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Sort of the sense that is easing conditions ok well we have a phone Service Although its been quite controversial trying to get through to it were also putting thousands of beds 4000 beds in a Conference Center in there and east london here but what advice would you give given that you just talked about protective equipment should doctors and nurses and cleaners should they wear dustbin bags what should they do here because we have a shortage of Protection Equipment in this country for a front line National Health service yet they did think of a shock they had to ask if protective equipment i use they use any a show what. You need to do it out and i live they use of them so they use them exactly as the days that i commanded and we really with were getting reports of the doctors and nurses are reusing the protective equipment because there just isnt enough here in britain we had over. Or are very much what a day about to the masks which are important to back to these vitals its the same says natale spreading through the hair back there also and maybe mainly to destroy faces and the contact so is that really important or thought to wash hands and yet have a can become a vector of design to us and that door i gin in the environment you should look at counties where they were to stop the spread of divide it was they get to read a lot of environmental measures to keep oil day places clean and and try to avoid the on that do you think its a problem for britain that you for instance tested a patient i understand in february and of course you subsequently tested positive for govt 19 do you think its a problem that we still havent got testing kits here in britain and similarly in the United States that they have not been testing at a big level for corona virus so i test if they 1st say they need to fight it caves in my Office People on the 26th of february. Where i was protected and we did a quick meant and you did have to do that there that i myself for the benefit in terms on that of the scratch if youre that that peabody inec active that is that this can be negative today maybe into what you put a cape outlets that can be positive this is why the new telly they decided to test only people we see in terms back that they think is that he leave. Out do you use that that is out of the test for them because the test that is asked depends on the situation is like a photography of that moment so this situation can change in 48 hours so maybe even. It would be bad a different kind of death that i that he detests which to add to that is that i can wage these might be really had. Well there are reports of some new halley tests and of course over here you can get privately tested im going to ask you anecdotally not scientifically you tested of course positive but im sure you know of people that have died of the virus is there any correlation is it obviously people with underlying illnesses theyre more susceptible to dying from covert 19 and weve seen any other correlations why is it were getting reports of younger people now dying of coronavirus you my experience or what i am most sad think when i say what is that they might judge us that we have that you may ask because i have between esthetically people or so are above 85 even 90 are so ill because we have a no single tread that lead people easy going to say because there are people even we deny that it is easy its quite like 4550 s so again they develop a serious illness that add that people we do many diseases say and they dont develop serious illnesses so. Im not experiencing correlation between that they use these as u. S. Border. Your genetic condition and the 11 of these that you develop because its good enough right dr sylvia big i mean we thank you thank you very much thank you. Well if you believe the Us Department of labor theres nothing anecdotal about the greatest rise in unemployment in u. S. History and here in universal britain initiatives like a universal basic income to save millions from the effects of coronavirus being shot down by its Goldman Sachs banker and current u. K. Chancellor recent act joining me is the man that could have. Advising the government on implementation of u. B. I have Jeremy Corbyn had 1 december general election his new book is battling a giant basic income now guy thanks so much for coming on you know before i even get to the book awards your reaction to this unprecedented jobs figure how can you remember the column is cope with unemployment rises like 3280000 in the United States and who knows what its going to be in britain well i think were reaching the bubble quite near the parole experiment of the past 3 decades when were confronted by a unique combination of circumstances try to get where just a small downturn will lead to a cascading situation of homelessness people on unable to pay off that and a lack of demand full basic goods and services and in that respect the job or attention scheme wont succeed it is chronically inefficient it is going to be administered at least chaotic and its highly regressive maybe the government already realizes it because its trumpeting the fact that hundreds of thousands of people maybe millions by the time the repeats of this program is shown are claiming universal credit the phone lines are open and things are going really well for universal credit you call immoral in your new book 8 battling 8 giants basic income now yes because huge numbers of people love qualify for the universal credit card and the only way they can operate you know theres a credit is in effect abandoning universal credit a basic income will be far more transparent far more easy to operate and far more easy to understand ordinary people and their well huge numbers of people who fall through the cracks into total destitution the more people in diprivan asia the longer this current that doris will go on and the worse the consequences of the recession and. Depression. Then