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Im sure shes very nice i dont want to shame anyway and shes innocent in all of the self i believe. They are spreading im not so many young people. Coming up to the legal team for 3 russian athletes accused of doping violations say they hope for a major breakthrough the court of arbitration for sport they claim documents in the case against the medal winning sports stars contain forged signatures details coming up. By their life martin to nationals world view center in moscow my name is kevin owen well welcome to you im here for the next 30 minutes with the latest from the newsroom starting with this the used Border Agency has said its deploying a Rapid Intervention team to reinforce greeces border with turkey weve been talking about this at length last 24 hours without. Thousands of refugees have been gathering brussels has also promised to provide afghans with a 700000000 euro package to help deal with the crisis now this buildup began after turkey said on friday it would no longer prevent Asylum Seekers from attempting to head into europe that decision followed a dramatic surge in violence in syria. Has reacted angrily to encourage move greeces no turning away anyone attempting to enter illegally under suspended asylum applications thats a decision itself that the u. N. Refugee agency says luxe any legal basis with the latest this morning charlotte do bensky for r. T. International. European commission president. Is in the border towns between greece and turkey she took a military helicopter and was assessing the situation from above in the air now she announced in a press conference that the e. U. Would fully support its member state of greece in this time of crisis she talked about the frontex Rapid Intervention team being brought in this would mean. Aircraft and buddha gods coming to greece to shore up the efforts here she talked about some 7w7cw euros in fact to support greece in this time of tension with a turkey and she talked about implementing an triggering mechanism a protection mechanism this is a mechanism thats used by the e. U. When one member state is in a time of crisis and its to improve prevention and paris and the response to a disaster by a member state that gives you an inclination as to how serious this issue with is being seen it have a listen to what else i had to say frontex is now getting ready to deploy a rep it border Intervention Team secondly we can provide Financial Assistance of 700000000 euro to greece. Those who seek to test europes unity will be disappointed turkey is not an enemy and people not just means to reach a goal we would all do well to remember both in the days to come now all this comes after in the last few days turkeys president who once said the chickie would no longer hold the borders under that agreement that was thrashed out by the e. U. In turkey back in 2016 the basic idea of that agreement was the e. U. Was declared 6000000000 euros into agent chickie which shut the borders from my goods coming through into the e. U. This was sort of at the height of that migrant crisis that started around 2015 will turkeys open the borders and in the last few days thousands upon thousands of migrants have attempted to come into greece im sure to give you a sense were in one of the border towns now and just behind me where you might be able to see a Police Vehicle many of these vehicles around the border towns ready to detain any Illegal Migrants who attempt to cross the border we know that in the 24 hours up to choose the morning around 5000 attempting to do that most return back several would detain in said the Detention Centers or correction facilities now the quick Prime Minister has also been visiting this region today and he has said that the e. U. And greece in particular will not be blackmailed this is a blatant attempt by turkey to use desperate people to promote his jew political agenda and to divert attention from the horrible situation in syria. The 10s of thousands of people who tried to and to greece over the past few days did not come from a blip they have been living safely in turkey for a long period of time most of them speak turkish through and through. And europe will not be blackmailed by turkey over the refugee issue now whats really interesting is some of the people ive spoken to on the ground have said that the my clients that have attempted to come through over the last few days have not been from syria theyve been countries such as off ghana stun desh from pakistan for moon rock go easily and they were at pains to stress that this is not as a result of the Turkish Military operation in libya in the north of syria something that president a suggestion is now he was speaking in the last 24 hours suggesting that this situation could get so bad that millions could be coming towards the e. U. s borders little since the moment we open our borders the number of those who are headed to europe has reached hundreds of 1000 now will be more soon this number will be a 1000000 well there is fear amongst many e. U. Leaders who see it as using people as political pawns boucher in chips to try and pressure the European Union into supporting not military operation in the north of syria so far european allies of nato allies have decided not to do that but this people essays what this is all about this is not about turkey not having enough money to look off the refugees and migrants in its own country this is about pressuring the European Union to step in and take me to turkey in the spine in the north of syria people a few reus but the reality is on the ground there are tensions here and people are afraid that this could be the start of a repeat of 2015 migrate to a crisis or so you see here everyone is worried walking Greece Greece does whatever it can now its the europeans who should intervene because this is the border of europe whats happening is no right to end it is not right its all this is talk of europe should punish him. All of us here are anatomy but we have a strong belief in our soldiers our police and were very optimistic since the migrants havent crossed over yet and of course were positive about the help were waiting for from the European Union. You know the way this bill did you might see her is that really close to the border with turkey where the 1st to receive the bulk of the migrants and to greece for the land border i think were in a tragic situation as neighbors we should have avoided this there should have been another way a diplomatic way and not end up in this situation which is on the brink of creating a war between the 2 countries. 