Lieu of people who have been told do not go outside this is crazy but heres what we want to do we want to start with Something Else i want to start with this what in the world i have to ask is going on with european carmakers who are being caught redhanded lying and cheating what are they lying and cheating about car emissions its like if i sold you a car and i guaranteed you that it does not pollute the environment but it does. If you drive a Mercedes Benz this may have happened to you investigators say the company produced 28280000 c. Class and class vehicles 280000 of these things that were outfitted with a little trick gadget that goes into the car to fool people into thinking that its not polluting when in fact it is essentially who they want to fool is the people who test the cars for emissions right the maker of mercedes has recalled 700000 cars and while the investigation of mercedes continues volkswagen is still reeling after they got caught pretty much doing the same thing. Most wagon controls 70 percent of the diesel market right here in the United States and it was caught in the United States in los angeles by the way it installed a device in half a 1000000 cars here and another 10500000 cars worldwide. That then allowed it to trick emissions tests how do they do this and by the way whats happening now and just how big is this scandal we are going to drill down on this for you right here on the news rick sanchez because we believe we really do its time to do news again. Questions questions to see what you think what we think youre going to be asking tomorrow after watching our newscast tonight what happens to european Car Companies that were caught cheating to pollute is india poised to become the next cove in 19 epicenter and will the Beauty Industry survive the coronavirus epidemic all right want to let you know that all this week were bringing you the special coverage of the coronavirus with updates of all over the world and everything you need to do to protect your family and yourself we call it tracking coronavirus ok so it began with volkswagen. You probably heard about it still hasnt really ended this scandal this controversy now mercedesbenz is in the mix and who knows where this thing is going to add this is a verifiable scandal that involves millions of cars and more importantly millions of people millions of drivers oh and then there is that little thing called the world environment. We have special coverage on this story today and were going to get with our Team Correspondent alex ahead of edge to set the same. Return to black and became what is known as diesel gate one of the most trusted companies in the Auto Industry was caught in a lie following up on a 2014 california based study that looked into emissions discrepancies between european and us be a bulls in september 2015 that you whats Environmental Protection Agency Issued a notice of violation of the Clean Air Act 2 german car maker wagon i think its fair to say that we are quite concerned by some of the reports that weve seen about the conduct of this particular company but ultimately this is their responsibility e. P. A. To take a look at it and thats exactly what theyre doing. Thats a month get admitted to installing software and its diesel cars that dont control vehicles were being tested switch them off during every day driving software made it look as if the course meant tough limits on harmful pollutants as oxides in fact to be able to emitting 40 times more nitrogen oxides in real World Driving situations than what test results showed this led to more investigations against volkswagen and other countries where similar conclusions were me ultimately it was discovered that 11000000 volkswagen cars with worldwide misleading software installed half a 1000000 of those were sold in the u. S. According to the german media was using emissions manipulation software as early as 2005. In january 2017 pleaded guilty to criminal charges in the u. S. That same year a federal judge ordered him to pay a 2800000. 00 fine in addition get ended up paying another one point 45000000000. 00 u. S. Civil penalties adding to the companys problems in september 2019 german prosecutors charged 3 of bolts why against top executives say they knew about the issues and rather than addressing the problems they kept them hidden by january of this year the number of those charged to 1132. 00 individuals are still being investigated so far do so because cost thats right it has to be to 33000000000. 00 in fines settlements and recall costs never mind the initial hit that Company Stock took when the scandal was revealed something from which it has not quite recovered diesel gate has revealed that contrary to the claims of a number of auto makers diesel powered vehicles are not as green as the Companies Made them out to be and some Car Manufacturers were willing to hide that fact. And other automakers continue to be under the microscope with rick sanchez im alex my lil bitch this is crazy this is not some small. Shop somewhere trying to get away with free electric or free gas these are 1000000000. 00 companies or talking about caught. Red handed were joined now by former u. K. Member of Parliament George galloway also joining us attorney greg coleman whos the founder of the greg coleman law and mr coleman are you handling some of these cases tell us just how big this is and how many there are potential Car Manufacturers may be involved or may have done the same thing. Yes i am handling along with others especially in europe so we know for sure is with respect to c. W. As we just heard from your promo that tell you this. In the us but heres the strange same. Thing in europe where they are actually located in where they sold the fast majority of the cars that had that sheet emissions device is so theyre what ive been working with along with others to form the missions just as foundation in order to make sure that justice can be for those consumers throughout europe and just to just to clarify im reading reports that not just mercedes but b. M. W. And perhaps some other Country Companies may or may have been involved or done something similar is that true. Absolutely as we know dispirited if you will always