With your global news updates right around the clock join me for the latest in. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit a child here in los angeles there are going to come as you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the early 6 trade. Hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle as the election cycle rages on the media highlights or even invents what they deem to be important even radical what they dont tell you is how the Political Center is collapsing and why Todays Campaign is what voters think about the status quo. Crosslinking the liberal collapse im joined by my guest lead on jones in atlanta shes an attorney and former state director for Bernie Sanders in 2016 in washington we have Christopher Barron he is a conservative strategist as well as president of right turn strategies and in strasburg we cross to John Laughlin hes a political scientist and historian as well as lecturer in european history at the University Institute of st pius the 10th in pairs are right across cycles and in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate let me go to john in strasburg because to give us a little panoramic view right here. I was thinking a couple of days ago looking at the surge or apparent surge or invented surge of people who to judge and i kept thinking while. America now has its own version of the manual mccrone ok a poster child for power for the status quo and almost no one likes them but you can do anything about it ok thats exactly what were facing here and thats i also said in my introduction you know were told so much about what this candidate stands for what that candidate stands for but nobody really wants to look at what the voters really want and they want a continuation of 2000 and. 16 of confronting the elites ok but you wont learn that on c. N. N. Or m s n b c go ahead john. Why i think the comparison with america is a very good one because. In france shows that in spite of all the rhetoric that we had in 2016 about the sit in the riots of trump and so on it shows how strong i wont call it the Political Center because i dont think thats quite the right word i would say political cartel ok strong its a good cartel remains and determined a political cartel is to hang on to power in fact i would almost say that the rhetoric of a sort of populist bricks through which some issues use on both sides of the atlantic is almost feeding in to the Horror Stories that the cartel tells in order to keep itself in power it tells people oh my god you know were the only safe pair of hands if you if you elect these terrible like drum corps or those who brought us into whatever then the entire system will come crashing down so i would almost say that this idea of a sudden bring down of the center is itself a part of the political cartels mechanism for staying in power ok i really like the term cartel here don apparently the cartel doesnt know how to flip a coin ok because i think our viewers saw this for a coin flipping in iowa what in the world was that about him it just backs up exactly what john was saying theyre going to do anything anything they stay in power i mean hypocrisy out the window i mean thats not are not even embarrassed by this now ok and i speak i say this as a conservative because i think whats happening to bernie is shameful and the powers that be are backing it up theyre calling someone a front runner which were based on no evidence and no facts whatsoever and it just virtue signalling and you know what all those people that can pursue that ridiculous system they have their hours and hours and hours taking time off from work and then what you do is you turn around and spit in their face sorry for being so blunt but thats exactly what it is go ahead le dieu. There may have been and its obvious listen ill what an embarrassing mess for democrats however i will say one thing that Bernie Sanders has is this cartel of people where he has a campaign that was already built unlike any other candidate in the race so im not going to say that the party is trying to rig it against him again because even if that is the expectation his people know how to get around it because they are self organized army this fight that this is a primary and thats what primaries are about the democrats are lucky that we have a wide variety from the left to the right moderate centrist candidate is that each of us can go out and choose as long as we actually participate in this process and not be discouraged by what happened i will however i will with an eye opener its time for us to make it all that is and thats the focus that i think we did ok but its not an eye opener its setting a trend in a precedent ok dont trust the vote dont trust the voters trust us to the people that are reporting it ok i mean i think its patently obvious that judge is an invention. Hes been created to take this role here and you know what with joe you know flailing and you know you have other candidates that are mount reaching the mark of global char is nice but you know theres its all a Marketing Strategy but its not the candidates its not the parties doing the marketing its the media framing the narrative and i find it so insulting to the Democratic Party and thats what they did to trump ok they tried to do it through the party ok ok christopher jump in what do you put your i get out of sardi. Bridge between what is the difference between c. N. N. And b. C. In the d. N. C. Just think about that Chris Christie for jumping in oh its a huge difference sure its great youre going to you have all that youve got youve got it larry i got it i need everyone in that program 1st and then we can jump in its christophers turn go ahead christopher. Youve got john kerry being caught on the phone in iowa talking about how hes thinking about jumping into the race because he wants to stop Bertie Sanders look at the end of the day i think sanders is actually going to win this nomination but hes going to have to fight like hell for it because the democratic establishment and their friends in the Corporate Media are going to do everything they can to stop him in the same way that they tried to stop donald trump in 2016 you know what happened in 2016 is trump all the animals in the party out of their cages in the Republican Party and if bernie is going to succeed he