Hi there morning this is Art International from moscow welcome to the program has just turned 11 am in the south a day when is kevin when im here for the next 30 minutes with the world news round and 1st these are the latest figures in the covert 19 pandemic today millions of people are currently under some sort of locked on around the world but the number of coronavirus cases is still rapidly increasing there are now more than 1100000 registered infections more than 59000 people have died but more than a quarter of a 1000000 people have recovered. So todays latest developments the onset of springs warmer weather and the upcoming big easter weekend will of course for many be a temptation to travel the messages do not in france which is grappling with more than 82000 infections leaders fear that will make a bad situation much worse theyre trying to get the message across that the coronavirus is not a holiday heres our paris correspondent charlotte do bensky. This weekend would have been the start of the easter or the spring holidays for many but as a lockdown measures remain in place the forest most of us will be seeing is the one on our computer screens here in france the message is particularly. For you. There will be no let up if that saves lives the message is clear those we love we protect them and to protect them we confine ourselves we will be there all weekend to check this on the way that to and from vacation sites but also in Public Places and wherever its needed. In a bid to ensure french citizens obey the law the interior minister announced roadblocks are being stepped up on major routes and there will be extra patrols at train stations and airports the Prime Minister also insisted on discipline. Because the virus is not an occasion no one should depart in the coming days it will ruin the collective efforts to which we have been hearing for almost 3 weeks anyone traveling will need to have a poem mission slip explaining essentially why junee is considered to be essential travel now that could mean either traveling home or having to travel to work but be warned if its for work youre also going to need an official letter from your employer so even if youre thinking about slipping away the odds are stacked against you since the start of the lockdown around 100000 officers have been deployed across france to keep order and to verify why people are out and about that will be increased over the weekend 2160000 they have so far been around 6000000 stop checks more than 359000. Fines have been issued one man was even jailed for 2 months after being caught 8 times without the self certify document that all residents must have. People breaking the lockdown lead to the police in paris issuing this stood and repeat. The people who are hospitalized today those who are in intensive care right now are the ones who did not respect the log down at the beginning so all this is not a video game its reality people have died. He though quickly came under fire to insult and treat my patients who are in danger of dying as offenders is a real scandal you have to tell the grief that their caregivers and intensive care and one of my nurses contracted the virus were treating patients meanwhile norm for cement agencies are also warning of new restrictions saying it is for baden to use your car to go vacation the deputy interior minister had this message for anyone considering flouting the rules it is not a Traffic Violation where on the driver is liable to be punished we are talking about a different type of offense noncompliance with the confinement true and obviously all the people present in the vehicle will be fined. That means anyone not authorized to be in the vehicle will also face a fine of 135. And if you court will be made to double back the advice is to continue to remain at home but as it is the holiday you can still crack open a chocolate egg or perhaps tag. For r. T. In paris france has now reported its deadliest day yet with medical staff on the front line saying theyre exhausted and still under equipped hundreds of nurses are raising awareness about their lack of protection by photographing themselves nade kids there are symbolic runs with naked against covert 191. 00 of the nurses involved says the french governments putting Health Workers at deadly risk. Heres what our government has given us to fire the covert 19 as you can see we need a full range of necessary medical equipment so that reaction we dont have to provide sufficient medical help for our patients and the risks for us as well as for them the government puts us and patients under threat we decided to perform naked as part of this campaign because our authorities leave us naked in the face of the pandemic. Or france is now laid on special high speed trains for moving infected patients between cities its to try and ease the burden or overwhelm facilities by transferring the sick to less crowded hospitals military. Again says the countrys Health Care System has been in dire need for over a decade. The middle east i think our interests should be represented but nobody protects us on a governmental level it is not only the current government that bears responsibility for the situation we find ourselves right now frances Health Care System has been in a dire condition for 15 or 20 years the 5th of the 60 on this european economy that doesnt have the capability to take necessary medical measures we have to understand that you refuse these choices and youre pretty aware of that this is our reality we have to choose which patient to treat. World just about every country is having a real tough time with trying to stay on top of the infections in ecuador there are horowitz stories emerging the country has more than 3000 known infections and a 145 known fatalities but in one city there are reports the families are going to leave the bodies of the dead in the streets Health Services are struggling to cope but the government says it is building a special facility for coronavirus victims. If i brother has just died due to a response hes here outside the house the police told me they cannot come and collect the body and ill have to wait a day more with the body lying here on the sidewalk. You know did. He do this. This is. Really. Going to get them cleared. 