why is it that Boris Johnson Donald Trump New liberal leaders are saying theyre going to put their arms around us there is no pro carry out anymore the word that you so often used before although some people have been alleging that johnson has been slow to act because people were trying to force his hand with the universal being basic income something he really did not want to do. Well i think the kerry sujan gretton as in other countries and i think the the theme of my book the 8 giants. Involved millions of people in britain the inequality is going to be increased not decreased in this crisis the insecurity which is the 2nd giant in the book is going to become Even Stronger and even deeper the debt that i mentioned earlier is going to get worse the stress for the book is already enormous and is going to be intensified enormously by this this piracy as it all unfolds the sense of for clarity the sense of being supplicants not having rights this is something that was already in demick in the system and theres going to be intense like and that is why we need a transparent universal income through all that everybody would get and that list they would have basic security and they will not be understand as built into the system which is what unfortunately the chance has introduced its arguably being influenced and amplified by the only garcon the media in this country but tory the tory architect of universal credit bedroom taxes to child policies Ian Duncan Smith here says it is a disincentive to work it is an affordable and got to think of it if as youre saying these policies are going to exacerbate the problems of the precariat we have the army now to infill nor an order ive listened to his statements and i think theyre crazy if theres anything that is stronger as a disincentive to work it is this scheme that they just introduced you will only get it if your per load and if you are green not to do any work thats a crazy its just assessed up with a basic income you overcome. The poverty trap that in duncan smith has admitted exists so to me a basic thing that is actually an incentive to work and the evidence they show in the book shows very clearly from around the world that when people have basic security they work law not less and are more productive when they work not less so in a plant its complete middle class pockets on his part that he thinks that people would stop work he receives huge subsidies from the government and sell to his family i dont notice that that has him doing work well people are going to read the book and watch our previous interviews where you give more detail arguably on the universal basic income and given that you would have been advising a labor government if you call been had one do you think now your idea will die if the favorite to replace corbin cares dhamma is to lead the labor party. I think they will introduce it i was very impressed by large number of people from across the political spectrum and members of the house of lords signing a letter last week in favor of. I think we should be introducing pilots immediately in certain areas to roll it out and show how. I feel that this is a lonely way larry is governments in various countries are going to move in this direction the inevitability of Something Like a basic income is going to go on even the most. Mighty opponents professor guy can executive and very much after the break how does communist cuba offer a guaranteed universal income and lead the global fight against coronavirus the major nations with its doctors and medical treatments all of them all coming about you are going underground. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation for community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is right. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the death. Or inmate in the shallow. Micrographs friends arent sleights and dad still you know whites are man for example theres their spite against women or more im not white so its its its always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its its its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and say more rather than ignored more than we need to call attention to them but its not so its a very political in this country. Welcome back in the 1st half we heard about what more needs to be done by neo liberal western countries to tackle coronavirus but what if the solution lies in a tiny communist country dozens of videos posted on social media last week showed cuban doctors arriving in nature countries like italy where the pandemic hit the hardest to help slow the virus so why is a country seen by many in nature nations as a failed state proving so proficiency when it comes to medical internationalism and humanitarian aid joining me via skype from glasgow is dr helen yaphet whose new book we are cuba her revolutionary people have survived in the post soviet world explores how the islands revolutionary people have survived despite decades of u. S. Sanctions and tara thank you so much ellen for coming on the show that 62 years ago this month the usa began the military blockade of cuba why if someone reads your book would you not be surprised to see cuban doctors arriving in italy or british passengers on a cruise ship showing a banner we love i love cuba after reading your book. Well exactly and the medical internationalism that we see today thats being celebrated in terms of peoples contribution to the coding 19 pandemic has actually been a key feature of Cuban Foreign policy for 60 years of the revolution initially it was mostly medics who were accompanying soldiers who were at assisting with National Liberation struggles all around africa and other regions really in since the late 1990 s. The shift of human internationalism has gone from military to medical and we saw that 1st with. The after hurrican was in Central America and the cuban sent medics and when they got there they found that they just there was an infrastructure in place to be