Transcripts For RT News 20240713

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Russia and thats the phrase russian t. V. Turns on twitter for an old r. T. Interview with his wife resurfaces. Good evening to you thanks for joining us here on r. T. Germany stock court has lifted a ban on commercial Euthanasia Services and critics are warning the right to die will now be exploited for profit peter oliver takes a closer look at the ruling and the reaction its triggered. Almost 5 years after it was banned the highest court in germany has ruled that blocking assisted suicide is unconstitutional and making its ruling on wednesday the Constitutional Court in college shura said everyone has a right to live and a right to die article 217 of the german criminal code outlawed euthanasia as well as the advertising of the services what this ruling from the Constitutional Court means is that thats being overturned and not only could Companies Offer euthanasia but that advertising for the day could also stop being seeing the thinking behind wednesdays court ruling is that this will allow those in extreme paying and suffering from terminal illnesses to end their lives on their terms however senior voices within Palliative Care are warning that this could perhaps only to the normalization and indeed the commodification of suicide in society now the facilitation of suicide for the sick and tired of life is turning into a normal Service Anyone who allows you to nature will sooner or later make it compulsory to die especially in this society is economize designers knowledge of experience across all other countries shows that supply creates demand immediately following the ruling politicians are asking what situations this will be allowed in also what the commercial implications will be for companies wanting to get involved in the euthanasia business i want clear rules about when medical assistance in particular is allowed and when commercial offerings are excluded i asked people here in berlin what their thoughts are on the ruling aware that this is right for germany its not a commercial thing dying it its something that needs care security it needs. Yes professionalism i think there are certain things that you cannot put to sale to people like its not a business you. Before this i dont want to commit suicide but im suffering i want to end my life you cannot do that to pay for it seems to me there was very bad incentives there if for example as advertising was actually targets people who were already having a hard time it could lead to people considering suicide more strongly i dont disagree with their physician assisted suicide just because like there are certain aspects that are beneficial for it but in terms of the advertising i could go either way like a really it depends on who is in control of that promoting these kind of fingers for me the progress currently within a year of belgium the netherlands looks a book and switzerland all allow assisted dying but with germany set to join in the concerns are about that what is one of the most sensitive of subjects could be set to become a Business Opportunity peter all of a r. T. We put this you up for debate with honest to thompson from the can not killing Alliance Talk to robot junk from the will federation of right to die societies and be on top of salty phone germanys left party. We would be extremely worried about any commercialization or run of the process or indeed promotion that would lead to many fine reports of people feeling that their lives were not worth living and actually ending them prematurely youre posing. As a business issue or a Business Model but you dont as he is only on the request of the person i was going to die and theyve dispersed and hes not asking for it there should not be any euthanasia but were talking about a very different thing here Court Decision was about commercial assisted suicide this isnt a louse commercial providers to provide suicide assistance like make dolls of suicide is sort of the objects tool to talking about mcdonalds giving suicide terrorists and some people do not want to wait with their dying till theyre finally suffering too much and they want to keep the addicted t. By does ruling from the Constitutional Court it is possible for persons to ask a professional to give a proper medically assisted suicide and i think death is a great gain. But it is perfectly normal for people who have a terminal diagnosis to feel suicidal but we should be doing is trying to find ways to assist those people in getting through that period and actually living their lives rather than promoting assisted suicide and says you talk about suicide in the media then many people that would not otherwise commit suicide do in fact commit suicide and this is why every report in the media of suicide always shows people where they can go where they can find help and the media try to minimize reports of suicide and so if we see commercial advertising we will see many people seeing that as the easy way out. You can a government is withholding research on gangs the green victims for sex was commissioned after a spate of Child Exploitation scandals heres how the home office explained if decision to sit on the findings. We recognized that this topic in general and any insight and learning matters of strong Public Interest although it does not necessarily follow that it is in the Public Interest to disclose any specific information relating to it. And survivors of abuse at the hands of british grooming gangs have accused officials of inaction and promises we spoke to one of them i get my me have changed when i was 1st he was 24 years old and he was known to. Be very dangerous so i was abused mentally physically and sexually and also into committing crimes so its well and thats another part thats one teacher that many sell and have been subjected to i went to the police when i was 16 and it happened unfortunately but again i went to the police when i think about 27 years old and i didnt feel to parse it again so i contacted a journalist from a news and i told him i was in that hat and and i gave the velocity you know pieces of evidence to prove what happened and he published last story you know it was 2013 and it was actually because of that where the criminal investigation into that we started it. Some 19000. 