3 did it. Soulful scenes of the meantime a member of the british Science Group responsible for mapping infections once they heard immunity strategy to be reconsidered that would involve allowing 60 percent of the population to get infected it had been suggested you may recall a few weeks ago but was quickly abandoned as hospitals rapidly filled up professor graham medley says the lock down isnt enough. This disease is so nasty that we had to suppress it completely then weve kind of painted ourselves into a corner because then the question will be what do we do now in broad terms are we going to continue to harm children to protect Vulnerable People or not if we carry on with the lock down it buys us more time we can get more thought into it but it doesnt resolve anything its a placeholder. Right now more than 38000 cases more than 3 and a half 1000 have died and other tracking solutions being floated by the Health Secretary whos just recovering himself from the virus but hancocks looking at issuing immunity passports to people who have developed antibodies are looking at immunity certificate and how we can how how people who are have had the disease have got the antibodies and therefore have immunity can show that and so get back as much as normal to as much as possible to normal life. But its too early in the science of the immunity the whole problem of that right now though is that the u. K. Hasnt yet approved an Antibody Test and Health Experts say its still not clear whether people with antibodies are truly immune to reinfection or not we discussed possible ways forward with british lawyer lou get off that liberal Democrat Party politician helen belcher. But i can understand why its being proposed but there are 2 aspects to this the 1st is the practicality of doing it with still any testing 10000 people a day for the virus there is no Antibody Test that is functional which has been currently developed and weve got 66000000 people in the country to try and test to get certificates for and naturally some of them will require retesting so the practicalities of this are impossible and also you then have the unintended consequence so it is quite possible that employers for example will turn around and say well actually you must have a valid Antibody Test the practicalities are difficult no one claimed its going to be easy but it can be managed you know germany has implemented a system that which we are attempting to model and i think what we call them is underestimated the economic damage of the entire population being on lockdown you know were seeing a 1000000 new claims for Social Security for your group and in this country going in suggesting people are either losing their jobs feel as if theyre about to lose their jobs of course the government is not going to allow any system of testing that is certain but if we can get to a place where we let people return to work if they have the necessary antibodies if that is scientifically possible then in principle its something we absolutely have to support part of the governments strategy i think is to try and make sure that we flatten the curve as much as possible but were trying to do that at the moment without adequate testing a tool and so i would much rather government focused on getting the current tests out to everybody who needs them which is not just the n. H. S. Workers its a whole bunch of other people including social care workers possibly people on the front line jobs like supermarkets and so on and we need to concentrate on get solving that problem 1st rather than trying to design pie in the sky schemes around something that doesnt even exist yet the real danger we have at the moment is that we are any aspect about uncertainty about. Swire and we know there is significant uncertainty about all aspects of this virus its a novel virus after all but we cant allow that uncertainty to lull us into a state of complete inertia and i dont disagree that obviously p p is an absolute significant priority but we also have to recognize that getting people back to work is a priority i think one of the problems with the government messaging so far has been not giving people a sense of the way out of this what were living with in the moment is a sort of indefinite state where people have no idea when theyre going to get back to that level of uncertainty is killing British Business and it stands to do a lot more damage in the virus itself implementing this scheme its also probably going to end up with a 2 tier society because people who are supposedly safe to work with the certificate and those who are not so what does that do does that then prompt people to go out and seek to be infected and need to concentrate on containing the virus as much as possible now thats what places like japan china south korea have all tried to do and seem to be succeeding at so that that seems to me to be the most obvious short Term Solution but thats exactly what it is its a short Term Solution and its a short term missed solution we need to start looking beyond the short term because this curve will be flattened you know we will hopefully start to see a slow in the rate of infections but the question has to then be asked what then and i think Matt Hancocks proposal is a welcome step in the right direction towards getting people back to normal life which has to be now a priority of the news were kind of tied in or prices have rallied slightly after a glimmer of optimism in the global food over production prices tank as demand has dried up because of the coronavirus but behind the scenes theres also an ongoing row over cutting world supplies as a lot of cosponsor fellows and from moscow here with us is heading hey morning so russia