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Reported in the u. S. Donald trump shifts the blame on t. V. Chinese officials saying they failed to share information about the outbreak. Thanks for joining us here on. The coronavirus pandemic has now taken over 10000 lives worldwide with more than 245000 people infected the death toll in italy in china meanwhile the World Health Organization has begun the 1st trials of a vaccine it says it will take at least 12 months for a vaccine to become available. Russias also started its own covert 900. 00 vaccine trials now its confirmed almost 200. 00 cases of the virus. Visited Moscows Sheremetyevo airport to see why that number of infected is so low. Welcome to sherry and thats in the airport where officials have invited us to reassure the russian public that they are doing Everything Possible to prevent the spread of the coup with 90 virus here in russia now personally i would have taken them at their word and left it at that but juicy cools i was here last a month ago when strict travel control just came into play for memories i ended up in quarantine for almost 3 weeks. Sanitation here is on steroids according to latest studies the virus can survive in various services for up to 9 hours so obviously they need to keep everything very clean. So here the front line troops the medics the needs and greet the arriving passengers in russia monitor them pass them analyze them and send them to court and theyre just heading to their desks a new jet has landed from europe. Sanitation special issues thermal cameras on board they walk through the arms pointing those cameras of passengers in their seats if the passengers are healthy they can leave the plane there are. 3 layers of thermal control that all arriving passengers have to pass through theres this infrared camera theres a thermal camera and the passengers temperature is it taken abroad the plane. They gave us mosques which is good we also have to feel out of for i dont know whats happening next theyve checked us with thermal cameras i think theyre doing the right thing. This is the baggage claim area theyve just passed passport control at this 3rd their temperature has been taken 3 times 3 times already they have been run through it was revealed to be whove been in contact with whether theyve been exposed to anyone that infected. When passengers go through sheremeta terminal f. They complete a form indicates a possible data phone number and address we check their flight and seat numbers give them a list of anti epidemic instructions and explain that they need to comply with these rules and the medics here are going to check and theyre going to take their advice good advise them theyre going to check through it. Takes web samples and 7 have to get tested after that one of these people are going to be said for sound quality the medics however will stay at the stations day and night working in shifts while the infection may have slowed International Travel to a trickle of its former self there are still thousands and thousands of people waiting to get back whove. Already discussed the pandemic with the new spread saying the head doctor moscows clinical hospital common arca which is currently dealing with the majority of russian coronavirus patients. Prospers. When the situation in moscow is very open we get constant updates on the overall situation which are ocular the age ranges going up the 1st patients were aged between 30 and 35 people returning from that travels now its the people who came into contact with them are typically 37 and older so far were not seeing an exponential spread of the virus this is no miracle thats due to the tough measures in place in moscow relating to contacts and corn. Among the preventative measures rolled out in russia is Remote Learning for students is where if a notion of his day one of russias top universities to see whats going on. They hire a school of economics known as a tourist either versity in central moscow thursday no it should be bussed in with hundreds of students including international ones with exams just weeks away but not anymore deserted it like many russian universities colleges and schools has now moved online in response to the corona virus threat its a logical move amid the Global Pandemic but i decided to find out how University Life can carry on digitally with. Weve been developing Online Education for a while the only difficulties were in combining and mobilizing all the skills and knowledge in a short time and applying it to the whole university no one has been banned from coming have anyone who needs to use the library for example or see their tutors or professors still can but this is a whole new reality for institutions and students alike the new reality can actually help further development both of individuals and the Education System itself at least thats the believe of 70 year old eagerly pursuits whos a professor at the business and management faculty so its never too late to study i told my mother in law how to use the internet at the age of 86 i recorded 2 online courses for the high school of economics i really you tube channels so when this situation arose i started to think about how to help my colleagues record in an easy and convenient way hello everyone and welcome to our class that takes place for my home and 3 of his preparing his lesson in his kitchen he believes Online Education can open many doors you just have to be very careful who can do everything they do in the class peer your kind of relaxed your home with them is a new look