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I will welcome you watching r. T. International with me making arun. Doctors from around the world have condemned the British Governments handling of the julian i songs case they claim the wiki leaks founder is being subjected to psychological torture in prison more than 100. 00 doctors have signed a joint letter urging the u. K. Authorities to take action they also called on the Australian Government to intervene to protect its citizens is the 4th doctors letter since the songs made his 1st Court Appearance and documented a history of denial of access to health care and prolonged psychological torture it requested that the songs be transferred from beaumont prison to University Teaching hospital for medical assessment and treatment faced with evidence of untreated im only going to or should we also raise the question is dishonest fitness to participate in us extradition proceedings. Next week a staunch faces a hearing on his possible extradition to the us where hes been charged with hacking and espionage ahead of that the current wiki leaks editor in chief condemned the u. K. Inaction. Of giving up. Whats at stake its not just. Low to do it so he prays 175 years in prison if thats a vote. In the future after this thats on board this is the greatest. World australian and paid George Christensen has visited us lounge in prison and sees the condition of the journalist is frightening. Spike in this wake with professor nils mels of the un special repertory on torture. Come to the opinion along with a number of medical experts that Julian Assange was exhibiting the symptoms of psychological torture visited Julian Assange. And are going to side theres nothing that i saw or that actually. Discredited what those doctors and what mills melzer said he is exhibiting signs of disorientation. He did tell us about being kept in severe isolation and ongoing loss a large negative side technically within belmarsh prison the conditions of the subject to apparently solution but when you kept by yourself for 20 to 22 as a die with that minimal human contact youre effectively ocelot it so all of that has led to i guess at the plated state of health for julian a songe and i dont think its fair or told to extradite an australian citizen. At of one foreign country into another foreign country to face charges for what for reporting on the facts. Meanwhile the Guardian Newspaper has published a feature article on times to tackle media repression by the British Special envoy on press freedom clarity however one key detail has been a missive kinneys links to Julian Assange and his case in particular this by the fact is one of the highest profile cases all the journalists being persecuted in the country the guardians all school focused on clooney has plans that she proposed to sanction all those who participate in jailing journalists for their work including ministers and prosecutors is something that hasnt happened in a songes case they also go in didnt even mention clooney was actually a songes lawyer during the swedish extradition proceedings against him in 25th day the a mission has directed plenty of anger towards the guardian. Congratulations are in order to the guardians Patrick Wintour has managed to write a whole article on global media suppression without mentioning the phrase julian a songe the Foreign Office will no doubt continue to be delighted the u. K. Government leakers Julian Assange she looked up at the because of the us because he exposed war crimes the guardian publishes an article on press freedom failing to mention this unbelievably and unforgivably no mention of julian a songe journalist on broadcaster neil clark believes the government doesnt want to talk about the case as its too shameful when to the journalist apparently apparently we are not 100 percent sure but apparently didnt see the need to actually brace the rest is the case of the most famous persecuted journalist in this interview about the persecution of journalists its a massive elephant in the room its quite extraordinary how anybody could write an article about the prosecutor in this without mentioning. A sound for the establishment this whole case now is a big embarrassment. If you get a song its either someone who could be attacked or to be ignored his price to be ignored a way to get talking about it in this context press the persecution of journalists. Is a lot of person you know journalists being persecuted oh lets talk about other countries official enemy countries that thats fine but not what we actually got the guy just a few miles away down the road for this round up in jail for doing journalism. A vulnerable british woman who had been repeatedly sex trafficked by drug gangs was denied support from the British Government until compelled by the high court the shocking revelation comes despite the u. K. Claiming it leads the way in a fight against forced labor and here a sheet of course the cake claims to be a world leader when it comes to fighting modern slavery and people trafficking yet if you take the story of this 22 year old woman that seems far from the case. She was 1st registered as a victim of sex trafficking in 2019 and a professional should have been provided with safe refuge yet the home office failed to find any its shocking really its completely unacceptable that someone so vulnerable and someone so at risk every trafficking was not provided with the support of the accommodation because it desperately needed and with no support from the government this young woman was drawn into a vicious circle once again it was in june 2019 that i was made a decision not a crime as a potential victim of killing not not spend the legal obligation to provide her with adequate support and assistance 1st degree. And the home office was underage to protect her. This is in spite of the fact that she has contacts Mental Health help. People who are trapped often do because because of their experience so respectable but