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Not too far behind at 48000 now taking a closer look at the numbers here in this nation some 580 americans have now died due to complications with the virus so in an effort to fight the rising numbers of cases here in this country the u. S. National guard has been activated in new york california and Washington State almost half of all the u. S. Cases are all in new york alone and here in the Nations Capital republicans and democrats are still clashing over the senate bill on the coronavirus rescue bill brauns out is joining us hes been following the the clash coming out of capitol hill so where does it look like theres any chance that the senates going to vote on this anytime soon unfortunately manila actually doesnt look that way there is some growing optimism though from the key negotiators of this deal as this relief bill is now going into phase 3 after the bill failed to pass sunday night and then again monday night before treasury secretary Stephen Minucci and Senate Minority leader. Chuck schumer left capitol hill that you actually said that there were just a few details left to resolve and they were hopeful that the senate could actually wrap up negotiations this morning however it is now just a little past 3 pm local time and still no vote in fact senators are actually still debating on the floor as we speak with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says that they are at the 5 yard line and they only have just a few more steps to get this thing passed now what republicans have in their covert 1000. 00 relief bill americans would get payments of 1200. 00 per adult 500. 00 per child 350000000000 towards Small Businesses which would push billions towards hospitals in the Unemployment Insurance system along with a 500000000000. 00 program for businesses states and cities but democrats say this 1. 00 trillion dollar economic rescue package doesnt go far enough to get health care unemployment a 2 americans and actually get a 500000000000. 00 quote slush fund for corporations and that money should really go to hospitals medical workers and supplies that is estimated there could actually be another vote tonight making this the 3rd go around that the senate has voted on this relief bill now if a deal is voted and passed today it will take some time to draft the final legislative text however in order to vote today senators must grant a unanimous consent to do so manila well obviously President Trump wants to push this forward i think but breaking news at this very hour ferrand President Trump also trying to push for people to go back to work as early as easter is that right middle of that is right so the Coronavirus Task force briefing was actually not in the White House Press room like it normally is today rather it was in the rose garden with fox news where the task force had a virtual town hall less than an hour an hour ago take a listen here. Well you know so we dont have it because it actually just happened but President Trump did say that he does think it is possible even though its 19 days from now and that that they never closed the country before when they were viruses or the flu and people are actually going to have to practice doing social distancing not shaking hands washing hands but they do have to get back to work because he says the country wants to get back to work now President Trump says that theyre also going to lose their jobs maybe never get them back theyre going to lose their businesses maybe never get them back but they want to start up as soon as they can because they have a very quick comeback he believes if they do that now the president s prediction however was shot down earlier today by top officials at the pentagon who predict that the outbreak actually could last anywhere from 10 weeks to 3 months Vice President mike pence also putting rumors to rest that the administration is not considering a nationwide coronavirus lockdown like some states and cities have already taken out pens did add that the federal government has sent 2000 ventilators from the National Stockpile to new york which has become the epicenter of coppa 19 in the u. S. And the 2000 more will be sent out on wednesday for help reporting in washington fair and fronsac. Meantime china is set to lift travel restrictions on the who pay province starting tomorrow for all residents there have scaled back however wont apply to the city of han which we all know as the center of the corona Virus Outbreak the announcement comes as china claims to have brought their outbreak under control according to officials will see their travel restrictions lifted as early as april. Back here stateside boeing will suspend factory operations and its puget sound facility in Washington State due to cope with 19 this will also include suspension of its maintenance activities on the ground at 737. 00 max jets at moses lake or at least 2 weeks starting tomorrow the company says it will be cleaning impacted sites and work to establish rigorous criteria before letting employees back in. And in florida grow. Virus cases continue to rise topping 1400 just today as miami beach has issued a stay at home orders for residents this as the governor continues to stand behind his decision not to issue a state wide lockdown as businesses remain closed in many counties and cities and concerns continue about the Economic Impact in a state there rely so heavily on tourism are to correspondent john honey is joining us live from miami with more on the stories of john what can you tell us. Well governor descendants is opinion by the way manila is definitely not shared and its contrary to what many top Public Officials here in florida are saying and that is that people should absolutely be self isolating to stop the spread of the disease at this point there are more than 1400 confirmed cases of the coronavirus here in florida in comparison last week there were less than 200 so you can see how much that has collated and speaking of the Governor News just came out that he wants florida declared a disaster area he sent a letter to President Trump last night it was made public today basically saying that the state has already spent upwards of 200000000. 