00 suspected victims of Child Sexual Exploitation would reportedly identified by local authorities in 28000. 00 to 19. 00 thats a huge increase on 5 years earlier the u. K. Governments found to take action to investigate prevent such crimes from happening again and investigation into the problem of grooming gangs was announced by such a jumbled when he was british im 162018 he plays the wouldnt let cultural or political sensitivities get in the way because those say the decision not to publish the probes findings will that leave them with many questions. I think it is a disgusting decision and it is definitely in the publics interest you have thousands of children that have being abused writ exploited and into crime as well as sexual acts and we want to know why this is what happened why its still happening a lie these people are being allowed to get away with it they clearly something that we part of the government dont want us to tell about because if they didnt want us there was no we should they just really say so the fact that theyre making excuses and i think last week excuse as well to say its not a diary chest so the fact that now google men its a well actually were not even good at least the standings. You know i think is a real blow to his victims. Weve requested comment from the u. K. Home office and have yet to receive a reply we also got reaction from Child Protection activists tony bugel she says the decision will undermine trust in politicians. This report was promised to 15. And again they found them and just think that theyre making excuses and all theyve done is they have gone back on the word that they gave to victims of these crimes its a combination of Political Correctness i think is a cultural sensitivities i think its fear of what they believe will stir graces and people in this country dont trust politicians and it will without being able to see whats going on we dont know if were being lied to again and now and then that has to stop it and the Political Correctness of having this this we fear a backlash world you know what we fear girls being right. Next week is super tuesday when u. S. Democrats in 14 states choose their preferred candidate for president with the latest polls showing Bernie Sanders leading in 9 of those states his race rivals are crying foul their lead to success is all part of a clever kremlin strategy on quarter looks at whether the russians have been rumbled. Good news comrades our agent Bernie Sanders is doing better than we expected in the primaries are planned to have 2 agents fight over the presidency Operation Hammer and sickle is a go but we have one problem some in the Democratic Party establishment are becoming savvy to our strategy Vladimir Putin thinks donald trump should be president of the United States and thats why russia is helping Bernie Sanders get elected so hell lose to trump it doesnt help that just last week western media published information about our top secret operation exposing the connection between agents trump and sanders with our center in moscow as you learned tonight and today yesterday the day before is going to have were going to war help coming from learn to be prudent world. War help the wanted to do want somebody who didnt think could be from at least agent trump was able to follow orders i admit nothing deny everything and make counter accusations it was highly exaggerated. And frankly i think its disgraceful and i think it was a leak from the Intelligence Committee our house version and i think that they leaked it i think probably shipley good agent sanders on the other hand really dropped the ball he panicked and that is the ugliest thing theyre doing is they are trying to cause chaos the trying to cause a truth in america its an ugly business and all of us have got to say sorry youre not going to do this in the selection and again is present in the United States. You will not interfere in our elections the order was to deny sanders deny but he broke under pressure blowing the cover of our moscow back to bernie bros i disown these people they are not part of our movement all of us remember 2016 and what we meant what we remember is efforts by russians and others to try to interfere in our election and divide us up. Im not saying thats happening but it would not shock me the center has good reason to believe agent sanders has been compromised were losing control over his actions and hes praising our strategic allies too openly you know when fidel castro came into office you know what he did he had a Massive Literacy Program its not a bad think its only a matter of time before they discover the interview agent sanders gave to profit i mean r t what effect do you think you can have on your voters it was so close here in iowa well i just hope that people take a hard look at the real issues impacting their lives to make matters worse we may have a mole in our midst how else could the footage have been leaked remember when the comrades recruited sanders at the new years party of 1908 bernie spent his honeymoon in there in soviet russia i mean i think youre going to go back and forth about whos more in the tank with russia its a really hard one between barney and rob we have made too many tactical blunders as it is and western pundits are already undergoing a campaign to discredit our agent obviously we know the russians are continuing to try to choose our next president like they chose our last president the russians dont want me to be the nominee who spent a lot of money on bots on facebook and theyve been taken down say biden is a bad guy the no one biden rodent rule in politics pick your opponent and putin and trump are picking their opponent the happiest person right now its about one in 15 moscow time this thing is going very well for blatter we have to promise you. Probably stay up watching us right now you doing our rivals already know too much comrade commissar i think its time to extract our agents. While this might sound a little farfetched the phrase russian t. V. Has been trending on twitter in the u. S. After the chairman of the