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Telecom companies such as Cisco Technology t. Mobile and motorola prosecutors are saying that while always death of intellectual property resulted in the company obtaining nonpublic intellectual property about robotics cellular Antenna Technology and internet router source code you get all this well heres the problem earlier this week the big wall we story which 1st appeared in the wall street journal d was not about intellectual property theft no instead its similar to around claims that since at least 2009 while way has been able to covertly access mobile phone networks around the world using back doors designed for use by Law Enforcement u. S. Intelligence agencies claim that while way has built equipment that secretly preserves its ability to Access Networks through these interfaces without carrier knowledge though these officials still have not provided details of where they believe while we was able to do so now this is important because these 2 stories are actually completely unrelated. And yet the timing of the journal story about access to back doors and the federal indictment of intellectual property seems to have been designed to conflate the 2 into one story again it is not and thirdly these 2 stories are not the same as the claim that wall way is spying on behalf of the Chinese Government. And while we continue to insist that they do not spy for the Chinese Government for their part while way is pushing back against this new indictment they stated that this new indictment as part of the Justice Department meant attempt to err of accompli damage while ways that reputation and its business for reasons related to competition rather than Law Enforcement and not the racketeering enterprise that the government charged today is nothing more than a contrived repackaging of a handful of civil allegations that are almost 20 years old. So here we are in this moment where this week i mean you could call it a very bad week for awhile way but in some ways as a journalist when youre looking at the story and i think its a fill your of our media is to challenge what the government is saying look of while way is guilty of doing what the u. S. Government says we should know we should absolutely have the evidence put in front of us as a public as journalists we should know what wild ways is doing the problem is that evidence is not being presented and the day that all this information comes out that oh well we is using these back doors theyve been doing it for 11 years with the claim that since 2009 theyve been able to covertly do this the very next day these indictments are handed down and many people whether its intentional or not and i suspect that it is intentional many people will conflate the 2 and say oh well clearly the problem here is that while way see this is the proof because now weve been indicted in a federal court and therefore must be true and the 2 things again are not connected to there are 2 very Different Things to different stories like you said and i think its important to know people read headlines without even going into the story Digging Deeper and i think the. Job as as trying to investigate whats going on you see how lines where they say we now have the Justice Department says we now have proof oh i said great lets read to the story lets see what that proof it is and again we dont know what that proof is again and then bring it back to the ip theft where were going through these these next indictments where people are surprised that while way was caught doing business with north korea and iran isnt this what started all of this ruckus i guess in the 1st place with in canada over her the allegations that she was working that while way was working with iran it did begin a lot of this look there is an issue of the trade war in the chinese and u. S. Trade war what way its certainly been a huge part of that story but we also know that the argument that while we has been using theyve been saying that this claim that came out of the wall street journal now you could almost look at this story as one thats planted in the reason i say planted is because its not that the journal broke the story its that there was information fed to the wall street journal from the u. S. Government saying heres whats really going on with what way so they were kind of fed this information and the information they had even in the journal story the journal acknowledges that there is no evidence actually provided so statements were provided the right information was provided and some specific allegations were made against weiwei well and even now the u. S. I think is pressuring its allies now more than ever to ban while we for months now works just earlier today speaking at the Munich Security Conference in germany u. S. Speaker of the house nancy pelosi pressuring other countries to ban it take a listen. China is seeking to export its digital autocracy to its telecommuter shit telecommuters giant while way threatening economic would tell the haitian against those who deny. Their technologies allowing the scientific cation 5 g. Would be to choose autocracy over democracy must instead move to an internet of internationalization. So weve heard all this before germany doesnt buy it the u. K. Doesnt buy it meanwhile the pentagon today backed away remember the pentagon had said that they were going to encourage you know u. S. Companies that work well wake be allowed to continue to do so and they were i would have issuing some waivers to microsoft as one of the right now theyve weve walked that back in light again but just because youre indicted doesnt mean theres evidence of it that has to shake out in court and just because an allegation is made doesnt mean theres evidence what we need to see is actual evidence and if it is there its important for us to see that. Were seeing an Economic Impact across several sectors over the coronavirus as theres no end in sight to the ongoing epidemic Global Tourism industry is going to see a loss of billions of dollars this China Remains in isolation now according to the Economist Intelligence unit of the e. U. The coronavirus will cause a global loss of approximately 80000000000. 