Have reached a new highs between the United States and iran earlier this year washington and tehran came dangerously close to a war in iraq after washington assassinated irans top general qassam cilla monny claiming hed been plotting attacks on americans in the region well all 3 countries currently face the coronavirus pandemic the conflict has not slowed down with the rest of the world a series of new attacks have taken place in recent weeks and President Donald Trump is now accusing iran of planning a sneak attack on u. S. Bases in iraq citing unspecified intelligence during a press conference the president said he had very good information that the Group Planning the attack with hezbollah stating quote it was led by iran not necessarily iran but by groups supported by iran but that to me is iran Iranian Foreign minister zarif responded in a tweet quote dont be. Misled by usual warmongers again unlike the us which 3rd petition if we live cheap in a fascinate iran only act in self defense it starts no war as a teachable lessons to those who do just what do you think about all this going on in the middle of a Global Pandemic shouldnt we have some International Solidarity put our differences aside just for the moment bridgette i think its disgraceful i think when you look at Something Like this pandemic that affects the entire world it affects poor people it even affects people in power take a look at Boris Johnson hes lying in the hospital right now he might die it affects everyone isnt it time to set down the politics set down the bowl and you know what comes after that set of down leave it goal and face a problem that affects the entire world and should bring us all together instead a separating us farther apart while these idiots continue to fuel their war games and what angers me about the iran deal is our Mainstream Media they only go back to when iran took hostages in the early seventys so they make people believe that iran was the initial aggression aggressor not true lets go back to the fiftys where iran had a democratically elected president who was going to massive allies their oil well you dont dare do that you dont dare Nationalize Oil or youll face the wrath of the United States of america thats exactly what happened they they did a coup detat they threw out the elected president and they gave them the shaw they put up with the shah for 20 years when they got rid of him taking our embassy was like telling us we want to get rid of you too and who could blame them after the after what we did to them and now they come forward in this time of world epidemic and they cant set politics aside and well you know what brigida what would be better for us when we get out of the epidemic a good war. Unfortunately the coronavirus outbreak hasnt stopped the u. S. From continuing its maximum Pressure Campaign on iran so a group of former diplomats and foreign leaders are calling on washington to ease medical and humanitarian sanctions on tehran so they can fight the cove in 1000 outbreak the state department claims medical trade is not blocked by u. S. Sanctions but former leaders have reportedly identified barriers that make medical trade nearly impossible in all u. S. Sanctions have crushed irans economy and made it hard for the country to respond to the outbreak and other crises the u. S. Claims that it cares about human rights so again shouldnt be taking action to potentially save hundreds of thousands of civilians lives just the well youve got to remember because you know this is called Collateral Damage we have a big picture and if innocent people happen to die during the carrying out of the big picture thats just Collateral Damage and in this particular case notice that whenever we go to war the people that take us to war theyre in no danger theyre no are not in any danger whatsoever but this ep that but this pandemic puts them in danger so which is more dangerous id say the pandemic is to the war but they want to get in the war as soon as the pandemics go on the parent leigh and they want to do it with the ram now and do it in iraq lets go back to the time i lost a job because i opposed the invasion of iraq can anyone sit here today and tell us the invasion of iraq has turned good and turned out to be what we thought it would be absolutely not it is a disaster that has ruined the world since a took place and now were going to jump in and continue with that how about this pandemic should be leading the world to peace not to war yet and even leaders in france germany and the u. K. American allies theyve already started going around us sanctions. By sending medicine and food to iran through the European Union instead barter trade system now infected with was specifically designed to circumvent u. S. Sanctions now even american ally seem to know that this is not the time to be playing politics and picking 5 other than the sides of humanity and i agree wholeheartedly with that this is a time when adam e. s need to set down the solar set down the rhetoric and Work Together thats what true leaders do but lets remember something we have a leader who when it comes time to go into war he leads from the rear not the front when it was his chance to show patriotism during the vietnam war and go to war for the country what did he do he ran and hid the other way so hes about any trouble its no problem for donald trump to take a still war because hes safe now he is it on the firing line well i just wish he would have joined us and got on the firing line he might think differently today. Yeah the former diplomats are also urging President Trump not to use americas Voting Rights at the board of the International Monetary fund to block irans request for a 5000000000. 