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A super tuesday but hes facing a backlash true over his iraq war policies. Well look. Im. Going to be. Very warm welcome to you youre watching r. T. International with me nikki and its great to have you with us this hour now keenly watch talks are underway in moscow as the leaders of russia and turkey try to take the heat out of the escalation of violence in syrias province which threatens to bring the russian and turkish militaries into a direct clash well across the top stories at the kremlin news correspondent maria for notion of a maria good to see you and whats been said so far. Behind you will reject type. Or the gun is indeed here in moscow crowley meeting blood him or putin a while ago 6 the turkish leader announced a gathering on syria in istanbul between russia turkey but also france and germany but one where putin convinced his turkish counterpart but they do not need mediators i had to read access to the room where the 2 leaders shook their hands and i can tell you that both are putin that up paper the gun looked very focused and very concentrated well no surprise they know this is very important meeting the whole world is watching and waiting for the outcome here rather to leaders about their expectations. But we must talk through everything the entire situation that is unfolded to this day so that nothing like this ever happens again so that this doesnt damage russian turkish relations which we all hold very dearly and i know that the whole world is watching this meeting i believe that todays decisions will alleviate the tensions in it little the relations between russia and turkey are at the highest task today is to make them even better. What is clear now it is not going to be an easy conversation between the blood mare putin interject a paragon journalists were not allowed to attend there is no press conference expected at the end of the meeting and tensions are in the air but thats because tensions are even higher on the ground and aid lip syria this is serious last remaining terrorist stronghold damascus lost control over it 5 years ago but back in 2018 russia and turkey both putin and never got mad and agreed committed to help syrian army clear they snore than province all of terrorists and had looked like 3 sides had a common goal and they moved together towards it but around a month ago the turkish leader made a u. Turn calling on russia to leave syria and leave him quote face to face with the regime. These are his words so on whats going on in and around syria i dont like him or putin ended up in the guns meeting here in moscow heres my report. And you wave of refugees flooding towards europe nato losing his patients Turkey Russia relations plunging to new lows this is all fallout from the evil of crisis serious last rebel held province dominated by terrorists is a province just the largest al qaeda safe haven since 911 tied directly to iman also hearing this is a huge problem private seems to be a magnet for terrorist groups all of them are new sense of menace and a threat to the civilians damascus with russias help is fighting them on the ground it says to protect civilians turkey one of data strongest arm is alongside militant groups is fighting the Syrian Military on the syrian territory also it claims to protect civilians. Separating hardcore terrorists for a moderate armed groups opposing assad was turkeys responsibility according to 2018 memorandum but it was never done the result of almost 18 months of this agreement was the displacement of all moderate opposition militants by terror groups. The Islamic Culture of take a stand and put aside deen officially recognized by the un as terrorists the fortified terrorist areas of the military turkish observation posts as per the agreement doesnt bother turkeys nato partners nope not at all we support turkeys efforts to reestablish the ceasefire agreed in 2080 and to protect those innocent civilians fleeing the regimes monstrous assault the Turkish Military and the Syrian Opposition are 1st. Of all fighting to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe tremendous a poor attack but thats still not enough for at argonne he once more. You know what we did is we opened our borders because you promised us assistance but did nothing and we will not close these doors because the e. U. Must keep its word. If European Countries want to resolve the issue they must support turkeys efforts for political and humanitarian solutions in syria where the one strategy seems to be working europe is considering how best to undermine russias efforts in syria and this is the question now which also needs to be raised regarding syria where pretty much aware of what is different syria whats russia is doing is fighting extremists enable it it says but as the conflict ranges at least there is still room for dialogue. One of the lucian both area is worked on and most going by talking is opposite border its a different story turkish authorities claim a man has died off the greek forces open fire of migrants trying to cross into the allegations that greece vehemently denies in recent days turkeys opened its border to allow through tens of thousands of refugees most of whom offered to be syrian. And. Europe could be looking at another crisis now that turkey has reopened its buddhas with greece tens of thousands once more trying to cross into the even 5 years on from the peak of the 1st michel crisis this time there is less of a welcome video has emerged showing the greek coast guard firing on my current posts. Here on the land border there are accusations of brute force all denied by the greek authorities even germany is warning migrants not to come there is no point in coming to germany we cannot tell you when in germany everyone agrees Something Like the 20152016 crosses must not be repeated but that decision has been criticized by some quips in germany with protests demanding that the board. Are kept. 5 years ago being welcomed by some e. U. Leaders chancellor Angela Merkel famously said that they could come to germany and more than a 1000000 did now there was a steady stream of my currency keeping children and the elderly but the vast majority without a doubt were young men many from countries like afghanistan and pakistan who appeared to have heard merkels