v. W. But in addition to veto you we know for example that c. I. Had a bit in the United States we know that. Is currently in litigation in the United States we know that there are other very to our manufacturing players because this is why. Its going to involve many many others in addition to the main players George Galloway joining us from one of george what is your reaction and what do you think is the general reaction in europe learning that these. Corporations would be trying to pull off Something Like this. Corporate giant. And destroy the environment to make a bit of extra profit who would have thunk it rick the reality is these people d should never work again as they see every penny that they made on sales to the United States and any of our country to which they were doing so fraudulently must be taken from the company. Against them these people count on the fact that if the punished. Will not fit the crime it will be a big fine but nothing like the find would want on. This crime and theyll make up in profits in the future and its up to us the public in all countries to make sure that isnt the case just perhaps its a little unfair of me that both vote. On Mercedes Benz who are both of course vital organs of hitlers germany so perhaps we need an. Expected ethical behavior from them what do you expect this is going to result in i mean is this. I guess for full disclosure mr coleman are you handling what a class action suit on behalf of whom. We have. Those impacted v. W. Owners for example the netherlands and im glad you asked me that because theres a new law thats just coming to an internet under way. And i dont want to get too much into the week. We have filed the 1st of its writ in the netherlands outlining where he stands not only of the 160000. 00 plus owners of these impacted vehicles but also acted owners throughout the entire and tradition surely on how the courts interpret our writ the entire the whole of europe it sounds like most of these companies are trying to get a quick settlement i mean ive looked at the numbers 1000000000. 00 here another half a 1000000000. 00 there george youre a member of parliament what can the leaders of European Countries like the u. K. Do to punish these companies or should they. Only should implement. I grew up dreaming that i would own an american car i dont know how it came to pass many of your people are prepared to buy a volkswagen instead give me a buick or a caterpillar. The governments have full power they could sit through these Corporate Giants youll never want here are going unless. Every penny every cent of the profits you made during that fraudulent period when you were cheating from us you were cheating your customers and you were despoiling are in bottom. Of the power they just really want to use it because they are loved by Corporate Giants and who knows what happens in the back room but the law. Should be following this through with. Go ahead want to put a punctuation on mr going away to about 30 seconds. What i was going to add on to it george. There was a commission i. Believe george was talking about. If you will of these auto manufacturers to consumers all around the world remember this just isnt america its not just europe its 1st. And it is so this is such a widespread being. Accountable this is a really important story im glad were doing it im glad we had you gentlemen here to take us through it mr delaware mr coleman thanks to you. Youre watching the news with here on your favorite provider or perhaps for free on portable t. V. Our special coverage is going to be right back. Just. Thinking of getting a new book on the ones we got in here shows no problem why is he didnt know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired coach be going near the crate with him he will just start freaking out in he will want to spray him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in inhumane conditions on puppy farms i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. To get what you. Get through kids. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from this large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined by good businesses are involved like ogling mom santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from a huge agricultural. And in the streets. With dogs dont buy dont. We welcome you back im rick sanchez here on the news with rick sanchez were broadcasting live by the way all over the world its 15 minutes after the hour here in our Nations Capital in the United States those of you watching in europe or pakistan or throughout parts of india we welcome you whether youre watching us on your favorite provider or youre watching us on portable t. V. Which so many tens of thousands of you have been reaching out to us who are on portable t. V. Were glad youre there and i think we can do to assist all right speaking of india indias Prime Minister neuron the modi is announcing that he will extend the countrys lockdown for 3 more weeks did so today the reason the numbers there have continued to spike but allow citizens are abiding by the lockdown causing some really. Eerie images on the streets of some of the most crowded cities in the world as you know that are of course brought to shore greenstein is shes here in studio with us to bring us the very latest that has been coming out of india where you have a show well indias nationwide lockdown was extended today for another 3 weeks it was set to expire today but now its set to go on until may 3rd that means until may 3rd all nonessential businesses that means anything except businesses like Grocery Stores and Health Services are all must be closed so heres what that looks like i want to take you to some video of the streets of patna city as you can see there really almost completely deserted so we have all nonessential office is markets places of worship are closed after Construction Industry has been shut down and public. Taishan has been shut down and. It really doesnt if you think about what the streets look like normally right this is india this is a very busy city in india the contrast is very drastic now police in a lot of these cities have really been charged with enforcing this curfew very strictly