00 loan from the i. M. F. Which the United States is expected to block now the fact that a single president can disrupt something thats so important says a lot about our International Institutions and who theyre beholden to it says a lot about everything here we seem to be moving towards d a dictatorship in this country weve got a Supreme Court now that lets the president basically do anything he wants weve got a congress that runs to the wind wont stand up have never disclosed war since world war 2 and now weve got a situation where the president console the make the choice internationally whether something does or doesnt happen far far too much power ported one persons hands lets turn to another area in the greater middle east afghanistan where the taliban has walked away from peace talks with the Afghan Government that were facilitated by the United States but talks unraveled over a prisoner swap agreement that the u. S. Had made with the taliban under the terms the Afghan Government was supposed to release taliban prisoners and exchange for progovernment forces jailed by the taliban the problem is the Afghan Government was not included in those initial talks now over more discussions though afghan president ashraf ghani how to greed to release 5000 taliban prisoners in different phases but when push came to shove gunny said he would not yet release 15 senior taliban commanders implicated in large scale attacks the breakdown comes 2 weeks after u. S. Secretary of state my comp a. O. Told rivaling afghan leaders to make a deal with the taliban or face a potential withdraw of u. S. Troops from the country the us is also cut 1000000000 dollars in Financial Aid to afghanistan. The Trump Administration of course wants this deal to happen because it would be a major achievement for it especially in an Election Year but the strategy isnt working the taliban and Afghanistan Government are still at war make your prediction jesse do you think this conflict going to end soon because of this pressure from the u. S. No i dont believe it will i think theyll try to make it appear it has but i dont think it truly will its obviously that the taliban and the Afghan Government are way far apart this is a war thats gone on now for well over 20 years and then if you count the days that russia was involved in it back in the eightys this is a place thats parental parentally always it seems at war and for good reason they got strong minerals there a lot of stuff can be stolen out of that country by the war profiteers so you know no i dont anticipate this war and i had to support it we are a war country now we need a war and when we come out of this pandemic that one will still be going on and it looks like we may have a new one in some order with iran in some way weve got to change the direction of our country. Yet spent over 18 years and more people died last year in the Afghanistan War than at the any other conflict and now the coronavirus has struck there too the country is among many facing shortages in testing ventilators hand sanitizers and other critical medical supplies the outbreak will be catastrophic there and the war will be partially to blame well again this is an example of leadership in world leadership why cant these guys set down their swords and their political differences when you get an opponent that attacks everybody there is nobody abusing from this russians will get attacked brits will did attack the United States will get attacked afghan it attacked iran will get it everybody will get it isnt it about time to have leadership that would bring the world together to fight beijings life vests instead of fighting ourselves which accomplishes nothing that would be. Absolutely amazing but its probably not going to happen now in other News Washington state has become the 1st in the nation to pass a facial recognition bill outlining how local Government Agencies can use the technology the new legislation limits agencies from eggs or sizing the unconstrained use of facial Recognition Services because the technology quote poses broad social ramifications under the bill state and local Government Agencies may only use facial Recognition Services to locate or identify missing people the deceased or possible crime victims to keep the public safe the new law requires Government Agencies to now file a notice of intent with a legislative authority and produce an accountability report if they plan to develop or use facial Recognition Software local Government Agencies will also be barred from using the Technology Based on a persons religious political or social views and activities but it doesnt limit the sale of facial Recognition Technology to Law Enforcement or hold Companies Accountable or responsible for the outcome of their algorithms it was also sponsored by Washington State senator joe nguyen who is currently employed as a Program Manager at microsoft which develops this kind of technology now just as some accountability is better than none but cities like San Francisco have outright banned police and other agencies from using facial Recognition Software do you think this bill goes far enough in protecting the publics right to privacy well lets remember something because you know whenever they tell you they have to do something to make you safe that means theyre going to take away some of your freedom rest assured that now on the surface this looks wonderful but will it be wonderful if they decide to abuse it no it will be a horror show look at the patriot act the patriot act was supposed to hold leiby because of 911 and then the merger to see. Its 20 years later and its being renewed every year and thats the biggest thing thats taken out freedoms from us we have to be careful any time they come in with some type of Technology Like this trust me it will get abused at some point and it will be misused at some point by the very people were supposed to trust not to do that and there were things to be a loophole they say they need a warrant to now use the except in existence circumstances and that can mean pretty much anything that they want to you absolutely that you think theyre going to be that theyre supposed to use warrants now to put you under surveillance they dont bother to get them or if they do get them theyre all just simply rubber stamped there is that nothing theyre protecting people of their rights and unfortunately this is going to be kind of the road map blueprint for other states to follow what washington done here ya unfortunately when when it breaks out its kind of like the pandemic when the pandemic starts itll continue and continue and continue until we stand up and do something we the people to stop it its time for a break when we return jesse fits down with author christopher to talk about how to make banking democratic in the age of the coronavirus well be right back. The world. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises ok politics to the people i promise to be you know weve all pots to. Be a. Pretty. Pretty rare bird. Now you want to 1st correct that. You know. For the. Big. Humanity is on the edge of the precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural world. You just seem laid out a lot of things thats a cool thing to see you could losing myself around the idea of. Playing the piano you. Must remember. But then you think. That over the war. The problem with. Dealing in the muslim stems same people both in. The stuffing and. It seems the israelis the. Human activity has brought us to the brink of the worlds 6th major extinction event and the people in this film are just cant take it anymore. The war. Machine my guest today is Christopher Shaw historian policy analyst and author of the new book money power and the people he joins me now from berkeley california christopher thank you for coming on board with us in this time trying times were in christe the subtitle of your new book is the american struggle to make banking democratic what do you mean by the term democratic banking ive never heard of such a thing. So my Research Found that in the early 20th century there was this real Grassroots Movement to try to make banking more democratic and it was led by people who were in expect to care about banking to be informed about it to be more debate about it people like electricians still workers reclaimers farmers and what they wanted was a Banking System where they know if they took their money and they put in the bank would be safe they could have that confidence they wanted a baking system where they knew that they could get money in a loan for a home or to operate a farm and also they wanted a Banking System that wouldnt destabilize the economy so in the 1000. 00 century and into the early 20th century there were depressions every 1020 years that the banks either caused or made worse so these were the kinds of reforms they wanted and they wanted this Banking System to be more transparent and they also wanted it to be democratically accountable so a Banking System that democratic is one that serves the people instead of exploiting now your book that largely covers the history and progression of modern banking in the United States what was the closest weve come to a democratic system of banking and what has held us back. The closest we came was the period between the new deal so the Great Depression in the 1930 s. And then the end of the 20th century and during that period it was a moment that was the closest because that was the time when this grassroots moment this Popular Movement the social movement these ordinary citizens managed to get a bunch of reforms that made the making system be more democratic so one of them was the federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the f. D. I. C and this not only made it so that you could be sure that your money be safe in the bank but it also stabilized the whole Banking System and therefore the economy because now people werent scared that they would lose their money and so you ended bank runs so that helped make the economy more stable they also got home lending and farm lending programs in place that still exist today and another thing they got is the Federal Reserve systems our nations central bank that exists in a way that starting in 1030. 00 s. It could begin to smooth out the economy so if theres an economic downturn that hard times come along the Federal Reserve can begin to pump money into the system and extend credit so countercyclical policy in this thing without the economy into doubt so you dont get these depressions in these booms and busts anymore like you have in the past now what happens though is that once citizens had achieved this they began to get complacent they took their eye off the ball and so then the late 20th century the bankers begin to push back and they begin to deregulate the Banking System and so this is the thing that lays the groundwork for them the financial crisis of 2008 the same as in loans crisis a lot of seem to notice or shes in stale you know late eightys and early ninetys so its that moment in the mid 20th century wrong were looking at asked time we closely most closely approached a democratic Banking System. Now occupy wall street is one of the more well known Grassroots Movements with ordinary citizens calling for public control over Financial Institutions theres also the Public Banking Institute how do newer movements compare to the historic ones in your book every moment in time throughout history has its own particular problems that it needs to solve and so we adapt to those and there is a case of the environment say ecological problems pollution the Global Climate crisis this was nothing anyone was thinking about before in the sixtys or in the seventys or even more recently and so a lot of the activists today theyre interested in having a Financial System that will fund and promote a more sustainable economy and that is just not something that people were thinking about earlier on so you have these new issues that come into play and our activism changes and evolves with those issues and their earlier 20th century people were much more focused on purely just economic problems the kinds of things making your deposits secure having credit available to ordinary citizens now you know we have well new things were thinking about like the environment now congress and the Federal Reserve are taking emergency measures to prop up the struggling u. S. Economy due to the impact of the coronavirus what are your thoughts on vero actions right now. The Federal Reserve system is doing a lot its really unprecedented all the things that its doing but the fed is really more geared towards helping the Financial System and so when it comes to helping people which is what we really need to do right now its congress that has to step up its congress that needs to make it so that people have the money they can do need to buy groceries thats the kind of stock ironys be doing so you know we have this 1200. 