Democratic Coalition posted a video of Bernie Sanders wife appearing on r. T. Bernie sanders would fare better against donald trump and Hillary Clinton i have no doubt and all i have to do is look at every primary and caucus that was an open primary where independents could vote or republicans could go over and vote he won. Bernie sanders his wife went on russian t. V. To explain why open primaries like the South Carolina democratic primary on saturday are more democratic because they allow republicans to vote for who the democratic nominee should be sorry jane this is just wrong. The 4 year old clip jane sanders is speaking to r. T. America and. To his work with anti this show on one of the most pro Democrat News networks m s m b c not long before his death in 2018 he revealed how his coverage of Bernie Sanders 2016 bid for the democratic nomination and then raised his bosses that. You know when Bernie Sanders was announcing that he was going to be a candidate for the nomination of the Democratic Party in burlington vermont i was the only cable host between fox m s n b c and c. N. N. That was there a live coverage there were a lot of cameras there but we coordinated with the senders campaign that at 5 oclock he was going to make his announcement and we were going to cover this on the edge show its 5 minutes to air and i get a phone call from phil griffin youre not covering this i said phil. Bernie sanders is announcing hes running for president hes going to be president i dont care youre not covering this now let me give you the opinion i think the clintons were connected and the lack connected at the hip i think that they didnt want anybody in their prime time or any any were in their line up supporting Bernie Sanders i think that they were in the tank for Hillary Clinton and i think it was managed in 45 days later i was out of the mess and b. C. Another democratic candidate is poised to school his 1st win in the primaries in South Carolina something to hes losing Something Else the story of. The point is should we actually be charging for education because this is when we charge for things is because its a benefit to the person who is buying it and thats the audiology to education about 30 or 40 years ago but the perspective of education was originally that education is a benefit for society in general i wouldnt want to live in a Society Without doctors or engineers what happened without economists. Saying it of being a profit benefit ignoring the public means that were ignoring that the skill basis we need for a Sophisticated Society and putting the burden of that skill biases on the individuals and what weve turned it into is just now the trying institution of Higher Education become a form a version of a real estate scam that is not the bisons for a functional saudi. Joining me every thursday on the alex simon chill and ill be speaking to a guest of the world of Politics School this list im show business ill see you then. Welcome back britain faces having its wings clipped by the end of its hopes of securing a new trade deal with the bloc though because of americas love for chloe in anything its chicken skate parties explains. Europes in a flap over britain potentially importing chlorine wash chicken from the u. S. As part of a new trade deal with washington the e. U. Outlawed the practice in 1997 and the french are saying if the brits been the ban they can forget any deal with the block these also agrees with the need the British Companies i hear them i see them i mean they all tell me we want to keep european rules because we want to ensure access to 500000000 european consumers but also in the wings is the u. S. Which for years has tried and failed to get the e. U. To weaken its food and farming standards to bring them into line with americas brecks it presents a chance to break open a major European Market the other issue which people got very obsessed about here is chlorinated chicken deliver on our comes that benefit the Agricultural Sector and most importantly consumers who are going to be the beneficiaries of these really good deals american producers claim theyve turned away from chlorine in favor of other disinfectants but the e. U. Still believes the use of such methods at the end of the meat production process could compensate for poor hygiene standards plus other fears of Inhumane Treatment while farmers leaders think it would be madness to import such goods this year the government must show Global Leadership insists that u. K. Farm standards are the benchmark for Climate Friendly farming around the world and that whoever wants to trade with us trades on our terms. And we must not allow those standards to be undermined by imports of goods which would be illegal for our farmers to produce here to the average briton chlorine is associated with keeping swimming pools clean and not for washing chickens so what do people think on the streets of london would you restrict it as we did to glory no of course not you know you know what i mean that hes going to be a visionary and im going to. Give you more thus not we dont either not i definitely wouldnt eat it i just go to the chase and buy my chicken there so they get they quite welcome so here we dont have to buy it so yeah i would invite yes but i think the problem is that people wouldnt necessarily know so on the one hand theres the chance of a deal with the e. U. Already the u. K. s biggest trading partner and guaranteed food standards on the other a potential deal with the u. S. The worlds biggest economy and cheap chlorine chicken a foul conundrum for the u. K. Government pay partridge r. T. London. Meanwhile the e. U. Is reportedly considering its own deal with the u. S. To reduce the authorization time needed for imports of genetically modified products from america. There is probably scope for store through as ations addressed Management Level scientifically shortening the time of the Risk Assessment is not an option under the current legislation the lengthy e. U. Approval process and resulting asynchronous approvals has resulted in annual loss of approximately 2000000000. 00 per year to u. S. Agriculture currently authorization of g. M. O. Imports to the you takes more than 4 years but this could apparently be reduced to this would apply to some 30000000. 