We really have to take responsibility as producers and as consumers i think for the public very clearly you know you have a choice in the. Store. To try to fix it. If you cant. At 1st it was i wanted to educate people. The protest started black friday of 2011 and the reason we do about it is because thats when people start buying christmas copies start placing orders for christmas copies and we wanted that to stop so when they 1st started we were there to close every single saturday that was a very very long and cold winter. We always protest peacefully we always hold our signs are we always have our back up i keep a folder with the information i have handouts for people that are very factual and we dont tell any law against thats the biggest thing. My few friends and i started going around to the males in iowa experiencing it firsthand so our local store is diabetics pet shop and we went in there and we saw the puppies and asked them and our 1st they were like from a breeder and they were very open about it and so we asked if we could contact them and so they gave us their card and we made an appointment and we went and we visited the mill and it was it was awful. And i are in general we have the negative temperatures and theyre very very High Temperature is and the dogs are forced to live in that 247 and so are protests are every single week and no matter what the weather today we are very successful to positive temperatures when i left my house this morning with the wind chill it was negative fortys this is cold its on our coldest it is average when say iowa and usually air protagonists are between 2 people and 10 people every lead is that hands on the weather and what we all have going on it is a priority and everybody we have several people that travel from out of town to get here 2 years is a long time to think that weve been in front of here this is where we hang our young. People hang out in front of 5 stars on saturday. Well be out here for 2 hours the dogs are going to be out here the top. Dogs in the shelter. Here are a. Rescue effort. And i think its going to. Become more aware of what what a puppy mill means and what the dogs in the store actually do or i like to say that its a Ripple Effect if i educate one person who knows how many other people they will tower and so if we can all educate our Little Corner of the earth that someday we will not have these problems because once the public really knows whats going on they will not support any. Matter how upset i am i know the dogs have it. So i never even consider giving up its never been an option and i will use my voice because we dont. Get a towel there and. Until recent changes the only federal regulations governing commercial dog breeding dates back to the passing of the Animal Welfare act or a. W. A. In 1966 the a. W. A. Defined a commercial dog breeder as one who maintains 4 or more breeding female dogs and sells the offspring into wholesale channels any breeder or Retail Pet Store engaged in the direct sale of dogs to the public was exempt from the a. W. A. Let me clarify that a little bit the Animal Welfare act only requires that we do annual inspections on Research Facilities so there is no requirement for the other entities that we regulate. But every facility thats either licensed or registered with us is assigned a minimum inspection frequency we have a risk based Inspection System so based on the risk of finding noncompliance risk of Animal Welfare concerns the facility may be assigned a frequency of once a year twice a year 3 times a year whatever that system assigns to it the a. W. A. Does not require a yearly vet check ups access to exercise socialization or protections against extreme heat or cold and allows both wire flooring and stackable cages. For the Animal Welfare act is passed and requires humane standards of care for dogs raised in commercial breeding establishment and they require as of the department of agriculture go out and inspect these facilities and make sure that theyre complying with these regulations i always refer to the regulations that we have today with the u. S. D. A. As will stated if you comply with the centers of care the dogs will probably but is it humane no right now and u. S. D. A. Regulations a dog requires 6 inches of living space bigger than the dog itself and youre talking about a dog is living in that space for its entire lives and that are part of agriculture really is there promote american agriculture its not an impartial sort of entity that is neutral you overseeing the laws and for years u. S. D. A. Was allied with the very interests that it was supposed to regulate including these folks within the Agriculture Sector who started raising puppies and started operating puppy mills never in the state of ohio has any breeder been forced out of this. Long. Standing violations of the Animal Welfare act if they choose to no longer pay u. S. D. A. License its because they chose not to renew their license not because inspectors came out to actually revoke that license i never heard of a regulator coming to pennsylvania no one was getting shut down the feeling of the industry was very we dont have to worry about it so frankly their doors were pretty open the so often if a breeder some violation of the Animal Welfare act they get a slap on the hands and when they get the slap on the hands. Off and it is months following the violation and theyre given an opportunity to correct the violation and sometimes it may be days. Before that inspector returns to ensure that the violations been corrected on its very rare that they will be given a fine that is truly impactful to their bottom line so they factor it in as a cost of doing business in force with the Animal Welfare act has been. In the end for many many years and just 2000 knew their own office of Inspector General issued a very doable report on how terrible their inspections were they documented inspectors walking by dogs and just leaving of there you know that writing up these people and putting them out of business is spent really really bad the Inspector General found several major problems with them foresman of the a. W. A. Including finding a massive loophole that allowed breeders to sell puppies over the internet without a license and delaying confiscation of suffering animals to give violators a final opportunity to take corrective action before confiscation can occur even in extreme cases where animals are dying