00 in fighting this ongoing disease on the spread of it so. Thats some new information that were seeing the census also said in comments yesterday as far as why hes not basically shutting the state down he said quote you simply cannot lock down our society with no end in sight flurried in are willing to do what it takes i dont think that its going to stay in your house for 9 months thats just not going to work. And i mentioned this yesterday is really left up to the various cities and counties in florida to make the determination whether or not to close the beaches to close businesses to close Non Essential Services that kind of thing many have including here in the city of miami and Miami Dade County certainly after a ton of controversy regarding people not self isolating and in some areas continue to not only go out to the various beaches and parks but also on boats and that seems to have changed at this point but spring break you know was essentially in full swing as of last week on tuesday before being shut down by the county and you know there were hundreds if not thousands of students spring breakers on south beach partying even going into the weekend going out on boats and. Various Party Cruises despite the shutdown and ongoing concerns about the spread of this virus that said 5 students at the university of tampa have since tested positive for the corona virus so that raises concerns about these kids you know spreading and contracting in you know spreading it around so according to the university they were traveling together for spring break we dont have much more as far as that goes but this is you know just basically jobs one of the concerns that were hearing governor descents is continues to take heat over not issuing a state wide beach Closure Order there are some beaches in the central northern part of the state that do remain order you just can get on various websites you can see that hes also being sued at this point by at least one attorney here in florida over the fact that he hasnt issued a state wide order there remains of course both debate both here in florida and nationally about how long businesses should be closed and who should be allowed back to work and when im not going to delve into that certainly weve been talking a lot about that but there you know on a local level and from a local standpoint as far as the state of florida goes there have been hundreds if not thousands of layoffs at this point particularly here in south florida mostly Service Industry employees those working in the Hotel Restaurant convention industries look some are doing what they can some you know Restaurant Owners are doing what they can to help employees basically trying to pay them despite being close to other restaurants remain open as were seeing for delivery and takeout this is something i talked about yesterday there are also reports that ive been seeing and hearing about landlords basically delaying rent payments for their tenants to try to help them out as well but as far as the financial the overall Financial Impact we dont have a firm handle on the numbers and the financial loss in all this there was a recent study of financial study that said could be in the billions but again i thing. As this continues we see the overall impact and start getting those numbers but as a measure governors decentest did ask President Trump to declare florida a disaster but well see if that happens but no luck to all right john hardy live for us in miami thank you. So well. And as the corona virus spreads across the nation millions of people remain confined to their homes but while this pandemic continues to a ball the outbreak is forcing officials to rethink the Justice System so the move could bring freedom to thousands of inmates arties Trinity Chavez explains. Corrections officials sounding the alarm over concerns about the rapid spread of the corona virus and the risks it poses to those behind bars with so many people confined together in small spaces many are concerned that jails and prisons could be socalled incubators for covert 19 to potentially take hold in new york city at least 12 correction employees and 21 in means have tested positive for the virus including disgraced hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein who reportedly contract to the virus that Rikers Island and as a result is now in isolation other high profile inmates like trumps former lawyer Michael Cohen burning made off lawyer michael evan noddy and rapper to kashi 69 are all launching bids to be released from prison due to the spread of the virus the new york city correction board calling on justice leaders to urgently decrease the prison population and release people who are at high risk of dying of covert 19 amid the growing crisis in jails saying in a letter fewer people in jails will save lives and minimize transmission among people in custody as well as staff failure to drastically reduce the jail population threatens to overwhelm the city jails Healthcare System as well as its basic operations now some inmates across new york and new jersey are being released to prevent the spread of the deadly virus in new york city at least 75 prisoners have been released so far and 200. 00 more are being flagged for at least all who are serving sentences of 90 days or less but this process will be ongoing it will be constant to determine what is the right number of people and who are the right people to release and under what conditions meantime the Citys Department of correction has reopened a shuttered facility on Rikers Island to separate inmates showing symptoms of the coronavirus from the rest of the jail population this one new jersey officials are also preparing to release a 1000 inmates chief Justice Stuart ratner signing an order to release inmates jailed for probation violation. Or low level crimes a. C. L. U. New jersey executive director of things said in a statement unprecedented times call for rethinking the normal way of doing things and in this case it means releasing people who pose a little risk to their communities for the sake of Public Health and the dignity of people who are incarcerated while the other states have yet to take sweeping action to reduce its jail population in response to the coronavirus President Trump is considering an executive order to free older nonviolent offenders from a federal prison reporting in new york Trinity Chavez r t. Elsewhere around the world u. S. Marines and iraqi forces began a major joint military exercise about 4000. 