as you can see some people get beaten with sticks and all of the state borders have been sealed even for walkers so what that means is something really significant especially in a place like india because whats happening with this Coronavirus Crisis and this lockdown is that the existing class structures are becoming even more obvious right so ill give you an example right indias home to a lot of daily wage workers who have of course been jobless since the slop down began and. They call a very labor they are going to come to work in the city to spend 3 or 4 days or sometimes the entire week then they go home for a week of it come back right and they travel across the state borders to do so so many of these micro workers right are losing their income theyre losing their housing too because in some cases their housing is connected to their employment or their employers are simply kicking them out once its locked down started and also because Public Transportation has been halted a lot of these people had to start walking back to their native villages but then because the state borders got shut down millions of these Migrant Workers are daily are now in these makeshift internal refugee camps so this is highly significant because a lot of these Indian States are actually were lying only on n. G. O. S for food and water and of course this means that these camps risk becoming centers of illnesses including kobe 19 what youre should. Suppose. Refugees in their own in their own country internal refugees so whats happening is not only is the existing class structure becoming more obvious because of this crisis the crisis is also intensifying existing Class Division right for example after this lockdown extension was announced today in india by the Prime Minister after this extension was announced we had Migrant Workers protesting right. Theyre demanding that there they be allowed to go back to their native cities you know the images that you have just shown us are remarkable and i think i read earlier today in one of your pictures when we were talking about what you and i were going to be talking about that some animals have now taken over the streets of india is that true thats thats absolutely right i want to show you some video video of new delhi the capital in india we can see animals like monkeys cows dogs right all of the streets that were once booming right we see them roaming sleeping in places looking for food and by the way in terms of you know animals in india the Indian Council of Agricultural Research just got permission from the Indian Government this week to actually test animals for 1000 so well see where that goes yeah i know there are some ive seen some reporting on that and i dont think anything is nailed down but there has been some interesting reporting about the difference for example between cats and dogs and lets not get into that right now its not our story the one thing that we do have to and i think for people who maybe are watching us in india they understand this in places like delhi for example has some of the most dense not just. This population where people are very close together absolutely thats why they were having the infestation that they were absolutely and of course like i said these existing Class Divisions are becoming more intense right so as one example of the situation india about 90 percent of indian children age 5 or less are already under norrish straight so what does that mean for these families who now cant cross the state borders to you know provide their families with money and of course india doesnt always have the best Public Health infrastructure in all places of the country so that makes a country like india especially vulnerable right but on the other hand we do have the example of big business is wanting to end the lockdown so the government may actually go and im direction because they may you know the influence by those industry is in the end its really about having enough hospital beds d its about having enough ventilators its by and has stayed on the care workers and its about having enough tests right. In interviews hes theres too many people in many of these countries and this is why were going to follow some of these things but theyre you know theyre doing what they can and i think this is the time to just try and support them and be as helpful as we possibly can with whatever information we can provide great stuff michel thank you very thorough reporting appreciate it if in the next couple of weeks your neighbor who was a brunette suddenly has a different hair color or the guy you know who always like his really short cropped super neat perfect haircut like a steve kind of guy and suddenly he comes to work and hes got a mop top than what you have just witnessed my friends is the lockdown of all nonessential cosmetic workers in the United States because thats whats going on barbers hair stylist pedicurist all being forced to stay home this is kind of unique to see what steve christakis looks like for real in just a moment by the way here now with more is hard to correspond to sweet. Not sure we are closing after today so one owners and others in the Beauty Industry say their businesses are getting hit the hardest with services requiring stylists as a titians Makeup Artist and even doctors to be in close proximity of their clients some believe their businesses will be the last to reopen in order to comply with the social distancing protocol if we dont bring our guests then we dont make money berkeley rep owner of salon k. 8 in Orange County california says he does employees have lost their livelihoods not being able to adjust their business in any way as restaurants have with Takeout Services around the 17th or the 17th and 1300 notification from our governor governor knew some that. Direct contact activity should cease so you know we were the 1st to be shut down because of the nature of our business and our service we provide we. We have to have direct contact with people so unfortunately we had to do. A responsible saying in and shut down our business immediately rep says if this pandemic continues without any aid they will lose their Small Business well theyve applied for systems and theyre still