Max kaiser this is the kaiser report you know in these troubled times are millions of fans all over the world are clamoring for more kaiser reports 3 a week is not enough theyre like we want more we want more well you know its possible but you have to make a big noise and let the people know that you want more max and stacey more kaiser reports yeah they said max we are reporting from our headquarters in the coronavirus zone and you know what the National Debt is past 24 trillion dollars and the past week i remember back in this innocent balloon boy started days back in 2009 when the last crash when it was just 12 trillion 6600000 unemployed last week thats on top of the you know millions of others in the previous weeks 5. 5 plus thats 3. 6 plus blah blah blah so now we have 17000000. 00 unemployed thats over 10 percent Unemployment Rate and of course during this chaotic time during that announcement of the new unemployment numbers we saw the fed introduce some new sort of 2. 00 trillion dollars scheme whereby theyre going to buy high yield the bond e. T. F. I junk debt i. E. Well the fracking debt all that fracking debt thats blowing out right we knew that fracking industry was going to go belly up and that it would require a government bailout we said that was. 100 percent guaranteed and we were right you know us thing but Mainstream Media not only are they forced to be broadcasting out their basement but only a channel for the u. K. Now bankrupt and for us to be on the street and Speakers Corner blabbering about whoever they may gather in the times of social distancing but weve been right weve been right for 10 years right about fracking right about the fed right about money printing right about the stock market right about the gold market right about the silver market and we would go. One of the world to tell people to buy big point a dollar back in 2011 we made hundreds of thousands of big coin millionaires in 100. 00 Different Countries and thats why were considered to be almost the adam and eve of bitcoin i think he coined that term on twitter but also on twitter i found this tweet from matt stoller and hes looking at you know were in the middle of an election theoretically that might happen in november 20th 2008 and especially biden versus trump and you know you would think during the sort of times that democrats would present plans and what they would do as opposed to what trump is doing well progressive simply cannot internalize that a massive Corporate Bailout just occurred that it will shift wealth and power upward and that their leaders warren and bernie who got popular oppose and wall street supported it progressives have chosen to be irrelevant this is what i dont get about the progressive media so lets talk about jimmy door amy goodman. Juncker sink junker and to some lesser extent joe rogan right they look at these numbers and they look at whats happening in the economy but they make no connection to the Federal Reserve bank in money printing jimmy doors never mention the central bank the Federal Reserve bank never ever ever ever and yet the progressives if they want to be progressive and they want to progress the dialogue forward they need to talk about the central bank that is the key component of the Global Economy the American Economy and the key crisis that were experiencing today so not to mention it is willfully ignorant exactly we have 2 different categories happening that government and the treasury and on the Federal Reserve and basically neither of them have oversight and theyre pouring trillions of dollars to the Corporate Headquarters of huge corporations not the Small Medium Sized Enterprises that are being funneled into these crazy sort of online systems that dont work but the. Major corporations the multinationals those that are getting bailed out and the big banks and the ordinary worker thats by the way that you know the Left Wing Party is supposed to speak on behalf of their stock on trying to file Unemployment Benefits and those Unemployment Benefits are built on cobol which is a. You know a Software Program written back in the 1950 s. And theres only like a handful of people in the United States that are still programmers in cobol so systems are going down across america and people can apply for unemployment online they have to go in person stand amongst thousands of other people trying to file online right so as the Unemployment Rate is now projected to reach 30 percent in america higher than the Great Depression the stock markets up 30 percent from recent lows and the size of the Central Bank Balance sheet has expanded by trillions so the question is which came 1st the expansion of the Central Bank Balance sheet or unemployment what is the cause what is the effect as weve been saying on the show for 10 years Central Bank Balance sheet expansion causes the unemployment because it causes the deflation that causes the economic duress that creates the unemployment the central bank will say point blank were trying to fight deflation by printing money and yet they caused the deflation by printing money oh and the stock market happens to be at 30 percent oh my and the top 110th of one percent just made a few more 100000000000. 00 its an accident thats a progressive dont understand they they dont or stand that taxes and employment are not necessary as 0 percent Interest Rates and if you can print them borrow hundreds of trillions of dollars at a clip you dont need workers you dont need taxes americans pay 3. 00 to have trillion in taxes last year the fed printed 6 they have trillion in 10 seconds last week right you dont need workers you dont need employment you know if Employment Rights went to 100 percent unemployment the stock market would be a 4050. On the dow of course because any time the progressives do fight and they fought tooth and nail to get some a 400000000000. 