00 u. S. Troops participated in the exercises called native fury at the u. A. E. Military base were part of that drill was to seize a model city complete with multistory buildings and oil refinery and even a Central Mosque now amid tensions with iran u. S. Officials have denied that the exercises were intended to provoke tehran which is only 186 miles away. And in the age of coded 1911 states and d. C. Are now letting those who are uninsured sign up for obamacare the states implementing this change could also include california colorado connecticut maryland massachusetts minnesota nevada new york rhode island and washington at the open enrollment under the Affordable Care act allows people who have recently lost Health Insurance due to being laid off to have some sort of coverage that Trump Administration is also considering a similar act. Right weve seen that drones can do a lot of cool things but check out this one a Spanish Company has developed the socalled drone korea project which allows a drone to drop seeds from the sky to help help fight de force forestation this drone in particular youre looking at is dispersing seeds out of spain and can transport up to half a 1000000 seeds on each flight thats pretty cool. And our global food report says the u. K. Doesnt make the top 10 cuts when it comes to being stocked and prepared were in explain and then later add the sports h. Q. Were going to hand takes us to hong kong where a photo finish made waves at the Hong Kong Derby a very bad. Banks geysers financial survival they say money the bellatrix clutch it is it is a central plank support Diana Cummings i dont call them i know its a stop to that. Is youll be via reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or im a bit loose shallowness. As nations across the globe struggle with how to cope with corona virus and the new reality where and like in the u. S. The u. K. Is seeing the same type of panic buying in their stores defra the department for and vironment food and Rural Affairs over in the u. K. In 2018 released a food system report barely a page long at least the one to the public ensuring all was well and good but experts say the u. K. s Food Supply Chain is at risk following not only brax it but now further complicated by this Novel Coronavirus former u. K. M. P. George galloway joined me a little earlier to discuss this topic heres what he had to say who are you we didnt have face masks even for our doctors or nurses who knew that we might actually run out of food who knew the panic buying which is essentially legalized looting would leave the supermarket shelves absolutely bare from our own 70. In the morning ive just been into supermarkets from my own familys necessities theres nothing to be found to manila people are descending like horde of locusts on everything and taking away much more than they can possibly need a lot of food will be going to waste rorting because it cant possibly be eaten the amount that its been in there is the issue youve just highlighted the actually not just 50 percent nearly of all britains food comes from outside of the country but when you talk about through vegetables its 80 to 90 percent coming from outside the country is this green and pleasant law and well. Never stops raining turns out we cant even grow our own fruit and vege that is incredible george 80 to 90 percent i couldnt imagine i would have never guessed with the beautiful english countryside and weve heard President Trump rail about americas trade gap with china we all know that we know that its imbalanced the u. K. Has its own food trade gap of about 22300000000 pounds in the wrong direction with 46800000000 imported interview k but only 22500000000 went out so how does this food gap impact the economy overall for britain. Well if you took whiskey of. The guy would be very much greater. The 4 things that you put in your mouth whisky is by far and away the biggest export is extraordinary here we are on the island surrounded by fish. Never stops where our country is green from north to south these 2 west we are unable even to feed ourselves never mind think about selling our products elsewhere beef production many people think the british beef is a mark of d excellence but not as many people are buying buying Scotch Whisky saw we need to recalibrate this so many things once if this coronavirus epidemic is over because we are lake it we are the mercy of blind forces over which we have no control. Not what breaks it was supposed to be about so ill be arguing for a very decisive shift to a buying british eating british growing british making british thats what we have to do every country has to. Be secure in the basics within itself otherwise that at the mercy of things and of d people that are entirely beyond our control thats right george i covered 1000 has really laid bare the structural weaknesses in Food Supply Chains not only in your country but across the globe so what are your thoughts on great britains majestic systems and how delivery is unable to meet demand currently. Well. For the truckers of course wed all be dead so the team stars and their british equivalent need to get organized and make sure that they are properly valued because without trucks wed be no where weve got to look at things afresh i think manila we eat too much we eat too much of the wrong things we dont eat enough of the right things ive just been giving my own children a lecture on this we had too much process food we dont eat enough of the things that we need and we do much of the things that we dont want one this is over tell you everything is on the table. Lives on the way we organize our society is on the table absolutely georgia and lastly we know that Boris Johnson is obviously busy trying to deal with this Virus Outbreak but has there been any movement on the next steps for brac that are post back that i should say. Well everything is on ice so far as thats concerned its not officially been called off but it seems inconceivable that theres much work going on between britain and brussels right now on what the final picture will look like so its probably not going to be done by the end of this year but frankly not much is going to be done by the end of this year the whole political agenda has been turned upside down all right we will leave it right there as always appreciate all of your insights George Galloway thank you my friend. Lets head over to regina hamm over at the sports h. Q. Regina most sports are canceled but whats racing is still going on overseas at least there was one with a dramatic finish what happened there was pretty exciting and it was a down to the wire dramatic finish at an almost empty shot in race course as the hunk on