E. U. Summit sees the rocks leaders failed to agree on a post. From moscow thanks for joining us tonight r. T. International welcome to the program. Supporters of the wiki leaks founder Julian Assange been protesting in london in solidarity with the imprisoned whistleblower this comes ahead of his hearing on possible extradition to the United States which gets underway on monday. Im here in the center of london with protesters who are opposing the possible extradition of julian assad to the u. S. We watch from australia house as australian of course to Parliament Square and you can see behind me theres a lot of talks going on and some entertainment in support of putin now this is of course the center of british democracy and supporters theyve gathered here ahead of the wiki leaks founder hearing on the call in court on monday people are. Serious this. Is a crazy. Its more freedom its about the future of. Journalism. For journalists. Have to be able. To be decided whether he is indeed extradited to the u. S. He could be facing 175 years in prison for leaking documents. Accusing him of hacking a u. S. Government computer and leaking classified documents back in 2010 now he has an awful lot of high profile supporters worried about. Showing everybody how totalitarian they really are by saying your crime is that you publish crimes american war crimes that you published america more crimes now that its not a crime its in the Public Interest this is what im saying america is not democracy a tall told will show i think all the sun is provided. A safe place for information to go on i dont think hes committed a crime at all what governments want to know is total control of information and that means they dont want dissidents they dont they want what looks like a free press so it can sort of tell nasty stories about football why. That kind of thing but its not free at all when it comes to things that matches the people here its a question of the freedom of speech journalists have spoken out and said that thats all hes doing hes doing what other journalists do they cant understand why hes in prison at the moment in belmarsh prison they seem as a hero hes already spent 70 years at the Ecuadorian Embassy and he asked for asylum wanted to avoid going to jail but now he has been arrested by the British Police reaching bail conditions his house his physical and Mental Health is apparently deteriorated quite badly theyve been experts from around the world theyve been condemning the u. K. Handling of him mourning that its all just being a subject of psychological torture in jail more than 100 medics have signed a joint letter urging authorities to take action as i said many high profile supporters and they were very proud of his roger. Courage by the people who come out today. So maybe it may just be the tide is turning if you could. You know you say what worries everybody here today because they dont believe bank stream narrative they dont believe. Me a campaign the street level. U. S. Media are throwing yet more accusations east this time its the democrats front runner for the 2020 president ial election whos being dragged in Bernie Sanders is leading the polls ahead of the next nomination vote in the state of nevada the Washington Post claims though through unnamed sources that hes receiving russian help for his campaign. It was not clear what role theyre going to play we were told that russia maybe other countries are going to get involved in this campaign and look heres the message to russia stay out of american elections. So using the moment one democratic rival billionaire Mark Bloomberg has jumped on the report to target saunas online posting his 26000 president ial Campaign Slogan to feel the burn in russian. All the other end of the political spectrum the New York Times has published claims that the United States is president has also been a fact thing from alleged russian help donald trump flatly dismissed those allegations did you see that i see it is forming is these the do nothing democrats they said today that gore wants to be sure that trump gets elected here we go these people are crazy. Or moscow for its part has really cool the report and said it expects to see many more such claims in the run up to the election. Takes a closer look at the latest meddling accusations. Dear diary i know i can be a bit of a warrior you know better than anyone but this time i really think we might have a serious. Situation on our hands it is the conclusion of multiple u. S. Intelligence agencies that the Russian Federation is once again trying to interfere in our 2020 alexion our president ial election again to try to elect donald trump the russians off to american democracy again and theres just so much evidence to back it up this time in a closed meeting undisclosed intelligence officials told congress that moscow wants to keep orange one in the white house for another few yes and 5 unnamed people who apparently are in the loop told us so its a soul thing i turned on the t. V. And everyones quoting it a bombshell revelation just makes me panic more than americas democracy once again under attack by a foreign adversary new revelations about russian efforts to interfere in the 2020 election with the hope of getting the president president through a real look and also to make americans doubt the integrity of the election process this is not a 4 year ago flashback folks this is 2020 and the media would so panic would jump on the bandwagon just to boost their ratings that would be unconscionable wouldnt it i know youll say im im spiraling but can you see how burn up proof this latest report is i mean i agree i did read the article which published the