00 package in for the ordinary person in america apparently thats not going to a lot of that money one even a ride for months from now but immediately the fed can create money in credit for all of these bankers but every time they succeed in getting 400000000000 for the ordinary joe bag and donuts then the bankers go well we cant disrupt we need to get at least 10 times that that we need to pull quadruple quintuple 10 topple that well its designed to disenfranchise every american whos not a friend of the Central Banks and told we have a peasant class like evan saudi arabia and a prince class like they have in saudi arabia jamie dimon is a prince and the central bankers on the bankers on wall street are the prints class in this neo feudal period and everyone else is part of the peasantry what you call the middle class are becoming peasants theyre living out of their trailers theyre getting dog food they cant scrape enough to get by theyre like haitians trying to pick worms out of dirt and thats the way its designed we also designed the situation in haiti of course right whether its disenfranchisement of haiti or bombing in iraq or the war in afghanistan or the attack on south american countries on the quds thats all off broadway production of what became a broadway production here in america you know people cheered the bombing of iraq and then Mainstream Media m. S. N. B. C. Rachel maddow c. N. N. Yeah lets bomb iraq not realizing this is a off broadway production of whats coming to america within 2 or 3 years now we are experiencing the full frontal attack of our government attacking us now youre watching many shows across america on cable news and on the me on the networks as well people are reporting from their basements and their attics and their moms bedroom and what youre seeing is that theyre still gossiping its all essentially you tube channels of people gossiping about its various. Little figures whereas they ignore the entire elephant in the room which is the fraud that is ongoing here well show 2 tweets about the Federal Reserve bank and what theyre doing on behalf of their clients who are the big banks on wall streets the biggest experiments in monetary history Central Banks buying government bonds like crazy to monetize the public debts will not work indefinitely no one can say exactly where the Tipping Point is if the Balance Sheet exceeds a certain level Inflation Expectations will skyrocket and you see in the chart there that top line is of course japan where the Central Bank Balance sheet as a percentage of g. D. P. Is 109. 91 percent the fed is that blue bind on the bottom and theyre at 26. 75 percent of g. D. P. 43. 68 percent the bank of england merely at 21. 7 percent this idea that there is an endgame to be that monetization that they choose to call quantitative easing is problematic because in a world of 0 percent Interest Rates and infinite credit they can keep buying government bonds they can keep buying junk bonds they can keep buying stocks they can you know in japan the amount of the Balance Sheet of the bank of japan is in excess of the g. D. P. Of japan and theyve got close to 300 percent that the g. D. P. As a country america on that basis combined other 15 trillion dollars worth of bonds and stocks and the endgame is not a collapse due to policy and an economic model thats unsustainable the end game is that you have a prince class that owns all income producing assets in the country and you have a pauper class or a peasant class that is living in the dirt its neo feudalism by design its not a mistake in policy and the answer is it has to do with understanding that the central bank is at the center of it all the answer is watching kai street. For in knowing about gold silver you dont need to participate in the system you will be a loser in the system sure keep on turn tuning into cold air and the view and Rachel Maddow and get your bread and circuses and say bull bernie bull trump and that might make you feel better it might help you get through the next hour but how do you get through the next decade the next 2 decades and youre gonna have to step away from the bread and circuses and youre going to have to wake up because what theyre doing is they are buying junk e. T. F. I didnt think theyd go there said john briggs head of strategy at nat west so even the bankers didnt think that the Central Banks were be so brazen and helping them out like that well youre absolutely right the only way to escape this is golds over a big line because it has already made a move from a 1. 00 277008000 based on its anticipation of this fraudulent behavior by Central Banks it was designed to fight Central Banks and it made a move from a dollar to the 7000. 00 way 2100001 its way 2400000 its doing exactly what it was designed to do gold is that how not only making new all time highs against every major currency the world but now about to make a new all time high in u. S. Dollar terms so gold is not fools gold is now creeping higher plus l b m a in comix are caught short gold and theyre about to go completely bankrupt well those 2 entities do exist in a paper walled controlled by the Central Banks so they could print money as much as is required to deliver because they could do force majeure and not have to deliver a physical gold but again you know bit coin as you mentioned when it went from a dollar when did it go from a 1. 20 as i said during those glory days when you know the biggest hoax on earth was balloon boy now we have the hoax of these bell outs and stimulus that are total hoaxes they say theyre helping you heres 400000000000. 00 presidency might not get it until next year in the meantime we. Just created 40 trillion for bankers because of the notion that how dare somebody even think of helping the peasants so right back to coin anticipated this thats why i said multi thousands from a dollar and now as more people realize wait a minute this big quite thing was actually right mike kaiser report was right then they start to make a move 2800000 up 2400000 we tell you 1st and Stephen Colbert is in his basement and looks like a frickin trailer park trash on talent an unfunny idiot a kind of stay tuned for much more coming your way. The least. They can be so easy to believe. To take the safe rule shots walk next dont. You see the. Sort of the. World is driven by shaped by. The day. We dare to ask. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to mark hughes sco bargain Craig Capital welcome back mark max thanks for having me always great to be with you this is a once in 100 year event i think and so just walk us through how you handle that your frontline money manager guy so this hits what happens i appreciate the placing us in the front line and i i definitely would would not put us up there with the the angels and saints on the true front lines and in the Health Care Situations but also you know its the food delivery workers its the food prep or prepares its the people who are cleaning up and keep in building safe then and germ free so that other people can do their job so theyre the real frontline but but i like the fact that look we do have to keep capital safe and we are at theres a big d threat to what we do in terms of the Asset Management Business Today as any time ive seen in my career in my lifetime we probably have to go all the way back to 1930 to see a similar type threat and sure well talk more about that but the the real issue today is its not the virus thats the threat we have lots of viral threats around the world some that are actually worse than coded its the response the unprecedented response both to shut down the Global Economy but now worse the response from fiscal and monetary stimulus around the world that is i think sowing the seeds of a greater demise Unemployment Rate of skyrocketing and some projecting at the rich 30 percent i think of the depression of the 1936 at 2 maybe 25 percent so an Unemployment Rate thats higher even than that time however there are some key differences back in the thirtys we had a Gold Standard we had also. We did not have the kind of activist fed that we have now that is the buyer of 1st order instead of being the borrower of last resort we also have 0 percent Interest Rates which are unique almost in history we also have negative Interest Rates which are definitely unique in history so when the unemployment number comes out and its skyrocketing by 30 percent projected but the stock market goes up by 30 percent. Thats you know thats an interesting situation so its only made possible by 0 percent Interest Rates or when you cast kerry said recently at 60 minutes incident. Infinite amount of money printing so thats different than the 1930 s. Or is it mark its interesting that you and i seem to get together on these historic days right we were we were together when kashkari made his famous infinity comment and you know i told you about this hash tag q. E. Forever for a long time and i think you need made at the label of our last show and here we are again on this historic day where i tweeted out earlier that were at the Tipping Point capital t. Capital p. Where weve now turned the dollar into toilet paper right we basically said it doesnt matter how much we print were going to keep printing in till the bleeding stops and i think what were experiencing and and the reason im not sure its going to work and why i do think we are at risk of a greater depression is if you think about how commerce works right there have to be people employed there has to be a volokh city of money and if i have a dollar and then i go get my haircut and then the haircut or goes out and buys a shirt and a shirt seller goes in and gets a meal and the restaurant tour goes to the butcher and the butcher goes to a hotel then that money is actually circulating the economy and we get g. D. P. Growth we get profits growth and we get real. Well if i just printed dollar and its sitting in a bank account somewhere and it would print another dollar and is just sitting in a bank account somewhere actually all weve done is reverse is decreased the value of that currency by half because now we have more dollars without any increase circulation and i think thats where we are in that if you go back to the Great Depression from 129. 00 to early 19 130. 00 we fell 30 per cent and then there was a series of events where the president hoover at the time came out and said everythings great ever is going to go back to business america is awesome were going to america 1st we borrowed that from the german were all homeland and all this great stuff was supposedly going to happen the market rallied 1820 percent oh and then we realized that wait a minute if we didnt if we put up barriers to trade like the whole the smoot tariff bill and we you know go against immigration then we do all the things that slow Economic Growth and slovo loss of the money we destroy capitalism and what happened we all know the end result we went down another 550 percent over the next 3 or 4 years and we turned a garden variety recession into the Great Depression and you said you know we didnt have 0 interest we actually did we also had q. E. We also were buying our own bonds because back then we were an emerging market run by a gang at the mafia was basically in charge no would buy our debt so we started buying it ourselves so q. E. Is not new 0 interests are not new we had it all during that you know Great Recession which turned into the Great Depression and i fear were on the verge of that again if we make bad policy decisions whats your portfolio mix i mean not to get too technical here but you know a classic portfolio max bang stocks bonds cash a little gold and you introduced really to the Institutional Investors out there the idea of getting off a 0 with bitcoin i think thats probably held up well for your client. Took that advice because its become one of the least volatile assets to hold and this time certainly less volatile than oil and so how do you handle this on the on the Portfolio Allocation side you just raise a lot of cash or you forging ahead into buying the dip or what how do you position what were doing is the same thing weve been doing since january of 2018 youre right before valma get the 1st one which the recent bout of volatility makes bomb again look like a you know a bump. So what we started doing back then was you said look we fear that hooverville is coming and i actually wrote a paper on it 3 years ago when when trump was elected saying look he was just like hoover an inexperienced president who had all these bombastic ideas about america 1st and how it was going to be so great but what he laughed was leadership and experience i was worried that we were going to have a repeat of hooverville and the Great Depression and so what we told clients was we got a different way of looking at the world and i took a lot for this in fact people would say you know you can have clients leave and i said very clearly which i took a lot of for to as i said id rather lose half my clients than half my clients money and i think thats really true so back in january 18th we built a portfolio and it looks like this got 6 pillars so about 15 percent is cash because cash is king in this environment another 15 percent in bitcoin and well talk more about that im sure another 15 percent in a proxy on Bitcoin Mining so the best i could do there was a m d. Then had 15 percent number 2 markets because i thought emerging markets where if you got to own equities you want to own the cheap equities emerging markets were cheaper 15 percent in long treasuries and then 15 percent in hedge equity in rerun a hedge equity portfolio here is long short is actually only down about. 