Transcripts For RT News 20240713

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Its 9 am here this friday morning and moscow a very woman everyone. Called lots of stories for you so lets get stuck in another 2000 cases of corona virus around the wild have been confirmed in just the past day in many countries people are stripping stores bad leaving empty shelves as they stock up on essential should they need to self isolate in a strain the media has been accused of whipping up hysteria part of which has seen supermarkets and limit the amount of toilet paper customers can buy. Stripped bare is a straw is prepare for a Pandemic Take a look at this we went out to take a look for ourselves yesterday and there wasnt a toilet roll in saw a movie panic shopping its happening all over the country the great soil of paper pad it is in full cry shoppers swarming stores and clearing shelves of goods as coronavirus called one a stray a newspaper even left 8 of its pages empty suggesting its readers use them as alternative to toilet paper panic buying is happening elsewhere to be taught of a took a look from phelan. Its called. In german literally translates as hamster buying but it doesnt mean that people here were living across the federal republic of being stocking up on adorable Furry Friends it means theyve been panicked by essentially in fear that the coronavirus empty shelves in supermarkets across berlin have become a common sight as people hoard fresh fruit and vege as well as perishable goods like past rice toilet paper Hygiene Products and the basics have been flying off the shelves as people prepare for potential self isolation as the code 90 crisis spreads around the world while emergency testing tents of being set up at hospitals to identify with the virus the German Government is being giving its assessments of the current situation. Means you know chinas coronavirus outbreak has become a Global Pandemic is always a question of finding the right balance on the one hand between the restrictions necessary to contain the virus and on the other enabling every day life to continue its whats clear is that we have not yet reached the peak of the outbreak its not just the muse systems that the viruses be attacking the economy is also taking a real pounding the German Airline lufthansa. Its canceled hundreds of flights with around 150 Aircraft Carrier grounded the German Economy one of the most robust in europe is facing the real possibility of sliding into recession we asked people here on the streets of whether they are afraid of the virus. The supermarkets have been blunted and you take what you can kill in order to have something at home as a fat ass i will wait for a bit. Not to be so hysterical. Hubbard said this theyre crazy i mean once you have a small struggle which would last for 14 days supply in some food and again food is all right whenever a female says i think its massively exaggerated but im not doing pennys buying and doing my usual Grocery Shopping it would be nice to if others who did the same then you would not need to drive to multiple stores for his kids you might be the mule and that there is an epidemic many people die every year and now we have this corona virus there so its absolutely sickening in a silly which is being the hardest hit in europe all schools and universities have been closed for 2 weeks in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus panic buying is also being seen in the United Kingdom where theres also a huge economic called so over the impact in a nation with a poultry system of sick pay compared to other countries that could see something forced to survive on just over 100 year old we the reality is we dont know what is going to happen next with this new virus the best advice we have is to avoid panicking practice good hand washing hygiene and avoid touching bases before all of us see. Another big developing story he latest refugee crisis at the greek tuchis border is seeing officials and politicians increasingly trade furious accusations at one another with both claiming facts are being wealthy. Distorted in the meantime turkey is allowing tens of thousands of people to amass up out front many are at a makeshift camp right now on the numbers are continuing to grow and last turkish authorities have deployed and Additional Police while officers on the greek side of pushback china depends he has been in the thick of it and he now looks at how both sides are fueling the situation. Greece and turkey have long had an acrimonious relationship now as greece feels its borders are under attack this time by migrants leaving turkey sparks are flying on the ground here is where the battle lines are being drawn but perhaps the real conflict is being thought through the power of the news and social media with both sides labeling claims and counterclaims as fake need turkey has accused greece of using live ammunition killing and injuring my quince who are trying to cross the greek police and border units have fired plastic bullets and live ammunition on migrants waiting between the cash dannys impassive coolly border gate the 5 men who were wounded had been shot in the food growing the head and chest by live bullets. Turkish state media even says it has evidence of violence perpetuated by greece. And that is the type of Excessive Force which the Greek Border Police is using there you started using live ammunition on refugees and migrants the greek Prime Minister has categorically slammed those accusations as being wholly false it would be people of archippus give us the turkish side creates and disperses fake news targeted against greece today they created yet another such false whod injured migrants and one dead supposedly by greek fire i categorically deny that greece for its part says turkey is aiding and abetting my quince who are trying to cross illegally unfortunately turkey has become the official trafficker of migrants in the e. U. And greece does not accept this situation we are sending a very clear signal that migrants and refugees cannot be used as an instrument as pawns in a geopolitical game turkey also claims that those trying to cross this border are Syrian Refugees but greek Authorities Say the majority off from countries such as afghanistan from pakistan from morocco on social media videos purporting to show migrant crossings are circulating as click bait it is a wall of words they have borders and they have the right to protect them the greeks have been europes shield for much longer than most people realize ever since there has been islam the e. U. Is fighting against refugees turkey is fighting to protect refugees. Since your proposed turkeys plan to create safe zones in syria for syrians e. U. Night bears responsibility to the needy refugees turkey is already looking after 5000000. 