00 and tourism china analyst dan along said the biggest collective damage will happen for the Asian Countries China Tourism economy found that in 2019 Chinese Tourists accounted for 150000000. 00 overseas trips and 20000. 00 chinese for a spent about 120000000000. 00 on these overseas china also hurting from a decline in tourism as travel agencies counsel to group tours and governments restricted travel within the country Online Travel companies are also preparing to take a hit forecasting a huge drop in revenues this includes expedia and trip advisor so already seeing the Economic Impact of a lot of these the tourism especially during the chinese the Lunar New Year that a lot of Chinese People travel there within the country or leave the country to come here to the United States right and of course theres a longer term impact that we havent even begun to feel yet due to the backup thats happening through the lack of manufacturing obviously you have all these companies that are sitting in china right now that have not sent people back to work this week was an especially hard week for. Chinese because on wednesday we suddenly had that surge of over 15000 new coronavirus cases it wasnt that the coronavirus suddenly spread faster it was that these numbers apparently were not being counted correctly in the 1st place so when the numbers arent counted correctly it gave the false impression that we had kind of peaked with the virus and things were headed in a Better Direct i think as a result of that right a lot of these factories were supposed to reopen this with and thats not happening while the what we do know is that apple reopened at least for a certain number of hours over this weekend that was what was projected however when the rest will be fully and operational we dont know yet so thats thats the other thing but not only that its affecting the Tech Industry i mean apple theyre already set to lose about 4000000000. 00 and that doesnt include all the delays that were going to see in the release of i phones and other smartphones where components come from china yeah its all its all backlog in auto parts or a huge part of that china creates a huge number of other parts worldwide and all of those factories have been shut down as well so again the hope has been were getting back on track quarantine cities may not need to be quarantined much longer and then all that gets blown up mid week and thats what we saw the markets dip theyve come back a little bit but it doesnt change the fact that were going to continue to see a backlog of 3. For the most part Global Markets are up this is despite the ongoing concerns over the coronavirus and its spread lets start in russia where the molex happens to be up for the week as a ruble strengthened following reports that chinas coronavirus has slowed down in the new number of cases russias finance minister also announced a country will pay a 1st instalment of 18100000000. 00 for the central bank stake in spring in the spring then over in asia we start in shanghai where the market continued to see volatility as investors continue to keep an eye on the coronavirus update this is despite a growing number of cases from who by china was also scheduled to cut terrorists and 75000000000. 00 worth of u. S. Goods the adjustments took effect on friday now moving over to hong kong where the hong saying goes up after last week again as death and infection tolls of the corona Virus Outbreak declined. 1. 5 percent week on week then over to japan the nikkei we see the 1st decline of the week as shares of japanese automaker nissan and the 1st fatality of the coronavirus in japan took place then over to india where the sensex is up for the week this is despite Inflation Fears its bite on friday morning before weakening and being on again though over to australia where the a. S. X. 200 is up once again this week following gains in the financials utilities and Health Care Sectors and finally we go to the all shares in south africa that is actually down for the week this is despite the rand seeing gains on the pound in the dollar following the president s speech to repair the countrys electric industry and to curb a Government Spending but still the index trending down for the week now lets head over to ben to check into the markets of the e. U. And the americas sort of thing so that all over in europe things started off very well the. Weekend while most markets are technically still up for the week they have drifted lower on thursday and friday over coronavirus fears lets start with the cac in france which is again its up for this week thanks in part to increases in the Airline Market as air bus rose 0. 