has a few suggestions to ease tensions talk us through what they are than. Well we know of course the fear is that the coronavirus pandemic is causing chaos not just on peoples physical health but also on the wild economic state as countries go into lockdown as people are staying at home there are concerns of a global recession and one of the sectors thats been particularly hard hit is the oil sector it was already in a precarious situation and thats only been wason by the spread of covert 19 but it seems that some leaders are trying to mitigate the fool out so on friday in a meeting with the countrys top Oil Executives russian president Vladimir Putin suggested that he be ready to cut or Oil Production in a bid to try and revive price collapse currently seeing an 18 year low but before we delve into what that looks like what that could mean lets listen to exactly what he said. We are in close contact with our partners in saudi arabia recently i had a conversation with the United States president we all are concerned about the developing situation everyone is interested in joint and i would like to emphasize coordinated actions for ensuring long term market stability. So so russias so russia is now trying to find a way to ease tensions globally specifically to putin the saying that we would potentially be ready to cut Oil Production globally by 10000000. 00 barrels a day but around 10 percent of the wild pumping he also said that russia would be happy would least would accept a 42. 00 a barrel price of actually around 15. 00 above the current but he also did specifically emphasize this there to be a joint coordinated effort not a case where one or 2 countries make some sort of compromise and the others just sit back and really reap the rewards. Through in this bucket was got us to this point this was going on at the moment remind us why this all has to be done there. Well a couple of weeks ago an impasse started between the worlds top Oil Producing nations and that exactly was slashing production so that saw prices plunge not was only watched and when saudi arabia decided to essentially just open its taps and flood the market and that really caused chaos. And in the u. S. The dow plunged more than 2000 points the worst one day point drop ever a lot of investors repriced that oil shock the crash resort in markets and 2000 point swing on the dow starting with the crude oil markets as they try to bounce back from their worst day since 1009 to one but despite triggering chaos and instability and despite the onset of the pandemic saudi arabia refused to modify its behavior. Grosser considers it necessary to join forces we were not initiated use of the cancellation of the your pick plus deal we are ready for agreements with partners and we are ready for interaction with the United States on this issue i think it is necessary to join efforts to balance the market and reduce production as a result of these coordinated efforts and actions so thats how we got to this moment but luckily it seems that the market is already responding quite well to this latest initiative from russia we saw in fact a record breaking percentage climb in oil prices so stabilize ation measures will likely be the primary topic or top of the agenda after the opec plus meeting which was very hasty very unexpectedly organized for monday and actually were getting reports that the majority of opec members do actually support cutting down on production the u. S. As the top producer will also want to see this issue settled very quickly especially as unfortunately its found itself in the terrible position of being a country in terms of the coronavirus pandemic so this may just suggestion by russia really as an example of of how we really need to readjust and change and adapt our systems in this changing corona virus climate how compromises need to be made and how some form of stability needs to be found in these unprecedented times of flux. Thank you for those pick this apart a bit more with economist of the commentator morning on the program well its one thing it depends how you look at this isnt it you could look at it well cheap oil if youre on the receiving end of its a good thing so whats the problem. Well the problem in our group based the saudis to started an art of war with the russians that is the method of cock up play on the last game is to try the saudi trying to compete against the czech player who are 40 knows what cards are on their hands so this game couldnt be won or the saudi and now we have the situation that the coronavirus started and what even more pressure on the demand side of the all right so what they started with the plummeting art of price is now out of hand and now they have to they have to try something to get the price in check again and about that the saudi are almost bankrupt so they down the income from the oil at any price so they are sort of selling are and this is a big problem they got so by cutting the oil supply they cannot really survive so they leave my gun salute never believed as always is done to supply and demand except but just last week saudi arabia boosted its production why would it do that if there was say demand is falling at the same time what would saudi arabia have to go by boosting production at this time. Saudi arabia is desperate they are almost bankrupt they have to pry our sales its like somebody who was margin calls have been called a saudi arabia they have a balance not a deficit they are running because they have so many expenses and the government has so many expenses and they have not enough being done so they had to increase their own production to to sell it at any price so with as with a bankrupt supply on the one side who unfortunately is running on one of the biggest portion of the supplies that i. Have tough problem they have sort of now the Bigger Picture here which is to president putin say well its not really russia here obviously russia is one of the big players who is to blame for this mess. The. Blame