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Late. Hello there this is Art International from moscow its just 24 pm here this monday will welcome to the program i can tell you of a slightly new show julian place for the time being for you im kevin and with my colleagues will be here with you every day at this time to update you on the latest in a full 30 minute will news roundup so lets begin show way and see whats happening when you are being implemented across the Moscow Region to contain the spread of covert 19 residents aged over 65 and people with Chronic Health conditions and ive been told to stay at home for a while russia says there are 438 known infections nationwide but theres been 71 new cases in the past 24 hours all of them here in moscow theres some suspicion abroad about the relatively small official figures for now talking about that our Senior Correspondent were looking at why the numbers are low for the time being anyway. How ohio how of this too few infected in russia why hasnt the pandemic has russia why arent there more infected and that is a question you hear more and more often in the western press pundits are busily with disappointment the how is relatively simple its action world c. N. N. And others were busy Bashing Trump for his racist policies and restricting air travel with china russia shuttered its entire brood of thousands and thousands of kilometers without no frills wild west the need is politicians were busy shooting their Business Leaders and hooper and bosses russia established quarantine and he would arrive in the country was self isolated at home. Tests russia has conducted 856000 coronavirus tests the United States up until march conducted just poor 1000. Instead they have grosse. Cited fringe opposition and conspiracy theories that allege a widespread cover up of putins machinations that putin is hiding the true infection rate well even the World Health Organization has denied these rumors i am 99. 99 percent sure i get there are no hidden cases i dont think that air recurrence see some cases where people have not come forward because they didnt work the self isolation but breaking through the network that walls catch. And understand and advise such cases must really were while russia has been fortunate soufan few expect the pandemic to completely pot. Russia by hospitals and clinics are increasingly being prepared to receive the infected who would be in quarantine mode about 60000 people in russia either under quarantine self isolation or on the medical observation for the moment the surveillance so well done including indeed Community Acquired mourning as we are all other which are all lessons for all that i think we also have our savior cases or were on our end that its because of the wrath structure in russia weve seen an increase a sharp increase in that and finally i can send you i havent formally ill see you im say next where are all people i know in russia youre now or do you know someone who knows someone prison hospital or morea. And i couldnt find a Single Person who answered that who could have predicted that the sanctions intended to borrow and cripple russia would save it. In these times of worldwide economic recession see the point of those sanctions was to deprive russia of this of dollars in your of zulu rooms and financing for the central bank the government or the companies and businesses to what russia did was switch to this. The rule of now foreign debt is that the wreck would blow worse or produces almost everything it needs 90 percent of what it needs russia without your culture produces for its not the other needs to china now russia is set up to where the of a stool with the hearth trillion dollar fund that it set up just in case now is that case. Russia will be a bit better off than other countries because of its experience because of sanctions and because of reserves when the virus threat passes its possible things will come back to life faster in russia than in other countries because they wont be the negative drag of that the end result has been the childes supermarkets and shops are still packed with everything you could ever want while there has been something of a run on supermarkets and shops and hoarding well they still sell toilet paper and plenty of it when i see it for now anyway the russian medical experts in equipment have arrived in italy meantime to help tackle the corona Virus Outbreak there italy is the worlds most badly affected country right now more than 59000 people have tested positive for covert 19 and over 5400 have died correspondent on quarter told me more about the aid mission no from russia to italy. Russias top contribution has to be really those 100 medical experts that were sent there just landed near rome actually were talking about russias top military veralyn just an epidemiologist highly experienced specialists who have grappled with serious epidemics in the past like anthrax and now loads of russian medical equipment and disinfection trucks were also sent there earlier we saw videos from the Russian Ministry of defense of these these trucks loaded with medical supplies rolling out onto the airport tarmac and like you said before you know italy was hit really hard by this corona virus and it actually has the highest death toll in the world from the coronavirus so in a country like that of course the leaders are are going to be thankful for getting that kind of aid i would like to express my great satisfaction and gratitude from all the italian people for russias assistance at such a difficult time i would like to say thank you for the large amount of material and the specialists who have come from russia to eataly to help now italy has also gotten support in terms of doctors and medical supplies from countries like cuba and china but as for the e. U. Itself so far pretty much nothing i mean brussels has been talking about the central bank has been talking