able to assist people in the way that was needed and that is when fidel castro had the initiative at the d end of the 1990 s. To set up a Latin American School of medicine and initially for populations from Central America which had been and then stated by natural disasters to come and train so that they wouldnt just be dependent on cuban medics but to help them to establish the stayner pull and health care that was universal and free at the point of delivery and and since then weve seen the numbers of human medical professionals overseas are growing and growing in venezuela most people will have her out of the oil for Doctors Program which source some pretty files and and cuban medical professionals who are working in venezuela in 2014 we had the deadly outbreak of the ebola virus in west africa and the cubans already had teams in several of the countries are affected and they impulse to those teams we have specialists who could help them to combat the deadly. Elaborate ok but it is just in this country all we hear about is british soldiers actually helping a bowler in africa and theres been very little about even pictures on Mainstream Media here about cuba helping in a time of coronavirus let alone the fact that you mention the revolution they dont really mention the nato countries of course supported the fascist dictatorship that castro overthrew were told in britain or the time and certainly in the United States people are told the cuba is a repressive dictatorship far worse than any. Offering far less fear of life outcomes than youd get in any british or american in a city the only issue is that cuba actually presents a threat to the dominant political and Economic System around the world the fact that a small caribbean island nation which was subjected to hundreds of years of colonialism and imperialism and and thinks the revolution has effectively been subject to a very punitive and stringent blockade by the United States which includes ringback in the restrictions and Healthcare Equipment educational promote food and medicine the fact that a country like that can and actually lead to the welt in medical internationalism have more doctors working overseas than in the World Health Organization has put out some inspired Technology Industry and that you know offer hope at this precise moment of the of the pandemic but also you know that Offering Solutions to diabetic foot also affects you know nearly half a 1000000000 people well why theyre Offering Solutions for a lung cancer they have a lung cancer vaccine and immunotherapy which is currently being trialled actually in new york so you know theres always an attack. Sort of silly the reputation of cuba because what pops is a threat to the system is if people start to examine cuba too closely and say well how is that possible how can this small island despite being a green fighting mightiest economic and political power on the planet how can it have resisted but not only resisted because i think the argument that im making in my book is that hubris best form of resistance has actually been to develop an alternative model of development d and that is a socialist system and you know for years when you started Human History d and all politics you could read the english language text and they would tell you that the the cuban revolution was only surviving france to solve your hate because it was a satellite in soviet union but by the time my book was published the cuban revolution has existed independently and for longer out since the soviet bloc collapsed and before so there is a story to be told do you think the pictures if you see them on for independent media and on social media of the cuban doctors will finally put that to bed that it was somehow cuban communism only survived because of the u. S. S. R. I mean tell me about interferon b. Which are presumably americans wont be able to have access to as a possible therapeutic for corona virus because of the sanctions what does interfere and me. Well interferon b. Is ringback an antiviral drug which the which is being developed by various Pharmaceuticals Companies around the world that cubans have their version of interferon after today and that i am starting to work with interferons to move in 45 days they have their own distinctive cuban interface into fair one product now this was very fortunate because within a few weeks of that they had a very very real an outbreak of and then the fever it was a form of thank you that had never been seen in the americans before and the cuban suspected the cia the state department of 98 but a recent investigation has using bioinformatics hands in the cubans claim shown that the cia was involved in the instruction of this and the fever now the cubans used the interferon in the 1st ever Mass Public Health campaign therapy advent combat the only fever and they were successful in that and they produced this product and its fair on how to be in 1906 it has Different Solutions and stabilizers to the products produced in other countries therefore it is a distinctly human product to have to think britain Boris Johnson better than donald trump of the United States should be asking to work with cuba on this i should say the British Government did thank the cuban government for. A loan in the caribbean accepting a ship or work of it per 1000. 