3 percent march down 2 percent for the year so if you look at that portfolio over the last 12 months and why do i talk about the last 12 months well 12 months ago i was on c n b c and was talking about this type of portfolio and literally got laughed off the stage you know how could you own big corn for clients and how could you be in bonds and you dont you know stocks always be pawns well its actually over the last 20 years long bonds have beat stocks and over that 2 year period where stocks are down about 5 percent that portfolio that i just described is up about 22 percent so thats pretty good people are feeling pretty good about that i think its unprecedented to have Central Banks so aggressively buying stocks in the open market theyre buying a. T. s are buying junk bonds the Swiss National bank is the more of the biggest holdout of apple stock and right now they seem to be going with Donald Trumps message that the only thing that matters in this world are people for a one k. Accounts and getting that stock market back up higher and if you can borrow all the money you want to percent interest and youre buying all the stocks you want without any limitations at all and youve got a lot of hedge funds who are front running that action with a lot of money theres a lot of cash out there the saudi wealth funds huge than the and which in wealth 1. 00 is huge theres a lot still a lot of the pockets of trillions of dollars out there if they get into the front running game and its buy just keep buying these stocks to help people for a one k. Plans is it prudent to not kind of follow the trend there its such the question max and thats why i love getting together with you as youve always got the question for the time that were in and you know the reason that is the question is look everything that weve talked about up to this point about how it could be a repeat of the 1930 s. And the Great Depression or the greater depression thats only one scenario and is sort. Says the idea that you can predict the markets precisely is falling you have to think in certain ario so its a nonzero probability that were in the verge of another Great Depression there is a nonzero probability that everything you described about the fed and the fiscal stimulus actually getting into the equity markets and pumping up nominal stock price is the key word there is nominal what people forget is that rising asset prices are not necessarily a good thing and theyre definitely not a good thing for the 49 percent of people in this country that dont own any assets they dont own stocks they dont own collectible porsches they dont own fine wine they dont own great real estate so whats happening here is kleptocracy and its been going on for decades and this is the plan right q. E. Was not designed to create Economic Growth q. E. Was designed to impoverish the 99 percent and enrich the one percent and everything thats been going on in the last couple weeks is greater degrees of that you know the idea of m. M. T. A year ago people said well as ridiculous and people like trump who talked about it were stupid well hes still stupid for talking about it but now were going to live it its actually happening there is a belief now that we can print as much money as we want we can buy any asset right its actually illegal as we sit here talking it is illegal for the fed to be buying Corporate Bonds and high yield bonds but theyre doing it they set up an s. P. V. Funded by the treasury to get around it that is that is illegal activity why do we allow it to happen and yes the Swiss National bank in the banks japan buy stocks and the fed would like to buy stocks janet yellen saying we should buy stocks no we shouldnt but they actually do something called the plunge Protection Team and they operate from 10 oclock in the morning to 1130 every day and what they do is the primary dealers get their bomb. Bought from the fed and then they give the loans to the hedge fund or to leverage speculators or to the Bank Balance Sheet themselves and they go buy equity so look at the stock market every day from 10 to 1130 just go straight up and then we got to meander in the middle of the day and then from 2 to 3 oclock it goes up again because thats when buybacks happen now buybacks are down so its not happening quite as much but then at 330. 00 thats when the smart money trades thats when the institutions trade and if you look over the last 6 months theyve been selling theyve been distributing not every single day but by and large the smart money is selling and makes it possible that all of this you know cronyism and crony capitalism that is funneling money into the top one percent could make the stock market go up yep its definitely possible its a scenario we have to consider that well dont forget that at 4 oclock its cocktails at paris at hanover absolutely all right mark hughes go thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thanks max and stacey love being with you guys and cant wait to have a cocktail with you out of isolation so we can have a virtual online anyway thats going to do it for this edition of kaiser report with me max kaiser and stays there but i want to thank our guest mark morgan Craig Capital if you want to catch us on twitter its kaiser report until i stopped by off. So small seems wrong why dont we all just dont call. Me old yet to shape out just to come out ahead and in games from it because the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is the u. K. The chancellor admits the country will face Economic Hardship it claims that britain will bounce back after the and demi. Data from countries across europe shows ever coronavirus fatalities are happening in others it comes as the office for National Statistics reveals deaths in britain. When government figures suggest. Campaign has called on the home office to suspend the minimum blue come visa requirement to avoid families being ripped apart during a pandemic joined by an immigration lawyer