9 percent the playmaker announced that he has increased its stake in the a 220 jetliner to 75 percent the dax in germany spent most of the day trading most of the week excuse me trading around the record high from 2018 but just like the cac the dax fell dramatically on thursday and by friday it had regained most of those losses the footsie over in the u. K. Had a terrible week and this cant be blamed only on the coronavirus though there was a large drop off on thursday which continued on friday as the footsie dropped another 42. 00 points over there in south america lets go there the ebo vest is also up for the week though it pete dont wince day it has been dropping ever since sliding up to north america now the b. M. V. Is up for this week and here in the u. S. All 3 major indices are up as well again despite a drop on thursday over concerns that the coronavirus is not actually contained and is continuing to spread a faster rate than had been predicted the market has bounced back though aside from the bad news is good news mentality there is trust the Central Banks will keep pumping liquidity into the markets and hopes are high for right here and Companies Like and lift just this year shares of over a lift are up 35 percent and 9. 3 percent respectively and jumping north to canada t s x is up this week as well as the stock market saw growth in pretty much most sectors and like most other markets globally this week didnt stay low on thursday for very long and that is this weeks market walk. Time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return the biggest streaming app in the world by a long shot ill tell you who it is and i had there are how far have they are from everyone else as we go to frank here are the numbers at the but. Lovely mexico on the beach with the palm trees swaying in the monkeys chattering special guest with us today alex petroff see i. Bit weary theyre rocking it out in the mining. Community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids and ask and as a parent. I can come up with arguments theres a lot of conflict in the game between the 2 most of the conflict i would say. Is me. Close one of the children. Is Good Business the state of california makes 6000000000 dollars you have to prison complexes to get some point in your life where. You dont care and. So you dont care mind anything. I dont trust medical authority at all ever and the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with our immune disorders so my suggestion to people who have Health Issues they cant figure out if theyre going to see a medical professional and theyve been going for 10 years and theyre still in the same place they should probably take it upon themselves to Start Testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. In. The German Economy reported we wrote data even worse than the 1 point one percent predictions this for the 4th quarter of 2019 last year germany saw an annual growth rate of only point 6 percent this is the worst growth the country has seen since 2013 manufacturing an export sector is how slow down while germanys auto sector has plans to restock restructure with competition and pressure to put billions into developing electric cars and even new services on smartphone apps europes largest economy reflects a general slowdown weve seen in western europe in part due to brag that the u. S. China trade war and now the coronavirus the country may not see any growth in the 1st quarter given the stagnation of Global Economy from the epidemic shows a Motor Company have fallen to their lowest in the decade as. Friday things to deep cuts to the japanese automakers earnings forecast there are also Big Questions surrounding the suns future profitability on thursday nissan posted its 1st quarterly net loss in almost 2 years with the Company Warning that full year operating profit would be its weakest in 11 years so help make sense of this lets bring in our fix she is the car coach lauren that youre here. No way to call it anything else but a tough week for nissan but more than that what do they do now the kind of right the ship. Well the 1st thing they need to be doing is to be working a little tighter with reno and with mitsubishi and i know this was a big factor that weve talked about in the past but the reason that all this came down in this who came into play is the japanese misunderstood and thought that the french car company was going to take them over because they have controlling interest but that was not the case in reality the deal that should be is that they share platform Share Technology and share drive lines if they can do that with a 3 Car Companies all 3 will survive instead all 3 have taken a huge hit and nissans response to that was to send out a lawsuit toward carlos go on for 91000000. 