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suddenly say that you're going to actually discuss issues and have any gender their gender has been to vilify trump and to try to impeach the entire time that it's a losing strategy well i know next week is the new hampshire primary hopefully it'll go better than the fiasco in iowa but a clinton staffer is reputedly mean in charge of online count to disinform ation reporting on those that use the word rigged on social media i presume that's not a reference to you or your previous suits against the democrats what do you make of that reaction to. i don't know maybe the popularity of bernie sanders you do susa typical d.n.c. response to anyone who's critical of the way the election system is run in this country i'm not afraid of using the word rig i think they've been rigging elections when i say they. we don't know he's know who's doing the rigging that's part of the problem but it's so easy to hack into electronic voting machines or for an insider to manipulate the software of the electronic voting machines and we just saw this play out in iowa where really all it was was a new app that would help the reporting of the caucus results to the main you know centro election headquarters i suppose early exit office and that didn't work out so well any app that's a mobile app it's capable of being hacked into and you know american cities go back to the simple paper ballots that are marked by hand and counted in public there's no 'd opportunity to be rigging electronic software and having some kind of a dark market for about you solves in venice in the end see they did say the app correctly recorded partial voting but i'm not sure what that actually meant but i'm the one but around the world i mean does it not show the u.s. u.s. democracy in crisis i mean we know the drum didn't get. the popular vote in the united states to become president we know that trump has been impeached your media believes that trump in fact is a kremlin agent i mean around the world how do you think this is being seen. speed question it certainly doesn't reflect well on the state of american democracy i mean much of what you just described is the hyper partisanship and polarization that's occurred. in the country over the past 4 years and donald trump has been that lightning rod that has only increased that hyper partisanship i think the greater threats to our democracy though is truly from these electronic voting machines people are losing faith and confidence in the election results and you saw in 2016 approximately what 62000000 people voted for trump and 63000000 for hillary clinton or something like that well 106000000 americans who could have voted didn't vote at all people are opting out of even voting because they don't see this islamist working in any kind of a fair way and the more you study the system and when i say the system months or about a system that is electronic voting machines across the country that it's been proven time and again they're inherently vulnerable to outside hacking and insider manipulation of the software why would anyone have confidence in the outcome of these elections well if the elites in the united states again really have a hold the 10s of millions of votes defacto in leah in the trash because they have a recorded trump did say when we get to real votes he did say that 20 percent of bernie sanders vote last time may have gone to him because of truck but he's on his opposition to globalization do you think trump is his most. i really don't know how to answer that one there's certainly a lot of overlap in their agendas one say right wing populist agenda and the other is a progressive populism but you sort of your overlap in that they were both against the transpacific partnership for instance both critical of wall street in certain respects donald trump's been very critical of the federal reserve system for instance and bernie sanders has been as well over the years so on training on monetary policy on intervention abroad they both there seems to be significant overlap between those agendas so would that translate into donald trump fearing bernie sanders the most i have to think he should fear said who's the most the most and i think the democratic national committee for your sins who is in 2016 trump said he loved wiki leaks because of the revelations about infighting in the conspiracy by hillary current clinton against when he signed as you think trump 2020 definitely and now senses civil war within the democrat bonnie. well i think it's there for everybody to see. you know a lot of democrats and especially progressive friends of mine i think we're in a bit of a state of denial over the past 4 years you know bernie sanders went on a unity tour with tom threads the head of the d.n.c. in early 2017. however that didn't really change the dynamics of the party it gave you of unity but behind the scenes it's still a very corporate army needed party that doesn't want to make room for any kind of grassroots insurgency. i'm not sure perez and scientists are now on speaking terms and of course but anyway regarding the state of the union speech trump didn't have steve bannon this time around do you think that the election may well again be won on midwest seats that were of course hit so hard by the ending of the manufacturing industry and how 5 you see the u.s. m.c.a. the nafta replacement helping the vulnerable in the struggling of those midwestern states it's interesting to see trump street agenda which is really to move away from the small to at or lucre mintz that resulted in massive outsourcing of manufacturing jobs instead to try to deal with countries on a bilateral basis i guess you could say trilateral basis with our neighbors to the north and south canada and mexico. i think this strategy should be helpful to some of those interests in the midwest in the northeast and midwest not just the breasting our manufacturing base but also for farming interests as well particularly the trade agreement that's been hammered out in china should result in a pretty significant increase in agricultural exports and by the same token the tariff set tropez imposed on china has created a pool of money that has been used to sort of see your. your help towards the farm of course it has had the agricultural and. manufacturing sectors the trade war arguably but actually