yet they were under. Support but when the woman was ready to be discharged from the mental facility the home office claimed her mental state meant there was absolutely nowhere suitable to house her from the time when b. The decision was made that she was a potential victim of trafficking up until january 2020 and the homeowners were aware that there is at least 3 instances agreed trafficking in the purple Sexual Exploitation and made up to the high court but time arkwright was being released to homelessness youve been discharged from hospital and the judge ordered that they must report it will come to shoot until further order officials have been vague to say the least in their comments on the case are significant reforms of the National Referral mechanism for victims of modern slavery such as the introduction of a new Single Competent Authority on the launch of a digital referral for air and shore victims get the support they need more quickly theres been constant criticism that all the government talk on ending modern day slavery does not match in practice accusations that funding and support for victims are clearly inadequate figures from 20 9000. 00 confirmed that more than 2000 survivors of modern day slavery were given housing and specialist support but its not enough according to come painters who claim that a lack of safe and specialised accommodation is in fact leaving many of the victims traumatized isolated and vulnerable to retracking that era tutor r. T. Facebook pass Mark Zuckerberg has said Big Tech Companies need more state regulation social media giant recently announced a new independent oversight body however its already raising questions about simple. Dont cotton explains for years political scandals and government pressure to regulate content have been a thorn in facebooks side does not just about innovation you need the regulation we get facebook can and then again what do we tell our constituents given whats happened here while we should let you self regulate i dont want to vote to have to regulate facebook but my god i will as the social media giant straight away from its roots of connecting friends and family over the internet and began playing politics to grow its influence things started to get a bit hairy for the company facebooks fight against socalled russian bots and up targeting many accounts that had nothing to do with russia its campaign to flag political ads treat some organizations better than others and the army of Fact Checkers often seems more like a censor for certain political opinions facebooks critics are far from satisfied facebooks not just going to really trump but intends to reelect trump this is a Global Company that has huge influence in ways that were only beginning to understand then theres george soros who even called for Mark Zuckerberg to be removed it seems facebook c. E. O. Has dug a deep hole for himself we didnt take a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a mistake and im sorry for it it was my mistake and im sorry this was a major breach of trust and im really sorry that this happened now hes calling for more serious regulation of social media content as for who should step up to the plate well zuckerberg wants to pass that buck on to someone else. Companies like mine also need better oversight when we make decisions which is why we creating an independent Oversight Board so people can appeal facebooks contant decisions the director proposed for the socalled independent board goes by the name of Thomas Hughes and he says hes fully on board with the human rights and diversity agenda. The Oversight Board is committed to protecting Free Expression and human rights its composition will be global and diverse and whilst there will be disagreement at times this diversity lies at the core of this important innovation that sure sounds nice but you have to wonder how hughes actually defines those ideas especially since he was the leader of a british angio called article 19 its directly funded by the state department and the National Endowment for democracy think tank which promotes regime change in countries washington isnt very happy with can we really expect a judge jury and executioner of social media with that background to be independent what i dont understand is why these are not regulated like a public utility i am a conservative i dont like regulation of business almost ever except when it becomes obvious that they are being used by the public in ways that Public Utilities are used that they become something that is as ordinary or even in some cases more ordinary than making a phone call facebook is doing what we call shadow banking and in all likelihood of the only complaints i ever see about this are from conservatives why is that why is it that conservatives especially trump based conservatives are being shouted banned i want to know the answer to that id love to ask Mark Zuckerberg that question myself as long as thats the kind of regulating socalled regulating that Mark Zuckerberg and his team are doing i would say we need to look at some sort of regulating them like a Utility Company like a Telephone Company like a gas company other utilities that are regulated and need to be able to be used broadly across both sides of the political aisle. In other news from around the World Security forces in iraq have stepped up to crackdown on protests. Police used tear gas to force thousands of people from the Central Square in baghdad iraq has been gripped by mass songwriters so unrest over government corruption since last october demonstrations have continued despite the resignation of Prime Minister a deal abdul mahdi in december. Hundreds of homes have been flooded in the u. S. State of mississippi after to ensure rain is these are the latest pictures from the city of ridgeland forecasters are predicting further downpours little fortys in the State Capitol jackson have urged hundreds of residents not to return home until they get the all clear. Sounds of of Athletico