about a possible 410000000000 euro bailout plan but hundreds of people in italy are dying every day from this virus and this still amounts to just talks and to make matters worse some leaders are even restricting the export of medical supplies to italy because they think that theyre going to need those supplies for their own responses to the pandemic so as long as at least left to fend for itself in this time of crisis by the by by the e. U. Of which its a bloc member you know its hard to see how the situation is going to be true you know so could a donor. Got some reaction from rome i spoke to the president of the italian conservative think nation who told me 8 nations different reactions shows theres little right now in the way of they believe harmony. Each directly between the nation inside the European Union is not sure in these situations the emergency situation the question that we ask to hold the European Union of government that it would be in the utility of the European Union and well the harder nations in the European Union the they didnt have so many cases of people with coronavirus like italy that has the country in the state to close borders to he probably has the country decided not to help and keep the lead in the European Union and especially the European Bank at this i did not to help italy but after that after a few days when the crown of i was arrive also went on a virus right in germany arriving now for sore eyes all those of you in the whole of the other country immediately the European Union changes the way to react to the coronavirus so thats not possible in middle east 60000000 people we are the 3rd economy and save the European Union every year we spend a lot of money to repay you and that we expected a response from the European Union to help our country continue to head round europe france next country suppost 16000 registered cases of the 674 people who have died most were over 70 years old the French Parliament declared a Health Emergency on sunday had said to last for at least 2 months it gives the government more powers to the breaking clued in the implementation of restrictive measures support for struggling businesses and the requisition of goods and Services France went on lockdown last week to limit the spread of the deadly virus people are only allowed to leave their homes now for essential trips but officials are still being accused of negligence in their response to the crisis covering that for you today from paris our correspondent charlotte do bensky. Death rate rises the infection rate goes up but here in france we are hearing from french medics that they are unhappy that they feel that not enough was done enough to stop the pandemic in france theyve actually filed a legal complaint against some of frances talk officials including the Prime Minister and the former Health Minister on you to sell what they say is that these officials knew is really is january how bad things were going to get and yet they didnt do enough some of the evidence for their complaint comes a real interview with the former Health Minister herself who had talked about France Holding the 1st round of municipal elections just over a week ago and saying it was a masquerade and saying as she stepped down from her job as Health Minister she did so crying because she knew that a tsunami was coming. For the medics has told r. T. That the government was simply lying to the Google Doodle were dealing with a government thats lying to us they say well be taking measures and theyll say again we need to do this we need to do that the truth is weve lost the advantage struggle to catch back up do you want an example you must remember the president stopped speeches last week when he used his war like trying as commander in chief to convince is that marched will arrive soon because mass of the main tools in this war may help medical workers where are those. Well the french government says its doing all it current to handle the crisis in regards to those shortages we have heard from the french Prime Minister edward phillipe requisitions have been made and requested be made to manufacture some researches to come up with new prototypes for things such as mosques this is more of what he had to say because of all see we have asked the ministry of the the ministry of defense to find alternatives more precisely to. In the wide range of industrial activities some research either to multiply the production lines or to come up with alternatives disposable reusable while another accusation from the medics at the lawyers told us about was the lack of testing for code 19 they think that this is problematic now france isnt the only country thats been experiencing shortages for the kits to test for the virus many of the countries are experiencing the same shortages that and other medical supplies as well weve been hearing about this over the past few weeks and that is why the current Health Minister says that its just not possible to test everyone. Today we dont test automatically so far we made the choice like most countries and as per the european recommendation to reserve test for the priority members of the public the targeted people are just like in neighboring European Countries those who are most at risk because it 19 is course panic across the world and each country is handling the crisis in the way that it feels is best and it could of course be months before we see a fax developed and a vaccine usable on humans and what governments including the one here france are calling for is a sense of togetherness that we are all in this together this is a sense of unity so perhaps it would feel at the moment a legal complaint like this is particularly unwelcome. Germany now in the german chancellor here is self isolating after falling and shed come into contact with someone who tested positive for covert 90 im glad merkels know taken a coronavirus test and is awaiting the results keep