it is called the Animal Welfare you know its not the the kennel really well for it its the animals and yes even some of the good inspectors were there inspectors in made sure that the building was clean and they had good shelter from the extreme. Temperatures but the dogs of. The photo a lot of the focus of that was on inconsistency in some of the things our inspectors were citing and the length of time it took to get to enforcement so we put. Some an intensified training in place for our inspectors from a different oversight or inspection process and work with our force from branch to find different ways to expedite the enforcement process since and weve also worked on some nontraditional or non Regulatory Solutions if we can help somebody come into compliance without having to resort to enforcement action and get those animals in a better welfare situation quicker thats what were going to do. Since being elected in 1907 senator dick durbin has introduced legislation in every session that would dramatically improve the lives of dogs in commercial kennels and would close the internet loophole. The way people sold dogs changed and has it changed it was no longer going to the individual breeder oh longer just going to the store now was online sales and they were exempt from the kind of regular inspection that would protect the puppies and their mothers so we had to make sure that our bill really filled the scale up and provided the protection for those online sales and the pups that were part of it even in the midst of the hyper partisanship of the u. S. Senate on the issue of puppy mills senator durbin found willing partners on the republican side of the aisle my 1st cosponsor was Rick Santorum one of the most conservative republicans from pennsylvania he was on this bill with me and then after he left the senate i had senator vitter from louisiana another very conservative senator so it turns out that when it comes to humane treatment of animals and dogs in particular this is very bipartisan if a bill like pups went to the floor of the house of the senate it would be an overwhelming yea vote for the measure there would be 9095. 00 yes votes in the senate you know be 400. 00 or so yes votes in the house out of 435. 00 the problem is that on an a wall for legislation the congress is that many of the bills can get track to the house and Senate Committees on agriculture and those committees are populated by the most rural lawmakers aligned with the biggest agribusiness interests in the United States. Has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs about the people who are chronic pain patients and believe that their prescription is working for them and the remedy. She said. Price that they paid closer dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use there really isnt scientifically just right now studies actually suggest that. The long term effects might not just be absence of benefit but actually that they might because they want to. Tell them that its just every small cycle dont you miss. The linux p. C. They can be so easy to show you the police and. They just stay cool shit walk next dont. You assume i shall safety feature. Is learned. Throughout the years members of the Senate Agriculture committee have received enormous Campaign Contributions from agriculture giant including month santos tyson smithfield and cargill the sides these direct contributions each of these corporations spent millions of dollars each year lobbying congress. Seemingly afraid of how a theoretical slippery slope protecting dogs in puppy mills could hurt their operations corporate agriculture sided with commercial breeders they get loads of Campaign Cash from these agribusiness groups because thats the funnel. For the legislation that these agribusiness groups want who doesnt want to protect dogs and yet somehow interest to find a way to twist it around and make you scared into voting against those commonsense positive Public Policy is they typically oppose any Animal Welfare legislation because they think theyre going to be next and they think that if you have a society that is incrementally building Animal Welfare standards its eventually going to lead society to examine their thought even with strong public support for commonsense changes to the Animal Welfare act none of these bills were allowed out of committee recognizing the original intentions of the a. W. A. And the advent of commercial breeders selling exclusively over the internet the u. S. D. A. Moved on their own to update the regulations so the administration seeing the enormous number of senators and u. S. Representatives backing the legislation and getting hundreds of thousands of comments from h. S. Us members and other Animal Welfare advocates they finally passed a rule to bring these internet sellers under the Regulatory Authority of us to before the change in regulations nearly 7500. 00 facilities across the United States were subject to inspection. Besides commercial breeding facilities this includes Research Facilities zoos circuses marine parks transport vehicle television and Film Productions involving animals state fairs camel rides petting zoos elephant right and traveling and or roadside. In 2013115 u. S. D. A. Inspectors conducted between 1011000 inspections on these various facilities approximately 3000 of those inspections were conducted on commercial dog breeding facilities since this change in policy will now also require commercial breeders selling on the internet to obtain a license the u. S. D. A. Estimates that there will be up to 4600. 