derby so one horse and a local jockey making quite the name for themselves as famous race track saw golden 60 and hometown native incent home falling behind pretty much right out of the gate off the writer blake making a daring move made race and thats a gold 60 chances of victory in the dust but the final 300 meters it was a doozy there 289 to one odds pliable when day pulled away at from the pack but at 200 to go gold of 60 pull in behind at some speed hes becoming the only danger is hopes still alive but found 50 meters gold 60 says this is mine he takes the lead and the upset when it is a heart attack material there the come from behind when there is just inches separating gold 60 day 60 becomes the 2nd ever to win all 3 legs of the 4 year old classic series for vincent ho he becomes the 1st homegrown rider to land the b. M. W. Hong kong derby title since toni kroos in 1995. Then it all season is still expected to go ahead as scheduled with the Los Angeles Rams decide to make a move in their off season that wasnt involving a new player rams updated their logo and color scheme did during the month social Media Channels ram safety john johnson quarterback jared goff seen here put on some new hats with a modern version of the old ram the new logo follows the same design as a 2020 n. F. L. Draft as a drill eat on line featuring but if a jazzy style kind of mimics a lot of Las Vegas Las styled with a horn for shooting from the a as a nod to their mascot the word is also supposed to represent a perfectly thrown spiral and as a 1st major logo change in 20 years. The team the fresh look is causing some mixed reactions among their fan base with some comparing it to the Internet Explorer symbol and even chris sought. After veteran International Committee member dick pound said the i. O. C. Reached a decision to postpone the 2020 summer games 24 hours later the japanese government and the i. O. C. Finally confirmed the News Japanese Prime Minister shinzo ave offered the explanation take a listen. Joe if you will in life based on the Current Situation in the us we have made a proposal to consider perspiring on the games by about a year to ensure that the worlds athletes can play in the best conditions and to have a safe and secure tournament for the audience i received an answer from i. O. C. President that he 100 percent agrees it was agreed that the tokyo lympics and paralympics would be held by the summer of 2021 of the latest. The formal announcement came after multiple countries said they would not send a delegation to tokyo if the games went on as planned on july 24th the olympics have never been rescheduled due to a pandemic with the 1960941904 games being cancelled due to world war in rio 2016 summer games they were affected by the years but they continued to go on organizers are eyeing summer 2021 as a potential rescheduling date but the games will still be called the olympic and paralympic tokyo trying to any i. O. C. President thomas bach express that athlete spectator and organizer health was a key point is postponing the games the Silver Lining the olympic flame will stay on display and live in fukushima as hope until the games Opening Ceremony next year. And manila it is a good decision i know theres a lot of flip flopping by the i. O. C. Its also a huge moneymaker for the networks that are there on 10 as well so youre seeing now a lot of cars are going to start moving as to figure out these new parts but its for the best athletes wont get sick spectators will get sick organizers will get sick or regina you can tell me if im wrong here i heard that even though theyre probably moving it to summer 2021 that theyre still calling it the 2021 picks and they are theres no logo change i think when you print so much material with your logo on it its kind of hard to go and you know just redo it but its also smart because theres no thats not true the rams just did it well there and did it and it looks like a croissant and people are unhappy the memes are endless there in manila its croissants Internet Explorer logo so people are saying i dont see change like ok thats bright this is a different world regina 2020 olympics in 2021 and the rams are the l. A. Croissants now lot of people are actually asking to on kind of a point on the olympics is this isnt 2021 and theyre supposed to happen every 4 years yeah i dont change the timeline i personally dont think so i think itll probably just stay the same but you know that that is one sportscasters opinion well what we will see how that goes all right thank you for that regina hamm and you dont go anywhere because were back here at 5 pm eastern with a lot more news. Are you including lots of questions being raised after some high profile people saved a fortune when they sold their own stocks right before the cove in 1000 pandemic and then well take you to one california beach where r. V. Dwellers are being pushed out because of the spread of coronavirus one explain that to you all that coming up at 5 pm eastern so thats it for right now keep up with everything in question at all times by downloading our brand new free app called portable t. V. Can watch us 24. 00 sevenths at all believes the is there a military analyst about here couple hours. Chose seemed wrong why dont we just dont hold. You to shape out these days. And in detroit because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. You know when im going to be out there so i dont think about it at all many. New dorp or. Kind of where i wonder. If im not big now i think its higher than our. Members of the african mafias always them safe and quick passage to europe but once they. Leave they count speech util. Will not some of them leave your mom and i couldnt you know if this unit can get it out i mean. They sold the. Home court of the import data was the persona that a kid even thought all. Go. A little bit messed up bio d. N. A. In some way over. Im not sure really isnt such a great thing you know im sure you look better now than when you have. Well its nice of you to say so but i do i went there when i was 25 miles and so great. Greetings and sal you tasted this welcome one and all to the next chapter of the great pandemic of 2020 and what have the previous chapters in this book shown us now well you have a variety of bad big had to choose from really you have strange frightening inspiring courageous creepy me personally the adjective i like most to describe the

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