00 cases were but britain has so far not condemned obviously the blockade joining this pandemic. No i mean the the British Government like most governments in the out in fact all governments in the weald ex usually except 2 which is the United States and israel does actually vote against the us blockade of cuba in the General Assembly in the amul where cuba condemns the blockade and so but the question is should should they be asking for access to this interferon which the chinese National Health commission and up to this antiviral are trying to come back every 90 minutes found it to be very effective its now according to documents ive seen at the top of them its for treatment and if this treatment has been solicited now from cuba by at least 15 countries were hearing but you know ive been contacted by people in the United States and in hospitals in here all they are also pretty desperate to get hold of this and you know they face the fact that they have the u. S. Brocade which will deny them access yes and if there is evidence that interferon alpha to be is you know assisting patients and stopping them get and stopping the slowing down the death rate of reducing the deficit and the British Government should absolutely be talking to cuber about how they can access this about the point is cuba is characterized as being a dictatorship to have no democracy whatsoever and yet your book appears to be saying its a country where theres constant debate constant critiques constant changes of government policy through consultations and referendum. Well look there are different in understanding some both human rights and democracy and so the United Nations recognizes 2 sets of human rights and one set of economic social and cultural rights the other set a Civil Liberties and political right now essentially plan socialist Economic System where Human Welfare is prioritized social economic and cultural rights have to be prioritized and of in the United States its about the Civil Liberties and Political Rights which essentially means freedom to set up your own business its part of a People Freedom oath and speech and only if you have access you know all the freedoms that actually are mediated by your access to purchase and so in cuba the most fundamental right and the right to life and to have the right to life you need to have access free universally so all of those things that we need to move food have education but they have a concept the concept of living which is much higher on the other question of democracy you know if you take the preferred political expression all of the mostly in france comes to these countries which is the multiparty system usually procapitalist parties and if you take that as meaning to mock you see you look for that in cuba you find its missing and therefore you can conclude that hubris not democratic but they have a different system of representation so i can give you an example the current process of for forms is taking place under the label of the guidelines for economic and social policy and these wild produce these are actual guidelines on changes they want to see happening they were produced and distributed to every single cuban into beit about this document there when needed 9000000 people participating and those comments were registered and they were centralized and they were analyzed categorized and 68 percent of that document was subsequently change as a result. Of Public Opinion well if cuba is also better suited to cope with a pandemic the editor of the Peer Reviewed lancet said social justice was key in in responding to the pandemic and collective action is going to be more useful than thatcherite blairite individualism what about now the threat of capitalism emerging on the island well you know that and cuba has room for maneuver has been restrained to restraint and particularly since the trumpet ministration. They have introduced these reforms which i referred to which do create spaces for the market they have created many and self employed people many on Small Businesses and and all of these things are economic necessity why are they only can i make necessity because like any country in the wealth let alone a country going to develops or centuries as i said cuba needs capital it cannot get the capital it needs for investments in infrastructure and productivity and for improvements in peoples lives cant get externally and frou. People is not a member of the i. M. F. The world bank or any of these are International Financial institutions the problem is that the Trump Administration has revised all of the openings of the blockade because of course about and never going to the blockade in fact he his progress was very limited but theyre trying to ministration has now taken the stance that is possibly more aggressive than any president since the cuban the beginning of the cuban revolution you know hes in that in something called true free of the nonsense and now the helms person act was a piece of us legislation which defies the u. S. Blockade in law but title 3 was never implemented because it has such drastic implications not just became a but for any country in the world wants to trade with cuba and in. It what it implies is that any u. S. Business or individual who own property that was nationalized during the revolution where our or not the fact is that they were offered compensation which they turned down and if any fair party then invest with all or all has any kind of business where if the that property now they can be sued in a us court so technically illegal in the International Terms its actually a ringback territorial application of the us role dont tell me i think thank you. Lots of the show will be back on wednesday irans Islamic Republic day is the u. S. Sanctioned country that reported a saloon a virus death every 10 minutes now received support from cuba until then told the news not covered by the Mainstream Media join the on the ground by following us when you Twitter Facebook instagram and sometimes. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth. Is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes erupt and its going to help. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace that should have. A terrible life between now and the. Welcoming viewers from around the world live from Central London this is all to u. K. The foreign secretary says the government is working hard to bring back british citizens who are still stranded abroad. Promises top advisor goes into self isolation with coronaviruses Government Experts say britains knocked down could last 6 months. And a chance workers say theyre forced to hide away protective equipment amid shortages as its claimed the government proposed 474 years ago but failed to heed the results. With moscow in lockdown fighting the freezing cold in other regions to follow its lead to get a reaction from our correspondent in the russian capital. Britain is on course for a recession worse than the 2008 credit crunch analysts predict a major downturn you hear from a financial expert. Also this hour firefighters get set to deliver food drive ambulances and recover bodies as britain prepares for the peak of the pandemic we get reaction from a full buffet 5. Welcome to the 2 u. K. The foreign secretary has announced a 75000000 pound plan to fly home britons stranded abroad due to the coronavirus that says the u. K. Locked down continues but worries grow about shortages of n. H. S. Resources despite your stories rehearsing for a very similar scenario 4 years ago. And he joins me now here in the studio with the latest he said the foreign secretary trying to reassure those who are stuck abroad absolutely so weve been seeing these daily updates taking place more from not its the Prime Minister delivering them. But since he was diagnosed as having coded 19 he has been quarantined and so today it was one of the foreign secretary dominic robb to update the country and he took the opportunity to announce a 75000000 pound effort or fund in order to repatriate those brits who are stuck abroad and want to come back to the u. K. Many shoppers havent given notice to get a. Greenback is the result of this increases we appreciate the different relief that they find themselves to. Do so recognizes that there is a legacy or found it easier. To conserve to get their loved ones home its a war its a vote weve heard it be effective. The moments are sure. That this is a big this is working around the clock this is a pool designed and built for shoppers. Now the death toll has been rising we saw it go over a 1000 over the weekend its now at 1408 people who have sadly lost their lives across all the countries of the United Kingdom with the total number of cases now going above 20000. 00 above 22000. 00 in fact and in order to combat this Coronavirus Crisis at the governments have instituted a number of measures including social distancing which now become law and thats led to the police around the country having to break up the number of gatherings and parties weve seen in darby police breaking up a house party a Karaoke Party which was attended by around 25 adults and children you can see quite the spread that the police shutting it down saying the hosts are being dealt with and we understand of course that these measures are continuing for the coming weeks but the deputy chief Health Advisor taking the stand over the weekend to address the public she said that these measures could go on for up to 6 months. The issue of the 3 weeks is for us to review where we are and see if weve had an impact jointly on the slope of that curve but i think to make it clear to the public if we are successful we will have squashed the top of that which is brilliant but we must not then suddenly revert to our normal way of living that would be quite dangerous if we stop then all of our efforts will be wasted and we could potentially see a 2nd pain so over time probably over the next 6 months we will have a 3 week review we will see where we going we need to keep that lid on and then gradually we will be able to hopefully just some of the social distancing measures and gradually get us all back to normal. But there are critics across the country who have pointed out that dr Howard Hughes was the very same person who was telling the country just 2 weeks ago to essentially carry on as normal to keep attacking big public gatherings and Mass Gatherings and also calling for schools to remain open. Now and it certainly will be there some countries whether it be sporting events and these documents galleries 100. 00 of them to the war itself all the medical advice in this country is not to do that in this country we have that model is looking out for the political. Will that it will so that intervention might help manage this is the will push the day and then it would and in general those sort of events in campaigns and nothing seemed to be going to happen simply didnt disrupt the present and he said how is the n. H. S. Coping with all of this at the moment. Well the n. H. S. Are gearing up to deal with whats thought to be the peak of the crisis coming soon but there are many frontline n. H. S. Staff who have complained repeatedly since the beginning of the covered 19 crisis that they just simply dont have enough equipment to deal with the problem that includes protective personal quitman p p e and other stuff so we know that the government have already run a mock trial or test 4 years ago socalled exercise cygnus a pandemic model that was testing the ability of the case of the n. H. S. To deal with a pandemic such as this one in that moxon ario the n. H. S. Was dealing with a deadly respiratory virus from asia exactly the same as coded 19 and that model found that there would be shortages of p. P. E. Ventilators of Critical Care beds with more trees overflowing but also and this is key it also found that the general capacity of the n. H. S. Would be stretched and that is what were seeing now with people with other conditions not linked to kovan 1000 finding for example operations being delayed and pushed back as the n. H. S. Struggles to deal with these cases and these priorities if you will now we also know that those critics who have pointed the finger at the government also say that there was more than enough time for the government to equip the n. H. S. With and its workers with everything that they need but the government hit back saying that these types of models that they run are normal and that they are following the procedures and the advice thrown up by them as the public would expect we regularly test our