00 additional new facilities under their inspection umbrella based on their own projections a total of between 1012000 facilities will now fall under the inspection provisions of the Animal Welfare act this change will increase the workload of their 115 inspectors by merely a 3rd. The u. S. D. A. Has no plans to add additional inspectors i think since the real big came into effect the number one way that weve gotten contacts are peoples names as people suffer porting we do we have looked at breeder registries to get id get a number as we watch the internet a look at. Marketing promotional things from folks that sell over the internet so this is a good move for dogs that its now part of the Animal Welfare act but again our question is going to be how are you going to enforce that because youre having a very difficult time in forcing a law that was already in place and now weve just added a new dimension to it weve got 115 people. Stationed across the country to do our inspections. Their workload is prioritized by risk based system so we get them to those places where theyre most needed and at this point in time we do feel like we have resources to be successful at doing this you know i worry about that what a time or cutting back on spending appropriations in every direction and they say they have enough to get started but i want to keep an eye on it even documented us yea inspectors who had their old puppy mill themselves documented supervisors of inspectors who were out working as roofers during the day theyre supposed to be out check you know their inspectors and enforcement was absolutely atrocious and has bad since the inception of the and it was just recently in the last couple years that u. S. D. A. Has really turned around and started to enforce the laws but on the books since 1000 words seeing a closing of this loophole that internet sellers and we just have to continue now with our effort to educate the public that the best place to get an old is a shelter or rescue group or a responsible breeder who is really treating the mother dog like a pet and not a breed. Machine. Usually have a number so he actually has a tattoo on his ear as hes optioned and thats my bird its not that my business name once we got him he was shaking a lot because he didnt know what to do he was trapped in this tiny little wired cage. We dont need a crate with him he will just stir freaking out and he wont let us read even anywhere near. As. To be male. Let me ask me a little and i dont know now camarines ill be known as i guess thats me at least yeah ive been a little bit out there. But i swear hes really really cute. Hes really cute in many other matters and these 2 in here came from a hoarding situation in philadelphia we took in 39 a little blue show while our dr makes this. Guy. Our our. Dog was probably about 9 months old even months old and the dog was so full of joy and just wanted to get out run around and the dog was down on its elbows playing in and it was in a rabbit hutch standing on wire but it desperately wanted to get out and i can we take this dog no i just got the dog are breeding the dog im just starting to breed or so this was years ago and then every time we went back i would see this dog and the dog was getting older and older and he didnt want her anymore because she wasnt a good breeder and i was looking at her and her eyes were dead and within i would say about a month beast she started to come around and i could see the dog that i remembered from before its a shame that she had to go through all that you know her entire life just consisted of this misery. And we need people to start realizing that these poppy mills exist these puppies in pet stores come from popular else whether you believe it or not thats where your dog came from a puppy. Thing that hes really trust because theyre not rescuing or saving a puppy by by buying their dog but theyre doing is theyre sensing the mother that dog to a lifetime of misery you know of you know the general public doesnt stop buying poppies a stock i change its just its not going to stop ill be down this till the day i die and i owe a lot and i dont know if i have to spend my days to save dogs we americans are treating dogs like members of the family we all love them in their beds to sleep at night we spend money on them we give them life saving better and care a society that values dogs is not a design its going to tolerate this abuse of dogs on puppy mills. Until the public is willing to forgo the purchase of a puppy on the internet or in pet stores no regulation will end the suffering of thousands of breeding dogs trapped in commercial mills across the United States and humane societies rescues impounds millions of dogs are awaiting the chance to join a family if the general public decides to adopt and not shop the factory farming of puppies would and. The power really does lie in the people what we have as a movement is a 1000000 households who care about animals and who are willing to pick up the phone and being able to tap that power that is what should make any puppy miller terrified the other side has a much more difficult test theyve got to convince people that keeping dogs in confinement for their entire law is. Denying the vector exposing them to a truth of even cold is an acceptable way to treat go these are alike to officials and they work for us and were going to make sure they work for us we know were up against a lot of corruption and Consumer Fraud and animal cruelty but i think its every time you educate that one person that could be the next person who makes a difference at the state house or at the local level or even at the federal level that sickens me gone. Home i do think its really important people they see something going on especially i mean i mean just as it should bring it to peoples attention you know people to know whats going on out there and. They just feel otherwise change is not possible. 20 years from now wed all like to look back and we know whats going to happen were going to what back and were going to say thank god we dont have anymore i cant believe the way we allow people to treat these dogs. God. God. God. My god. I have. My. My. Little own little or are. All the earth bertman. Humanity is on the edge of a precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural world. We just seem laid out a lot of good results a group member seek a Closing Remarks a while later if you. Let them everything you can. For the new. I think theyve got over the war and now they have all the. Dealing in the muslim world as i am over again. And have it and ship them through the trees they remove the. Human activity has brought us to the brink of the worlds 6th major extinction event and the people in this film are just conseco it anymore. I. Thought i was. In the main stories of the week moscow roadside automated id checks to allow essential travel during the long time that after an initial pass system suffered big problems on the cities metro and. This doesnt make sense. Like. The. Medics in the usa their lives are being put at risk by the governments failure to supply all those with protective gear and french teacher isnt criticize present plan to reopen schools by mid may according it premature and dangerous

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