00 refugees it seems the world is divided who is at fault although one side turkey is apparently dumping migrants and forcing them to cross the border on the other hand greece is allegedly using brute force to repel them both accuse the other of using tear gas as a weapon to push migrants towards or away from the border but as the war of fake news is playing out on the ground its the my clients who are suffering being batted back and forth between Turkey Greece and the e. U. Even ski for r. T. Casting yes on the greek turkish border. And the European Parliament several furious m. P. s ought to manteca the e. U. And all cooperation with turkey for causing this latest crisis. This is again a good lesson for us that the European Union doesnt solve our problems it only makes the problems worse we paid 6000000000 euros to the turkish regime and what do we get after some of the several years we only get blackmailed again so it does the other gun just wants more money from us and this has to stop infinity its clear that mr. Stork are not a reliable partner and so i think that the e. U. Should the Security Council because i think that european and sex payer certainly have lost a lot of money i mean in my view would be an appropriate response for the e. U. To suspend the Turkish Customs Union with immediate effect. And. We may well be demanding this in the not too distant future. On touchy opposite border thats the one with syria moves are being made to defuse weeks of escalating violence the leaders of russia and the agreed to cease fire in the war torn it up profits for an extensive talks in moscow the 2 powers are backing opposing sides in the conflict which has put them perilously close to direct confrontation with the National House more on those discussions. It took a total of 6 hours 3 of them tete a tete between ludmer putin and it to type it on thats a lot for top men and then the 2 countries delegations including foreign and defense ministers joined their leaders and the discussion continued it was clear from the beginning it is not going to be an easy chorus ation journalists were told there will be no press conference at the end of any media context so to the very last moment we didnt know whether were going to see mr putin and mr adie the gun this evening at all but both leaders came out to journalists with the outcome of thursdays crucial talks on syria the key point is that the 2 sides came to an agreement to deescalate the syrian turkish crisis in syrias war torn province and to set this in concrete putin and out of the gun signed a document detailing a c. Spy on the ground in aid leap that starts from midnight march 6th jews taught at midnight beginning on the 6th of march a ceasefire will be implemented we will take all necessary steps to ensure at last our goal is to do Everything Possible to prevent the humanitarian situation from deteriorating in the region so the ceasefire is certainly agcy point but there were some other steps agreed upon between russia and turkey the 2 sides decided to establish a socalled safe corridor 12 kilometer wide 6 kilometers north and 6 kilometers south from syria strategic and 4 highway connecting aleppo and lattakia and to start joint patrol of this area to secure it to make it a safe zone starting march 15th flight reporting described thursdays talks with the head of the gun in general as a positive move through the fog of the solution to this group but we dont always agree without turkish partners in our evaluation of the situation in syria is a very critical moment having. I leveled by the true relations weve always managed to find Common Ground on controversial issues you would have found acceptable solution. A while ago the turkish president announced a special gather rain on syria in istanbul but not only between russia and turkey but also with france and germany thats what meant putting convinced his turkish counterpart that they do not need mediators and this is why we saw mr ever gonna come in here to moscow kremlin and having a discussion with wagner putting. More if national now the executive director of the Ron Paul Peace Institute told r. T. Its in both russia and turkeys interest to ensure that this cease fire holds. We should all breathe a sigh of relief because truly russia and turkey were on the brink of direct conflict people screaming out of control and i think it was very wise to have called this bilateral meeting to hammer it out because there is the danger of getting into war and possibly including nato was very real the whole issue of the war torn in the province is not that different than the war for aleppo province which amazingly settled down once it was liberated from the from the control of jihad ists of extremists of al qaida and thats the exact same thing in live province the important thing is that the m. 4 in an m 5 highways will be open up thats important to certainly to russia into syria but lets also remember the heir to one is having some problems back home theres a huge brawl in the Parliament Just yesterday with 2 with the parties fighting each other the opposition parties are not thrilled that everyone has essentially embedded Turkish Military forces with al qaida to serve as human shields to prevent the syrians from retaking their own territory hes gone way out on a ledge and i think hes finding himself at the end of his political rope perhaps. Now the headline story for you 2 was supplied as a planning a new legal challenge to wild chemical weapons what stalled its often a p. C. Brand to