asked to do the same thing hes going to fight for it tooth and nail because they will do everything from inventing characters like boo to judge to bloomberg and his billions to the onslaught of negative Opposition Research which is coming it is coming at the dump is coming soon for Bernie Sanders he is going to have to fight tooth and nail the same way that trump did in 2016 and frankly i think its good for democracy to have a real you know a real debate about the future to have 2 people standing on stage who offer very different views for the future and who actually believe what theyre saying i think its good for democracy and good for our country you know but i think thats a very good point chris or not and i take it on board but i think you can flip the coin and i think the process this is a diligent deed legitimizing the democratic process i mean i it was a perfect example of that i dont believe this story about this app and all this this is a bit too convenient and boo to judges Campaign Connection to the people who were involved with that app i mean thats kind of fishy as well ok john to me it is its really holding the democratic process in contempt because if they dont get the outcome they want then theyre going to say its not legitimate go ahead well thats obviously what they did with the show because of one news 1st on russia and then on ukraine well have to see whether Bernie Sanders wins the nomination to see if he wins in New Hampshire for that matter im surprised the. Christopher is optimistic for him maybe hes right but if he is right then america will be the states who are breaking the mold because in europe thats absolutely not whats happening at all again in spite of all the talk about populism and the end of consensus and so on the european picture is very different the european situation is one in which the left the old left the sort of left of Bernie Sanders in bodies has completely collapsed yet the British Labor party has been totally decimated in the latest general election the socialist party in france barely exists anymore it had to sell its headquarters in order to survive financially the social Democratic Party in germany is extremely weak and although some right wing populist parties in europe had some success of the league in italy the Freedom Party in austria. Basically they have also been chased out of office yet by the cartel. Right now on this side of the atlantic im afraid the cartel is doing extremely well and certainly as far as for example france is concerned american in spite of his unpopularity has a perfectly good chance of winning at the time of the next president ial election in 2022 thats right you know were down you know one of the things i really like about Bernie Sanders is he talks about real people he doesnt talk about these newfangled idea this virtue signaling and all of this i dont understand i dont get it ok im a political junkie i dont understand most of the white noise particularly on the left ok but i mean when bernie talks he talks about real people and real problems and you know what hes been doing it for a long time right now that you know i you know not someone that was 47 years old and decided to become a democrat you know after you know slogging for Financial Institutions for years on time out Elizabeth Warren here i mean but i think the Democratic Party is really detached from that the d. N. C. In the media they like these other you know. Extraneous things that you know maybe there are people that some people that are interested in it but most people who say you know what you know wheres the beef you know how my going to make my life better for me thats really the bread and butter of politics bernie is a chef said and he is great at it ok very much like donald trump you know. Go ahead well done well you know so i was they overall the Democratic Party is much more in line with what the people on the ground actually need and however i agree with you Bernie Sanders has been consistent and talking about the people who are that bottom percentage of americans who simply just need a hand up you talked about dede legitimize in the process you know i wasnt great but we know from 2016 theres another thing the d d legitimize the american process and thats the Electorial College just like iowa it is antiquated it is old and we know that because one of the losing the popular vote and so these things that we talk about the Democratic Party but i think the american political system as a whole probably means that overhaul and what we will see is that its not a centrist moving left moving right its that most of the people care about their Everyday Needs making sure they can feed their family good education for their children ok in that regard i think i go to my view on that part of the Electoral College no way when did i have a solution chris to read before we go to the why dont we go back to paper and pencil ballots ok im sorry i did it seems to work for all the time ok i dont know whats wrong with that ok you recycled paper we dont have to cut down trees 40 seconds before we go to the break. Look i think what people i think what people wanted this country is that they are tired of the politics of the elites that didnt work for average working class americans thats the appeal of donald trump on the right thats the appeal of Bernie Sanders on the left and thats why i said i think its great for democracy to actually have an open and honest discussion about the future instead of the cartel of the senate. Thats only interested in the moneyed interests that it represents thats the system thats broken and thats the system that both donald trump and Bernie Sanders are an absolute revolt to ok im going to jump in here after a short break well continue our discussion on the liberal collapse a with. