the countrys russian citizens. To change their treatment of richard 2 to progress not the studio detention but im sure what that might be today to me to know that hes ready to move. Police. Help to those people you can see. Hundreds of amazon workers are staging a mass sickout refusing to work and protest against the tech giants handling of the Coronavirus Crisis it comes after organizers of a plan online event to discuss experiences was canceled and they were abruptly fired the warehouse person attacked worse there is such a divide the. Groups are completely siloed and apparently extremely intentionally so and the minute that a member of our group sent out an entity ations of that conversation im only cunningham and i were fired just like that and the invitation which was out for about 2 hours on a friday afternoon and had all of. 1500 excess and that meeting was deleted and polls are never in his calendar so censorship silencing and firings amazon has fired 6 workers in recent weeks who had called for Better Safety conditions in the pandemic a spokesperson for the company said they were fired for repeatedly violating internal policies but did not specify which ones. We support every employees right to criticize their employers working conditions but that does not come with blanket immunity against any and all internal policies. And its not the only scandal over amazons treatment of workers who are trying to organize amazon and a grocery chain whole foods is allegedly tracking employees they suspect are trying to unionize the company is believed to be using heat mapping to track their efforts human and labor rights lawyer dan koblick told us its not surprising if workers are trying to improve their conditions for these workers that are still at their jobs during a nationwide lockout there are literally taking their lives into their own hands to do these jobs theyre even being called essential workers and yet theyre not being paid as if they were essential what this pandemic is showing are the incredible inequities in the u. S. Society the incredible injustices and people are reacting to that in ways that are pretty spontaneous because they literally see the lives of themselves and their families stake we live in a very. Unfettered capitalist society where that type of conduct is not only common. You know it tends to be even approved of in the press and by political leaders even though its the legal. Hundreds of workers that through slims biggest outdoor market are demanding a call they and justice after they were left out of measures easing lockdown restrictions artist paula flair has the details. Protest involved to the store owners who wore masks clashing with police and it was over the countrys decision to ease and lock down restrictions by allowing certain businesses to open but it has not allowed these stores in the Outdoor Markets to be amongst those businesses and one of the signs at the entrance to the markets is ikea. And this is in reference to the fact that i could hear stores have been allowed to open this despite the fact that there are long fuse and huge crowds have been gathering in those Shopping Centers the citys mayor agrees with them ive worked hard to open the mahanta yahoo to market and im sure there is no reason other complexes are open and it is not i presented an organized reopening plan and offered the local authorities to make sure it complies with Health Ministry regulations the countrys Health Minister has resigned after weighing the decision for 2 days earlier he did face a lot of criticism for the way hes handled the pandemic but he did not list this criticism amongst the reasons for his resignation i decided not to return to the Health Ministry for a 4th time and prefer to lead a sweeping development for solving the housing crisis in israel in the housing ministry. Its well has approved a series of steps to ease the lockdown restrictions and amongst these it is allowing group is having a slight ease on the economy and any people who are not wearing a mask off find how is that many israelis are still angry and frustrated that these measures are not enough to ease the situation. Russian paratroopers have broken World Records after successfully carrying out an air drop from a height of 10000 meters unprecedented feat took place near friends just of land a russian archipelago in the arctic a region where temperatures regularly plunge to minus 15 degrees celsius in winter the drop was said to be a test for new parachutes and Navigation Systems and extreme conditions. I. I. I thats are world news rob up for this hour but if youre looking for more head on over to our website r. T. Dot com heres hoping you and yours are well. What else should. I dont. I mean you get to shape out these days to come out to it and in games from it because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Yes you do miss the good of sorghum movie before sneakers to a supreme being with google who we can birth. Mom. She set out. To get it. Youre definitely walking into a word dont you know we no longer know what were walking until. March. What she needs to break she. Not. To change possible sensible so. Little. Time after time say were going on the ground on the day of another shuttle Julian Assange Court Appointment as the founder of wiki leaks continues to be jailed by u. K. Authorities in london prison struck by corona virus coming up on the show how did it come to this and why is britain one of the worst hit countries by coronavirus as Boris Johnsons conservative government looks set to adopt a more and more socialist policies we investigate how margaret thatchers destruction of British Society continues to ravage Education Culture and the world being of the british people and how we can fix it plus does the child of u. K. Civil rights Leader Office colville hold the key to a cuban future for our National Health service all the civil coming up in todays going underground the 1st european Mainstream Media has downplayed alleged corruption in the removal of the leader of western europes largest socialist movement not that it stopped jeremy cole. In parliament continuing to ask questions about coronavirus that while his new leaders against ahmed threatens court action against anyone publishing a leaked 850 page anti semitism document suggesting his allies conspired to lose a u. K. General election i want to pay tribute very briefly to all those Health Workers care worker

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