info for us and there isnt a single concrete fact a piece of evidence provided but they promised it would come to light soon both republicans and democrats the intelligence agencies to hand over the underlying material that prompted the conclusion the rush is again favoring mr trump selection how soon the House Committee might get that information is not clear and if that wasnt convincing enough trying fight the director of National Intelligence and replaced him with a man who supports him that cant be a coincidence can it i mean thats basically trump admitting that hes a criminal stooge and the president of the United States is now helping the president of russia help the president of the United States. To get reelected now i dont want to exaggerate or anything but this is a National Emergency we are now in a full blown National Security crisis by trying to prevent the flow of intelligence to Congress Trump is abetting a russian covert operation to keep him in office from moscows interests not americas and politicians are panicking to it so seriously even tweeted about it poor hillarys also chimed in still a bit saw over the whole 26 dont trust the i suppose putins puppet is at it again taken russian help for himself he knows he can win without it and we cant let it happen i mean it is so unfair the democrats are just being unlucky the mourner report was a boston pietschmann felt flat on its face but still how could anyone pick trump over that and just to conspiring Democratic Candidates on offer take joe biden for example sure hes got a chance on approach but hes clearly a good parent and thats got to count for something right then does Michael Bloomberg sure he made a few crude comments apparently about women back in the eightys but these were different times now hes just a good old clean billionaire and Bernie Sanders well good old bernie oh well he does giving his honest opinion when he allegedly said a woman couldnt become a president no no the more i think about it the clearer it is a trump 2020 victory could only have the kremlins fingerprints all over it. Diary what a disaster. Emergency e. U. Budget summit is soon the rocks leaders failed to agree on just how to make up the 75000000000 euro shortfall left by brics. Or what has come out of the differences are still too large to come to an agreement unfortunately we have to suspend this summit. These divisions are there we dont need britain for that they were playing out during the financial crisis a decade ago during the migration grazes were now seeing them on budget issues. Well thats why it calls for compromise on all sides in fridays negotiations Member States were not able to overcome 2 fundamental areas of disagreement the 1st they can point is the blocs socalled frugal for do not want the e. U. Budget to be higher than one percent of its Gross National income those countries denmark austria sweden and the netherlands also want to keep receiving rebates on the contributions they pay to the e. U. In addition theres no consensus as to how the 7 year budget should be allocated political commentator harmer gave us his thoughts on the dispute. On the one hand it shows clearly now the division that has been only britain germany and only have one or 2 other countries there were net payers into the system were on the on the brakes when it came to inflating the budget and so on and this and the rest was taking and the rest was the majority but germany used to have together with britain. At the top hour and it has lost so now there is no no limit anymore germany and i think this is this has been secretly all the time already but now with britain it really it goes went to the open and its for everybody now. Human Rights Groups are demanding a British University suspends a Masters Program that runs with bahrains Royal Academy of policing how does feel university flies economics to bahrain despite rights campaigners condemning the kingdom as a torture hub for prisoner abuse and the rector for the Bahrain Institute for rights and democracy says it has detailed allegations from 10 prisoners who were led to theyve been tortured. We opened those testimonies which came to us directly from this into the prison behind your prison and somebody called us to give us the details of how those individuals or tortured this is im talking about the fears 10 testimony from the victims erik lee detailing how they were abused. There is a consistent account on many of them where subjected to physical and psychological torture some of them were subjected to electric shocks some of a lot of them where to the naked that during their interrogation they were blindfolded some of them and they were raped and sexually assaulted had their reckoning they make threats against their families and just last weekend i happen to know there my own family including my brother in law was subjected to torture at the Royal Academy this is what i got from his last chord in 2017 a u. N. Report called for the claims of torture and the treatment of prisoners to be more thorough investigated as of the previous complaints made by Rights Groups were not reviewed independently or university refuses to confirm how much its being paid by bahrain saying its commercially Sensitive Information it will give consideration to the requests that respond in the coming days also asked the bahraini government and the university to comment or the Rights Group Says its repeatedly called for the course to be dropped the British Government got to stop their own go and get training with Security Forces because if it did anything did the in a set of improving the situation they just simply had them to cover up abuses the place where they teach the