at a later. And broadcasting watchdog called more which is an investigation into comments made on c. B. C. Payment poses on the conspiracy linking 5 g. Technology to the brothers. The chancellor has admitted the economy will be hit hard by the coronavirus but says we will bounce back says the office for National Statistics reveals the number of coronavirus deaths is far greater than the governments figures suggest that it was dusty joins me live here in the studio for more on this so shot in the chance of being very frank about the Economic Impact absolutely in fact if you see it again leading todays Daily Briefing on the Coronavirus Crisis paying particular attention to the economy now he really did acknowledge that these a very tough times ahead but that temporary and he believes the economy will be able to bounce back. The o. B. O. As figures suggest that the scale of what we are facing will have serious implications for our economy here at home in common with other countries around the world. These are tough times and there will be more to come. As ive said before we cant protect every business and every household but we came into this crisis with a fundamentally sound economy powered by the hard work and ingenuity of the british people and british businesses. So while those Economic Impacts are significant the o. B. Are also expect them to be temporary where they bounce back in growth. Well he paid particular attention today then on todays Economic Outlook from the office of budget responsibility which painted quite at the bleak picture indeed just to stress though is not a forecast or prediction but based on one particular scenario of a 3 month lockdown scenario which is syria not says is not even likely to be the worst the most likely scenario now it said that unemployment will rise by 2000000. 00 and that in the 2nd financial quarter of the year april to june g. D. P. Will fall by 35 percent but the total the economy would shrink is by 13 percent by the end of 2020 now the chancellor also took the opportunity to respond to another set of data revealed today by insisting that care home residents will not be forgotten that comes as a result of charities accusing the government in criticizing them for really airbrushing the death toll as the office for National Statistics have found that there were 2100 deaths from covert 900 by april the 3rd which is much more than the government reported meaning it found that the same date over 6000 people had died whereas the department of health and social care recorded just over 4000 deaths but this is because the government only records hospital deaths whereas the other ness include deaths in care homes and in the community as well so its really just a different way of looking and recording the numbers especially considering that hospital deaths are used because they are the only confirmed cases now professor yvonne durrell who is from the Public Health england says that the government is working with the n s to quicken this information spread. We are working with you and us to actually speed that up so that we do get quicker information as you knew the daily deaths we would very much like to have its a bit more complicated for care homes because although over 9 out of 10 deaths do occur still in hospital in the community theres a range of places where they occur including in care homes but not just there in hospices and at home indeed as well and in these very dispersed systems we just need to be absolutely clear that the coals of this is attributed is correct and that is what takes time on the death certificate to get it right but we would like to have much more. On preferably on a daily basis and thats what were working towards after 3 weeks now of this lockdown snorri much of the country has a chance to know whether or not there will be a relaxation of the isolation measures of course no mention of it from russia sit up today at the Daily Briefing but as we know the government has stressed that there will only be a change in policy when we know that the United Kingdom is past the peak of this crisis trying to thank you very much for all of that on Economics Expert steve mccabe told me that a lot of people going to find it difficult. That the o. B. Are to be fair that they the suit that this last through till june now of course we know from some room is coming out of cabinet that there are arguments about how long this or that the economy can sustain this but of course as this is the death rate continues to be as it is and you know that and excluding care homes which of course is not including the figures then nobodys going to rush back to work and it i suspect to be quite difficult to get people to sort of command at the moment the difficulty you have is that even if this is the lockdown as its currently still constituted work to end i dont think were going to sort of get away from social distancing surge into the vaccine is produced and thats probably not going to happen this year so the Economic Conditions they may start to ease off be honest that sort of there will be a balance back and theyre all. A bit skeptical about that and certainly unemployment will soon not bounce back its going to go up by 2000000 up to the 10 percent level its not say this is the sort of the early eightys and the Margaret Thatcher in the immediate. Forecast as were looking at the moment has the government done enough to actually protect the economy its measures. Were in a simpler answer is it still as much as it can do but then that course many business is losing out on for its reports of businesses its mainly hospitality tourism that being protected they were the 1st to be hit but many other business is a fine and very difficult to sort of to get access to loans the furley is ok but what about the selfemployed what about the people who are on 0 contracts there are a lot of people are going to be as a say in tough circumstances Going Forward and you know to adjust will did well on that you know jobs and they disappear they have a habit of not returning very easily if its all. About hauffe of coronavirus deaths are in care homes according to Data Collected by a team based at the London School of economics thats as the chief medical officer for england professor chris what he says 13 and a half percent of homes have read. An outbreak the data based on figures from European Countries could mean