you posted if were going back about that on sunday she introduced tough measures tough her measures indeed to curb the spread of infections people all over europe correspondent reports next on the latest news coming in from berlin. On monday morning we had our latest. Thing from the head of germanys Public Health institute the robert cock institute now. He said as it stood at the moment the exponential growth curve thats the way in which the virus grows and that that seems to be leveling out right now he did go on to say it was too soon for real optimism about that but if i continue through to say wednesday then they would be looking at it as something particularly positive he also said the testing is crucial he also pointed out one interesting fact thats come out from d this testing is that the the average. In fact 57 percent of those whove tested positive here in germany have been 45 year old men so thats kind of different from other countries that weve seen where it seems to have affected the elderly or all those with underlying Health Conditions now. So far around 25000. 00 cases of being confirmed in germany with just under 100. 00 deaths confirmed what we have heard coming out from the government are new well strict guidelines strict instructions when it comes to social isolating often in Public People are only allowed to move around alone or with one other person who is not a member of their own household or they can move around with members of their own household in Public People must keep a distance between each other of a minimum of 1. 5 meters preferably 2 meters or one person who is self isolating at the moment is the german chancellor Angela Merkel she went into quarantine it was found that a doctor who did ministered a vaccination for Something Else that later tested positive for covert 19 is absolutely no question of being unable to carry out her duty as chancellor while she. In self isolation its worth noting in fact though that her party the Christian Democratic Union currently should be well fighting it out for whos going to essentially be her replacement theyre supposed to be having Election Campaign to see who would be the next leader of the party thats of course on suspension at the moment due to the covert 19 i will break in 51. 00 of the front runners there for a joke mayor tikhon well it was confirmed last week that he actually has the coronavirus before chancellor merkel went into quarantine she was spotted in a berlin supermarket pushing around a a shopping trolley or a rather well rather frugal collection of groceries she had in there not an awful lot in it if thats what shes taking into well potentially 2 weeks worth of self isolation she might be giving some of the secret service a call asking them to to drop her off a few extras things thats the way it looks at the moment angular merkels in isolation but the good news it would seem if were allowed to call it good news just yet comes from the Public Health institute which gests that if Current Trends continue well the exponential growth of the virus in germany appears to be leveling out a little bit of good news maybe maybe well keep you posted again by mid week if we have more on that greece no thankfully its got a relatively low number of fatalities albeit it still 17 people lost the moment but the authorities are implementing restrictions nationwide which come into force today. And also a ban will take effect on all unnecessary movement by citizens across the country its perhaps the last step of an organized Democratic State but one which must be done in time so as not to be in vain because time is no longer measured in days but in hours and bold and quick initiatives are needed. So theres now a National Lockdown in place sunday so the largest leap in daily infections with almost 100 more cases of people being told to stay at home or face a 150 year old fine the only exceptions are those who need to get to work to visit a doctor or shopping for essential year and pay for greeces opposition syrian support hysteria school locally took the time and speak to me last terry says despite all that there is still much more that should be done to combat the virus but its not enough. Neither in greece nor in any country of the European Union we need or should do inside the values do to govern much more interesting than we have you know in greece. Almost everywhere for the time being really it looks like there are no enough to conduct to do all the citizens there are suspected or there there are secret you know but we have to do that this is the only way to lead and attack the bio research or. The funding of programs informative today were going to carry on broadcasting to were reporting worldwide for you as countries work to fend off the coronavirus all the way that theyre not international after the break the struggle to get emergency measures in place in the United States for across the. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to some. Direction. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maid in the shallows. Go since all a little bit messed up by our d. N. A. In some way or another look at me im not sure it isnt such a quick thing you know im sure you look better now than when he had hair come on its nice of you to say so but i went bald when i was 25 and wasnt so great then. Hello again live from russia this is Art International with me kevin no in next u. S. Lawmakers have failed to pass the Coronavirus Response bill House Republicans say would provide assistance to families and businesses but the democrats say it doesnt go far enough because it fails to protect for star Health Workers or people whove lost their jobs because of the pandemic will be a 2nd vote later this monday among the most vulnerable americans of those sleeping rough measures like self isolation is really tricky to do its not an option in many cases while donald trump plans to deploy the National