2 political analysts when iraq has told us the e. U. Does need to pursue a more comprehensive strategy to avert a new migrant crisis on the border. Front tax can support the greek order authorities it cannot do much more than the greek authorities themselves so its not a real so you should not even at the short term and in the long run we have to expect that such situations will repeat. We will see them most likely also on other border sections of the European Union and therefore then needs to be holistic solution of the problem 1st you need to establish those countries where the richies are coming from and now we are. Looking to the peace Treaty Development between us and afghanistan this is a Good Development we already have a development of large parts of syria but the European Union has increased the pressure of its economic sanctions the Economic Warfare against this war torn country so the European Union and does not help to build the homeland of those in my trade my trance who has come already to the European Union 20 years 15 so we are not doing the right thing to solve this crisis in a holistic way we are just looking at this for a section increase now and think that its only an issue of protecting the border its much larger the challenge. In the race for the white house super tuesday is now underway in the u. S. With voters in 14 states choosing their preferred democratic president ial candidate establishment favorite joe biden has received a major boost going into the latest leg of the race of the 2 of the challenges dropped out and gave him their dos mitt has been seen as big tent than to undermine the campaign of the front runner Bernie Sanders. I am ending my campaign and you are saying bye delighted to endorse and support joe biden. To unite our party and our country im looking for a president who will draw out what is best in each of us and im encouraging everybody who is part of my campaign to join me because we have found out leaders in Vice President soon to be president of. The way it works is a tad complicated but super tuesday is when the largest number of states head to the polls at the same time more delegates are chosen then on that or any of the day around a 3rd pick up for grabs that those delegates will then go on to make the final pick front and center of the democrats is a battle between the former Vice President joe biden and progressive senator Bernie Sanders whos currently out in front with an 8 Party Delegate lead for now anyway even he though thinks the establishment is coming after him there is a. Strong. Secret anybody in this room or the corporate establishment is going to go for the political establishment its going to go to everybody never once missed a tweet then taken to twitter donald trump accused the Democratic Party of attempting to stop them from running from getting nominated again was a crucial word the president was referring to the nomination saga back in 2060 which he says was skewed in favor of Hillary Clinton and he wasnt the only one. Is out all of the super tuesday votes will go to sleep each oh pardon great timing this is the real beginning of the dems taking burning out of play no nomination again the democratic leadership is fighting harder to stop bernie than to stop trump. Just dropped out of the president ial race. This is all about stopping sound as the Democratic Partys moderate or shall we say establishment wing coalesces around biden to stop bernie its starting to look a lot like 2016 when the same wing rallied around clinton it is to the republicans advantage to see a brokered convention a chaotic democratic race here on out so you have to wonder since saturday night and looking at the thing is internals was there actually a conversation and said listen youre young youve got a lot more support for you and history and history and politics and maybe if you help us out here make sure that our party days our party a long established line you might have a place in 20 years and we wont forget super tuesday also marks the 1st time the controversial billionaire Mike Bloomberg will be on the ballot next this morning looks at the choice the democrats are putting before voters this time and what we all have in common as we enter the thick of the race for the democratic president ial nomination 3 major contenders stand out now of course the candidates are emphasizing what is different about them however they do have some things in common all 3 are white all 3 are male and all 3 are in their late seventys meet the grandads who are contending for the democratic nomination. Joe biden is 77 years old and hes the youngest to many he reminds them of an easygoing grandpa with a bad habit of forgetting peoples names please come back in less than 13 years or. Are chad thank you very much all right its christian but anyway i just heard chris i dont know i just said shock from our superstar thursday and i want to thank you all. Very well im rushing it on now hes known to get a little touchy feely with women he says thats because it was acceptable back in his time and its an old man habit that he just cant break 2. Or going to quote from you remember that awkward feeling you had when your grandfather was telling anecdotes about his rough and tough younger days well if joe biden becomes president you might as well get used to it and corn pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad bores and i did and back your nose day job things have changed one of the things you had to use if you used pot made your hair you had to wear a bathing cap. And series up on the board would list a message he asked are you off the board right come up and drag you off when you came off and he said ill meet you outside now sometimes the stories just get so weird to wonder if hes maintaining his sanity im not going to notice to do surely receive medical school if youre a rich theres generally county executive county executive being here is closer to graft slightly here we were in a situation i had a president ask me the head of the kitchen. Now hoping to take out joe biden is former n. Y. C. Mayor Mike Bloomberg now Michael Bloomberg like many grandparents is known for his generosity. 21. 00 of those were people that i spent 100000000. 