the government is underestimating deaths as it only records for tendencies in hospitals. Where the Research Focused on a number of European Countries including on and where as of saturday 54 percent of all coronavirus deaths happened in care homes. And in italy the figure is 53 percent while its nearly 45 percent in france. And in belgium it is 42 percent the highest number 57 percent has occurred in spain a lot is joined by a professor of social work at the university of Durham Roger Smith he told me that the government needs to learn lessons in case this situation arises again. Well when all the dust to settle from all of this were going to have to ask ourselves serious questions about our strategy should be in place now and previously to prevent people in their homes and starting in care homes because. You know clearly the issues to do with how the disease is transmitted alleys and and talking of that protection some of the social distancing guidelines must be very very are to follow when youre in a care home well not exactly so you need other strategies to do with as weve heard about protective equipment about testing about tracing the look and constantly as people in their homes all those sorts of things which which kind of build a protective barrier around the home and all needs to be in place in these communities that was sufficiently early its not neutral that is it disease gets into into the home and becomes much more easily transmitted amongst residents so. Its a its a whole package really and the question now will. Be addressed and weve got consider as these figures begin to just occur is this is what was in place when we should have been in place how effective was it. For all true sorts of reasons we need to understand whats happened and we need to learn from it because there may be a next time i mean i know its its awful to talk about this but you know not only are we going to get through this this this incidence of the virus but though there may be a next time so weve got to learn all the lessons we can. Health bosses one that some n. H. S. Staff are facing extreme shortages of personal protective equipment following delays and receiving supplies from china chief executive of n. H. S. Provides an england chris hopson says the staff are struggling to get protective gowns in what has been reported the britain refused to join an e. U. Scheme that bulk bought p. P. A. Around 1300000000 pounds worth of equipment is due to make its way to hospitals across europe bottom up porter told me that the number of deaths will be a lot higher than reported. B. P. Short its been a problem on the front line i work in general practice with about 11000 patients weve actually got enough now we have to fight through it a bit but weve been lending it out to our Community Nurses at one stage they were down to just 10 masts and certainly were hearing in our area that the pressure points into points appear to be in hospitals and in cairns obviously hospital staff get through much more protective gear than we do its much more important that they have it because theyre exposed to much more risky activities things like ventilation and integration and although theres supposed to be enough across the country whether its getting to where its needed when its needed its another issue the reporting of cases is more about statistics and gathering information rather than something they say they could be even indeed a deliberate case of under reporting these deaths or but it is simply the way the system is set up do you think i think we need to be careful on the i mean that the reason why we just use hospital dates or its because theyre the only confirmed cases theyre also available with a 24 hour but they are the tip of an iceberg everybody in the field knows that the real figure is much much much higher. What were seeing is you know confirmed cases in hospitals within 24 hours they get reported very quickly so that updating it be 24 hours of the total deaths gives us an idea of whats happening nationally but but trust me the number of cases and the number of deaths is going to be much higher and thats the same across the world. New figures here in the country revealed an additional 778 coronavirus patients have died of 893000 have now tested positive for covert 19 across the country and of those more than 12000 have sadly lost their lives meanwhile the number of confirmed cases across the world approaches 2000000 and according to Johns Hopkins university there have been over 121000 deaths and furthermore almost half a 1000000. Have recovered from the disease. But still to come this campaign is called on the home office to suspend the visa requirement to avoid families being ripped off during the pandemic ill be joined by an immigration lawyer. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. As they will Health Organization continues to lead the charge in the global fight against corona virus its practices and full of the shop scrutiny in some quarters there going as asians as it aims to achieve the highest possible level of health on the global scale providing god lines for countries to follow but an april President Trump said the w. H. O. Needs to get its priorities right calling it china centric and wrong on the panday they seem to be very china centric. Then we have to look into that so were going to look into it we pay for the people majority of the money that they get and its much more the 5858000000. 