invite and took their chance for a better life in europe the migrant crisis has since been a source of tension between e. U. Members the open borders within the bloc were brought into question and while some countries welcome at least sheltered the politicians called for all member nations to share the burden some countries were out right opposed. To very seriously about illegal migration which is a very central time of the European Union its a very central task for all of us as Member States to stop illegal migration to europe and to develop local aid in the countries of origin. Possible future ahead of us must be defended by all means the greatest threat to the otherwise hopeful future of Central Europe is when we simply call migration. Count from the fact that the new europe will protect its borders i dont the groundwork in hungary see like you need to the because the problem is not how to redistribute the current migrants but to avoid the arrival of thousands of other European Countries were vilified for being anti migrant in 2020 it seems that the e. U. Is changing its tune our 1st priority is making sure that order is maintained the greek external border which is also a European Border my duty is to protect the sovereignty of might. Country i hope this crisis will serve as a wake up call i would like to comment cause for having altered. Over greece when it comes to predicting its border and that is to say no to a low illegal migration on its message is clear this time you are not welcome the e. U. Has had enough it will now protect its borders and the previously liberal ideal of welcoming migrants with has been swallowed up by a much more aggressive position. Ski. On the greek to. Go into the democrat dog fight in the big us president ial election round which saw former Vice President joe biden propelled into a pole position on super tuesday as the field narrows in the election race combine to finish top intel of the 14 states up for grabs while progressive senator Bernie Sanders came for including california the state with the most delegates biden is now the clear leader in what is fast becoming a 2 man race and some of his earlier decisions could be coming back to haunt him after some of us the veterans confronted the former v. P. Over his support for the iraq war. In iraq means. Were. Going to be. Very close there are no you really are. You. Doing meanwhile Michael Bloomberg has announced hes ending his run for the democratic 2020 president ial nomination after suffering a wipeout in super tuesday voting the billionaire and former new york mayor has now thrown his support behind joe biden breaking down developments his candle. After a poor showing on super tuesday when 14 different us states voted in the president ial primary Michael Bloomberg seems to be ending his campaign now this is after spending roughly half a 1000000000. 00 on his president ial campaign the most expensive primary campaign in the history of the United States and many looked on and saw the amount of money bloomberg was spending the fact that he had advertisements on the super bowl and on many different places just the ads were popping up all over social media etc then joked about it but many also worry that it d appeared almost that Michael Bloomberg was attempting to buy the democratic nomination lets take a listen we say to mayor bloomberg. We. See in our look your docket up gardner selected bloomberg certainly had his detractors donald trump was known for criticizing bloomberg for his height calling him many mike many others im in the democratic camp are critical of his policies when he was the new york city mayor they pointed out issues like Police Brutality stop and frisk that took place under his administration furthermore revelations about sexism and activities in his businesses and some of the culture of Sexual Harassment when he worked in the business sector in the private sector out of that was pointed out as well and at this point as hes dropped out it seems like hes giving his supporters a message this is what he had to say 3 months ago i entered the race for president to do if you dont know trump today im leaving the race for the same reason to defeat donald trump because it is clear to me that staying in would make it shooting that go more difficult Mike Bloomberg followed the pattern of other recent drop outs of the democratic primary putting all his weight by. Joe biden take a listen i am ending my campaign and endorsing joe biden. I am looking for a president who will draw aloud what is best in each of us and im encouraging everybody whos part of my can paint to join me because we have found a leader in Vice President soon to be President Joe Biden now at this point weve got many figures in the democratic establishment or lining up behind jill biden many observers are viewing this as a sensually an effort to defeat and stop Bernie Sanders the upsurge of support for Bernie Sanders is seen as a threat to the Democratic Party establishment i think there was theres certainly been a concerted effort as far as i can tell by what we could call moderates in the Democratic Party to try to find a candidate behind whom they can unite and that was the that would be Vice President biden so i would be very surprised if pressure had not been brought to bear on on both a jazz club char and bloomberg to get out of the race i think most Democratic Party officials d particularly those elected officials their biggest concern is not actually defeating donald trump its making sure that they stay reelected this is why i think so many people in the Democratic Party were really concerned about senator sanders being the nominee its its not just that he would not be able to defeat donald trump but that he might cause severe reaction among voters with many of the down ticket Democratic Candidates and he played his show on t. V. Mark is rick sanchez and guest discussed that why things now lie in the race for the Democratic Party nomination joining us now to discuss super tuesday are league camp for back good tonight who leans ideologically more toward the Bernie Sanders and i think its a safe bet also joining us is a malique of dual who leans out illogically i think we could say more toward the trump camp have rightly or. You get a start of what happens when you know i dont as i dont want to