00 tons of animal feed each year including soybeans which mostly come from the americas robert kirk founder of the ngo alliance for Natural Health international thinks it will be hard for e. U. Member states to Reach Agreement on the issue. Theres going to be pressure on both sides i mean theres been a push me pull you currently there are 18 e. U. Member states that. Utilize the opt out provisions within the law that was brought in in 2015 meaning that even if there isnt or you authorization they wont allow that crop to be grown so there is a big tussle between what the European Commission wants in order to. Effectively increase its power as a major World Trading bloc its a contradiction its a conflict that the reality is that theres this complex and play between multiple issue economic someone hound protectionism on another and then theres the Consumer Perception of what happens when you consume g m os or korean whats chicken is very real issues around food safety and of course animal welfare. A key opponent to Bernie Sanders in the race for the democratic nomination joe biden is supposed to win the next primary in South Carolina this will be his 1st scalp in the process of attracting votes one of the barns biggest problem. Joe biden on the democratic candidate for the United States senate look over here like regime help out is not bowled rather by give me a look go ok. One exact proudest of. Is getting past getting moved to getting control of the Paris Climate Accord im a guy that came back after media were done child pretty. My son one of. My deceased son was the attorney general of the only states and for that he was a federal prosecutor one of the largest offices in the country in philadelphia. It is important that i want to grab them spoken. There flooding a dead horse or are trying to push that dead horse back into the race across the finish line might be another way to look at it yes it does seem futile that theyre trying to prop them up but he cant raise money hes putting all his hopes. Being convincing South Carolina black voters that hes the next rock obama and its just a matter of time before he fans those voters with making some horrible misstatement now its time for him to step aside. Multimillion dollar National Security agency Surveillance Program in the u. S. Is only once to provide unique data for just a couple of cases thats according to a newly declassified study by u. S. Government watchdog the n. S. A. Surveillance program called prism tapped u. S. Domestic phone calls between 20072019 1st exposed to the public by the whistleblower Edward Snowden it was aimed at preventing terror attacks and in the past 4 years the program has cost taxpayers 100000000. 00. However major doubts have now been raised over its effectiveness the new report reveals that in a 4 year period the program yielded only one significant investigation moreover only twice in the last 4 years that it managed to generate information that wasnt already known to the f. B. I. The Prism Program was authorized through several pieces of legislation including the u. S. Patriot act it was 1st signed by president george w. Bush in the wake of the 911. 00 attacks it was revised as the u. S. Freedom act following the snowden revelations of 2013 but it is set to expire next month and the trumpet ministration struggling to keep it alive investigative journalist and author joe lauria believes that the report proves no need for mass surveillance. It proves what was fernando anyone who could see clearly that this was a fraud from the very beginning this was about power and money the power of the government control the American People and the money the contractors that ran this program have made this based on false fear and thats the last line of defense of the United States all the time to try to confuse the interests of a small number of powerful people with the interests of the nation you know the United States has a long history of this false fear of keeping the American People afraid and trying to say that they have protected its basically a protection racket scare the people on them they say we will protect you thats what the mafia does hopefully this report will get the wider gentian observed so that begin people begin to question these false narratives of fear and why they need these kinds of 1000000000 dollar programs that make them rich. I keep them powerful but does nothing for the American People and in fact it invades their privacy in a complete violation of the constitution this report should have hammered out hope that this is a bogus program there is no National Security at stake there is no reason for the government of spied on American People when only one case came out of all of this and it has to stop. The state without international surround leaving to join us for updates on our top stories in common it was time. To what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this on all fronts very dramatic developments only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical of time time to sit down and talk. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks particularly catholic population of tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes come up with straight and put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of presenting they were active participants in the burning of coal streets in Belfast Craig more than a 100 innocent civilians were unloaded as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and of the currents which the inclusion was involved in some of those cases that killers would lead to be named to then and were getting i think it went to the very very top i think if the cross the water where politicians you thought was going on and give the go ahead. The nominated actress not only missed the letter. And none of mr other me and an enabling them under some going to work on it this young. Frenchman. Surely can. And is supposed. To how can i tell you. Why did. So and adding. Machine did so at most in the home selection and gonna do manny. Blessed with all the. Yes

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