00. Just speaking of that. Seems to be kind of sucking up all the oxygen surrounding the story as well how much longer is that saga going to continue and very quickly just catch of our viewers on how he plays in all this. Well right now carlos ghosn who is the ex c. E. O. Of nissan who was also the president of the group with reno which he was the president as well as mitsubishi he was working on a merger so they could all Work Together like i had stated they Work Together closer they share platforms everybody succeeds but in reality because of a misunderstanding in whatever reason they decided to have a coup against carlos go on he as we talked about the past escaped to lebanon and right now hes trying to get all the paperwork because of this lawsuit and of course hes not supposed to be traveling outside of the country but hey at least hes free and rather than being in a japanese prison well right now he is and im sure well figure out what goes from from here but when dealing valvo the idea was to leave it as a standalone swedish car company but not anymore really is going to absorb all into one Global Business unit but it seems that the vehicles will maintain their old branding is that right and there is this move about this move this move about actually the slowing of the Auto Industry economy. Well there is a slowing in the economy but obviously anytime you can share platforms and technology youre going to save money so geely which is a Chinese Company owning a small portion of volvo which theyve put just in 2010 vocals always been about safety they develop the seat belt thats always been their thing about safety and being ahead of the game and part of that is they want to do more electric platforms so in order to have hybrid or mild hybrid which in other words you get the boost of the hybrid when you need it coming off the light but you still have that gasoline powered engine or plug in if you choose something that theyll be able to now have more technology from dealy theyll be 2 separate the be also Still Holding the company in sweden but theyll be 2 separate stock exchanges that theyll be on one in hong kong and then one in europe so i think that this is probably a really good thing for volvo because well have more cash flow available to do even bigger and Better Things and evolve all has always been kind of known for its safety trucks did launch its 1st step into marketing electric heavy duty trucks in the u. S. Including tractor trailers now the program put more than 50 of these electric trucks into service now as part of this type of strategy bhalo is working to get 58 public and private charging stations developed where will those even be located. Well right now theyre talking about testing in california they have 5 on the roads right now the time of having 23 volvo these are class 8 trucks for big rigs for hauling things that will be available in Southern California by the end of the year where you really see the use of this is like in long beach all those big containers coming off the trucks they need to go a short distance to a warehouse or to a train so thats where that really makes a lot of sense to be using these class 8 trucks using the long haul across the United States is probably not the wisest choice because the charging times are quite dramatic and its beginning of quite dramatic you could have made headlines this week americas hours and hours and hours and hours and the u. K. Was making headlines though when they announced this week that it wants to move up that deadline for killing off all gasoline and diesel vehicles all of them they move that up to 2032 thats just 12 years from now and if you think back to over years and what automobiles were doing 12 years ago there wasnt any kind of unbelievable earth shaking change so even if they could get all these vehicles on the road and they could get Everything Else off the you could even have the electric infrastructure to plug in all those vehicles. Youre right ben and thats one of the biggest things they dont have a grid that can support this so even with putting billions of dollars into updating the grid and it would be maybe even trillions of dollars you still have outliers in london it might be possible when you go out to to the country i think thats where you have your biggest problem where you do need gas and diesel and they do have plug in hybrids as well they want to eliminate all of that so the only options would be electric or hydrogen in other words you could not purchase any of those vehicles where to do is cause the used car market to be bolstered people are going to keep their vehicles longer and theyre thinking theyre going to incentivize on top of that to get people to go to electric vehicles it doesnt work for everybody it works for some people but thinking that it leaves you with a 0 Carbon Footprint is not the answer remember that all the batteries in these electric vehicles they all come from mines owned by china so they will no longer be beholden to the middle east or wherever else they get their oil from theyre going to be getting it theres their components from china and they still going to lecture grid problem they dont have enough electricity again where is that going to come from coal natural gas or Nuclear Power this is the same problem china is having as they push further and further for more regulations and here in the u. S. Its just not taking hold we only have 2 percent of our total sales of 17000000. 