something up on the movement its all about or experiment and you can free all with the quality of who can fill with boards on one that doesnt matter what you do over the only thing is. The contact and be consistent with what you do so that you could build up the skill of the students what is an intriguing experience for teachers is even more appealing for students. Are you afraid to fill in secure or are like in danger with this corona virus spreading. I actually want to tell you this sure i shall lie. On top of moving courses online another measure being rolled out by universities is asking students to move out of their halls of residence to at least off the spring break most agree these measures are affordable effective not quite affect the quality of education and can even help save some time but everybody hopes that it will not last for too long with the 3rd day of total lockdown in france the police have issued more than 4000 fines for violators the number of coronavirus deaths in the country has jumped to 372 and as people continue to violate the lockdown the french government to sharply criticize citizens for not taking the situation seriously. When i see people still going to the park to get together or heading to the beach or to open markets they seem not to understand the message from the authorities a lot of our fellow citizens are still taking this too likely there are people who think theyre modern day heroes by breaking the rules while they are in fact e. D. Its. Friends went into a 15 day quarantine on tuesday its only permitted to leave the house for a number of reasons such as buying basic necessities helping a relative or even walking a dog and they wont call it living without a written explanation will be fined 135. 00 euros. And as that strict measure was announced prisons packed their bags and began to flee to the countryside on mass but locals in the regions are now afraid that those coming in will bring the virus to them has more for many parisians the idea of a look down meant one thing only the holidays had come early and with that and those that could vacated the city before the confinement began but as parisians deserted their city on mass at their destinations they werent exactly being welcomed with open arms i understand that presents want to go to the countryside but our ecosystem is fragile we must be careful we hold the prisoners did not bring the virus read them especially since our hospitals here are small but regions who go to il durant despite being potentially contaminated do you think we have your hospitals know we have small hospitals which are overcrowded in normal times stop go into or 2nd homes to flee will your potential cure yours a big stink you 2 d. S. Parisian who came to read and all the ron thank you for putting us in even more danger in some rural areas of appeared essentially accusing parisians of spreading the virus others are concerned that those scenes weve seen of supermarkets ransacked by desperate shoppers who are who are doing food could now be about to hit their communities some say thats already happened shops have been stormed as has the village pharmacy. No more bread to turn i am in the bakery persians arrived in mass this night and this morning they emptied the shelves of the supermarket and bakery the tensions being expressed on social media have already spilled over into reality we know that secondary residence arrived because there were a lot of people in the supermarkets the police now do intervene at the clerk in summer to indure to remind people about the rules there are also concerns that if the forest does take hold in the Regions Health services will be overwhelmed and able to cope there is clearly a risk of overcrowding for a local hospital we do not have an intensive care unit and we have to evacuate patients to the mainland such an influx will weaken our Health System which is by nature constrained in an island context we have very few safety nets are the supply level of the health level in maleng for example there is no doctor in the sun there is only one we would very quickly be overwhelmed some even went as far as calling for a complete halt to parisians fleeing to the countryside it is important to block the escape of parisians to the provinces i live on the island of all our own between la rochelle and bordeaux and i do not want to see arriving here tourists carrying death the term a shock but it is the truth this is for everyone. Concerned about the influx of people trying to escape the city some authorities have taken action in one part of brittany all rental accommodation has been banned on 4 islands until the end of march warnings have also been issued to parisians reminding them that they are not on holiday. The rivals rushed to do their shopping there was tension with the locals and the weather was nice they took their bikes and went riding went down seeing the city were in confinement not on vacation and things may not be about to get any easier 15 days of confinement already felt like a lifetime to many here in fronts but it seems that theyre going to have to buckle in for an even longer journey the countrys director general of Public Health has warned an extension will be very likely necessary. Paris. The democratic primaries in the United States and im officially a 2 horse race with you that story and more maybe to. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see that. Welcome back heading to the United Kingdom where the number of those infected by covert 9000 has surpassed 3000 the death toll has reached almost 150 british Prime Minister Boris Johnsons reassured the public that the u. K. Can turn the tide on the Coronavirus Crisis within he says 12 weeks starting for friday most schools in the country will be closed with summer exams cancelled the British Government has asked the public to do a range of things among them stopping unnecessary travel working from home if its possible and avoiding pubs however some are refusing to comply with the pub ban including another than the p. M. s father our correspondent Shadi Edwards daschle went to investigate where the Stanley Johnson is the only brit refusing to give up social drinking. Most brits are treating coronavirus very seriously here to get advice to stay at home avoid social gatherings and avoid travel completely when the Prime Minister advised against going to pubs the sound that was fine we need people to start working from home where they possibly can and you should stay void pubs clubs theatres and other such social. Well londons liquor lovers are waking up to a new how to the free reality but for others if you need a drink you need a drink especially if you played a part in creating the mound behind this very strange change of sobering rules when you go to the pubs are not. The problems you think you know what you think your sons going to say they just told you not who he said before going to pubs but if i had to go to a pub id go to a bar so the p. M. s does go to plan cheers for that one stand but in saying use is a. Bring up the storm online some are questioning why the Prime Ministers very own father is questioning his own coronavirus meshes is he drunk whereas others are saying well actually the situation has been blown up i mean larger than proportion. What creates a need for one to go to the park after consulting with my father Stanley Johnson we are updating our coronavirus advice from now on anyone who developed symptoms must head straight for the pub can we stop bringing Stanley Johnson on to the t. V. Hes not an elected official and hes a danger in the current climate well we tried all day to find a single punter in london but to no avail well tonight might be a bit more fruitful at least not at this park because theres no one here and check out this park right in the heart of london its wine time brews a clock and not single bruiser insight on the story is no different in this pop either not exactly having a whale of a time with all of my friends hardly the worlds greatest pub crawl but with a general u. K. Lockdown looming it seems like pubs like this will be calling all stores anyway though it does seem that started johnson is the last man standing. In the us the number of corona virus cases is now surpassed 10000 President Donald Trump has tried to lay the blame though at the door of china who accuses beijing of failing to share information a lot more protests a closer look. The coronavirus pandemic is not just claiming lives its also threatening to take down Donald Trumps number one boast a strong u. S. Economy at this point with the stock market going wild donald trump has decided to blame china if we had known about this a number of months earlier it could have been contained to that one area in china where it started and certainly the world is paying a big price for what they did in the world is paying a very big price for not for not letting them come out Everybody Knows that trump has decided to even give the virus a new name i would like to begin by announcing some important developments in a war against the chinese virus the chinese virus comes from china thats why this kind of language has of course infuriated beijing the countrys foreign minister put out a strong message for those playing the blame game. Facing the pandemic nations should cooperate to bustle a corner virus insulting others opossum responsibility at this moment is not helpful to the epidemic control of any individual nation or the joint efforts of the International Communities to curb the spread of the virus. Now its not just china disapproving of trump on this one the World Health Organization has asked donald trump to cut it out viruses no new borders and they dont care about your ethnicity the color of your skin or how much money you have in the bank so its really important would be careful in the language we use less did lead to the profiling of individuals associated with the virus now for all those looking to blame china its worth looking into their vast global efforts to stem the pandemic donating test kits to cambodia and planeloads of masks and ventilators to france and italy along with medical teams theyve pledged to help the philippines spain and other countries chinese doctors are on their way to iraq and iran president xi called today health silk road pledging to get assistance where its needed planetwide look at americas response overseas take a look at iraq iran is one of the countries that is worst hit with its Health Services dangerously overloaded officials are saying that millions could die but yet iran is being hit with war u. S. Sanctions donald trump is maliciously tightening the u. S. Illegal sanctions with the aim of draining neurons resources needed in the fight against 19 while our citizens are dying from it the world can no longer be silent as u. S. Economic terrorism is supplanted by its medical terrorism in a lets its a count of poets Hassan Rouhani informs her efforts to fight the covert 1000 pandemic in iran have been seriously hampered by u. S. Sanctions in them to cease observing them it is immoral to thats a bully kill innocents