course is the place where the prisoners get tortured so its extremely serious allegations we have extremely strong evidence and can be even better fired within Asylum Seekers in britain. So the developing story in italy where police have raided the roof of a top russian look at what. This whole business about blaming russia and america is getting really pathetic because heres a guy whos effectively trying to dehumidify his group of people slavic people on the skids this is remarkably ironic coming from the white like. Italian police have raided a hotel housing. Housing a team of russian athletes competing at a bar from World Championships the search targeted Alexander Logan off a champion biathletes who was previously hit with a doping ban his car was also reportedly searched at the Russian Embassy in rome i said the preliminary results of the search showed no evidence of banned Substance Use International Biathlon union has denied the raid was made at its request arties egos that off the details. Of all the scandal stems from the accusation that the personal coach of the russian biathlete del xander logon of that he used a fake or somebody elses accreditation to move around the competition site now he and Alexander Logan of himself have their hotel rooms searched by the police and their personal Electronic Devices were confiscated by the officers that includes their notebooks and mobile phones heres how to log in to room may describe the situation as he witnessed it they didnt allow us to leave the room but they had no questions for me they took all of our devices put them on the table but they confiscated our exams devices to copy all the data from his phone and computer we asked them when they would return the devices they answered they didnt know and experts would analyze them and copy before knows i had a matter of seconds to message my teammates and coach now apparently the measures were taken out of suspicion that kasparov reached the coach that he used a fake accreditation to bring. Bring Illegal Drugs to to his athlete but when it comes to Alexander Logan of he does have a history of Substance Abuse he was banned from participating in competitions but then was reinstated the ban was lifted and he was back in the he was back i should say in the big sports but here this whole thing is turning into a bit of a diplomatic scandal because russia is saying that in this particular case the presumption of innocence has to be maintained and that no allegations no accuse ations or should be taken at face value and Alexander Logan for instance of that whole thing happened literally hours before he was shot jewel to participate in a biathlon relay which he is still doing by the way he was and pulled from the team all saw russia has sent all sorts of letters the ministry to the Sports Ministry is involved they are demanding explanations as to why such measures are being taken and apply to the russian team but its another nations team in question then a completely different set of measures is being taken and not as harsh as russia has to bear the french team also had the same situation at this world cup but their man was only fined 500. 00 euros and now the case has been exaggerated to an absurd level im 100 percent sure this was well planned now the International Biathlon union has launched a legal investigation a legal case against the russian team and against the coach so well have to see how their version of events fares in court. And germany have sharply criticized israels plans to build thousands of new homes in occupied East Jerusalem pointing out its unclear violation of International Law the move was announced by Prime Minister netanyahu head of israels 3rd National Election in just under a year. Where connecting jerusalem connecting all parts of the united jerusalem the rebuild jerusalem it is a source of great pride and is great news for the people of israel. In stark opposition to the International Consensus israel claims the whole of jerusalem as its capital and argues it has the right to build settlements were ever it likes there or its also been receiving staunch support from donald trump which recently released the socalled peace plan that was widely described as an insult to the palestinians. Well promised the netanyahu said that the 1st of the 5000. 00 new Housing Units in occupied East Jerusalem will be put up for sale in the coming days i was thinking officials have also reacted furiously to the move uncooled for International Pressure on israel was only me live now as the friends of political commentator i mean all right thanks for joining us good to have you on today. To talk about a bit the timing behind to sort out some and we know the election is coming up we know that donald trump has put forward is his peace plan which has caused a lot of controversy why do you think this announcement has come now when it has. Well these really public has been bombarded with 3 to 5 major news stories a day in the run up to election day which is coming in 9 days so this particular story. On another time in another place would have caused a major. Demonstration would have generated major headlines didnt really receive a lot of attention here because both the israelis and palestinians have grown accustomed to such declarations being really not serious enough to marry such attention you mentioned the trump peace plan. It has been dead already. Over the last couple of weeks and you know when secretary of state bomb pair went to riyadh to meet with the saudi officials with the king and wes mohammed bin so month he didnt even mention discipline its simply off the radar it just was announced and nothing was heard about the proceedings