00 is a small portion of what theyve gotten over the years sometimes they get much more than that sometimes its for programs that theyre doing it and its much bigger numbers and if the programs are good thats great as far as were concerned but we want to look into a World Health Organisation because they really are or. They called it wrong they call it wrong. However the organizations director general urges people not to politicize the virus that insists on the importance of unity in the Global Response and now one journalist is calling for the organization to be reformed or abolished over what he calls a consistent mishandling of epidemics and corruption allegations that have heard from the journalist himself. Compare the way it handled sars nearly 20 years ago which also of course came from china it was totally different i mean middle east was accused of were dancing with the swine flu a few years later which arguably let it be a bit more hands off with both. And this current corona of right bars but no it could definitely done more it didnt ask right questions didnt put out the right advice it is i think i think its beyond doubt that has been in apps and there are serious question stands over this particular issue i think the broader question is is it handling things in the right way in general i dont think it is i think it is distracted by obsession with Political Correctness for example is obsessed with various compact 190 state issues and mostly of interest to rich westerners and has taken its eye off the ball doing the one thing it was put here to do which is to prevent and probably eradicate Infectious Diseases in developing countries persevere is now the time for this criticism perhaps a review can happen or later when the pandemic over. Well it could im sure it will no u. S. Congress has written to the direction. Just before the weekend requesting all D Communications with china or various other documents to try and get to the bottom of whats being happening but i think its right at this moment in time to raise that question at a point when people are interested once it is all d over it will start forgetting about the dairy age how again you know its not an agency that concerns were spiegel insofar as people do think about it they think of it as a Great Organization which rid the world a small box and it has done fantastic things over the years dont get me wrong but over the course of austria 15 to 20 years things have gone seriously wrong at the really show in all sorts of ways. Campaign is according the home office to suspend the minimum income visa requirement to avoid families being ripped apart during the pandemic Charity Groups claim that the current requirements could force some applicants to go to work against Government Social distancing guidelines or face deportation currently applicants in their respective partners must earn at least 18000. 00 pounds a year to meet requirements for a sponsor visa but activists point out the reduced working hours during the pandemic will make it impossible for some families to comply in response the home office has said it is keeping the requirements under review. These are unprecedented times and we have already introduced measures to support people with immigration status including Automatic Extensions of visas and modifying immigration requirements to ensure people are not unduly affected by circumstances beyond their control we are keeping family immigration requirements under review including the minimum income requirements and will make adjustments where appropriate and necessary. For more on this im not joined by immigration lawyer Michael Michael thank you for being with us well as weve just seen there the home office is looking into this and the course the virus has called many Government Departments of gods and not necessarily the fault of the home office. So with this weve seen the home office essentially responding to problems over the past 3 weeks in question a small white and usually response to Campaign Groups like the Immigration Lawyers Practitioners Association explaining that there are problems that are arising the home office could have taken a more centralized approach and conducted a review of all of the immigration cassock raised in the ways that they are likely to be affected by the coronavirus all. Actually spoken to these organizations in what it is so consulted on it yes obviously its im sure there are press but a more coordinated approach to the problems of the risen could have recently taken place so with your line of work have you met families being socalled torn apart and thats how its been described as during the pandemic so i think its a bit too soon yet to say the family is already into all of this results and make but certainly many of my clients are extremely anxious over how this pandemic is going to affect them safely in relations that minimum income threshold which i think you mentioned just now as they see 1000 its actually 800600 the difference of 600 pounds is considerable for some who are earning just over this income threshold. And are rightly very concerned that if they columns continue to work and earn this money everything theyve done so far and the fees as perfect i mean for their family members are going to be lost and theyre going to have to leave the u. K. Theyre extremely anxious so youre talking about people of faith in the threat of being deported even june the pandemic during travel restrictions so deportation obviously wouldnt take place during a travel restriction situation paypals main anxiety is that if they cant meet the visa requirements now and theyre refused the fees are extensions a result of this they will become overstays in the u. K. Or have to see lengthy appeals which could result in removal from the u. K. At a later point when travel restrictions lifted its anxiety say the lack of certainty that this situation is causing this through proper case no delay deportation threat what about actually perhaps being put in a an Immigration Center before any decision is made you concerned about that i think that is perfectly quite unlikely although Immigration Enforcement is continuing during this period we do have people who are still being detained as a result not having status as its going. I think in these circumstances the people that cant meet the minimum income requirements its extremely unlikely that they would be detained ending removal at this point anyway obviously circumstances are clearly very unusual do you think though there are one or is they could be ramifications to scrapping the minimum income requirement for now and it hadnt consequences for the later. Whoa obviously the government has the rights that have its immigration rules in place which includes the minimum income requirements but we are in a very extraordinary situation and people being adversely affected by an extraordinary situation is perhaps a great step even more than relaxing temporarily an immigration requirement which will result. Well some people not being adversely affected by this extraordinary situation you say in effect home office has been dragging its heels it should have reacted a lot quicker we are Hearing Office is reviewing the situation do what mall do you want to see the government do right now apart from hearing what the intentions are