pandemic plans and the learnings from previous exercises have helped allow us to rapidly responds to covert 19 we are delivering a science led action plan to contain delay in research and mitigate the outbreak and have acted swiftly to contain and slow the spread of the virus significantly to save lives and support our n. H. S. So there are many who say that the government still have questions to answer is or thank you very much indeed for all of that well with those doomsday warnings not being heeded some n. H. S. Frontline staff say theyre forced to hide their personal protective equipment reports say that Health Workers are grabbing what they can from hospital Storage Units including face masks and protective glasses is said that many are worried that there simply arent enough to go around and that some workers even calling in sick out of fear the government said it is working to get additional personal protective equipment to front line staff former surgeon who turned him out he told me earlier that the issue around lack of supply was often to do with 8 delay in distribution. Certainly there is a distinct lack of personal protective equipment i think in the hospitals in the last week or so it has got better im hearing it has got better the certainly in primary care it still hasnt and what were hearing from people all the time that dont have the equipment available and more importantly they dont know which equipment they should be wearing and where they wear it where in addition to cure the equipment and a number of my colleagues actually offer to pay for themselves and their colleagues if they know where to get the correct equipment from so i think thats probably why the problem and what you make of the fact that star are actually hiding their own protective equipment. I mean a have heard have to say thats not my personal experience we started a crowdfunding page to provide protective equipment to the front line doctors and everyone that we contact is actually very very mindful like we say with the Grocery Shopping with the general public of what they are asked for and they and they are actually there actually telling us that you know to give them the minimum so that other people can can can benefit as well i dont think that served us a wide n. H. S. Problem i think thats thats maybe a few cases we understand the government planned for this sort of scenario a few years ago but seemingly hasnt really acted on what it learnt from those socalled rehearsals. I think that doesnt theres absolutely no question that weve had a delayed response to this specially with personal protective equipment it should have come a while ago and is starting to filter now i think its not a quick human issue and certainly not a money issue in my opinion from what i hear i think its more of a distribution issue historically n. H. S. Trusts and general practices have pictured as a single business is now its a centralized system i think if youre not within the you know the preferred pick your main gate way then then then when they run out all that practice is dont know where to get these equipment from certainly its certainly a delayed what i would call a delayed response. Well just to recap those numbers for you the total number of cases in britain is now over 19000 more than 100 have recovered from the disease well more than 1400 have lost their lives as for now england has 16487 confirmed cases scotland has 1384 wales has 1241 a Northern Ireland has 410 as the 1st minister scotland announces another new Field Hospital glasgow similar to those being built in Manchester Birmingham and east london and Northern Irelands Justice Minister has released just under 200 prisoners nearing the end of their sentences to help prison authorities deal with the pandemic. Across the world the number of confirmed to have died is now supposed 35000. Says the total number of infected people has jumped over 740000 with the epicenter now in the in August States more than 156000 people have already recovered. The russian president has called on the heads of other regions to follow the capitals lead and instigate tough measures to tackle the virus our correspondent moscow donnel quarter has will. Russia still managing to keep down its number of coronavirus cases for a lot lower than what were seeing in the u. S. And europe right now its around to its just under 2000 cases but Vladimir Putin still wants ordinary people and officials to know that they need to take this crisis seriously hes asked officials across the country actually to follow moscows lead in strictly carrying out government measures that are intended to combat the spread of the virus today we are doing all to ensure that the virus doesnt hit a large number of people and the preparations need to take place in all regions and take into account all the calculated scenarios of the potential spread on the basis of the experience of other countries and we need to take all necessary measures even if uninformed people think theyre rather over the top for russia well as they say god saves the man who saves himself. Now the russian capitals measures that were talking about here stops just short of a full lockdown where people are now required to have special permission to leave their homes for any reason other than to take out the trash get groceries or walk their dog now putin also called for the creation of additional reserves of medical supplies to use in this in this time of crisis and for if the crisis continues to get even worse this is an important decision to make right now when the situation here is really more or less mild in comparison to other places now its also important that citizens understand the severity of the situation especially the elderly who once again has it encouraged to stay home its really the their best chance of protecting their health and their lives makes this worldwide pandemic and for a while in russia this is just a recommendation but as the coronavirus cases here