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A multimillion dollar u. S. Surveillance program has only managed to turn up unique data in just a couple of cases. But i welcome its midnight here in moscow youre watching our Senior International residence of times in northeastern france a creating a sting by trash talking belgian neighbors theyre accusing them of some serious cross border fly tipping. This is the rage. This may look like part of a landfill site but its not all of this waste has been dumped here illegally were just a few miles from the border with belgium and luxembourg and the french town of all core mu 9 is one of many struggling to cope with what you can see mountains and mountains of garbage that have appeared since october in nearby red its a similar story trash both household and commercial has been dumped under the cover of darkness city. At 1st we thought it was regular waste but it turns out people are illegally dumping their washing machines. Theyre throwing everything away. Yes but here we see its far more serious we estimate around 200 tons of waste its enormous as far as the pollution we dont know whats inside it could be tons of who knows what type of products chemicals. We dont know we see cleaning products plastics what more could be hidden it didnt take long before calls track down where the waste was coming from what if we did i was looking through the trench piles and piles of it it all had signs of being from the same place we searched and found out it was from on turn up. And that if there is an invoice on 2 of these it and. Im very clear this isnt one of them then so of s. Right when the company was contacted it denied any knowledge of illegal waste dumping but the local resident jessica told me that since that statement the fly tipping has continued its been described as a dumping on an industrial scale and you can see why back in redone the low. Fishermans association is also concerned. In the water source or close to this pollution so there could be a problem because it could affect our pond this is the 21st century there are designated places to put this is an acceptable and people are doing this and regulate the Mayors Office says the cost of cleaning this up is beyond its means no and if your so on a financial level for us this is impossible to solve we have a Small Community of 1000. 00 people it would cost the equivalent of the whole annual budget to get rid of this. A criminal investigation into this problem with cross border dumping has we know you print and customs agents have stepped up their patrols now in 2017 they reported that 7 metric tons of waste like this was illegally trafficked into france in 2018 that shot up to 130000000 metric tons now although there are no figures yet available for 29000 it is clear that this issue is escalating the communities here are fed up of being a dumping ground for other peoples waste they want more regulation and are calling on the e. U. To step in to solve a problem that some believe europes open borders are helping to facilitate charlotte didnt ski for r. T. The number of new cases of corona virus reported that side of china has for the 1st time exceeded the number of new cases inside the country on tuesday china reported 411 new cases while the rest of the worlds reported 427. 00 more than 30 countries around the world are now battling the virus well italy has been struck by the largest outbreak outside of asia the virus has killed 12 there and the government has put several towns on lockdown trying to stop the spread more than 50000. 00 people are under quarantine and shops are running out of supplies. Well i think it you should lose your folly there are parts that bore the market causes those who cheered the gold. One this book the other was sick on the web and the childrens health. Journal stanton kosofsky has spoken with the celebrated russian medical professor and raji specialist dmitri laval of about the spread of the virus and why perhaps it isnt as bad as it sinks. In his new work there are 2 types of corona virus the alpha corona virus involves a human virus thats been circulating among people hundreds of years seasonal coronavirus a type of acute risberg 3 viral infection this year around 7 percent of acute respiratory viral infection cases are coronaviruses. Humans just got accustomed to them yes humans got accustomed to them they arent lethal they cause some trouble especially among children wileys viruses mostly spread in winter and winter our body is going through some restructuring or a decrease in the resistance to infections secondly in winter theres a high concentration of people in houses buildings bars in other places and the high concentration of people is a condition for epidemic spread why is it happening in china there are many people them and theres a high concentration of population then they call it a deadly virus on t. V. Its not deadly its always been and will always be and we should be ready for that ive got 2 words to say about masks these goals ranks on most that old but in china and even in some places in russia they have tight mass with a respirator they can protect other people if youre ill so the mosque on top you personally know or only to a minor extent but why is this what does the response through our eyes as well yes and also these polls they can protect them against large droplets a person becomes infected when he or she speaks maybe i have infected you or youre trying to infect me i hope you wont i also hope not to be. Honest masks can partially protect from. A multimillion dollar National Security agency Surveillance Program in the u. S. Only managed to provide unique data for just a couple of cases thats according to a newly declassified study by a Us Government watchdog the n. S. A. Surveillance program called prism tapped u. S. Domestic phone calls between 2720196 posed to the public by the whistleblower Edward Snowden it was aimed at preventing terrorist attacks and in the past 4 years the program has cost taxpayers Something Like 100000000. 