Guard in 3 states including California Charities for the homeless a people on the streets need help now. We are not prepared yet for a crisis like this individually we are doing everything we can but we will be listen precious souls out of the streets if we dont take immediate action california is one of the most affected states for coronavirus but also as the countrys highest number of homeless estimated last year to be around 150000 support groups say the squalid conditions many living in could worsen the spread of the disease no 2 its not a problem its just restricted to california really the europe is thought to have more than 700000 people who are homeless thats an increase of around 70 percent compared to a decade ago france is open to self Isolation Centers which can accommodate up to 300 people while over in london the mayor of london says the city is set to secure 300 hotel rooms for the self isolation of Homeless People where our investigative Online News Team redfish of been hearing the stories of people sleeping rough across europe. We believe it was that it was a member of the public. But. What did the use of Fictional Police to go on. Told me that he was armed or never see this bizarre court of. To do the honors on the people of the steps put them in a good. Deal but they need me to be even though the blood told me the knowledge i had a sufi street escaped with those because theyre. Good and i havent lied on. This its the old you do ill be good citizens ill just go through what you did i did it the good still is for coffee to be served over its off to deal with but this ones business will be your job to get you. Through some of. The profits of. Your tough times were particularly tough on the street so were all undoubtedly facing the toughest challenge of recent years but as you book set your way through self isolation youll perhaps notice that the Entertainment Industry seems to seen some of this coming. So i think im dealing with quarantine pretty well i will admit i hit a bit of a low point last night and did a deep dive into the internet and i kept coming across the same question could we have seen the soul coming well ill tell you what back in 2011 hollywood was definitely on to something that one or 2 people. Made 60. Its a 1000000000 thats where we are so the virus originates in china but its transmitted by touch check scientists a scrabbling to develop a vaccine check points or abandon shops or ransacked and doctors are repeating the same mantras to try and hope the pandemic check check check the average person to use the feeds 3 to 5 times every day between touching or not. And each other today start working on not touching your face because one main way viruses spread is when you touch your own mouth nose or eyes and the Entertainment Industrys in a way foresight and that we know that the simpsons has developed a reputation for predicting the future like donald trump becoming president the invention of autocrat and smart watches and even and the price when i bought hardcore fans are now convinced the show anticipated tom hanks is recent Coronavirus Diagnosis but on top of another episode where a nation walk into a box sends it to houma and causes an outbreak in springfield. And if youre a disney fan you might remember 20 tens tangled while tongues out our golden had beauty was self isolating and a kingdom called none other than cowrote. Wait a minute here in tangled reponse who is trapped in the tower corentin and hidden from the kingdom in corona did anybody else realize this tangled the disney movie about a girl whos isolated from the kingdom of corona well played. So we are all stuck at home like rapunzel trapped in her tower and tangled the kingdom of corona and for you boss get both finds out by wondering how youre past your time now that the n. B. A. Has temporarily shut up shop while if youd watch space jam you might have been better morally prepare sure it was a villain the savior who brought the Sports League to its feet up close enough its not just hollywood which is only a city on point 981. 00 novel the eyes of darkness touches on a Deadly Weapon developed in a city few had heard of until 2020 but which now for better or for worse will go down in the history books they call the stuff 10400 or it was the 405 strain of manmade microorganisms created our Research Center we hunted for hundreds a perfect weapon and in this new pandemic self quarantining reality we finding ourselves that the delivery guy has gone from the man who never got to fast enough to the man who might literally save you after you pick to audience all the snacks well if youre a gamer with an eagle why 29000 deaths strontium delivery man is 20 twentieths hero willing to climb any mountain to get you your supplies. So it seems that maybe life isnt actually that much stranger than fiction. Make the best of it well thats it for this live up to 20 minutes pass for now to moscow time from our main studios here im kevin 0 in thank you for watching at this time every day well continue to bring you live updates from here in russia can tell you are 2 u. K. Will be live from london in just over half an hour and all the developing stories there and then later. America takeover in washington so packed day coming up a lot of coverage around the clock you can from the latest headlines from monte dot com and across the various social media too these are of course pretty Uncertain Times for a soul but you can rest assured we will continue to do our utmost to keep you informed and into tape over the coming weeks with news from our studios around the world documentaries not talk shows its all here at r. T. International. Skies are. Closed to these if this is a central plank support diet goodness good club the right stuff to. Seem wrong. To shape out the answer. And in. Find themselves worlds apart. Choose to look for common ground

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