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells the bodies on the street many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of the daily challenge though if youre going to exploit a child here in los angeles were going to come as you will see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to 6 trades. Welcome back across the uk where all things are considered im peter about to remind you were discussing the liberal collapse. Ok lets go back to john in strasburg i have my own pet theory about all of this if there isnt a candidate a democratic candidate that comes into. Force after super tuesday were going to have some kind of brokered convention here and i say assume and im really interested in what donald have to say about this but 1st john is that i think the cartel and im going to start using that term and always cite you for i think the cartel would prefer to have trump have the democrats lose and have trump reelected because we have seen over the last 3 years or so that theyve been able to really crimp him on his Foreign Policy very tightly ok he has no Foreign Policy real success in my opinion and you still have too many of these deep state creatures even though the finally the bin laden twins are out of the white house finally but its going to be its slow going ok because its so bipartisan so what do you think of that proposition that the cartel would prefer to see the democrats lose. Then bernie when i go ahead. I understand what youre driving at i suppose i hadnt really ever thought that Bernie Sanders could win the presidency so in other words i think that its theyll be bowing to the inevitable trump has kept us guessing hasnt he beat her ever since he was elected we have many of us may have placed hopes in in particular on Foreign Policy issues and weve been cruelly disappointed but he carries on talking the talk even if hes not walking the walk i suppose im afraid im probably guilty of letting my hopes carry away carry the day over my analysis when i say that you know one thing hopes are one things that perhaps this endless deep state conspiracy against him will come to an end 2nd it wins a 2nd and that after all after the impeachment vote. On the on tuesday the. There was a bit of a purge wasnt there that you mentioned of in twins where out the president of the e. U. Was up grahams uncle and so on if manages to win a 2nd term maybe he will feel Strong Enough to. Carry the purge further or at least to implement the Foreign Policy that hes been talking about he was elected on but i agree its a tough one because if and if the last 4 years of daughters are nothing it is indeed the power by the way ive said this before on cross talk its not the deep state its the state its the state department the congress the pentagon its the whole apparatus of the state not just the covert operatives in the in the cia and the other Intelligence Services its the whole of the state and thats what makes the whole challenge of dissident politicians populist politicians so difficult because even if youre the president of the United States with the separation of powers and all the rest of it and with the general institutional inertia it is incredibly difficult to turn things around and you certainly cant do it in in 4 years yanno even marital. Mrs thatcher in britain was in power for more than 11 years and even her successes although considerable were no doubt less considerable and she would have hoped for so there is a terrible. Amount of as i say institutional inertia even for politicians who are radical and who are determined to be radical yeah apparently john and john brennan still has his security clearance. Unbelievable unbelievable don let me go get me to give my my pet theory to you i mean it would would you do you think that if bernie were to get the nomination which i think if the popular will even with r. And equated the primaries of the popular answered it would be bernie but the d. N. C. Prefer to see him lose and. Then when against donald trump in november go ahead. No no i think it is pretty clear across the board or that the goal is to get trump out of office by any means necessary and that includes Bernie Sanders warning so i dont think that theyre going to undermine the process to that and what i would love to see and i think what with that the Democratic Party is that just like changing our we need to change some of the processes you know what i want to know now for every Single Person that is in this primary race who would you pick for Vice President today not acting at the convention right now whether they were going to be your v. P. Or not because that is the kind of thing ok ok ill tell you what i think from the center left and right i think ill tell you what ill answer your question is a really good one i think theres only one that can be president Bernie Sanders though i think youll be denied it by the d. N. C. And the media but all the other ones are all running for Vice President ok well see looks like booted judges getting the not getting the nod somehow ok thats what it looks like to me it looks very engineered somebodys got a whiteboard in there taken the boxes ok and its all against your guy ok its against bernie again let me go to christopher here christopher Bernie Sanders calls himself a socialist a democratic socialist i mean i dont really know what that means but a lot of people if you look at Public Opinion polls good is a lot of i know what it is i used to be a University Professor ok but im looking at how its being spun in the media ok believe me ive read my share of marks angles len in the group john smiling at me weve bred all that stuff ok but christopher. Why is think what is the appeal of socialism as its coined in american parlance because a Public Opinion poll after another shows a lot of people are quite interested in what it may have a american accent to it ok go ahead chris. I mean i think its the its the not its the what we dont have now i dont think the majority of americans are. Or are going to vote for socialist policies or actually support socialist policies i think that theyre so absolutely upset with the establishment that they feel that our institutions are no longer responsive to us that theyre willing to accept something anything thats different and look by the way in 2016 to back to your point before peter 2016 there were lots of republicans who thought fine nominate trump let him lose in 40 states and then we can swoop back in and say see we told you this was going to be a disaster unfortunately for them but thats not what happened i think there are plenty i think there are plenty of establishment democrats who if bernie wrestles the nomination from him which i expect are going to say theyll be the jeb bushs of the world Hillary Clinton to say i refuse to endorse and im going to have our own Evan Mcmullan that