and so was another declaration by netanyahu that he was going to annex the Jordan Valley and the same fate is probably going. To await this particular announcement brow to be 5000 Housing Units 1000. Are supposedly going to go to the palestinians. How much do you think that the trumpet ministration a trump peace plan no has left israel feeling it can do what it wants the had pressure from International Community about its moving the capital to jerusalem about the settlements does it feel that if as americas backing can flout International Lauren ignore this International Pressure. Yes indeed some in these row. Especially those who do not follow global or 1st too closely wrongly equate the United States. Where the opinion and therefore when the trumpet ministration. Netanyahu was beating on several issues such as jerusalem the Golan Heights the legality of the settlements netanyahu beckers applaud the. Move of peace moves and considered it a sign of natanya political prowess but the irony is because donald trump is mostly interested in his reelection and he wants to appeal to the jellicoe base and some other pro israel voters he has. Left hes a law is in the uk and therefore as you mentioned earlier france and germany and other countries are not supporting his position so israel is not the winner in this case as it was not in other similar cases right i mean all in defense and political commentator thanks for your time here that i could have you on the program. The u. S. Defense secretary marcus passed taken part of an exercise that simon how washington respond to Russian Nuclear attack in europe thats according to officials. And then you go through the congress say shouldnt that you would have with the secretary of defense and then with the president are similar to decide how to respond with simulated responding with a Nuclear Weapon or the war games come as the United States looks top rate its Nuclear Capabilities earlier this month the department of defense requests that a military budget of over 740000000000. 00 for 2021 it said it was an additional 4000000000. 00 for Nuclear Weapons spending thats a 19 percent increase on the current budget russias responded by warning the u. S. Is undermining global stability we condemn such actions because firstly they clearly demonstrate washingtons readiness to follow the path of confrontation and further lower the trash for using Nuclear Weapons. Instead of focusing on efforts to strengthen the arms control system including the Nuclear System the United States is playing an extremely dangerous game. Because nick is a historian and the director of the Nuclear Studies institute at American University in washington he told us while the exercises themselves are fairly routine defines the current tensions between the u. S. And washington concerning. This kind of war games are actually pretty common they conduct them on a regular basis. But whats different now is the climate the relation between the United States and russia are very very shaky right now over the years theyve simulated this kind of nuclear war limited nuclear war many times what usually happens is that it escalates out of control there is almost no scenario in which a limited nuclear war and this after each side sheets of one Nuclear Weapon but much more likely scenario is that it continues to escalate and then were all finished. Finally devouring everything in the path of swarms of locusts head from pakistan to china officials there are preparing a unique air force to fight off the plague like threat. He was cool oh. Right right. Right. Thats a special report from there you see in mexico city in the cause a report back in 30 minutes time with the latest. The Russian State Television Propaganda Machine propaganda outlet propaganda tools we are getting information for. You can change the world tomorrow. We use an old youtube videos that are to sleep well structured today is the longest network. Pressure brushes russia russia russia today is. The only t. V. That i watch it is russia to live and i really have to put joins up to see you then on r g. 4 are so proud and still. Are just getting the numbers. Why have you not shut down our t. V. On you tube its a Propaganda Machine mr walker. Listen up are you working on the moon but in your circles modesty. And you can do for the new much for the group was a little better than the internet when you. Look. At. The point a good bit of where youre already in the it seems to me about you know my assumes the trees. To be. That stand. This is the kaiser report remember bill blat. The best way to rob a bank is to buy a bank or therefore Something Like that this is all going to make a lot of sons told stacy well for those who dont know william k. Black was a special prosecutor during the savings and loan crisis in the 1980 s. When there was widespread fraud especially there were a lot of Congress People involved in some of the bush family involved and he said at he put 800 bankers behind bars and that set in motion the boom times that followed where all the all the criminals were taken off the street by wall street he said the best way to rob a bank is to own a bank because therefore you get away with crimes here is crime in this headline because many people do associate with mexico with the cartels and crime wave here curbing crime could boost mexicos Economic Growth says think tank cutting crime in mexico could encourage more investment leading to higher Economic Growth the private sector think tank said last week that is why it is indispensable to guarantee the security of the private Sector Center for economic studies said in his weekly

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