00 to help elect all of the new democrats that came in and put nancy pelosi in charge and gave the congress the ability to control this president s eyeball i got them he works really hard to be hip with the kids even knows what a name is. With my ice cream i think this. Big gay ice cream is the best many suspect he may harbor some racial prejudices. You know. And then theres Bernie Sanders the elderly socialist originally from brooklyn hes the kind of grandpa that everyone seems to be scared of can either coronavirus or Bernie Sanders be stopped they are bernie bolsheviks they are bernie brownshirts thats what they are and their revolution will result in death and misery another whole would do more or another whole cost or whatever we call the next great socialist atrocity totally transform society with firing squads dungeons torture and exile so hes been pretty clear thats what he supports many standards how many times Bernie Sanders family has apparently urged him to move into a retirement home but he decided to run for president instead one thing about bernie though is that despite his age its the young voters who love him the most. Not just the campaign we already both generate should know both the ridge show grass roots good now sanders critics love to point out that despite the fact that he rants and raves against billionaires hes certainly no poor man himself sure laugh all you want but its very possible that one of these 3 elderly white men could be the next president of the United States yes if donald trump fails to be reelected its all but certain hell be replaced by someone with white hair white skin and a deep voice and while that does not fit the liberal Democratic Party message about inclusion it also follows a longstanding u. S. Tradition and. He thinks that for a party the. Big 3 hopefuls who want to think. When you deal with a party that speaks about diversity and biden married gender did fluidity you and ed demographic heterogeneity the new when young. And then you end up with the all the rich guy is he dont care about diversity they dont care anything they want to ruin everything about this election it has been the source of great comedic relief for me that being said. I want everyone to appreciate what we have right now because we have one of the most seismic lapses in the Democratic Party is cool to enjoy now we have 2 people so you talk about between a rock and a hard place between this seller and correctness the Democratic Party is absolutely petrified. As the impassioned climate activism of the swedish team credit to member continues to inspire millions of young people around the world resistance to movements also growing 19 year old you tube an army it was shot soon in popularity in recent months for her advocacy of what she calls climate or realism the sheet announces what she says amounts to environmental alarmism and in the process has been dubbed the empty grettir of a time for a controversial position can spoke to her in the studio here about why she decided to weigh in on the debate and what shes hoping to achieve by doing it. Most people on the site of climate alarmism if you will label us the climate deniers and that is a term that i really dislike because it sounds like we jones really look into the science we dont do our research we just hate the planet just wanted to strike this and were just selfish and ignorant and thats not what were about were about being scientific skeptics and looking into more sensible yet ways to improve the environment to be more enlightened values when it comes to interacting with nature and so yeah thats what climate realism is about its about scientific skepticism and having more discussions in the scientific spirit was a german media outlet that started this thing in the 1st place and it was to. Portray me as kind of this evil antichrist on the left and the right and i really just like that but then i thought lets just have fun with it and lets just play in this label and well if the media wants to portray us antigraft of them go ahead but you dont state for the antigravity you stay for the naomis act you come for the antigraft and you can stay for the night because i am not against i think she is probably a super nice individual innocent in all of this and i dont have anything against her its just that she is not about the science shes basically just about panic and telling people to change their lives and. Demanding that government control the lives of the people. And that really has nothing to do with science and skepticism anymore and thats really whats so about all of this world whether you agree with his position there or not illustration of the growing concern and how the media can affect people a new poll in the u. K. Is found that almost one in 5 children the country having nightmares about Climate Change or the 2000 youngsters surveyed 17 percent also said that fears of an Environmental Crisis are really disturbing this sleep or causing them to lose up or toits issues again show her thoughts on those findings. Thats what we call climate alarmism because people like you talk too much and im sure shes a very nice girl and i dont want to shame her in any way and shes innocent in all of the star cells i believe. They are spreading panic amongst so many young people they are tearing apart relationships because people are fighting. About. Who is right in all of this whos wrong in all of this and were not allowed to speak anymore so people are genuinely worried about the planet and they think that their grandparents and parents are destroying this planet and thats so horrible to see because it takes away their hope for the future and so many young people have their own passions and would like to pursue that happens in the future and work what a great job and now all theyre concerned about is Climate Change that was really sad to me to be honest theres clearly an element of panic about about Climate Change not only among young people among many hurdles as well and are worried about whats happening do you think. Do you think that its on just the front everybody seems to believe that just because theres this great consensus out electively 99 percent of scientists agree that Climate Change is real and Climate Change is manmade of course Climate Change is real Climate Change has always been real the damage has been changing for millions of years but we need to be more precise in our questions and ask things like. Our mission is actually that destructive to the planet are they really. The cause of Global Warming or are there other factors playing into