im going to vote for because they expect bernie to lose their so unbelievably out of touch with where the American People are it is unbelievable me want to watch what happened there in 2016. Ok. Look i look i want Bernie Sanders to be the nominee don thats the point of the program jump in please do. Me i mean the reality is and i love it i mean i think its very creative on the conservative side take the russian talking points from last year from 2016 what was put out on twitter was put out on social media say well we know this makes them angry this is how we split their party how its going to burn down the center right now what happens to bernie hey hillarys health hillary whats your nominee from 4 years ago and shes out there trash talking your candidate you shouldnt be upset with me nobody alive you know how hes let me tell you what he likes it or do you ladies out there know what i see out of your nominee now nobody likes bernie yeah ok i mean its like are you there anything that. Well youre going to take several things ill agree to want to help me to age they go in the forest and say in the forest ok let me go let me go youre going to get us down here john its good to reflect upon something that christopher just said here i mean if people know what they dont want now ok and they dont like the status quo thats the whole point here and i agree with them about how people are receptive to socialism which is 3 americans on the program that were for bode for a very very long time in american political discourse ok and but i think that christophers absolutely right is that the status quo isnt working theres a perception its not working for the average person i mean you could look at all these Macro Economic numbers which is nice and fine but it doesnt necessarily you can say yeah the economys doing great but you could also say its not doing great for me though ok and i think thats is what i think the g. O. P. Often misses on this is well ok particularly someone like sean hannity that goes you know every night its a litany of the same thing over and over and over again go ahead john people know what they dont want go ahead joe but the fact is the sociological phenomenon that you describe. Is the disenchantment of a large section of the electorate you didnt say but i think you probably mean the blue collar electorate we used to work in class. That disenchantment does not record in states or europe translate into votes for the left it translates into votes for the right or parties those are called right wing populist right wing its those parties and trump is obviously the prime example of this the British Conservative Party is another one its those parties that are picking up the disaffected working class or blue collar collude. But theres another factor youre forgetting in that there is a huge factor so democrats a lot of the left leaning folks in america are in the south and what do we see in tennessee and georgia in mississippi they are clothing voting precincts they are making it more and more difficult for people to register develop their purging voter so that number does come out for democrats the problem is there are still conservatives in charge in the states that can suppress 200250000 both at a time making it difficult for those people who are energetic and for obama and all 12 theyre making it a little bit harder for them to participate and Everything Else i think you may be wrong in that i think it may energize the rights of voters but also its showing the suppression of the voters on the lab it might be a little it don but if they continue to screw around public hanging on it because were almost out of but if they continue to screw around with bernie i would say a lot of bernie supporters simply wont vote you cheated twice whats the point the system is broken the system is rigged and a lot of other people going to feel the same way whats the point whats the point if we if we see another iowa ok or something similar to it ok christopher im going to give you a last minute on the program go ahead. I must say republicans spent 30 years trying to find the infamous reagan democrats to their electoral defeat time and time again. And i think democrats are going to be on this mysterious hunt for the disaffected blue collar working class vote that they have that have they spurned their party and i dont think theres any way that theyre getting those people back thats not going to be the future for the Democratic Party theyre not winning back the trump voters from pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin theyre never coming home again it took republicans a long time to figure out that reagan democrats were actually just democrats its going to take the Democratic Party a long time to figure out that the trump working class are just republicans well and also the focus on workers who is what im really glad that john brought up the working people though it is to define do over time because of technology but families creating families keeping Families Together the opiate crisis real problems that affect real people ok and you know and ill get in trouble for saying this not just transgender toilets ok maybe thats there but its not the high end and i think this is what trump and Bernie Sanders are doing and i hope to see them face off in november us all the time we have many thanks to my guest in atlanta washington and in stroudsburg and thanks to our viewers for watching us here in our d. C. You next time and remember. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth. Is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes and i rapped and its going to chill. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace the should have. A terrible life between though in the. United states finds itself at the center of the covert 900 pandemic with more confirmed cases than any other country new york accounts fall off of national totals with a 40 percent surge in hospital admissions in just a single day 911 is nothing compared to this we were open waiting for patients to combine never k. They just keep coming. Its my dealing with a Health Crisis on home soil do you. Pressure on venezuela accusing president juror of narco terrorism and offering a 15000000. 00 reward for his capture. With hospital

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