for this mess definitely and only russia is at the minute the only one who is car and who is supplying and tries to get everybody back to the table and makes good not only good d suggestions they are even willing to cut their own production even though they leave the money to ike thanks for you hear a. Consensus on the preshared economists simplicial commentator will follow it and see what happens the next couple of days or so so we are things to worry about as well price of all of lot of people is not top of the list at the moment stay well stay safe thanks be with us. Thank you for being with us too is 22 and a half minutes past 11 the morning is Art International live from moscow with me kevin and now if you need some tips on coping with self isolation we have some advice from people really know what its like to spend months cooped up in a small space some sage words ahead than from russian cosmonauts after this break. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. If you can win every single time eventually some workers have to participate in the American Economy the American Economy is not just by him for a club to crash its not by and for terrorists like any time theres labor involved people who work with people our families our values of the American History that like a state that has to be respected at some point you simply cant throw the keys to a group of wall street charlatans and give them 6789 trillion dollars and expect them to whip up something thats not an outright act of all terrorism. Good morning and nationwide 3 minute silence has been held in china leaders including chinese president xi jinping paid their respects to the victims of the corona virus. And to the medics who lost their lives while battling the disease with and 3000. 00 Health Care Workers contract to cope with 90 since the break which began their. Last autumn. Is imposing unique orenstein rule by separating the sexes the idea and this many women now have specific days of the week when they are allowed to venture outside everyones got to stay home on a sunday Officials Say too many people still been circulating despite the lockdown rules although that could be tackled by stopping men and women going out together similar measures being enforced in peru. What you see here is a car horn protest breaking the silence in San Francisco its impro test of the way immigrants are being detained its claimed that Living Conditions put them at risk of Contracting Co with 90 since protesters kind of mask because of self isolation were doing this theyre taking to the cause they were joined by similar caravans in Los Angeles Diego and sacramento. So as weve seen time and time again people been coming up with plenty of creative ways to break the boredom of self isolation from online workouts to virtual nightclubs there are all sorts of solutions to help us get together but without actually getting together lets say you know from some people who really know what its like to spend months are unable to go outside. On us in our quarantine conditions this is an easy way to spend time in the conditions during the preparation for a space flight and during the flight itself we are put in a much more extreme situation compared to what we have to experience in a training capsule in which we are completely isolated from any information for 5 days what we are experiencing now can be called a holiday. Isolation and isolation in the workplace not in the circle of family and friends this is isolation in a state of a fairly high risk with an unfavorable external environment and the timing of vice elation is definitely different from what we have now on earth so of course space is a tougher environment. The most important treatment for depression and despondency is to occupy yourself with something after all you can occupy yourself not only with homework but also with more pleasant things communicate with your family and friends i communicate with my parents on skype every day we drink tea together and show them what is happening outside our window you look around and find all the positive things you can take out of this situation at the end of the day talk to your children talk to your grandchildren talk to your family take things apart do what you promise yourself to do a long time ago were doing the right thing so try to enjoy it. Wise words from the people that know thats it for now from moscow its the weekend even if the weather is nice where you are please do what the authorities know part of the world and stay safe and well here it out see throughout all this were keeping you posted around the clock a weapon of social media teams or across the 24 sevenths if you download are up by the way youll get any breaking news to device as it happens so for now from russia its kind of annoying saying thank you for watching international. Micrographs friends arent slights against you know whites or men for example theres their slights against women or more on nonwhite so its always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its a its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and say well rather than a northern door then we need to call attention to them but its not all slice so its very political in this context. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to and when its going. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth. Is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are going to wrapped and its going to chill. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace those should have. A terrible life between the and the. Hey im max kaiser this is the kaiser report lockdown 2nd month of lockdown finding a lockdown was this great i would have done a lot sooner this is really a fabulous stacy one thing were learning through this process of lockdown is the supply chain and distribution and the problem of distribution and the problem with just 2 patients on agricultural goods and

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