give into the mainstream narrative that biden just won everything bernies still only backed by a 60 delegates all right he still won a lot considering hes up against the Mainstream Media the establishment all of it but the expectation is he was going to run away with it but i do want to talk about what happened which was massive Voter Suppression like in texas the guardian of all you know mainstream outlets said that they closed hundreds of polling places mainly in hispanic areas in l. A. They changed their system and closed tons of polling places people were lined for hours and i had warned beforehand that if you for independent its very hard to vote and sure enough im getting emails from people saying yeah they wouldnt give me the right ballot they wouldnt give me the crossover ballot like they did everything they could to stop independent stop hispanics from voting but. Birdies when let me push back on your little bit of how do you know it wasnt just incompetence because i dont know seriously this is america going to come out of the ill give you a really answer the incompetence always seems to be towards the establishment candidate isnt that fascinating thats where they are competent a fair point so heres whats going on right now folks you have the establishment which is everybody in america who wants things to stay the same because things are right now perfectly groovy they believe and then you have the progressive wing who thinks you know things are not groovy we need somebody in there to go and change the system thats whats going on last night the ones who think everything is groovy they won right absolutely i think part of the problem is is that well for me what happened last night is the same thing that happens in every election cycle that they rally around the establishment candidate and joe biden is the establishment candidate donald trump and barack obama are the exception to the rule of the candidate because they didnt get the support right but heres heres where im going to challenge you for my knowledge lee do they rally around the establishment candidate or does the establishment fix things so they get that rally effect to happen because. Sure to give up her state but night before the super or. Whatever there was to tuesday and for a good judge to moms do the same they capitulated their own campaign for the sake of the establishment no i absolutely want by the way they have the right to do yeah yeah and i absolutely agree with that and i think that i predicted that biden was going to come back people were downing biden but he did the same thing similar to what john mccain did. 2008 and come back believe you or was he did this come back a little bit of both bloomberg spent a half a 1000000000. 00 and now hes stepped out of the race and do you achieve what he wanted which was to harm Bernie Sanders and to push everything in the democratic race back towards the right road and i think you achieved a lot of what he wanted. Among a kind of theres nothing that would fit the senator Elizabeth Warren that shes staying in now from going down well with rival Bernie Sanders the supporters will tell you why im not going stories that break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. The very Dramatic Development the only really exists i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. These policy makers are going to cost them to the idea that every single problem can be solved with money frenching why cant we solve the coronavirus of money printing the market now is starting to scratch just had a little bit saying wait a minute thats to say so therefore valuations look like theyre going to be marked already in correction territory on these markets down 10 percent are you. There are market valuations down 20 percent probably i think the likelihood is extremely high 50 to 60 percent drop thats probably a 10 to 20 percent probability. Welcome back and returning to our top story now the talks right now happening in moscow between the russian and as they try to resolve the recent escalation in syrias province both forces conducting operations that thats seen them get too close to a direct confrontation we can discuss this further now with our guest Chris Bambery political analyst welcome to the program was great to have you with us now chris both russia and turkey have separate objectives in syria neither one needs to descend into a direct confrontation of course how much will the president be able to sold in todays talks to moscow do you think. Well i think we have to start by working beyond syria and seeing that there is more bit me x. Russian talking common than there is divides it the division is syria but theres a lot more that unites them in the current the current state of the world particularly in relationship to United States and a lesser sense awards towards europe so that will influence what the events are know what the primary interest of the other one is is to prevent another in 4 of refugees 3000000 on the border no it doesnt want that. Is not getting any help whatsoever from the European Union havent tried this desperate gamble of opening the border war i think the compromise might be would be to go back to what the previous agreement was to have a cease fire and a much more truncated area a road that other talk at the border on syrian territory with those people can stay with the talks monitoring that cease fire no truncation of that may be a Sticking Point on the turkish side but i would thought thats the compromise the flynn element here is bashar assad who is no becoming more and more confident that he is about to finish off the war in essence but he has been patient in prosecuting his war and therefore maybe a agree to a low having bitten off into a bit more territory to wait a bit longer with such a compromise thats my suggestion i do think peter no one understand there is more that brings them together in the general scheme of things than what divides them over the issue of syria and theyll be keen to bring bring a compromise in light and given russias importance in syria and the prosecution of Bashar Assads war they have got poaches on our side to agree to that compromising so considering the why disco ball the syrian conflict how crucial are these talks and how much is riding on the outcome of this meeting. Well i think firstly