gradually continue to rise the measures against it against the spread of this virus are slowly becoming more strict so perhaps through those measures russia will be able to maintain its control over the situation that where in other places it spun completely out of control still to come along ill tell you dave this is. One of the slaves the u. K. Is heading towards a recession faultless in 2008 we have from an economic summit. Produced to help on june of our sponsor steven collecting these we get reaction from the whole afonso upon something a short break. The Atlantic Alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 Global Security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington in brussels by virtue of important Foreign Policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion. Micrograph slights and dad still you know why. For example theres theres fights against women or nonwhites so its always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and say well rather than a northern door then we need to call attention to them but its not so its a very political and its funny that. President trump has claimed that keeping. 100000. 00 in the u. S. Would be a great achievement for his administration. More than 2400 americans do you talking about 2200000 deaths 2200000 people from this. And so if we could hold their down as were saying 200000 its a horrible number maybe even less but 2100000 so we have between 10200000. We all together of done a very good. New york is by far the worst hit city in the u. S. Accounting for almost half of nationwide infections with hospitals overflowing central park has been turned into an emergency Field Hospital tents with dozens of beds being set up their bodies merely gas to have has more. New york city has 7 days left one week before the citys hospitals its medical infrastructure collapse thats the crucial bay to think about is sunday april 5th meaning that ive said were getting through this week its tough. We have what we need for next week but it will definitely be a very hard week but after next sunday april 5th is when i get very very worried about everything were going to need the more you read about whats happening in new york the more horrifying it is its out of control and by all accounts all of them its only going to get worse the peak in death rate is likely to hit in 2 weeks so ill say it again the peak the highest point of death rates remember this is likely to hit in 2 weeks Emergency Services getting more calls now than they did on 911 just let that sink in the city is terrified theyre scared of the virus theyre fearful of how unprepared they are that terrified just look at this in the middle of a pandemic nurses a protesting dont be quick to judge many of them being sent to their deaths theres not enough mosques theyre being asked to use mosques that are intended only for a few hours then being told to reuse them for days some of them lacking gallons of wearing trash bags trash bags imagine youre doing this and told to use what entire we all know. God forbid you fool break you arm you call an ambulance theyre busy there arent enough they have to go get the guy thats suffocating from pneumonia from a severe coronavirus case you decide to go to the hospital you a self where Emergency Rooms of full of severe coronavirus cases you get infected you talk to a nurse who lacks basic personal Protection Equipment you would. As of infection go up they can provide for the nurses and the nurses can provide for you this isnt un mitigate the disaster they they had a choice our leaders all of them from china to russia to europe to america the choice was to save business save Bank Accounts keep things open let the infection spread or save lives close borders closed businesses quarantine works we know it works and given these 2 choices lives or businesses youd have to go back through a civil war to talk about borders of states like that i think it would paralyze the economy a lockdown is what they did in war on china and were not in china and were not in war on new york has made its choice. Attempt remote areas being built at Birmingham Airport in preparation for an expected rise in deaths due to the virus itll initially have room for 1500. 00 bodies but the intention is to make space for up to 12000 the site is expected to accommodate deaths across the entire West Midlands as more regional trees close the citys chief corrupt coroner says that communication with the families of victims will be at the heart of the process. We understand that it is a very difficult time for everyone and we will do all that we can to make sure bereaved families understand what is happening to their loved ones and to release them for a funeral as soon as we can. The british economy is heading for a massive contraction and on the brink of its 1st recession since the financial crisis back in 2008 thats according to forecasts from the center for economics and Business Research the group predicts the economy would shrink slightly in the 1st quarter of this year by about a half percent however with the global downturn caused by the pandemic the 2nd quarter will see the economy contract and never seen before 15 percent thats almost 13 percent mall and that experience in the final quarter of 2008 when the reality of the banking crisis became clear the recession and unemployment fears come as the department for work and pensions say nearly hauffe a 1000000 people have applied for universal credit in the last 2 weeks. Around 1300000 british workers lost their jobs as a result of the 2008 recession with banking manufacturing and retail sectors hardest hit over the Current Crisis has shut down all but key sectors of the economy with everything from hospitality to education now on hold but the chancellor has promised over hundreds of billions to shield both employees and the selfemployed unable to work during the pandemic. But will be chancellor need to do more to save the british economy discuss