Madrid turns the sky red on tuesday night ahead of their encounter with liverpool thousands of flowers were lit outside the metropolitan new stadium as the teams arrived for the Champions League game let it go went into the last 16 tie as underdogs but won the 1st leg on. How does Prime Minister has called an emergency meeting with his ministers off the protesters shut down key rail lines across the country activists are hoping to stop a natural gas pipeline being built in British Columbia about 30 percent of the route passes through territories that belong to indigenous Communities Movement as late after police raided an activist camp and arrested several people. At. The company this building the pipeline says it had received permission from indigenous elected councils but tribal chiefs are against the construction we discuss the conflict with journalist demetrius scaurus and mohawk nation member russell do yarbrough. The which shouldnt have never signed a treaty with canada. They have an aboriginal tie you know edition title to their land and they dont operate under the india back there or there are already a terry traditional government system there salmon bearing stream or some other pristine force and this pipeline would go through that theyre objecting to it which is why they proposed an alternative route but really it is. An issue about corporate interests trumping indigenous rights in canada i mean coastal gas link the west so it and as i understand it had proposed an alternative route for the pipeline the company said no because of the Economic Issues associated with changing the route but i think its going to cost them more money if they continue the conflict and dont do these protests this is actually quite unusual by canadian standards when they begin to have an impact on the economic interests of Large Businesses in this country then thats an escalation of the fire that the Prime Minister is forced to deal with its very hard to see where theres a resolution here because frankly the only resolution that respects truly respects the rights of Indigenous People is to put a stop to that pipeline project this is unseated territory the hereditary chiefs of the whats working people have not consented to this project and that is rightly given the historical abuses that have been horrible abuses that have been visited upon Indigenous Peoples in this country i think you know were hearing a lot of lip service as we have for many years from the Corporate Community in this country about their commitment to human rights and environment but the reality is radically inconsistent with their rhetoric and its time for us to recognise that at the governmental level. List indians have dismissed an invitation to attend and also event held on israeli settlements as insulting. So they come to occupy territory 2 in the rear with your cue brace negates Palestinian Development through a network of checkpoints roadblocks and closed military zone. And then the terminus you can attend in a closed Military Area the Israeli Military has given approval for up to 15000 people to attend the gathering in disputed parts of the west bank organizers say politics has nothing to do with it its an unofficial version of the burning man event in the us which prioritises quote radical inclusion and longest Guiding Principles meaning anyone can attend however palestinians who want to go to the west bank version it will need to get approval from the israeli army or though it seems not many are willing to attend the event at all. As palestinian citizens we are all against this except those who cooperate with your patient i dont agree with or support this this normalise is the occupation and we want these really still leave our lands just like i said i will never take part because im not a traitor to my country of course im against it they made this festival to provoke us it will be a dishonor for me to persist a place alongside such people this is an occupied holy land i reject this 1st of all i cannot participate in the jet amazing the occupation socalled deal of the century which i will never go and i dont advise anyone to go. Weve asked event organizers as well as the israeli army to comment on why west Bank Palestinians need permission to attend and well bring you anywhere sponsors soon as we get it. The u. S. Government has imposed sanctions on a subsidiary of russias russias Biggest Oil Company rosneft over its role in venezuela washington accuse the swiss based brokerage roles they have to say of helping the migiro government evade sanctions the u. S. Special representative for that is way less Elliott Abrams explained the move to another step in the polls. Pressuring the dura regime to allow venezuela to escape from its terrible crisis through free and fair president ial elections there will be more steps and further pressure in the coming weeks and months. While as naff task condemns the latest sanctions as arbitrary and selective as that other International Firms have avoided sanctions despite carrying out the same activities in venezuela the russian state run company also denied violating any u. S. Restrictions on balance while an oil trading we wall Russias Foreign Ministry has accused washington of disrupting international trade. The destructive u. S. Policy of sanctions undermines more and more the freedom of global trade which america claims to protect it also escalates tensions worldwide its time for washingtons lawmakers to realize that theyre achieving nothing with the economic and military pressure on russia other than worsening the crisis in bilateral relations and sanctions are the latest round in a long running u. S. Pressure campaign against venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro and january 2019 the u. S. Formally recognized Opposition Leader one quiet 0 as interim leader of venezuela on them more than a year later i went to rome is still in power latin america Analyst Daniel schorr says washington is trying to cause