this like for example that the sometimes on the climate and want to feed back and water feed back you know whatever. There are so many other factors that are way stronger than just 0 to missions so it is ridiculous to believe that humans could have such a big impact on the climate and we cannot mass with nature and that way. At least that the competition that ive come to doing my own Research People have said that. It is just being used to use is a project of environmental activists or you know as you but as you said left wing is some people have said you yourself for a project of the opposite of environmental conservatives how does that make you feel i really hate this notion is out there because i know for myself that i do everything on my own i write my own speeches and other interviews but most dont notice. That i walk away from an institute for example they dont know when i write my speeches they know the region and post so its all just based on my own mind and im having fun with all of this i i started my you tube channel on my own this is basically all just what im really passionate about and i dont get tons of money for what im doing i live at home my family and i get a lot of support from my mother and my grandmother and thats just fantastic and i wish that people would just listen to my manus message instead of reading what the media has to say about me and my funding and what goes on behind the scenes im happy to debate and one all the time. Im sure going to much more as well over the coming months maybe years now this is a story has gone on for a long time latest twist in the case of 3 russian athletes in switzerland could be about to trigger a wave of appeals against doping allegations their legal team claims that critically Important Documents contain forged signatures by whistleblower. The head of moscows anti doping lab at the time sports top quartile theres no demand of the lympics chiefs explain themselves we heard from a lawyer for one of those by athletes. In response to a statement about the forging of mr rajan core signature we received a document that was submitted by the i. O. C. To see a ass it is another statement by mr rajan with his signature according to this document he knowledge is that he did not sign any of the previously submitted documents with his own hand allegedly with his permission he is electronic signature was used however the conclusions of experts suggest that the electronic signature was only used on 2 of 9 documents regarding the remaining 7 documents the experts concluded that the signatures were applied by another person that means they were falsified. Right back to the athletes part of history of that to remind you the athletes were hit with lifetime bans and 2017 if they were implicated in the alleged state sponsored doping scheme they were stripped to the silver medals they want the saatchi lympics 3 years earlier because of it the birth rates appeal then began on monday at the court of arbitration for sport now in response to the claims of their lawyers the Court Ordered the International Olympic committee to explain whose signatures are on these documents that the court of arbitration for sport panel of arbitrators has accepted the statement about food signatures in i. O. C. Documents and has ordered the International Olympic committee to provide an explanation within 24 hours so really that they havent the o. C. Hasnt commented publicly on the allegation that key signatures were forged yet the earth leads are seeking monetary compensation for the damage to their careers their lawyer says a decision is expected in the next few weeks and that hes optimistic he says that they will win the case. But i want to point out that the question of origin codes signatures is not our only argument we always expected that our affiliates would be absolved of guilt by cia as on the basis of our the evidence that we have collected however the question regarding signatures arose on the eve of the Court Hearing we initially got concerned regarding one particular signature after that we conducted a full examination of all the signatures as well we have claimed there was forgery and expect that this will be taking into account in the future see as decision which is coming in the next few weeks. In the u. K. Say theres been an alarming surge in suicides among british soldiers who served in afghanistan with over a dozen taking their lives in the 1st 2 months of this year the countrys minister for veterans is now working to provide additional care for former service personnel. I want to understand at exactly what stage we could or should have intervened in that process its unimaginable its a tragedy for the institution the army that im so proud of where our eyes open and ears open 14 veterans have taken their own lives in the past 2 months alone most served a particular army unit involved in britains mission in afghanistan between 2002 and 14 would find out what may have led so many in such a short period of time to take such a desperate step we spoke to the rock war veteran Martin Webster the numbers the suicide from my from my own regiment weve lost earlier fall to 2 thats like 15 soldiers from my regiment the 1st time infantry have taken their own lives i can give you a quote from dr kent russia this said during the vietnam war the american soldiers were only ever allowed to do 2 years Operational Service country says we now have u. S. Veterans 8. 00 to 10. 00 talls of africa and iraq thats like an experiment this is what its about for the experiment thats never happened in Human History the rates of p. T. S. D. About from a few puzzler one present that im president of we are now starting to see the effects of the iraq and Afghanistan War such as captains taking their own lives people with really good pensions with no reason whatsoever on paper saw it for the rest of their life for the sense of having a good pension taking their own lives youve heard it so often the actual job itself is over those after effects are so deep and so long lasting it is not here past midnight here in moscow thank you everyone watching around the world watching r. T. International with me kevin 0 in invite you to check it r. T. Dot com our site rob various social media is so much more from us and get a 2nd bout with more than half an hour then and the next programs in your part of the world are on it after this quick break. But im still maxed out

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