this are joined by financial expert dr richard weddings he told me its time to brace ourselves for even more economic pain. The private sector accounts for around 60 percent of the economy and huge chunks of that have shut down so we may well be in for the worst recession the deepest recession since the early 1920 s. In the aftermath of world war one or it could even be worse than that and obviously would be unique in its sharpness happening so much in one quarter but economies do recover from the deepest of recessions this one could we see a very quick recovery if this virus is actually controlled this is a very big if and i think part of the problem is we may see some long term changes in economic behavior and some sectors will probably bounce back very quickly but other sectors mine not do so and thats going to cause the various adjustment problems or some sectors get into trouble and that will have knock on effects for example on the Banking System so theres a there are Big Questions here and obviously theres another question in terms of the public finances because going ahead going to look very very shaky indeed and that will undermine confidence in investment so well see big changes in acceptable economics then well i mean thats the danger i think the venture will have to go back to sound of enormous because obviously this could have happened at a worse time in many ways because weve had a really bad time since the financial crisis massive amounts of public that massive amounts of private debt there were already a very dangerous level so im pretty worried about this Going Forward and talk about debt then can the government really though prepare for a pandemic like this some this was unavoidable wasnt it. Does right very well they can do is they can try and reassure the markets in the medium term by for example says you know its a series of spending cuts into 34 years time when hopefully the crisis will be over i think ill be one where its reassuring investors and reassuring markets because they cant as a go on to spend the money and printing money forever. British far fighters will assist the public during the lockdown and are ready to recover bodies if the crisis worsens as part of a joint National Approach the Emergency Service will deploy firefighters to drive ambulances deliver essential items to the vulnerable and elderly and collect bodies in the event of mass casualties during the outbreak the agreement between the Fire Brigades Union and fire rescue employers is set to last for 2 months but can be amended depending on demand. We face a Public Health crisis some paralleled in our lifetimes the current a Virus Outbreak is now a humanitarian emergency and firefighters rightly want to help their communities many fear the loss of life in this outbreak could be overwhelming and firefighters who often handle terrible situations in incidents are ready to step in to assist with body retrieval. A former firefighter newsome assume told me that the service would step up but the right protections need to be put in place there are risks and face survive fighters and what we must do is ensure that if we do volunteer in pass self forward which im sure thousands will that there is the proper protections in place for us we are given the correct people and that we are protected in the event of injury so if there is a firefighter who is injured or infected because of the coronavirus that they will be protected and they will not be disciplined later on down the line for going off site and of course crucially theyll get were taking a number of firefighters on way from fire stations and putting them places where they can help with this pandemic we need to make sure that fire cover is not negatively impacted because what we dont want to see is firefighters not able to attend to those fire emergency now more so than ever were seeing hundreds were seeing millions of people across the country who are at home 24 hours a day that their full gives a bigger risk that there will be. Fires in their household except truck so we really need our fire cover and to be as effective as ever. And thats all from the u. K. Here in Central London all colleagues from r. T. America will be taking over at the top of the hour for all the team here in london goodbye. All. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must door in 9093 this man was sentenced to death they get charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for that week with his son of a 23. I doubt that had to serve to be. Confined within 4 grey walls the fuck its using. All to help him to leave destroy. The world is driven by shaped by the curse of those great. Dares thinks. We dare to ask. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to them when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth. Is going to cause tidal waves or earthquakes volcanoes erupt and its going to tell. So were in for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace those should have. A terrible life between them and the. Low end welcome the cross for all things are considered im Peter Lavelle the Atlantic Alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 Global Security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington and brussels diverged on important Foreign Policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion. Crosstalk in the Atlantic Alliance im joined by my guest mark allman in oxford hes the director of the Crisis Research institute in london we have Jonathan Steele hes an International Affairs commentator also in london we have a real because he is founder of a k. Consulting and a Foreign Affairs analyst or a gentleman crosslike rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate mark let me go to you 1st here and let me just read you 2 quotes here from number one foreign minister lavrov played in munich saying quote change course speak for its too late and we have the new

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