we humanity and situation building up in syria itself with these refugees in a fairly desperate situation a fairly desperate humanitarian crisis given the fighting in its load and therefore i think you know something needs to be done to help those helpless people civilians that the civilians im talking about. The European Union has not stepped up to the plate despite the when i ask him which is why they say he took that gamble of opening the open a border but theres no sign of that that that changing enough for i think it is important there is a some sort of compromise reached here because of the humanitarian elements and i think its an important assad does agree to that the russians bring pressure on him to agree to a compromise to avoid such a humanitarian disaster because we know what has happened in this decade long war it has been a humanitarian disaster at the same time there are issues about who turkey is supporting people linked to al qaida which will come up but again my feeling is there will be a compromise on this as i said because of the the wider wider picture peter and putin do on both need each other and i appears that president calderon is winning some european support for a no fly zone in syria and the netherlands has said that its important to create a no fly zone for us thought of it so do can we do this is that his pressure on the e. U. Paying off. I think its very hard hearted stuff here you know talk is a former nato member but for a long long time a key nato member of course our United States it is much less saw and the e. U. Is less important now in terms of talking i mean no one has given up until hed ever been a load into the European Union as a full member that is not going to happen basically for racist reasons that you know free access for turks into europe is never going to be a load by germany and elsewhere and therefore i view this as a pinch of salt and in particular given russias importance in the air war in syria how is this going to be enforced so there could be an agreement you know that they all agree not to fly over over this new demilitarized territory well the civilians can stay on syrian soil but i think thats the level of it because really thats not going to at this stage in the game i sat in the russians arent going to accept on the cusp of victory a no fly zone of any great extent in northern syria. Does have a past that defined why they were operating in and now to defuse this escalation were one or both have to compromise on how do you see things playing out. Well i think the compromise on the one hand would be the putin without that behind him agreeing to cease operations not to reach the syrian Turkish Border and to create their own cleave a much reduced on cleave i think for 2 and of course that would mean the water of a globe and other bits of territory to our side which is a bitter pill for him to swallow all but i think that is as i keep saying the likelihood of what that compromise could be otherwise what were talking is what he doesnt really wants is if assad with russia help continues to take that territory to reach the Turkish Border then these refugees huge number cross into turkey as precisely as what turkey has already got over 3000000 Syrian Refugees on its soil is a huge drain to almost double that number will be added that you know and urge one knows hes going to get very little help the promises made by the European Union when the border was shot stopping Syrian Refugees crossing into greece and elsewhere all those promises have not been fulfilled talking in order to ones opinion has been left to shoulder this burden with the economic damage and other problems that cause so a potential doubling of the refugee population and inside inside turkey is something he wants to avoid respond replace going to a less thank you for your time. Cutting some of the fallout from super tuesday while other low polling democrats have thrown in the towel Elizabeth Warren is digging in despite failing to make the top 2 in any of the 14 voting states including her home state of massachusetts now she is on the pressure from Bernie Sanders his supporters to go to avoid splitting the progressive vote which could benefit donald trump who couldnt resist taking a dig. So selfish for Elizabeth Warren to stay in the race she has 0 chance of even coming close to winning but hers Bernie Bradley so much for their wonderful liberal friendship will never speak to her again she cost in massachusetts and came in 3rd he shouldnt but he is than as his team claims her decision to stay in the race cost the selfstyled democratic socialism victories in 3 states and bigger wins in several others they also point to parallels with 2016 when warren accused the green party that jill stein of helping to sway the election in Donald Trumps favor anything you do that helps donald trump get one inch closer to the white house is a danger to all of us vote 1st time moves donald trump closer to the white house would love to see the venn diagram of people who are still mad at jill stein for being a spoiler in 2016 and those now insisting the war and wont be helping by the name she stays in the race for the record if youre blaming warren for tonights results maybe you should reconsider your defense of voting for jill stein if a vote for jewel stein in 2016 was a vote for trump then a vote for war and today is a vote for joe biden sorry i dont make the rules us political analyst and john the baracoa stays Elizabeth Warrens turn of fortunes of karma for her previous comments about the green party. I guess for Elizabeth Warren this is kind of carmel but what we see that is the general chaos in the in the Democratic Party is quite clear that the democrat establishment or they have a plan in their plan is to. Is to advance a socalled centrist and thats exactly what they did coming out of South Carolina to use. Bidens win to South Carolina to to create momentum and to encourage jet and i think cola and amy to from minnesota to drop out so that all of the fire can be directed toward Bernie Sanders and a little bit want to play the role in that by staying in the race of the shiba completely devastated Michael Bloomberg but she also undermined Bernie Sanders of what the fuck the focus really should just be on him

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