philosophically isn't the point that without a free movement of people policy manufacturers will be able to continue to outsource labor to countries like mexico i'm referring to the usa m.c.a. here and because they're cheaper and they're not allowed to move to the united states. well that's right you know nafta was the 1st. multilateral free trade agreement between 1st world countries and a 3rd world country and people didn't want to talk about mexico's 3rd world at the time they were trying to say mexico is now 2nd world and moving up in the o.e.c.d. but it was you know he's was a 3rd world country in many ways and it was going to invite outsourcing of course soon after nafta was. adopted you had china being welcomed into the world trade organization and the end of the multi fiber agreement that had basically protected a lot of textile industries around the world so this outsourcing has really gotten out of control in recent years and you know the heart of the democratic party folks who really believe in globalization 'd and that type of a corporate led globalization they don't want to really pay much attention to the effects that this model is having on the industrial base of the country the middle class really how doubt the middle class in many ways over the last 10 or 20 years i think donald trump truly is a symptom of that as his brecht's in england well of course is also told here about what sort of cool betrayed over any trade deals a britain does pose breaks in trump said he then the world bank linked to trade tribunals he hasn't he hasn't done that yet look at i mean there's a certain amount of this localization that you just can't walk away from in a certain infrastructure that it's not useful to blow it up the problem is that the economic model wasn't working you know at the level of nation states so i think there's a balance where you know somebody like something ministration has got to move on these fire lateral trade agreements while at the same time trying to keep what he can of and say shame on him going over thank you thank you. after the break is the international community now you've done it to begin britain and the united states after the deal of the century and trumps killing of customs so my money we get perspective from a cia inside this guy and with bricks it would legibly done will be to sculpt live the old stuff in being the 1st u.k. territory to rejoin the european union we are going to stuff. all the smoke coming up about to going underground. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president and you. wanted. to go on to the press it's like them before 3 in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of our. city. we're told it's a total meltdown confusion consumes iowa as official struggle to report voting results for the boche i will caucus is the ultimate political metaphor of our times . so the politicians have basically stuck the american public with the delegate to negotiate for drugs and both parties who are financed very heavily by the pharmaceutical industry have done this so when your own people vote they should look at how much does this politician get from the power pharmaceutical industry. welcome back joins me now to go through some of the week's top stories for you came home office minister norman baker norman this morning culture secretary nicky morgan responsible for broadcasting actually she could shut this show down any time she liked but worrying things going on with journalism in this country arguably well there are worrying things the idea that dominic coming can decide which papers get briefings and which ones don't lead again it's a narrow and dangerous road down towards some sort of comport tyranny the fact of the matter is that the government of the day should put up with the press the media whoever they are that's their job and they can't pick and choose what they're trying to do is to say we will not give stories to papers we don't like so therefore we will exclude their coverage of it or or make them couto and behave themselves so they can gracefully get back into these briefings you're referring to the fact that they divided the press which we in pro and yes it was a totally it's outrageous behavior so the but he our them it's just an up to them in a democracy a government has to respect to see that you're actually it is up to them a government in a hobby newell's a government which pulls every single lever as far as it will go is a very dangerous and autocratic and dictatorial government it needs to be stopped that's a very very serious matter i wobble of the subject of press freedom where is this russia report where is this report about interference alleged interference in the last election the baritones of be sitting on what months in the press and asking about the russian report because it's one thing whatever makes or 2 i think they're for it i think they're what we in press don't care about it and the left wing press and the b.b.c. and i.t.v. a very frightened channel for a fight about what they go because they do sort of a left wing president people against boris johnson and seriously frightened of calling for the release of the right over there which was a promise it was the language and the and of course of the auditing as the intelligence and security committee and the security services have approved the release of it so there's no reason what so don't release that report so i'll make a prediction here for you today. that report will appear under something else where they can bury bad news wait for a major international story the report which the times well i'm sure moscow will be very interested in the russian ruble what would some of the people implicated in the entire one did in russia let's go do this from the mirror because of course the big story has been this one indeed the problem is not why the stress of tucker was back on the streets what we did there was why president made him worse and how to fix it well you know we're going to need jerk reaction we from the government about this they're going to make people stay in prison a bit longer by the way it's also rather worrying that they can represent to be change people sentences that's a very very dangerous situation to be and they should be allowed to do that or as they said in stalin's russia in fact you know what i was going to happen yesterday look i mean