00 however major doubts have now been raised about its overall effectiveness a new report does reveal that in a 4 year period the program he would be the only one significant investigation moreover wholly twice in the last 4 years did it manage generate information that wasnt already known to the f. B. I. The prison programmers authorized through several pieces of legislation including the u. S. Patriot act it was 1st signed by the president george w. Bush in the wake of the 911. 00 attacks it was revised though as the u. S. Freedom act following the snowden revelations in 2013 but it is set to expire next month and the trump of ministration is struggling to keep it alive investigative journalist and author joe lauria believes the report proves there is no need for mass surveillance. It proves what was fernando anyone who could see clearly that this was a fraud from the very beginning this was about power and money the power of the government control of the American People and the money the contractors that ran this program have made this based on false fear and thats the last line of defense of the United States all the time to try to confuse the interests of a small number of powerful people with the interests of the nation you know the United States has had a long history of this false fear of keeping the American People afraid and trying to say that they have to be protected its basically a protection racket they scare the people and then they say we will protect you thats what the mafia does hopefully this report will get the wide attention of deserves so thats beginning people begin to question these false narratives of fear and why they need these kinds of 1000000000. 00 programs that make them rich and keep them powerful but does nothing for the American People and in fact it invades their privacy in a complete violation of the constitution this report should hammer that home that this is a bogus program there is no National Security at stake there is no reason for the government of spied on American People when only one case came out of all of this and it has to stop. 80 percent of employees in britains arts and culture sec to say that they do hi dave if they dont fit in with liberal norms and that includes support for the countrys conservative policy among other things and you survey has revealed a growing environment of selfcensorship. Our survey shines a damning light on the corrosion bullying intimidation and intolerance that is active among a community that thinks of itself as liberal open minded and equitable in a poll of some 500 respondents many highlighted the risks of holding socalled controversial opinions spanning topics including breaks it religion sexuality and gender here than half of those questions said that they did feel that their these were respected and some even claim to that they were offered money to stay quiet about corrupt practices in their field while others point to to why the problems in their working communities. It wouldnt be advisable to point out that the arts tend to do well under the conservatives or arts culture and indeed education sectors are not dominated by a monolithic politically correct class mostly of privileged white middle class people by the way who impose their intolerant views across those sectors anything to do with gender issues especially trans issues who get a lot of flak either for not being on message enough or being off message or 2 on message. Him on another traditional bastion of Free Expression is also under pressure nikkei think tank is warning that the countrys universities of quote lost the trust of the nation over attitudes towards patriotism the report quotes governors and chancellors who fear academic institutions are seen as active touch she does go on to say the sector should show that it speaks for and reflects the whole of the u. K. And recommends education leaders should avoid being critics who actively despise those who have traditional values it also encourages universities to make sure that students do feel safe to express conservative points of view a professor at the London School of economics told us universities are supposed to allow critical examination of all ideas. British universities have become what we call very wall that is very sensitive to. Sexual inequality and student unions in particular but also all sorts of groups of students create. Lobby the university of storage to make a great deal of noise in different ways if the sink an academic or a visitor whos been invited to speak at the university or one of the students at the University Said something which doesnt fit in with the kind of left wing politically correct consensus so the loss of students who very shy of expressing their views particularly of the conservatives i dont particularly believe in brooks it. Now as the u. K. Enters its post breaks a transition period it is facing a unique challenge to its Economic Future its all because of chlorinated chicken