from the home office but we want to see a coordinated response to all of the negative ways in which peoples immigration status is being affected or coronavirus with a consultation with immigration laws and immigration. Cherices the people that they use that they see the effects of viruses having on peoples immigration status in the many categories before them michael thank you for being with us Michael Mazzariello thank you very much indeed for joining us here marty thank you. We deregulated of calm is to investigate remarks made by i. T. V. Presenter a man holmes on yes theres additional this morning after the program received over 400 complaints whose question the medias quick dismissal of a Conspiracy Theory linking 5 g. Technology to the coronavirus but what i dont accept is Mainstream Media immediately slapping that don is not true when they dont know its not true holmes a since said his comments were misinterpreted but reiterated that the public is concerned and right to look for answers it comes amid over 30 reported attacks from 5 g. Towers across the country since the outbreak began the 3 states that radio waves emitted by 5 g. s suppress the immune system making people more vulnerable to illness over the claims of either been debunked or lack Scientific Research to back them up professor of psychology peter aten he told me that conspiracies and dissent from asian can be countered by teaching people to think critically. As youre probably aware the why way company in china is involved i mean controversially in the 5 g. Network they are obviously from china and the virus supposedly originated in china for some people this is enough to spark credibility in the sort of bizarre claims that are being promoted by who knows who for whatever reason should we just resign ourselves to the fact that some people will never believe the media or experts so whoever is telling us something we dont want to head i think that theres ways to mitigate the spread of spec news and if you properly manage the distribution of information it can there be it can be avoided to a large extent i think how do you probably manage it because surely part of the appeal is due to the fact were getting these theories from friends and family at all from on social media or on messaging apps yeah on the brake on regulated media its a totally different story from social media and you know all that means by which we now have to communicate which are on regulated by anyone but essentially what you can do is train people to be their own moments of fake news and people once they start engaging in applying critical inquiry and applying some skepticism are actually not bad to the parking themselves and what about the fact that some people simply dont trust the media as well how can the media help to restore an element of trust well i mean i hope you wont mind me saying but i mean i am and how is this not Albert Einstein and theres ways of you know conducting investigations into the science for that basic consumption of the lay public which you know basically that program could have done a far better job than they did on the hoof with obviously unscripted remarks possibly designed you know to sort of attract an audience and generate some controversy more than actually disseminate information accurately. Business i. T. Expert told me fake news is being deployed to help spread this conspiracy but what we need to understand is 5 g. s work on radio waves and they have no impact on any virus developments we know from scientific fact that this virus spreads through water droplets that come through our saliva and there absorbs into our midst membrane 5 g. Plays no impact on that whatsoever the electric magnetic waves have no correspondence or have anything to do with the droplets that travel of an infected person that has corona virus and also if you look at countries like iran and japan who dont even have a new 5 g. We see there are high numbers of people that have already been infected with 5 with the corona virus in those places youve done a brilliant job deep bunking the myth all together but of course part of the appeal linking this theory to the viruses that will happen in china where the did the virus start it was a trial center for 5 days you can potentially see why people are a jumping on this. Yeah i mean we can see where people are jumping on this and people like to put 2 and 2 together and sometimes they come up with something thats greater than 4 now if we look at we hand that is not the only place where the only site in china where 5 g. Was tested and in fact what we have is people sharing videos of fake news of people taking them a lamp post in apparent new warriors who hand because thats contributing to coronavirus actually that video of the people taking down that lamp post with a smart meter is from the hong kong protests a long time earlier so people are taking video and people are taking information and falsify it to spread fake news and the most important thing is that there is no Scientific Evidence whatsoever that 5 g. Has contributed all causes any kind of harm to wards people or spreads any kind of viral infections. The of calm investigation into a man whom is comments comes as a report finds that trust in Media Outlets has dropped considerably over the course of Global Health crisis over after 4 years of Political Division over breaks that the pandemic has seemingly brought us closer together for now at least the survey found that 21 percent of britons across the political divide say they have lost confidence in their media sources of a trust in Political Institutions has increased with 40 percent saying they have more faith in the government than before the pandemic well thats it from our 2 you carry our colleagues from the america will be taking over the top of the hour from all of the team here in Central London. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and promise to be you know weve all pots to. Be a. Pretty. Pretty rare bird. Now you want to 1st. Know. The cut. Coming up by you join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Humanity is on the edge of the precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural wild. You just seem like you have a lot of things thats a cool you could losing myself around the idea of people using. Planes but the people who me

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