the issue is these guys are fanatical when they come out some of they're going to want to cause damage to an innocent people in this country that's not going to change by having them in prison longer in france or the former home of his minister you know not saying that their universities of crime they're learning terrorism you know jail that that was a justice department by the way ron noble pursuit ok they are the all of the old university of crime and the fact that the government or the prison authorities put all these people together means that they talk to each other and they become it is even worse than they were before what we're going to do with his difficulties expensive and time consuming is to persuade these people away from what their belief system is keeping him in prison a bit longer doesn't do anything but to deal with that as hopeless well anyone doing any research about the ills of society is going to come up with inequality being the key feature of a lot of the ills of society let's look at this for money saving money saving yes but whoever they are thousands of pension is set to lose payments of up to $70.00 pounds per week from april when i say mixed but isn't it for those trying to save money obviously some of these people are the poorest in the country and it's for people who are the caring for others they're going to lose 70 quid a week i can't get i'm sorry i can't get too excited about this story this is. because this goes back because you were in the coalition but you probably created the policy about the labor government of 2007 i think it was has been and has been phased out over 10 years since 2010 people knew it was coming and also people who are seriously affected and of course we don't want anyone to be seriously affected can claim pension credits and ok well for that ok so blame gordon brown for that one some of the people though making a lot of cash ghibli. well yes the reason may has earned almost 400000 pounds since quitting as prime minister this is on the speech circuit to the worked with a your i did it and look i mean if she wants to make money making speeches good luck to her at least as more ethical tony blair has been around the world helping those dictators but if somebody has to pay to go and the reason why you know the fact we don't have it denies that and u.b.s. witsel and then j.p. morgan chase. do you think it's wise to have i mean you heard it 1st hand in downing's i got look i mean she's she's like an animated cardboard cutout it's like you want to go and listen to her and pay money you know that sarah probably did it is quid pro quo for bailing out the banks giving cash to these will know it's time the standard arrangement john major got term i think other areas not igorot or job may just on the right i should reason that he was quite sudden breaks it but let's go to a resident lay there did he express e.u. turncoats exclamation mark brussels down about spain bid for gibraltar but rock says britain bucks us well the daily express are causers is fanatically progresses so you take anything they say with a siberian mine for those sold but i mean the facts that are out there is of course the e.u. will not be utilized anymore it would have been neutral before which we had to be 2 members now of course spain is a member in britain isn't so is going to this is a mean is going to run for a while doesn't embarrass or gibraltar blocking will change what it means a lot could be part of spain no only the polish radiational what i think it will do is a britain who want to get back into the e.u. space will have a veto until it's brought to sort of britain's held since the treaty of utrecht as you know in 7 suited guy revolution 13 member that treaty very well but failed leading in the polls in southern ireland boris johnson's line down the irish sea scotland they just polls showing pro independence what's happening to the united well is disunited kingdom that stuff was happening too in the conservative new. in this party let's not forget the union is but it isn't is lost to eat you union is in danger loosen the scottish union is in danger of losing nolan oland as well so they can serve nina's parts in danger becoming little england party would be very sad indeed no and bacon thank you well it's a month since donald trump catalyze a spiral of violence leading to mass injuries of u.s. troops in iraq after an assassination drone strike on iran's top general joins me now from washington d.c. his gareth porter who together with former cia counter terror officer john kiriakou has just published a cia insider's guide to the iran crisis from cia who to the brink of war so good to see you again so iran apparently reviewing relations with ukraine over leaks pertaining to the killing of 176 aboard a ukrainian flight but your book is called the cia inside his guide why is the role of the cia so central to the story of how we have now got to give me the brink of war well of course the cia role goes all the way back to 9 $153.00 and the infamous cia coup against mohammad mosaddegh the prime minister of of iran at that point and a democratic elected. prime minister who was extremely popular of course what happened was the cia joined together with british intelligence to hatch a coup plan that succeeded mainly because as i point out in the book the british and particularly the americans were so adept at deception they created a fake today party gang that rampage through tehran and the result of that was of course than the interregnum of the shah's regime. which made for an iran that was a basically a client government and a tool of the united states. as a stand in if you will for the united states in the region up to the overthrow of the shah 979 and i argue we argue in the book that. that one of the major reasons why if not the major reason for the u.s. hostility toward the islamic republic has been that the united states has been unable to adjust to the idea of having an iranian state that is not a client state of the u.s. and you explore the reasons why in a sense the cia created the conditions for the islamic revolution ironically do you think people understand world leaders little and think tanks understand this history because i've observed i learned some things from it but when the u.k. said de facto it back to the trump assassination of got some silly mani do you think say boris