01 time payment but thats just not enough we need to give more money to people during this time when they cant even go to work we need to make it so that people are not going to be foreclosed on theyre not going to be evicted theyre not going to have their utilities shut off theyre going to have the money to buy groceries and thats where Congress Comes in and Congress Needs to get that money out there in europe we have a situation where a lot of countries have the government has stepped in and paid a portion of people salary or wages and this means they dont get laid off and they continue to have income coming in and its going to be better for the economy then once this is over because things will go back to normal more quickly we should be looking at Something Like that we should not be doing at this time is bailing out say the cruise lines these companies fly the flags of places like panama in liberia in order to escape taxes and regulation but then when theres a crisis they come running to uncle sam they suddenly become patriotic now we need to be focused on helping people during this crisis and thats what Congress Needs to do years ago the glass steagall act was passed during the Great Depression and repealed under president clinton for those who dont know what was glaspie goal and how might the repeal of affect the a pommie mal in the face of the current crisis. So glass steagall is one of the important new uniforms and it comes into place in 933 and it lasts until 1991 glass steagall did is it reduced risk throughout the Financial System and this is because it said that a commercial bank so the bank that you or i go to to have our Checking Account or seem to count they cant then take that money and start gambling with it on wall street doing whats called Investment Banking once glass steagall was repealed now you can have these Financial Institutions that they do commercial banking they do Investment Banking theyre selling insurance and this means that these financial corporations are also getting bigger and bigger and at that point they become an actual Systemic Risk because if they go down they can maybe take down the whole system with them this is why theyre called too big to fail and right now were in another you know serious economic crisis and during times like this the Financial System can run into problems too and so its a legitimate concern when you have too big to fail institutions but they can cause ripple effects that will disrupt the entire economy and they will need a bailout a bailout like they got in 2008 so we really need to do something to break up these too big to fail institutions if theyre too big to fail theyre too big to exist even before the about it states felt the Economic Impact of the coronavirus we had a significant issue with income inequality what role do banks play in facilitating the divide between the rich and the poor. The way banks make money is they charge people fees and then they lend and they when they get Interest Payments and so when you have people who are lower income or middle class and their pain seems and their pain Interest Payments this is going to the profits of the bank and its increasing the profits of the banks and what happens to that money well it goes to executives to compensate them and we all know theyre very well compensated already and they go to shareholders and most of the shareholders are already people who have a fair amount of money so basically youre redistributing this wealth upwards and this is exacerbating the income inequality that is the defining feature of our moment in history thats making us living in the 2nd gilded age and we cannot have a democracy with this kind of inequality its a real problem and we need to take steps to address it unfortunately chris were out of time i want to thank you especially now for sharing your expertise and coming on the show we really appreciate it. It was great talking to you i appreciate it and thank you. The world. Thanks for watching send us your comments on social media for a chance to be featured next week when we cover more a story ignored by the Corporate Media and always remember people when their government lies the truth because 8 raider stay vigilant. The world. Is your media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation whole community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Directly. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallowest. The outbreak and spread of the corona virus has become a black swan event for the Global Economy is no longer whether the u. S. And other economies will slip into recession the question now is how long the recession will last. Its going to get worse before it gets better. Thinking of getting a cue from the ones we got in our shells no problem was he didnt know what to do he was trapped in this tiny little wired which we dont need to create with him he will just start freaking out and he wont let us bring him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in the into lane conditions on the phone i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in the cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. Look you know you. Know its ok. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a good businesses are involved like cargill the mom sent to theres been a shocking amount of the organizers opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to deal with jobs dont buy dogs. This is the one business shows you cant afford to miss on bridgeboro in washington coming up opec plus members have made a landmark deal the Oil Production and the sector has been ravaged to the crow virus expert analysis on what this is doing to market watch that Small Business in the United States have been promised emergency funding to provide some relief but where is the help will break it all down we have a packed show today so lets go and dive right it. And we lead our global report today with talk

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