division in venezuela these sanctions this book aid is designed to the human misery to try to stifle dissent in the division in the ranks of the venezuelan people this blockade is for misery and hunger to 30000000 people with it as well it was fast and how hypocritical. Able to somehow get liberated venezuela when they want the exact opposite me in st louis as well as national they want to continue to. Isolate. Russia is a powerful virtue of the. Resources for our people certainly russia the other countries in the world in the cities around the u. S. Sanctions and once again we see the us exposed its really the empire thats isolating themselves more and more every day. Victory mail is a new projects launched by artsy uniting those who went through the horrors of world war 2 with modern day generations so if you can send a letter to veterans of that war and tell them how you feel about what they did one of them served in the arctic convoys transporting vital supplies to sauvie at russia and why they put his own life on the line he still feels anybody would have done the same. As in this side as song really guy was at so im churchill say it was one of the worst journeys in the world and. Yet most respect for them. Did not and i dont know began. And indeed its always well we say he summed up places i was starving starving to death. And. Up into a sad a cemetery where they just mans of earth where they local was wide and i just so a very dumb man no. They just numbers. There was 27000000. 00 russians would during the war. And when they had their sacrifice and the sec crystal us of days russian convoys that woke would never have been one the only regret of dumb spite russia. You know. Quite happy. To reply to any letters that you would not the same. Probably theres a white phrase. For many veterans monuments are places of healing the motherland calls in russia as europes tallest statue and its been caught on film shrouded in mist 35 meters high you can just see the top of it here although this size is still nothing close to demonstrating the sheer scale of losses during the war was a 967. 00 to pay tribute to the heroes of the battle of stalingrad but perceived by many as a general symbol of the war. Thanks for joining us here on out C International where at the top of the hour with the latest headlines. In the troubled 19 seventys a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalists attacks protect the only catholic population in belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes a mob was striken to put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of full streets in belfast at the take more than a 100 innocent civilians were unloaded as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and of the currents which the pollution was involved in some of those cases the killers would later be named into the now new jag i think it went to the very very top i think it is. The water where politicians you thought was going on and give the go ahead. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from the. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Direct. What is truth what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the death. Or inmate in the shallows. Were still in an era of resource colonialism again this is a big risk and the one big thing that could really inhibit the kind of electric vehicle revolution that a lot of us want to see is if we cant resource the battery components in a sustainable ethical way then its not going to be a successful revolution. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must story in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They could charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with the scent of a 23. 00. I doubt that id be very. Good at it very. Confined within 4 green walls he fights using. To help him to leave defense room. Greetings and sal you take a shit. If the 1st casualty of war is the truth then the civilians caught in the crossfire are most often the 2nd 3rd and 4th casualties of war currently the United States finds itself involved in multiple battlefields across the world ranging from major conflicts like the wars in afghanistan iraq and syria to an unknown number of small. Regional conflicts and special forces missions that the taxpaying u. S. Public will never be away made aware of until long after the fact or if something horribly goes tragically wrong and currently tragically wrong often means the loss of civilian life who were unlucky enough to get caught in the crossfire of americas peacekeeping but how effective is the United States military when it comes to tracking assessing and investigating reports of civilian harm and casualties by its forces that is the question at the heart of a new report by the center for civilians and conflict and the Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute after conducting an indepth after conducting indepth interviews in analyzing over 200. 00 investigative reports into alleged civilian casualty incidents in afghanistan iraq and syria between the years of 2002 and 2015 the investigators discovered that quote the us military has shown it can investigate civilian harm but significant in inconsistent season when and how investigations are conducted has contributed to shortcomings including a failure to investigate incidents when a close look is warranted and missed opportunities to learn from incidents and make future corrections this includes the fact that according to journalist nick turse the Standard Practice is troubling because while u. S. Investigators regularly interview military witnesses they almost totally ignore civilians victims survivors family members and bystanders because you know hey well how would i would civilians know anything about civilian casualties in a war zone i mean its almost my friends its almost like they would rather pretend that civilian casualties dont exist when the u. S. Pulls the trigger

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