johnson needs to read the book while i think that would be of value to the of the british people in the rest of the world for sure yes if if there was an awareness of the way in which deception and basically an effort to dominate has been at the heart of the entire history of the 40 years of of relations between the united states and its allies of course and and the iranian regime like republic and no weapon was too evil for the us when it in the u.k. supported saddam hussein you talk about nerve gas one thing i hadn't realized was the role of the founder of reuters baron judaeus director who controlled list of iran's infrastructure i'm sure reuters journalists today would say in no way does it influence the agencies reporting do you think information is core to our understanding or misunderstanding of iran well this is really at the heart of the problem and at the heart of my book as well with with john kiriakou it's a problem of creating false narratives. about iran about the islamic republic that goes back all the way to the early 1980 s. and it really surrounds and infects the entire issue of the iranian effort to have a nuclear. nuclear program what happened was that that iran inherited this nuclear program from the shah very early on in the 1980 s. the united states because of its policy of hostility toward iran and support for for saddam hussein's forces in that iran iraq war decided in its wisdom the reagan administration decided in his wisdom to deny iran the ability the right to have a nuclear program they simply said no you may not have a nuclear program and they ordered their allies france and germany who had been helping iran with its program to cease all cooperation with anything that had to do with nuclear with regard to iran to be clear that's the iranian civil nuclear program because as you say the new york times in 20th less right but the new york times in 20 of will publish cia documents that were fabricated and the entire narrative about the nuclear weapons program comes from fabricated documents that's right and this this is really at the heart of the story line and i'm sorry to say that no one else except myself has written about this but what i found in going into the problem of these questionable documents of these mysterious documents that came came to the surface in 2004 was that in fact what happened the the israelis worked on the documents gave them to their friends the mujahideen eke out the m.e. k. at that time considered rightly so to be a terrorist organization by the u.s. state department the m.e. kay the end. passed them on to the to the german intelligence agency the b. and d. and the germans passed them on to the cia but when the us government began to talk about these documents as evidence that iran was in fact trying to mate a nuclear weapon with their shahab 3 missile then the german intelligence people said wait a minute we don't trust these documents because we know they came from sources a source that we don't trust because he's any kay he's not one of our regular agents but just a sometime source and so they warned the cia that they shouldn't trust these just as they warned them against curveball of a year naturally or but of course the cia george tenet paid no attention to that he was he was already in on the deal which was that they were going to attack iraq and up to now that is still the only real source of documentation to support the idea that iran wanted nuclear weapons will of course the discredited source for the iraq war you also explore that of fact that iran participated in what is being seen by some as a surat of j.c. p.o. a talks to try and get concessions on economic sanctions you go through obama's cyber attack on infrastructure the 1st in history right now after the deal of the century and now incidents is there unity do you think right across the international community against anglo american policy on iran from palestine to let alone russia china and the global south i think that's a fair statement to make that the united states really has no no allies beyond britain and france and germany who are playing along with this. beyond that it's hard to point to anyone who really supports the pressures that the united states is putting relentless. economic pressure being put on on iran which i must say is risking war one of the 2 major risks of war is precisely what the trumpet ministration is trying to do by preventing iran from being able to participate in national trade which is a fundamental right of any state has been ever since the beginning of of international law in this case using economic economic sanctions as as a tool which are even more damaging than military pressures the cia guide to iran is out now gareth porter thank you thank you option that's it for the show will be back on saturday when the nation that holds the post back to trade framework for the u.k. . in its hands holds a general election until then continue the conversation on social media and subscribe to going underground on you tube. let me. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. once we got here she. said you know with these. in this tiny little wired coach we're going to use a crate with him he will stir reaching out into the wall want to spray him anywhere near. breeding dogs or caged in the into lane conditions on puppy i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. because you. know it's 2 kids. across the u.s. crude puppy mills are supported by dog shows and stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in parts stores even joined a good businesses are involved like the mom center there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding facilities most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with dogs don't buy dog. over 24 hours a day also but still no final result in iowa with people. on the soft and neck and back of the foster andres to be the 2020 us democratic nominee up to focusing too much on those external threats the vote was not followed by a duopoly result counting. ignore it can shake 7 repping out speeches donald trump has his own style of battle with the democratic speaker during his annual address to congress. and french for as long council as a form of the biggest state to publish as rape allegations against coach afterthought to years of side up.

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