the inspectors wrong after they went public in the wake of that study of an alleged attack into syria to has to go now they want a scientific herring and accuse the watch talk of ignoring that was. Something had gone wrong inside the open c. W. Sir and we wanted you to know its that simple letters to the director of the Global Chemical weapons watchdog courtesy of the grey zone project there the latest development in a ping Pong Exchange of correspondence between david and goliath whistleblowers and the o. P. C. W. Inspector in i have tried to resolve our concerns with you in private however this saga has unfortunately escalated to a point where we are now publicly portrayed as adversaries inspectors are now being smeared as the into this is of these values for nothing more than daring to speak out the smearing started back in february with a report in response to what the Organization Called a breach of confidentiality leaks that casts doubt on the o. P. C. W. s conclusions about duma they said the gas cylinders were likely place there rather than dropped from an aircraft and that one area was likely not even subjected to a chemical attack but the report barely even touched on any of that the authors were too busy trying to tear the whistleblowers inspectors a and b. To pieces inspectors a and b. Are not whistleblowers theyre individuals who could not accept that their views were not backed by evidence their behaviors even more egregious as they had manifestly incomplete information about the doom investigation their conclusions were room is on informed and grown erroneous uninformed that doesnt seem very becoming for 2 guys who are apparently the Inspection Team leaders. Why would a pair of the top Inspection Team leaders both with impeccable records incidentally from the Western Group background whove never set foot wrong suddenly go broke did these old circumstances not ring some warning bells they sure are confident in their qualifications but it goes farther than that inspectors a and b. Categorically reject one of the o. P. C. W. s biggest claims against them that they had pretty much nothing to do with the investigation and no access to Important Information when i joined the team shortly after the start of the developments to do inspect a b. And i continued playing a central role in the overall investigation the final report didnt exactly benefit from the editorial turnaround information was slashed details removed and facts dont explain why its not like the inspectors didnt try to get answers to their questions before pressing the big red leak button the response they ran into though was not very encouraging expect to be and i tried on many occasions to meet with you you may also know or perhaps know its that these requests were old annoyed the reason given by a senior official was its my role to protect the director general you will never get to speak with him and if you try to go around me to get him there will be consequences they even think there might have been a bit of deception at play the investigation was conducted by a british investigator and a lawyer from the us the activities of the Fact Finding Mission were monies by your chief of cabinet from france who fuser echoed in both the narratives doesnt strike you as somewhat biased in the 3 individuals represent the 3 defendants the 3 countries who were responsible for the missile strikes in response to the allegation of the chemical attack in duma and o. P. C. W. Leak and some back and forth later there are still so many questions and few answers as to what really happened of course weve asked for its response to the claims in the meantime though we did talk to former f. B. I. Agent and whistleblower that can rally who suspect a smear test a company out. The allegation and accusation that these 2 inspectors who were amongst the top experts they were the 1st hand investigators that actually examined the evidence the l a geisha in that they went rogue makes no sense at all and again given that they were amongst the top professionals in it with the expertise in engineering and in chemical weapons these were the top people so it really is really defies of believe ability that they would have gone rogue they and their close to retire you know they have done a many many years of faithful service to the o. P. C. W. They believe in the mission of truth in times of war truth becomes the 1st casualty and syria is no different at this point it would have to be one side is not telling the truth here and the the entity that changed conclusions of reports would be the suspected entity that is not telling the truth. The only woman left in the race for the u. S. Democratic election nomination faces a big bottle partied hard time for politics in just 1000. Feet our hopes our dreams our desires our money to keep discreet what do we get back to go like thats thats a bad deal so when is technology jumping out of this one is that going to be helping to keep you healthy to keep me informed or to keep me you know connected and i miss that so we will live in an area the post screen area where we were a little less and all these screens and it will be more in harmony or it will help us my. Dick. Theres i was banned what do you do with Global Economy that relies on just in time to livery of parts and Services Mostly from labor wages china is interrupted by a Global Pandemic and cant be overcome with more money printing thats the big question. Join me every thursday on the elec simon chill and ill be speaking to us in the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back a lot of the u. S. And election focus right now is on how the Democratic Party choice is pretty much down to white men in the seventys but how why congresswoman tulsi is still in the race she won 2 delegates in American Samoa and so makes it through to the next democratic debates but the Party Executive wants to shift the goalposts on not more than explains the Democratic Partys machine has been widely exposed for playing favorites when it comes to president ial candidates the latest example of this is the treatment of tulsa gabbert as a result of these super tuesday vote totals the gabbert