waiting and in the meantime their landlords are still expecting them to pay rent on time cosmetologists go through a significant amount of training to safely use these chemicals on people and. And a lot of people dont know that our insurance doesnt cover us when we send things outside of the home when have people do things themselves in the end like Many Americans rob and his employees are eager to get back to work providing essential services to their clients in the safest way possible reporting in los angeles to touch a sweet r. T. All right those of you watching us on portable know that were trying to make a commitment to bring you the very latest on the coronavirus not every single detail but we do bring you updates and breaking news as it happens we call this the global coronavirus update desk check with ben swann whos checking things for us and has got some new information just now coming in but what you got you know we have 2 really big breaking stories tonight rick lets start with the 1st one President Trump tonight in the rose garden essentially said he is calling for a halt to all u. S. Funding of the w. H. O. The World Health Organization until a review can be completed that essentially determines whether or not the organization has acted properly during this coronavirus pandemic whether or not they were too late in the information that they put out whether or not they have covered for china in this process whether or not they have ultimately failed in their duty to protect really the world in terms of putting out the warnings about this endemic the president says they have done a poor job he laid out a number of reasons why he has called again for a halt to that funding right now the u. S. Wants the w. H. O. About 15 percent of all of their budget and as of tonight he has called for a halt to that funding you know the only thing that makes me think that although it may be correct that the w. H. May have been late in acting so was this country so was our country and we have the largest intelligence Gathering Service in the history of the world and we didnt know what the hell was going on so it just seems a little weird for us to suddenly turn around and say oh you guys didnt know what was going on so were mad at you we didnt know what was going on apparently right thats a good point very good point now theres another breaking story tonight thats also very important where the trumpet ministration has come to an agreement with a number of airlines to fund them at about 25000000000. 00 to put that into a series of airlines to keep the Airline Industry alive and afloat during this time we kind of knew this was coming rick in terms of the need that airlines had lets face it right now Everybody Needs it and the bigger the corporation the more likely they are to get it even if they were sticking all the money that they had made from the last gift from the government in their pockets in the form of stock buybacks that seems horribly horribly unfair to the taxpayer and to the average american yeah and certainly to the Business Owner like we just heard natasha story who right now doesnt know if theyre going to have a business or even have a job within the next few weeks yeah and it goes back to the point about whether we really are a capitalist Free Market Society or whether were a socialist society and if were going to just do stuff like this why dont we just call ourselves a socialist country because this is what this is. Well absolutely it is it me i heard about i heard you last night you kept talking about its corporate welfare and thats really what its corporate welfare but unfortunately its not even dispersed like welfare where everyone who qualifies gets some its really only the elite who kind of shape the Welfare Program for corporations specifically tailored to their industry so that everyone else gets left out unbelievable ben swan great stuff as usual always you know not only do you bring us the news but youre smart enough to you know be able to have this back and forth with me not saying that youre right or all right probably youre right because hes smarter right but stick with the big youre my friend that is our news thanks so much for being with us if you have friends who are looking for a newscast thats really not like the rest of them tell us more here tell them they can see it on portable t. V. That portable t. V. Take us with you wherever you want to go its right here. Next time well be here because itll be time to do the news again. And thats the 1000 pandemic changed the International System the u. S. Trying to relations been altered end is the west experiencing buyers remorse. As the Unemployment Rate is not protected to reach 30 percent of america higher than the Great Depression the stock markets up 30 percent from recent lows and the size of the Central Bank Balance sheet has expanded by trillions so the question is which came 1st the expansion of the Central Bank Balance sheet or unemployment what is the cause and what is the effect as weve been saying on the show for 10 years Central Bank Balance sheet expansion. Causes the unemployment because it causes the deflation that causes the economic duress that creates the unemployment. Has changed. Lives and pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs the people who are chronic pain. Believe that their opiate prescription is working for them on the remedy be set to. Price at the. Close of dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and ill study actually suggest that. The long term effects might not just be absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing the long term. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss branch of war in washington coming up grim prospects have gotten even darker as the i. M. F. Has issued an outlook of the near future of the Global Economy and as the economic continues to sink poor nations are struggling to receive pandemic payments will break it all doubt plus endemic u. S. Markets are surging despite record unemployment claims and poor Bank Performance but why well bring in expert analysis straight ahead we have a packed show today lets go and die right in

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