00 cars are plug ins and people just arent buying them because of the limitations because the cost of higher insurance i mean theres the grid and theres so many factors that are causing people to really think twice and thinking you know what gasoline great fuel efficient cars diesels specially in europe makes a lot of sense you go longer distances between philips and theyve made diesel even cleaner than it ever was or short on time i was that full of very quickly on that is that the problem with a lot of these mandates though because its almost like good intentions are getting in the way of reality because in some communities as you said youre either going to not be allowed to have a vehicle at all or youre going to be forced to be on some kind of public or mass transit and if you live out in the country if youre on those rural areas thats not even really an option for you last word here in terms of not just the u. K. But other. Places that are following this example are they getting ahead of themselves i think youre 100 percent correct theyre getting ahead of themselves as we would say or my father would say youre putting the cart before the horse and you know you have to have an infrastructure before you go ahead and make this demand and if you do have the infrastructure whats the total cost and will consumers buy into it because if they dont then youre just wasting time so you are 100 percent correct lauren fix the car coach thanks so much for your time. Thank you. When it comes to mobile devices what do you think is winning the streaming out for you to Netflix Disney warner media or n. B. C. Universal well the answer to them now well its you to such an enormous margin that its not even close now in fact in 21000. 00 you tube dominated 70 percent of the total time that people spend on their phones watching top 5 entertainment apps you tube is so dominant that actually makes up 37 percent of all downstream mobile internet traffic around the world and while Companies Like netflix saw growth worldwide in such territories like brazil south korea france and germany people are spending less time on streaming Services Like netflix and increasing the amount of time on apps like you tube and even ticktock and even though you tube has become much more corporate ised i think the key to it the reason for that is because users still have control of putting content up. Talk right and the problem is with with an interview like a netflix they spend so much money billions of dollars trying to program to what they think you want with you tube and to talk people are able to say i like this and the content isnt coming from the top down its coming from the bottom up and therefore people are much more interested in it and it drives itself in terms of interest and just think of how much you tube has changed since it 1st came up i mean there were singers people who came out of it like Justin Bieber who was found on you tube now there are so many of you the you tube influencers right that we have and all of the things that you tube has to offer i also think then that whatever its that has to do with the shortness or the control it kind of like you said the control of being able to switch videos or even the recommendations that come up from that because theyre short and you have more control of that even to talk thats been so popular and if you look at the top 5 apps worldwide you tubes number one but below that all the rest are chinese and you cannot even play in china there is an idea of how dominant they are speaking of great absa got a better one than you do for you because you can catch us on demand of the brand new portable t. V. After available on smartphones through google play. And the Apple App Store by searching portable t. V. You can also stream us to your t. V. By downloading portable t. V. On apple t. V. And online a portable t. V. Portable t. V. Like you tube will be available on more devices very soon the next time and have a great weekend. Play. In 2040 you know bloody revolution to tikrit the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just a lawyer here i mean you are liz put the video through to me in the new bill is that im new spelling you know to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 24 g. And. Those who took part in this today over 5000000000 dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. Iraq state television Propaganda Machine propaganda and propaganda tools we are in an information war. That can change the world tomorrow. We send out you tube videos that mislead us mushy today is the longest network. Brushes russia russia and russia say is. Believed to be that they will actually use russia to live and im really happy to join to see you then on our t. V. Were so proud and still. Are just getting the number. Why have you not shut down our t. V. On you tube its a Propaganda Machine mr walker. We know in psychology that the more people are told that they cant or shouldnt do something whether its sexual or otherwise the more it makes them want to do it so trying new things violating taboos are some of the most common and pervasive elements in our sexual fantasies. Theres nobody you know the more. That in your circles modesty. And you know move the when youre much with the group with a little minute you can get in there when you. Look. A. Little white and good but when youre already in the sims you know but you know my same situation. To be. Lets. Play. A little i lead. A dog whistle blow d cause father dials on the chemical weapons watch stoltz investigation into the allowed to do mechanic thats syria claiming he faced intimidation. Only because indeed the role of American Global policeman is over javanese foreign minister told. About a new political will to and says america is done as the global policeman his comments come on the fos day of the Munich Security Conference. On demand you all the little boys in you to grow as a key ally of the french president drops out of the paris mayoral race following the leak of a sex tape

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