gained a delegate and was thus eligible to appear in the televised debate so the d. N. C. Then changed the rules we have 2 more debates of course the special will go up by the time we have the much debate almost 2000 delegates will be allocated the threshold will reflect where we are in the race as it always has the rules keep changing in order to make sure that tulsi is locked out her supporters poured out their rage on to twitter god forbid told she gets back on the debates writes translation tosi finally hit the debate qualifications so we got to do something about that despite the fact theres literally only 5 people left in the race. You must really not want to move to a big stage pathetic the bias against tulsa gabbert is rather extreme media reports pretend that she doesnt even exist they claim that Elizabeth Warren is somehow the only female candidate and youre going to Say Something about Elizabeth Warren is she going to benefit by being the only woman left now that any club or shares out Elizabeth Warren recently dropped out of the race so if the democrats want to keep with their message of inclusion they should have told c. Gabbert on the stage but they seem to have a lock her out just like theyve done in the past furthermore Tulsi Gabbert is currently suing Hillary Clinton for publicly smearing her as a russian asset now some people suspect that the bias against tulsa gabbert is rooted in the fact that back in 2016 she endorsed Bernie Sanders and did not line up behind Hillary Clinton furthermore its worth pointing out that shes been rather critical of the debate process and the lack of inclusion back in november Tulsi Gabbert used her permitted debate appearance to go after d. N. C. Favorite candidate Camila Harris and her record as a criminal prosecutor the facts were damning and the Harris Campaign shut down shortly afterwards however it seems to be tulsi is an antiwar stance taken as she is a u. S. Service member that is the real on forgivable clincher she wants to and regime change wars and cut military spending congress and just passed a 738000000000. 00 war budget instead of providing for the health the safety the security of the well being of our people and our planet the Democratic Partys leadership seems to disagree with her they favor regime change operations and bloated military expenditures the Democratic Party favors continued military operations around the world done in the name of defending democracy and at home they dont mind arbitrarily changing the rules to make sure that democracy doesnt get in the way. This vitally important war agenda. R. T. New york. Britain says it will deploy the navy to prevent any Fishing Vessels from and trying its waters its becoming a key Sticking Point in the trade talks. Explains. The town of poole on englands south coast as one of the u. K. s oldest fishing communities in the local economy relies heavily on the fisheries industry its a calm and a delicate town but life could be about to be brutally disrupted if the political rhetoric is to be believed the u. K. s tory government have warned the e. U. That if their ships try to access british waters theyll deploy the royal navy to keep them out setting the stage for a confrontation on the high seas we have increased the. Official the u. K. Is currently in a socalled transition period and the gauche a should have begun which will determine what kind of deal the u. K. Will leave with the end of december this year but when it comes to fishing the 2 sides are still far apart in the months the u. K. Wants the e. U. To follow british law and for negotiations to take place annually similar to an agreement they have with norway the you however wants to have a Long Term Agreement with quotas on fishing missy uses the deaf or secretary warned the e. U. Against trying to use fisheries as a negotiating chip while the french of hit back saying theyre more than ready to get nasty if the u. K. Isnt willing to play ball all we played with emotion was drama was passion with symbols and we know how to make it a very i think about both sides both sides very nice about them playing nasty could mean the french blockading channel ports and some british fishermen say that the french are provoking the u. K. Into taking harsh measures if. Rounds decided to take that action. I think that it would just firm up pall given that we need to. We need to self manage ourselves and on were fully prepared for things like that i dont think it would worry that the u. K. Fishermen to talk we should have our own waters back in the past we havent adam and if its belgiums fides everyone gets bigger quote than the english fisherman so sank got to be done if the english freshman done an offense that would be arrested on the other side of the channel the food of mistrust is neutral and the sense is that a confrontation is inevitable but on a sort of biblical definition we havent really been informed we hope this case is looking up because if there were no negotiations it would mean a no deal at the end of the year in this case would be excluded from british waters this would be a disaster for the fishermen of the whole to france but also for french fishermen in general. Ah but since you say we didnt but obviously it is a deal or no deal if you do this i think that if you are going towards or no deal in the u. K. You know as i said it was the European Union not only france who say it would lose a loss anyway it is not in our interest so u. K. Interest of it we must find an agreement make Great Britain is a huge u. K. Negotiations only began formally this week but already the question of fisheries could derail talks and lead to tit for tat retaliations that harm both french and british fishing communities and damage relations between these longtime allies. Well thats how things are shaping up and ill be back in 30 minutes because up next its one of our Award Winning documentary. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or inmate in the shallowness. Now its all down to feel. That our sunnyvale and. They are some others. Some old league. Team yet. So much as all the means to. Play

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