cuba and venezuela are both in the early stages of an outbreak now both countries are going to face huge hurdles of crippling us restrictions if the Us Government is going to assist other countries lets assume provide some kind of leadership role during this Global Crisis the 1st thing it should do is cause new home economic sanctions as the u. S. Is applying against iran cuba venezuela and other. Trees cause immense to state the obvious the virus does not discriminate were all in this together so why would anyone want to inflame International Tensions or inflict economic damage to a nation at a time like this trump is. As a nationalist he is trying hes always trying to drum up hostility to Foreign Countries especially china these days the makes a point of saying the war ham virus or the china chinese virus rather than a cold night same hes definitely trying to use this to drum up International Still these china was slow in the beginning and it took a china few weeks to get it get its act together was important effort that trump is no one is a no position to be criticizing china because the us real d response so far has been chaotic haphazard there arent enough masks there arent enough tests i think that a one sided playing games is not only ridiculous but the worst thing possible in the current atmosphere. The democratic primary race is now down to just the 2 candidates Bernie Sanders joe biden thats after hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard dropped out and threw her support behind the former Vice President whos emerged as the flip from. Now after tuesdays election its clear that democratic primary voters have chosen Vice President joe biden to be the person who will take on President Trump in the general election so today i am suspending my president ial campaign and offering my full support to Vice President joe biden in his quest to bring our country together and although i may not agree with the Vice President on every issue i know that he has a good heart and hes motivated by his love for our country and the american people. Shortly after the announcement joe biden thanked god for her support the congressman was thrust into the spotlight last year when Hillary Clinton accused her of being a russian asset rejected the allegations and sued the former secretary of state the politician into the race for the democratic ticket in february last year and was the last woman standing we heard from the press of latin american studies danny sure he says that the primaries are being weighed down by a climate of fear. It will have to work the most are clearly of so in are afraid to go d out of it well if they have children you know they are going d the only way theyre doubly afraid so clearly be inside primary is in crisis and in a sense tells the root of a woman of color who represents a car on its people why i think a lot of people high hopes that she would support Bernie Sanders who is of course the most Critical Incident theory was candidate so to see her fall in line with joe biden in command joe biden was clearly an establishment candidate who represents a continuation of us Foreign Policy was clearly very disappointing and this is bigger than just a primary this is a movement for universal how ill cheer for a u. S. Foreign policy that is diametrically opposed to what Trump Inviting in it but im in the ruling class represent so this move is going to continue to fly not just in the electoral arrhenius arena but more importantly historically in the streets of the u. S. I think about it today thanks so much for joining us here on our album out with updates on our top stories in around half an hour and a 1st a long feet away at a website lots more news that all to. You are no offense but you no longer a young woman in fact one of the last living survivors of the nazi yeah lets ask im aware of that. Relieve for a day. All your life. And you can never forget theyre going now. Was it really like to be. In hell because he would never believe that one man can do to as a hobby horse for 32 years and never be. Heard bad at all since a lot tougher by the time you make it back when i get out im on the farm saw you i want to take my son to her next you so he can listen in the hopefully bless my heart hurts. My. C. V. Is. Why why laughter. I. Dont conform with the sale of slates thoughts on what might say than that though im still what they keep you to post a thing in the reaching in moscow also not to post the parts cook it does monkey sing to the eat a 4 to a stall for. A new guy thought was about seeing a paulist that so soon york at loggerheads with one of my people have no idea how can you suppose that until i kneel all the results for you upon the sand to get. The fleet the very. Sad. She will want them not only fully checked 1st. Leave. Example right. And there just to talk a little are your constituents not as much and those tell me that the tax cuts in the city that is. Why this. Business. Was the wrong way if it doesnt. Get this thing is not to stick parked on a yacht its not like us politics to be a target that states in the you will let the. Dogs the law with the dog to go its mama for the 50th fiji if i did that and you know if. Yes hell. Kill. Me for my issues because she should. Kill our. Schill 5. 1000 and thats the concern here was. She had to do the right to reach down from general mama she you up there is full of cheer. And ill. Give. Him thank you. Do you have some mr carville in the pictures of on you up that i. Have not seen one

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