to the e. U. Says it wont agree a trade deal with britain unless it keeps a ban on the product in its trade negotiations with the United States partridge as more. It seems the humble chicken could sink u. K. Hopes of a trade deal with the e. U. Thats because europes in a flap over britain potentially importing chlorine wash chicken from the u. S. As part of a new trade deal with washington the e. U. Outlawed the practice in 1997 and the french are saying if the brits been the ban they can forget any deal with the block is also pleased with the nic British Companies i hear them i see them i mean they all tell me we want to keep european rules because we want to ensure access to 500000000 european consumers i dont need any convincing no british or European Company produces goods according to just any old standards on the contrary all companies in particular british farmers understand that to keep exporting its best to do all they can to have the regulatory alignment that will grant them access to oil markets but also in the wings is the u. S. Which for years has tried and failed to get the e. U. To weaken its food and farming standards to bring them into line with americas brecks it presents a chance to break open a major European Market the other issue which people got very obsessed about here is chlorinated chicken deliver on our comes that benefit the Agricultural Sector and most importantly consumers who are going to be the beneficiaries of these really good deals american producers claim theyve turned away from chlorine in favor of other disinfectants but the e. U. Still believes the use of such methods at the end of the meat production process could compensate for poor hygiene standards plus other fears of Inhumane Treatment while farmers leaders think it would be madness to import such goods this year the government must show Global Leadership insists that u. K. Farm standards are the benchmark for Climate Friendly farming around the world and that whoever wants to trade with us trades on our terms and we must not allow those standards to be undermined by import. Goods which would be illegal for our farmers to produce here to the average briton chlorine is associated with keeping swimming pools clean and not for washing chickens so what do people think on the streets of london would you eat chicken as we did to glory no of course not you know you are free now and weve got to be visionary not going to consume chicken anymore thus not return if theyre not i definitely wouldnt eat it i just dont have the cheese and by my chicken there so they get a call quite welcome so here we dont have to buy it so yeah i would invite yeah but i think the problem is that people wouldnt necessarily know so on the one hand theres the chance of a deal with the e. U. Already the u. K. s biggest trading partner and guaranteed food standards on the other a potential deal with the u. S. The worlds biggest economy and cheap chlorine chicken a foul conundrum for the u. K. Government a partridge r. T. London. Ok lets have a quick look then at some world news and break. I. A 3rd day of violent antigovernment protests in the indian capital has taken the death toll to at least 27 thats according to local media the unrest was triggered by a socalled citizenship Amendment Act which has been criticised for discriminating against muslims in the country the controversial law was adopted last December Indian police have been using small drones to identify the rioters. Pictures here from a bizarre local festival exploding sledgehammers has been the center point of celebrations in the small mason town of san juan deliver participants here attach a mixture of sulfur and chlorate to the end of the sledgehammers which they then smash against the rail tracks exposing the substance into huge clouds of smoke while the one in attendance did injuries legs in the blast missing being stretched away by medics. And students fought battles with police in the colombian capital of bogota are among the protesters from the university the creation of the bridge to peace of colombias mobile anti disturbance scrawled protesters barricaded themselves within the gates of the campus over which take gas and this is the road both ways are the protests comes on the 21st anniversary of the establishment of the Riot Police Unit which throughout its history has faced numerous accusations of brutality. I and violence between my a police and hundreds of locals on the greek island of less sports people theyre furious over the authorities plan to build new migrant tension senses offices used to gas space the crowds this year as estimates 100000 Asylum Seekers will reach shills locals to say that they are fighting for the future of their oil. This is democracy and for this is democracy is that if this is democracy then i dont know what to say i dont know what to say shame shame on the government shame on everyone its disgusting its betrayed you and acceptable for the way the government has acted towards us and they would be treating us like were enemy it islet its im going to take you to belong to the islanders this country was based in democracy and you know they have done is create inhumanity while for the refugees and for the residents of the island. Climate change skeptics may have at last found an answer to the teenage icon of grettir tomba a 19 year old juxtaposes herself described the climate really isnt against war she caused to be climate alarmism some media were quick to depict her as the ultimate villain. Youre never too small to make a difference. Very good news for you why does not ending because of climate change. The want to deny a carries a lot of weight and today i consider its an atrocious insults. Theyre going to make her out to be this step further alien world by central casting brainwash quant this stooge you know the pawn the tool of the right wing but grata all dont say anything about gratton no dont make any comments about her whatsoever or the way shes pig you know she is she speaks from the heart that that doesnt happen there it would be so reflection to see a counterweight to the how dare you gretta. Pipeline protests against a story across canada bore several of the countrys Rail Networks to a standstill ponens to natural gas projects running 3 multiple problems is to say that the pipelines violate the rights of indigenous communities by getting over their land well police moved in on monday to clear activists from a blockade set up on trying tracks in the city of bell deal in ontario making 7 arrests a softer local jail company one injunction to clear the camp however my whole nation member. Does say that using force to break up the protests is pointless. Exactions the government has taken us to really provoked war. Support actions across the country in support of the what should i dont think you can use force because you take one blockade down and 3 more appear across the country there is widespread support for the which they were not hereditary changed the plans so they cant really result by force look at the question of canadas economy right now by trying to force the pipeline through their dirt or all their support actions will continue until the Government Works with the company to get that pipeline out of the. We maun industry representatives according on the government to take action after suffering heavy losses amid the disruption with the countrys farming body claiming the protest action is damaging agriculture to the tune of more than 50000000. 00 a week meanwhile the premier of key banc says that that province is easing some 76000000. 00 a day on the west coast protests have also been taking place against the coastal ghastly recent this crosses land belonging to Indigenous People in British Columbia and the elected camps all agreed to the project ready for need is to oppose it most of the abbott again says that canada should reconsider its themes on the rights of Indigenous People. The words to it not asking for recognition of their indigenous title and rights and its the government of canada Self Government policies some land claims policies that are the problem unless the government changes or replaces those policies it doesnt seem like they can really talk to which hereditary chiefs about recognising their diction its title and rights canada as a signatory to human rights conventions and theyre violating the human rights of Indigenous Peoples so they need to look at changing their policies or this is going to be a prolong situation where the countrys economy affected totally start recognizing it didnt just write st exist a creation of canada and they havent addressed that 152 years. Ok well before we go this lets news just in to show you the u. S. State wisconsin the walkie police are investigating a shooting incident at the miller Coast Brewing Company Headquarters at least 2 people are reported dead and 6 more wounded employees have been ordered to find a safe place to hide its been reported an office is said to have already. The suspect. Wisconsin where that shooting has taken place. And well be back with the latest on the stories of the day at the top of the. All the alternative all. Because i say the story. Was called real choices the binary choice and only choices if you. Both binary. States too slow to provide a new architecture revive the call ted and start negotiations with. Israel or invited to negotiate. Whats being put on the table. Television Propaganda Machine propaganda propaganda tools we are getting information. That can change the way. We. Were small she may still. Net. Brushes russia russia russia. Real the paper that i wrote says russia to and i really have to join to see you then on our team. Who are so proud and still. Are just getting the number. Why have you not shut down our t. V. On you tube its a Propaganda Machine mr walker. I know many dashes are not only in mr letting the world. And not of mr other me and internationally but it and going to get him on this im going to work on it this young doubt but. Now former french i am. Sure you can. See our how can i tell you. Why i did not. Turn out in july and august 1. Machine did so at most in the home selection on gonna do my any. Time left with all the. Water. Any comfy shes yemen for one. Another in addition with the loudness then the glove doesnt fit all the laws of the law and also the but i can love. You now do not and i was there in and out of are they in the not that not of are. Is you off of on agree as well. Only lou the slaughter in the mob dateless a lot of us went on oh oh and they thought oh now i get the last 9 now and might have been out guns out ocean of them im not slow at i hated when i had laid lousy any autobus to have a little salt and have thought of that habit us oh yeah ma has really helped the way she had always known i think a help when i gave now that im not that one not afraid. To nail down an anonymous not that bad examples of one of have had my field got a book

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